Download A Web-Based Data Mining Application for the Contraceptive Method

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A Web-Based Data Mining
Application for the Contraceptive
Method Choice Database
Kerey Carter
Presented To:
Dr. Donald Kraft (Chair)
Dr. John Tyler
Dr. Bert Boyce
Technical Description
Data Mining Algorithms
System Layout
Demo / Results
Introduction - Overview
• Statement of Problem:
According to (United
Nations Population Fund), the progress in the
contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) for Indonesia seems to
have stalled at about 57 percent. A critical challenge for
Indonesia remains the access to affordable contraceptives
by all its citizens, especially the poor.
• Solution:
Use data mining techniques to predict the
current contraceptive method choice (no use, long-term
methods, or short-term methods) of an Indonesian woman
based on her demographic and socio-economic
characteristics. Predicting the contraceptive method choice
of Indonesian women can assist the government with how
and where to target and provide information on
contraceptive choices for its female population.
Introduction – Project Description
• Architecture Used: Web-based 3-Tier
• Features: Administrator and User Data
Manipulation options; Access Logs
• Data Mining Algorithms used for
– Naive Bayesian Classification
– One-Rule Classification
– Decision Tree
Introduction – The Dataset
• This dataset comes via a subset of the 1987 National Indonesia
Contraceptive Prevalence Survey. It was created and donated
by Tjen-Sien Lim on June 7, 1997. The contents were
downloaded from the UCI Machine Learning Depository
• The samples contained in the survey are of married women who
were either not pregnant or did not know if they were pregnant
at the time of the interview.
• The number of instances is 1473, and the number of attributes is
11, including the primary key (ID) and the classifying attribute
Introduction – Attribute Information
Introduction – Website Design
• Administrator Privileges:
– Add, Delete, Edit, and Search Records
– Add Users, Change Admin Password
• User Privileges:
– Add Records, Search Records
• Dual Access:
– Access Logs, Data Mining Results
Technical Description – Three-Tier Model
• Three-Tier Client/Server Architecture
– Increases scalability and reliability by separating the
three major logical functions of an application (user
interaction, business logic, data storage) from one
another. Is easier to maintain and can utilize same
business logic for multiple interfaces, vs.
– Client Side Front-End: Web browser (I.E.) / HTML
– Middle-Tier: CGI, Perl, ASP, VBScript
– Server Side Back-End: Access, CSV Text File
A Typical Three-Tier Model
Technical Description – Middle Tier
• Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
– A standard for interfacing external applications with
information servers, such as HTTP or Web servers
– A CGI program is executed in real-time, which means
that it can output dynamic data to a Web page.
– Allows visitors to a Web page to run a program on the
server where the CGI document is hosted
– CGI programs must reside in a special directory, so that
the Web server knows to execute the program instead of
merely displaying it to the browser.
• Ex. /cgi-bin
Technical Description – Middle Tier
• Practical Extraction Report Language (Perl)
– Language used in writing many CGI programs
• Combines many features of C, sed, awk, and sh, as well as
csh, Pascal, and BASIC-PLUS
– Available for most operating systems, including
virtually all Unix-like platforms
– Optimized for scanning arbitrary text files, extracting
information from those text files, and printing reports
based on that information
– Does not arbitrarily limit the size of the user’s data,
as long as the required memory is available
Technical Description – Middle Tier
• Active Server Pages (ASP)
– Components that allow Web developers to create
server-side scripted templates
– Templates generate dynamic, interactive web
server applications
– HTML output by an Active Server Page is
browser independent
– Visual Basic Script (VBScript)
• Scripting language based on the Visual Basic
programming language used to create ASP Web pages
What is Data Mining?
• Data mining is the exploration and analysis, by
automatic or semiautomatic means, of large
quantities of data in order to discover
meaningful patterns and rules (Berry, Linoff,
pg. 5)
• It is a process of taking data and analyzing,
interpreting, and transforming it into useful
information. Data mining can be used to make
predictions after data has been transformed.
Data Mining Algorithms
• Naive Bayesian Classification
– Bayes Theorem illustrates how to calculate the
probability of one event given that it is known some other
event has occurred, expressed algebraically as:
P(A|B) = P(A) * P(B|A) / P(B)
Or, The probability that A takes place given that B has
occurred (P(A|B)) equals the probability that A occurs
(P(A)) times the probability that B occurs if A has
happened (P(B|A)), divided by the probability of B
occurring (P(B))
Data Mining Algorithms
• Bayesian Network - consists of nodes and arcs that can
connect pairs of nodes. For each variable, exactly one
node exists. A major restriction for the Bayesian
network is that arcs are not allowed to form loops.
• NOT a Bayesian network:
Data Mining Algorithms
• Bayesian network dependency model example:
– A and B are dependent on each other if we know something about C or D (or
– A and C are dependent on each other no matter what we know and what we
don't know about B or D (or both).
– B and C are dependent on each other no matter what we know and what we
don't know about A or D (or both).
– C and D are dependent on each other no matter what we know and what we
don't know about A or B (or both)
– There are no other dependencies that do not follow from those listed above.
Data Mining Algorithms
• One-Rule Classification
– Creates one data mining rule for the dataset based on
one attribute (one column in a database table).
– After comparing the error rates from all the attributes,
the rule is chosen that gives the lowest classification
– The rule will assign to one category or class each
distinct value of one chosen attribute
Data Mining Algorithms
• Pseudocode for One-Rule Classification:
• For each attribute in the data set
– For each distinct value of the attribute
• Find the most frequent classification
• Assign the classification to the value
• Calculate the error rate for the value
• Calculate the total error rate for the attribute
• Choose the attribute with the lowest error rate
Data Mining Algorithms
• Decision Tree:
– (1) Begins by finding the test that performs the
best task of splitting the data among the
preferred categories
– (2) At each successive level of the tree, subsets
created by the previous split are themselves
split, making a path down the tree
– (3) Each of the paths through the tree represents
a rule, and some rules are more useful than
other ones
Data Mining Algorithms
• Decision Tree (cont.)
– (4) At each node of the tree, three things can be
measured: the number of records entering the
node, the percentage of records classified
correctly at the node, and the way the records
would be classified if it were a leaf node.
– (5) The tree continues to grow until it is no
longer possible to locate more useful ways to
split the incoming records
System Layout
Demo / Results
• All 3 data mining algorithms were successful at making
predictions of the contraceptive method choice.
– Naive Bayesian - the estimated classification accuracy of the
best model found was 48.74%
– One Rule - determined that the no_child attribute was the
best predictor of the contraceptive method choice
– Decision Tree • determined that the best predictor of the contraceptive method choice
was the rule where no_child <=0, which would predict the no use
category (95.7%)
• The regular decision tree had an error rate of 25.0%, while the
decision tree with fuzzy thresholds had an error rate of 25.5%