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Chapter 14: Black Holes Stellar-Mass Black Hole: Death of a Massive Star Supermassive Black Holes: In the Centers of most Galaxies What are Quasars? Quasars get their energy from swallowing up matter in the accretion disk Quasars look like a star, but must be enormously luminous – because it is 4 billion light years away!! Primordial or mini-black holes: may have formed in the early universe Intermediate -Mass black holes: In the Centers of Globular Clusters The Geometry of a Black Hole Nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole once it is within the event horizon, not even light!!! Black holes are predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity: Anything that has mass curves the space around it! Detecting Black Holes Black holes can only be seen when it is feeding! Detecting Black Holes Matter orbiting around a black hole produces strong X-ray radiation! Detecting Black Holes: Monitoring Speeds of Stars at the Galactic Center Black holes evaporate: Hawking Radiation Wormholes Tidal forces near a black hole would stretch and tear the object apart!