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Flash Quiz Results
Storing Flash Quiz Results
in an Access Database
Storing Quiz Results
Storing quiz results is a four-step process.
First, you identify the user who owns the
HTTP session.
Second, you send this user to the page
that administers the quiz.
Third, you program the quiz to post the
Fourth, you receive the results and save
them in the database.
Identifying the User
There are two ways to identify the
First, you can have users log on
through the Dreamweaver login
server behavior presented in Class 6.
Second, you can use a form to prompt
an anonymous user for some kind of
identification, such as an e-mail
address, and save it in a session
variable as you learned in Class 8.
Administering the Quiz
You administer the quiz by embedding
it on an ASP page.
If you are using the Dreamweaver
Login behavior, you secure the quiz by
putting on this page the server
behavior called User Authentication >
Restrict Access to Page.
Posting the Quiz Results
On the last screen of the quiz, you need to put a
button which, when pressed, launches a script that
posts the results to the ASP page to which you will
take the user upon completion of the quiz.
The Action Script you add to the last frame of
the quiz is as follows:
report_btn.onRelease = function() {
score = QuizTrack.percent_format;
getURL(“my_quiz_results.asp", "_self",
Storing the Results in the DB
To store the results in the database,
your Access database needs to
contain a table in which you will store
the quiz results.
On the page that will store the quiz
results, you create a data binding to
the Request object that contains the
score, and to the Session object that
contains the username.
Data Grab Script
You grab hold of the data through
Request(“score”) and
For example:
The result of the quiz was <%=
Request("score") %> for username
<%= Session("MM_Username") %>
This writes a message in the form of:
The result of the quiz was 33% for
username Elvis.
Database Insertion Script
connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
connection.mode = 3; //read-write mode
sConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data “
+ “Source=C:\\TopSecret\\results.mdb;Persist Security “
+ “Info=False";
//create the sql query to insert the data
sQuery = "INSERT INTO SecretQuiz (UserName, Score) “
+ "Values(“
+ "'" + Session("MM_username") + "', “
+ "'" + Request("score") + "')";
if (connection.errors.count > 0)
Response.Write("<br>There was a connection error.");
Response.Write("<br>The score was recorded.");