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Reproductive Structures of Flowering Plants AP Biology Spring 2011 Flowers form on a modified branch of the sporophyte when master genes in the _____________ are turned on Flower parts are arranged in ________ of modified leaves on the end of the receptacle ________: outermost green, leaf-like parts arranged in a ring called the __________ ________: the coloured parts located between the reproductive structures and the sepals, arranged in a ring called the ___________ _________: male parts, slender stalk (___________) capped with an _________, inside which pollen sacs enclose pollen grains ________: female parts, vessel shaped structures with an expanded lower ______ (with ovules), slender column (______), and an upper surface (______) for pollen landing Meiosis of cells within flowers produces ____________ spores • _______________ in the anther • _______________ in the ovule They then undergo mitosis to produce the haploid ____________ that ultimately become the _____ or _______ The egg and the sperm fuse to form the diploid zygote As the zygote develops into a plant, the ______ is formed ___________________: have all four whorls (sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels) ________________: are missing one or more whorls _____________: have both stamens and carpel (both sexes on one flower) ______________: produce either stamens or carpels and are known as either “male” or “female” flowers