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BASHH evening OGM
Royal Society of Medicine, London
Date, 17.00 – 19.00
Chair: BASHH president
Approved for 2 RCP CPD points
17:00 – 17:15
Chair opening remarks
17.15 – 17.35
Mycoplasma genitalium in the British population: Findings from the
third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3)
Pam Sonnenberg
17.35 – 17.55
Use of dual NAATs in the NCSP – unintentional introduction of
gonorrhoea screening
Nigel Field
17.55 – 18.15
Monitoring sexual behaviour through GUMCADv3: preliminary
Hamish Mohammed
18.15 – 18.35
An update on the PROUD trial
Monica Desai
18.35 – 18.55
Using surveillance data to monitor service delivery at a population
level: Past, present and future.
Kevin Dunbar
18.55 – 19.00
closing remarks
Speaker Profiles
Dr Pam Sonnenberg is Reader in Infectious Disease Epidemiology in the Research
Department of Infection and Population Health at UCL and Honorary Consultant in Public
Health Medicine. Pam is a co-applicant, and leads the STI work-package, of the third
National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3).
Nigel Field is an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Public Health and Infectious
Disease Epidemiology in the Research Department of Infection and Population Health at
University College London (UCL). His doctoral training was in virology and molecular
biology, funded by MRC, as a MB PhD student at UCL. He is also a senior Public Health
Specialist Registrar within the London Deanery, and undertakes regular clinical work in
the Mortimer Market Centre Sexual Health Clinic. Since 2008, he has been part of the
study team undertaking the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3).
He is a member of the Marie Stopes International Ethics Review Committee, and works
on a number of health protection projects with Public Health England.
Hamish Mohammed is a Principal STI Surveillance Scientist at the HIV&STI Department
of Public Health England. He is also the lead on GUMCADv3, the enhancement of
GUMCAD through the collection of additional patient data.
Monica Desai is a Public Health and Genitourinary Medicine Specialist Registrar,
currently based at Public Health England, the Medical Research Council and University
College London. She is a trial physician on the PROUD trial of pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Dr J Kevin Dunbar works at Public Health England where he is the Director of the
National Chlamydia Screening Programme. He is responsible for standard setting,
monitoring and evaluation of chlamydia screening in England.