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Meat, Poultry, Seafood,
 Meat is the edible portion of mammals.
 Beef comes from mature cattle over 12
months of age.
 After animal carcasses have been halved and
quartered, they are cut into smaller pieces
called Wholesale cuts for easier handling.
Steak= Less than 2” thick
Roast=More than 2” thick
Support= Dry Heat
Exercise= Moist Heat
Brisket and
Short Plate
 Meat cutters divide the
wholesale cuts into
smaller pieces, called
Retail Cuts, at the
grocery store.
Reading a Meat label
Other Types of Meat
 Veal is very young beef that comes from cattle less
than three months of age.
 The meat from swine is called Pork and it has a
grayish-pink to light rose color. Pork is not graded
because it comes from very young animals.
 The meat of sheep less than one year old is called
 The edible parts of animals other than muscles, such
as liver, kidney, heart and tongue are called variety
 Flecks of fat throughout the lean
portion of the meat is called marbling.
There are three grades of beef:
Methods of Dry Heat Cooking
 Broiling
 Roasting
 Panfrying/Stir-frying
 Panbroiling
Methods of Moist-Heat Cooking
 Braising
 Cooking in Liquid
Internal Temperatures
 Ground meats should be cooked to an
internal temperature of 155°.
 Roasts and steaks should be cooked to an
internal temperature of at least 145°.
Types of Poultry
 The most common types of poultry eaten in
the United States are chicken, turkey, goose,
and duck.
 Ducks and geese have all dark meat.
 Dark meat has more fat than white meat.
 Giblets- edible poultry organs, such as the
heart and liver.
Poultry Grades
 Most poultry sold is US Grade A.
Full-fleshed and meaty with well distributed
 Grade B and C birds are usually used in
processed products.
Methods of Cooking Poultry
 Roasting
 Broiling
 Grilling
 Frying
 Braising
 Stewing
Fish and Shellfish
Choosing Fish
 A fresh fish should have a stiff body, tight
scales, and firm flesh.
 The gills should be red, and the eyes bright
and bulging.
 A finger pressed into the flesh should leave
no indentation.
 The outside should have little or no slime and
the fish should smell fresh.
Cooking Fish
 To check for doneness, look to see if the flesh
is firm and it flakes easily with a fork.
 You should cook fish about 10 minutes for
every inch of thickness.
 Legumes fit into two of the food groups:
Legumes are good sources of vitamins and
minerals such as
Calcium and phosphorus (cell growth, utilize
vitamins, and covert food into energy)
B vitamins---helps with cell metabolism
Kinds of Legumes
 Split Peas
 Yellow or green. Mild
flavor. Used mainly in
 Black Eyed Peas
 Small, oval, white with
black spots. Mild
flavor. Many uses.
Kinds of Legumes
 Lima Beans
Small or large in size.
Mild, buttery flavor.
Many uses.
 Kidney Beans
Large beans. Light or
dark red. Hearty flavor.
Uses include chili, red
beans and rice, and
Kinds of Legumes
 Navy Beans
 Small, white beans.
Mild flavor. Many
uses, including baked
beans and soup.
 Garbanzo Beans
 Also known as
chickpeas. Round with
rough texture. Nut-like
flavor. Many uses,
especially in Middle
Eastern Foods.
Types of Legumes
 Pinto Beans
Small, oval beans with pink dots. Mild flavor.
Used for chili, refried beans, and other
Mexican foods.
Forms of Legumes
 Uncooked legumes are sold in plastic bags.
 You can also buy canned beans that are
already cooked.
 Store uncooked legumes in a tightly covered
container in a cool, dry place.
Preparing Dried Legumes
 Sort the Beans
Remove any foreign materials
Rinse beans several times to wash off dirt and
Preparing Dried Legumes
 Soak the Beans
Soak the beans overnight
Soaking reduces cooking time and helps
prevent the beans from forming gas in the
digestive system. 
To soak, place beans in a large pot. Add
water to cover the beans.
Preparing Dried Legumes
 Simmer the Beans
Beans should be simmered until they are
This will take 1-3 hours, depending on the type
of bean.
 Soybeans are used to
make tofu.
 Tofu is a custard-like
product that is very high
in protein and low in
calories and sodium.
 Many vegetarians use
tofu as a meat