Download ME, PE, and KE part 2 - Kleins

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Kinetic Energy
We already know that
Kinetic energy is energy
of motion
What does that mean?
What would energy of
motion require?
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy requires
In order to be in motion
we must have a velocity
and object that is moving
Therefore, the Kinetic
energy formula uses both
mass and velocity
Kinetic Energy
The kinetic energy of a
moving object is always
equal to the work
required to bring it to that
speed from rest.
Net Force x Distance =
Kinetic Energy
Work-Energy Theorem
We know that there is a
relationship between
work and energy
We can say that work will
change kinetic energy
If no change in energy
occurs then no work is
This is also true for
potential energy
Conservation of Energy
Now that we know what
energy is, we need to
understand how it
behaves, how it
In order to look at this we
need to analyze energy
as a transformation from
one form to another
Conservation of energy
If you launch a marble
from a sling shot and hit
a fence, we know that the
potential energy of the
rubber band will equal
the kinetic energy of the
If the marble hits a fence
it delivers its kinetic
energy to the fence post.
The work done on the
post should equal the
force of impact x the
Conservation of Energy
The work done on the
fence however does not
equal the energy from
the marble.
This is because some of
the energy is transformed
into heat from the impact.
The amount of energy
used to heat the fence
equals the amount of
energy difference
between the marble and
Entropy Slayer 2000
Entropy Slayer 2000
Law of conservation of
Energy can not be
created or destroyed. It
can be transformed from
one form into another,
but the total amount of
energy never changes.