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Chapter 6
Managing Weight
Body Composition
Maintaining a Health Weight
Lesson 1
Page 144-150
Read each statement below and respond by selecting yes, sometimes, or no for each
item. Select yes only for items you practice regularly or are sure about.
1. I try to keep my weight within a healthy range.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
2. I try to eat a variety of nutritious foods, even when I am attempting to
lose or gain weight.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
3. To achieve a healthy weight, I follow the ABCs of good health as
described in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
4. When participating in physical activities, I select activities that I enjoy
and that fit my personality.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
5. I would not fast or go on a quick weight-loss or weight-gain diet.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
6. When I compete in athletics, I follow a balanced eating plan with a
variety of foods.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
7. I drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
8. I do not substitute nutrient supplements, such as vitamin pills, for a
sensible eating style.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
9. When managing my weight, I set realistic goals.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
10. I understand that dietary supplements must be used carefully.
a yes
b sometimes
c no
Managing Weight and Body
Quick Start – On a sheet of paper, list
three feelings a person might have
about his or her body’s appearance.
Then write down three factors that
might influence these things.
Managing Weight and Body
Body Image – The way you see your body.
**In order to maintain your present
weight…. The calories you consume must
equal the calories your body burns.
Calories: Their Source
– Carbohydrates - 4 calories per gram
– Proteins – 4 calories per gram
– Fat – 9 calories per gram
Managing Weight and Body
One pound of body fat equals about 3,500
Eating 500 fewer calories per day than you need
to maintain your weight will result in the loss of
one pound of body fat after one week ( 500
calories per day x 7 days = 3,500 calories).
You can also increase your physical activity 500
calories per day and lose one pound per week.
Body Mass Index – A ratio that allows you to
assess your body size in relation to your height
and weight.
****Keep in mind that many different ratios of
height to weight can be healthy. Teens grow at
different rates and in different ways. There is no
single size, shape, or growth pattern that is
normal for everyone.
BMI = weight (in pounds) x 703 / height (in
Diet and Fitness are the two things
that affect BMI the most.
Overweight – A condition in which a
person is heavier than the standard
weight range for his or her height.
Obesity – Having an excess amount
of body fat.
Weight Related Health Risks
Cardiovascular Disease
Type 2 Diabetes
High Blood Pressure
Osteoarthritis – A joint disease
Underweight: A Health Risk
Underweight – A condition in which a
person is less than the standard weight
range for his or her height.
– Some teens are very thin due to genetics or
fast metabolism
– If very thin, little stored fat to provide body
with energy for health and growth
 May lead to fatigue and decreased ability to fight
Target your appropriate weight
Set realistic goals
Personalize your plan
Put your goal and plan in writing
Evaluate your progress
Eat 1,700 to 1,800 calories daily to meet your body’s energy
– Eating less than 1,400 calories a day may cause you to miss
essential nutrients
Include your favorites in moderation
– Eat smaller portions of higher calorie foods and eat them less
Eat a variety of low-calorie, nutrient dense foods (foods
that are high in nutrients compared with their calorie
– Whole grain products, vegetables, and fruits
Drink plenty of water – 8 glasses a day
Increase your calorie intake
– Choose foods high in complex carbohydrates such as breads,
pasta, and potatoes.
– Limit foods high in fat and sugar
Eat often and take second helpings
Eat nutritious snacks
– Snack two or three hours before meals to avoid spoiling your
Build muscle = Gain weight
– Increase muscle mass with a supervised resistance training
Regular exercise should be part of any
weight management plan
– Aerobic exercise burns calories and helps you
lose fat
– Weight lifting or resistance training will
increase muscle mass and produce a firm, lean
body shape.
– Muscle is more efficient than fat at burning
– Physical activity relieves stress
– Physical activity promotes a healthy appetite
– Physical activity increases self-esteem
Fad Diets and Eating Disorders
Page 151-156
Fad Diets and Eating Disorders
Quick Start – Write the term diet in
the center of a sheet of paper.
Around this term, write five words or
phrases that come to mind when you
hear the word diet.
Fad Diets
Fad Diets – Weight loss plans that are popular for only a
short time.
The Bottom Line
The traditional weight loss method emphasizing a wellbalanced diet with a variety of foods including grains,
fruits & vegetables, dairy and meat/fish, low in total
fats, saturated fats and trans fats in addition to being
physically active can result in long lasting weight loss
and improved health.
This does not sound too exciting, and let's face it - fad
diets sure do know how to hook us, don't they?
However, the traditional weight loss method stands the
test of time for a simple reason: It works!
Ten Signs of a Fad Diet
1. Promises a large or fast weight loss (more
than one to two pounds per week)
2. Does not include suggestions to consult
with your doctor or a registered dietitian
3. Encourages you to eliminate food groups
(such as grains) or eat from a limited
selection of foods
4. Offers rigid menus that don't consider
your likes, dislikes and lifestyles
5. Neglects active living or lifestyle changes
Ten Signs of a Fad Diet
6. Provides far fewer calories than what is
needed for an energized, healthy lifestyle
7. Contradicts what most trusted health
professionals say
8. Depends on special products,
supplements or treatments
9. Has miraculous claims
10. Relies on testimonials and anecdotes
rather than scientific evidence
Liquid Diets--A person on a liquid diet
replaces all of his or her food intake with a
special liquid formula. These VERY low
calorie diets, do not meet the body’s
energy needs.
Fasting--To fast is to abstain from eating.
Without a fresh supply of nutrients daily,
your body begins breaking down protein
stored in muscle tissue for energy.
Diet Pills--Many diet pills work by
suppressing appetite. They may
cause drowsiness, anxiety, a racing
heart, or other serious side effects.
Diet pills may also become addictive.
Weight Cycling – The repeated
pattern of loss and regain of body
weight. Also called yo-yo dieting.
Eating Disorder – An extreme
harmful eating behavior that can
cause serious illness or even death.
**About 90% of those with eating
disorders are female
**It’s estimated that 1% of females
16 to 18 have this illness
Anorexia Nervosa – A disorder in
which the irrational fear of becoming
obese results in severe weight loss
from self-imposed starvation.
Symptoms of Anorexia
Extremely low calorie intake
 An obsession with exercising
 An unusual interest in food
 A distorted body image
 Denial of a eating problem
Health Consequences of
Anorexia Nervosa
A drastic reduction in body fat may
cause females to stop menstruating
 Loss of bone density
 Low body temperature
 Low blood pressure
 Slow metabolism
 Reduction in organ size
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa – A disorder in
which some form of purging or
clearing of the digestive tract follows
cycles of overeating.
 A person with bulimia often fasts or
follows a strict diet and then binges.
After eating, the person may vomit or
take laxatives to purge the food from
the body.
Health Consequences of
Bulimia Nervosa:
 Kidney damage
 Irregular heartbeat
 Vomiting:
– Destroys tooth enamel
– Damages the tissues of the stomach,
esophagus, and mouth
Treatment may include stay at a
clinic or hospital and also requires
psychological counseling.
Treatment of bulimia usually include
medication and psychological
Binge Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder – A disorder
characterized by compulsive
Nutrition For Individual Needs
Lesson 3
Pages 157-163
Nutrition For Individual Needs
Quick Start – An individual’s
nutritional needs change throughout
his or her life. Brainstorm a list of
times in a person’s life during which
nutritional needs may change.
Briefly explain each of your choices.
Performance Nutrition
The Training Diet
– Best eating plan for athletes is one that is
balanced, moderate, and varied.
– Body’s need for protein, vitamins, and minerals
does not change greatly when training for
sports or competition.
– Yet, physical activity burn calories so athletes
and active individuals need to eat more
calories from nutrient-dense foods to maintain
their weight and energy levels when training.
Performance Nutrition
– Body naturally loses fluids through
perspiration, breathing, and waste
– Amount of fluids lost increases during
physical activity, especially in hot
– These fluids must be replaced to avoid
dehydration and heatstroke
Performance Nutrition
– Minerals that help maintain the body’s
fluid balance. The minerals sodium,
chloride, and potassium are all
– To maintain body’s electrolyte balance –
take in as much water and electrolytes
as you lose through perspiration and
body wastes
Performance Nutrition
Drink 16 to 24 ounces of fluids two to
three hours before a heavy workout
Drink 6 to 12 ounces of fluids every 15 to
20 minutes during heavy workouts
Rehydration – restoring lost body fluids
– Drink 16 ounces of fluid for every pound of
body weight lost through sweat
– Plain water is best
Performance Nutrition
“Making Weight”
– In sports such as wrestling and boxing
contestants compete in weight classes
– Maintaining a certain weight is
– Always compete at a weight that’s right
for you
Performance Nutrition
Losing Weight
– Competing in a weight class below your
healthy weight can be dangerous
– Fasting, crash dieting, or trying to sweat off
extra weight before weigh-in can cause
dehydration and harm your performance and
– Over time such practices can lead to a loss of
muscle mass
– If losing weight is needed, follow a sensible
plan and try to lose only one-half pound to one
pound each week
Performance Nutrition
Gaining Weight
– Program that combines balanced nutrition and
exercise is the healthy way to gain weight
– Supervised resistance-training or weight-lifting
program can help build muscle mass
– Extra calories should come from nutrient dense
foods, not from protein supplements
– Slow, steady weight gain is best = one or two
pounds per week
– Using anabolic steroids or other body building
drugs not healthy
 Many of these drugs have serious side effects
 Use of these drugs is illegal
Performance Nutrition
Eating Before Competition
– Eat 3 to 4 hours before competition to allow
the stomach to empty
– Also gives athlete the necessary energy and
keeps him or her free from hunger pains while
– Pre Competition Meal
 High in carbohydrates and low in fat and protein,
both of which stay in the digestive system longer
 Pasta, rice, vegetables, breads, and fruits best
 Drink plenty of water before, during, and after
Performance Nutrition
Vegetarian – person who eats mostly or only
plant foods
 Religious or cultural reasons
 Concern for environment
 Concern for how food animals are raised or
 Health reasons – cutting out saturated fats and
cholesterol from animal products may reduce risk of
cardiovascular disease and some cancers
 Consume more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
Vegetarian Eating Plans
Lacto-ovo Vegetarianism
– Dairy (lacto) foods and eggs (ovo) in addition to foods
from plant sources
Lacto Vegetarianism
Dairy foods in addition to foods from plant sources
Ovo Vegetarianism
Eggs and foods from plant sources. Fortified soy milk
and soy cheese are often substituted for dairy products
Foods from plant sources only. Fortified soy milk and soy
cheese are often substituted for dairy products
Vegetarians Meeting Nutrient
– Vegetarians need to eat a variety of incomplete
– Must also get enough iron, zinc, and B
vitamins, nutrients often found in animal
– Eat adequate amounts of various nutrientdense foods, including fruits, vegetables, leafy
greens, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes,
dairy foods, or eggs
Dietary Supplements
Risks of Dietary Supplements
– Megadose – a very large amount of a dietary
supplement; can be dangerous
– Vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored in body fat
and may cause toxicity in large amounts
Herbal Supplement – chemical substance
from plants that may be sold as a dietary
– Often sold as “natural”
– However, claims not based on scientific
Nutrition During Pregnancy
– A developing fetus depends on its mother for all its needs
– Pregnant females must eat healthy and avoid harmful
substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
– Pregnant females encouraged to increase intake of certain
Folate – Getting enough folic acid early in pregnancy can
prevent spinal defects in the developing fetus.
Iron – Increased blood volume during pregnancy produces
an increased demand for iron.
Calcium – Calcium helps build the bones and teeth of the
developing fetus and replaces any calcium taken from the
mother’s bones.
Nutrition For Infants And
Young Children
Breastfeeding is the best way to feed infants. If
breastfeeding isn’t possible, fortified formulas
provide the nutrients that infants need.
As the baby grows, breast milk or formula is
supplemented with a variety of foods, usually
starting with cereal grains, then vegetables and
fruits, and then meat or poultry.
After a child’s first birthday, many parents
substitute whole milk for formula or breast milk.
The fats in the whole milk provide essential
nutrients for a child’s developing nervous system.
By this time, most children are eating a variety of
Nutrition And Older Adults
Most older adults can get all the
calories and nutrients they need each
day by following the
recommendations in the Dietary
In certain cases, health care
providers might recommend a dietary
supplement to help meet their
nutrient needs.