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System Administration Basics on the
Linux/Oracle Platform
CE6 or Vista 4 / Mike Cooling
[email protected]
California State University, Sacramento
July 11, 2007
System Administration Basics
(CE6 / Vista4)
About Your Speaker:
• Over 30 years computing experience at
• Worked with unix over 20 years
• Worked with Redhat linux over 7 years
since V5.2
• Worked with WebCT over 7 years since
System Administration Basics
(CE6 / Vista4)
Test Environment
Disk Filesystems
System Management
▼ See references for URL to obtain samples.
(whenever the red triangle appears)
1. Importance of Test Environment
Make all changes in test environment 1st
(tailoring web pages, setting changes, hotfixes, service packs)
• Let support staff see changes first hand and document
• Test vendor releases before users see them (OS,
BB/WebCT, Weblogic, or Oracle).
• Make mistakes, find installation bugs before they cause
down time.
• Obtain exact timing for installs to determine downtime
2. Disk Filesystems
A. Database Server
Oracle table spaces
Control files, system space, temp space, etc.
Oracle archived redo logs
Used for transaction recovery between backups.
These can consume space quickly during peak times.
WebCT table spaces
Rman (database) backup files
(Oracle Recovery MANager)
2. Disk Filesystems
B. Application Server / Managed Nodes
WebCT filesystem
WebCT software, Weblogic software, log files.
(ie. bea813 / bea920 directory)
Section Backups (command line)
Unix .BAK files
2. Disk Filesystems
C. Filesystem Flexibility
Plan for disk farm growth.
Practice array expansion and filesystem
resizing before you need it.
San add capacity.
Partition expansion using fdisk (keep starting cylinder
Linux command resize2fs.
LVM (logical volume manager) OK for smaller filesystems, low
performance needs. May create problems in high demand
applications like Oracle.
3. Backups
A. Database Backups
RMAN (Oracle Recovery Manager)
Recommended since you can run hot or cold backups.
Full (Standard edition) or Incremental (Enterprise edition only)
Export / Import
Older technology backup. Only used if database is down.
3. Backups (database)
Sample Rman Configuration Statements:
$ rman target /
RMAN> configure retention policy to recovery window of 2 days;
RMAN> configure controlfile autobackup on;
RMAN> configure controlfile autobackup format for device type disk
to '/DB-backups/sysbkups/%F';
RMAN> configure channel 1 device type disk format
RMAN> configure maxsetsize to 4096 m;
RMAN> show all;
RMAN> exit
3. Backups (database)
Sample Full Backup Rman script:
run {
backup incremental level 0 database include current controlfile;
SQL 'alter system archive log current';
backup archivelog all delete input; }
Note 1: If you want to do incremental backups, you MUST specify the
incremental keyword for level 0 and level 1!
Note 2: Restores from an incremental backup take 2-3 times longer.
(Enterprise edition only)
3. Backups (database)
Sample Rman disaster recovery:
run {
restore database;
recover database; }
NOTE: Try this as a test at least once before going into
3. Backups (database)
Sample Rman limited recovery:
(scn numbers are show with “list backup;” command)
run {
set until scn 69475014;
restore database;
recover database; }
3. Backups
B. Section Backups
• Unix line mode: ▼
Creates .bak files on the app server filesystem where run.
Requires tailored xml file as input.
• GUI Backups
Used by instructors, designers, or administrators.
Creates backups within the database.
Backups are a type of “snapshot” (using pointers) so they are
efficient in terms of DB space.
3. Backups
C. System Backups
• Standard unix utilities
Dump/restore, cpio, tar
• Third party products
NOTE: exclude Oracle table spaces from system backup
4. System Management
A. Software Service
BB/WebCT Service Packs and Hotfixes,
Oracle upgrades, security patches
Try on test system first (preferably a copy of prod).
Backup database and bea813/bea920 directory before.
BB still learning also. Expect an install to fail to play it safe.
Build in downtime to restore database each time.
Oracle security patches fairly safe.
Oracle minor upgrades (ie. 9206 to 9207) take more planning.
Oracle 9i to 10g takes the most planning and practice.
4. System Management
B. Operational Issues
CE / Vista Operations Guide
Great tips on managing Oracle logs, recovery issues, and
database jobs.
Database performance monitoring.
Database tuning.
Advanced topics (standby databases, sub-clusters
CE / Vista Installation Guide
Checking / recompiling invalid objects.
5. Integration
A. Migrating Courses (the easy way)
CEMT GUI Interface Awkward
Tough to document
Many steps
Wide variety of results when used by multiple staff
Typos can effect end result
So Use Line Command and Script It ▼
Streamlines process
Enforces standards
Everyone migrates same way
5. Integration
• Sample CE4 CEMT export:
cd /home/$WCTID/webct/webct/generic/ce_migration_tool
rm -f $OUTFIL
./ \
-include_designers \
-only_designers_from_migrated_courses \
-enroll_designers -enroll_instructors \
-passwords -custom_columns \
-course=$SECTION \
-include_content \
/usr/local/etc/ce6-xmit $HOST >/dev/null
5. Integration
• Sample CE6 import:
# First parm is name of xml file
cd /home/webct/$WCTID6/bea813/weblogic81/config/WebCTDomain
./ ims import courses \
/home/webct/$WCTID6/import/$1 \
rm -f /home/webct/$WCTID6/import/$1
mv /home/webct/$WCTID6/import/content/*.zip \
5. Integration
• Sample CEMT script execution (on CE4):
[webctce@webct99 webctce]$ ce6-content PT100 "Cooling, Mike" prod
Notice: Exporting PT100...
Notice: There are new warning/error messages written to ...cmu_log.txt.
Notice: Export package completed (PT100_COURSE_20070628172914).
Notice: Export package completed (0).
Notice: Export packages completed in 1 and failed in 0.
Reading information from password file:
Reading information from mapping file:
Reading information from data file:
migration file has been saved.
file name of the migration file is (.../exported_packages/csus-PT100-course.xml).
course content package(s) are saved in .../exported_packages/.
file name of each course content package is in the format
5. Integration
• Sample import script execution (on CE6):
[webctce6@webct91 import]$ ce6-import crs csus-PT100-course.xml
Your environment has been set.
Person import failed
Result was: Finished import with 10 errors and 0 warnings. See
logs/webct.log for details or logs/enterpriseImport.log for list of
users who failed to import.
Import continued after the failure
Learning Context import failed
(yet content did exist)
Result was: Finished import with 1 errors and 0 warnings. See webct.log for
Import continued after the failure
Membership import completed successfully
Please see enterpriseImport.log and webct.log for errors and warnings.
5. Integration
B. Adding and Enrolling Users
Write Perl script to convert existing CSV files
(used with CE4) into XML.
It’s an extra step, but will buy you time
while better ways can be developed.
• URL’s
• BB/WebCT Documentation
Installation Guide
Administrator’s Guide
Operations Guide
System Integration Utility Guide
CE 4.1 (MP) to CE 6.0: Upgrade Guide
• Oracle Documentation
Backup and Recovery Concepts
Recovery Manager User’s Guide
Recovery Manager Reference
Doc V6.2.0.0
Doc V6.2.0
Doc V4.2.0.0
Doc V6.2.0.0
Doc V4.0.0.1
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