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Science Concepts Review
Science Concepts Review
What is the chemical formula for
Science Concepts Review
At what temperature does water
What happens to the temp as the
water evaporates?
Science Concepts Review
What are the parts of and
function of the respiratory
Lungs, arteries, veins, alveoli,
Science Concepts Review
A scientist presents a new idea.
How does it become accepted as a
part of the scientific body of
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What are the parts of the fire
Heat Fuel O2
Science Concepts Review
What are the parts and function
of the nervous system?
Central nervous system, brain,
spinal chord, dendrites, neurons,
Science Concepts Review
What is sediment?
What are sedimentary particles?
What are examples?
Science Concepts Review
In what situation would parts of a
mixture retain their component
When they do not truly mix to
form a new compound
Science Concepts Review
What are the spheres that are
part of the earth and what is
found in them?
Ionosphere, Lithosphere,
Asthenosphere, Mesosphere,
Atmosphere, Hydrosphere
Science Concepts Review
Science Concepts Review
Science Concepts Review
What is the function of and parts
of the cardiovascular system?
Heart, Lungs, Blood vessels
What does “Heart Rate” mean?
Beats per unit of time BPM
Science Concepts Review
What is pH?
What is a high pH? Low pH?
What is neutral?
pH scale: 0-14. 7 is nuetral
Science Concepts Review
Science Concepts Review
What is involuntary and voluntary
muscle? And where are they
Involuntary – no control –
digestive system
Voluntary – you can control –
arms, legs, etc
Science Concepts Review
What is an ion?
How is an ion formed?
How are bonds formed?
Lose, gain, share electrons
Electrons are negative
Science Concepts Review
What are the steps in the
scientific method?
Question – Hypothesis – Research
– Materials List - Procedures –
Test hypothesis – Collect data –
analyze results - Conclusions
Science Concepts Review
Work = Force x distance
Joules = Newtons x meters
Machines make work easier by
changing the direction, amount, or
speed of the force applied
Science Concepts Review
What are the parts of a lever?
Input force, output force,
What situation allows you to move
the weight with the least amount
of force?
Science Concepts Review
Science Concepts Review
What is the mechanical advantage
of the lever?
Mechanical advantage equals the
output force divided by the input
Science Concepts Review
What happens to the magnetism
of a bar magnet when it is split
into two pieces?
It forms 2 magnets – each with a
N and S pole
Science Concepts Review
How much of earth’s surface is
land? How much is water?
70% water
Science Concepts Review
What are the parts of an atom?
Protons, neutrons, electrons
Where is most of the mass of an
atom located?
The Nucleus–protons and neutrons
Science Concepts Review
What is the basic unit of a living
The Cell
Science Concepts Review
What are the next levels of
organization as complexity
Cells –
tissues –
organs –
organ systems
Science Concepts Review
What are some common ways to
improve the accuracy of
experimental procedures?
Eliminate human error –
observation, stopwatches, opinion
Science Concepts Review
What are the different types of
faults where tectonic plates come
Convergent, divergent, transform
Science Concepts Review
What does “ologist” mean?
List some scientists and what
they study?
Meteorologist, ecologist,
seismologist, biologist,
Archeologist, paleontologist
Science Concepts Review
What is the point of origin of an
eathquake called?
What is the point on the surface
above the focus called?
Science Concepts Review
What is acceleration?
Rate of change of velocity
Science Concepts Review
How are balanced and unbalanced
forces related to acceleration?
Unbalanced forces always cause a
change in motion
If forces are balanced there is no
change in the motion of an object
Science Concepts Review
What is meant by renewable
resources? Examples?
Renewable are replaceable in a
timely manner.
Hydro, wind, geothermal, solar,
Science Concepts Review
What are nonrenewable
resources? Examples?
Nonrenewable are not easily
Fossil fuels, nuclear,
Science Concepts Review
What is a planet’s period of
Time for 1 revolution around the
sun – 1 year
Science Concepts Review
Which planet has the longest
The planet with the longest orbit
and is farthest from the sun.
Science Concepts Review
Nutrients are always being
transported in and out of the cell.
What is the flow of water into
the cell called?
Science Concepts Review
What is photosynthesis?
Food production from light energy
What is respiration?
Gas exchange - breathing
Science Concepts Review
What is meiosis?
Cell division when the cells and
chromosomes split and each cell
has half the original number of
chromosomes – the sex cells.
Science Concepts Review
Cloud type and weather
High level – ripples – no
Science Concepts Review
Cloud type and weather
Low level – large cauliflower
towers – anvil tops – showers,
snow, hail
Science Concepts Review
Cloud type and weather
Middle level –grey, thin layers –
rain, snow
Science Concepts Review
Cloud type and weather
Middle level – layered – usually
white – light showers
Science Concepts Review
What is an element? Examples?
Pure substances not combined
with any other element. Smallest
particle is the atom
H, He, O,
Science Concepts Review
What is a compound? Examples?
Elements that combine to form a
molecule or another substance.
Smallest particle is the molecule
CO2, CO, NaCl,
Science Concepts Review
What is an ecosystem?
A system formed by the
interaction of a community of
organisms with their environment.
Science Concepts Review
What cycles ( what is recycled)
exist in an ecosystem?
Nitrogen – Carbon - Water
Forms of Lightning
2. Sheet Lightning:
Stroke within a cloud
which lights up the
entire cloud.
Forms of Lightning
3. Heat Lightning: Like
sheet lightning but
the flashes are too
far away to hear the
Forms of Lightning
4. Ball Lightning:
Glowing spheres which
come from some of
the more violent
Forms of Lightning
5. St. Elmo’s Fire:
Luminous greenish or
bluish glow above
pointed objects on the
Forms of Lightning
6. Sprites: Highaltitude lightning
which shoots up from
the tops of