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Chapter 7 Review
Mr. Hauser
Rules of the Game
• Working in TEAMS, you will be asked to
answer questions from the assigned
• You have 30 seconds to write the answer
down on the dry erase board.
• When the teacher says TIME’S UP, a
team leader will stand up and show the
teacher their answer.
Rules (Continued)
• Each correct answer is worth one point,
unless otherwise stated.
• Teams can lose points for inappropriate
conduct, comments, or cheating.
• The team with the most points at the end
of the game wins!
Question 1
A projectile that is shot fast
enough so that its curved path
of falling matches the curvature
of the Earth is called …
Question 2
What is the name of the
actual shape the orbiting
planets follow around the
Question 3
If an object is undergoing circular motion it
is constantly changing its _________.
This means it is constantly changing its
___________. This means it must be
constantly ____________.
Direction, velocity,
Question 4
What is the name of the force that
causes circular motion? And,
where on the path does it
always point?
Centripetal force, to the
center of the circle
Question 5
When the Earth is closer to
the sun in its elliptical
orbit, it’s moving…
A) Faster
B) Slower
C) The same speed it always does
A) Faster
Question 6
Since Mars is further away from the
sun than Earth, Mars must be
moving …
A) Faster than Earth.
B) Slower than Earth.
C) The same speed as Earth.
B) Slower than Earth
Question 7
A car travels around a 250 m
radius race track in a time of
27 seconds. What is the car’s
tangential speed?
58.2 meters/second
Question 8
How fast must a satellite move in
order to orbit Earth?
9.8 m/s
10 m/s
8000 mph
8 m/s
8000 m/s
E) 8,000 m/s
Question 9
If the earth’s mass were to suddenly
double and your mass were to
suddenly double as well, you would
weigh _______ your original
Four times
Question 10
Kepler’s ______ Law says that in
their elliptical orbits, planets
sweep out equal areas in equal
Question 11
If you quadruble your
distance away from the
center of the earth you
will weigh ______ as much
as your original weight.
Question 12
Newton discovered that gravity is
Restricted to planets
A curvature of space-time
A contact force
Varying directly with the distance
between objects
D) Universal
Question 13
A roller coaster has a loop that is 13
meters radius. What is the
minimum speed the coaster can
have at the top so that the riders
don’t fall out?
11.3 m/s
Question 14
A ride at an amusement park exerts a
centripetal acceleration of 3G’s. The
tangential speed of the riders is 13.7m/s.
What is the radius of the ride?
6.38 meters
Question 15
A car has a coefficient of
friction 0.93 on a wet road.
At what maximum speed can
it round a turn of radius
16.5 m/s
Question 16
Two 10 kg steel masses exert a
gravitational force on each
other of 1.26x10-7N. How far
apart are they?
0.23 meters
Question 17
The “imaginary” force that
people describe pulling them
to the side of a vehicle while
going around a turn is
Centrifugal force
Question 18
The radius of the earth is 6,380,000
meters. Find the tangential speed
of someone standing at the
equator in meters per second.
464 meters per second
Question 19
Black holes are formed by
________ collapsing upon
themselves and warping
The earth is a satellite of the sun.
It is about 1.5x10 m away.
How fast is the earth moving in
meters per second. Hint:
Approximate Earth’s path to a
29,900 meters per