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Adi and Noga
Were does the Jaguar lives?
The jaguar lives in:
Central America
South America
Amazon area in Brazil
Green: present distribution locations
Green and red: Historic distribution locations
What does the jaguar eats?
It eats only meat:
Jaguar prefers large prey
Such as-Deer, Tapirs, Peccaries, Dogs
and even different Anaconda or Caimans
But, the Jaguar does not balk even smaller species:
Like frogs, mice, birds, fish,monkeys and turtles.
Why is the jaguar in danger?
The main reasons are:
• Loss of big parts of the commonly used Areas.
• Hunting by farmers who fear that the Jaguars kill their
What are people doing to save the
jaguar ?
• Jaguar is the first appendix of the Washington Treaty
protected animals (CITES), which means that each
Jaguar or organ trade is forbidden.
• Jaguar hunting is forbidden in many countries. South
America limited hunting to varying degrees, and in
other countries is not protected at all.
• Jaguar is defined as a kind of Umbrella species.
Kind of umbrella species is kind that
when people protected him they also
protects other species, like an umbrella.
This setting is that Jaguar's circulation
area living species more limited
distribution field, so protecting the
jaguar also provides them with