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Pathology – focus on physical changes in
diseased organs and tissues
Pathophysiology – abnormal functioning of
diseased organs and how it applies to
medical treatment and client care
Disease – loss of homeostasis, or when
physical or mental capacities cannot be fully
utilized (interuption, cessation or disorder in
the function of an organ or system).
Etiology = cause of the disease
When the etiology is unknown, the disease is
said to be idiopathic.
Genetic disease– genes are responsible for a
structural or functional defect
Congenital disease– genetic information is
intact, but the intrauterine environment
interferes with normal development
Acquired disease – disease is caused by
factors encountered after birth (biological
agents, physical forces, and chemical agents)
Clinical manifestations – indications that the
person is sick
Symptoms – unobservable effects of a disease
reported by the patient
Signs – observable or measurable traits
Syndrome - a characteristic combination of
signs and symptoms associated with a
particular disease.
Diagnosis – identification of the specific
Therapy – the treatment of the disease to
either effect a cure or reduce the patient’s
signs and symptoms
Prognosis – prediction of a disease’s outcome
The cell is the building block of each living
Each cell is a self-contained system that
undergoes the functions of energy
production and usage, respiration,
reproduction, and excretion
◦ Catabolism
◦ Anabolism
◦ Conductivity
All cells composed
internally of
cytoplasm and
nucleus, and
externally by cell
The cytoplasm
includes everything
inside the cell but
outside the nucleus
mitochondria ;energy
endoplasmic reticulum
and ribosomes; protein
Golgi apparatus;
secretion of proteins
synthesized on the
lysosomes ; digestive
Composed of lipid molecules in bilayer
Phospholipids have hydrophobic tail
Phospholipids have hydrophilic heads
Also contains embedded proteins
proteins are important for cell-cell
receptors for hormones
cell recognition
also important for metabolic
processes inside the cell:
Membrane proteins
(protein synthesis and fat
Golgi Apparatus;
holds enzyme helps in
fuel made by
that allow cytoplasmic
digestion to be completed
Generic Cell
Cytosol – aqueous gel-like medium
Important metabolic processes occur here
Organelles – membrane bound structures
Membranes provide compartments for
separation of chemical reactions
large, membrane-bound organelle that
contains deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the
genetic material of the cell.
the DNA is folded up inside the nucleus
Movement Through the Membrane
Lipid-soluble substances, such as oxygen,
carbon dioxide, alcohol, and urea, move
across the lipid bilayer by simple diffusion
Other substances that;not lipid soluble, i.e
most small ions, glucose, amino acids, and
proteins, move between the extracellular and
the intracellular compartments through pores
provided by the integral proteins or through
carrier-mediated transport systems.
Simple diffusion: osmosis,
Cell division and reproduction
Individual cells don’t live as long as the
organism they’re a part of.
Cell reproduction occurs in two stages:
◦ mitosis, the nucleus and genetic material divide
◦ cytokinesis, the cytoplasm divides, beginning
during late anaphase or telophase.
At the end of cytokinesis, the cell produces
two daughter
The great divide :
Before division, a cell must double its
mass and content (interphase).
Chromatin, the small, slender rods of the
nucleus that give it its granular appearance,
begins to form.
Replication and duplication of DNA occur
during the four phases of mitosis:
◦ Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
Most cells reproduce as quickly as they die.
Meiosis, another type of cell division, occurs
in the reproductive cells, the egg and sperm.
Meiosis involves two cell divisions resulting in
a total of four daughter cells produced, each
containing 23 single chromosomes rather
than 23 pairs.
Pathophysiologic concepts
The cell faces a number of challenges
through its life. Stressors, changes in the
body’s health, disease, and other extrinsic
and intrinsic factors can alter the cells’
normal functioning.
Cells generally continue functioning despite
challenging conditions or stressors. However,
severe or prolonged stress or changes may
injure or destroy cells. When cell integrity is
threatened, the cell reacts by drawing in its
reserves to keep functioning, by adaptive
changes or by cellular dysfunction.
If cellular reserve is insufficient, the cell dies.
If enough reserve is available and the body
doesn’t detect abnormalities>
The cell adapts by:
metaplasia, or
Atrophy = shrinkage = decrease in cell size.
Due to :
decreased use (disuse)
decreased blood supply
decreased nutrition
or reduced endocrine stimulation
Of tissues or organs may be due to
cell shrinkage or due to cell death.
 Workload
(or disease state)
 Functionality
in disease
-OR- state
of oforganelles
 Energy Usage
an increase in the size of a cell due to an
increased workload.
It may be normal or abnormal.
Hypertrophy is primarily seen in cells that
cannot adapt to increased work by increasing
their numbers through mitosis (cardiac and
skeletal muscle cells).
There are three main types of hypertrophy:
-Physiologic hypertrophy (i.e., increased muscle
bulk through exercise).
-Pathologic hypertrophy( hypertrophy of the left
ventricle in response to longstanding hypertension) .
-Compensatory hypertrophy (the loss of one kidney
causes the cells of the remaining kidney to undergo
 Workload
(or disease state)
 ability to
 Functionality
meet demands!
in disease state
# of organelles
 #of
 contractility
Hyperplasia, an increase in the number of cells, caused
by increased workload/ hormonal stimulation.
It can only occur in cells that undergo mitosis ( liver,
kidney, and connective tissue cells).
Hyperplasia may be:
*Physiologic (monthly in uterine endometrial cells) .
*Pathophysiologic (with excessive hormonal
stimulation, which is seen in acromegaly) .
*Compensatory (cells of a tissue reproduce to
make up for a previous decrease in cells ; liver cells
after surgical removal of sections of liver tissue).
 Workload
Physiological state
meet demands!
 tissue
 rate ofsize
by cell
 #division
of cells
 functionality
is the replacement of one adult cell with
another adult cell that can better endure the
change or stress.
It’s usually a response to chronic
inflammation or irritation; the change in the
cells of the respiratory passages from ciliated
columnar epithelial cells to stratified
squamous epithelial cells in response to years
of cigarette smoking.
Stratified epithelial cells are better able to
survive smoke damage. Unfortunately, they
do not assume the vital protective role of
ciliated cells.
Ex: Cigarette
Normal Cells
In dysplasia, deranged cell growth of specific tissue results
in abnormal size, shape, and appearance.;adaptive and
potentially reversible, they can precede cancerous changes.
The most common sites of dysplasia are the respiratory tract
(especially the squamous cells present as a result of
metaplasia)and the cervix.
Cervical dysplasia usually results from infection of the cells
with the human papilloma virus (HPV).
Dysplasia is usually rated on a scale to reflect its degree,
from minor to severe.
Normal Cells
Shape & Size
Cell injury A person’s state of wellness and
disease is reflected in the cells.
Injury to any of the cell’s components can
lead to illness.
One of the first indications of cell injury is a
biochemical lesion that forms on the cell at
the point of injury.
This lesion changes the chemistry of
metabolic reactions within the cell. Consider,
for example, a patient with HIV. The cells of
the immune system may be altered, making
the patient susceptible to infection.
Draw on your reserves, adapt, or die
When cell integrity is threatened (toxins,
infection, physical injury, or deficit injury),
the cell reacts in one of two ways:
◦ • by drawing on its reserves to keep functioning
◦ • by adapting through changes or cellular
If enough cellular reserve is available and the
body doesn’t detect abnormalities, the cell
If there isn’t enough cellular reserve, cell
death (necrosis) occurs. Necrosis is usually
localized and easily identifiable.
Hypoxic 
Chemical 
Structural 
(trauma…tons next semester!) ◦
Infectious 
Immunologic / Inflammatory
 Atmospheric Oxygen
 Respiratory Function
Loss of Hb
 Cardiovascular Function
 Hb function (CO)
 erythropoiesis
Most Common Cause of
Cellular Injury!
Loss of
Release of
Hypertrophy = increase in cell size
We'll see this in heart, kidney (and others) w/
NOT due to increased cell volume or fluid
Rather, due to increased protein synthesis within
the cell, or decreased protein breakdown
Result is increased protein in organelles
Hyperplasia = increase in cell number
Due to increased cell division
Uterus and breast tissue
Parathyroid gland in kidney failure
Liver (compensatory hyperplasia)
Metaplasia = replacement of one cell type with
An example: ciliated columnar epithelium
replaced by
stratified squamous epithelium
Dysplasia = change in cell resulting in abnormal cell
size, shape or organization
We'll see this in respiratory tract, cervix w/ pathology
In mature cells only
Immature cells would be expected to change
in size, shape as they grow and mature
Considered a reversible change
Neoplasia = associated with a malignant tumor
Buildup of substances the cell can’t use or
dispose of.
◦ Normal body substances
◦ Abnormal products from inside the body (inborn
errors of metabolism)
◦ Substances from outside the body (transient or
Causes of cell injury:
Deficiency – lack of a substance necessary to
the cell
Intoxication or poisoning – presence of a
toxin or substance that interferes with cell
Trauma – physical injury and loss of cell’s
structural integrity
Deficiency in oxygen most important
Hypoxia = deficiency in oxygen at cell
Due to :
Decreased oxygen in air
Decreased hemoglobin or
decreased oxygen transported to cells
Diseases of the respiratory and/or
cardiovascular system
Important to cell because of
oxidative phosphorylation, which results
in the production of ATP
Oxidative: need oxygen to produce ATP
ATP: needed by cell for metabolism, cell life
Cellular response to hypoxia
Decreased mitochondrial reactions 
decreased ATP produced 
decreased energy
Ion pumps cease, so can't regulate ions
into/out of cell (ATP needed for this)
Can't pump Na+ and water out of cell, so get
cell swelling  organelle swelling 
cell death
Ischemia is inadequate blood supply to a cell or
Ischemia can cause hypoxia.
Intoxication (or introduction of toxins into the cell)
Effect on cell depends on toxin and on cell
Some examples:
Lead -- injures nervous system
CO -- deprives body of oxygen
Ethanol -- effects central nervous system
Trauma -- physical disruption of cells
Ex: abrasion, cutting, burns,
microorganisms etc.
Free radicals :
uncharged atom or group of atoms with an
unpaired electron
Formed by radiation, redox reactions, chemicals
Atom is unstable
needs to gain or lose an electron
can alter chemical bonds in proteins,
lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids
can cause chain reaction in cell
“fallen apart”
Regulated cell death
During development
Worn out cells
Diseased cells (tumor suppressor p53 gene,
natural killer or Tc cells)
Messy cell death
Initiates inflammation
Gangrene – large mass of tissue undergoes
Infections agents
Microorganisms can invade and harm cells
Cell injury can have effects on the entire body
Examples: fever, pain, increased heart rate