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How we see the Sun and
7L Views from Earth – Seeing objects in space
How are we able to see objects in space?
Stars, like our Sun, are
sources of light. We see
them because they give
out their own light.
A source of light, like a star,
is called a luminous object.
The Moon is not a
source of light. We only
see the Moon because it
reflects the Sun’s light.
The Moon is an example of
a non-luminous object.
7L Views from Earth – Seeing objects in space
Decide which of these objects are luminous and non-luminous.
7L Views from Earth – The Moon
The Moon is called a “natural satellite” because it is not
man-made and moves around the Earth.
We only ever see one side of the Moon, but does
the Moon always look the same from Earth?
Our view of the Moon changes in a regular pattern
as it moves around the Earth.
This pattern is called the phases the Moon.
Why do we see the same pattern each month?
7L Views from Earth – Phases of the Moon
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