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Moringa Oleifera:
The Miracle Tree
Natasha Adams,
Valerie Alaimo,
Brian Douglas,
Diane Luce
DFM 655
The Tree of Many Names
Arbol de Perlas
The drumstick tree
The horseradish tree (isothiocyanate)
Marengo, Mlonge, Maluungay,
Shagara al Rauwaq (“tree for purifying”)
Benzolive tree
The Miracle Tree: because every part of the
plant can be used medicinally.
Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians used Ben oil for
perfume, skin lotion, protection from the elements
Egyptians ate leaves and used seeds to purify
Found in the tomb of Maiherperi in the Valley of
the Kings (1427-1392 BC)
Brought to West Indies in 1800’s; used
as smokeless lamp oil and for salads
Traditional Uses
India: anemia, anxiety, asthma, blood
impurities, bronchitis, cholera, conjunctivitis,
diarrhea, GI disorders, ear infections,
diarrhea, hypertension, headache, arthritis,
scurvy, TB, sore throat, psoriasis, liver disease.
Malaysia and Puerto Rico: intestinal worms
Philippines: Anemia, glandular swelling, food
Guatemala: skin infections and sores
Protein Powerhouse
 The
flowers, leaves, seeds and pods can
be eaten in curries, stews, salads or made
into tea or powder.
 The flowers and leaves contain all of the
essential amino acids
 The plant also contains antioxidants, plant
esters, beneficial fatty acids and
pterogospermin; a powerful antibacterial
Quercetin: found in roots and flowers
Kaempherol: lowers cholesterol
Vitamins A,B,C,E
Zeatin: also found in corn
Caffeoylquinic acid: also found in artichoke
leaves and green propolis. Flu Fighter?
 Beta-Sitosterol:
plant ester known to help
reduce blood pressure
 Highly concentrated in leaves which can
be dried and crushed into powder or
eaten raw/stewed in curry, salad, soup or
 Ben
Oil: High Oleic Acid, three types of
Vit E, used for hair care, skin care and
machine lubricant
 Anti-microbial. Effective v. S. Aureus,
Pseudomonas Aeriginosus
 Can be toasted or eaten green like peas
Water Treatment
 Women
in Sudan use
seedcakes to treat Nile
River water
 Reduces turbidity 92-98%!!
 RNA protein inside seed
flocculates gram+/bacteria & inhibit
bacterial growth
 Amino acids inside seed
bind to metals like Cd
Modern Uses for Moringa
Got a snakebite? (Philippines)
How about leprosy?(India)
Suffer from hysteria?(Puerto Rico)
Can Moringa cure Malnutrition?
Modern Uses For Moringa
Backed by Evidence
Combats malnutrition for millions
Bridges gap in regions of scarcity
Nutrient deficiencies among children/pregnant
and nursing mothers
Increases lactation
Supplements intake of vitamins A, B, C, E, iron,
calcium and protein
Increases intake of antioxidants
Eaten as fresh leaves or as dried powder
Clinics dispense in rural areas of Africa,
Senegal, Somalia, Kenya
Evidence continued….
Higher infant and early childhood mortality
rates in developing countries, especially arid
Moringa helping turn the tide in rural
Children benefit most
Higher birth rates, improved health outcomes
Improves learning, bone structure, vision,
Decreases incidents of anemia
Antisickling Properties
 Nigeria:
 Extracts of seed and flower
 Dosage 20 mg/ml
 Significant reversal of sickled erythrocytes
 24 million Nigerians are carriers of
Sickled Cell gene
 2.4 million have Sickled Cell Disease
Antidiarrheal Properties
India, 2011
Study involved mice
Efficacy of Moringa was compared to Loperamide
Dosage 500 mg/k had significant results
Magnesium Sulfate induced diarrhea
Moringa 90% vs 91% protection
Chemopreventive Properties by
Reducing Tumor Multiplicity
India, 2003
Moringa oleifera drumsticks (fruit)
Study involved mice
Dosage: 125 m/k significant increase hepatic
cytochrome levels
Dosage 250 mg/k reduced Tumor replication to
.75 per mouse vs 5.17 in control group
Hypothesized that indol-3-carbanol
reduces cancer incidence
Antibacterial Properties Against
Dental Plaque Bacteria Growth
India, 2011
Oral bacteria cause caries, periodontal disease,
and serious pathogenic potential
Dosage 100 – 500 mg/ml
Testing in Vitro
Significant Antibacterial Inhibition against
growth a variety of Gram-positive oral
bacteria, including S. mutans, S. aureus,
Antimicrobial & Antifungal
Properties as Phytomedicine
India, 2011
Moringa oleifera seed and leaf
Dosage 15 mg/ml and 50-100 ul/dish
In vitro agar medium
Inhibits bacterial strains: Staph a, Vibrio cholera, E
coli, Proteus mirabilis, Bacillus subtilis, Fusariam
Inhibits fungal strains: Candida albicans,
Aspergillus niger, Penicillium sp, and Mucor sp.
The Science
University of Calcutta, India: Studied the effects of
Moringa leaf extract preventing early liver injury
and restoring antioxidant levels in mice fed a highfat diet
Results indicated that Moringa has both
preventative and curative properties
University of Ghana (2011): Studied toxicity
potentials of Moringa leaf extract powder given to
rats at supra-supplementation levels
Found that levels of 3,000mg/kg body weight is
genotoxic and levels of <1,000mg/kg body weight
are safe
Negative Side Effects
Leaves and Stems contain B-sitosterol: can cause
some side effects such as nausea, diarrhea,
indigestion, or constipation
Flowers contain Quercetin: has been safely used
in doses of <500mg, twice/day for 12 weeks. Longterm, High-dose still needs more research. Safely
used to promote breast milk production
Bark and Stem can cause uterine contractions
and chemicals in the root cause fertilized egg not
to be able to attach to the lining of the uterine
wall. Used as a permanent birth control in some
areas on India
21Century Science Supports
Thousands of Years of Folklore
Peer-Reviewed Research Beginning to Validate
Centuries of Ayurvedic Practices
Complementary & Alternative Medicine Health
Benefits Recognized – Especially Antibiotic
Non-Peer Reviewed Research Would Benefit From
Rigorous Scientific Evaluation & Placebo
Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trials
Problem: Herbal Supplements Not Regulated
In Conclusion:
 Moringa
Oleifera has enormous potential
as a nutriceutical and functional food
 It could help to alleviate the problems
caused by food insecurity and nonpotable water
 More research is necessary