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Chapter 25
The Sun
• The Sun’s mass controls the
motions of the planets
• Less dense than Earth
• High pressure and
temperature causes gases to
be plasma
• Fusion- Combining of
nuclei to form a larger nucleus
• Fission- Separation of large
nucleus into smaller nuclei
• The Sun uses fusion to
combine Hydrogen into
Anatomy of the Sun
Core- The Sun's
"furnace," where
fusion reactions
initially combine
hydrogen atoms
to produce
helium, yielding
energy in the
Anatomy of the Sun
2. Radiative
Zone. Energy
moves through
a surrounding
envelope of
gas toward the
Sun's surface.
Anatomy of the Sun
3. Convection
Zone. Big
"bubbles" of
hot gas
energy to the
Solar Zones
• Radiative Zone- 61%
of interior from core.
Heat moves directly to
the surface
• Convective Zone- 14%
as heat moves to
surface and cools,
matter becomes more
dense and sinks to be
Anatomy of the Sun
4.PhotosphereThe Sun's
Because of its
it glows
• Photospherelowest layer
of the
• 400 Km thick
• Visible
• Chromospheresecond layer
• 2500 KM thick
• 30000° K
• Normally not
Anatomy of the Sun
7. Corona- The
Sun's outer
which is heated
by the magnetic
field to millions
of degrees.
• Corona- The
• Several million
• 1 to 2 million
degrees K
• Low density
Solar Wind
• Charged particles escaping
from the corona
• Reaches Earth at 400 km/s
• Particles collide with
atmospheric gases to form
Solar Activity
• Sunspots- Dark colored, cooler spots on
the surface of the photosphere; caused by
magnetic fields
• Coronal Holes- Low density gas areas of
the corona usually over sunspots; provide
escape for solar wind
Solar Activity
• Solar Flares- Eruptions of particles and
radiation from the surface of the Sun; can
cause problems with Earth’s communication
• Prominence- An arc of gas that is
emitted from the chromosphere or
condenses in the corona; 50000° K
Solar Activity Impact
Solar activity cycle lasts 22.4 years
11.2 to maximum sunspots
11.2 to minimum sunspots
Low sunspot activity cause a cooling
of the Earth’s climate (Maunder
• Visible light arranged by wavelength
• Continuous- No breaks in the band
• Absorption- Bands caused by chemicals
in the atmosphere absorbing certain
• Emission- Bright lines from a gas at
certain wavelengths
Star Groups
• Constellations- groups of stars; usually
named animals, mythological characters, or
everyday objects
• Circumpolar- Orbit the poles and can
be seen year round
• Seasonal- Orbit equator and can only be
seen during certain times of the year
Star Groups
• Clusters- Group
of stars that are
bound; open or
• Binaries- Two
stars gravitationally
bound together;
appear as one to the
human eye. One is
brighter than the
Star Light, Star Bright
• Apparent Magnitude- The brightness
of a star to the naked eye, regardless of
distance from Earth.
• Absolute Magnitude- Brightness of
stars measured at equal distances
• Luminosity- Amount of energy per
second put out by a star.
Star Measurement
• Light Year- The distance the light will
travel in a year = 9.461 X 10¹² km
• Parsec- 3.26 light years = 3.086 X 10¹³
• Parallax- Apparent shift in position
caused by the motion of the observer
Star Classifications
• O, B, A, F, G, K, M- Based on spectral lines
and temperature
• O has hottest temperature and fewest lines
• M has coolest temperature and most lines
• Each letter is divided into 9 numbered
Star Structure
• 73% Hydrogen
• 25% Helium
• 2% Other
Life Cycle
• Star Formation- Cloud of
interstellar gas called a Nebula
which forms a Protostar
• Protostar becomes hot enough
for fusion to begin and become
a star
Life Cycle
• Red Giant- Hydrogen is used up and
star expands and cools; gases start to
• Core of red giant is hydrogen and
convert to carbon
• Star shrinks and becomes White
• White Dwarf does not require heat
source to continue
Life Cycle
• Neutron Star- Large cores collapse in on
• Supernova- Center of neutron star auses
massive explosion blowing off the outer
• Black Hole- Massive core that collapse in
and with a gravitational field that sucks
everything in.