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IT training
& Vaardigheid
Ik heb ambitie.
Dus ik train bij
Global Knowledge!
Amazon Web Services / AppSense / Avaya / Brocade /
Cisco / Citrix / Check Point / Dell SonicWall / EC-Council /
HP / IBM / ITIL® / Juniper / Microsoft / PRINCE2® / Red Hat /
RES Software / Symantec / VMware / Security /
Best Practices / Management & Vaardigheid
Global Knowledge Nederland
Iepenhoeve 5, 3438 MR NIEUWEGEIN
Postbus 1059, 3430 BB NIEUWEGEIN
(0800-566953343) - gratis
Copyright © 2015
Global Knowledge Network Netherlands bv.
Geregistreerd bij KvK Utrecht onder nummer 30145761
BTW nummer NL 8065.43.024.B.01
[email protected]
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Training Center
et gebruik van digitale leermethoden neemt een vlucht. Zo werkt in het reguliere onderwijs
inmiddels bijna één op de drie middelbare scholen leerlingen met een eigen tablet of laptop.
En ook op scholen voor voortgezet onderwijs worden tablets, laptops en smart phones een
steeds natuurlijker onderdeel van het lespakket. Was er aanvankelijk schroom om over te stappen
naar digitale leermethoden, het reguliere en voortgezet onderwijs schakelt nu versneld over naar
digitale leermethoden.
Welkom bij
Global Knowledge
Ook bij Global Knowledge zitten de virtuele leermethoden in de lift. Bij ruim een derde van alle
klassikale trainingen die het afgelopen jaar door Global Knowledge werden georganiseerd zaten
er cursisten bij die de training vanuit huis of het werk volgden. Ook wij merken dat veel cursisten
in eerste instantie koudwatervrees hebben om de training op afstand bij te wonen. Maar op het
moment dat een cursist over de streep is, dan blijkt uit de reacties en evaluaties na afloop van de
training dat het overgrote deel van de cursisten enthousiast is over de geboden techniek en aangeeft
ook de volgende training online te willen volgen. ’s Morgens en ’s avonds het verkeer ontwijken plus
de hieraan gepaard gaande besparing van tijd zonder dat er aan leskwaliteit wordt ingeboet, wordt
toch wel als erg prettig ervaren. Kennis opdoen blijft van alle tijden. We kunnen er niet genoeg van
krijgen. Daar zijn we immers mensen voor. Hoe we in de verre toekomst onze benodigde kennis
zullen opdoen blijft vooralsnog kijken in de glazen bol. Wellicht dat we in de nabije toekomst op
een Total Recall-achtige manier met virtual reality brillen kennis zullen opdoen. Misschien ook dat
straks hologrammen van onze docenten (en u zelf kunt kiezen hoe dit hologram eruit ziet) bij u in
de huiskamer staan te onderwijzen. De toekomst zal moeten uitwijzen hoe het onderwijs zich gaat
Wel staat vast dat we in 2015 de virtual reality brillen en hologrammen nog niet zullen terugvinden
in het IT-onderwijs. We blijven bij Global Knowledge echter de technieken nauw volgen en zullen
blijven innoveren in methoden en technologieën die u helpen om beter en eenvoudiger de door u
gewenste kennis op te doen.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge!
I Amazon Web Services
205 I Project Management
18 IAppSense
19 IAvaya
214 I Service Management
223 I Business Anaylis
26 ICisco
226 IArchitectuur
58 ICitrix
229 IProcesverbetering
67 IHP
231 IContractmanagement
234I Meer Best Practice Trainingen
112 IJuniper
120 IMicrosoft
154 I Red Hat
239 I Management & Organisatie
161 I RES Software
243 I Persoonlijke Effectiviteit
163 ISymantec
173 IVMware
188 I Vendor Onafhankelijk
Trainen bij Global Knowledge. De juiste keuze!
Betrouwbare partner
Elke denkbare lesmethodiek
Flexibele cursussen op maat
Global Knowledge is de grootste onafhankelijke aanbieder van
IT-opleidingen en Management- & Vaardigheidstrainingen op
de Europese markt én is een geautoriseerd opleidingsinstituut
van Prometric, Pearson VUE en Exin.
Global Knowledge biedt complete en geïntegreerde cursussen
die precies aansluiten op uw specifieke opleidingsbehoeften.
We bieden eersteklas cursusinhoud en deskundige docenten
in elke gewenste combinatie van klassikaal onderricht virtueel
of op locatie, Self-Paced e-learning, Live e-Labs via internet en
Kwaliteit en klanttevredenheid staan synoniem voor
Global Knowledge. Onze cursussen worden gebaseerd
op individuele leerdoelen, waardoor we gemakkelijk een
oplossing kunnen bieden die voldoet aan de behoeften van uw
organisatie. Of het nu gaat om het bewerken van standaard
cursusmateriaal of het ontwerpen van een aangepaste cursus
die aansluit op uw organisatie, we beschikken over de ervaring
en expertise om exact datgene te bieden wat u wenst.
Global Knowledge werkt samen met verschillende vendors en
partners en is onder andere geautoriseerd als:
•Cisco Learning Specialized Partner
•Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for Learning Solutions
•Citrix Authorized Learning Center (CALC)
•VMware Authorized Training Centre (VATC)
•IBM Authorized Global Training Provider (GTP)
•Amazon Web Services Authorized Training Partner
•Juniper Networks Authorized Education Partner (JNAEP)
•Brocade Authorized Training Partner (ATP)
•Symantec Authorized Training Partner
•Authorized Training Organisation (ATO) voor ITIL® en PRINCE2®
Neutraal vendorbeleid
Global Knowledge hanteert een neutraal vendorbeleid.
Op deze manier kunnen we onze cursisten onafhankelijk
adviseren welke trainingen u en/of uw medewerkers het beste
kunnen volgen.
Hooggekwalificeerde docenten
Onze docenten zijn hooggekwalificeerd en zijn tevens vendor
gecertificeerd en geautoriseerd. U bent er dus van verzekerd
dat u wordt opgeleid naar het door u gewenste niveau.
Plezierige omgeving
Moderne apparatuur, veel praktische oefeningen en onderlinge
samenwerking leveren een plezierige leeromgeving.
Compleet curriculum
Global Knowledge biedt het meest complete curriculum op
het gebied van Infrastructurele trainingen en Management- &
Vaardigheidstrainingen in de opleidingsbranche.
Expertise met aandacht voor uw persoonlijke
Global Knowledge biedt niet alleen expertise op het gebied
van techniek, maar maakt ook gebruik van geavanceerde
leermethodieken, waardoor de lesstof goed kan worden
opgenomen. Naast het uitgebreide aanbod aan IT-cursussen
is er ook volop aandacht voor wat u nodig heeft om uw
persoonlijke doelen en uw loopbaandoelen te bereiken.
Gedegen voorbereiding op de certificering
Ruime geografische dekking
Global Knowledge heeft meerdere opleidingscentra verspreid
over Nederland. U kunt voor trainingen en examens terecht in
Amsterdam, Drachten, Eindhoven, Groningen, Nieuwegein,
Maastricht, Rotterdam, Zoetermeer en Zwolle.
Er is dus altijd een opleiding
bij u in de buurt.
Met onze ongeëvenaarde combinatie van
certificeringstrajecten, leermethodieken en aanvullende
componenten kunt u rekenen op onze steun bij het behalen
van uw certificeringen.
Praktijklessen op maat
Ons vendor-onafhankelijke en geautoriseerde cursusmateriaal
omvat praktijklessen op maat en oefeningen waarmee u
optimaal profiteert van de praktijklessen. In de cursussen
van Global Knowledge worden meer technische middelen
ingezet, worden meer uitdagende praktijkscenario’s geboden
en wordt dieper op de materie ingegaan dan bij de meeste
andere opleiders. Daarnaast bootsen onze praktijkoefeningen
de werkelijkheid zo goed na dat u vol vertrouwen het officiële
examen zult afleggen.
Optimale examenplanning voor hoger
Onderzoek toont aan dat cursisten binnen 30 dagen na afloop
van de training 25% meer kans van slagen hebben. Bij Global
Knowledge kunt u direct na afloop van uw training het
gewenste examen afleggen. Global Knowledge is een
geautoriseerd examencentrum van Prometric, Pearson VUE
en Exin.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 5
Door te trainen bij Global Knowledge bent u ervan verzekerd dat
u door hooggekwalificeerde en door de vendor gecertificeerde
docenten wordt opgeleid naar het door uw gewenste niveau.
Dit wordt bevestigd in het klanttevredenheidsonderzoek dat begin
2014 is uitgevoerd door het onafhankelijke onderzoeksinstituut Cedeo.
Cedeo concludeert dat alle bij het onderzoek betrokken referenten
tevreden tot zeer tevreden zijn over de samenwerking met Global
Knowledge en de trajecten die men ontwikkelt en uitvoert. In het
onderzoek komt vooral de flexibiliteit en klantgerichtheid van
Global Knowledge naar voren.
Cedeo verleende Global Knowledge op basis van het klanttevredenheidsonderzoek de Cedeo erkenning voor zowel Maatwerk bedrijfsopleidingen
als ook Open bedrijfsopleidingen. Global Knowledge scoorde voor de
categorie Open bedrijfsopleidingen 95,5% en voor Maatwerk bedrijfsopleidingen zelfs 99.3% (op een schaal van 0 tot 100%).
“Global Knowledge denkt echt met je mee en weet ons van passende
trajecten te voorzien. We hebben een vaste contactpersoon die de
organisatie goed kent en daardoor dieper weet door te vragen naar de
specifieke leerbehoefte.”
“Global Knowledge levert niet alleen kwaliteit, maar is tevens
Wat klanten vinden van Global Knowledge
Alle kennis is te vinden op het internet. Van het plakken van een fietsband tot en
met hoe Windows Server 2012 moet worden geïnstalleerd, op het internet kunnen de
antwoorden worden gevonden.Het is dus allang niet meer noodzakelijk om ergens
naar toe te reizen om in een besloten ruimte les van een docent te krijgen. Anno nu is
flexibiliteit gewenst bij het opdoen van kennis. We willen thuis leren, op het werk of
waar dan ook.
Deze nieuwe vorm van leren vraagt echter
meer verantwoordelijkheid van een student.
Want extra vrijheid is prettig, uiteindelijk telt
wel altijd hetzelfde eindresultaat: voldoende
kennis om het werk goed uit te kunnen voeren.
Met haar virtuele leerconcepten biedt Global
Knowledge veel vrijheid door klassikale
trainingen ook op afstand bij te laten wonen.
De cursist mag hierbij zelf de keuze maken
waar het de training volgt.
Global Knowledge, ’s werelds en Nederlands
grootste onafhankelijke IT-opleider, speelt
met haar nieuwe virtuele leerconcepten in op
deze wens om meer flexibiliteit. Dit echter
zonder de voordelen van het traditionele leren
(structuur, kwaliteit, interactie) uit het oog te
Stilstaan is geen optie. Dit geldt zeker
ook voor educatieve instellingen. Global
Knowledge toont aan dat de opleidingsmarkt
anno 2015 inspeelt op de behoefte van de
hedendaagse student.
Global Knowledge speelt in op de opleidingswensen anno 2015
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 7
In de snelle wereld van de technologie waarbij iedereen makkelijk toegang heeft tot het internet is informatie
altijd binnen handbereik. De bekendheid met deze technologieën om kennis te vergaren heeft een nieuwe
dimensie toegevoegd aan de manier waarop u kunt leren. Bij Global Knowledge hebben we veel van deze
methoden in ons curriculum opgenomen, zodat we altijd een pasklare oplossing kunnen ontwikkelen en
aanbieden, die aansluit op uw specifieke eisen, locatie en budget.
Classroom Learning
Self-Paced e-Learning
Klassikale training
Zelfstudiecursus via Internet
Een klassikale training van Global Knowledge geeft
u de garantie dat u uitstekend wordt opgeleid in een
moderne comfortabele leeromgeving door de meest
deskundige docenten op hun vakgebied. U heeft de
beschikking over moderne apparatuur waarmee met
behulp van veel praktische oefeningen de dagelijkse
praktijk wordt nagebootst.
Self-Paced e-Learning biedt hetzelfde lesmateriaal
als onze klassikale cursussen maar dan via internet –
wanneer, waar en hoe u maar wilt.
Virtueel en KlassikaalTM
Een klassikale training virtueel of op locatie volgen
Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept
waarbij u zelf kunt beslissen of u een klassikale training
virtueel op afstand wilt volgen of fysiek op locatie. De
keuze is aan u!
Kies waar, wanneer
en hoe u wilt leren
Toegang tot Live hardware en software via
De exclusieve e-Labs en Lab Practices van
Global Knowledge bieden toegang tot live hardware
en software via internet. Als u dit combineert met
onze mogelijkheden voor zelfstudie via internet,
beschikt u over cursusmateriaal van topkwaliteit en
over de benodigde praktijkervaring om oplossingen te
kunnen bedenken voor al uw IT-uitdagingen.
Class Connect™ HD
Maatwerk en In-company
Trainen op afstand door klaslokalen met elkaar
te verbinden
Volledig afgestemd op uw wensen
Met Class Connect™ HD worden klaslokalen van
Global Knowledge virtueel met elkaar verbonden.
Een hoge kwaliteitsverbinding tussen de klaslokalen
garandeert de cursisten van maximale interactie met
de docent en met elkaar. Afstanden verdwijnen, de
kwaliteit blijft!
Community Learning Solutions
Flexibel leren bij Global Knowledge
Community Learning Solutions van Global Knowledge
is een unieke leerervaring waarbij de deelnemers
in samenwerking met elkaar werken naar een
voorafgesteld doel. Middels dit programma bieden wij
een combinatie van verschillende lesmethodieken die
aansluiten op zowel de individuele behoefte als op die
van de desbetreffende organisatie.
Indien gewenst kunnen wij ook maatwerktrainingen
verzorgen op iedere door u gewenste locatie.
Een voordeel van een maatwerktrainig is dat de
praktijk van uw werkomgeving, organisatie en de
branche waarin u werkt in de training kan worden
In ons Knowledge Center op onze website vindt u gratis extra informatie over onderwerpen die direct
gerelateerd zijn aan ons opleidingsaanbod, inclusief white papers, webseminars, nieuwsbrieven en Listen &
Learn Podcasts™.
Brochures & Flyers
In onze PDF Bibliotheek vindt u een overzicht van de
meest recente brochures, flyers en andere documenten.
Nieuws- en Persberichten
Global Knowledge biedt assessments aan die u
helpen bij het ontwikkelen en meten van uw
kennis en vaardigheden om zo het gewenste
eindresultaat te behalen.
Alle nieuws- en persberichten die Global Knowledge
uitbrengt kunt u hier lezen.
Case Studies
White Papers
Hier vindt u White Papers over actuele onderwerpen
die ‘hot’ zijn in de IT-wereld. De papers zijn gratis
te downloaden, het enige wat u hoeft te doen is u
eenmalig te registreren, waardoor u toegang krijgt tot
alle White Papers in de bibliotheek. De White Papers
zijn geschreven door de experts van Global Knowledge
of door onze partners. Bezoek onze bibliotheek
regelmatig, want er worden voortdurend nieuwe
White Papers gepubliceerd!
Hier kunt u praktijkvoorbeelden lezen van bedrijven
die gekozen hebben voor één of meerdere
opleidingsprogramma’s van Global Knowledge.
Variërend van standaard tot complexe opleidingsoplossingen.
Demo’s & Video’s
Download en bekijk onze demo’s voor zelfstudie via
internet, klassikale training live via internet of voor live
praktijkoefeningen via internet.
E-mail nieuwsbrief
In korte tijd alle achtergrond informatie over
de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de IT-wereld?
Het is mogelijk met de GRATIS seminars van
Global Knowledge, live via Internet!
Meld u aan voor de gratis online nieuwsbrief.
U ontvangt elke twee weken per e-mail informatie over
cursussen, certificeringen, speciale aanbiedingen en
ander IT nieuws. Om aan te melden ga naar:
Social Media
Hier vindt u een overzicht van evenementen
inclusief online seminars die Global knowledge
organiseert en waar Global Knowledge aan deelneemt.
Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste opleidingsnieuws en
volg ons via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube en
Knowledge Center
Wist u dat met een optimale examenplanning een hoger slagingspercentage verkregen wordt? Onderzoek toont namelijk aan dat
cursisten 25% meer kans van slagen hebben wanneer ze binnen
30 dagen na afloop van een training het examen afleggen.
Op basis van dit gegeven maakt Global Knowledge het mogelijk om
direct na afloop van een training het gewenste examen af te leggen.
Een juiste planning bespaart u dus tijd en eventuele herkansingskosten!
Global Knowledge is:
•Authorized Prometric Testing Center
•Pearson VUE Authorized Testing Center
•Accredited Examination Center (AEC) van EXIN
•Authorized Training Organization (ATO) van APMG
Als onafhankelijk IT-opleidingsinstituut biedt Global Knowledge u
zowel een volledig trainingsportfolio als de bijbehorende examens
van verschillende vendors aan. En omdat Global Knowledge meerdere
opleidingscentra verspreidt heeft over Nederland is er altijd een
trainingslocatie bij u in de omgeving waar u voor training en/of
examen terecht kunt.
Ga voor meer informatie over examens en hoe u deze kunt boeken
Vergroot uw slagingskans en boek uw training en examen bij
Global Knowledge!
Examen doen bij Global Knowledge vergroot uw slagingskans!
Eenvoudig online trainingen boeken
Middels het onlineboekingssyteem van Global Knowledge kunt u eenvoudig en
snel cursussen boeken. Het systeem biedt u tevens de mogelijkheid om meerdere
cursussen voor één of meerdere medewerkers tegelijk te boeken. Daarnaast geeft het
u een helder overzicht van al uw trainingsactiviteiten en biedt het de mogelijkheid
trainingen te zoeken en rapportages te draaien.
Fit4Business® is het partner enablement programma van Global Knowledge waarmee
u grip houdt op het gehele certificering-, specialisatie- en competentie proces van uw
channel partner status.
Knowledge Pass - Totale flexibiliteit binnen uw budget!
De Knowledge Pass is het ideale instrument om de vaardigheden van de medewerkers
in uw organisatie op peil te brengen en/of te houden. Met de Knowledge Pass haalt u
het maximale uit uw opleidingsbudget én krijgt u extra opleidingsbudget beschikbaar
om de opleidingseisen en -wensen van uw medewerkers in uw organisatie flexibel in
te vullen.
Global Knowledge Career Support Assessment
Kennisinventarisatie met behulp van het Global Knowledge Career Support
Assessment. Het Global Knowledge Career Support Assessment biedt u een goed
inzicht of alle benodigde kennisgebieden wel voldoende zijn afgedekt met de
competenties van uw medewerkers. U krijgt antwoord of uw ICT-afdeling in zijn
geheel voldoende kennis heeft om de ICT-omgeving van uw organisatie goed te
kunnen beheren en ontwikkelen.
Online certificeringtrajecten
Alle erkende certificeringtrajecten van onder andere Cisco, Citrix, Microsoft, VMware,
ITIL®, PRINCE2® en Brocade vindt u op onze website. De bijbehorende aanbevolen
training is er op gericht om u de benodigde kennis bij te brengen over een specifieke
vaardigheid of technologie en alles wat er verder nog nodig is voor het behalen van
uw certificeringsexamen(s). Via het online boekingssysteem van Global Knowledge,
kunt u vervolgens snel en gemakkelijk uw opleidingstraject boeken.
Met de Global Knowledge startgarantie weet u zeker dat de cursus doorgaat –
onvoorwaardelijk! Ons cursusaanbod sluit aan op de marktvraag, met als resultaat
een laag annuleringspercentage. Wij garanderen u dus dat alle cursussen met
startgarantie hoe dan ook doorgaan.
Bezoek onze website,, om te zien welke
cursussen een startgarantie hebben.
Global Knowledge Services
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 11
Fit4Business is een partner enablement programma
O &
Fit4Business – Wat is het?
Vendors hebben hun eigen partner programma’s die specifieke
eisen stellen aan het aantal gecertificeerde medewerkers en
welke certificeringen men ‘in huis’ moet hebben om aan deze
eisen te voldoen. Deze programma’s zijn vaak erg uitgebreid
en het is moeilijk om een up-to-date beeld te blijven houden
van de certificeringen van uw medewerkers. Daarom is het
voor de meeste channel partners erg lastig en tijdrovend om
te bepalen waar ze staan in het behalen of behouden van hun
partner status.
Fit4Business gebruikt een tool om u het werk uit handen te
nemen: hierin zijn enerzijds de eisen van de partner programma’s vastgelegd en anderzijds de certificering informatie van
uw individuele medewerkers. Hiermee is Fit4Business in staat
de best passende medewerker(s) te vinden om bepaalde rollen
in te vullen en een gap-analyse te doen om niet alleen te bepalen hoe ver u van het behalen van een status bent verwijderd,
maar ook wie nog wélke examens moet doen.
Business Review – Consultancy & Planning
Global Knowledge werkt met u samen om uw huidige situatie
te bepalen. Belangrijk hierin is vast te leggen welke specialisaties of competenties u wilt behalen, op welk niveau in het
partner programma en welke deadlines u heeft of nastreeft. In
deze fase wordt ook een eerste ‘snapshot’ bepaald van de certificeringen van uw medewerkers. Samen met u wordt gekeken
welke medewerkers het beste een bepaalde rol of competentie
kunnen vervullen. Fit4Business geeft advies op basis van een
gap-analyse. De uiteindelijke keuze is uiteraard aan uzelf.
Educatie Planning
Het resultaat van de business review fase is een volledig
toegespitst plan om uw doelstellingen te behalen, zowel op
organisatie niveau als per medewerker. Medewerkers hebben
een duidelijk certificeringsdoel en u krijgt rapportage wie nog
& A
welke examens moet doen en welke trainingen hiervoor kunnen worden gevolgd. Dit helpt u bij het behalen of behouden
van uw partner status op de meest efficiënte manier.
Trainingsaanbod & Beheer
Op basis van de Fit4Business rapportage schrijft u uw medewerkers in op de benodigde trainingen en worden de examens
geregeld. Fit4Business biedt iedere klant een eigen dashboard,
waarmee in één oogopslag gezien kan worden wat de focusgebieden zijn voor het behouden of verkrijgen van de gewenste
channel partner status.
Communicatie & Rapportage
Gedurende het gehele traject brengt Global Knowledge regelmatig verslag uit aan de Channel Partner over de voortgang
ten opzichte van het plan. Daarnaast waarschuwt Global
Knowledge de Partner ook als er zaken niet volgens plan gaan.
Global Knowledge stelt alles in het werk om het Fit4Businesstraject tijdig en succesvol af te ronden. U kunt overigens ook te
allen tijde zelf rapportages oproepen via de Fit4Business website.
Planning, Evaluatie & Status behoud
Na het behalen van de gewenste Partner status, werkt Global
Knowledge nauw met u samen om ervoor te zorgen dat medewerkers tijdig voldoen aan de criteria voor hercertificering om
zodoende de Channel Partner status te behouden.
Daarnaast wordt er in deze fase samen met u een plan opgesteld om de tweede generatie medewerkers in de onderneming
in kaart te brengen betreffende certificering en specialisatie.
Op deze manier wordt voorkomen dat de Channel Partner de
Partner status verliest door het vertrek van bepaalde medewerkers. U kunt eenvoudig zelf online al zien wie hiervoor de
beste vervangers zijn.
competentieproces van uw channel partner status.
houdt op het gehele certificering-, specialisatie- en
ontworpen door Global Knowledge waarmee u grip
ICT is net als gas, licht en water eigenlijk
een basisbehoefte geworden. Want
valt ‘de ICT’ uit in een organisatie,
dan vallen in onze moderne wereld de
werkzaamheden direct zo goed als stil.
Het is daarom van het grootste belang
dat er voldoende kennis aanwezig is
om de ICT-omgeving (infrastructuur,
hardware, software) goed af te stemmen
op de behoeften van de organisatie
en de bedrijfsvoering optimaal te
Hoge eisen aan ICT-ers
Aan de ICT-ers die hiervoor
verantwoordelijk zijn worden hoge
eisen gesteld. Een ICT-er dient zich
namelijk altijd eerst te verdiepen in de
bedrijfsprocessen van een organisatie om
zo de juiste mix van ICT-dienstverlening
te kunnen aanbieden, implementeren en
vervolgens te onderhouden. Maar omdat
de wereld om ons heen niet stil staat
dient een ICT-er ook altijd met morgen
bezig te zijn. Een ICT-professional kan
hierdoor nooit op zijn lauweren rusten.
Ook klaar voor de veranderingen van
Binnen een ICT-afdeling dient dus alle
kennis aanwezig te zijn om de ICTinfrastructuur van vandaag te kunnen
managen en op die van morgen te
zijn voorbereid. Maar bezit uw ICTorganisatie hiervoor wel de benodigde
Global Knowledge Career Support
Het Global Knowledge Career Support
Assessment geeft inzicht of uw ICTorganisatie over de juiste competenties
beschikt om uw ICT-afdeling optimaal
te laten functioneren. Het Global
Knowledge Career Support Assessment
is een online test die op basis van het
profiel van de medewerker zijn of haar
kennis toetst.
Voor meer informatie
Wenst u meer informatie over het
Global Knowledge Career Support
Assessment, dan nodigen wij u graag uit
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accountmanager bij Global Knowledge.
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kunt u ons bereiken via 030-6089444.
Kennis inventarisatie met behulp van het
Global Knowledge Career Support Assessment
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 13
Het vinden van de juiste training uit het grote trainingsaanbod blijft lastig.
Om u te helpen bij het kiezen, hebben wij voor u de meest gangbare trainingen
in kaart gebracht die het populairst zijn onder onze cursisten.
De meest populaire
trainingen bij
Global Knowledge
VMware vSphere 5.x: Install, Configure, Manage
VMware vSphere 5.x: Optimize & Scale
VMware vSphere 5.x: Troubleshooting Workshop
VMware vSphere 5.x: Fast Track
VMware vSphere 5.x: Design Workshop
VMware vSphere 5.x: What's New
VMware View: Install Configure and Manage
VMNSXICM VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage
VMHMICM Horizon Mirage: Install, Configure, Manage
VMCACICM vCloud Automation Center (vCAC): Install Configure Manage v6.0
Amazon Web Services
Managing App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix XenDesktop 7.5 5 dagen
Essentials of Amazon Web Services
Deploying App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix XenApp and
5 dagen
Architecting on Amazon Web Services
XenDesktop 7.5
Systems Operations on AWS
Designing App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix XenApp and
5 dagen
Developing on AWS
Architecting on AWS - Advanced Concepts
Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Essentials and Networking
5 dagen
Big Data on AWS
Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Advanced Implementation
5 dagen
Implementing Citrix NetScaler 10.5 for App and Desktop Solutions 5 dagen
Symantec Backup Exec 2012: Administration (DP0157)
Citrix XenApp 7.5 Skills Update
3 dagen
Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for UNIX: Administration (DP0158)
Design, Deploy and Manage Enterprise Mobility with XenMobile
5 dagen
Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for Windows: Administration (DP0159)
Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration
5 dagen
Symantec Client Management Suite 7.5: Administration
Citrix XenApp 6.5 Advanced Administration
5 dagen
Symantec Data Loss Prevention 12.5: Administration
Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.X: Administration
Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization I: Implementing
5 dagen
Symantec Enterprise Vault 11.x for Exchange: Administration
IBM Cognos 8 BI Report Studio: Author Professional Reports
3 dagen
Certified Ethical Hacker v8.0
Fundamentals (V8.4)
IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.2.2)
3 dagen
CISSP Certification Preparation
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports
3 dagen
CISM, Certified Information Security Manager
Fundamentals (V10.2)
CISA, Certified Information Systems Auditor
IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2: System Implementation and
5 dagen
360 Penetration Testing Course
ISO27001LA Lead Auditor training (IRCA certified)
IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.6 Operations and Scheduling
3 dagen
Best Practices
WebSphere Application Server V8 Administration for Linux
5 dagen
ITIL Foundation
WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Administration
5 dagen
PRINCE2 Foundation
IBM WebSphere Message Broker V8 Application Development I
5 dagen
SCRUM Master
PRINCE2 Practitioner
Installing & Configuring Windows 7 Client
3 dagen
ITIL Lifecycle, Service Operation
Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012
5 dagen
ITIL Lifecycle, Service Transition
Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012
5 dagen
ITIL Capability, Operational Support and Analysis
Administering Windows Server 2012
5 dagen
ITIL Lifecycle, Contimual Service Improvement
Administering System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (70-243) 5 dagen
ITIL Capability, Release Control and Validation
Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Support Technician
3 dagen
ITIL Capability, Service Offerings and Agreements
Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
5 dagen
Management & Vaardigheden
Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell v3.0
5 dagen
Beïnvloeden en Overtuigen
Planning and Managing Windows 7 Desktop Deployment and
5 dagen
GALECIT100 Actief Leiderschap vppr IT Professionals
Environments GSEE100
Klantgericht Handelen
Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
5 dagen
MMP100E Timemanagement: Prioriteiten leren stellen en managen
RES Software
Het Verkopen van Totaaloplossingen
RES Workspace Manager 2014 Basic Course
5 dagen
Presentatie Vaardigheden
RES Automation Manager 2014 Basic Course
3 dagen
BSITP100E Businessvaardigheden voor IT Professionals
Red Hat
Helder leren Communiceren
RedHat OpenStack Administration with Expertise Exam
5 dagen
Assertieve Communicatievaardigheden
JBoss Application Administration I, incl. JBCAA exam (EX248)
5 dagen
System Administration I (RHEL7)
5 dagen
System Administration II & EX200 Exam
5 dagen
Cisco CCNA Bootcamp (CCNAX - Accelerated)
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 1 (CCNA)
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 2 (CCNA)
Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security
Implementing Unified Wireless Networking Essentials
Implementing Cisco IP Routing
Implementing Cisco Switched Networks
Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks
Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions
Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
3 dagen
2 dagen
4 dagen
5 dagen
3 dagen
5 dagen
1 dag
3 dagen
3 dagen
3 dagen
3 dagen
3 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
5 dagen
4 dagen
4 dagen
2 dagen
5 dagen
3 dagen
2 dagen
2 dagen
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3 dagen
3 dagen
4 dagen
3 dagen
4 dagen
4 dagen
2 dagen
3 dagen
2 dagen
1 dag
2 dagen
2 dagen
2 dagen
1 dag
1 dag
De meeste mensen kennen Amazon van de webwinkel ‘’.
Nog vrij onbekend is het feit dat Amazon, onder de noemer Amazon
Web Services, ook ’s werelds grootste provider is van cloud services.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) biedt online diensten als back-end voor
applicaties en voor bijvoorbeeld websites. De meeste services bieden
hierbij functionaliteiten die developers in hun applicaties kunnen
gebruiken zonder dat deze direct zichtbaar zijn voor de eindgebruikers.
Door het gebruik van Amazon Web Services zijn developers in staat om zonder hardware
investering vooraf, diensten aan te bieden met een ingebouwde en ongeëvenaarde schaalbaarheid.
Global Knowledge is de eerste en enige Amazon Web Services (AWS) Authorized Training Partner
in de Benelux. Onze AWS trainingen zijn voor iedereen die meer kennis wil vergaren op het gebied
van Amazon Web Services. Al onze cursussen worden gegeven door AWS Accredited Instructors
(AAIs) en er wordt gebruik gemaakt van geautoriseerde AWS materiaal. Of u nu nieuw bent op
AWS gebied of al ruime ervaring hebt wij hebben altijd een training die bij u past.
AWS trainingsoverzicht
Getting Started
Architecting on AWS
Architecting on AWS
Advanced Concepts
Developing on AWS
Systems Operations
on AWS
on AWS
Amazon Web Services Trainingen
Amazon Web Services
Essentials of Amazon Web Services
Cursusduur: 1 dag
The AWS Essentials Instructor-Led Training
course introduces AWS products, services, and
common solutions with videos, demos, and
hands-on lab activities. It provides learners
with the basic fundamentals to become more
proficient in AWS and empowers them to
make informed decisions about IT solutions
based on business requirements.
Prijs: 695,-
This course is intended for:
• Individuals responsible for articulating
the business benefits of AWS services
• Individuals who are new to working
with AWS services
• SysOps Administrators and Developers
who are interested in using AWS
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Systems Operations on AWS
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Architecting on AWS covers the
fundamentals of AWS. It is designed to
teach Solution Architects how to optimize
the use of the AWS Cloud by understanding
AWS services and how these services fit
into a cloud solution. Your architectural
solution may differ depending on industry
and size of business. Because there is
no one-size-fits-all design, this course
highlights some AWS Cloud design patterns
to help you learn how a service may fit in
the overall cloud design. It also covers the
best practices and lessons learned.
This course is intended for:
• Solutions Architects
Prijs: 1.995,-
• Solution Design Engineers
Vereiste voorkennis
We recommend that attendees of this
course have the following prerequisites:
• Attended AWS Essentials (GK4501)
• Working knowledge of distributed
• Familiarity with general networking
• Working knowledge of multi-tier
• Familiarity with cloud computing
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
The Systems Operations on AWS course
is designed to help individuals operate
highly available and scalable infrastructure
on the AWS platform. In this course,
we demonstrate how to effectively
manage and support AWS resources.
We cover concepts such as provisioning
infrastructure, deploying applications,
tracking costs, monitoring utilization, and
creating backups.
This course is intended for:
• Developers, system administrators,
and others responsible for managing
operations on the AWS platform.
Architecting on AWS - Advanced Concepts
Big Data on AWS
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Building on concepts introduced in
the Architecting on AWS course, the
Architecting on AWS Advanced Concepts
course is designed for individuals who are
experienced with designing scalable and
elastic applications on the AWS platform.
In this course, we cover how to build more
complex solutions which incorporate
data services, infrastructure configuration
management, and security on AWS.
This course introduces more specialized
AWS services, including Amazon Elastic
MapReduce, AWS OpsWorks, and AWS
Elastic Beanstalk, as well as demonstrates
design components for building scalable,
elastic, secure, and highly available
applications on AWS.
This course is intended for:
• Individuals who are responsible for
designing cloud infrastructure and
reference architectures
• Individuals who have attended
Architecting on AWS course
Prijs: 1.995,-
• Systems Engineers and Developers
who are responsible for designing and
implementing advanced architectures
on AWS
Vereiste voorkennis
We recommend that attendees of this
course have:
• Working knowledge of architectural
• Familiarity with cloud computing
• Experience with general network
architectures and services
• Experience with core AWS products and
services, such as Amazon EC2 , Amazon
S3, and Amazon RDS
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course is intended for:
• Individuals responsible for designing
and implementing big data solutions,
namely Solutions Architects and SysOps
• Data Scientists and Data Analysts
interested in learning about big data
solutions on AWS
Prijs: 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
We recommend that attendees of this
course have:
• Have taken the AWS Essentials
(GK4501) course or possess equivalent
• Working knowledge of systems
• Familiarity with cloud computing
• Linux or Windows command-line
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Big Data on AWS introduces you to cloudbased big data solutions and Amazon
Elastic MapReduce (EMR), the AWS big
data platform. In this course, we show you
how to use Amazon EMR to process data
using the broad ecosystem of Hadoop tools
like Pig and Hive. We also teach you how
to create big data environments, work with
Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift,
and Amazon Kinesis, and leverage best
practices to design big data environments
for security and cost-effectiveness..
Developing on AWS
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Developing on AWS course is designed
to help individuals design and build
secure, reliable and scalable AWS-based
applications. In this course, we cover
fundamental concepts and baseline
programming for developing applications
on AWS. We also show you how to work
with AWS code libraries, SDKs, and IDE
toolkits so that you can effectively develop
and deploy code on the AWS platform.
This course is intended for:
Prijs: 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
We recommend that attendees of this
course have:
• Working knowledge of software
• Familiarity with cloud computing
• Basic familiarity with .NET (C#) or Java
• Prior experience with AWS is not
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
We recommend that attendees of this
course have:
• Basic familiarity with big data
technologies, including Apache Hadoop
and HDFS
• Knowledge of big data technologies
such as Pig, Hive, and MapReduce is
helpful but not required
• Working knowledge of core
AWS services and public cloud
• Students should complete the AWS
Essentials (GK4501) course or have
equivalent experience
• Basic understanding of data
warehousing, relational database
systems, and database design”
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 17
Amazon Web Services
Architecting with Amazon Web Services
AppSense is een toonaangevende leverancier van
user virtualisatie-oplossingen voor organisaties,
met een meer dan tien jaar bewezen ‘track record’
op het gebied van virtualisatie. Global Knowledge
biedt u praktijkgerichte en geautoriseerde klassikale
AppSense Trainingen
trainingen, cursussen en opleidingen aan op het
AppSense Professional 3.0
gebied van AppSense.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: 2.695,-
De AppSense Professional 3.0 cursus is een
uitgebreide basis training die u leert de
vereiste vaardigheden op toe doen voor het
beheren en onderhouden van de gebruikersaccounts van virtualisatie oplossingen met
behulp van AppSense DesktopNow.
• Het beheer van gebruikersrechten
voor bedrijfstoepassingen en netwerk
• Het beheren van de rechten van
systeembronnen op basis van een
gebruiker, groep en toepassing
• Basis troubleshooting.
De lesstof bestaat uit theorie gecombineerd
met praktijkgerichte hands-on trainingen.
Na afloop van deze training zijn cursisten in
staat om praktische kennis te combineren met vaardigheden waardoor ze met
AppSense DesktopNow administratieve
taken kunnen verrichten als:
• Het managen van gebruikersrechten
(policy, personalisatie) over meerdere
sites en platformen
Deze cursus bereidt cursisten voor op
het AppSense Certified Professional 3.0
examen (App-DSK-100) en is de opvolger
van de AppSense Professional training met
cursuscode ILT-AMS-100.
• IT Beheerders die rechten van gebruikers
toekennen en managen
• Nieuwe medewerkers met weinig of
geen ervaring met AppSense DektopNow
• Channel partners en system integrators
met weinig of geen ervaring met
AppSense DeskTopNow
Vereiste voorkennis
Cursisten die deelnemen aan de training dienen
kennis te hebben van Windows profielen en
beschikken over administratieve vaardigheden
op het gebied van Microsoft Windows.
Deze cursus bevat de leerstof om kandidaten
voor te bereiden op het AppSense Certified
Professional 3.0 examen (APP-DSK-100).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
AppSense Support Engineer 2.0
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Deze AppSense training “AppSense
Support Engineer 2.0’ leert beheerders
en helpdesk medewerkers de kennis en
vaardigheden die nodig zijn om problemen
en eerste lijns support incidenten op te
lossen die verband houden met AppSense
DesktopNow.Deze klassikale training biedt
de biedt de noodzakelijke basis om problemen met de installatie en configuratie
van AppSense DesktopNow te analyseren
en op te lossen. De student leert de
methodieken die door het AppSense Support team worden gebruikt om problemen
op te lossen en vervolgens de geleerde
technieken toe te passen.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor medewerkers
Prijs: 1.270,-
van een helpdesk binnen een organisatie
en voor medewerkers van support teams bij
Channel Partners enSystem Integrators.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Familiar with Windows profiles
• Possess moderate to advanced
Microsoft Windows administrative skills
• Performing administrative tasks
associated with Windows XP , Windows
7, Windows Server 2003 Windows
Server 2008
• Knowledge of NTFS Permissions, how
the Windows registry works, Windows
system services and system drivers
• Familiarity with Windows Active
Directory (AD) including Group Policy
Objects, AD sites, AD group/user accounts
• Microsoft SQL Server administration
• An understanding of Windows
troubleshooting techniques and tools
such as Task Manager, Performance
Monitor, Event Viewer, etc
• Attendance of the AppSense
Professional 2.0 Course and/or passing
the AppSense Professional 2.0 Exam is
highly recommended
Deze AppSense cursus bereidt de student
voor het AppSense Support 2.0 Certification
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Avaya is wereldwijd marktleider
in communicatiesystemen voor
de zakelijke markt. Het bedrijf
Avaya Certificeringen
levert Unified Communications,
en contactcenters en gerelateerde
diensten over de gehele wereld.
Avaya heeft een certificeringsprogramma
genaamd ‘Avaya Professional Credential
Program’. Met dit programma wordt een
volledig begrip van het Avaya productportfolio
Het Avaya credential programma bestaat uit
2 hoofdtrajecten te weten, implementatie en
support. Binnen deze twee segmenten kan
er voor verschillende Avaya Solution Tracks
opgeleid worden tot Certified Specialist en
Professional Specialist.
Avaya heeft de volgende solutions beschikbaar:
• Small and Medium Enterprise Communications
• Unified Communications
• Contact Centers
• Avaya Networking
Het onderstaande diagram illustreert het
Avaya Professional programma inclusief de
verschillende Avaya Solution Tracks.
Avaya Certified Solution Expert ACSE
Avaya Support
Professional Specialist
Avaya Certified
Support Specialist
Avaya Implementation
Professional AIPS
Avaya Certified
Specialist ACIS
De Professional Specialists certificeringen, AIPS en ASPS, kunnen worden behaald via online
examens uitgeleverd via het Avaya Learning Center.
De Certified Specialists certificeringen, ACIS en ACSS, kunnen worden behaald via Pearson
VUE Testing Centers.
De certificeringen zijn 2 jaar geldig.
Neem voor meer informatie over Avaya trainingen en certificeringen contact op met één van onze
opleidingsadviseurs. Zij staan u graag te woord.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 19
oplossingen voor data networking
Brocade is een toonaangevende leverancier van high
performance netwerk switches, routers, security en
applicatie switching oplossingen voor de enterprise
en service provider markt.
Als Brocade Authorized Training Partner (ATP) biedt Global
Knowledge het complete Brocade portfolio bestaande uit SAN, IP
Network en Ethernet Fabric trainingen.
Global Knowledge levert deze hoogwaardige Brocade trainingen via verschillende
uitlevermethoden uit. Zo kunt u de trainingen zowel klassikaal als virtueel klassikaal volgen. Ook
kunnen de trainingen als maatwerk uitgeleverd worden, waarmee een volledig team of organisatie
getraind kan worden.
De trainingen worden uitsluitend gegeven door gekwalificeerde docenten en bieden u de juiste
kennis van de Brocade producten, waarmee u uw op Brocade gebaseerde IT-infrastructuur kunt
optimaliseren en business uitdagingen met behulp van Brocade technologieën kunt oplossen.
Brocade Certificeringen
Brocade biedt een volledig certificeringsprogramma waarmee u de juiste kennis en
vaardigheden op doet, zodat u uzelf kunt
onderscheiden van andere IT professionals op
het gebied van netwerkomgevingen.
Een Brocade certificaat kan van toepassing zijn
op een specifiek onderwerp of op een volledig
traject. Kandidaten die een volledig traject
hebben afgerond krijgen de titel Brocade
Certified Professional toegekend met de naam
van het bijbehorende afgelegde traject.
Brocade kent vier certificeringstrajecten:
• Brocade Certified Professional FICON traject
• Brocade Certified Professional Data Center
• Brocade Certified Professional Internetworking traject
• Brocade Certified Professional Converged
Networking traject
Na het succesvol afronden van drie volledige
trajecten verkrijgen de kandidaten de Brocade
Distinguished Architect accreditatie.
Overzicht Brocade Certificeringsprogramma
Brocade Certified
Architect for
Data Center
Brocade Certified
Fabric Designer
Two Electives
Brocade Certified
One Elective
One Elective
Network Advisor
Brocade Certified
Brocade Certified
Layer 4-7
Brocade Certified
Brocade Certified
Brocade Certified
Layer 4-7
Brocade Certified
Accredited Data
Center Specialist
Accredited FICON
Accredited Data
Center Specialist
Ethernet Fabric
Brocade Certified
Ethernet Fabric
(Pick one below)
Brocade Certified
vRouter Engineer
Brocade Certified
Brocade Certified
Brocade Certified
Network Engineer
Wordt verkregen door drie van de vier Brocade Certified Professional (BCP) accreditaties te behalen
Brocade Certified
Ethernet Fabric
Accredited Data
Center Specialist
Accredited FCoE
Brocade Certified
Network Engineer
Brocade Certified
Network Advisor
Ethernet Fabric
NB. Brocade credentials verlopen niet. Er wordt wel aangeraden om ze up-to-date te houden op de laatste technologieën, zodat ze marktconform blijven.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 21
Brocade Trainingen
Brocade trainingen
Border Gateway Protocol Training
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course covers intermediate to advanced
BGP theory and concepts. The lab-intensive
course will provide students with the
required skills to configure and troubleshoot
BGP networks in Service Provider and
Enterprise network environments.
This course covers the manipulation of BGP
attributes, filtering prefixes using route
maps, ACLs, AS-PATH ACLs, and prefix lists.
It also covers community attributes in a
transit AS, BGP redundancy, load sharing,
confederations, route reflectors, and peer
BGP 400 is one of the courses in a curriculum
path which leads to the Brocade Certified
Service Provider Network Engineer (BCSPNE)
certification, exam number 150-710 .
Prijs: € 1.295,-
It is also is a prerequisite for Brocade
University MPLS offerings.
This course is for Channel Partners (SDP,
VARs), end users, network engineers,
network architects, network designers,
technical support personnel, OEMs,
professional services, field SEs, Brocade
employees, and any user who would like
to learn about the BGP implementation of
Brocade devices.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Content covered in Brocade Certified
Network Engineer (BCNE) Training
(CNE 200) or Basic Switch/ Router
Configuration and Management (ETH
103), or equivalent knowledge.
• BGP content covered in Brocade
Certified Network Professional
(BCNP) Training (CNP 300), Advanced
Switching/Routing Configuration and
Management (ETH 405), or the webbased training that accompanies BGP
400; or equivalent knowledge.
BGP 400 is one of the courses in a
curriculum path which leads to the Brocade
Certified Service Provider Network Engineer
(BCSPNE) certification, exam number
150-710 .
It is also is a prerequisite for Brocade
University MPLS offerings.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Brocade Network Advisor Product Training
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Brocade Network Advisor for SAN 2-day
course, provides students with the
knowledge and skills needed to utilize
Brocade Network Advisor (BNA) to
proactively manage and monitor their
Storage Area Network (SAN) environment.
This course provides a significant amount of
hands-on experience and discussion to help
students become proficient in using BNA
to install, configure, and manage their SAN
Students will learn how to leverage BNA’s
comprehensive management capabilities
to simplify daily operations while improving
their SAN environment’s performance and
Prijs: € 1.695,-
Storage administrators, SAN administrators,
system administrators, SAN architects,
systems engineers, and SAN operators that
are involved with configuration, change
management, maintenance, monitoring,
and configuration.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Brocade Certified Fabric Professional
(BCFP) 16 Gbps Training (CFP 300), or
equivalent knowledge
• Six months of work experience
associated with Fibre Channel storage
and SANs
BNA200 is one of the courses in a
curriculum path which leads to the Brocade
Accredited Network Advisor Specialist
(BANAS) certification, exam number
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Brocade Ethernet Fabric Administration
Brocade Certified Fabric Professional Training
This class introduces Brocade VCS™ technology,
Ethernet fabrics, and all associated protocols
and technologies. This course will also
introduce the Brocade VDX family of data
center switches, including the VDX 6710,
VDX 6720, VDX 6730, VDX 6740, and
VDX 8770.
This course covers installation, configuration,
monitoring, and basic troubleshooting of
Brocade VDX switches and is designed to
help an administrator manage Ethernet
fabrics based on Brocade Network OS (NOS)
v4.1.2 and Brocade Network Advisor v12.2.
This course provides a strong foundation
for Brocade VCS and Ethernet fabric
technologies and the features offered by the
Brocade VDX switches.
Prijs: € 3.195,-
This 5 day course is designed in part, to
prepare students for the 150-820 BCEFP
This course is designed for network
architects, designers and administrators,
system administrators and engineers,
professional services personnel, technical
sales engineers, and support personnel,
including anyone needing the detailed
foundational information to install,
configure, maintain, and troubleshoot
Brocade Ethernet Fabrics and VDX switches.
This 5 day course is designed in part, to
prepare students for the 150-820 BCEFP
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
• Brocade Certified Network Engineer
(BCNE) Training (CNE 200) or equivalent
Layer 2 and basic Layer 3 routing
This 3-day advanced training course
provides students with the knowledge
and skills needed to help them become
proficient with advanced Fabric OS v7.2.0
features. Topics include Fibre Channel-toFibre Channel Routing (FC-FC Routing),
Fibre Channel over Internet Protocol (FCIP),
Adaptive Networking, Access Gateway,
Virtual Fabrics (VF), Monitoring and
Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS), Flow Vision,
and Brocade management tools. Switch
management tasked are performed using
Telnet and Brocade Network Advisor
Brocade Certified Fabric Administrator Training
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day training course provides students
with the knowledge and skills needed
to help them become proficient with
Brocade products and Fabric OS v7.2.0
features. Topics include an introduction
to Fibre Channel, switch installation
and configuration, zoning, Inter-Switch
Links (ISLs), ISL Trunking, Layer 2 routing,
updating switch firmware, backing
up switch configurations, and basic
troubleshooting. Students will learn to
perform switch management tasks using
the CLI and Brocade Network Advisor
Prijs: € 2.395,-
This course is designed for storage
administrators, SAN administrators,
system administrators, SAN architects,
systems engineers, and SAN operators
that are involved with configuration,
change management, maintenance,
monitoring, configuration, and basic SAN
Vereiste voorkennis
• FC101: Introduction to Fibre Channel
Concepts or a general understanding
Prijs: € 2.395,-
This course is designed for storage
administrators, SAN administrators, system
administrators, SAN architects, systems
engineers, and SAN operators that are
involved with configuration, change
management, maintenance, monitoring,
configuration, tuning and optimization
related to Brocade SAN advanced features
(FC-FC Routing, FCIP, Adaptive Networking,
NPIV, MAPS, Flow Vision and Virtual
• Equivalent Brocade Storage Area
Network (SAN) product, features, and
16 Gbps technology knowledge
• Six months experience with storage and
storage area networks
• Knowledge of Fibre Channel
Vereiste voorkennis
• Core GEN5 SAN Administration (CFA
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
The CFP300 course is designed in part, to
prepare students for the Brocade Certified
Fabric Professional (#143-085) exam.
Brocade Certified Layer 4-7 Engineer
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
of the Fibre Channel protocol (frame
format, etc.)
• Six months of work experience
associated with storage technologies.
The CFA200 course is designed in part, to
prepare students for the 160-190 Brocade
Certified Fabric Administrator (BCFA) exam
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This training course is a comprehensive
study of the Layer 4 through 7 features
of Brocade ServerIron ADX products. The
student gains hands-on experience in
configuration of typical installations with
the ServerIron product. Lecture topics are
supported with real world labs involving:
Source NAT, Direct Server Return, ActiveActive Server Load Balancing, and Global
Server Load Balancing (GSLB).
Prijs: € 1.295,-
This course is designed for network
administrators, system administrators,
network architects, systems engineers,
and technical support engineers that are
involved with installation, configuration,
maintenance, and basic troubleshooting
of Brocade Layer 4-7 application delivery
Vereiste voorkennis
Working knowledge of:
• Brocade Ethernet CLI
Brocade Router Interface addressing
Domain Name Service (DNS)
OSI reference model
Classification of TCP/UDP traffic based
on port number
• URL address structure
Brocade Certified Layer 4 - 7 Engineer
(#150-320) exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 23
Brocade trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Brocade trainingen
Brocade Certified Network Engineer Training
Brocade Certified Layer 4-7 Professional
Brocade Certified Network Professional Training
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course replaces ETH 103.
This course introduces the Brocade
Ethernet Switch/Router family of products,
as well as basic configuration, operations
and management of the L2/L3 Switches/
Routers using the Command Line Interface
(CLI) for the interfaces, VLANs and L2/L3
This course serves as the foundation
for advancing in the understanding of
networking technologies and features
offered by the Brocade Ethernet family of
products. CNE 200 is designed in part, to
prepare students for the Brocade Certified
Network Engineer (150-130) exam.
CNE 200 is for customers, resellers,
network technicians, network administrators,
network support staff, or anyone else
Prijs: € 2.595,-
needing detailed foundational information
to install, implement, manage, and support
small to large business networks.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Internetworking Fundamentals for
Brocade Training (ETH 101) and the
BAIS accreditation or equivalent
• Introduction to Brocade IP Networking
Product Solutions (BIP 101) or
equivalent knowledge of Brocade IP
Networking products.
• Certification: Brocade Certified Network
Engineer (BCNE)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This advanced course provides an in-depth
study of Server Load Balancing (SLB) using
Brocade ADX ServerIron products.
The course focuses on advanced techniques
of implementing SLB in a variety of network
topologies. It includes an intense study of
SLB theory of operations, configuration,
network design and troubleshooting.
The course is lab-intensive and as result,
fast-moving. Key topics include, but are
not limited to; Load Balancing, Global
Server Load Balancing (GSLB), SSL, High
Availability (HA) and Layer 7 switching. This
is a blended learning course that includes
a three day instructor-led event with
additional web-based training content.
The web-based content includes the
BCLP in a Nutshell guide, it also includes
classroom content deemed optional
because of classroom time constraints.
This course is designed for network
administrators, system administrators,
network architects, along with systems
Prijs: € 1.995,-
engineers and application engineers
involved in the design, deployment, and
management of Brocade application
switching products.
This course is also for those who are
preparing to take the BCLP Certification
Vereiste voorkennis
• Basic Switch/Router Configuration and
Management course or equivalent
• Introduction to Web Switching and
Load Balancing course
• Brocade IP networking CLI experience
This course (including pre-requisites,
web-based training components and
BCLP Nutshell information) teaches and
reinforces a majority of the skills necessary
to prepare for the following exam:
(150-420) Brocade Certified Layer 4-7
Professional (BCLP)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course provides an in-depth study of
the Brocade Ethernet Switch/Router family
of products and how they are utilized in an
enterprise network.
The course covers advanced configuration,
operations and maintenance of L2/L3
protocols including STP, RSTP, OSPF, MCT,
QoS, and BGP in an enterprise network.
Additional topics include the IS-IS protocol
and Power Over Ethernet (PoE).
CNP 300 is designed, in part, to prepare
students for the Brocade Certified Network
Professional (150-230) exam.
CNP 300 is designed for network
administrators, system administrators,
network architects, systems engineers,
and technical support engineers that
are involved with advanced installation,
configuration, maintenance, and basic
troubleshooting of Brocade Layer 2/3
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Brocade Certified Network Engineer
(BCNE) Training (CNE 200), Basic
Switch/Router Configuration and
Management (ETH 103), or equivalent
• General network maintenance or
administration of a Brocade IP/Ethernet
• Working knowledge of Brocade IP/
Ethernet product CLI
CNP 300 is designed, in part, to prepare
students for the Brocade Certified Network
Professional (150-230) exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Brocade DCX Backbone Product Training
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This 2-day instructor-led training provides
students with the knowledge and skills
needed to deploy and manage Brocade
Backbone switches. Topics include Backbone
chassis and blade hardware components.
Backbone configuration, firmware
management, and troubleshooting concepts
will also be covered. This course covers the
DCX, DCX-4s, DCX 8510-4, and DCX 8510-
Prijs: € 1.695,-
8. Hands-on laboratory exercises apply the
concepts defined in class.
This course is designed for storage
administrators, SAN administrators,
system administrators, SAN architects, and
systems engineers involved in the design,
deployment, and management of Brocade
chassis-based SANs.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Introduction to Fibre Channel Concepts
(FC 101), or equivalent knowledge
• General knowledge of basic fabric
administration including basic
switch configuration, zone and port
• Six months experience with storage and
storage area networks
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Brocade MPLS Traffic Engineering (2 days)
Brocade MPLS Implementation Training
This two-day instructor-led training
provides students with the knowledge and
skills needed to implement MPLS Traffic
Engineering using Brocade switches.
This advanced course is the second of two
classes, and pertains specifically to the
Brocade MPLS Traffic Engineering solution
being deployed on Brocade switches.
This course provides a significant amount
of hands-on experience and discussion to
help students become proficient with the
features and deployment of MPLS Traffic
Topics include introduction to Open
Shortest Path First- Traffic Engineering
(OSPF-TE), Resource Reservation Protocol
(RSVP) and features such as Fast Re-route.
Prijs: € 1.295,-
Advanced topics include administrative
groups, LSP primary/ Secondary path
selection, OSPF and BGP shortcuts and
Students perform switch management
using Telnet and Console CLI commands.
Note: This course is designed for students
that have already taken MPLS 400 or
ETH 650.
Vereiste voorkennis
• CNE 200 or Brocade switch/router
equivalence experience
• CNP 300 or Advanced switch/router
equivalence experience
• MPLS 400 or MPLS label switching and
L2/3 VPN equivalence knowledge.
This course is designed for students that
have already taken MPLS 400 or ETH 650.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is for switch administrators,
system integrators, support personnel,
technicians and any user who needs
detailed technical information about the
deployment of MPLS-TE within a network
using Brocade Switches.
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day instructor-led course is an
in-depth study of deploying networks using
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS).
Course materials focus on features of the
Brocade NetIron series of routers including
multiple advanced L2 / L3 VPN technologies
such as VLL, VPLS, and L3 VPNs. This
course covers MPLS concepts, benefits,
protocols, designs, configurations, and basic
MPLS 400 is one of the courses in a
curriculum path which leads to the Brocade
Certified Service Provider Network Engineer
(BCSPNE) certification. It is also is a prerequisite for Brocade University MPLS Traffic
Engineering (MPLS-TE 450).
This course is for advanced support
engineers, enterprise network engineers,
Prijs: € 1.995,-
service providers, or anyone else needing
detailed foundational information to install,
configure, maintain, and troubleshoot
MPLS in a Brocade environment.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Brocade Layer 2 switching and Layer
3 routing content covered in Brocade
Certified Network Engineer (BCNE)
Training (CNE 200) or Basic Switch/
Router Configuration and Management
(ETH 103), or equivalent knowledge.
• Advanced Brocade switching/routing
and IGP content covered in Brocade Certified Network Professional (BCNP)
Training (CNP 300) or Advanced
Switching/Routing Configuration and
Management (ETH 405), or equivalent
• BGP content covered in BGP Training
(BGP 400), or equivalent knowledge.
MPLS 400 is one of the courses in a
curriculum path which leads to the Brocade
Certified Service Provider Network Engineer
(BCSPNE) certification. It is also is a prerequisite for Brocade University MPLS Traffic
Engineering (MPLS-TE 450).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
SAN Troubleshooting Training
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day instructor-led course provides
students with the technical and
process information needed to perform
troubleshooting and data gathering tasks in
SAN switched and routed networks, based
on 16 Gbps Brocade products and Fabric
OS v7.1.0.
Prijs: € 2.395,-
• Support personnel responsible for
troubleshooting issues that may arise in
an SAN.
• Individuals looking for an understanding
of troubleshooting processes and initial
data collection.
• Advanced end-users looking to enhance
network troubleshooting skills.
Vereiste voorkennis
• CFA200: Brocade Certified Fabric
Administrator (BCFA) Training or
equivalent core SAN knowledge (fabrics,
zoning, etc.)
• CFP300: Brocade Certified Fabric
Professional (BCFP) Training or
equivalent advanced SAN knowledge
(FC-FC routing, FCIP, etc.)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 25
Brocade trainingen
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Technologie ondergaat momenteel een drastische verschuiving. In 2015 staan naar
schatting 25 miljard apparaten digitaal met elkaar in contact. Dit aantal breidt zich
ontzettend snel uit. Machines, apparaten en producten communiceren met elkaar
en met mensen. Deze trend heet het Internet of Things.
Als wereldwijd leider in het leveren van netwerk oplossingen en diensten speelt Cisco een
belangrijke rol bij het Internet of Things (IoT). Zo worden ter ondersteuning van IoT de hardware,
software en diensten van Cisco ingezet om intelligente, beheersbare, schaalbare en veilige
infrastructuren te creëren.
Als grootste Cisco Learning Specialized Partner wereldwijd biedt Global Knowledge u het complete
aanbod aan Cisco trainingen en opleidingen aan op diverse locaties in Nederland. Door ons brede
scala aan opleidingen en leermethodieken is Global Knowledge voor u de ideale partner om de
benodigde Cisco kennis op te doen en indien gewenst een bijbehorende Cisco certificering te
Cisco Certificeringen
Het certificeringsprogramma van Cisco (Cisco
Career Certification program) bestaat uit
vijf certificeringsniveaus: Entry, Associate,
Professional, Expert en Architect. Binnen
deze niveaus zijn er verschillende trajecten
te onderscheiden, waaronder: Routing &
Switching, Design, Security, Service Provider,
Data Center, Wireless en Collaboration.
Op deze manier kunt u een traject kiezen
welke past bij uw functie of branche.
Het Entry niveau is de eerste stap binnen de
Cisco Career Certifications en wordt verkregen
met een Cisco Certified Entry Networking
Technician (CCENT) certificering. CCENT is de
opstap naar het Associate niveau.
Het Associate niveau kan gezien worden als
het basisniveau van de netwerk certificering
en begint met de CCNA certificering (Cisco
Certified Network Associate). Binnen het
Associate niveau zijn de volgende
certificeringen te behalen: Routing &
Switching, Design, Wireless, Security, Data
Center, Service Provider en Collaboration.
Het Expert niveau is één van de hoogst haalbare certificeringsniveaus voor netwerk professionals. Onder dit niveau vallen de
CCIE certificeringen (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)
De Cisco Certified Architect certificering is het hoogst haalbare
accreditatie niveau binnen het Cisco Career Certification programma. Het geeft erkenning aan de ontwerp- en IT- ervaring
en bekwaamheid op het gebied van Cisco-technologieën en
Gekwalificeerd Cisco Specialist
Naast het standaard certificeringsprogramma biedt Cisco de
mogelijkheid om met een specialisatie certficering uw kennis in
bepaalde technologieën te verdiepen. Als Cisco Specialist gaat
u verder in op bepaalde Cisco technologieën, zoals security,
data center, internet of things en network program mobility.
Learning Credits
Cisco Learning Credits vormen een innovatief programma
waarin bedrijven Cisco-hardware, -software en
-opleidingen kunnen aanschaffen in één aankoop.
Elke Cisco Learning Credit kan worden ingewisseld voor
een geautoriseerde Cisco training ter waarde van $100.
Wissel op tijd uw Cisco Learning Credits in!
Cisco® 360° Learning Program for CCIE®
Wat houdt het CCIE 360° Learning Program in?
Het CCIE 360° Learning Program is een leerprogramma dat,
afhankelijke van uw kennisniveau, binnen zes tot twaalf
maanden afgerond kan worden. Het programma bevat een mix
van geavanceerde vaardigheden assessments, toegespitste leermodules, begeleiding, klassikale training en hands-on practice
labs. Het programma biedt een versneld opleidingstraject voor
het verkrijgen van kennis en vaardigheden op expertniveau en
het weerleggen van echte werkscenario’s. Daarnaast bevat het
Cisco 360° Learning Program pre-assessments en online classes.
Waarom kiezen voor het CCIE 360° Learning
Anders dan niet erkende CCIE training en examenvoorbereiding,
wordt het complete CCIE 360° leerprogramma aangeboden
door gecertificeerde Cisco instructeurs. Dit leerprogramma is
speciaal ontwikkeld voor het verkrijgen van kennis en vaardigheden op Expert niveau, waardoor de vereiste examenscores
die behaald worden niet slechts van tijdelijke aard zijn.
Cisco Learning Credits zijn gedurende één jaar na
activering op de Cisco Learning Credits Management Tool
(LCMT) geldig. Ze kunnen worden ingewisseld voor een
door Cisco erkende cursus die wordt gegeven door een
Cisco Learning Partner. Global Knowledge is ‘s werelds
grootste Cisco Specialized Learning Partner en voor u dus
hét trainingscentrum waar u uw credits kunt verzilveren
voor een geautoriseerde Cisco training!
Wilt u meer informatie over het Cisco 360° Learning Program?
Neem dan contact op met één van onze opleidingsadviseurs,
tel. 0800-KNOWLEDGE of ga naar:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 27
Dit niveau is voor de gevorderde Cisco professional. Na het voltooien van het Associate niveau, kan doorgestroomd worden
naar het Professional niveau. Onder dit niveau vallen de volgende professional certificeringen: CCNP Routing & Switching,
CCNP Voice, CCNP Security, CCNP Wireless, Design (CCDP), CCNP
Datacenter en CCNP Service Provider.
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 1
5 Days • Exam # 100-101
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 1
5 Days • Exam #100-101
Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking
4 Days • Exam #640-911
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 1
5 Days • Exam #100-101
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 1
5 Days • Exam #100-101
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 1
5 Days • Exam #100-101
Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions
5 Days • Exam #640-864
Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies
5 Days • Exam #640-916
Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security
5 Days • Exam #640-554
Implementing Unified Wireless Networking Essentials
5 Days • Exam #640-722
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 2
5 Days • Exam #200-101
Cisco CCNA Certification Fast Track Programme
5 Days • Exam #200-120
Implementing Cisco IP Routing
5 Days • Exam #300-101
DCUFI (Mandatory)
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric
5 Days • Exam #642-992 or #642-997
Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions
5 Days • Exam #300-206
Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Mobility Services
5 Days • Exam #642-747
Implementing Cisco IP Routing
5 Days • Exam #300-101
Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions
5 Days • Exam #300-209
Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Voice Networks
5 Days • Exam #642-742
Implementing Cisco Switched Networks
5 Days • Exam #300-115
Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions
5 Days • Exam #300-208
Conducting Cisco Unified Wireless Site Surv ey
5 Days • Exam #642-732
Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks
5 Days • Exam #300-135
Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions
5 Days • Exam #300-207
Implementing Advanced Cisco Unified Wireless Security
5 Days • Exam #642-737
CCIE Data Center
Written Exam #350-080
Cisco Data Center CCIE Unified Computing Workshop
Cisco Data Center CCIE Unified Fabric Workshop
Lab Exam
CCIE Security
Self Paced
Written Exam #350-018
CCIE Wireless
Self Paced
Written Exam #350-050
CCIE Routing & Switching Written
Written Exam #400-101
CCIE Security Lab preparation
5 Days • Lab Exam
CCIE Wireless
Lab Exam
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Routing & Switching
Bootcamp 1 • 5 Days
Implementing Cisco Switched
5 Days • Exam #300-115
Designing Cisco Network Architecture
5 Days • Exam #642-874
DCUCI (Mandatory)
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing
5 Days • Exam #642-994 or #642-999
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric
5 Days • Exam #642-991 or #642-996
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing
4/5 Days • Exam #642-993 or #642-998
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric
3 Days • Exam #642-980
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Computing
3 Days • Exam #642-035
Written Exam #352-001
Cisco Certificeringstrajecten
Cisco Certificeringstrajecten
CCDE Practical Exam
*Prerequisite courses; Implementing Cisco Storage Networking
Solutions (ICSNS), Implementing Cisco Advanced Storage Networking Solutions
(IASNS) and Designing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions (DCSNS)
These Workshops are part of Ciscos 360 Learning programme.
This programme is a blended learning curricullum, packages are
available covering both the ILT and E-Learning components.
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Routing & Switching
Bootcamp 2 • 5 Days
Elearning • Exam # 640-792 TPTECH
Elearning • Exam # 640-893 DCTECH
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 1
5 Days • Exam #100-101
Building Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation
Networks Part 1 • 5 Days • Exam #640-875
Introducing Cisco Voice and Unified Communication
5 Days • Exam #640-461
Building Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation
Networks Part 2 • 5 Days • Exam #640-878
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications and Qos
5 Days • Exam #642-437
Deploing Cisco Service Provider Network Routing
5 Days • Exam #642-883
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 1
5 Days • Exam #642-447
Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network Routing
5 Days • Exam #642-885
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 2
5 Days • Exam #642-457
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation
Core Network Services • 5 Days • Exam #642-887
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications
5 Days • Exam #642-467
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation
Edge Network Services • 5 Days • Exam #642-889
Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications
5 Days • Exam #642-427
CCIE Collaboration
Self Paced
Written Exam #400-051
Tot 21 mei 2015:
CCIE SP Written Exam #350-029
Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Collaboration
Advanced Workshop • 5 Days • Lab Exam
Na 21 mei 2015:
CCIE SP Written Exam #400-201
Lab Exam
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 29
Cisco Certificeringstrajecten
Elearning • Exam #640-692 RSTECH
opleiding van
Global Knowledge
zet u hogerop
de ladder
Het Cisco Channel Partner Programma biedt Channel Partners oplossingen, trainingen, tools en ondersteuning die nodig zijn voor
het succesvol bedienen van klanten. De nadruk ligt hierbij op kennisontwikkeling en specialisatie. Daarnaast geeft de status van
een Cisco Channel Partner een onderscheidend vermogen ten opzichte van de concurrentie.
Het programma kent vier verschillende certificeringsniveaus: Select, Premier, Silver en Gold. De certificeringniveaus zijn afhankelijk
van de mate van kennis, advies, inzet en ondersteuning op het gebied van specifieke technologische specialisaties.
Voor uitgebreide informatie kunt u terecht op
Overzicht Cisco Partner Certificeringen
Master Specialization
Optie #1
Vier van de volgende specialisaties:
Twee van de volgende Architecture specialisaties:
• Advanced Enterprise Networks Architecture Specialisatie
• Advanced Security Architecture Specialisatie
• Advanced Data Center Architecture Specialisatie
• Advanced IP NGN Architecture Specialisatie
Optie #2
Technology Skills Depth
Cisco Channel Partner Programma
Cisco Channel Partner Programma
Eén van de volgende specialisaties:
• Express Foundation Specialisatie
• Express Collaboration Specialisatie
• Eén Advanced Architecture Specialisatie
• Eén Advanced Technology Specialisatie
Optie #1
• Eén van de beschikbare Expess Specialisaties
Advanced Enterprise Networks Architecture Specialisatie (Vereist)
Advanced Security Architecture Specialisatie (Vereist)
Advanced Collaboration Architecture Specialisatie
Advanced Data Center Architecture Specialisatie
Advanced IP NGN Architecture Specialisatie
Eén Architecture specialisatie
(zie bovenstaande lijst)
Eén van de volgende Advanced Technology specialisaties:
• Advanced Unified Fabric Technology Specialisatie
• Advanced Unified Computing Technology Specialisatie
• Advanced Unified Access Specialisatie
• Advanced Core and WAN Specialisatie
Optie #2
1 Business Value Practitioner
4 CCIE’s
2 CCIE’s
• Small and Midsized Business Specialisatie
Support Infrastructure
Customer Satisfaction
Integrated Technology Skills Breadth
Opmerking: De Silver partner status vervalt op 1 april 2016. Tot 1 april 2015 is het nog mogelijk om de Silver partner status te bemachtigen.
De vermelde vereisten voor de Premier en Gold partner status zijn geldig vanaf 1 april 2015
Verplicht voor Cisco Gold Partners
Als onderdeel van het officiële Cisco Channel Partner Programma heeft Cisco de Cisco Certified
Business Value Practitioner Certificering als vereiste verplicht gesteld voor alle Gold Partners.
Laat ons u helpen bij het managen
van uw Channel Partner status
Aangezien Global Knowledge Cisco heeft geholpen bij het ontwikkelen van deze Business
Value-roles inclusief de bijbehorende certificeringen en trainingen kunnen wij, als enige ervaren
opleider ter wereld, het volledige Business Value programma uitleveren.
Door de complexiteit en de steeds veranderende eisen van het Cisco Channel Programma is het
voor de meeste channel partners erg lastig en tijdrovend om te bepalen waar ze staan in het
behalen of behouden van hun partner status. Global Knowledge kan u hierbij helpen.
Voor het behalen van de Business Value Practitioner certificering dienen de volgende trainingen
en examens gevolgd en succesvol afgelegd te worden:
Door onze nauwe samenwerking met Cisco zijn we er namelijk van verzekerd dat we altijd
over de laatste informatie beschikken met betrekking tot de channel partner vereisten. Deze
informatie wordt direct ingevoerd in ons Fit4Business programma.
3 Roles
2 Trainingen
Business Value
3 Examens
Cisco Business
Value Specialist
Cisco Business Value
Boot Camp (CBVBC)
Business Value
Business Value
2 Certificeringen
Executing Cisco
Advanced Business
Value Analysis and
Design Techniques
Dit programma bevat een op maat gemaakte Fit4Business applicatie die speciaal ontwikkeld
is om Channel Partners te helpen bij het behalen, behouden en/of verder uit te bouwen van
hun partner status. Het is een end-to-end oplossing waarmee u grip houdt op het gehele
certificering-, specialisatie- en competentie proces van uw channel partner status.
Fit4Business biedt iedere klant een eigen dashboard, waarmee in één oogopslag gezien kan
worden wat de focusgebieden zijn voor het behouden of verkrijgen van de gewenste channel
partner status.
Cisco Certified
Business Value
Meer informatie over Fit4Business kunt u voorin in deze opleidingsgids vinden of op onze
website Uiteraard kunt u voor vragen altijd contact met
ons opnemen. Onze opleidingsadviseurs staan u graag te woord.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 31
Cisco Channel Partner Programma
Business Value Practitioner Certificering
Ontdek welke Data Center
training het beste bij u past
Data Center
Interactive Learning Zone
Cisco Technical Education
Cisco Technical Education (CTE) is een e-learning portal met
een grote verscheidenheid aan trainingsmodules voor veel
verschillende Cisco platformen en technologieën, inclusief
troubleshooting- en nieuwe product introductie trainingen.
Deze portal wordt ook gebruikt door Cisco's technical
assistance center (TAC) engineers.
CTE is ontwikkeld voor Cisco klanten die zich willen verdiepen
in de technologieën van Cisco en interesse hebben in
digitale leermogelijkheden. Tevens is CTE erg geschikt om te
combineren met traditionele trainingsmethoden.
Training in de vorm van presentaties in audio of video on demand.
Visuele product informatie:
Product informatie met gedetailleerde specificaties ondersteund door
afbeeldingen in hoge resolutie soms gecombineerd met audio en video.
Remote hands-on labs:
Gestructureerde, zelfsturende hands- on lab oefeningen waarbij gebruik
gemaakt wordt van remote access naar Cisco equipment.
Visuele instructies:
Gedetailleerde en stapsgewijze instructies gecombineerd met illustraties en
Flash animaties voor het uitvoeren van on-site upgrade en remedial services
voor Cisco producten.
Lab demonstraties:
Praktijk oefeningen die in video on demand gepresenteerd worden inclusief
gedetailleerde en begeleide demonstraties voor het uitrollen en uitvoeren van
Cisco producten.
De ‘Data Center Interactive Learning Zone’ is een interactieve omgeving dat inzicht
geeft hoe een modern datacenter is opgebouwd. U ziet in één oogopslag de producten,
oplossingen en gerelateerde trainingen van onder meer Cisco, Microsoft, Citrix en
VMware, zodat u eenvoudig uw gewenste datacenter training kunt vinden.
Wanneer u gebruik wilt maken van CTE dan kunt u een licentie voor een jaar
aanschaffen. Er zijn twee soorten licenties:
1. Een jaar lang toegang tot trainingmodules voor alle Cisco technologieën·
2. Een jaar lang toegang tot trainingmodules voor één specifieke Cisco
Meer informatie over Cisco CTE kunt u vinden op:
Cisco Trainingen
Cisco CCNA Bootcamp (CCNAX - Accelerated)
Ons versnelde CCNA Boot Camp is een
intensief programma dat is bedoeld om in
korte tijd uw CCNA-certificaat te halen.
Voor optimaal gebruik van de contacturen
en een uitgebreide behandeling van de
CCNA-stof hebben we een driedelig
programma samengesteld dat bestaat
uit voorbereiding, klassikale instructie en
lab-practica na de bijeenkomsten.
Borderless Network - Routing & Switching
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 1
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices - Part 2
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus richt zich op de kennis
en kwaliteiten die nodig zijn voor het
installeren, beheren, configureren
en verifiëren van een basis-IPv4- en
-IPv6-netwerk. Dit zijn onder meer het
configureren van een LAN-switch en een
IP-router, het opzetten van een verbinding
met een WAN en het ontdekken van
fundamentele beveiligingsproblemen.
Aan het einde van de cursus moet de
deelnemer in staat zijn om onder toezicht
een klein bedrijfsnetwerk te configureren,
te implementeren en om oplossingen te
bieden bij problemen.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor
netwerktechnici en -beheerders die kleine
bedrijfsnetwerken willen installeren en
beheren en die hierbij probleemoplossing
willen aanbieden. Dit is een cursus op
basisniveau en ideaal voor personen
voor wie netwerken nieuw zijn en die
willen beginnen aan hun Cisco Career
Prijs: € 2.195,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Basisvaardigheden op het gebied
van Windows-navigatie en
• Basisvaardigheden op het gebied van
• Basiskennis van IP-adressen
Global Knowledge biedt ook een
introductiecursus aan voor netwerken. Het
wordt aanbevolen om deze netwerkcursus
te volgen voor de hier beschreven cursus.
GK3150 – Basiscursus netwerken.
De ICND1 cursus is ter voorbereiding van
het examen 100-101 - ICND1 Introduction
to Cisco Network Devices Part 1
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus biedt netwerkbeheerders
op basisniveau en ondersteunend
netwerk- en helpdeskpersoneel de
kennis en vaardigheden aan die nodig
zijn voor het installeren en beheren
van een klein bedrijfsnetwerk, inclusief
probleemoplossing. ICND2 v2.0 richt zich
op inzicht in redundante topologieën,
probleemoplossing bij vaak voorkomende
netwerkproblemen, configuratie van
EIGRP en meervoudige OSPF binnen
zowel IPv4 en IPv6, inzicht in WANtechnologieën en vertrouwdheid met
apparaatbeheer en Cisco-licenties. Deze
versie van ICND2 bevat meer labs en
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor personen
die hun ‘CCNA Routing and Switching’certificaat willen behalen en voor presales- en post-sales-technici die betrokken
zijn bij de installatie en de ondersteuning
van bedrijfsnetwerken.
Prijs: € 2.195,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over kennis
van fundamentele netwerkbegrippen
beschikken en in staat zijn om:
• Local Area Networks te implementeren
• Internetverbindingen te installeren
• De beveiliging van netwerkapparatuur
te beheren
• WAN-verbindingen op te zetten
• Basis-IPv6-verbindingen op te zetten
Al deze vaardigheden kunnen worden
opgedaan in de cursus ICND1 v2.0.
De ICND2 cursus is ter voorbereiding van
het examen 200-101 - ICND2 Introduction
to Cisco Network Devices Part 2.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Stap 1: in de voorbereiding krijgt u een
vragenlijst die u helpt bepalen waar u bent
in uw studietraject. Deze voorbereiding
bestaat uit circa vijf uur e-learning en is
bedoeld om u een stevig fundament te
geven en u op de juiste zaken te richten
tijdens de contacturen.
Stap 2: de klassikale instructie bestaat
onder meer uit een intensieve training
onder leiding van een instructeur en uit
praktijksituaties. Deelnemers leren om een
basis-IPv4- of IPv6-netwerk te installeren,
beheren, configureren en verifiëren,
onder meer door een LAN-switch en
een IP-router te configureren, basisveiligheidsproblemen te herkennen, inzicht
te krijgen in redundante topologieën,
oplossingen aan te bieden voor vaak
voorkomende netwerkproblemen,
verbindingen te maken met een WAN,
EIGRP en OSPF te configureren voor zowel
IPv4 als IPv6, inzicht te krijgen in WANtechnologieën en vertrouwd te raken met
apparaatbeheer en Cisco-licenties. U heeft
tijdens de cursus 24 uur per dag toegang
tot de labs.
Stap 3: na de cursus krijgt u tien e-Labcredits die u kunt gebruiken voor extra
lab-ervaring waarmee u uw vaardigheden
kunt bijslijpen met dezelfde apparatuur
die u ook hebt gebruikt bij de klassikale
bijeenkomsten. U krijgt ook zelftest-
Prijs: € 2.795,-
software, toegang tot de unieke CCNA
Xtra-materialen van Global Knowledge
(video’s en extra studiehulpmiddelen)
en revisiedocumenten, die allemaal zijn
bedoel om u te helpen bij de laatste fase
van uw opleiding, die bestaat uit oefenen,
oefenen en nog eens oefenen.
Cisco Trainingen
Alle trainingen worden in het Nederlands gegeven, tenzij anders vermeld op de website.
+ Gratis examencoupon
Personen die graag het Cisco CCNA®
Routing and Switching-certificaat
willen behalen. De cursus is ook
geschikt voor pre-sales- en post-salesnetwerkbeheerders die betrokken zijn bij
de installatie en de ondersteuning van
complete bedrijfsnetwerken.
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Basisvaardigheden op het gebied
van Windows-navigatie en
• Basisvaardigheden op het gebied van
• Basiskennis van IP-adressen
Global Knowledge biedt ook een
introductiecursus aan voor netwerken. Het
wordt aanbevolen om deze netwerkcursus
te volgen voor de hier beschreven cursus.
GK3150 – Basiscursus netwerken.
De CCNABC cursus is ter voorbereiding
van het examen 200-120 - CCNA - Dit
examen is een composite examen en is
samengesteld uit de inhoud van ICND1
en ICND2.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cisco Trainingen
Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions
Implementing Cisco IP Routing
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze klassikale, door een instructeur
geleide cursus, is bedoeld om studenten
in staat te stellen om van klanten de
‘Internetworking’ vereisten te verzamelen,
oplossingen te definiëren en netwerk
infrastructuur ontwerpen te ontwikkelen
met de benodigde basis elementen voor
de voorgestelde oplossingen aan de klant.
De bedoeling van deze cursus is om de
studenten te voor zien van de kennis en
vaardigheden die nodig zijn om ‘associate’
niveau competentie te bereiken in netwerk
ontwerp. De DESGN cursus is de eerste
cursus in een design/ontwerp curriculum
die de design certificering ondersteund.
De cursus richt zich op de technologie en
methodieken die nu beschikbaar zijn.
Prijs: € 2.095,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• ICND1 is nu vereist om de CCDA
certificering te kunnen behalen
• Een wat hoger kennisniveau van
Switching is aanbevolen. De SWITCH
cursus biedt hiervoor het juiste
Recommended as preparation for exam(s):
• 640-864 DESGN - Designing for Cisco
Internetwork Solutions
This course is part of the CCDA
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
De doelgroep voor deze cursus zijn
pre-sales en post-sales netwerk engineers
die betrokken zijn bij netwerk ontwerp,
planning en implementatie. Ook personen
die zich willen kwalificeren voor de
Cisco Certified Design Associate CCDA
certificering of de Cisco Certified Design
Professional CCDP certificering, behoren
tot de doelgroep.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5 day course is designed to provide
professionals working with medium
to large networks with the skills and
knowledge required to incorporate
advanced routing concepts when
implementing scalability for Cisco routers
that are connected to LANs and WANs.
Delegates will be able to dramatically
increase the number of routers and
sites using these techniques instead of
redesigning the network when additional
sites or wiring configurations are added.
Labs are an important feature of this
course with 2 different types of labs
being used to aid learning, discovery
labs are instructor guided labs through
which students explore new topics in an
interactive way, the challenge Labs are
designed to test students understanding
of the topics being taught and to provide
vital hands-on practice.
This course is intended for Network
professionals who want to correctly
implement routing based solutions
within a given network design, using
Cisco IOS services and features, where
implementation includes planning,
configuring and verification.
Implementing Cisco Switched Networks
Prijs: € 2.395,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• ICND1 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 1
• ICND2 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 2Or
• CCNABC - Cisco CCNA Certification
Fast Track Programme
• Practical experience in installing,
operating and maintaining Cisco
routers & switches in an enterprise
environment is recommended.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 300-101 ROUTE - Implementing Cisco
IP Routing
This exam is required for those delegates
wishing to achieve either the Cisco
Certified Network Professional for Routing
and Switching or the Cisco Certified
Design Professional Certifications.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This is a five-day course designed to help
students prepare to plan, configure, and
verify the implementation of complex
enterprise switching solutions for campus
environments using the Cisco Enterprise
Campus Architecture. Labs are an
important feature of this course with 2
different types of labs being used to aid
learning, discovery labs are instructor
guided labs through which students
explore new topics in an interactive way,
the challenge Labs are designed to test
students understanding of the topics being
taught and to provide vital hands-on
This course is intended for Network
Professionals who need to implement and
support switch based solutions within
a given network design using Cisco IOS
services and features.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• ICND1 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 1
• ICND2 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 2Or
Prijs: € 2.395,-
• CCNABC - Cisco CCNA Certification
Fast Track Programme
• Practical experience in installing,
operating and maintaining Cisco
routers & switches in an enterprise
environment is recommended.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 300-115 SWITCH - Implementing
Cisco Switched Networks
This exam is required for those delegates
wishing to achieve either the Cisco
Certified Network Professional for Routing
and Switching or the Cisco Certified
Design Professional Certifications.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks
CCIE® Routing & Switching Written
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five day course is designed to provide
professionals who work in complex
network environments with the skills that
they need to maintain their networks and
to diagnose and resolve network problems
quickly and effectively. The course will
provide information about troubleshooting
and maintaining particular technologies,
as well as procedural and organizational
aspects of the troubleshooting and
maintenance process. A large part of the
training will consist of practicing these skills
and reinforcing the concepts by putting
them to use in a controlled environment. At
the end of the course,delegates will have
increased their skill level and developed
a set of best practices based on their own
experiences and those of other delegates
that they can then take back into their own
Prijs: € 2.395,-
This course is intended for Network
professionals who want to increase their
skills at maintaining and troubleshooting
complex Cisco IP networks. This course is
required for those looking to achieve the
Cisco CCNP® Certification
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Valid CCNA (ICND1, ICND2 Or
• ROUTE - Implementing Cisco IP Routing
• SWITCH - Implementing Cisco Switched
• Practical experience in installing,
operating and maintaining Cisco
routers & switches in an enterprise
environment is recommended.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 300-135 TSHOOT - Troubleshooting and
Maintaining Cisco IP Networks
This exam is required for those delegates
wishing to achieve the Cisco Certified
Network Professional for Routing and
Switching Certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This instructor-led theory course is designed
to build upon the knowledge gained from
the CCNP or CCIP Certification. This course
will refresh and enhance your knowledge,
focusing on the key areas required in
preparation for the CCIE® Routing &
Switching WrittenExam v5.0.
The CCIE® Routing & Switching (R&S)
Written and Lab exams are being revised
from v4.0 to v5.0 to align with changing
industry job roles and the addition of new
study materials. The last day to test for both
the Written and Lab v4.0 exams will be
June 3, 2014.
Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed to enable
students to perform the conceptual,
intermediate, and detailed design of a
network infrastructure that supports
desired networks solutions over intelligent
network services, to achieve effective
performance, scalability, and availability.
ARCH enables learners applying solid
Cisco network solution models and
recommended design practices to provide
viable, stable enterprise internetworking
solutions. The course presents concepts and
examples necessary to design converged
enterprise networks. Advanced network
infrastructure technologies, such as Virtual
Private Networks (VPNs) and wireless
communications are also covered.
Prijs: € 2.395,-
This course is intended for individuals
seeking the Cisco CCDP® certification
and those working toward the Cisco
CCDE® certification. Presales and
postsales network engineers that are
involved in network design, planning, and
implementation ,Network administrators
and designers that are responsible for
designing and implementing the enterprise
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Valid CCNA in Routing and Switching ICND1 and ICND2 or CCNABC
• Valid CCDA - DESGN
• Attended ROUTE and SWITCH
Prijs: € 2.995,-
The CCIE® Routing & Switching Written and
Lab exams v5.0 will be available for testing
begining June 4, 2014.
This course is aimed at anyone studying
for the CCIE® Routing & Switching Written
exam (400-101).
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees whould meet the following
• CCNP Routing and Switching - ROUTE,
• QoS - Implementing Cisco Quality of
Service (QoS)
Recommended as preparation for exam(s):
• 400-101 CCIE® Routing & Switching
WrittenExam v5.0
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
CCIE 360 R&S Advanced Workshop 1
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-874 - ARCH – Designing Cisco
Network Service Architectures
This is one of three exams required for
the Cisco Certified Design Professional
Certification (CCDP).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5 day course provides knowledge
and hands-on experience related to
both configuring and troubleshoting the
following Cisco Routing and Switching
topics:Cisco Catalyst Switch core
configuration tasks, Interior gateway
protocols (IGPs): Open Shortest Path
First (OSPF), Enhanced Interior Gateway
Routing Protocol (EIGRP), and Routing
Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2),
Route redistribution, Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP), MPLS Layer 3 VPN’s, IP
multicast, Router and Cisco Catalyst quality
of service (QoS). After completing the
lectures on these technologies that include
best practice you will complete labs based
on that specific technology.
If you have purchased the CCIE 360
E-learning Packages, please do not attempt
the 360RSW05-LAB-GA01 or 360RSW05LAb-GA02 before attending this class.
Students booking this workshop as a
Prijs: € 3.495,-
standalone product, not bundled with
e-learning will also receive access to
preassessment lab, Workbook (20 labs)
Reference Library 200 hours virtual rack
This course is recommended for CCIE
candidates who are preparing for the CCIE
Routing and Switching Lab Exam.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• A valid CCNP or CCIP certification or
equivalent understanding of configuring
and troubleshooting data link layer
technologies, IGP routing protocols,
basic redistribution and BGP.
• Attained a passing score on the CCIE
written exam 350-001
Recommended as preparation for:
• The Cisco CCIE Practical Exam.
The CCIE lab exam is an eight-hour,
hands-on exam which requires
you to configure and troubleshoot
a series of complex networks to
given specifications. Knowledge
of troubleshooting is an important
skill and candidates are expected to
diagnose and solve issues as part of the
CCIE lab exam. You will not configure
end-user systems, but are responsible
for all devices residing in the network
(hubs, etc.). Point values and testing
criteria are provided.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 35
Cisco Trainingen
Overig Routing & Switching
Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers
Cisco Trainingen
CCIE 360 R&S Advanced Workshop 2
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
CIERS-2 provides an intensive, hands-on
experience that includes four 8-hour Cisco
CCIE-level labs and one 4-hour CCIE-style
lab. Delegates perform five Performance
Assessment Labs on five separate
days,establishing a performance trend that
allows the learners to determine their level
of readiness to attempt the actual Cisco
CCIE Routing and Switching lab.
After performing each of the five
Performance Assessment Labs that are
delivered in this course, learners receive
detailed feedback on each section of the
lab. This feedback includes a web-linked
Score Card.
Delegates will be able to refine their endto-end test-taking strategies and methods
by applying these strategies and methods
to five labs on five consecutive days. This
approach helps to refine both time and
stress-management techniques.
Delegates will need to bring their own
laptops to this class as Cisco will provide
the courseware electronically. Delegates
should expect the days to be long.
Students booking this workshop as a
standalone product, not bundled with
e-learning will also receive access to
preassessment lab, Workbook (20 labs)
Reference Library 200 hours virtual rack
This course is designed for anyone who is
in the final phase of preparation for the
Cisco CCIE® Routing and Switching lab
exam and who is within three to six weeks
of the lab date.
Prijs: € 3.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Passed the CCIE R&S written exam
350-001(v4) or 400-101 (v5)
• Completed Cisco Advanced Instructorled Workshop I (CIERS-1) or its
equivalent, or haverecorded a strong
attempt at the actual Cisco CCIE
Routing and Switching lab.
• Possess a solid understanding of the
core technologies that are encountered
in the Cisco CCIE Routing and
Switching lab. These technologies
include:Cisco CatalystSwitch baseline
tasks, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF),
Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing
Protocol (EIGRP), Routing Information
Protocol version 2 (RIPv2), route
redistribution, and Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP).
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers
(BGP) v3.2 course provides students with
in-depth knowledge of BGP, the routing
protocol that is one of the underlying
foundations of the Internet and new-world
technologies such as Multi-protocol Label
Switching (MPLS). This curriculum covers
the theory of BGP, configuration of BGP on
Cisco IOS routers, detailed troubleshooting
information and hands-on exercises that
provide students with the skills needed to
configure and troubleshoot BGP networks
in customer environments. Different service
solutions in the curriculum cover BGP
network design issues and usage rules for
various BGP features preparing students
to design and implement efficient, optimal
and trouble free BGP networks.
Cisco Content Services Gateway 2
Prijs: € 2.395,-
This course is intended for technical
engineers and delegates seeking
professional level certification including
Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional
(CCIP) or Cisco Certified Internetwork
Expert (CCIE).
Vereiste voorkennis
Delegates are required to meet the
following prerequisites:
• Valid CCNA
• Valid BSCI
Recommended as preparation for exam:
• 642-661 BGP is part of the Cisco
Certified Internetwork Professional
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Cisco Content Services Gateway 2
(CSG2) Advanced Training course provides
the learners with Cisco Mobile Internet
(MI) infrastructure knowledge and skills
and focusing on the Cisco CSG2. The
course starts with an overview of the
Cisco 7600 platform, the Cisco Service
and Application Module for IP (SAMI)
card and featuressuch as VLANs, routing,
access control lists (ACLs) and Network
Time Protocol (NTP). The rest of the
course provides an overview of the CSG2
hardware and functionality and addresses
features such as user authentication,
supervisor and SAMI configuration,
CSG2 configuration, protocol inspection,
Network-Based Application Recognition
(NBAR), Quality of Service (QoS) and high
availability. Troubleshooting information
and labs help students to enhance their
practical skills.
Recommended as preparation for :
• The Cisco CCIE Practical Exam.
The CCIE lab exam is an eight-hour,
hands-on exam which requires you to
configure and troubleshoot a series of
complex networks to given specifications.
Knowledge of troubleshooting is an
important skill and candidates are
expected to diagnose and solve issues
as part of the CCIE lab exam. You will
not configure end-user systems, but are
responsible for all devices residing in the
network (hubs, etc.). Point values and
testing criteria are provided.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.595,-
Network engineers and administrators
who deploy, maintain and operate the
Cisco mobile infrastructure and IP service
control solutions based on the Cisco CSG2.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Basic knowledge of mobile wireless
• Solid Cisco IOS Knowledge - CCNAlevel recommended - the knowledge
can best be gained by attending the
Interconnecting Cisco Networking
Devices Part 1 and Part 2 courses
(ICND1 and ICND2).
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Global Site Selector Operation & Configuration
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This is a three-day hands-on instructorled course that teaches delegates how
to design in and deploy the Cisco Global
Services Switch (GSS) 4492R to load
balance multiple Data Centers.All of
the key features of the GSS 4492R are
covered including the new command-line
interface(CLI)commands for the improved
configuration for global server load
Prijs: € 1.995,-
balancing (GSLB), modification of the GSS
configuration through import and export
of a flat text file, and configuring keepalive
groups that allow the GSS to check the
availability of multiple devices.
Individuals responsible for the planning,
design, and implementation of the Cisco
Global Site Selector systems in an IP
environment that uses DNS for name/IP
address resolution.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should have the following skills:
• Basic understanding of TCP
• Working Knowledge of the basic
functionality of Server Load Balancers
• Working Knowledge of basic DNS
• Working Knowledge of basic HTTP
• CCNA level knowledge of Routing and
Switching – ICND1 recommended
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Multicast
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze vijfdaagse cursus verzorgt de
kennis en de vaardigheden voor netwerk
engineers en techneuten die in de
enterprise sector werkzaam zijn, om de IP
version 6 (IPv6) fuuncties van Cisco IOS
Software te bestuderen en te configureren.
Deze cursus verzorgt een overzicht van
de IPv6 technologien, behandeld IPv6
ontwerp en implementatie enbeschrijft de
IPv6 operatie, addressing, routing, services
en transition. Tevens leert u hoe u IPv6 in
een enterprise en service provider netwerk
omgeving kunt uitrollen. Hands-on labs
en case studies worden gebruikt om
mogelijke uitrol scenario’s te behandelen.
De primaire doelgroep voor deze cursus
is netwerk engineers en technicians die
werkzaam zijn in de enterprise sector
Prijs: € 2.795,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Vean deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Cisco CCNA® certificering. ICND1en
ICND2 of CCNABCverplicht
• CCNP kennis niveau van networking
en routing is verplicht. (ROUTE)
isaanbevolen alhoewel er geen formele
certificering op CCNP level isverplicht
• Parate kennis van het Microsoft
Windows operating system.
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Implementing Cisco Multicast is a
five-day instructor-led course designed
to provide technical solutions for simple
deployments of IP multicast within a
provider or customer network. This course
covers the fundamentals of IP multicasting
including multicast applications, sources,
receivers, group management, and IP
multicast routing protocols (such as
Protocol Independent Multicast [PIM])
used within a single administrative domain
(intradomain). The issues of switched LAN
environments and reliable IP multicasting
have also been incorporated.
The labs incorporated in this course
provide delegates with hands-on
experience of the configuration
and troubleshooting guidelines for
implementing IP multicast on Cisco
Implementing Cisco MPLS versie 2.3
Prijs: € 2.995,-
This course is intended for pre and
post-sales technical engineers responsible
for designing, implementing, and/or
troubleshooting basic IP multicast enabled
networks within a single domain.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• ICND1 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 1
• ICND2 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 2Or
• CCNABC - Cisco CCNA Certification
Fast Track ProgrammePlus
• ROUTE - Implementing Cisco IP
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed as arefresh of the
Implementing Cisco MPLS (MPLS) v2.3
instructor-led training (ILT) course, which is
used for the Multiprotocol Label Switching
(MPLS) Cisco CCIP® certification tract.
This update to the course reflects the
most-recent developments in network
design and technologies, using real-world
scenarios to help reinforce the learning of
key objectives.
• Delegates should hold a valid CCNA or
equivalent knowledge
• Delegates should have attended the
ROUTE or equivalent knowledge
• Delegates should have attended the
BGP or equivalent knowledge
This course is aimed at network
administrators and technicians responsible
for implementing and troubleshooting
basic IP multicast-enabled networks within
a single domain. Cisco CCNP®, CCDP®,
CCIE®, and CCIP routing and switching
This course is part of the Cisco
Internetwork Professional Certification.
Implementing Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches
This five-day course will enable customers
to gather information from the technology
basics to some of the more updated
features and functions such as Traffic
Engineering, Carrier Supporting Carrier
and Any Transport over MPLS (AToM).
The focus of the course is on technology
issues of MPLS from the Service Providers
perspective and how to configure some of
those features and functions in an existing
routed environment. Customized training
is available to emphasize the specific
requirements of the customer’s network
and business demands. The course is
delivered in a balance of lectures, hands-on
labs, and white board discussions
Prijs: € 3.245,-
The Implementing Cisco MPLS Traffic
Engineering and Other Features (MPLST)
course is recommended training for
individuals seeking advanced MPLS based
knowledge and skills.
Vereiste voorkennis
Delegates are required to meet the
following prerequisites:
• CCNA or equivalent knowledge BSCI
• Building Scaleable Cisco Internetworks
course BGP - Configuring BGP on Cisco
Routers Course QoS
• Implementing Cisco Quality of Service
• Implementing MPLS or have equivalent
knowledge. Practical experience with
deploying and operating networks
based on Cisco IOS and network
devices is strongly recommended.
Recommended as preparation for exam:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Catalyst 6500 Switch has been a core
component of a Cisco network for many
years and this course has been specifically
designed for system and field engineers,
consulting system engineers, technical
solutions architects,Cisco integrators and
Cisco Partners who install and implement
the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches.
The course covers the key components
and procedures that are needed to install,
configure, manage, and troubleshoot the
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches in the
network environment.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-611 MPLS - Implementing Cisco
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Implementing Cisco MPLS Traffic Engineering & Other Features
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.695,-
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Anyone involved in the installation and
maintenance of a Cat 6K.
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Cisco CCNA® level knowledge is
recommended - either ICND1 and
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 37
Cisco Trainingen
IPv6 Fundamentals, Design and Deployment
Cisco Trainingen
Borderless Network - Wireless
CCNA Wireless
CCNP Wireless
Implementing Unified Wireless Networking
Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Mobility
Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Voice
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.395,-
Nederlands De Implementing Cisco
Unified Networking Essentials training is
een training van vijf dagen, ontworpen
omvoor te bereiden op de CCNA Wireless
certificering, een ‘associate’ level
certificering gespecialiseert in draadloze
verbindingen. Het doel van de IUWNE
is studenten te voorzien vaninformatie
en praktijk ervaring die nodig is om hen
voor te bereiden op het ontwerpen,
installeren, configureren en het monitoren
van standaard troubleshoot taken op een
Cisco WLAN in een SMB en Enterprise
installaties. Dit is een associate level
training met alleen entry level informatie
en gaat niet in op meer geavanceerde
onderwerpen van de Cisco WLAN
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• ICND1 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 1 v2.0
Het publiek voor deze cursus is primair
diegenen die geinteresseerd zijn in het
verkrijgen van een overzicht van Cisco
WLAN en de technologien die kunnen
worden uitgerold in dat netwerk. Het
is een ideale cursus voor diegenen die
onbekend zijn met wirelessen op zoek zijn
naar het bereiken van het 1e niveau van
wireless certificering.
This exam is required for those delegates
wishing to obtain the CCNA Wireless
Het is bovendien aanbevolen dat de
deelnemeners een basis kennis hebben
van Cisco lifecycle deployment, SONA,
Wireless standards (IEEE), wireless
regulator environment (FCC, ETSI, etc)
enwireless certification organisation (WIFI
alliance) voordat er word deelgenomen
aan de cursus.
Recommended as preparation for exam(s):
• 640-722 IUWNE Implementing Cisco
Unified Wireless Networking Essentials
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus is ontwikkeld om te
ondersteunen bij de voorbereiding voor
het professional-level CCNP Wireless
Certification. Deelnemers leren hoe ze
mobillity services kunnen integreren in het
netwerk, hoe de wireless LAN (WLAN) kan
worden getuned en ge-troubleshoot en
hoe ze indoor enterprise mesh netwerken
kunnen implementeren. Er worden handon labs gebruikt om de cursus materialen
te ondersteunen en de deelnemers ervan
te verzekeren dat ze voldoende stevige
kennis vergaren over hoe ze mobility
services in het wireless network kunnen
• Wireless netwerk engineers, mid-level
wireless support engineers, wireless
test engineers, wireless netwerk
designers, en andere IT professionals
die de taak hebben om site surveys
voor WLAN oplossing implementaties
uit te voeren of te beheren.
• Individuen die het CCNP Wireless
certificaat wensen te behalen.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• CCNA in Wireless (ICND1, ICND2 en
Recommended preparation for exam(s) :
• 642-747-IUWMS Implementing Cisco
Unified Wireless Mobility Services
This is one of the four exams required
to achieve the Cisco CCNP Wireless
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus is ontwikkeld om voor te
bereiden op de professional-level CCNP
Wireless certificering, je leert hoe je een
VoWLAN service moet integreren in het
WLAN en hoe je QOS en high-bandwidth
applicaties kunt implementeren in het
wireless network. De training ondersteund
met hands-on labs waarbij je leert om
QOS te configureren op een controller en
hoe je end-to-end QoS kunt configureren
op een router en hoe je QoS parameters
kunt vastleggen en analyseren, hoe je
een WLAN van het WCS kunt managen
en hoe je de netwerk infrastructuur kunt
• Wireless network engineers, mid-level
wireless support engineers, wireless
test engineers, wireless network
designers en andere IT professionals
die de taak hebben om een WLAN te
installeren, configureren, opereren en
Prijs: € 2.795,-
• Individuen die de CCNP Wireless
certificering wensen te behalen.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• CCNA in Wireless (ICND1en ICND2
plus IUWNE)
Recommended preparation for exam(s) :
• 642-742 - IUWVN Implementing Cisco
Unified Wireless Voice Networks
This is one of the four exams required
to achieve the Cisco CCNP Wireless
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Conducting Cisco Unified Wireless Site Survey v2.0
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Dit is een vijfdaagse cursus ontwikkeld om
deelnemers te voorzien van de kennis en de
vaardigheden om een wireless site survey
technisch te plannen en uit te voeren.
Hands-on labs worden gebruikt om de
basis doelen te versterken en deelnemers
worden geacht in staat te zijn om een RF
netwerk te ontwerpen en om een post
installatie assesment te doen bij voltooing
van de cursus.
Prijs: € 2.795,-
Prijs: € 2.795,-
• Wireless netwerk engineers, mid-level
wireless support engineers, wireless
test engineers, wireless netwerk
designersenandere IT professionals die
de taak hebben om een site survey voor
WLAN oplossing implementaties te
beheren of uit te voeren.
• Individuen die de CCNP Wireless
certificering willen behalen.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Interconnecting Cisco Networking
Devices Part 1 (ICND1)
• Interconnecting Cisco Networking
Devices Part 2 (ICND2)
• Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless
Networking Essentials (IUWNE)
Recommended preparation for exam(s) :
• 642-732 CUWSS - Conducting Cisco
Unified Wireless Site Survey
This exam is one of the four exams required
to achieve the Cisco CCNP Wireless
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Wireless Overig
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze cursus, die is bedoeld om voor te
bereiden op het professional-level CCNP
Wireless certificaat, leer je om wireless
netwerken te beveiligen tegen security
threats met behulp van de geschikte
security policies en best practices. De
implementatie van security standaarden en
de configuratie van security componenten
zijn belangrijke componenten van
deze cursus en de hands-on labs zijn
toegevoegd om de concepten, policies
en praktijken die nodig zijn om hoe een
netwerk te beveiligen te demonstreren.
Wireless netwerk professionals die nodig
zijn om de diverse security eisen voor
diverse uitrol modellen te definieren.
Individuen die de CCNP Wireless
Certification wensen te behalen.
Prijs: € 2.795,-
Vereiste voorkennis
van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• CCNA in Wireless ( ICND1en ICND2
plus IUWNE )
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-737 IAUWS - Implementing
Advanced Cisco Unified Wireless
This exam is one of the four exams
required to achieve the Cisco CCNP
Wireless Certification.
Cisco Wireless Mesh Networking
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
During this instructor-led technical course
you will learn how to design, install, and
maintain a wireless mesh network both as
an add-on to an existing wireless LAN and
as a new installation.
This course is intended for System
Engineers and may also so be of benefit to
internal and external Cisco sales personnel
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Prijs: € 1.995,-
• Legacy course Cisco Airespace
Installation and Administration and
Maintenance (CAIAM) v2 or v3
• Cisco Unified Wireless Networks
(CUWN) v4
• Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals
• Cisco Wireless LAN Advanced Topics
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Deploying Cisco Wireless LANs (WDBWL-WDAWL)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5-day instructor-led, hands-on
course provides learners with the skills
and resources required to successfully
plan, install, configure, troubleshoot,
monitor, and maintain a Cisco Wireless
LAN solution in a customer enterprise
environment. The complexity of the
topics covered build during the course,
the first 3 days focus on Wireless
Fundamentals such as: pre-deployment
planning considerations, configuration
of autonomous, unified and FlexConnect
architectures, configuration of all base
features, including wireless security, the
administration of the WLAN network and
the maintenance and troubleshooting of
wireless network issues.
The final two days looks at the more
challenging real-world scenario’s such
as client mobility between subnets,
high client densityand mesh network
Prijs: € 2.995,-
The course is written at software code
level 7.5.
Managing Unified Access Networks with Cisco
Prime Infrastructure
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The WMUAPI course establishes a strong
foundation in managing the full range of
Cisco wired and wireless infrastructure
using Prime Infrastructure 2.0. During this
course you will also explore the Application
Visibility and Control capabilities of Prime
Infrastructure through monitoring and
troubleshooting problems on the network.
The course puts the user in the context of a
realistic customer scenario, and covers every
aspect of Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.0’s
Lifecycle management approach. You will
create Sites, Maps, Deploy configurations,
perform device discovery as well as learn to
set alarms and troubleshoot network and
application issues.
This course is intended for engineers,
administrators or managers that need to
understand the fundamentals of planning,
installing, configuring, troubleshooting,
and maintaining Cisco infrastructures
using Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.0.
Prijs: € 2.195,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Attendance of the Cisco Prime
Infrastructure 2.0 Essentials ELT training
(available for free on Cisco’s web site)
• C CNA-Wireless and CCNA-Route/
Switch level of knowledge would be of
• Knowledge of network management
and network management terminology
• Knowledge of wireless networks and
wireless networking terminology
• Previous training in or experience with
CiscoWorks and/or Network Control
System (NCS) or Wireless Control
System (WCS) would be advantageous
(CUWN and WMNGI courses)
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is designed for engineers
involved in the planning, deployment
and managment of enterprise WLAN
using both autonomous architecture and
lightweight access points with controllers.
Managing Cisco Wireless LANs
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Viewed Defining Cisco Wireless LAN
Essentials (WLE) - 4 Hour ELT available
on the CLN or via Global Knowledge.
• CCNA Level of Knowledge
This course is focused on Cisco’s Unified
Wireless Network Management tools and
is designed to provide engineers with the
knowledge and skills required to configure,
administer, manage, troubleshoot, and
optimize the network.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Attendance of the CUWN course
• Understanding of basic networking
principles, network management, RF
and Cisco Lifecylce Services
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Any individual involved in managing a
network that incorporates wireless devices.
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 2.195,-
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 39
Cisco Trainingen
Implementing Advanced Cisco Unified Wireless
Cisco Trainingen
Deploying Advanced Cisco Wireless LANs
Borderless Network - Security
CCNA Security
CCNP Security
Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security
Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This 2-day instructor-led, hands-on
course builds upon the basic deployments
course by presenting students with more
challenging real-world deployments such
as client mobility between subnets, high
client density deployments, and mesh
network deployments. Understanding
the challenges you may encounter when
configuring and troubleshooting a WLAN
will help you make the right network
design decicions. The format of the course
allows you and the instructor to explore
realistic use cases and best practices
around more challenging deployment
scenarios. The course is written at software
code level 7.5.
When booking WDBWL & WDAWL as a
bundle, receive the WLE e-learning ( prework) for free.
Prijs: € 1.495,-
This course is designed for engineers
responsible for the planning, deployment
and management of the advanced
functions of an enterprise WLAN using
lightweight access points with controllers.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Viewed - WLE - Defining Cisco Wireless
LAN Essentials available from CLN or
Global Knowledge
• Attended WDBWL Deploying Basic
Cisco Wireless LANs
Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security
(IINS) v2.0 is een klassikale cursus
waarbij de noodzaak om een goed
beveiligingsbeleid (security policy) op
te zetten wordt uitgediept en waarin er
wordt gekeken naar welke gevolgen dit
heeft voor het netwerk.
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van de Cisco
IOS security features en technologieen
als medevoorbeelden uit de praktijk. De
training behandeld de security controls
van de Cisco IOS apparaten als mede de
functionele introductie van de Cisco ASA
adaptive security appliance.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Deploying Basic Cisco Wireless LANs
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day instructor-led, hands-on
course provides learners with the skills
and resources required to successfully
plan, install, configure, troubleshoot,
monitor, and maintain basic Cisco
Wireless LAN solutions in a customer
enterprise environment. Topics include
pre-deployment planning considerations,
configuration of autonomous, unified and
FlexConnect architectures, configuration
of all base features, including wireless
security, the administration of the WLAN
network and the maintenance and
troubleshooting of wireless network
issues. The course is written at software
code level 7.5.
When booking WDBWL & WDAWL as a
bundle, receive the WLE e-learning ( prework) for free.
Prijs: € 2.095,-
This course is designed for engineers
involved in the planning, deployment
and managment of enterprise WLAN
using both autonomous architecture and
lightweight access points with controllers.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Viewed Defining Cisco Wireless LAN
Essentials (WLE) - 4 Hour ELT available
on the CLN or via Global Knowledge.
• Have Basic Networking Knowledge
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Door een instructeurr geleide discussies,
lessen en hands-on lab oefeningen, geeft
deze training de deelnemers de kennis
en vaardigheden de nodig zijn voor het
uitvoeren van basis de taken rondom
het beveiligen van een klein kantoor
netwerk gebruikmakend van Cisco IOS
security features die beschikbaar zijn via
de web-based GUIs (Cisco Configuration
Professional) en de CLI op Cisco routers,
switches en ASA appliances.
Prijs: € 2.395,-
This is an ideal course for those individuals
looking for an entry level understanding of
security on the network.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• ICND1 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 1
• ICND2 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices Part 2 Or
• CCNABC - Cisco CCNA Certification
Fast Track Programme
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 640-554 - IINS Implementing Cisco
IOS Network Security
This exam is required for those delegates
wishing to obtain the CCNA Security
Concentration Certification
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course has been designed to provide
students with the knowledge and skills
required to implement and manage
security on Cisco ASA firewalls, Cisco
Routers with the firewall feature set
and Cisco Switches. Students will gain
hands-on experience with configuring
various perimeter security solutions to
mitigate outside threats and secure
network zones. At the end of the course,
students should be able to reduce the risk
to their IT infrastructures and applications
and provide detailed operations support
for Cisco Switches, Cisco ASA, and Router
security appliance features.
This course is aimed at network
professionals involved in the support
and deployment of Cisco Edge Security
solutions utilizing Cisco Switches, Cisco
Routers and Cisco ASA Firewalls, as
well as Individuals looking to obtain the
Cisco Certified Network Professional
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Cisco Certified Network Associate
(CCNA®) certification
• Cisco Certified Network Associate
(CCNA®) Security certification
• Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Operating System
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 300-206 - Implementing Cisco Edge
Network Security Solutions
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed to prepare network
security engineers with the knowledge and
skills they need to protect data traversing a
public or shared infrastructure such as the
Internet by implementing and maintaining
Cisco VPN solutions. Students of this
course will gain hands-on experience with
configuring and troubleshooting remote
access and site-to-site VPN solutions, using
Cisco ASA adaptive Security Appliances
and Cisco IOS routers.
This course will be of benefit to security
engineers involved in the support and
deployment of Cisco VPN Solutions and
individuals looking to obtain the Cisco
Certified Network Professional for Security
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Cisco Certified Network Associate
(CCNA®) certification
• Cisco Certified Network Associate
(CCNA®) Security certification
• Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Operating System
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 300-209 - Implementing Cisco Edge
Network Security Solutions
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course has been designed to
provide engineers with the foundational
knowledge and skills required to
implement and manage network access
security through the deployment of the
Cisco Identity Services Engine and 802.1x
Students will gain hands-on experience
with configuring advanced Cisco security
solutions to enable secure device
connection to the network and for
mitigating outside threats. At the end of
the course, students will be able to reduce
the risk to their IT infrastructures and
applications using Cisco’s ISE appliance
features and provide operational support
to identity and network access control.
This course is aimed at engineers looking
to deploy or support a Cisco’s Identity
Services Engine solution and individuals
looking to achieve the Cisco Certified
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Network Professional Certification for
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Cisco Certified Network Associate
Certification ICND1 and ICND2 or
• Cisco Certified Network
AssociateSecurity Certification ICND1
and IINS
• Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Operating System
Recommended Preparation for Exam(s):
• 300-208 - Implementing Cisco Secure
AccessSolutions Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Introduction to 802.1X Operations for Cisco Security Professionals
Implementing Cisco Threat Control Systems
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Deze driedaagse cursus is ontworpen om
studenten te voorzien van de kennis en de
vaardigheden benodigd om Cisco TrustSec
oplossingen te configureren gebaseerd op
de Cisco Identity Services module, Cisco
Catalyst switches en Cisco Wireless LAN
Deze cursus introduceert de architectuur,
componenten en functies van een Cisco
TrustSec netwerk ontworpen rond de IEEE
802.1X en RADIUS protocols.
Studenten verkrijgen basiskennis van de
mogelijkheden en functies van het IEEE
802.1X protocol en de de mogelijkheid
om een Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
voor 802.1X te configureren. Dit word
geborgd in ‘hands-on’ ervaring met het
configureren van het netwerk voor 802.1x
gebaseerde services.
engineers looking to achive theeducation
requirementsfor the Cisco ISE ATP
Authorized Technology Provider.
Security architects, design engineers,
and other individuals seeking hands-on
experience with Cisco TrustSec 802.1X
deployments with Cisco ISE. Cisco Channel
Partner systems engineers and field
This Exam is currently only required for
System Engineers looking to achieve the
ISE ATP accreditation.
Vereiste voorkennis
Deelnemers moeten voldoen aan de
volgende voorkennis:
• Deelnemen aan Securing Cisco Routers en
Switches (SECURE) of equivalente kennis
• Kennis van Microsoft Windows Server
2008Active Directory
• Kennis van Cisco wireless LAN
controllers en lightweight access
points IUWNE, CUWN
Recommended preparation for exam (s):
• 650-474 - PAISESE - System Engineers
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course has been designed to prepare
security engineers with the knowledge
and skills required to deploy Cisco’s Next
Generation Firewall (NGFW), Web Security,
Email Security and Cloud Web Security
solutions including Cisco Prime Security
Mangaer for the mangement of identity
Students will gain hands-on experience
with configuring various advance Cisco
security solutions for mitigating outside
threats and securing traffic traversing the
firewall. At the end of the course, students
should be able to reduce the risk to their
IT infrastructures and applications using
Cisco’s Next Generation Firewall security
appliance features and provide operational
support for Intrusion Prevention Systems,
Email Security, and Web based security
This course is aimed at engineers invovled
in the implementation and support of
Cisco Security Solutions that include
Cisco’s Next Generation Firewall, Web
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Security. Email Security and Cloud Web
Security Applicances. This course is also
required for engineers looking to achieve
the Cisco Certified Network Professional
Certification for Security.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Cisco Certified Network Associate
Certification ICND1 and ICND2 or
• Cisco Certified Network
AssociateSecurity Certification ICND1
and IINS
• Knowledge of Microsoft Windows
operating system
Recommended Preparation for Exam(s):
• 300-207 - Implementing Cisco Threat
Control Solutions Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Secure Access Control System
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
In deze cursus leer je hoe je een veilige
toegang tot network resources kunt
creëren met gebruik van Cisco Secure
Access Control System (ACS) 5.2. Je leert
onder andere hoe de 4.x configuraties
aansluiten op de 5.x configuratie. Je krijgt
bovendien een blik op de toekomst van ACS
Je leert over de rol en het belang van ACS in
Cisco TrustSec, het is hetzelfde als TrustSec
is uitgerold als een appliance-based
overlay oplossing of als een netwerk-
Prijs: € 1.995,-
geintegreerde 802.1x oplossing. Je leert
over user authentication en authorisatie,
posture assessment, device profiling, guest
access, data integrity en confidentiality,
centralized policy, collaborative monitoring,
troubleshooting, en reporting in Cisco
TrustSec oplossingen.
Cisco channel partners die Cisco ACS
oplossingen verkopen, implementeren, en
onderhouden en voor Security professionals,
architecten, engineers en network
administrators die verantwoordelijk zijn
voor het beveiligen van hun netwerken en
die ervoor zorgen dat er alleen toegang
wordt verkregen door geauthentiseerde
geauthoriseerde gebruikers, waarvan de
activiteiten worden bijgehouden.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• CCNA Certificering ICND1 plus ICND2
of CCNABC aanbevolen
• CCNA Security Certificering IINS
aanbevolen maar niet verplicht
• Parate kennis van het Microsoft
windows operating system
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 41
Cisco Trainingen
Security Overig
Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility
Implementing NAC Appliance (Cisco CLean Access)
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course is designed to teach delegates
how to design & implement a Cisco NAC
Appliance solution to suit your network.
You will learn basic configuration tasks
such as NAM and NAS deployment
modes, authentication (including Windows
SSO), role-based access control, posture
assessment, and remediation.
This course will be of interest for
anyone responsible for the design,
implementation, or support of a Cisco NAC
Appliance installation and Cisco Channel
Partners preparing for CCSP and NAC
Specialist certification.
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
The knowledge and skills that a learner
must have before attending this course are
as follows:
• Fundamental knowledge of
implementing network security or
CCSP or Cisco Security CSQ SNRS
or working knowledge of digital
certificates BCSI or working knowledge
of HSRP.
This course will prepare delegates for the
following exam; 642-591 CANAC (Now
part of the CCSP Certification and one of
the three possible electives).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Network Admission Control
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Network Access Devices (NADs) Switch
(layer 2): NAC Phase 2 Network devices
that enforce admission control policy
on switches. This devices demand host
security “credentials” and relay this
information to policy servers, where
network admission control decisions are
made. Based on customer-defined policy,
the network will enforce the appropriate
admission control decision, permit, deny,
quarantine, or restrict.
Prijs: € 2.195,-
Mitigating DDoS Using Cisco Guard and Traffic
Anomaly Detector
Deploying Firewall Services with the Catalyst
6500 FWSM
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course Mitigating DDoS Using Cisco
Guard and Traffic Anomaly Detector
(DDOS) v1.0, is an introductory end-user
course focused on the basic deployment
and configuration of the Cisco Guard
(Guard) and Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector
(Detector) distributed denial of service
(DDoS) mitigation solutions. The course
covers recognizing threats posed by
DDoS attacks, selecting the appropriate
mitigation strategies, and successfully
deploying Cisco DDoS mitigation solutions.
This course includes hands-on lab practice
in setting up and configuring Guard and
Detector devices, creating zones and
protection policies, and analyzing Guard
attack reports for various DDoS attack
The target audience for this course
is Network Designers, Network
Administrators, Network Engineers,
Network Managers, Program Managers,
Project Managers and System Engineers.
Cisco Channel Partners/Resellers,
Customers, Employees.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 1.395,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• ICND1 - Interconnecting Cisco
Network Devices
• Foundation-level network knowledge
and skills necessary to install,
configure, operate, and troubleshoot
network devices and applications.
• Basic knowledge of Cisco IOS
networking and concepts
• Foundation-level network security
knowledge and skills necessary
to install, configure, operate and
troubleshoot network security
devices and applications including
firewalls,intrusion detection systems
and intrusion preventions systems.
• Basic knowledge of the Windows
operating system
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Cisco Catalyst 6500 Firewall Services
Module (FWSM) provides centralized
firewall services under distributed control,
allowing firewall services to be easily
provisioned for deploying and scaling
n-tier applications.In this course, you will
learn how to design effective firewall
services solutions with the Cisco Catalyst
6500. You will learn how to implement
and deploy the FWSM, how to streamline
the provisioning of multiple firewall
contexts, and how to deploy the FWSM
in high-availability configuration This
course is delivered as part of the Global
Knowledge and Firefly strategic alliance,
providing delegates with the latest in Data
Center technology.
Prijs: € 1.795,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Delegates should meet the following
• CCNP certification or equivalent
• Familiarity with the architecture of the
Catalyst 6500 platform
• Intermediate-level knowledge of
firewall concepts, such as NAT and
packet inspection
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is designed for Systems
Engineers and Field Engineers who need
to design and implement firewall services
using the FWSM.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Securing Email with Cisco Email Security Appliance - Channel Partners
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course is designed to help learners
understand how to install, configure, and
manage the Cisco Email Security Appliance
in a small to medium-sized business
and enterprise installation. Knowledge
application and basic troubleshooting skills
are reinforced with the use of hands-onlabs.
This course is for Channel Partners
looking to achieve their Email Security
Accreditatation for Field Engineers.
Prijs: € 2.095,-
Individuals responsible for messaging
implementations such as Enterprise
messaging managers and system
administrators, Email system designers,
architects or Network managers. This course
is specifically designed for Channel Partners
looking to achieve their Email Security
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• TCP/IP Fundamentals
• Experience with Internet-based
messaging, including Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol(SMTP), Internet
message formats, and Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) ICND2
Recommended Preparation for exam(s):
• ESFE Exam - 650-153 or 700-280
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Securing the Web with Cisco Web Security Appliance
Managing Advanced Cisco SSL VPN (CAVPN)
Securing Email with Cisco Email Security Appliance
This course has been designed to help
learners understand how to install,
configure, manage, and troubleshoot a
Cisco Web Security Applicance (WSA).
Students will learn how to design,
configure, administer, monitor, and
troubleshoot the Cisco Web Security
Appliance(WSA) in small to medium-sized
business and enterprise installations.
Extensive lab exercises provide attendees
with critical hands-on product experience,
providing a safe environment to
experiment with malware etc.
Individuals involved with the deployment
and installation of the Cisco’s Web Security
Appliances, or Channel Partner’s looking
to achieve accreditation.
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Delegates should meet the following
• Knowledge of TCP/IP services,
including Domain Name Server
(DNS), Secure Shell (SSH), FTP, Simple
Network Management Protocol
(SNMP), HTTP, and HTTPS is assumed.
• ICND2 Recommended
• Experience with IP Routing
This three-day course focuses on providing
advanced knowledge and features of
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPNs on the
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA).
Learners will be able to evaluate various
deployment options for SSL VPNs and
configure advanced features using the
Cisco Advanced Security Device Manager
Recommended preparation for exam(s) :
• WSFE - 650-568 or 700-281 - This
exam is only required for Field
engineers looking to be certified
to meet the Cisco Channel Partner
Any engineer involved in the deployment
and management of a SSL solution
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
Solution (ACSM) provides web security
for the borderless network. This solution
brings together Cisco SSL VPN technology
and Cisco IronPort content security. This
comprehensive training course covers how
to install, configure and administer ACSM.
The course consists of hands-on labs and
End Users: Network and Security
Administrators, Network Architect and
Customer Support Engineers
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
One of the following courses is required
• Web Security Channel Partner Training
• Securing Your Web with Cisco IronPort
S-Series (SYEBC or SESA)
• Cisco Advanced SSL VPN
Administration (CAVPN or SASSL)
The AnyConnect Secure Mobility e-learning
course is strongly recommended
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.095,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
prerequisites :
• Skills and knowledge equivalent to
those learned in VPN
• Working knowledge of the Microsoft
Windows operating system, including
Microsoft Internet Explorer
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity
Services Engine
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course discusses the Cisco Identity
Services Engine (ISE) version 1.1.1, a
next-generation identity and access
control policy platform that provides
a single policy plane across the entire
organization combining multiple services,
including authentication, authorization,
and accounting (AAA), posture,
profiling, device on-boarding, and guest
management, into a single context-aware
identity-based platform. The training
provides learners with the knowledge
and skills required to enforce security
posture compliance for wired and wireless
endpoints and enhance infrastructure
security using the Cisco ISE.
Individuals involved in the deployment and
maintence of the Cisco ISE platform and
Cisco Channel Partner engineers looking
for Cisco ISE ATP accreditation.
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course is designed to help learners
understand how to install, configure, and
manage the Cisco Email Security Appliance
in a small to medium-sized business
and enterprise installation. Knowledge
application and basic troubleshooting
skills are reinforced with the use of
Individuals responsible for messaging
implementations such as Enterprise
messaging managers and system
administrators, Email system designers,
architects or Network managers.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Prijs: € 2.195,-
• TCP/IP Fundamentals
• Experience with Internet-based
messaging, including Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol(SMTP), Internet
message formats, and Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
ICND2 Recommended
Recommended Preparation for exam(s):
There is currently no exam associated to
this course.
Delegates looking to acheive the Channel
Partner Accreditation should attend the
PASESA course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Basic knowledge of Cisco IOS
networking and concepts
• Foundation-level wireless knowledge
and skills. IUWNE recommended.
• Foundation-level network knowledge
and skills necessary to install,
configure, operate, and troubleshoot
network devices and applications
• CCNA Security certification ICND1 and
Recommended preparation for exam (s):
• 500-254 - Implementing and
Configuring Cisco Identity Services
This exam is only relevant for Field
Engineers looking to achieve the Cisco ISE
ATP Accreditation. Engineers looking for
the Field Engineer Accreditation will also
need to take the 650-472 802.1X exam.
Implementing Cisco Identity Services Engine for
Wireless Engineers
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course has been designed to enable
wireless engineers understand the
concepts, architecture, and use cases
of the Cisco Identity Services Engine
Solution.This course provides students
with the knowledge and skills required
to implement a basic Cisco ISE solution.
The focus is on ensuring that students
can implement the core features required
in most Identity Services Engine Solution
deployments. Students should already be
familiar with basic Cisco Wireless LAN
Controller and Access Point configuration.
This course is on ISE 1.2
Wireless Engineers new to deploying
Cisco’s Identity Services Engine Solutions.
Prijs: € 1.795,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Knowledge of basic 802.1X (It is
recommended that the student take
the free 802.1X E-learning on PEC
before attending this training.)
• Basic understanding of Microsoft
Active Directory or LDAP
• CCNA-level route and switch
knowledge - ICND1 and ICND2 or
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 43
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Managing Enterprise Security with Cisco Security
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This is a five-day instructor-led course that
is aimed at providing network security
engineers with the knowledge and skills
that are needed to configure and deploy
Cisco Security Manager. The course also
provides an overview of network security
technologies, and includes case studies
that are useful for deployment scenarios.
Network Security engineers deploying
Cisco Security Manager.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Cisco CCSP or CCNP Security
Prijs: € 2.995,-
• Understanding of networking and
routing (on the CCNP level, but no
certification is required).
• Understanding of different VPN
technologies (such as DMVPN, GET
VPN, and SSL VPN).
• Working knowledge of the Microsoft
Windows operating system.
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Advanced Cisco ASA Security
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides up-to-date training
on the key features of the post-8.4.1
release of the Cisco ASA 5500-X Series
Next-Generation Firewalls, focusing
heavily on the advanced 9.x features of
the CX Module and Clustering. Hands
on labs are incorporated into the class to
help underline the functionality of the CX
Module.Other topics covered include IPv6
Enhancements and Cloud Web Security
Prijs: € 2.495,-
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course has been specifically designed
for Network engineers supporting Cisco
ASA 9.x implementations.
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course has been designed to
providean understanding of Cisco’s ASA
solution portfolio. Students will learn how
to successfully configure various aspects of
the Cisco ASA components including Cisco
ASA NGFW, Cisco ASA NGFW Security
Services and Cisco ASA Remote Access
VPN including Clientless and AnyConnect.
This course is aimed at engineers new to
Cisco’s Next Generation Firewall products
and partners looking to acquire the Cisco
Express Security accreditation.
Implementing Core Cisco ASA Security
Prijs: € 1.695,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Cisco ASA Overview (SAAOV) v1.0
Available as E-learning via PEC Duration 6 hours
• Firewall knowledge
Recommended as preparation for exam(s):
• 500-258 -ASA Express Security Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Bring Your Own Device
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Implementing Cisco Bring Your Own
Device Solutions (SBYOD) 1.0 course is
a three-day instructor-led course that is
aimed at enabling Cisco customers and
System Engineers (SEs) to understand
advanced concepts, architecture, and use
cases that are related to the Cisco Identity
Services Engine (ISE). This course will also
prepare learners to implement advanced
Cisco ISE solutions. The focus is to extend
the knowledge that is gained in the SWISE
course material to ensure that students
can implement additional, advanced
features of Cisco ISE deployments.
Engineers involved in the deployment
and management of corporate security
policies, that incorporate the Cisco Identity
Services Engine Solution.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• FIREWALL v1.0 or FIREWALL v2.0 or
an equivalent knowledge of the Cisco
Cisco ASA Express Security
Prijs: € 2.195,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Cisco CCNA Wireless certification
(ICND1+IUWNE) or commensurate
wireless experience
• Basic knowledge of 802.1X
• Familiarity with Microsoft Active
Directory and LDAP
• Have attended the SISE or SWISE
course, or have commensurate field
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day course aims to provide
network security engineers with the
knowledge and skills needed to implement
and maintain Cisco ASA adaptive security
appliance-based perimeter solutions.
Delegates will be able to reduce risk to the
IT infrastructure and applications using
Cisco ASA adaptive security appliance
features, and provide detailed operations
support for the Cisco ASA adaptive security
appliance. This course is focused on the
features of 9.x
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Network engineers supporting Cisco ASA
9.x implementations
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Hold a CCNA in Security ICND1 + IINS
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
CCNA Voice
Introducing Cisco Voice and Unified
Communications Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus geeft een inleiding in de
architectuur, componenten, functionaliteiten
en eigenschappen van de Cisco
Unified Communications-systemen
en laat zien hoe dagelijkse taken als
systeemmonitoring, verplaatsingen,
toevoegingen en wijzigingen
worden uitgevoerd in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express, Cisco
Unity Connection en Cisco Unified Presence.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor personen
die een Cisco Unified Communicationssysteem willen beheren en onderhouden
dat is gebaseerd op Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express,
Cisco Unity Connection en Cisco Unified
Presence. Deze cursus is ook verplicht voor
deelnemers die het CCNA Voice-certificaat
willen behalen.
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Praktijkkennis van geconvergeerde
data- en voice-netwerken
• Basiskennis van Cisco IOS-gateways
• Basiskennis van Cisco Unified
Communications Manager en Cisco
Unity Connection
• De cursus ICND1 moet zijn gevolgd
Aanbevolen voorbereiding voor het
examen: 640-461.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Part 1
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Part 2
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus bereid de deelnemers voor op
het implementeren van een Cisco Unified
Communications Manager oplossing in een
‘single-site’ omgeving. Deze cursus richt zich
vooral op de Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Version 8.0, dat is de call routing en
signaling component voor de Cisco Unified
Communications oplossing.
Deelnemers verrichten post-installatie taken,
configureren Cisco Unified Communications
Manager, implementeren Media Gateway
Control Protocol (MGCP) en H.323 gateways
en ontwikkelen kies plannen om op het net
en van het net calls te kunnen maken. De
deelnemer leert ook om media resources,
Cisco IP Phone Services, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager native presence
en Cisco Unified Mobility te implementeren.
De primaire doelgroep voor deze cursus
is Netwerk administrators, netwerk
engineers en CCNP Voice kandidaten.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
Prijs: € 2.495,-
• Parate kennis van fundamentele
termen en concepten van computer
networking, inclusief LANs, WANs en
IP switching and routing
• De vaardigheid om Cisco routers en
switches te opereren en om VLANs en
DHCP te creëren
• Basis kennis van digital interfaces,
• Fundamentele kennis van samengevoegde voice en data networks
• De vaardigheid om Cisco IOS gateways
te configureren met traditionele en
VoIP call legs
• Voorafgaande deelname aan de
volgende cursussen is aanbevolen:
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-447 - Implementing
CiscoCommunications Manager Part 1
CIPT1 is one of five courses required for
the Cisco Certified Network Professional
for Voice Career Certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus is het vervolg op Implementing
Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
Part1 (CIPT1) v8.0 En bereid de kandidaten
voor op het implementeren van een Cisco
Unified Communications oplossing in een
multisite omgeving. Het behandeld
wereldwijde call routing, Cisco Service
Advertisement Framework (SAF) en Call
Control Discovery (CCD), tail-end hop-off
(TEHO), Cisco Unified Survivable Remote
Site Telephony (SRST), en mobility features
zoals Cisco Device Mobility en Cisco
Extension Mobility.
Deelnemers passen een dial plan toe voor
een multisite omgeving inclusief TEHO,
configuratie survivability voor remote sites
gedurende WAN failure en implementeren
van oplossingen bandbreedte eisen te
reduceren in het IP WAN. Deelnemers maken
het ook mogelijk om Call Admission Control
(CAC) toe te passen inclusief Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) Preconditions en
automated alternate routing (AAR).
De primaire doelgroep voor deze cursus is
Netwerk Administrators, Network
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Engineers en CCNP Voice kandidaten.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Parate kennis van samengestelde voice
en data netwerken
• Parate kennis van MGCP, SIP en H.323
protocols en hun implementatie op
Cisco IOS gateways
• Vaardugheid om Cisco routers and
switches te configureren en opereren.
• Vaardigheid om Cisco Unified
Communications Manager in een
single-site omgeving te configureren
en opereren
• Voorafgaande deelname aan CVOICE
plus CIPT1 is vereist
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-457 - Implementing Cisco
Communications Manager Part 2
CIPT2 is one of five courses required for
the Cisco Certified Network Professional
for Voice Career Certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Voice Communications and QoS
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus verzorgt de basis kennis
van voice gateways, de karakteristieken
van VoIP call legs, dial plans en de
implementatie daarvan, plus de basis
implementatie van IP telefoons in een Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Express
omgeving, alsmede essentiële informatie
over gatekeepers en Cisco Unified
Border Element. Voice-gerelateerde QoS
mechanismen die nodig zijn in eenCisco
Prijs: € 2.395,-
Unified Communications netwerk zijn een
onderdeel van deze cursus.
De primaire doelgroep voor deze cursus is
Netwerk Administrators, Network Engineers
en CCNP Voice kandidaten.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Parate kennis van fundamentele termen
en concepten van computer networking
inclusief LANs, WANs, en IP switching
en routing
• De vaardigheid om Cisco IOS routers
te configureren en beheren in een IP
omgeving op CCNA niveau ICND1 of
CCNABC is aanbevolen
• Basiskennis van traditionele voice, samengestelde voice en data netwerken op
CCNA Voice Level ICOMM is aanbevolen
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-437 - Implementing Cisco Voice
Communications and QoS
CVOICE is one of five courses required for
the Cisco Certified Network Professional for
Voice Career Certification
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 45
Cisco Trainingen
CCNP Voice
Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Deze cursus verzorgt voor de kennis en
vaardigheden die nodig zijn om Cisco Unified
Communications systemen en oplossingen
te troubleshooten in enterprise, midmarket,
commerciele ontwerpen in single-site en
multisite omgevingen. De cursus verzorgt
troubleshooting methodologien, triage,
resources, tools en reparaties voor het
systeem of oplossingsniveau voor Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.
• Parate kennis van MGCP, SIP enH.323
en hun implementatie op Cisco IOS
• Parate kennis van Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, Cisco
Unified Communicationsfuncties
en applicaties en Cisco IOS voice
gateways in eensingle-siteen multisite
• Voorafgaande deelname aan CVOICEV8,
CIPT1V8en CIPT2V8 is een vereiste.
De primaire doelgroep voor deze cursus is:
• Netwerk Administrators en Network
• CCNP Voice kandidaten
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-427-Troubleshooting Cisco
Unified Communications
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Parate kennis vansamengestelde voice
en data networks
TVOICE is one of five courses required for
the Cisco Certified Network Professional
for Voice Career Certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Integrating Cisco Unified Communications
Contact Center
Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Part 1
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides delegates with an
understanding of the integration options
of Cisco Unified Presence, Cisco Unity
Express, and Cisco Unity Connection. It
describes voice messaging deployment
scenarios, Cisco Unified Presence features,
and troubleshooting mechanisms as
well as Cisco Unified Presence and
Cisco Unified Personal Communicator
integration options with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager.
The primary audience for this course is
Network Administrators and Network
Engineers or CCNP Voice candidates
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Prijs: € 2.495,-
• Working knowledge of converged
voice and data networks
• Basic Knowledge of Cisco IOS
• Working knowledge of Cisco Unified
Communications Manager and Cisco
Unity Connection
• Prior attendance of ICOMM, and
CIPT1V8 is recommended
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-467 - Intergrating Cisco Unified
Communications Applications
CAPPS is one of five courses required for
the Cisco Certified Network Professional
for Voice Career Certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
CCIE Collaboration
Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Collaboration Advanced Workshop
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Cisco 360 CCIE® Collaboration Advanced
Workshop teaches students how to use
an expert-level problem-solving process,
including options analysis, to support
complex Cisco Collaboration technologies
and topologies.
This course is part of a blended learning
curriculum that aids students preparing for
the CCIE Collaboration Lab Exam.
CIEC includes one Pre-Assessment lab
and one 8-hour Graded Performance
Assessment Lab. This course is 50% hands
on labs and 50% lecture. Delegates must
bring their own laptops with them as
courseware is provided electronically.
Prijs: € 4.995,-
This course is for technical professionals
who are preparing for the Cisco CCIE
Collaboration Lab Exam.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Have passed the CCIE Voice or CCIE
Collaboration written exam
• Be able to demonstrate advanced level
competencies both in knowledge and
skills in the following areas:
- Cisco Unified CM 7.0 or later: Globalized Dial Plan (Plus Dialing)
- Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express : SIP/SCCP Endpoints
- Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco
Unity Express: Integration and Call Routing
- Cisco Unified Presence : Cisco Unified CM Integration , Soft phone/Desk phone modes
- Cisco Unified Contact Center Express:
ACD , Cisco Unified CM integration and basic scripting
- Cisco Voice Gateways: Dial Peers, PRI, Digit manipulation
The Cisco CCIE Collaboration Lab Exam
is an eight-hour, hands-on exam which
requires you to configure a network to given
specifications in a timed test situation.
Although basic network connectivity
is provided, you will be responsible for
configuring the pre-installed applications
to satisfy the requirements of the lab, and
to troubleshoot important parameters of
a voice network, such as quality of service,
VLANs, gateways and gatekeepers. Points
values and testing criteria are provided.
Recommended as preparation for :
• The Cisco CCIE Collaboration Lab Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5 day instructor-led course is designed
for system engineers and customers
involved with the support of a UCCE
solution deployed in a CVP comprehensive
environment. This course describes the
requirements, resources and tools needed
to perform routine adds, moves and
changes in the inbound/outbound UCCE
This course is intended for those
administering a UCEE solution, or
responsible for Level 1-2 support.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Basic knowledge of networking
(Windows A/D, SQL) and components
(servers, routers, switch) is helpful but
not required
• Working knowledge of a Windows
computer including a mouse and the
Prijs: € 2.995,-
simultaneous use of the Alt-Tab keys is
• Working knowledge of Unified
Communications Manager and Voice
• Basic understanding of contact center
Recommended preparation for the
following exam(s):
• 642-241 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Design Exam
• 642-242 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Implementation
• 642-243 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Support
Delegates looking to take these exams will
also need to have studied the AUCCE2 and
DUCCE courses.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This is a 5 day instructor-led course for
system engineers and customers who
will be involved with “Day2” support
of a UCCE solution deployed in a CVP
comprehensive environment. This course
gives the learner an understanding of the
requirements, resources and tools required
to perform complex adds, moves and
changes in the inbound/outbound UCCE
environment. This course is intended for
those performing advanced administration
of the solution, or who may be responsible
for Level 2-3 support.
Individuals involved in the advanced
administration and support of a UCCE
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Prijs: € 2.995,-
• Attendance of AUCCE Part 1 or
equivalent real world experience is a
requirement to attend this course
• Working knowledge of Unified
Communications Manager and Voice
Gateways would be very helpful
Recommended preparation for the
following exam(s):
• 642-241 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Design Exam
• 642-242 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Implementation
• 642-243 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Support
Delegates looking to take these exams will
also need to have studied the AUCCE1 and
DUCCE courses.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise
Deploying Cisco Unified Intelligence Center
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed for system
engineers involved in the day-to-day
interaction with the Cisco Unified Contact
Center Enterprise (CCE) product. Students
will gain an understanding of the Unified
CCE deployment capabilities, processes,
fault tolerance, installation, and basic
troubleshooting options.The Unified CCE
software will be installed and the Unified
CCE troubleshooting tools explored.
Engineers involved in the configuration
and maintenance of a Cisco Unified
Contact Center Enterprise deployment, as
well as Cisco Channel Partners looking to
achieve the Cisco UCCE ATP.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Understanding of basic networking
and the relevant components.
Prijs: € 2.995,-
• Working knowledge of Microsoft
Windows Server deployed within an
Active Directory environment
• Working knowledge of a Windows
computer including a mouse and the
simultaneous use of the Alt-Tab keys
Recommended as preparation for exam (s) ;
• 642-241 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Design
• 642-242 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Implementation
• 642-243 - Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Support
Delegates looking to take these exams will
also need to have studied the AUCCE1 and
DUCCE courses.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Deploying Cisco Unified Intelligence
Center (DUIC) 1.0 is a three-day ILT course.
Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 8.0 is
a comprehensive, end-to-end reporting
solution, designed to make the task of
creating reports and managing disparate
data sources easier on the customer and,
at the same time, present a consistent user
interface and a common tool to access the
varied data across multiple Cisco product
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• A working knowledge of Unified
Contact Center Enterprise is desired
AUCCE and DUCCE recommended
• A working knowledge of contact
center operations is desirable
• Cisco customers
• Cisco technology partners
• Cisco employees
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Collaboration overig
Installing and Configuring the Cisco BE6000
Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express
This course is focused entirely on the Cisco
Business Edition 6000 solution, designed
for organizations with up to 1000
employees. The solution offers premium
voice, video, mobility, messaging, presence,
and contact center features on a single
platform and provides core communication
capabilities that medium-sized businesses
need for improved collaboration across the
value chain.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides students with
hands-on experience and knowledge of
tasks typically performed during contact
center deployment. This includes the
deployment of Cisco Unified Contact
Center Express (CCX) and Cisco Unified IP
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) as contact
center solutions. Tasks include planning,
installation and configuration, scripting, and
This course is based on UCCX release 9.0
Prijs: € 2.795,-
The primary audience for this course will
be CiscoChannel Partners and Resellers,
System Engineers and Customers deploying
and maintaining Unified Contact Center
Express products. This course is also very
popular for people looking to prepare for
the CCIE Voice exam as it covers the use of
the CRS server for IP IVR and Call Centre
type ACD applications.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Internetworking Fundamentals (ICND1
and ICND2 Or CCNABC) recommended.
• Basic IP telephony concepts (ICOMM)
• Cisco Unified Communication Manager
deployments (CIPT1V8) recommended.
• Cisco IP Phones, Cisco IP Communicator
• Contact Center Operations
• Microsoft Windows 2000, 2003, XP
• MS SQL 2000, MSDE Databases
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 500-051 - UCCX - Unified
Communications Contact Center
Express Implementation
This exam is required for the Cisco
IP Contact Center Express Specialist
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
During this course delegates will learn how
the Cisco Business Edition 6000 solution,
enabled by virtualization technology,
consolidates multiple applications on a
single platform and how high-availability
features can be maximised to support
mission-critical voice, messaging, and
contact center capabilities. Presence, Unity
Prijs: € 1.395,-
Connection, Jabber, Webex UUCX are all
covered during this course.
Engineers involved in the installation and
deployment of a Cisco BE6000 solution.
Advanced UC Channel Partners.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Understanding of Cisco Unified
Communications Manager
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 47
Cisco Trainingen
Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center
Enterprise Part 2
Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal
Implementation [v8.0]
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course defines the tasks necessary
for the Operation, Administration,
Management and Provisioning of Cisco
Unified Customer Voice Portal as it
is installed in a comprehensive Cisco
Unified Intelligent Contact Management
Enterprise environment.
This course will be beneficial for
Individuals with telephony or data
networking background who are familiar
with network infrastructure and IP
Communication components upon which
Cisco Unified CVP will be implemented.
IP Transfer Point
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Delegates should meet the following
• CCNA - ICND1 and ICND2
• CVOICEV8 - Cisco Voice Over IP
• CIPT1V8 - Implementing Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, Part 1
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Cisco Unified Communications support
several features and mechanisms to secure
voice signaling and communications
and to mitigate attacks against Cisco
Unified Communications networks.
The Implementing Cisco Unified
Communications Security (UCSEC) v1.0
course introduces security mechanisms
and describes different implementation
scenarios that increase the security level of
Cisco Unified Communications networks.
The course is designed to provide students
with the necessary knowledge and skills
to implement security features in a Cisco
Unified Communications environment.
This course is designed for experienced
Cisco Unified Communications engineers
who will be deploying or managing secure
Cisco Unified Communications networks
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Prijs: € 2.595,-
• Working knowledge of converged
voice and data networks and network
Security fundamentals.
• Working knowledge of Cisco IOS
gateways, Cisco Unified SRST
gateways, and Cisco Unified Border
• Working knowledge of Cisco Unified
Communications Manager and Cisco
Unified Communications Manager
• Working knowledge of Cisco IOS
Firewall and Cisco ASA Firewalls
• Working knowledge of IPsec and SSL
•CCNP® Voice certification and CCNA
Security Certification is recommended.
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco QOS
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course enables learners to use
appropriate technologies to build
a scalable SS7 signaling network,
to create and deploy an SS7 over IP
signaling network, and to implement
basic troubleshooting techniques in
environments that use the Cisco ITP. The
ITP v3.0 course also enables students to
improve traffic flow, reliability, redundancy,
and performance in the signaling network.
This course is aimed at individuals involved
in configuring, maintaining, operating,
and troubleshooting a signalling network,
to implement basic troubleshooting
techniques in environments that use the
Cisco ITP. The ITP v3.0 course also enables
learners to improve traffic flow, reliability,
redundancy, and performance in the
Prijs: € 2.995,-
signalling network. The primary audience
for this course is Network engineers, and
Network Architects.
Delegates are required to provide their
own Laptop when this course is delivered
at a Cisco Location
Vereiste voorkennis
All delegates should have a working
knowledge of:
• Basic IPS skills
• Basic SS7 knowledge
• Basic TCP/IP knowledge
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Unified E-Mail and Web
Interaction Manager Enterprise
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.995,-
This course is intented for installation
engineers, system administrators, database
administrators, sales engineers, and others
who are responsible for installing and
maintaining the Cisco Unified Web and
E-Mail Interaction Manager installation,
which includes a common platform and
one or both of the following applications:
Cisco Unified E-Mail Interaction Manager
(EIM) and Cisco Unified Web Interaction
Manager (WIM).
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Working knowledge of Windows 2003
Server and Windows XP
• Basic knowledge of Microsoft SQL
Server 2000
• Basic knowledge of WebLogic and
WebLogic domains
• Basic knowledge of Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS)
• Cisco Unified CCE version 7.x
The primary audience for this course
ispeople who will implement, configure,
and support Cisco Unified EIM and Cisco
Unified WIM with Cisco Unified CCE or
Cisco Unified Contact Center Hosted
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.395,-
This course is designed to provide
students with in-depth knowledge of IP
QoS requirements, conceptual models
using Differentiated Services (Diffserv),
Integrated Services (IntServ) and Best
Effort (over provisioning), and the
implementation of IP QoS on Cisco IOS
switch and router platforms. Case studies
and lab exercises included in the course
help students to apply the concepts
mastered in individual modules to real-life
Vereiste voorkennis
Delegates are required to meet the
following prerequisites:
• Delegates are required to hold a valid
CCNA to attend this course
• Attendance of the BGP is
alsorecommended before delegates
attend this course.
This course is aimed at network
designers and engineers responsible for
implementation and management of IP
QoS and students seeking Cisco CCIP &
CCVP Certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Recommended as preparation for exam(s):
• 642-642 QOS - Implementing Cisco
Data Center & Virtualization
Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking
Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Deze nieuwe cursus op associateniveau is
bedoeld om deelnemers te in te leiden in de
drie belangrijkste technologieën binnen het
Cisco Data Center. Het basiskennisniveau
dat in deze cursus wordt aangeleerd is
bedoeld voor personen die alleen de
basisconfiguratie op zich zullen nemen.
In de labs worden configuraties vooral
bekeken; er worden geen wijzigingen
in aangebracht of nieuwe topologieën
Prijs: € 2.295,-
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor nieuwe
technici die actief zullen zijn in een Data
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Basiskennis van computers
• Basiskennis van het besturingssysteem
Microsoft Windows
• Basiskennis van het internet
Aanbevolen voorbereiding voor het
• 640-911 - Introducing Cisco Data
Center Networking
Cursisten die het Cisco Certified Network
Associate Data Center willen behalen
zullen ook het 640-916 DCICT moeten
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
DCICT is de 2e introductie cursus die
nodig is voor studenten die van plan zijn
om de Cisco Certified Network Associate
certificering te behalen. Deze cursus
verzorgt een introductie tot technologien
die geinstalleerd zijn in het Data Center:
unified computing, unified fabric en
netwerk services. Studenten leren alleen
de meer basale configuratie taken. De
labs richten zich op het herkennen van
configuraties met een aantal geselecteerde
oefeningen die er op zijn gericht om
Prijs: € 2.495,-
configuratie veranderingen te maken en om
nieuwe topologien te ontwerpen.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor nieuwe
engineers die in een Data Center omgeving
zullen opereren.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Deelname aan DCICN of het hebben
van gelijkwaardige kennis
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 640-916 - DCICT - Introducing Cisco
Data Center Technologies
Delegates looking to acheive their Cisco
Certified Network Associate for Data Center
Certification will also need the 640-911
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
CCNP Data Center
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Implementation
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This is a 5-day hands-on course designed
for engineers involved in the installation
and implementation of the Cisco Nexus
7000, Cisco Nexus 5000 Switches,Cisco
Nexus 2000 Fabric Extender and the Cisco
MDS Multilayer Fabric Switches. The course
covers the key components and procedures
needed to install, configure, manage, and
troubleshoot the Cisco Nexus 7000 and
5000 Switches in the network and SAN
The primary audience for this course
is engineers involved in the selling,
implementation, and maintainenance of the
Cisco Nexus products in the data center.
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Good understanding of Data Center
networking protocols, CCNA DC
Certification Recommended (DCICN and
• Good understanding of the Fibre
Channel protocol and the SAN
environment, attendance of a Fibre
Channel protocol and SAN class,
(ICSNS) or equivalent experience
• Recommended to read Robert Kembel’s
books on Fibre Channel and Fibre
Channel switched fabrics
Recommended Preparation for exam(s)
• 642-997 - Implementing Data Center
Unified Fabric
Delegates looking to achieve the Cisco
Certified Network Professional for Data
Center will also need the DCUCI exam plus
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor technici die
betrokken zijn bij de implementatie van
B-Series Blade Servers en Cisco UCS
C-Series Rack-Mount Servers binnen het
Unified Computing System (UCS) van
Cisco. De cursus voert deelnemers langs
het installeren van racks en het verzorgen
van server-hardware, besturingssystemen,
hypervisors en applicaties. In de cursus
zijn ook beheer-, onderhouds- en
probleemoplossingsaspecten opgenomen.
Iedereen die betrokken is bij de
implementatie van het Unified Computing
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
vergelijkbare kennis.
• CCNA (ICND1 en ICND2), dit wordt
vervangen door CCNA DC
• Deelname aan DCUFI en ICSNS vóór
deze cursus wordt aanbevolen
• Vertrouwdheid met hypervisortechnologieën (VMware vSphere,
Microsoft Hyper-V,Citrix Xen) - VSICM
wordt hiervoor aangeraden
Aanbevolen voorbereiding voor het
• 642-999 - DCUCI
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 49
Cisco Trainingen
CCNA Data Center
Cisco Trainingen
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is aimed at providing data center
designers with the knowledge and skills
needed to design scalable, reliable, and
intelligent data center unified fabrics, and
virtualization solutions based on the Cisco
Fabric Extenders (FEXs), Fibre Channel
over Ethernet (FCoE), Cisco FabricPath,
and equipment and link virtualization
technologies. The course describes the
Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric solutions,
and explains how to evaluate existing
data center infrastructure, determine the
requirements, and design the Cisco Data
Center Unified Fabric solution based on
Cisco products and technologies.
Prijs: € 2..995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• CCNA Data Center Certification (
• Knowledge that is covered in the Cisco
Nexus product family courses (DCUFI)
• Knowledge that is covered in the
Designing for Cisco Internetwork
Solutions (DESGN) course
• Knowledge that is covered in the
Designing Cisco Storage Networking
Solutions (DCSNS) course
Professional for Data Center Certification or
the Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric Design
Specialist Certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-996 - DCUFD
Anyone involved in designing a data center
or data center solutions
This exam is required for individuals looking
to achieve the Cisco Certified Network
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course enables engineers to choose
and design scalable, reliable, and intelligent
data center unified computing and
virtualization solutions, based on the Cisco
Unified Computing System (UCS) product
portfolio as a centerpiece, integrated with
contemporary virtualization solutions (for
example, VMware vSphere, VMware View,
Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer, Citrix
XenDesktop, Red Hat Kernel-Based Virtual
Machine [KVM], and so on), operating
systems (for example, Microsoft Windows
and Linux), and applications (database,
collaboration, and so on). The course
describes the data center unified computing
and virtualization solutions based on
the Cisco data center unified computing
product portfolio, explains how to evaluate
existing data center computing solutions
Prijs: € 2..595,-
and determine the requirements, and
design Cisco data center unified computing
Anyone involved in designing a data center
or data center solutions
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• CCNA Data Center certification (DCICN
and DCICT)
• Knowledge that is covered in the Cisco
Nexus product family courses (DCUFI)
• Knowledge that is covered in the
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified
Fabric (DCUFD) course
• Knowledge that is covered in the Cisco
MDS product family courses (ICSNS)
• Knowledge of server and desktop
virtualization (for example, VMware
vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware
View, Citrix XenDesktop, and so on)
• Operating system administration
familiarity (for example, Linux and
Recommended as preparation for exam(s):
• 642-998 - DCUCD
This exam is required for individuals looking
to achieve the Cisco Certified Network
Professional for Data Center Certification or
the Cisco Data Center Unified Computing
Design Specialist Certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Computing
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Deze cursus is ontwikkeld voor field
engineers, consulting systems engineers, en
Cisco integrators en partners die de Cisco
Nexus 7000 en 5000 Series Switches, de
Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extenders
en Cisco MDS Multilayer Fabric Switches
installeren, implementeren, onderhouden
en troubleshooten. De cursus behandelt de
belangrijkste componenten en procedures
voor de Cisco Nexus 7000, 5000, MDS
switches en de Nexus 2000 Series Fabric
Extenders in het network en in SAN
omgevingen die nodig zijn om de meest
voorkomende problemen te troubleshooten
en op te lossen.
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Engineers die betrokken zijn bij de
ontwikkeling en troubleshooting van Nexus
• Deelname aan Cisco Nexus 7000,
5000 en MDS product cursussen
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Aanbevolen deelname aan Fibre
Channel Protocol cursus of
gelijkwaardige ervaring.
• Aanbevolen deelname aan
Implementing Cisco Storage
Network Solutions (ICSNS) cursus of
gelijkwaardige ervaring.
• Deelname aan Implementing Cisco
Data Center Unified Fabric (DCUFI)
Recommended Preparation for exam(s):
• 642-980 - DCUFT
Delegates looking to achieve the Cisco
Certified Network Professional for Data
Center will also need the DCUCI and DCUFI
exam plus DCUCT. Delegates looking to
achieve the Cisco Data Center Unified
Fabric Support Specialist will also require
the DCUFI exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Deze drie daagse cursus is
ontwikkeld om system engineers en andere
professionals die systemen implementeren,
te voorzien van de kennis, vaardigheden
en hands-on ervaring die nodig is om
Cisco UCS B-Series en C-Series servers te
troubleshooten die opereren in standalone
of geintegreerde modes.
Hands-on labs zorgen voor de
praktijkervaring met configuratie
procedures en algemene troubleshoot
scenarios tesamen met aanbevolen
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Engineers die betrokken zijn bij de
ontwikkeling en troubleshooting van Cisco
Unified Computing Systems.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Gelijkwaardige kennis of deelname aan
• Deelname aan DCUCI
• Bekendheid met server virtualization
(bijvoorbeeld, VMware vSphere en
Microsoft Hyper-V) - VSICM aanbevolen
• Bekendheid met administratie van
voorkomende operating systems
(bijvoorbeeld, Linux en Windows)
Recommended Preparation for exams(s):
• 642-035 - DCUCT
Delegates looking to achieve the Cisco
Certified Network Professional for Data
Center will also need the DCUCI and DCUFI
exam plus DCUFT. Delegates looking to
achieve the Cisco Data Center Unified
Computing Support Specialist will also
require the DCUCI exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
UCS Implementation and Design Boot Camp
UCS Implementation and Troubleshooting Bootcamp
This is an extensive accelerated course
focusing on the design of a Cisco UCS
solution and the deployment of the Cisco
UCS B-Series and C-Series Servers. You
will learn how to design, size, evaluateand
implement a UCS solution looking at
both Network, management and storage
considerations, as well as learning how
to install, configure, and maintain Unified
Computing System (UCS) B-Series and
C-Series servers with a strong emphasis
on Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers.
You will focus on the management,
maintenance, and troubleshooting of UCS
B-Series and C-Series servers. You will cover
virtualization solutions and how to execute
a virtualization solution on UCS B-series
and C-series hardware.
Prijs: € 3.495,-
New features of the UCS v2.0 code will
be addressed with additional information
provided on the new hardware additions to
the UCS portfolio, including the 6248 and
6296Fabric Interconnects, 2204 and 2208
I/O modules (IOMs), and 1240 and 1280
virtual interface cards (VICs).
• CCNA (ICND1 and ICND2) this will be
superceeded by CCNA DC
• Prior Attendance of DCUFI
• Familiarity with hypervisor technologies
(VMware vSphere, Microsoft HyperV,Citrix Xen) - VSICM recommended
This course is recommended for any
engineer involved in the design,
implementation and administration of a
Cisco UCS solution.
Recommended Preparation for exams(s):
• 642-999 - DCUCI
• 642-998 - DCUCD
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
equivalent knowledge.
These exams are required by delegates
looking to achieve their CCNP in Data
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this course, you will learn to install,
configure, and maintain Unified Computing
System (UCS) B-Series and C-Series
servers with a strong emphasis on Cisco
UCS B-Series Blade Servers. You will
focus on the management, maintenance,
and troubleshooting of UCS B-Series
and C-Series servers. You will cover
virtualization solutions and how to execute
a virtualization solution on UCS B-series
and C-series hardware.
New features of the UCS v2.0 code will
be addressed with additional information
provided on the new hardware additions to
the UCS portfolio, including the 6248 series
Fabric Interconnects, 2208 I/O modules
Prijs: € 3.495,-
(IOMs), and 1280 virtual interface cards
This course is recommended for any
engineer involved in the implementation
and troubleshooting of Cisco Unified
Computing System solution.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
equivalent knowledge.
• CCNA (ICND1 and ICND2) this will be
superceeded by CCNA DC
• Prior Attendance of DCUFI
• Familiarity with hypervisor technologies
(VMware vSphere, Microsoft HyperV,Citrix Xen) - VSICM recommended
Recommended Preparation for exams(s):
• 642-999 - DCUCI
• 642-035 - DCUCT
These exams are required by delegates
looking to achieve a CCNP in Data Center.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cisco Nexus
Implementing the Cisco Nexus 1000v
Implementing the Cisco Nexus 5000 and 2000
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day course is designed for systems
and field engineers who install and
implement the Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch.
The course covers the key components and
procedures you need to know to install,
configure, manage, and troubleshoot the
Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch.
Network, systems, and consulting systems
engineers, as well as server administrators
Network designers, administrators, and
Prijs: € 1.995,-
managers involved in the mangement,
configuration and deployment of the Cisco
Nexus 1000v Switch.
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Good understanding of networking
protocols. ICND1 and ICND2 or
CCNABC Recommended
• Good understanding of the VMware
environment. VSICM recommended.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5-day course is specifically designed for
engineers involved in the implementation,
installation and maintenance ofthe Cisco
Nexus 5000 Switch and Cisco Nexus 2000
Fabric Extender. The key components and
procedures needed to install, configure,
manage and troubleshoot the Cisco Nexus
5000 Series Switch and the Cisco Nexus
2000 Fabric Extenders in the network
and SAN environment are covered in this
Prijs: € 2.995,-
This course is designed for network
engineers, systems engineers, consulting
systems engineers, technical solutions
architects, and Cisco integrators and
partners who sell, implement, and maintain
Cisco Nexus 5000 products in the data center.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Good understanding of networking
protocols ICND1 and ICND2 or
CCNABC recommended .
• Good understanding of the Fibre
Channel protocol and the SAN
environment. ICSNS recommended.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
There are no relevant exams or
certifications at this time.
Delegates requiring knowledge of both
the Nexus 5K and Nexus 7K switches, or
those looking to achieve Channel Partner
Certifications should consider the DCUFI
course .
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 51
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Unified Computing System
Implementing the Cisco Nexus 7000
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This is a 5-day course designed for systems
and field engineers who install and
implement the Cisco Nexus 7000 switch.
This course covers the key components and
procedures you need to know to configure,
manage, and troubleshoot the Cisco Nexus
7000 switch platform.
Prijs: € 2.995,-
installation and maintenance of Nexus
7000 switches.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• A Good understanding of networking
protocols.Attendance of the following
courses are recommended.
Network Engineers involved in the
• During the course delegates will
be exposed to the configuration of
advanced technologies, such as BGP,
MPLS and FCoE. The learner will
not be required to have experience
with these technologies in order
successfully complete the class as
initial configuration of BGP, MPLS,
and FCoE on the Cisco Nexus 7000
will be covered in class.For a deeper
understanding in BGP, MPLS and
FCoE, students are encouraged to
explore additional training in those
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Introducing Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in NX-OS
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
DCINX9K is a 2-day ILT training program
that is designed for systems and field
engineers who install and implement the
Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in NX-OS mode.
This course covers the key components and
procedures you need to know to install,
configure, manage, and troubleshoot the
Cisco Nexus 9000 Switch platform.
Prijs: € 1.795,-
Any engineers or administartors involved
in the installation and implementation of a
Cisco Nexus 9000 Switch in NX-OS mode.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Good understanding of networking
protocols, routing, and switching
• Recommended CCNA Certification
• Recommended attendance of Cisco IP
Routing Class (ROUTE)
• Recommended attendance of Cisco
Switching Class (SWITCH)
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.995,-
This course is a 5-day ILT training program
designed for customers, systems engineers,
and field engineers who are implementing
and managing Cisco ACI.
integration and L4-7 services. You will also
learn about strategies for migrating existing
applications to an ACI fabric, and for
automating and integrating configuration
processes via scripting and APIs.
The course covers the key concepts behind
ACI’s application-centric, policy-based view
of infrastructure. You will learn how to
configure ACI tenants, application profiles,
contracts, and endpoints, how to connect
the ACI Fabric to external networks and
services, how to configure hypervisor
This course features extensive hands-on
labs that begin with ACI fabric discovery
and include deployment of application
profiles, hypervisor integration, service
graphs, external network connectivity, and a
brief exploration of the APIC REST API.
Data center engineers considering
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
technologies for their Data Center and
Nexus 9k switches will benefit from this
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Good understanding of networking
protocols - CCNA or CCNP
• Good understanding of the VMware
environment - VSICM Recommended
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.995,-
This 2-day instructor-led training (ILT)
course is designed to prepare engineers
with the knowledge and skills required to
install, configure, and troubleshoot UCS
C-Series servers operating in standalone
mode. Students will become familiar with
common troubleshooting scenarios and
recommended solutions for leve1 and level
2 integrations issues, gaining hands-on
experience of proper configuration
procedures on the specifically designed labs.
addressing and correcting Level 1 and 2
UCS C-Series Standalone Server issues.
Cisco Channel Partner SEs and FEs that
are seeking to assume active roles in
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Attended DCUCI - Cisco Data Center
Unified Computing Implementation.
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Configuring Cisco Data Center Unified Computing
Configuring Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in ACI Mode
Data Center Unified Computing System C-Series
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Configuring Data Center Unified
Computing course is designed to
familiarize data center engineers,
architects and Cisco partners with the
Cisco UCS B-series and C-series products.
This course prepares individuals for
implementing and maintaining Cisco UCS
hardware with a strong emphasis on best
practices. The Configuring Data Center
Unified Computing course also addresses
relevant additional features added by
Version 2.1 Cisco UCS Software Release.
This course is designed specifically for
individuals involved in the deployment and
maintenance of a UCS system.
Prijs: € 2.795,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• General knowledge of servers
• Routing and switching knowledge DCUFI recommended
• Storage area networking knowledge
• Server virtualization knowledge
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
NederlandsTijdens deze tweedaagse
cursus leren de deelnemers hoe zij Cisco
UCS-servers met een geconsolideerdeI/Onetwerken voor LAN en SAN-connectiviteit
kunnen beheren. Ook zal een cursist
tijdens deze cursus ervaring opdoen in het
maken van een back up en het herstellen
van systeemconfiguraties. Daarnaast gaat
de cursus in op het effectief gebruikmaken
van de monitoring en troubleshooting
hulpprogramma’s binnen Cisco UCS
This course is intended for Cisco Server
Administrators and/or Operators involved
in the management of Cisco Unified
Computing System Solutions. This
course does not meet the requirements
for Channel Partners looking for
accreditation fro the Cisco DC Architecture
Prijs: € 1.695,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Valid CCNA Certification or similar
knowledge and experience
• Familiarity with SAN Concepts and
Cisco MDS 9000 swithces (ICSNS
• Knowledge of VMware ESX and Virtual
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
UCS Troubleshooting Boot Camp
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This is an intensive course that combines
the Cisco UCS B-Series and C-series
troubleshooting courses. Delegates will
learn how to identify and configure the
features available in theCisco UCS B-Series
and C-series products to ensure that can
successfully deploy and maintain their
unified computing system.
This course includes the new features
added by Cisco UCM code version
2.0.You will receive an overview of
the new hardware available with this
release, namely the Cisco 6248 Fabric
Interconnects, 2208 IOMs, and 1208
VICs.Hands-on experience is vital to
a successfull deployment and in this
course you will be able to properly install,
configure, and troubleshoot UCS B-Series
servers in conjunction with UCS C-Series
servers operating in standalone mode.
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Anyone involved in the deployment and
maintenance of a Cisco UCS solution.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Understanding of server system design/
architecture and Cisco Enterprise Data
Center Architecture
• Familiarity with Cisco UCS Architecture
• Familiarity with Ethernet and TCP/
IP networking, SANs, Fibre Channel
Protocol (FCP), and hypervisor
technologies (VMware vSphere,
Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix Xen)
• Attendanced of DCUCD or DCUCI
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Data Center Overig
Cisco ACE Boot Camp
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
De Cisco ACE Boot Camp is een vierdaagse
cursus met instructeur, cursusmateriaal en
lab, met een update om de 5.1 release van
Cisco te behandelen. Je leert hoe je een
Cisco Catalyst 4710 Application Control
Engine (ACE) Appliance (release 5.1)
en een Cisco Catalyst 6500 Application
Control Engine (ACE) module in gebruik
kan nemen en configureren. Deze cursus
omvat alle belangrijke eigenschappen van
de Cisco ACE appliance, inclusief resource
virtualization en management, server
load balancing (Layer 2-4 en Layer 7),
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) termination en
Prijs: € 2.595,-
offload, en security eigenschappen zoals
application-layer inspection en fixups.
De cursus word geleverd als een onderdeel
van de Global Knowledge en Firefly
strategic alliance. Studenten worden
voorzien van de laatset kennis in Data
Center technologie
This course is designed for systems
engineers and network architects who need
to design or deploy server load-balancing
solutions using the Cisco ACE module or
appliance. This is also a great kick start class
to prepare for the CCIE Data Center (both
lab and written) for those looking to get upto-speed on Cisco’s 4710. (The labs run the
same version as on the CCIE Data Center).
Vereiste voorkennis
Van studenten wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
Basis kennis hebben van:
• TCP/IP protocol
• TTPen SSL protocols
• N-tier application architecture
• Server load-balancing
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 53
Cisco Trainingen
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (UCS) for
Operators and Administrators
Implementing the Application Control Engine
Service Module
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Implementing the Application Control
Engine Service Module (ACESM) is a fourday, instructor-led, lecture and lab course
that teaches learners how to design,
deploy, and optimize intelligent network
services using the Cisco ACE Application
Control Engine Module for Catalyst 6500
Switches. This course covers all of the key
features of the Cisco ACE 2.0 software,
including resource virtualization and
management, server load balancing (Layer
2 to 4 and Layer 7), Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) termination and offload, and security
features like application-layer inspection
and fixups.
This course is designed for systems
engineers and network architects who
need to design or deploy server load-
Prijs: € 2.595,-
balancing solutions using the Cisco ACE
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• A basic understanding of the TCP/IP
• Familiarity with HTTP and SSL
• Basic knowledge of the N-tier
application architecture
• Familiarity with server load-balancing
There is currently no exam aligned to this
ACE XML Gateway Operation & Configuration
Cisco Wide-Area Application Services
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course covers all of the key features
of the ACE XML Gateway, including
Application Security, Message Level
Security and protocol transformation.
Prijs: € 1.295,-
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is designed for systems
engineers and network architects who
need to design or deploy application
security solutions using the Cisco ACE XML
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• TCP/IP protocol
• HTTP and SSL protocols
• N-tier application architecture
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Fundamental knowledge of Microsoft
Configuring Cisco MDS 9000 Switches
Data Center for Operators and Administrators
This five-day course is designed to provide
engineers with the knowledge and skills
required to install, configure and manage
the Cisco MDS 9000 Series switch
platform. Course topics include setting
up the switch, configuring interfaces,
virtual SANs (VSANs), domains, zones,
PortChannels, management security,
and Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP) tunnels.
Delegates should be able to improve
availability, scalability, performance and
manageability of the SAN by the end of
the course.
Any individual involved in the deployment
of the Cisco MDS 9000 Series switch
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Basic understanding of data storage
hardware components and protocols,
including SCSI and Fibre Channel.
• Basic understanding of networking
protocols, including Ethernet and
Recommended as preparation for exam(s):
There is currently no exam associated with
this course.
Delegates looking to achieve Cisco Storage
certification should attend the ICSNS and
IASNS courses and take the relevant exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This instructor led course is designed to
teach delegates how to design and deploy
a solution that improves application
performance over the WAN whilst enabling
infrastructure consolidation. Delegates will
learn to fully appreciate the optimization
and application acceleration features of
Cisco WAAS enabling them to incorporate
these capabilities into their design and
integrate with this network.Troubleshooting
has been incorporated both theoretically
and through hands-on labs.
Individuals involved in the design and
deployment of a WAAS solution, or system
and field engineers who need to attain
the Advanced Routing and Switching
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five day class has been designed to
focus on the knowledge and skills required
by system engineers involved in the
operation and administration of a Cisco
Unified Computing System and Nexus
Switch deployments. The key configuration
features of the Cisco UCS and Nexus
Products are covered along with advanced
features such as FCoE, OTV and MPLS.
Hands on labs are available, ensuring
delegates get the opportunity to practice
their new skills.
This course is designed for System and
Network Engineers involved in the
administration and operation of Cisco UCS
and Cisco Nexus 5K and 7K deployments.
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• General knowledge of servers
• Routing and switching knowledge
• Storage area networking knowledge
• Server virtualization knowledge
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Delegates looking to achieve their CCNP
Data Center Certification should consider
attending the certification courses DCUCI,
and DCUFI plus DCUFT,and DCUCT or
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.795,-
Windows networking technologies
• Fundamental knowledge of WAN
• Fundamental knowledge of VMware
server virtualization technologies
• CCNA is Recommended. ICND1 and
Recommended as preparation for the
following exams:
• 642-655 - WAASFE - Required for the
Cisco Routing and Switching Field
Specialist Certification
• 642-654 - WAASSE - Required for the
Cisco Routing and Switching Solutions
Specialist Certification
Delegates looking to obtain the above
specialisations will also need RSSSE or
ARSFE depending on the specialisation
they are trying to achieve.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
FlexPod for Data Center Systems Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this 5-day instructor-led course,
you will become experienced with the
planning, design, and implementation
of a FlexPod integrated platform that
includes NetApp® unified storage systems,
Cisco® Unified Computing System™
servers, Cisco Nexus® fabric, and VMware®
vSphere virtualization platform. Using
real-world scenarios and examples, this
course will explore all of the components
of the FlexPod system and guide you
through the installation, management,
and troubleshooting of the platform as
a whole, as well as all of the individual
Cisco, NetApp, and VMware components.
Engineers involved in the support and
Prijs: € 3.495,-
administration of a Flexpod Solution.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Basic knowledge of Cisco routing and
• Basic knowledge of servers and
• Familiarity with basic VMware
virtualization concepts
There is currently no exam aligned to this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Desigining a VCE VBLOCK Architecture
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course focuses on the design and
planning of a Vblock architecture, beginning
with a thorough analysis of the application
and services the solution will provide.
From this analysis, an appropriate Vblock
configuration is sized and the details
necessary to implement the solution defined
and documented. The VCE methodology,
tools, and documentation for performing
an end-to-end analysis and design are
Prijs: € 2.195,-
leveraged to ensure the solution is designed
to meet the requirements. The outcome
of the analysis and design phase is a
build/implement plan used to pre-build
the solution at the VCE facility or at the
customer’s site
VCE, Parent, and Partner Solution Architects,
responsible for planning and designing
VCE Vblock solutions. Participants may be
associated with either presales or post sales
aspects of a planning and design process.
Vereiste voorkennis
To understand the content and successfully
complete this course, participants must
have foundation-level knowledge of the
compute, network, and storage technologies
that comprise Vblock, and must possess one
or more of the following certifications:
• EMC Proven Professional Technology
• Cisco CCDA and DCUCD (DESGN and
DCUCD) are recommended.
• VMware VCP4 and VCAP4-DCD (VSICM
and VSD) are recommended.
Cisco Trainingen
There is no exam aligned to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Service Provider
CCNP Service Provider
CCNA Service Provider
Building Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation
Networks, Part 1
Building Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation
Networks, Part 2
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.795,-
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze vijfdaagse cursus is bedoeld
om netwerkbeheerders en -technici
vertrouwd te maken met de basiskennis en
-vaardigheden voor het onderhouden van
een serviceprovider-netwerk.
In de cursus wordt ingegaan op de
belangrijkste onderdelen van een
netwerk en op de manier waarop een
serviceprovider-netwerk functioneert.
De cursus geeft een inleiding in de IP
Next-Generation Network-architectuur (IP
NGN) waarmee serviceproviders moderne,
schaalbare en betrouwbare netwerken
kunnen opzetten.
Netwerk Engineers die werkzaam zijn in
Service Provider omgeving en individuen
die op zoek zijn naar de Cisco Certified
Network Associate SP Certificering.
De cursus bestaat ook uit klassikale lessen
met labs op afstand, die nuttig zijn voor
het aanleren van praktische vaardigheden
rondom de implementatie van
fundamentele Cisco IOS-, IOS XE- en Cisco
IOS XT-softwarefuncties voor het beheren
en onderhouden van een serviceprovidernetwerk.
Aanbevolen voorbereiding voor het
• 640-875 - Building Cisco Service
Provider Next-Generation Networks,
Part 1
Deze vijfdaagse cursus is ontwikkeld
om netwerk-engineers en techneuten
te voorzien van de basis kennis en
vaardigheden die nodig zijn om een
service provider netwerk te implementeren
en supporten. De cursus richt zich
met name op het gebruik van Cisco
switches en routers die verbonden zijn
in LANs en WANs en die typisch zijn
voor een P-netwerk. Bij voltooiing van
deze cursus zijn de kandidaten in staat
om de verschillende Cisco netwerk
apparaten te configureren, checken en te
De cursus bevat ook klassikale activiteiten
met remote labs die zinvol zijn om
praktische kennis te vergaren voor het
implementeren van Cisco IOS/IOS XE
Software enCisco IOS XR Software functies
voor het opereren en supporten van het
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Netwerk Engineers die werkzaam zijn in
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Basiskennis van computers
• Basisvaardigheden rondom de
navigatie door Microsoft Windows
• Basisvaardigheden rondom
Prijs: € 2.795,-
Service Provider omgeving en individuen
die op zoek zijn naar de Cisco Certified
Network Associate SP Certificering.
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Basis kennis van networking concepten
• Basis kennis vanCisco IOS/IOS XEen
Cisco IOS XR softwareconfiguratie
• Kennis en vaardigheden die
vergelijkbaar zijn met die verkregen
zijn in Building Cisco Service Provider
Next-Generation Networks, Part 1
(SPNGN1) cursus
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 640-878 - Building Cisco Service
Provider Next-Generation Networks,
Part 2
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze vijfdaagse cursus is ontwikkeld
om service provider professionals te
voorzien van de kennis en vaardigheden
die nodig zijn om advanced routing te
implementeren voor schaalbaarheid op
Cisco routers die verbonden zijn aan LANs
and WANs.
Het gebruik van deze technieken zou er
toe moeten leiden dat de noodzaak tot
opnieuw ontwerpen van het netwerk
verdwijnt wanneer er additionele sites of
aansluitingen worden gemaakt. Hands-on
labs verzorgen de practische kennis die
nodig is om de advance routing concepten
en methodologien te verstevigen alsook
voor het verzorgen van praktische ervaring
met de Cisco IOS/IOS XEen IOS XR functie
noodzakelijk om een Service Provider
netwerk te supporten.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor netwerk
administratoren, netwerk engineers,
netwerk managers, and systeem engineers
die betrokken zijn bij de implementatie en
Prijs: € 2.995,-
configuratie van IP routing in een service
provider omgeving evenals voor individuen
die bezig zijn met de CCNP Service
Provider accreditatie.
Vereiste voorkennis
Deelnemers worden verwacht de volgende
voorkennis te hebben:
• Gemiddelde kennis van Cisco IOS/
IOS XEen Cisco IOS XR Software
configuratie. SPNGN1e SPNGN2zijn
Recommended Preparation for exam(s):
• 642-883 SPROUTE - Deploying Cisco
Service Provider Network Routing
This exam is one of the four exams
required for delegates looking to achieve
the Cisco Certified Network Professional
for Service Providers.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 55
Cisco Trainingen
Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network
Advanced Routing
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next
Generation Core Network Services
Business Value Certifications
Understanding Cisco Business Value Analysis
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Deze vijfdaagse cursus is ontwikkeld om
netwerk engineers en techneuten te voor
zien van de kennis en de vaardigheden die
nodig zijn om een service provider netwerk
te implementeren en supprten.Voor deze
cursus worden Cisco routers gebruikt
die in dit soort netwerken voorkomen.
Na het voltooien van deze cursus zijn de
deelnemers instaat om advanced Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration,
IP multicasting,en IPv6 transition
mechanismen te configureren, te verifieren
en te troubleshooten.
Hands on labs worden gebruikt om de
praktische vaardigheden te vergaren op
het implementeren van Cisco IOS, IOS
XE,en IOS XR Software functies die nodig
zijn om het service provider netwerk te
opereren en supporten.
die IP routing willen implementeren in een
service provider netwerk omgeving.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor network
administrators, netwerk engineers,
network managers and systeem engineers
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Een geldig CCNA SP - SPNGN1en
SPNGN2 aanbevolen.
• Deelname aan SPROUTE aanbevolen.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-885 - Deploying Cisco Service
Provider Network Advanced Routing
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze vijfdaagse cursus is gericht op
de concepten en mogelijkheden van
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
en op de best practices voor het
implementeren van QoS in een nieuwe
of bestaande service provider omgeving.
MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS TE)
services worden in meer detail ook
Hands-on labs verzorgen de deelnemers
de praktijk ervaring om een gedegen
begrip te verkrijgen van MPLS en MPLSTE
in een Service Provider omgeving evenals
kennismaking met IOS/IOS XEen IOS XR
This exam is required for those delegates
wishing to achieve the Cisco Certified
Network Professional Service Provider
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Deze cursus is primair bedoeld voor
netwerk administratoren, netwerk
engineers, netwerk managers en systeem
engineers die MPLS and MPLS TE willen
implementeren in de core portie van een
service provider omgeving en die QoS
willen verzekeren in de Service Provider
Vereiste voorkennis
Van deelnemers wordt de volgende
voorkennis verwacht:
• Middelmatig tot gedegen kennis van
Cisco IOS, IOS XEen Cisco IOS XR
Software configuratie. SPROUTE en
ADVSPROUTE worden aanbevolen.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next Generation EDGE Network Services
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze vijfdaagse cursus is ontwikkeld om
service provider professionals te voorzien
van de informatie die ze nodig hebben
om service provider VPN’s oplossingen te
gebruiken en beheren. Het doel is om de
professionals te trainen om een service
provider point of presence (POP) te voorzien
van Layer 2 end Layer 3 VPNs. Hands-on
labs zijn meegenomen in het cursus
materiaal om het begrip bij studenten hoe
VPN’s in het netwerk te implementeren
te verstevigen, bovendien verzorgt het de
praktische ervaring om Cisco IOSen IOS XE
uit te rollen en kennis van de functies van
Cisco IOS XR die nodig zijn voor de operatie
en support van service provider netwerken.
Prijs: € 2.995,-
De cursus is bedoeld voor netwerk
administratoren, netwerk engineers,
netwerk managers, en systeeem engineers
die MPLS VPN services in hun netwerken
willen implementeren.
Deze cursus is ook aanbevolen voor alle
individuen die zich voor bereiden opde
Cisco CCNP SP certificering.
Vereiste voorkennis
De volgende voorkennis wordt verwacht:
• Gemiddelde tot gevorderde kennis
vanCisco IOS, IOS XE,en IOS XR
Software configuratie.
• Deelname aan Deploying Cisco Service
Provider Network Routing (SPROUTE) 1.0
• Deelname aan Deploying Cisco Service
Provider Advanced Network Routing
• Deelname aan Implementing Cisco
Service Provider Next-Generation Core
Network Services (SPCORE) 1.0
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 642-889 - Implementing Cisco Service
Provider Next Generation EDGE
Network Services
This is one of the 4 exams required for
delegates looking to achieve the Cisco
Certified Network Professional for Service
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 1.395,-
Engaging with customers through a
business value approach leads to new
revenue opportunities and higher account
loyalty. Sales and services professionals
can provide customers with more value in
a shorter time period – especially when
clearly-defined needs can be addressed
with standard or mature solutions.
Through the course, participants will learn
new analysis techniques and improve
consultative selling skills. This training
covers topics such as: Understanding the
elements of a business value engagement.
Identifying and engaging with key
stakeholders. Assessing a customer’s
business model and motivations.
Identifying benefits associated with
Cisco’s architectures and Smart Solutions.
Understanding financial concepts which
influence customer investment decisions.
Applying an overall framework for
successful customer conversations.
Vereiste voorkennis
Have passed or have knowledge
equivalent to that required for the
following exams.
• CSE 646-206 Cisco Sales Essentials
• Advanced Borderless Network for
Account Managers (Exam #650-377)
or Advance Borderless Network
Architecture for Sales Exam (Exam #
• Advanced Collaboration Architecture
Sales Specialist (Exam #650-367) or
Advanced Collaboration Architecture
Sales Specialist (Exam # 700-037)
• Data Center Networking Solution Sales
(Exam #646-985)
Cisco and Cisco Channel Partner Sales
individuals looking to improve their ability
to sell Cisco Solutions by understanding
the Business requirements of customers
undergoing IT transformation. Gold
Partners looking to achieve the new
business value requirements for Aug FY16
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 810-420 - Business Value Analyst
Applying Cisco Specialized Business Value
Analysis Skills
Executing Cisco Advanced Business Value Analysis
and Design Techniques
Business-Focused Transformative Architecture
IT industry sales and services professionals
encounter customers who accept that
major changes in business models,
operating processes or technology use may
be required to greatly improve results. This
course provides training on frameworks
and techniques useful for diagnosing
customer pain points and opportunities,
defining solutions to these challenges and
gaining customer buy-in for adoption on
a broad scale.
This training covers topics such as:
Understanding customer strategies,
competitive position and history with
IT-enabled change. Depicting key elements
of a customer’s strategy and business
model. Discovering and conveying an
understanding of customer pain points
and opportunities, as a way to enhance
credibility. Describing the business
relevance of Cisco Architectures and Smart
Solutions.Refining customer needs and
creating high-level, business-focused IT
solution designs. Preparing a business case
that shows investment, costs, benefits and
risks. Composing an initiative / project
roadmap and describe key success factors.
Demonstrating how Cisco products,
solutions and services provide unique
value, in context of the architecture
lifecycle and customer conversation
Please note this course consists of 4 days
in the class and then a 1/2 day of coaching
about 6 weeks later.
Cisco and Cisco Channel Partner Sales
individuals looking to improve their ability
Prijs: € 2.695,-
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 3.205,-
In this training program, for the Cisco
Value Practitioner role you will evolve
your skills further in the Architecture
Lifecycle, but also use your knowledge to
ensure that the other members of your
account team are familiar with operating
in an architectural style and can support
your clients accordingly. You will also
workshop your current internal and client
engagements to examine the challenges.
Some of the key topics covered in this
program include: Understanding the suite
of tools and techniques used to deliver an
architecture consulting approach in your
customer engagement. Demonstrating the
use of advanced architecture tools and
techniques. Understanding current state of
architectural engagement both internally
and externally. Identifying common issues
faced by Business Architects. Selecting
and sequencing appropriate collateral
and techniques in support of successful
internal and external engagements.
undergoing IT transformation.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 820-421- Applying Cisco Specialized
Business Value Analysis Skills Exam
Cisco and Cisco Channel Partner Sales
individuals looking to improve their ability
to sell Cisco Solutions by understanding
the Business requirements of customers
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Delegates looking to achieve the Business
Value Specialist Certification will also need
to have taken the Business Value Analyst
Exam 810-420.
Cisco Business Value Boot Camp
to sell Cisco Solutions by understanding
the Business requirements of customers
undergoing IT transformation. Channel
Partners looking to achieve Gold Partner
Vereiste voorkennis
Have passed or have knowledge
equivalent to that required for the
following exams.
• 810-420 Understanding Cisco
Business Value Fundamentals
• Advanced Borderless Network for
Account Managers (Exam #650-377)
or Advance Borderless Network
Architecture for Sales Exam (Exam #
• Advanced Collaboration Architecture
Sales Specialist (Exam #650-367) or
Advanced Collaboration Architecture
Sales Specialist (Exam # 700-037)
• Data Center Networking Solution Sales
(Exam #646-985)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
Have passed or have knowledge equivalent
to that required for the following exams.
• 820-421-Applying Cisco
Specialized Business Value Analysis
• 646-206 - Cisco Sales Essentials (CSE)
• 650-377 - Advanced Borderless Network
for Account Managers OR 640 -367 Advanced Collaboration Architecture
Sales Specialist OR 646-985 Data
Center Networking Solution Sales
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 840-423-Executing Cisco Advanced
Business Value Analysis and Design
Techniques Exam
Delegates looking to achieve the Business
Value Practitioner Certification must already
be Business Value Specialist Certified.
(Requires taking 810-420 and 820-421 exams).
This course enables participants to align
Cisco architectures, Smart Solutions and
services with a customer’s strategic vision
and technology needs. Participants will
enhance their skills in executing a consultative, business-led sales approach.
Activities train on how to use Cisco’s Transformational Networking methodology in
uncovering customer priorities, IT capability
gaps and financial drivers for Cisco-related
IT investments. Participants build skills
necessary to gain customer acceptance
as trusted advisor. This drives higher Cisco
/ channel partner revenue, influence and
customer loyalty. This training covers topics
such as: Understanding a customer business
strategy and priorities: Moving beyond IT to
engaging with Line of Business stakeholders and building credibility;Identifying how
Cisco architectures and solutions address
customer IT capability gaps and much more.
Engineers and Architects involved in the
planning of customer solutions.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This unique boot camp combines 2 new Cisco
certification courses,Understanding Cisco
Business Value Analysis Fundamentals
(BTUBVAF) and Applying Cisco Specialized
Business Value Analysis Skills (BTASBVA). It
prepares participants to take examinations:
810-420 Business Value Analyst Exam and
820-421 Applying Cisco Specialized Business
Value Analysis Skill Exam. Upon successful
completing and passing both examinations
candidates will be awarded the Cisco Business
Value Specialist designation. Engaging
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.995,-
• Have a valid Cisco CCO Login
• Holistic technical background with one
of the following:
• Advanced Borderless Network for
Account Managers (Exam #650-377)
or Advanced Borderless Network
Architecture for Sales Exam (Exam #
• Advanced Collaboration Architecture
Sales Specialist (Exam #650-367) or
Advanced Collaboration Architecture
Sales Specialist (Exam # 700-037)
• Data Center Networking Solution Sales
(Exam #646-985)
• CCDP is recommended
• An overview understanding of the ITIL
and TOGAF9 frameworks and the key
principles,components, processes, and
techniques of each framework.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 820-422 - BTPBTAE Exam
This exam is required for the Cisco
Transformative Architecture Specialist
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 3.955,-
with customers through a business value
approached leads to new revenue opportunities and higher account loyalty. Sales and
services professionals can provide customers
with more value in a shorter time period –
especially when clearly-defined needs can be
addressed with standard or mature solutions.
Cisco and Cisco Channel Partner Sales
individuals looking to improve their ability
to sell Cisco Solutions by understanding
the Business requirements of customers
undergoing IT transformation. Individuals
looking to achieve the Cisco Business Value
Specialist Certification.
Vereiste voorkennis
Have passed or have knowledge equivalent
to that required for the following exams.
• 646-206: Cisco Sales Essentials (CSE)
• 650-377: Advanced Borderless
Networks for Account Managers, or
• 640-367: Advanced Collaboration
Architecture Sales Specialist, or
• 646-985: Data Center Networking
Solution Sales
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• 810-420 - Business Value Analyst Exam
• 820-421- Applying Cisco Specialized
Business Value Analysis Skills Exam
Delegates looking to achieve the Cisco
Business Value Specialist Accreditation will
need to take both Exams.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 57
Cisco Trainingen
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
We willen altijd en overal toegang hebben tot onze data.
Dit ongeacht het device. Maar wel veilig!
Een Citrix Mobile Workspace-technologie biedt een IT-organisatie de mogelijkheid
om veilig desktops en apps aan eindgebruikers te kunnen bieden. Gebruikers
krijgen een naadloze, veilige toegang tot alle bedrijfsapplicaties, gegevens en
diensten die nodig zijn om werkzaamheden goed te kunnen uitvoeren. Plaats
onafhankelijk, van pc tot smartphone. De technologie kan bovendien worden
geleverd als één geïntegreerde oplossing, over elk type netwerk en vanuit elke
cloud, inclusief private, openbare of hybride omgevingen.
Global Knowledge is in Nederland, en tevens in de Benelux, het grootste door Citrix
geaccrediteerde Citrix Authorized Learning Center (CALC). Dit geeft u de zekerheid
van de hoogste doorgangsgarantie van een Citrix training of opleiding.
Global Knowledge levert alleen officieel gecertificeerde cursussen, trainingen en opleidingen van
Citrix. Hierdoor bent u ervan gegarandeerd dat de trainingen op een consistent niveau worden
gegeven, die voldoen aan de door Citrix gestelde strenge eisen en die u optimaal opleiden voor
een eventueel Citrix examen. Bovendien werkt Global Knowledge alleen met Citrix Certified
Instructors (CCI’s) die gerechtigd zijn deze Citrix cursussen te geven. Alle cursussen, trainingen
en opleidingen worden gegeven met behulp van het officieel cursusmateriaal dat is ontwikkeld
door Citrix.
Citrix Certificeringen
De Citrix certificeringen zijn oplossingsgericht en spelen in op de behoefte van IT professionals
en organisaties. Als een certified associate, professional of expert toont u aan dat u over de juiste
vaardigheden en ervaring beschikt om Citrix oplossingen succesvol uit te kunnen leveren.
U kunt zich certificeren voor de Citrix technologieën: Virtualization, Networking en Mobility.
Citrix Certified Expert
Citrix Certified Professional
Citrix Certified Associate
Certificeringstrajecten per technologie
De Citrix Virtualization certificeringen zijn gericht op het
design, deployment & management van XenDesktop 7
Citrix Certified Associate - Virtualization
CCA-V certificering + examennummer
Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7
Solutions (1Y0-200)
Voorbereidende training(en)
Managing XenDesktop 7.5 Solutions
Citrix Certified Professional - Virtualization
CCP-V certificering + examennummer
Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7
Solutions (1Y0-300)
Voorbereidende training(en)
Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7.5
Solutions (CXD-300)
Citrix Certified Expert - Virtualization
CCE-AD certificering + examennummer
Designing Citrix XenDesktop 7
Solutions (1Y0-400)
Networking (CCA-N/CCP-N/CCE-N)
De Citrix Networking certificeringen valideren de kennis en
vaardigheden die nodig zijn om de volledige capaciteiten van
Citrix NetScaler, inclusief implementatie voor app en desktop
delivery, netwerkprestaties en optimalisering te benutten.
Citrix Certified Associate - Networking
Citrix Mobility certificering is gericht op enterprise mobility
management voor apps, data en devices met Citrix
XenMobile enterprise.
Citrix Certified Professional - Mobility
CCA-N certificering + examennummer
Voorbereidende training(en)
CCP-M examen + examennummer
Voorbereidende training(en)
Implementing Citrix NetScaler 10.5
for App and Desktop Solutions exam
Implementing Citrix NetScaler 10 for
App and Desktop Solutions (1YO-250)
Implementing Citrix NetScaler 10.5 for
App and Desktop Solutions (CNS-207)
Designing, Deploying, and Managing
Enterprise Mobility Solutions with
Citrix XenMobile examen (1Y0-370)
Designing, Deploying, and Managing
Enterprise Mobility Solutions with Citrix
XenMobile (CXM-302)
Bent u CCA, CCAA, CCEE, CIA for Virtualization?
Citrix Certified Professional - Networking
CCP-N certificering + examennummer
Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Essentials for
Networking exam (1Y0-351)
Citrix NetScaler 10 Essentials and
Networking (1Y0-350)
Voorbereidende training(en)
Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Essentials +
Networking (CNS-205)
Wanneer u CCA of CCAA gecertificeerd bent, dan kunt u uw
huidige certificering updaten naar de Virtualization (CCA-V)
certificering. Hiervoor dient u het Associate-level examen
1Y0-200 te behalen.
Wanneer u CCEE for Virtualization gecertificeerd bent,
dan kunt u uw huidige certificering updaten naar de Citrix
Certified Professional (CCP-V) certificering. Hiervoor dient u
het professional-level examen 1Y0-300 te behalen.
Citrix Certified Expert – Networking
Voorbereidende training(en)
Designing Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions
Mobility (CCP-M)
Wordt binnenkort verwacht
Wanneer u CCIA for Virtualization gecertificeerd bent,
dan kunt u uw huidige certificering updaten naar de Citrix
Certified Expert (CCE-V) certificering. Hiervoor dient u het
expert-level examen 1Y0-400 te behalen.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 59
Citrix Certificeringen
Virtualization (CCA-V/CCP-V/CCE-V)
Citrix Trainingen
Alle trainingen worden in het Nederlands gegeven, tenzij anders vermeld op de website.
Citrix Trainingen
Managing App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix
XenDesktop 7.5
Deploying App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix
XenApp and XenDesktop 7.5
Designing App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix
XenApp and XenDesktop
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In Citrix XenDesktop 7.5 worden de
populaire Citrix virtualisatie producten
XenDesktop en XenApp samengevoegd.
In de Citrix cursus “Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7.5 Solutions” worden studenten
de vaardigheden aangeleerd die nodig zijn
om een Citrix XenDesktop 7.5 omgeving
binnen een desktop- en applicatie
delivery infrastructuur effectief te kunnen
managen en ondersteunen. Na afloop
van de training zijn cursisten in staat een
Citrix XenDesktop 7.5 omgeving succesvol
te managen, ondersteunen, monitoren
en problemen op te lossen. Bij Global
Knowledge is een examen voucher bij de
prijs van deze Citrix training inbegrepen!
De cursus is bedoeld voor IT professionals
zoals server-, netwerk- en systeembeheerders,
system en sales engineers, consultants,
analysts en architecten die bekend zijn met
Microsoft Windows Server omgevingen en
zich willen certificeren voor Citrix Certified
Administrator (CCA). De cursus is ook
geschikt voor IT-professionals, inclusief
Administrators en Engineers, die een
bestaande XenDesktop 7.5 omgeving
moeten managen en onderhouden op
zowel gebruikers, applicatie en desktop
Vereiste voorkennis
Om deze cursus goed te kunnen volgen
wordt u geadviseerd van de volgende
begrippen kennis te hebben:
• An understanding of server, desktop
and application virtualization concepts
• Experience with Windows Server 2012,
Prijs: € 2.495,-
- Active Directory
- Domains
- Groups and User Accounts
- Organizational Units
- Group Policy Objects
- Experience with Windows 7 and Windows 8 user interfaces
Experience with SQL Server 2012,
- General understanding of databases, permissions, security, clustering/mirroring, HA
- Basic networking knowledge
- Protocols (TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, etc.)
- Basic storage knowledge (manage existing storage types, add new storage)
- Basics of Citrix licensing
- Familiarity with at least one hypervisor (XenServer, Hyper-V, or vSphere)
- Basic understanding of the different
types of profiles (local, roaming, mandatory)
- Basic understanding of certificates, the role of Certificate Authorities, certificate types
- Completed the following courses or can demonstrate equivalent
- CXD-102 Introduction to XenDesktop 7
Deze Citrix XenDesktop 7.5 training bereidt
u voor op tot het examen ‘1Y0-200 Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions’.
Na het behalen van dit examen bent u
gecertificeerd als Citrix Certified Associate
– Virtualization (CCA-V).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In de implementatiecursus ‘Deploying App
and Desktop Solutions with Citrix XenApp
and XenDesktop 7.5’ leren deelnemers
de vaardigheden aan die nodig zijn om
succesvol een complete Citrix-app- en
-desktopomgeving te implementeren in
een Windows Server 2012-omgeving. In
deze cursus die in een workshop omgeving
plaatsvindt, leren deelnemers een omgeving op te zetten met de volgende Citrix-componenten: XenServer, XenDesktop,
Citrix License Server, MCS, PVS, Personal
vDisk, Storefront, NetScaler (ICA-proxy,
load balancing en eindpuntanalyse) en
Citrix Receiver.
Bij afronding van de cursus kunnen
deelnemers van de grond af een omgeving
opbouwen met alle XenDesktop 7.5
componenten.Bij Global Knowledge is een
examen voucher bij de prijs van deze Citrix
training inbegrepen!
Deze cursus is aanbevolen voor systeemontwikkelaars, zoals systeemarchitecten,
adviseurs en technici. Deelnemers krijgen
praktijkervaring met het installeren
en configureren van app- en desktopomgevingen vanaf nul en met het testen
van hun implementaties voor de uitrol
van deze omgevingen. Aan het einde van
de cursus beschikken deelnemers over de
vaardigheden om succesvol XenDesktop
7.5 systemen op te zetten die het grootste
deel van de Citrix-klanten vandaag de dag
Prijs: € 2.695,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Kennis van server-, desktop- en
• Ervaring met Windows Server 2012,
onder meer met:o Active Directory
(AD) oTerminal-diensteno Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
o Domain Name System (DNS) o
Prestatiemonitoringo Group Policy
Objectso Microsoft SQL Server
• Succesvolle afronding van de volgende
cursussen of aantoonbare vergelijkbare
kennis van:o CXD-102 Introductie
XenDesktop 7 o CXD-203 Beheer van
XenDesktop 7-systemen
De training CXD-300 bereidt kandidaten
voor op het Citrix examen:
• 1Y0-300 Deploying XenDesktop 7
Solutions exam.
Na succesvol afronden van het examen
bent u gecertificeerd als Citrix Certified
Professional - Virtualization (CCP-V).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze cursus leren deelnemers succesvol
een XenDesktop 7-omgeving met desktop
en apps te ontwerpen, op basis van de
architecturen en projecten die door de
meeste Citrix-klanten worden gebruikt, in
verschillende branches en gebruikssituaties. Deelnemers hebben ook de mogelijkheid om een ontwerp te bouwen voor hun
eigen organisatie en krijgen toegang tot
alle hulpmiddelen en referentiematerialen
die hen bij hun werkzaamheden kunnen
Deze cursus staat onder leiding van
een Citrix Certified Instructor (CCI) en
bestaat uit demonstraties en het praktisch
toepassen van concepten via actieve en
toepassingsgerichte oefeningen.Bij Global
Knowledge is een examen voucher bij de
prijs van deze Citrix training inbegrepen!
Deze cursus is aanbevolen voor ontwerpers van systemen voor desktopvirtualisatie, zoals systeemarchitecten, adviseurs
en technici.
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Gemiddelde kennis van componenten
en concepten van Citrixdesktopvirtualisatie
Prijs: € 2.850,-
• Basiskennis van projectmanagement
en van ‘best practices’ voor
• Kennis van Windows Server (Windows
Server 2012), waaronder van:oActive
• Basiskennis van netwerken
• SQL Server: basiskennis van databases,
toegangsrechten, beveiliging en hoge
• Basiskennis van fysieke en virtuele
opslag:oNAS, SAN, SSDoCIFS
• Bekendheid met hypervisortechnologieën (XenServer, Hyper-V of
• Succesvolle afronding van de
volgende cursussen of aantoonbare
vergelijkbare kennis van:oCXD-102
Introductie XenDesktop 7 oCXD-300
Implementatie van XenDesktop
Behalve praktijkervaring krijgen deelnemers in deze cursus ook een voorbereiding
op het examen ‘Designing XenDesktop 7
Solutions exam’(1Y0-400). Wanneer deelnemers voor dit examen slagen ontvangen
ze het nieuwe certificaat ‘Citrix Certified
Expert - Virtualization (CCE-V)’.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
In deze cursus doen ervaren Citrix
XenApp-gebruikers de benodigde kennis op
voor het implementeren van Citrix XenApp
7.5. Deelnemers leren hoe zij een XenApp
7.5-omgeving kunnen configureren die
bestaat uit de Citrix-onderdelen Delivery
Controller, Director, Studio, MCS, NetScaler,
Provisioning Services en Receiver.
Na afloop van de cursus kunnen de
deelnemers een XenApp 7.5-systeem
implementeren en configureren. Bij
deze cursus is er ook toegang tot een
live-labomgeving.De cursus staat onder
leiding van een Citrix Certified Instructor
(CCI); er worden demonstraties gegeven en
de concepten kunnen in de praktijk worden
gebracht door praktijkoefeningen in een
Citrix XenDesktop 7.5 Skills Update
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor IT-professionals,
systeemarchitecten, systeemtechnici,
serverbeheerders en Citrix-partners met
eerdere Citrix XenApp-ervaring.
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Kennis van de werking van eerdere
• Kennis van de producten van derden
die een rol spelen bij de implementatie,
zoals Active Directory en databases
• Kennis van de invloed die designgerelateerde beslissingen kunnen
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 1.490,-
In deze cursus doen ervaren Citrix
XenDesktop-gebruikers de benodigde
kennis op voor het implementeren van
Citrix XenDesktop 7.5. Deelnemers leren
hoe zij een XenDesktop 7.5-omgeving
kunnen configureren die bestaat uit de
Citrix-onderdelen Delivery Controller, Director, Studio, MCS, NetScaler, Provisioning
Services en Receiver.
demonstraties gegeven en de concepten
kunnen in de praktijk worden gebracht
door praktijkoefeningen in een live-labomgeving.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Citrix training.
Na afloop van de cursus kunnen de
deelnemers een XenDesktop 7.5-systeem
implementeren en configureren. Bij deze
cursus is er ook toegang tot een live-labomgeving.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
De cursus staat onder leiding van een
Citrix Certified Instructor (CCI); er worden
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:Kennis van
de werking van eerdere XenDesktop-versiesKennis van de producten van derden
die een rol spelen bij de implementatie,
zoals Active Directory en databasesKennis
hebben op een productieomgeving
• Ervaring met de implementatie van
kleinschalige omgevingen van 100
servers of minder voor eerdere versies
van XenApp
• Ervaring met het uitvoeren van
dagelijkse taken die nodig zijn voor
optimale prestaties van applicaties in
eerdere XenApp-versies
• Ervaring met het beheer van
gebruikersaccounts, apps en diensten
volgens bepaalde specificaties
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor IT-professionals, systeemarchitecten, systeemtechnici,
serverbeheerders en Citrix-partners met
eerdere Citrix XenDesktop-ervaring.
van de invloed die design-gerelateerde
beslissingen kunnen hebben op een
productieomgevingErvaring met de implementatie van kleinschalige omgevingen
van 100 servers of minder voor eerdere
versies van XenDesktopErvaring met het
uitvoeren van dagelijkse taken die nodig
zijn voor optimale prestaties van applicaties
in eerdere XenDesktop-versiesErvaring met
het beheer van gebruikersaccounts, apps en
diensten volgens bepaalde specificaties.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Citrix training.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Citrix XenDesktop 7 Helpdesk
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Bij de cursus Citrix XenDesktop 7 HelpDesk
Support, die onder leiding staat van een
Citrix Certified Instructor (CCI), worden
Helpdesk-medewerkers uitgerust met de
vaardigheden die nodig zijn om problemen
bij gebruikers effectief en snel op te lossen,
om te voorkomen dat deze problemen
opnieuw optreden en om bij het oplossen
van problemen de juiste consoles te
gebruiken, zodat de oorzaak van problemen
snel kan worden opgespoord.
Na afloop van de cursus zijn deelnemers in
staat om problemen bij de gebruikers op
te lossen, bijvoorbeeld door op een goede
manier de behoeften van de gebruiker te
bepalen, door de juiste vragen te stellen
zodat veel voorkomende problemen kunnen
worden opgelost en door gesprekken goed
te documenteren, zodat eventuele escalatie
op een soepele manier kan plaatsvinden.
De cursus bestaat uit demonstraties en uit
de praktische toepassing van concepten via
praktijkoefeningen in een live-labomgeving.
Prijs: € 995,-
Deze tweedaagse cursus is bedoeld voor
helpdeskmedewerkers die ondersteuning
moeten bieden aan gebruikers van XenDesktop 7-applicaties en -desktops.
Vereiste voorkennis
Voor aanvang van de training raadt Citrix
deelnemers aan om de gratis online-cursus
‘CXD-102 Introduction to Citrix XenDesktop 7’ te volgen.
• strategisch te denken en tijdens de
probleemoplossing de juiste consoles te
gebruiken om snel de oorzaak van een
probleem te kunnen bepalen.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Citrix training.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Na afloop van de cursus zijn deelnemers
in staat om:
• helpdesktickets volledig te verwerken
met behulp van de juiste documentatie;
• problemen binnen hun
verantwoordelijkheid snel op te lossen;
• problemen buiten hun
verantwoordelijkheid te escaleren naar
de juiste persoon of het juiste team;
• ervoor te zorgen dat problemen volledig
worden opgelost en dat er stappen
worden ondernomen om te voorkomen
dat deze opnieuw optreden;
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 61
Citrix Trainingen
Citrix XenApp 7.5 Skills Update
Deploy and Manage XenApp/XenDesktop 7.5
Fast Track
Citrix Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze training biedt deelnemers een versneld pad om vaardigheden op te doen die
vereist zijn om succesvol een complete met
Citrix gehoste applicatie- en desktopvirtualisatie-oplossing in een Windows Server
2012 R2 omgeving te implementeren en
In deze training zullen deelnemers
leren om een omgeving te configureren
die de volgende Citrix-componenten
bevat: XenServer, XenDesktop, Citrix
License Server, MCS, PVS, Personal vDisk,
StoreFront, NetScaler (ICA Proxy, Load
Balancing, Endpoint Analysis) en Citrix
Receiver. Na het voltooien van de training
zullen deelnemers in staat zijn om een
XenDesktop 7.5-omgeving van scratch af
op te bouwen, de implementatie te testen
om te verzekeren dat alle componenten
naar verwachting werken, en succesvol
een XenDesktop 7.5-oplossing te beheren
en monitoren en problemen op te lossen.
Deze training wordt door een docent
geleid met demonstraties en de praktische
toepassing van concepten door hands-on
oefeningen in een live labomgeving,
evenals simulaties. Gedurende de duur
van de training heeft u toegang tot de
labs.Bij Global Knowledge is een examen
voucher bij de prijs van deze Citrix training
Deze training wordt aanbevolen voor architecten, consultants, technici en beheerders. Cursisten zullen hands-on ervaring
opdoen met het installeren, configureren
en beheren van gehoste applicatie- en
desktopvirtualisatieoplossingen vanaf de
basis. Na het voltooien van de training zullen deelnemers de vaardigheden hebben
om succesvol XenDesktop 7.5-oplossingen
te implementeren en ondersteunen die de
meerderheid van Citrix-klanten momenteel
Prijs: € 2.595,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Kennis van server-, desktop- en
• Ervaring met Windows Server 2012 R2,
in het bijzonder:
- Active Directory - Domeinen - Groepen en gebruikersaccounts - Organisatie-eenheden - Groepsbeleidsobjecten
• Ervaring met Windows 7 en Windows
8.1 gebruikersinterfaces
• Basiskennis opslag (beheren van
bestaande opslagtypes, nieuwe opslag
• Basiskennis van Citrix licentieverlening
• Bekendheid met minimaal één
hypervisor (XenServer, Hyper-V of
• Basiskennis van de verschillende
soorten profielen (lokaal, zwervend,
De training CMB-300 bereidt kandidaten
voor op het Citrix Managing XenDesktop
7 Solutions examen en het Deploying
XenDesktop 7 Solutions examen. Naast
het opdoen van praktijkervaring, bereidt
deze training deelnemers voor op het examen Managing XenDesktop 7 Solutions
en het examen Deploying XenDesktop 7
Solutions. Door te slagen voor het examen
Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions,
verwerven deelnemers de nieuwe
certificering Citrix Certified Associate –
Virtualization (CCA-V). Door te slagen voor
het examen Deploying Citrix XenDesktop
7 Solutions, krijgen deelnemers de nieuwe
certificering Citrix Certified Professional–
Virtualization (CCP-V).
Hier vindt u meer informatie over de
nieuwe Citrix certificeringen.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
De Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration
cursus leert beheerders de benodigde
basisvaardigheden die noodzakelijk
zijn om applicaties in een datacenter
effectief te centraliseren en beheren met
behulp van XenApp en ze vervolgens als
een service te leveren aan gebruikers,
ongeacht waar ze zich in de wereld
bevinden. Cursisten leren hoe ze Citrix
XenApp 6.5 voor Windows Server 2008
R2, Citrix Receiver en de plug-ins succesvol
kunnen installeren en configureren.
Daarnaast zal de cursus ingaan op het
gebruik van administratieve consoles
en gereedschappen om resources,
beleidsmaatregelen, server en farm
settings, printers, gevirtualiseerde
applicaties, etc. te configureren.Bij Global
Knowledge is een examen voucher bij de
prijs van deze Citrix training inbegrepen!
De cursus is bedoeld voor IT professionals
zoals server-, netwerk- en systeembeheerders, system en sales engineers,
consultants, analysts en architecten die
bekend zijn met Microsoft Windows Server
omgevingen en zich willen certificeren
voor Citrix Certified Administrator (CCA).
De cursus is ook geschikt voor bestaande
XenApp beheerders en/ of systeemingenieurs die geïnteresseerd zijn in het
bijwerken van hun XenApp vaardigheden,
het krijgen van een Citrix Authorized
Training over XenApp 6.5 of hun XenApp
6.5 certificeringen willen behalen.
Vereiste voorkennis
Cursisten dienen kennis en ervaring te
hebben met de volgende Citrix producten:
• Familiarity with Microsoft Windows
Server 2008 R2
• Experience with Microsoft SQL Server
or enterprise database servers
Citrix XenApp 6.5 Advanced Administration
Prijs: € 2.495,-
• Experience with Active Directory and
Group Policy
• Basic understanding of Microsoft
Remote Desktop Services
• Familiarity with application
virtualization technologies, such
as Citrix application streaming or
Microsoft App-V
• Basic understanding of Windows
Server networking concepts, such as
DNS, IIS®, load balancing, and file and
printing services
• Exposure to basic system
administration concepts, including
logging, software upgrade procedures
and high availability operations
• Familiarity with server monitoring tools
• Basic understanding of VPN concepts,
including SSL encryption and
De training CXA-206 bereidt kandidaten
voor op het Citrix examen A20 - Citrix
XenApp 6.5 Administration. Na het behalen van dit examen certificeert u zich als
Citrix Certified Administrator (CCA).
Het behalen van het examen A20 - Citrix
XenApp 6.5 Administration is tevens een
stap bij het behalen van de volgende
• Citrix Certified Advanced Administrator
(CCAA) for Citrix XenApp 6
• Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer
(CCEE) for Virtualization
• Citrix Certified Integration Architect
(CCIA) for Virtualization
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
De cursus CXA-301 Citrix XenApp
6.5 Advanced Administration is de
vervolgtraining op de training CXA-206
Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration. In de
cursus leert u de vaardigheden die nodig
zijn voor het controleren en onderhouden
van Citrix XenApp 6.5 omgevingen
waarin Windows Server 2008 R2 software
wordt gebruikt. Ook zal een cursist na
afloop problemen kunnen oplossen die in
deze omgevingen voorkomen. Cursisten
maken kennis met tools die nuttig zijn
bij het genereren van rapporten en met
instrumenten die worden gebruikt voor het
monitoren van XenApp farm activiteiten.
Daarnaast leren cursisten de vaardigheden
die nodig zijn om data en server integriteit
te behouden, XenApp farm te monitoren
en optimaliseren en problemen die zich
binnen de XenApp farm voordoen op te
Deze cursus spoort cursisten aan te leren
door te doen. Dit gebeurt aan de hand van
verschillende hands-on oefeningen die
dieper ingaan op de cursusstof.Bij Global
Knowledge is een examen voucher bij de
prijs van deze Citrix training inbegrepen!
• IT-professionals als Netwerk en
Systeembeheerders, consultants,
engineers, architecten en Citrix
Solution Advisors die bekend zijn met
Windows Server 2008 R2 en Citrix
XenApp 6 of 6.5 omgevingen.
• IT-professionals die zich willen
certificeren tot Citrix Certified
Advanced Administrator (CCAA)
for Citrix XenApp 6, Citrix Certified
Enterprise Engineer (CCEE) of Citrix
Certified Integration Architect (CCIA).
• Systeem Beheerders, engineers,
analisten, consultants, architects
Prijs: € 2.495,-
en Citrix partners zijn geschikte
kandidaten voor deze cursus.
Bestaande XenApp administrators,
met name diegene met basis XenApp
6.5 ervaring en die zijn geïnteresseerd
in het behalen van CCAA of CCEE
certificaten, zijn ideale kandidaten.
Vereiste voorkennis
Het dient aanbeveling om de trainingen
CXA-204 of CXA-206 te hebben gevolgd.
Deelnemers dienen voorafgaand aan de
cursus praktijkervaring en/of bekendheid
te hebben van:
• Working knowledge of Microsoft
Windows Server 2008 R2 with Remote
Desktop Services
• Familiarity with Microsoft SQL Server
2008 Reporting Services
• Working knowledge of the architecture
and administrative tasks associated
with Citrix XenApp 6.5 CXA-206-1
• Citrix XenApp 6.5 Basic Administration
• Basic knowledge of XenServer,
EdgeSight, Branch Repeater and
De training CXA-301 bereidt kandidaten
voor op het Citrix examen A22 - Citrix
XenApp 6.5 Advanced Administration.
Indien u gecertificeerd bent als CCA
XenApp 6 of 6.5 en u rondt het examen
A22 goed af, dan certificeert u zich als
Citrix Certified Advanced Administrator
(CCAA) voor Citrix XenApp 6.Het examen
A22 telt tevens mee bij het behalen van de
volgende certificeringen:
• Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer
(CCEE) for Virtualization
• Citrix Certified Integration Architect for
Virtualization (CCIA)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze Citrix XenDesktop cursus biedt
beheerders de basis die nodig is om
desktops effectief te centraliseren en te
beheren in het datacenter en ze vervolgens
te leveren als een service aan gebruikers,
ongeacht waar ze zich bevinden. Cursisten
leren hoe een desktop delivery-model
voor elke groep gebruikers kan worden
geselecteerd op basis van hun behoeften.
Tevens leert u hoe een XenDesktop proofof-concept en productieomgeving bouwt,
virtuele desktops toewijst en per gebruiker
rechten kunt geven.Bij Global Knowledge
is een examen voucher bij de prijs van
deze Citrix training inbegrepen!
De cursus is bedoeld voor:
• IT-professionals als netwerk en systeem
beheerders, consultants, engineers en
architecten, inclusief members van het
Citrix Partner Network.
• IT-professionals die zich willen
certificeren tot Citrix Certified
Administrator voor Citrix XenDesktop
5 (CCA), Citrix Certified Enterprise
Engineer (CCEE) for Virtualization of
Citrix Certified Integration Architect for
Virtualization (CCIA).
Citrix XenServer 6 Administration
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Enige kennis en ervaring met de
achtergronden en doelstellingen van
virtualisatie techniek
• Enige kennis en ervaring met Windows
Server 2008 R2
• Basiskennis van server, desktop en
applicatie virtualisatie concepten
• Enige kennis en ervaring van network
en storage devices, device driversen
Deze training CXD-202 bereidt de cursist
voor op het Citrix examen A19 - Citrix
XenDesktop 5 Administration.Indien u het
examen A22 - Citrix XenApp 6.5 Advanced
Administration goed afrondt, dan certificeert u zich als Citrix Certified Administrator (CCA) op Citrix XenDesktop 5.5.
Het examen A22 telt tevens mee voor het
behalen van de volgende certificeringen:
• Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer
(CCEE) for Virtualization
• Citrix Certified Integration Architect for
Virtualization (CCIA)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Fast Track
Prijs: € 2.495,-
In deze Citrix XenServer 6.0 training leren
cursisten de vaardigheden die nodig zijn
voor het configureren en beheren van
XenServer 6.0, XenCenter en Provisioning
Server 6.0. Middels virtual labs,
demonstraties en praktische toepassingen
van concepten doen cursisten ervaring
op met:
• Het configureren van een XenServer
virtualisatie server.
• Het beheren van een XenServer door
gebruik te maken van XenCenter.
• Het creëren van Windows- en Linux
virtuele machines.
• Het creëren van XenServer resource
pools en verbinding maken met remote
• Het gebruik van XenMotion en
automatic virtual machine placement.
• Het ontwerpen van een Provisioning
Server farm.
• Het creëren, toewijzen en beheren van
virtual disks.
• Het beheren van target devices.
• Het configureren van hoge
• IT-professionals die zich willen
certificeren tot Citrix Certified
Administrator (CCA) voor Citrix
XenServer 6.0, Citrix Certified
Enterprise Engineer (CCEE) for
Virtualization of Citrix Certified
Integration Architect (CCIA) for
Bij Global Knowledge is een examen
voucher bij de prijs van deze Citrix training
De training CXS-203 bereidt de kandidaat
voor op het Citrix examen A26 - Citrix
XenServer 6.0 Administration. Indien u
het examen A26 succesvol afrondt, dan
behaalt u het Citrix Certified Administrator
(CCA) certificaat voor Citrix XenServer 6.
Het certificaat CCA voor XenServer 6
telt tevens mee voor het behalen van de
volgende certificeringen:
• Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer
(CCEE) for Virtualization
• Citrix Certified Integration Architect
(CCIA) for Virtualization
De cursus is bedoeld voor:
• IT-professionals als netwerk en
systeem beheerders, consultants,
engineers en architecten plus Citrix
Solution Advisors die de Citrix
virtualisatieproducten XenServer
6.0 en Provisioning Services 6.0 for
Datacenters moeten implementeren en
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Enige kennis en ervaring met de
achtergronden en doelstellingen van
virtualisatie technologie
• Enige kennis en ervaring met Windows
Server 2003 of Windows Server 2008
• Enige kennis en ervaring van network
en storage devices, device driversen
• Basis ervaring met het installeren en
onderhouden van Linux distributies
• Kennis en ervaring met computer
architectuur waaronder netwerk en
opslag apparatuur, vLAN configuratie,
device drivers en besturingssystemen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze 5-daagse Fast Track–training biedt
studenten de basis die nodig is om
effectief desktops en applicaties in het
datacenter te beheren en ze vervolgens
als een dienst te leveren ongeacht waar
een gebruiker zich bevindt. Cursisten leren
tijdens deze versnelde cursus onder meer
hoe XenDesktop- en XenApp-omgeving
opgezet kunnen worden en administratieve rechten, virtuele desktops en printers
toegewezen worden aan gebruikers.
Deze Fast Track-training is een combinatie
van de cursussen Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration (CXA-206) en Citrix XenDesktop
5 Administration (CXD-202). De cursus is
vooral bedoeld voor ervaren Citrix XenApp
Administrators die hun vaardigheden met
XenDesktop willen uitbreiden. Met deze
cursus kunt u de kennis opdoen om u
versneld te certificeren als Citrix Certified
Administrator (CCA).Bij Global Knowledge
is een examen voucher bij de prijs van
deze Citrix training inbegrepen!
De cursus is bedoeld voor IT professionals
zoals server-, netwerk- en systeembeheerders, system en sales engineers,
consultants, analysts en architecten die
bekend zijn met Microsoft Windows Server
omgevingen. Met name voor bestaande
Citrix XenApp Administrators die hun
kennis willen uitbreiden met XenDesktop
is deze cursus zeer geschikt.
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de cursus wordt van
de cursisten de volgende voorkennis en
ervaring verwacht:
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
and Remote Desktop Services
• Network and storage devices, device
drivers, and operating systems
• Networking concepts, such as DNS,
DHCP, IIS, load balancing, and file and
printing services
• Active Directory and group policy
• Server, desktop, and application
virtualization concepts
• Citrix XenApp
Deze training CMB-207 bereidt de cursist
voor op het Citrix examen A19 - Citrix
XenDesktop 5 Administration.
Indien u het examen A22 - Citrix XenApp
6.5 Advanced Administration goed
afrondt, dan certificeert u zich als Citrix
Certified Administrator (CCA) voor Citrix
XenDesktop 5.5.
Het examen A22 telt tevens mee voor het
behalen van de volgende certificeringen:
• Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer
(CCEE) for Virtualization
• Citrix Certified Integration Architect
(CCIA) for Virtualization
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 63
Citrix Trainingen
Citrix XenDesktop 5 Administration
Citrix Trainingen
Help Desk Support for Citrix XenDesktop 5.6 and
XenApp 6.5
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Deze training maakt helpdeskpersoneel
en eerste- en tweedelijns-supportmedewerkers vertrouwd met concepten
en probleemoplossingsstrategieën voor
XenApp- en XenDesktop-omgevingen.
Studenten maken kennis met de
basisconcepten achter de beschikbare
mogelijkheden van een XenApp- of
XenDesktop-omgeving, de communicatievereisten voor elke omgeving en de
procedure voor toegang tot hulpbronnen
vanuit de beide omgevingen.Helpdeskpersoneel kan hierna bepalen of een
probleem invloed heeft op een algemener
probleemgebied en vervolgens het
probleem onderverdelen in specifiekere
zaken. Sommige problemen kunnen
direct door de helpdesk worden opgelost.
Bij andere problemen kan de helpdesk
nodig zijn om het probleem vast te stellen
en door te sturen naar de geschikte
afdeling, zoals XenApp- of XenDesktopbeheerders, netwerkbeheerders,
applicatieteams enzovoort. De cursist
wordt door helpdesktaken heen geleid
door middel van interactieve discussies
onder leiding van een instructeur en
met praktijktrainingen. Zo wordt de
cursist voorbereid op het aanbieden van
oplossingen voor problemen die vaak
voorkomen binnen een XenApp-omgeving.
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Deze training is bedoeld voor 1e en 2e
lijns IT Support en Helpdesk medewerkers. De training is tevens geschikt voor
andere medewerkers dan beheerders die
kennis willen opdoen van de basisfunctionaliteiten van Citrix XenApp en Citrix
Vereiste voorkennis
De volgende basis- en/of voorkennis wordt
• Kennis en ervaring met Windows
Server 2003/2008 support
• Basiskennis van Microsoft policybeheer en netwerkbegrippen
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Citrix training.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Essentials and Networking
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Het doel van de Citrix NetScaler 10.5
Essentials en Networking cursus is om
de fundamentele concepten en vereiste
vaardigheden te leren die benodigd
zijn om een Citrix NetScaler systeem te
configureren, beveiligen, bewaken en
optimaliseren in een netwerkomgeving.
Deze Citrix NetScaler training is speciaal
ontworpen voor studenten met weinig of
geen eerdere NetScaler ervaring. Om met
succes deze opleiding te voltooien hebben
de cursisten toegang tot diverse hands-on
oefeningen in een virtuele testomgeving.
De Netscaler cursus is gebaseerd op Citrix
NetScaler 10.5, maar de vaardigheden en
de basis concepten die worden geleerd
zijn gelijk aan de eerdere productversies
van NetScaler.Bij Global Knowledge is een
examen voucher bij de prijs van deze Citrix
training inbegrepen!
De training is met name bedoeld voor:
• Netwerk professionals die beginnen
met het NetScaler platform
• IT-professionals die zich bezig houden
met het configureren en onderhouden
van netwerkproducten.
• Netwerk- en systeembeheerders,
consultants, engineers en members van
het Citrix Partner Network.
• IT professionals die zich willen
certificeren tot Citrix Certified
Administrator (CCA) voor NetScaler
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Het dient aanbeveling dat de cursisten
voorafgaand aan de training in ieder geval
kennis hebben van:
• Intermediate knowledge of TCP/IP and
HTTP protocols and an understanding
of the OSI model
• Experience with network devices,
networking protocols and aspects of
application and site architecture
• Moderate exposure to UNIX or Linux
• Exposure to basic systems
administration concepts, including
logging, software upgrade procedures
and high availability operations
• Familiarity with web server software
• Knowledge of network security threats
and site protection concepts
De training CNS-205 bereidt kandidaten
voor op het Citrix examenA28 - Implementing NetScaler 10 for Networking and
Traffic Optimization.
Indien u dit examen succesvol afrondt, dan
behaalt u het Citrix Certified Administrator
(CCA) certificaat voor Citrix NetScaler 10.
U bent dan gecertificeerd als Citrix Certified Professional – Networking (CCP-N).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Citrix NetScaler 10.5 for App and
Desktop Solutions
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Het doel van deze cursus is het verwerven
van basiskennis en -vaardigheden
voor het implementeren, configureren,
beveiligen en monitoren van een Citrix
NetScaler-systeem met NetScaler Gateway
in een desktopvirtualisatie-omgeving, bijvoorbeeld een omgeving die beschikt over
Citrix XenDesktop 7 of Citrix XenApp en
die beveiligde applicatie- en datatoegang
aanbiedt aan gebruikers. Deze cursus is
speciaal bedoeld voor cursisten die nog
weinig of geen ervaring hebben met NetScaler. Om deze cursus succesvol te kunnen
afronden krijgen cursisten toegang tot
praktijkoefeningen in een virtuele labomgeving. Er is ook een optionele module
beschikbaar met extra simulatieoefeningen
voor NetScaler SDX-toepassingen.Deze
cursus is gebaseerd op Citrix NetScaler
10.5, maar de vaardigheden en concepten
die aan de orde komen zijn vergelijkbaar met die in eerdere productversies.
Bij Global Knowledge is een examen
voucher bij de prijs van deze Citrix training
De cursus is bedoeld voor cursisten die:
• Onbekend zijn met het NetScalerplatform;
• Geïnteresseerd zijn in de integratie
tussen Netscaler Gateway en Citrix
XenDesktop of Citrix XenApp.
Prijs: € 2.595,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers bekend zijn
met het volgende:
• Het aanbieden van applicaties en
zoals XenDesktop en XenApp
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
• Microsoft Windows Server 2012
• Microsoft SQL Server of
databaseservers in een
• Active Directory en Group Policy
• Microsoft Remote Desktop Services
• Netwerkconcepten binnen Windows
Server, zoals DNS, IIS® en load
• Basisconcepten van systeembeheer,
zoals logging, softwareupgradeprocedures en operaties
rondom hoge beschikbaarheid
De training CNS-207 bereidt kandidaten
voor op het Citrix examen Implementing
Citrix NetScaler 10 for App and Desktop
Solutions (1YO-250). Na het behalen van
het examen bent u gecertificeerd als Citrix
Certified Associate – Networking (CCA-N).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Citrix NetScaler 10 Essentials for Cisco ACE
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus levert de basis voor het
beheren en het monitoren van de
geavanceerde functies en componenten
van Citrix NetScaler 10.1. Interactieve
discussies en praktijkgerichte laboratoria
gidsen de deelnemers door de
geavanceerde administratieve taken,
zoals probleemoplossing, het instellen
van de beveiliging voor de applicaties
met behulp van Citrix Application
Firewall, het afstemmen van NetScaler
op zware belastingen, het configureren
van AAA voor systeembeheer en het
vormgeven van geavanceerd beleid met
gebruik van service callouts. Ook de
geavanceerde toezicht- en beheertaken,
zoals de configuratie en toepassing van
NetScaler Insight Center, Command
Center, en NetScaler Web Logging, worden
behandeld. Ervaring met NetScaler is een
absolute pre.
Om deze cursus succesvol af te sluiten,
krijgen de cursisten toegang tot
praktijkgerichte oefeningen binnen een
virtuele laboratoriumomgeving. De cursus
is gebaseerd op Citrix NetScaler 10.1,
maar de aangeleerde vaardigheden en
basisconcepten zijn vergelijkbaar met die
in eerdere productversies. Deze cursus
staat onder leiding van een instructeur
en bestaat o.a. uit klassikale discussies,
demonstraties en praktische toepassingen
van concepten via praktijkgerichte
Prijs: € 2.595,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de cursus wordt er op
aanraden van Citrix van uitgegaan dat de
deelnemers over de volgende kennis en
ervaring beschikken:
• Ervaring met het configureren van
NetScaler-systemen, waaronder kennis
over de diensten, de virtuele servers en
het beleid
• Ervaring met netwerkapparatuur,
zoals routers en switches, diverse
netwerkprotocollen en aspecten van
applicaties en sitearchitecturen (zoals
DMZ’s en VLAN’s)
• Kennis van bedreigingen m.b.t. de
veiligheid van netwerken, en van
concepten van sitebeveiliging als
firewalls, worms en DDoS-aanvallen
• Kennis van concepten m.b.t.
monitoring en beheer, waaronder de
basisbegrippen van SNMP
• Voltooiing van CNS-205 Citrix
NetScaler 10 Essentials and
Networking of gerelateerde ervaring
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Citrix training.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Het doel van deze cursus is het
aanbieden van de basisconcepten en de
geavanceerde vaardigheden die nodig zijn
voor het implementeren, configureren,
beveiligen, monitoren en optimaliseren
van een Citrix Netscaler-systeem vanuit
een netwerkframework dat gebruik maakt
van Cisco ACE. Ook probleemoplossing
maakt deel uit van deze set vaardigheden.
De cursus is gebaseerd op Citrix NetScaler
10.0, maar de aangeleerde vaardigheden
en basisconcepten zijn vergelijkbaar met
die voor eerdere versies.
De cursus is bedoeld voor
netwerkspecialisten die nog onbekend
zijn met het Citrix NetScaler platform en
migreren vanaf het Cisco Ace Network.
Prijs: € 2.695,-
Vereiste voorkennis
U dient bekend te zijn met de Cisco ACE
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Citrix training.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Designing, Deploying, and Managing Enterprise
Mobility Solutions with Citrix XenMobile
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Citrix XenMobile Enterprise is de nieuwe
mobiliteitsbeheeroplossing van Citrix
die het mogelijk maakt om alle mobiele
devices zoals tablets en smartphones in
een organisatie centraal te configureren
en te beheren. XenMobile zorgt ervoor
dat mobiele gebruikers overal productief
kunnen werken terwijl de kosten laag
worden gehouden. XenMobile Enterprise
is een onmisbare mobiliteitsbeheeroplossing voor organisaties waar medewerkers
worden gestimuleerd om eigen apparatuur
(BYOD) productief in te zetten in een
De 5-daagse klassikale Citrix XenMobile
cursus ‘Designing, Deploying, and Managing Enterprise Mobility Solutions with
Citrix XenMobile’ is bedoeld voor diegene
die een Citrix XenMobile Enterprise omgeving willen ontwerpen, opzetten, uitrollen
en beheren. De training bevat alle componenten dieu nodig heeft om een Citrix
XenMobile oplossing te ontwerpen, uit te
rollen, veelvoorkomende problemen op te
lossen en onderhoudstaken uit voeren.
Deze training bevat veel hands-on
oefenopdrachten en leert u hoe u Citrix
XenMobile MDM optimaal kunt inzetten in
uw organisatie.
Prijs: € 2.595,-
De is bedoeld voor IT professionals zoals
systeembeheerders, consultants, engineers,
architecten en leden van het Citrix
Partner Networkdie een Citrix XenMobile
Enterprise omgeving willen ontwerpen,
opzetten, uitrollen en beheren.
Vereiste voorkennis
De volgende voorkennis wordt
• Ervaring met het gebruik en beheer
van mobiele apparaten (bv Windows
Phone, BlackBerry, Android, iOS,
• Kennis van Microsoft Windows,
Microsoft Exchange en ActiveSync
Na het behalen van het examen bent
u gecertificeerd als Citrix Certified Professional – Mobility (CCP-M)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Bij Global Knowledge is een examen
voucher bij de prijs van deze Citrix training
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor systeembeheerders en netwerkpersoneel die zich
bezighouden met het configureren en het
beheren van Citrix NetScaler producten.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 65
Citrix Trainingen
Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Advanced Implementation
Citrix Trainingen
Implementing WAN Optimization with Citrix
CloudBridge 7
Implementing Citrix CloudPlatform 4.3 Powered
by Apache CloudStack
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Het doel van de cursus ‘Implementing
WAN Optimization with Citrix CloudBridge
7’ is het aanleren van de belangrijkste
concepten en vaardigheden die nodig
zijn voor de implementatie, configuratie,
beveiliging en monitoring van een Citrix
CloudBridge-systeem in een WAN-omgeving waarin gebruikers toegang wordt
verleend tot applicaties en data. Deze
cursus is speciaal bedoeld voor deelnemers
die weinig tot geen ervaring hebben met
CloudBridge. Om deze cursus succesvol te
kunnen afronden krijgen cursisten toegang
tot praktijkoefeningen binnen een virtuele
labomgeving.Deze cursus is gebaseerd
op Citrix CloudBridge-versie 7.2, maar de
aangeleerde vaardigheden en concepten
zijn vergelijkbaar met die voor eerdere
versies van het product. Tijdens de training
heeft u toegang tot de labomgeving.Als
eerste Citrix Authorized Learning Center
(CALC) in de BeneluxGlobal Knowledge is
door Citrix geselecteerd om deze training
als eerste Citrix Authorized Learning
Center (CALC) in de Benelux te kunnen uit
leveren. Global Knowledge biedt u deze
training daarom frequent aan als open
rooster of maatwerk training aan.N.B.:
Indien er vanuit Citrix een examen
beschikbaar is voor deze cursus, dan is het
examen bij Global Knowledge inbegrepen
in de cursusprijs!
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Deze cursus wordt aanbevolen voor
• voor wie het CloudBridge-platform
nieuw is;
• die geïnteresseerd zijn in WANoptimalisatie via CloudBridge.
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Bekendheid met de principes van LAN
en WAN
• Bekendheid met Microsoft Windows
Server 2008 R2
• Ervaring met Active Directory en Group
• Basiskennis van Microsoft Remote
Desktop Services
• Basiskennis van de netwerkconcepten
binnen Windows Server, zoals DNS,
IIS® en load balancing
• Ervaring met basisconcepten voor
systeembeheer, zoals loggen, softwareupgradeprocedures en activiteiten met
betrekking tot hoge beschikbaarheid
• Bekendheid met servermonitortools
• Basiskennis van VPN-concepten,
waaronder van SSL-encryptie en
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Citrix training.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Het doel van de cursus Implementing
Citrix CloudPlatform is het aanleren van
de basisconcepten en -vaardigheden
die nodig zijn voor het implementeren,
configureren, beveiligen en monitoren van
een Citrix CloudPlatform-omgeving. Deze
cursus is speciaal bedoeld voor deelnemers
die weinig tot geen ervaring hebben met
CloudPlatform. Om deze cursus succesvol
te kunnen afronden krijgen deelnemers
toegang tot praktische oefeningen in een
virtuele labomgeving.Deze cursus is gebaseerd op Citrix CloudPlatform 4.3, maar
de vaardigheden en de basisconcepten
die worden aangeleerd zijn vergelijkbaar
met die voor eerdere productversies en zijn
te gebruiken binnen de CloudStack-community.
Deze cursus wordt aanbevolen voor
deelnemers die:
• Geïnteresseerd zijn in het
implementeren van CloudPlatform;
• Geïnteresseerd zijn in het
implementeren van CloudStack of
Citrix CloudPlatform overwegen.
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Ervaring met hypervisors, zoals Citrix
• Basiservaring met netwerken
• Algemene ervaring met virtualisatie en
• Ervaring met het gebruik van de Linux
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Citrix training.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
markt. HP is daarbij marktleider in fault Storage solutions, Management software en
Cloud oplossingen.
HP Enterprise Trainingen
Als enige opleider in de Benelux is Global
Global Knowledge kan HP trainingen
Knowledge in staat om als one-stop
verzorgen op het gebied van:
shop het volledige HP trainingsaanbod
overzichtelijk aan te bieden. Of u nu
• HP Cloud
geïnteresseerd bent in trainingen op
• HP Data Center
het gebied van HP Servers, Software of
• HP Networking
Security, bij Global Knowledge bent u aan
• HP Non-Stop
het juiste adres.
• HP Storage
• HP Software
• HP Servers
Meer informatie over het HP trainingsaanbod en certificeringsmogelijkheden bij
Global Knowledge, kunt u vinden op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 67
HP is een ‘Technology Solutions Provider’ voor zowel de consumenten- als zakelijke
HP Trainingen
HP Trainingen
UNIX Fundamentals (51434S)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is an extensive introduction
to the UNIX® operating system and how
to use its many commands and utilities. It
also covers the standard UNIX system file
editor and basic shell programming. This
course is the foundation and prerequisite
for most other courses in HP Education’s
Tru64 and HP-UX curricula. The course is
60 percent lecture and 40 percent handson labs using HP servers.
Prijs: € 2.299,-
• System administrators, network
administrators, software developers,
programmers, operators, and technical
Vereiste voorkennis
• General computer literacy
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP-UX System and Network Administration II
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is the second of two courses
that prepare system administrators to
successfully administer HP-UX servers
in a networked environment. Successful
completion of HP-UX System and Network
Administration I and II will help students
prepare for the HP-UX Certified System
Administrator (CSA) technical certification
exam. The 5-day course is 50 percent
lecture and 50 percent hands-on labs
using HP servers.
• System and network administrators
who maintain and configure system
resources, control access to resources,
and establish procedures
Prijs: € 2.874,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• 0071681-HP-UX System and
Network Administration I (H3064S) or
equivalent experience
Become an HP-UX Certified System
Administrator (CSA) by successfully
completing the HP0-A01 (previously HP0095) HP-UX CSA certification exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP-UX System and Network Administration I
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This hands-on course is the first of two
courses that prepare system administrators
to successfully configure, manage,
maintain, and administer HP-UX servers
in a networked environment. This course
focuses on configuring disks, file systems,
peripherals, and user accounts, as well
as managing and configuring core
OS, patches, and application software.
Successful completion of HP-UX System
and Network Administration I and II will
help prepare students for the HP-UX
CSA technical certification exam. The
5-day course is 50 percent lecture and 50
percent hands-on labs using HP servers.
Prijs: € 2.874,-
• HP-UX 11i system administrators and
others who install, configure, and
maintain HP-UX servers
Vereiste voorkennis
• UNIX Fundamentals (51434S) or
equivalent experience
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This fast-paced intensive course is
designed for experienced Tru64,
AIX, Solaris, Linux, or other UNIX®
administrators who need to understand
the differences between HP-UX and
standard UNIX. It is essential that students
have existing UNIX system administration
experience. Successful completion of the
course will help prepare students for the
HP-UX Certified System Administrator
(CSA) certification exam. The 5-day course
is 50 percent lecture and 50 percent
hands-on labds using HP servers.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Vereiste voorkennis
Kennis van en ervaring met algemene
begrippen en concepten van de
Systeembeheerders die verantwoordelijk
zijn voor het dagelijks beheer van
OpenVMS systemen. Ontwikkelaars die
programmeren op OpenVMS systemen.
Deze cursus leidt op voor het examen
OpenVMS Systems Administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
OpenVMS System Management I: Essentials for
Established Systems
Prijs: € 2.874,-
• Experienced UNIX system
administrators who are new to HP-UX
Vereiste voorkennis
• Existing knowledge and system
administration experience of a version
• Become an HP-UX Certified System
Administrator (CSA) by successfully
completing the HP-UX CSA
certification exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.575,-
In deze cursus wordt ingegaan op de
elementaire kennis die benodigd is voor
het beheren van OpenVMS systemen.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
HP-UX for Experienced UNIX System
Administrators (H5875S)
OpenVMS Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze cursus wordt ingegaan op
bestaande OpenVMS systemen in een
netwerk omgeving, welke onderhouden
moeten worden door de systeembeheerder
of operator.
Systeembeheerders en operators die
verantwoordelijk zijn voor het dagelijkse
onderhoud en beschikbaarheid
van een OpenVMS systeem in een
Prijs: € 2.875,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Kennis en ervaring op het niveau van
de cursus OpenVMS Fundamentals
Deze cursus leidt op voor het examen
OpenVMS Systems Administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Server & Storage
Implementing HP StorageWorks Enterprise
Virtual Array Solutions v.9.21 (HH705S)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze cursus wordt ingegaan op het
aanpassen van een OpenVMS systeem
en op het opnemen in een netwerk en/
of cluster, zodat de deelnemer voldoende
praktische en theoretische kennis heeft
die vereist is om als systeembeheerder
zelfstandig taken te kunnen uitvoeren.
Systeem- en netwerkbeheerders die
verantwoordelijk zijn voor het installeren,
configureren en beheren van eenl
OpenVMS systeem in een netwerk en/of
Prijs: € 2.875,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Kennis en ervaring op het niveau van
de cursus OpenVMS System Manager
I: Essentials for Established Systems
Deze cursus leidt op voor het examen
OpenVMS Systems Administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.575,-
In deze cursus wordt ingegaan op de
gebruikte protocollen, het gebruik en
beheer van TCP/IP, om een OpenVMS
systeem op te kunnen nemen in een TCP/
IP Internet netwerk.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kennis en ervaring op het niveau
van de cursussen OpenVMS System
Management II: Installation, Configuration
and Customization (HP-U3725) en
Internetworking with TCP/IP (GK-9000).
OpenVMS systeembeheerders, die
verantwoordelijk zijn voor het beheer
van de TCP/IP software op het OpenVMS
Deze cursus leidt op voor het examen
OpenVMS Network Administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides training for the
HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual
Array family, including the EVA
4000/6000/8000, EVA 4100/6100/8100,
and EVA 4400/6400/8400 series.
After a conceptual overview, including
terminology, the course describes
hardware components and functions
in detail, including the HSV controllers,
disk drive enclosures, Fibre Channel
loop switch, Management Module, and
management server. Instructions are given
on how to set up, configure, and manage
the storage system and hosts using
either HP SmartStart for EVA Storage or
Command View EVA software.
An overview of replication solutions
software is provided. Finally, this course
describes how error messages are
generated and analyzed, and provides
basic diagnostic and troubleshooting
resources. Hands-on laboratories are
included to correlate with the classroom
This course is primarily intended for
Pre-Sales Technical personnel. A secondary
audience is HP
employees, customers, and partners
with an interest in learning about the
Prijs: € 3.500,-
installation, configuration
and support of the Enterprise Virtual Array
storage solutions.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are recommended
prerequisites for this course:
• Storage Basics for Better TCE
• Storage Change Management
• Storage Technologies Web-Based
Training (WBT)
• HP StorageWorks Full-Line Technical
• Introduction to Storage Area Networks
Computer-Based Training (CBT)
• Storage Area Network Fundamentals
• Compaq StorageWorks Virtualization
Concepts WBT
• HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual
Array Product Overview
• The student should also be familiar
with OpenView and SANworks
software products through the
appropriate courses.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP StorageWorks VLS and D2D Solutions (HK766S)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Managing HP Storage D2D Solutions
introduces the D2D Disk Backup products,
discusses the range of products in the
product line, and explains D2D concepts,
installation, and use. Learning concepts
are reinforced with a series of hands-on
lab exercises.
This course is intended for D2D customers,
HP Services field engineers, call center
personnel, Presales and Channel Partners,
and other field personnel who provide
installation and/or operational support
assistance for HP D2D Disk Backup devices.
Prijs: € 1.499,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Basic Windows administration
• Basic understanding of SCSI, iSCSI,
RAID, Fibre Channel, and SAN
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP Insight Control server deployment, previously
RDP, 6.0.0 (HE645S)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day course provides students with the
knowledge and skills to effectively deploy
Windows and Linux operating systems to
HP ProLiant servers using the HP Insight
Control Server Deployment software.
By taking this course, the student will
learn the basics of the HP Insight Control
Server Deployment software and will gain
practical skills from several hands-on labs.
The primary audience for this course is
administrators, engineers, and consultants
who will:
• Plan, implement, and manage a
deployment environment based on HP
Insight Control Server Deployment 7
• Perform basic HP Insight Control
Server Deployment 7 tasks such as
installation, configuration, and scripted
and imaged deployment of Microsoft
Windows, Red Hat Linux, and SuSE Linux
Prijs: € 1.600,-
Vereiste voorkennis
HP recommends that students have
attained these credentials or levels of
experience before taking this course:
• Introduction to HP Insight Control
• Essentials for HP ProLiant (HE643S)
• Familiarity with general networking
terminology and basic network security
• An understanding of these operating
systems: Microsoft Windows Server
2008 and Either Red Hat Enterprise
Linux AS/ES or SuSE Linux Enterprise
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 69
HP Trainingen
OpenVMS System Management II: Installation
Configuration and Customisation
Data Protector Basics (HK974S)
HP Trainingen
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The HP Data Protector software Basics
course is a level 200 comprehensive
technical-based training that teaches the
skills necessary for planning, installing,
configuring, and managing HP Data
Protector core components. This training
will also provide an overview of optional
features such as: online extensions
for VMware, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft
applications and Data Protector Zero
Downtime Backup integration with the HP
StorageWorks EVA.
Prijs: € 1.500,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Recommended prerequisite training:
• Microsoft Windows administration
• VMware basic administration
• SAN architecture and function
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Managing HP Storage P9000 Solutions - v10.41
Designing HP StorageWorks Solutions (HH702S)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course introduces the HP
StorageWorks P9500 Disk Array product
and associated software applications.
The focus is predominately on the P9500.
XP24000 and XP20000 product training
is included in course appendix section. The
material in this presentation describes the
P9500 Disk Array hardware architecture
and components and provides instructions
on how to configure and manage the
P9500 Disk Array.
This course is intended for Presales and
This course is intended for HP internal and
Partner solution architects. It may also
serve as basic training for support and
services engineers.
Prijs: € 2.800,-
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• Understanding of storage technologies
and interconnects.
• Working knowledge of connecting
storage and mounting file systems on
storage devices in HP-UX or Microsoft
Windows 2000.
• Working knowledge of Fibre Channel.
The following courses can be helpful in
meeting the prerequistes:
• Storage Technologies WBT
• SAN Fundamentals WBT
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Designing and Implementing HP Cloud Solutions
using 3PAR, Rev. 11.21 (HL034S)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This is an ILT/vILT course designed to teach
the correct skill requirements for Storage
Pre-sales focused individuals that have
the right knowledge to support the sales
representatives at the customer site and
prepare a complete and supported 3PAR
solution for a customer.
• Technical consultants who support
sales representatives in the Sales cycle
and have the ability to document a
HP product-based solution, based on
listening and understanding what the
customers’ business needs are.
• Technical consultants who do
not need in-depth knowledge
around installation, startup and
troubleshooting but do need technical
HP 3PAR Storage System product and
solutions understanding to design and
plan an effective storage solution that
will solve customer business needs.
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This is an ILT/VILT course designed to
teach the correct skill requirements for
Storage Pre-sales focused individuals that
have the right knowledge to support the
sales representatives at the customer site
and prepare a complete and supported
solution for a customer.
• Technical consultants who support
sales representatives in the Sales cycle
and have the ability to document a
HP product based solution based on
listening and understanding what the
customers business needs are.
• Technical consultants who do
not need in depth knowledge
around installation, startup and
troubleshooting but do need technical
HP StorageWorks product and
solutions understanding to design and
plan an effective Storage solution that
will solve customer business needs.
Prijs: € 3.099,-
• Technical consultants who can ‘sell’ a
fully functional HP solution and help to
reduce the cost of selling.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are recommended
prerequisites for this course:
• Storage Technologies
• ProLiant Server Technologies
• SAN Fundamentals
• HP StorageWorks Full-Line Technical WBT
• HP Software and Solutions Full-Line
Technical WBT
• An understanding of the SNIA and the
SMI-s initiative
• A working knowledge of path failover
capabilities and the HP failover options
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP0-J48 Designing HP StorageWorks
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.700,-
• Technical consultants, who can sell
a fully functional HP 3PAR Storage
System solution.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are recommended
prerequisites for this course:
• Storage Technologies
• Server Technologies
• SAN Fundamentals
• HP StorageWorks Full-Line Technical
• A working knowledge of path failover
capabilities and the HP failover options
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP0-J49 Designing and Implementing
HP Cloud Solutions using HP 3PAR
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
SAN Infrastructure and Solutions Rev. 11.11 (HH703S)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The SAN Infrastructure and Solutions
training focuses on implementing HP
StorageWorks storage area networks
(SANs) according to HP guidelines.
This course is designed to provide you
with the foundation needed to design,
implement, and service a high-availability
heterogeneous SAN.
SAN architecture is the overall design
or structure of a storage area network
solution. It includes one or more fabrics
each of which has a topology. Fabric
topology refers to the layout of switches
that form a fabric.At the completion of this
course, you should be able to implement
a small heterogeneous HP StorageWorks
Prijs: € 2.500,-
Fibre Channel SAN using rules in the HP
StorageWorks SAN Design Reference Guide.
This implementation will include HP
StorageWorks B-Series or C-Series switches,
and an HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual
Array (EVA) storage subsystem. After the
SAN is implemented, you should be able to:
• Use software to collect SAN data and
display the SAN in SANXpert format
• Perform maintenance tasks on a SAN
• Use the SAN Visibility tool to view SAN
topology and obtain diagrams and
details of the SAN components
• Diagnose and resolve SAN problems
This course is intended for HP Services field
engineers, call center personnel, and HP
Partner personnel who provide installation
and/or operational support assistance for
HP StorageWorks SANs.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• Microsoft Windows administration
• HP-UX, Linux, or OpenVMS
• SCSI, RAID, Fibre Channel, and backup
• SAN architecture and function
• HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual
Array Family Service and Support
• Introduction to SANs
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP0-J52 Implementing HP SAN
Infrastructure and Solutions
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP BladeSystem Networking - Rev 11.41 (HL942S)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course is designed to help you
understand the tasks that a storage area
network (SAN) architect must undertake
to develop a SAN architecture solution.
These tasks include the steps necessary
to architect, plan, design, and implement
large complex SAN infrastructures using
the HP StorageWorks SAN Design Guide
and HP supported SAN product and
services offerings.
This course is intended for technical presales engineers and partners.
Prijs: € 1.875,-
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• SAN Infrastructure & Solutions
Rev 11.11
• HP – ASE StorageWorks Integration
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Introduction to HP ProLiant Servers
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day course provides essential HP
ProLiant training to system administrators
who are responsible for ProLiant ML, DL,
and BL servers. Students will be presented
with an overview of HP products, tools,
agents, and utilities that will help them to
set up, deploy, monitor, and maintain their
ProLiant servers. Practical hands-on lab
exercises are presented on an HP ProLiant
BL460c Gen8 server.
Administrators, engineers, and consultants
who will configure and maintain HP
ProLiant servers.
Prijs: € 1.299,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11
• VMWare ESXi 5.5
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
As the use of server virtualization
technology has significantly expanded
in data centers, an alternative solution
for server connectivity to IP and storage
networks has been developed to help
simplify the resulting equipment and
operations complexity that has followed.
HP Virtual Connect is a hardware and
software solution implemented as
an interconnect module for the HP
HP Virtual Connect is a server edge
virtualization solution that introduces a
layer of abstraction between servers, and
the local area (IP-based) networks and
storage area networks.
This course describes how the HP virtual
connect family of interconnect solutions,
which are modules deployed in HP
BladeSystem enclosures, can be used
to enable server blades, also installed
in the BladeSystem, to access IP and
storage networks. A variety of supporting
networking technologies will also be
covered, including protocols and standards
applicable to Layer1, 2, and 3, that are
commonly encountered when selling data
Prijs: € 2.024,-
center solutions encompassing local area
and storage area networks.
What is new? Content has been added
on the Converged Network Adapter
(CAN) technology and HP Virtual Connect
FlexFabric module and the latest Virtual
Connect firmware.
HP Solution Architect HP Authorized
Reseller Partners HP Technical Client
Consultants HP Field Presales &
Competency Center Solution Architects
• AIS - HP BladeSystem Solutions [2010]
• AIS - HP ProLiant ML/DL/SL Servers
• HP AIS - Converged infrastructure
Integration [2011]
• HP0-S32
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day course provides intstruction
on HP BladesSystem administration and
Management. Discussions of the portfolio
overview ensures an understanding of
components, configurations, and solutions.
Prijs: € 1.949,-
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Implementing HP BladeSystem Solutions
Rev. 12.31 is a comprehensive course
that focuses on the initial installation
and startup tasks required to bring a
customer’s BladeSystem Solution online
and prepared for the deployment of
applications. The course delivers the
technical information necessary to
successfully install and configure HP
BladeSystem components including
enclosure, server blades, interconnect
modules, storage blades, and management
devices. Students will install multiple
operating systems using deployment tools
and also use HP management software.
Prijs: € 3.374,-
• Students who wish to apply for
certification exam: HP0-S35
• HP Solution Architect
• HP Authorized Reseller Partners
• HP Technical Client Consultants
• HP Field Presales & Competency
Center Solution Architects
Vereiste voorkennis
• ATP – Server Administrator V8 or
• HP ATP – BladeSystem Solution
Integrator V8
• HP0-S35 - Implementing HP
BladeSystem Solutions
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Advanced Integration and Management of HP
Server Solutions (00604564)
HP BladeSystem Administration
Implementing HP BladeSystem Solutions Rev.
12.31 (HH707S)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course focuses on advanced topics
such as scripting, performance planning
and tuning, advanced troubleshooting,
virtualization and clustered environments.
This class will focus on HP Server Solutions
in the Enterprise and how these solutions
address real problems that customers are
facing today. Topics presented include
using customized scripts to automate
infrastructure deployments, and practices
used to migrate from one server platform
to another. Also covers high-level
technologies like Infiniband and Virtual
Connect Enterprise Manager as well as the
HP Matrix Operating Environment.
Prijs: € 2.500,-
• HP Solution Architect
• HP Authorized Reseller Partners
• HP Technical Client Consultants
• HP Field Presales & Competency
Center Solution Architects
• HP ASE –Server Solutions Integrator V8
• Exam HP0-S33
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 71
HP Trainingen
Advanced SAN Architecture, Rev. 11.1 (HH718S)
HP Trainingen
HP StoreVirtual 4000 Storage Administration and
Configuration (HK364S) (Lefthand)
HP Insight Control: Management Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.499,-
The P4000 SAN course is a comprehensive
technical-based training course that
teaches the skills needed for planning,
installing, configuring, and managing HP
P4000 storage area networks (SANs).
Learning concepts are reinforced through
a series of comprehensive lab assignments.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Basic networking
• Advanced knowledge of Windows
• Storage Administrators
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
HP Virtual Connect (HK758S)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three day course helps students
identify, manage, and configure HP Virtual
Connect components. An architecture
overview ensures understanding of the
Virtual Connect Ethernet, FlexFabric,
and Fibre Channel components and
their function. Hands-on labs provide
configuration setup and a variety of
network scenarios.
Administrators, engineers and consultants
who will plan and manage the
configuration of HP ProLiant BladeSystem
c-Class network connectivity and blade
Prijs: € 1.994,-
Vereiste voorkennis
HP recommends that students have
attained the following credentials or levels
of experience before taking this course:
• Completion of HP BladeSystem
Administration (HE646S)
• Basic Windows Server 2003/2008
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day course equips students with
the skills and knowledge to install and
configure HP Insight Control integrated
management solution for physical and
virtual servers. Students will spend the
time learning, installing and configuring
HP Insight Control capabilities to
proactively manage system health
through remote management tools. The
course will also cover the integration of
various options within HP Systems Insight
Manager: ProLiant Support Pack version
Administrators, engineers and consultants
who will:
• Plan and manage the deployment of
the HP Systems Insight Managerand
HP Insight Control suite components
• Monitor and manage network systems
with HP SIM
Prijs: € 1.949,-
Vereiste voorkennis
HP recommends that students have
attained the following credentials or levels
of experience before taking this course:
An understanding of one of the following
operating systems:
• Introduction to HP Insight Control
• Introduction to HP Proliant ServersIn
addition, HP recommends that
students are familiar with general
networking terminology and basic
network security concepts and have an
understanding of one of the following
operating systems:
• Windows Server 2008, Windows Server
2008 R2 or Windows 7
• RedHat Enterprise Linux AS or RedHat
Enterprise Linux ES
• SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Managing HP 3PAR StorServ I (HK902S)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course reviews HP 3PAR hardware
and architecture along with providing
administrators insight into the constructs
within the HP 3PAR array family. Topics
include Management Console GUI and
CLI, Common Provisioning Groups, hosts
and volume sets, Thin Provisioning,
Dynamic Optimization, Virtual Copies, and
Virtual Domains. The course is 50 percent
lecture and 50 percent hands-on labs
using HP 3PAR arrays. Note: hosts used are
MS Windows
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This 2-day course equips students with the
skills and knowledge to configure and use
several advanced features of HP Insight
Control integrated management solution
for physical and virtual servers. Students
will spend the time learning, installing and
configuring HP Insight Control capabilities
to proactively manage system health
through remote management tools. The
course will focus on the integration of
various options within HP Insight Control:
power management, performance monitor,
virtual machine management and server
Prijs: € 1.299,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Introduction to HP Insight Control WBT
• Recommended completion of HP
Insight Foundation
• Recommended completion of HP SIM
• Familiarity with general networking
terminology and basic network security
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Administrators, engineers and consultants
who will:
• Plan and manage the deployment of
the HP Systems Insight Manager and
HP Insight Control suite components
• Monitor and Manage network systems
with HP Systems Insight Manager
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.249,-
HP 3PAR administrators who desire
training on specific concepts and best
practices needed to administer the array
Vereiste voorkennis
An understanding of general storage
concepts, preferably having studied fibre
channel theory, and should at least be OS
proficient at ‘operator’ level.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP Systems Insight Control Advanced Topics
Managing HP 3PAR StorServ II (HK904S)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.499,-
This course covers Remote Copy, System
Reporter, Adaptive Optimization, and
Peer Motion. Additional topics include
best practices: performance, cost, and
high availability along with the new EVA
to HP 3PAR Online Migration feature.
Hands-on lab exercises help illustrate the
concepts learned. The two-day course is 50
percent lecture and 50 percent hands-on
labs using HP 3PAR arrays. In some cases
students will partner with other students
for hands-on labs.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Managing HP 3PARStorServ (HK902S)
• An understanding of HP 3PAR disk
array concepts (CPG, VV, VLUN) and
• Operating system administration
training/experience and
• SAN and storage technologies training/
HP 3PAR administrators who desire
additional training on more features and
concepts of the HP 3PAR disk array.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
HP P6000 Administration and Management
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day course combines theory and
practical labs to teach users how to
manage the new addition to the EVA disk
array family product line—the P6000.
Hardware, concepts and terminology are
covered in-depth followed by configuration
tasks which include Command View EVA
(version 10.0) as well Local Replication
using Business Copy with Snapshots,
Snapclones and Mirrorclones.
Prijs: € 2.250,-
This class is ideal for new users as well as
administrators who have worked with the
legacy EVA product line, as new features
and differences are discussed.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Accelerated SAN Essentials (UC434S)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides a comprehensive
and accelerated understanding of SAN
technologies and concepts. Students gain
experience needed to tackle challenges
of working in enterprise class SAN
environments. The course is 60 percent
lecture and 40 percent hands-on labs
using HP servers.
Technical professionals seeking an
accelerated learning path that includes
both conceptual knowledge of fibre
channel SAN technologies and experience
in heterogeneous SAN environments.
Prijs: € 3.749,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Basic technical understanding of
networking and storage, concepts and
• Experience managing Windows or
UNIX systems
Implementing HP Network Infrastructure Security
- v10.41 (HK654S)
Networking Essentials for Security Specialists
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Troubleshooting HP Enterprise
Networks course focuses on the advanced
switching and routing features required
in enterprise level networks. It teaches
based on an established troubleshooting
methodology support engineers and
network engineers how to troubleshoot
enterprise level networks based on
established core and backbone Layer 2
and Layer 3 technologies such as MPLS
and BGP4.
Professionals, who maintain and
troubleshoot network solutions based on
HP Networking A-Series products in large
enterprise environments, including systems
Prijs: € 1.399,-
engineers, customer IT staff, HP services
field and call center support engineers.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• HP ASE – Network Infrastructure
• HP Enterprise Networks course
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP0-Y37 - Migrating and
Troubleshooting HP Enterprise
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Troubleshooting HP Networks, Rev. 10.41
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Troubleshooting HP Networks course
helps networking engineers to improve
their troubleshooting skills on both
the HP A Series and E Series switches.
The course focuses on troubleshooting
methodologies and practices in medium to
enterprise networks. The Troubleshooting
HP Networks course is built around the
IETF 5 Layer Model and includes a number
of labs covering topics like troubleshooting
Vlan, OSPF routing, spanning tree and
other Layer-3 issues. Network engineers
will learn how to isolate network problems
and find solutions for these problems
by methodically analyzing the network
Prijs: € 2.100,-
Professionals who support network
solutions based on HP A-Series and
E-Series switches, including systems
engineers, systems designers, customer
IT staff, HP services field and call center
support engineers.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Implementing HP E-Series Networks
• Implementing A-Series Networks
• HP Networking Interoperability
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP0-Y32
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Networking Essentials for Security
Specialists course introduces network
technicians to the HP E-Series switches
and the basic networking technologies
technicians need to know to begin
configuring and managing these switches.
For example, network technicians learn
about infrastructure device security,
virtual local area networks (VLANs), and
IP routing.
This course is designed for professionals
who deploy security solutions based on
HP technologies, including HP Reseller
Systems Engineers, Customer IT Staff, HP
System Engineers, HP Services Field &
Call Center Support Engineers.
Prijs: € 1.400,-
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• Getting Started with HP Switching and
Routing (WBT)
• ProCurve Networking Primer (WBT)
(Recommended for learners new to the
networking industry)
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Troubleshooting HP Enterprise Networks (HK661S)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 2.100,-
The Troubleshooting HP Enterprise
Networks course focuses on the advanced
switching and routing features required
in enterprise level networks. It teaches
based on an established troubleshooting
methodology support engineers and
network engineers how to troubleshoot
enterprise level networks based on
established core and backbone Layer 2
and Layer 3 technologies such as MPLS
and BGP4.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• HP ASE – Network Infrastructure
• HP Enterprise Networks course
Professionals, who maintain and
troubleshoot network solutions based on
HP Networking A-Series products in large
enterprise environments, including systems
engineers, customer IT staff, HP services
field and call center support engineers.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
HP0-Y37 - Migrating and Troubleshooting
HP Enterprise Networks
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HP Trainingen
HP Trainingen
HP Networking Interoperability - v11.12 (HK656S)
HP Enterprise Networks (HK743S)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The HP Networking Interoperability
course helps network engineers design
and implement multivendor networks
that include HP A-Series, HP E-Series, and
Cisco switches. The course focuses on the
key differences between platforms, such
as VLAN configuration, Spanning Tree
Protocol (STP), Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF), link aggregation, and Network
Address Translation (NAT). Network
engineers will learn how to identify
compatibility problems and evaluate the
pros and cons of each possible solution for
a given network environment.
Prijs: € 2.800,-
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• Implementing HP E-Series Networks or
Implementing A-Series Networks
• Cisco CCNP level training or similar
professional experience
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP ASE - Network Infrastructure
• HP ASE - Network Infrastructure
[2011] - upgrade from ASE - HP
• ProCurve Campus LANs [2010]/Cisco/
• HP ASE - Network Infrastructure
[2011] - upgrade from previous
Professionals who design, implement, and
maintain network solutions based on HP
and Cisco technologies, including systems
engineers, systems designers, customer
IT staff, HP services field and call center
support engineers.
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 2.699,-
The HP Enterprise Networks course
focuses on the advanced switching and
routing features required in enterprise
level networks. It teaches network
designers and network engineers how to
design, install and maintain enterprise
level networks based on established
core and backbone Layer 2 and Layer 3
technologies such as MPLS and BGP4.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• HP ASE – Network Infrastructure
Professionals, who design, implement,
maintain and troubleshoot network
solutions based on HP Networking
A-Series products in large enterprise
environments, including systems engineers,
systems designers, customer IT staff, HP
services field and call center support
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP0-Y36 - Deploying HP Enterprise
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Accelerated Interoperability
Troubleshooting HP Networks course is a
5-day course combining the Troubleshooting
HP Networks and HP Networking
Interoperability courses. This accelerated
training helps network engineers to design
and implement multivendor networks that
include HP A-Series, HP E-Series, and Cisco
switches. The course focuses on the key
differences between platforms, such as
VLAN configuration, Spanning Tree Protocol
(STP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF),
link aggregation, and Network Address
Translation (NAT).
Prijs: € 3.499,-
This accelerated course also helps
networking engineers to improve their
troubleshooting skills on both the HP
A-Series and E-Series switches. The course
focuses on troubleshooting methodologies
and practices in medium to enterprise
networks. The course is built around the
IETF 5 Layer Model and includes a number
of labs covering topics like troubleshooting
VLANs, OSPF routing and spanning tree
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The HP Migrating to an Open Standards
Network is one of how many courses that
prepares candidates for the HP ExpertONE
Master Accredited System Engineer
(MASE) certification.
The HP Migrating to an Open Standards
Network course focuses on the advantages
of using open-standard protocols on
contemporary networks. It teaches
network designers and network engineers
how to migrate proprietary protocols to
open-standard protocols and then helps
them develop migration strategies that
reduce both risk and downtime. Once
the network is running open-standard
protocols, they learn how to upgrade the
edge and core.
Professionals who design, implement, and
maintain network solutions based on HP
and Cisco technologies, including systems
engineers, systems designers, customer
IT staff, HP services field and call center
support engineers.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Accelerated Interoperability & Troubleshooting HP Networks, Rev 11.31 (HL039S)
Migrating to an Open Standards Network
Professionals who design, implement, and
support network solutions based on HP
A-Series, HP E-Series and Cisco switches
and technologies, including systems
engineers, systems designers, customer
IT staff, HP services field and call center
support engineers.
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP ASE - Network Infrastructure [2011]
• HP ASE - Network Infrastructure [2011]
- upgrade from ASE - HP ProCurve
Campus LANs [2010]/Cisco/H3C
• HP ASE - Network Infrastructure [2011]
- upgrade from previous versions
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are recommended
prerequisites for this course:
• HP ProCurve ASE 2006 (or later)
• CCNP Certification
• H3CSE Certification
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.800,-
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• ASE-Network Infrastructure
[2011] certification or Cisco CCNP
• HP Networking Interoperability.
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP Migrating to an Open Standards
Network is one course that prepares
candidates for the Master Accredited
System Engineer (MASE) certification
within the HP ExpertONE program. The
exam number is HP0-Y37.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Accelerated Migrating & Troubleshooting HP
Enterprise Networks (HL040S)
Accelerated HP Access Layer Network
Technologies (HL042S)
Getting Started with HP Switching and Routing
(ILT), Rev. 11.21 (HL044S)
The Accelerated Migrating Troubleshooting
HP Enterprise Networks course is a 5-day
course combining the Troubleshooting
HP Enterprise Networks and Migrating to
an Open Standards Network courses. The
course focuses on the advantages of using
open-standard protocols on contemporary
networks. It teaches network designers
and network engineers how to migrate
proprietary protocols to open-standard
protocols and then helps them develop
migration strategies that reduce both risk
and downtime.
The Troubleshooting HP Enterprise
Networks part of this accelerated course
focuses on the advanced switching and
routing features required in enterprise
level networks. It teaches based on an
established troubleshooting methodology
support engineers and network engineers
how to troubleshoot enterprise level
networks based on established core
and backbone Layer-2 and Layer-3
technologies such as MPLS and BGP4.
This course prepares candidates for
the Master Accredited System Engineer
Prijs: € 3.499,-
(MASE) certification within the HP
ExpertONE program.
Professionals who design, implement, and
support enterprise level network solutions
based on HP A-Series switches and
technologies, including systems engineers,
systems designers, customer IT staff, HP
services field and call center support
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are recommended
prerequisites for this course:
• HP ProCurve MASE Campus LANs
• HP ASE NI [2011]
• CCIE Routing & Switching
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP0-Y37 - Migrating and
Troubleshooting HP Enterprise
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Accelerated HP A E-Series Networking
Technologies training is a 5-day course
combining the HP A-Series Networking
Technologies and HP E-Series Networking
Technologies courses. This accelerated
training introduces network technicians to
the technologies and products in the HP
A-Series line of routers and switches.
The Accelerated HP A & E-Series
Networking Technologies training also
introduces network technicians to the HP
E-Series switches, wireless access points,
and controllers and the technologies they
need to understand to begin configuring
and managing these products. The course
also introduces IPv6 and HP ProCurve
Manager Plus (PCM+), the network
management platform for the E-Series
Prijs: € 3.500,-
Professionals who deploy SMB solutions
based on HP technologies, including HP
Reseller Systems Engineers, Customer IT
Staff, HP System Engineers and HP Services
Field & Call Center Support Engineers.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 1 dag
The Getting Started with HP Switching
and Routing Instructor Led training (ILT)
helps network technicians understand
the foundational network technologies
they need to know before attending the
HP A-Series Networking Technologies
(ILT) and HP E-Series Networking
Technologies (ILT) courses. Specifically, the
training covers basic switch functionality,
virtual LANs (VLANs), infrastructure
device security, IP routing concepts, link
aggregation, and network redundancy.
This course also provides an overview of
HP A-Series switches, which are designed
for data centers and enterprises, and
E-Series switches, which are designed for
small-to-medium businesses (SMBs). In
addition, this training describes how each
foundational technology is implemented
on both A-Series and E-Series switches.
This course prepares new candidates
and candidates who hold an older HP
ProCurve AIS or a 3rd party network
vendor certification of equal level for
the Accredited Integration Specialist
(AIS) 2011 certification within the HP
ExpertONE program.
Prijs: € 700,-
• HP AIS - Network Infrastructure [2011]
• HP AIS - Network Infrastructure
[2011] - upgrade from AIS - ProCurve
Networking [2004] & [2006]
• HP AIS - Network Infrastructure
[2011] - upgrade from AIS - ProCurve
Networking [2008] AIS - HP ProCurve
Networking [2010]
• HP AIS - Network Infrastructure [2011]
- upgrade from Cisco/3Com/H3C
• HP0-Y30 - Implementing HP
Networking Technologies
• HP2-Z18 - Network Infrastructure AIS
2011 Delta Exam
• HP2-Z19 - Implementing HP Network
Security Solutions
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Professionals who deploy SMB and
enterprise-edge solutions based on HP
technologies, including HP reseller systems
engineers, customer IT staff, HP system
engineers, HP services field and call center
support engineers.
Accelerated HP Core/Distribution Layer Network Technologies (HL045S)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Accelerated HP Core/Distribution Layer
Network Technologies course is a 5-day
course combining the HP Core/Distribution
Network Technologies using Comware
Software, HP Core/Distribution Network
Technologies using ProVision Software and
Implementing HP Network Infrastructure
Security courses.
Prijs: € 3.499,-
Professionals who design, implement, and
support enterprise level network solutions
based on HP A-Series switches and
technologies, including systems engineers,
systems designers, customer IT staff, HP
services field and call center support
Vereiste voorkennis
To attend the Accelerated HP Core/
Distribution Layer Network Technologies
course it is recommended that the
candidate has one of the following active
• HP ProCurve ASE Campus LANs [2010]
• HP ProCurve ASE (2006 or later)
• CCNP Routing & Switching
For those who want to obtain the HP
ASE - Wireless Networks certification and
do not have the above mentioned active
certification it is not recommended to follow
the Accelerated HP Core/Distribution Layer
Network Technologies course.
• HP Master ASE - Network Infrastructure
• HP0-Y37: Migrating
&Troubleshooting Enterprise
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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HP Trainingen
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
HP Trainingen
HP Access Layer Network Technologies using
ProVision Software (HK651S)
HP Access Layer Network Technologies using
Comware Software (HK652S)
Accelerated HP Access Layer Network
Technologies (HL042S)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The HP E-Series Networking Technologies
course introduces network technicians
to the HP E-Series switches, wireless
access points, and controllers and the
technologies they need to understand to
begin configuring and managing these
products. The course also introduces IPv6
and HP ProCurve Manager Plus (PCM+),
the network management platform for the
E-Series products.
Professionals who deploy SMB solutions
based on HP technologies, including HP
Reseller Systems Engineers, Customer IT
Staff, HP System Engineers, HP Services
Field & Call Center Support Engineers.
Prijs: € 2.800,-
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• Getting Started with HP Switching and
Routing v. 10.41 (WBT)
• Getting Started with HP Wireless
Networks v.10.41 (WBT)
• ProCurve Networking Primer (WBT)
(Recommended for Learners new to
the networking industry)
The HP Access Layer Network Technologies
using Comware Software course
introduces network technicians to the
technologies and products in the HP
A-Series line of routers and switches.
This course has been renamed. It has the
same content as the previous course HP
A-Series Networking Technologies, Rev.
10.41 with course ID 00241407
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
HP0-Y30 - Implementing HP Networking
Professionals who deploy SMB and
enterprise-edge solutions based on
HP technologies, including HP Reseller
Systems Engineers, Customer IT Staff, HP
System Engineers, HP Services Field &
Call Center Support Engineers.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 1.399,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Getting Started with HP Switching and
Routing v. 10.41 (WBT)
• Getting Started with HP Wireless
Networks v. 10.41 (WBT)
• HP E-Series Networking Technologies v.
10.41 (ILT).
• Recommended:
• Learners new to the networking
industry should review the ProCurve
Networking Primer (WBT).
HP AIS - Network Infrastructure [2011]
• HP0-Y30: Implementing HP
Networking Technologies
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Accelerated HP A E-Series Networking
Technologies training is a 5-day course
combining the HP A-Series Networking
Technologies and HP E-Series Networking
Technologies courses. This accelerated
training introduces network technicians to
the technologies and products in the HP
A-Series line of routers and switches.
The Accelerated HP A E-Series Networking
Technologies training also introduces
network technicians to the HP E-Series
switches, wireless access points, and
controllers and the technologies they need
to understand to begin configuring and
managing these products. The course also
introduces IPv6 and HP ProCurve Manager
Plus (PCM+), the network management
platform for the E-Series products.
HP Core/Distribution Network Technologies using
ProVision Software (HK741S)
HP Core/Distribution Network Technologies using Comware Software (HK742S)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 2.700,-
Implementing HP E-Series Networks
describes techniques for designing and
implementing resilient switched and
routed converged networks based on the
HP E-Series ProVision ASIC switches. These
networks will be capable of fulfilling the
“triple play” requirement of supporting
voice, video, and data transmissions on a
unified infrastructure.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are recommended
prerequisites for this course:
• HP E-Series Networking Technologies
• HP Switching and Routing
Technologies (WBT)
• HP Network Design Principles
(Recommended for Learners new to
the networking industry)
Professionals who design and deploy SMB
and enterprise-edge solutions based on HP
technologies, including HP reseller systems
engineers, customer IT staff, HP system
engineers, HP services field and call center
support engineers.
Implementing HP E-Series Networks, along
with the prerequisite courses, prepares
participants for the Accredited Systems
Engineer certification within the HP
ExpertONE program. The exam number is
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Implementing HP A-Series Networks
course is a 5-day course. This training
prepares learners on how to implement HP
A-Series products into network solutions
based on HP Flex Network architecture.
The Implementing HP A-Series Networks
course describes techniques for designing
and implementing resilient switched and
routed converged networks based on the
HP A-Series switches. The HP A-Series
switches play an important role in the
HP FlexNetwork, the only converged
networking architecture that spans from
the virtualized data center to the virtual
workplace for cloud, multimedia, and
mobile services with integrated security
Prijs: € 3.500,-
This course prepares new candidates
and candidates who hold an older HP
ProCurve AIS or a 3rd party network
vendor certification of equal level for
the Accredited Integration Specialist
(AIS) 2011 certification within the HP
ExpertONE program.
Professionals who deploy SMB solutions
based on HP technologies, including HP
Reseller Systems Engineers, Customer IT
Staff, HP System Engineers and HP Services
Field & Call Center Support Engineers.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 3.500,-
This training will provide network engineers
and technicians with the knowledge and
skills necessary to configure HP A-Series
switches supporting network redundancy at
Layer 2 and Layer 3, networks supporting
IPv4 and IPv6 as well as OSPFv2 and
OSPFv3 and IP multicast routing supported
network systems. Intelligent Resilient
Framework (IRF) will also be covered in
this training.
This course will exist of about 60% hands
on labs and 40% lecture and learning
enhancing activities.
This course prepares candidates for
the Accredited System Engineer (ASE)
certification within the HP ExpertONE
This course is intended for Professionals
who design, implement, and support
enterprise level network solutions based
on HP A-Series switches and technologies,
including systems engineers, systems
designers, customer IT staff, HP services
field and call center support engineers.
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• HP A-Series Technologies (ILT) and HP
Switching and Routing Technologies
• Basic knowledge on dynamic routing
protocols, redundancy protocols and
multicasting protocols is recommended,
but not required.
Furthermore it is highly recommended that
the candidate is familiar with;
• How to perform basic configuration and
switch setup on HP A-Series switches
• How to configure Layer 2 technologies
such as STP, Link Aggregation and
VLANs on HP A-Series switches
• How to configure basic IP Routing like
static routing and RIP on HP A-Series
• How to configure IRF on HP A -Series
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Accelerated Implementing HP A
E-Series Secure Infrastructure Networks
course is a 5-day course combining the
Implementing HP A-Series Networks and
Implementing, HP ESeries Networks and
Implementing HP Network Infrastructure
Security courses.
The Accelerated Implementing HP A
E-Series Secure Infrastructure Networks
course describes techniques for designing
and implementing resilient switched and
routed converged networks based on
the HP A & E-Series switches. These
networks will be capable of fulfilling the
“triple play” requirement of supporting
voice, video, and data transmissions on
a unified infrastructure. This accelerated
training will provide network engineers
and technicians with the knowledge and
skills necessary to configure HP A &ESeries switches supporting network
redundancy at Layer 2 and Layer 3,
networks supporting IPv4 and IPv6 as well
as OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 and IP multicast
routing supported network systems.
Intelligent Resilient Framework (IRF) will
also be covered in this training.
Device access security can be
accomplished with various techniques.
This accelerated course will cover topics
like, Traffic Mirroring, ACLs, MAC address
protection, Spanning Tree Protection,
DHCP Protection and ARP Protection.
These features and others will help to
protect a network from both intentional
and unintentional threats. This class will
explore those features that help to protect
the network itself. Many network protocols
are designed to be interoperable and do
not have built in security. These network
protection features of both the A-Series
and E-Series devices help to protect those
insecure protocols.
Prijs: € 3.499,-
This course is designed for professionals
who design, implement, and support
enterprise level network solutions based
on HP A-Series switches and technologies,
including systems engineers, systems
designers, customer IT staff, HP services
field and call center support engineers. To
attend the Accelerated Implementing HP
A & E-Series Secure Infrastructure
Networks course it is recommended that
the candidate has one of the following
active certifications:
• HP ProCurve ASE Campus LANs [2010]
• HP ProCurve ASE (2006 or later)
• CCNP Routing & Switching
For those who want to obtain the HP
ASE - Wireless Networks certification and
do not have the above mentioned active
certification it is not recommended to
follow the Accelerated Implementing HP
A & E-Series Secure Infrastructure
Networks course.
Vereiste voorkennis
• HP ASE – Network Infrastructure
• HP ASE - Network Infrastructure
[2011] - upgrade from ASE - HP
ProCurve Campus LANs [2010]/Cisco/
• HP ASE - Network Infrastructure
[2011] - upgrade from previous
• HP ASE - Wireless Networks [2011]
• HP ASE - Wireless Networks [2011] upgrade from previous versions
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP FlexNetwork Fundamentals (00870186)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
HP FlexNetwork Fundamentals introduces
network technicians to the basic features
of modern networks such as VLAN’s,
redundancy technologies such as MSTP,
link aggregation technologies like LACP,
static and dynamic IP routing with OSPF,
standalone Access Points (AP’s), and
network management with HP’s Intelligent
Management Center (IMC).The course
will cover a high level introduction to HP’s
Converged Infrastructure strategy and also
network virtualization with HP’s Intelligent
Resilient Framework (IRF).
This course is approximately 50 percent
lecture and learning activities and 50
percent lab activities. The HP FlexNetwork
Fundamentals course prepares candidates
for the HP Accredited Technical
Professional (ATP) - FlexNetwork Solutions
V2 certification within the HP ExpertOne
Wireless Networking
Prijs: € 2.024,-
• IT Professionals who deploy small
to Mdium enterprise network
solutions based on HP products and
• HP Reseller Systems Engineers
• Customer IT Staff
• HP Services Field Engineers
• Call Center Support Engineers
Vereiste voorkennis
• Getting Started with HP Switching
and Routing, Rev 13.31 (course ID
• Getting Started with HP Wireless, Rev
13.31 (course ID 00731293)
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
HP Enterprise Wireless Networks (HL047S)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The HP Enterprise Wireless Networks
course provides learners with the skills
and tools to successfully plan, design,
implement and troubleshoot enterprise
level HP wireless networks, including
how to integrate into the existing wired
HP Partners, customers and employees
who design, implement, and support
enterprise level wireless network solutions
based on HP MSM wireless products and
solutions, including systems engineers,
systems designers, customer IT staff, HP
Prijs: € 3.375,-
services field and call center support
Vereiste voorkennis
• HP ASE – Wireless Networks [2011] or
CCIE – Wireless certification
• HP Master ASE - Network
Infrastructure [2011]
• HP0-Y37: Migrating
&Troubleshooting Enterprise
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Troubleshooting HP Enterprise Wireless Networks
iMC Essentials for Network Administrators
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This training course covers the features
of HP Intelligent Management Center
Software Platform (IMC). This course will
teach a learner how IMC can be used
for: Fault Management; Configuration
and Change Management; Accounting
Management; Performance Management;
Security Management in a manner
consistent with the OSI Management
Framework. In this course learners will get
hands on experience using IMC to manage
ComWare and ProVision products as well
as products from 3rd party vendors like
Cisco, Microsoft and VMWare.
Prijs: € 3.374,-
• Network Engineers and Administrators
• Network Architects and Consultants
Vereiste voorkennis
Learners should have experience in the
networking field to get the most from this
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Students will learn to identify and resolve
issues related to client connectivity,
roaming, and authentication using
network management software and
device debugging commands. Students
will become familiar with common
issues and their resolutions as well as
troubleshooting methods and tools that
are used to identify and resolve unfamiliar
or undocumented issues.
The course is a 3-day instructor-led
course, 40% lecture, 40% hands-on
labs, 10% activity, and 10% review.
Generally the student lab activities will
consist of identifying, defining, resolving,
and documenting issues with wireless
networking, as well as reporting their
approach and results back to the class.
Prijs: € 2.100,-
• This class is for senior network
administrators and technicians
specializing in enterprise wireless
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• HP Wireless LAN Technologies (WBT)
• Implementing A-Series Wireless LANs (ILT)
• Introducing HP Intelligent
Management Center (IMC)
• HP Enterprise Wireless Networks (ILT)
Recommended preparation for exam(s)
• HP0-Y39 - Managing and
Troubleshooting Enterprise Wireless
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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HP Trainingen
Accelerated HP Core/Distribution Layer Network
Technologies (HL045S)
HP Trainingen
Getting Started with HP Wireless Networks (ILT),
Rev 11.21 (HL043S)
HP Enterprise Wireless Networks, Rev. 12.21
Cursusduur: 1 dag
The Getting Started with HP Wireless
Networks Instructor Led training (ILT)
helps network technicians understand
the wireless concepts they need to know
before attending HP A-Series Networking
Technologies (ILT) and HP E-Series
Networking Technologies (ILT). Specifically,
the course focuses on the 802.11
standards used to implement wireless
networks and the security options used to
protect wireless access and transmissions.
In addition, this course introduces network
technicians to the HP A-Series wireless
products, which are designed for data
centers and enterprises, and the E-Series
wireless products, which are designed for
small-to-medium businesses (SMBs).
Professionals who deploy SMB and
enterprise-edge solutions based on HP
technologies, including HP reseller systems
engineers, customer IT staff, HP system
engineers, HP services field and call center
support engineers.
Prijs: € 700,-
• HP AIS - Network Infrastructure [2011]
• HP AIS - Network Infrastructure
[2011] - upgrade from AIS - ProCurve
Networking [2004] & [2006]
• HP AIS - Network Infrastructure
[2011] - upgrade from AIS - ProCurve
Networking [2008] & AIS - HP
ProCurve Networking [2010]
• HP AIS - Network Infrastructure [2011]
- upgrade from Cisco/3Com/H3C
• HP AIS - Network Security [2011]
• HP0-Y30 - Implementing HP
Networking Technologies
• HP2-Z18 - Network Infrastructure AIS
2011 Delta Exam
• HP2-Z19 - Implementing HP Network
Security Solutions
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing & Troubleshooting HP Wireless
Networks (H3K66S)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Implementing and Troubleshooting
HP Wireless Networks course provides
learners with the skills and tools to
successfully design, implement and
troubleshoot SMB and small enterprise
level HP wireless networks, including
how to integrate into the existing wired
HP Partners, customers and employees
who design, implement, and support
wireless network solutions based on HP
MSM wireless products and solutions,
including systems engineers, systems
Prijs: € 3.374,-
designers, customer IT staff, HP services
field and call center support engineers.
Vereiste voorkennis
• HP AIS – Network Infrastructure [2011]
or CCNP – Wireless certification
• HP ASE–Wireless
NetworksImplementer V1
• HP0-Y44 - Implementing and
Troubleshooting HP Wireless Networks
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The HP Enterprise Wireless Networks
course provides learners with the skills
and tools to successfully plan, design,
implement and troubleshoot enterprise
level HP wireless networks, including
how to integrate into the existing wired
The HP Enterprise Wireless Networks
course provides in-depth training on
wireless enterprise solutions based
on mobility traffic management and
wireless traffic prioritization. In today’s
large enterprises, the wireless network is
expanding both in size and complexity.
Planning and designing wireless networks
is often oversimplified, but many factors
must be taken into account, including RF
coverage, access point placement, number
of users, number of guests, and signal
strength, among other variables.
The HP Enterprise Wireless Networks
course teaches students how to use HP
RF Planner to overcome wireless network
design challenges. Security is also a critical
factor. The number one concern for the
CIO’s with regard to wireless network
implementation is security. This course
goes into great detail on how to secure
an HP Networking wireless solution from
security threats using appropriate policies
to ensure proper implementation of
security standards.
Prijs: € 3.374,-
This course is approximately 60% handson-labs and 40% lecture and learning
The HP Enterprise Wireless Networks
course prepares candidates for the HP
Master Accredited Solutions Expert
(Master ASE) certification within the HP
ExpertONE program.
HP Partners, customers and employees
who design, implement, and support
enterprise level wireless network solutions
based on HP MSM wireless products and
solutions, including systems engineers,
systems designers, customer IT staff, HP
services field and call center support
Vereiste voorkennis
HP ASE – Wireless Networks [2011] or
CCIE – Wireless certification
• HP Master ASE - Wireless Networks
Implementer V1
• HP0-Y27 - Deploying HP Enterprise
Wireless Networks
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Architecting HP Cloud Solutions (HL984S)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Architecting HP Cloud System
Solutions course prepares the participant
to navigate through the HP CloudSystem
solution offerings and identify, describe,
position, and specify the correct solution
based on identified customer needs.
Upon its completion, you should be able
to demonstrate a broad understanding
at the level of purpose, function, market
positioning, competition, and capabilities
of the HP CloudSystem solutions.
Specifically, you should be able to:
• Explain the Cloud computing
• Describe the HP CloudSystem
offering, positioning, competition, and
• Explain the HP Cloud Functional
Architecture ,
• Recommend a correct solution based
on analysis of customer requirements,
• Demonstrate key features and benefits
of HP CloudSystem
The Architecting HP CloudSystem Solutions
course prepares new candidates for the
HP ASE – Cloud Architect v1 certification
within the HP ExpertONE program.
Prijs: € 1.400,-
Candidates will also learn the technical
consulting skills needed to deliver
planning and design services.
An HP employee, a channel partner, or
a customer who needs to learn how to
describe, position, recommend, select,
and architect the HP CloudSystem
solutions. The candidate should have a
thorough understanding of HP Converged
Infrastructure and its components,
including HP servers, storage, networking,
power and cooling, software, security, and
Vereiste voorkennis
The following courses are required
prerequisites for this course:
• HP APC – HP Converged Infrastructure
Solutions [2010] certification (or one
that supersedes this certification)
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing the HP Matrix Operating Environment, Rev. 12.31 (HK251S)
HP Data Protector 7x Software Essentials (DP120)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course validates a complete skill set
for the installation and integration of an HP
Converged Infrastructure solution. Such a
solution incorporates the main components
of today’s cloud-based data center
infrastructure - virtualized servers, massive
and redundant storage, and high-speed,
high-availability networking - to solve
enterprise-class business problems with the
cutting-edge IT infrastructure customers
The integration specialist performs all
aspects of installation and startup tasks,
including hardware configuration, operating
system installation, HP driver installation,
and full management instrumentation of
HP BladeSystem servers, networking, and
storage solution components. In addition,
Prijs: € 3.375,-
the individual installs and configures
the software solution, Matrix Operating
Environment, which integrates all of the
virtualized components to enable ondemand fulfillment of server, storage, and
networking functions to meet the business
computing needs.
The audience for the HP ATP – Converged
Infrastructure Integrator are IT professionals
who want the skills to implement and
manage the converged data center as the
wave of the future. The IT specialist who
earns this certification is able to install and
integrate the complete set of technology
components of a Converged Infrastructure
solution, including storage, networking,
servers and management software. The
skills behind this certification are critical
career skills that will sustain the candidate
for many years into the future.
• HP ATP - Converged Infrastructure
Integrator V1
• Exam(s):
• HP0-D21
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course covers the configuration
and use of the HP Matrix Operating
Environment infrastructure orchestration
software to create an infrastructure service
catalog and integrate into datacenter
processes and services.
Administrators, engineers and consultants
who will plan and manage internal cloud
service catalogs using HP Matrixoperating
Environment infrastructure orchestration
The hands-on lab exercises re-enforce
the theory sessions to ensure a thorough
understanding of backup and recovery
concepts, the functionality of the software
and its application to typical storage
Storage and system administrators using
HP Data Protector Software.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
System and Network Administration or
equivalent experience.
Operations Orchestration 10.x Intermediate and Advanced Authoring (OO350)
Prijs: € 2.599,-
Vereiste voorkennis
HP recommends that students have
attained the following credentials or levels
of experience before taking this course:
• HP CloudSystem Matrix Administration
• Basic Microsoft Windows server
• HP Systems Insight Manager experience
or training
• Basic networking knowledge
• Basic SAN knowledge
• Familiarity with HP Systems Insight
Manager and HP Matrix Operating
This course provides the essential
knowledge to enable storage
administrators to configure and Manage HP
Data Protector software.
Prijs: € 2.340,-
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP Matrix Operating Environment: infrastructure orchestration Integration
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
In the Intermediate and Advanced
Authoring course you will become familiar
with all aspects of authoring within
Operations Orchestration 9.x. In this course
you will learn how to:
• Author new operations to perform
various tasks in your flows
• Incorporate subflows to simplify flow
• Extract data from complex output using
Prijs: € 1.170,-
• Use looping and iteration, control
access to objects in the repository
• Persist data across flow runs
• Practice many advanced flow
development techniques that will
prepare you for working on a variety of
Operations Orchestration deployments
The course consists of focused, taskoriented lectures and detailed hands-on
labs. This is the Intermediate and Advanced
course for Operations Orchestration.
This course covers Software versions 9.0
The hands-on labs are currently using
software version 9.0
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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HP Trainingen
HP Trainingen
Operations Orchestration 10.x Essentials (OO120)
SiteScope 11.x Essentials (SS120)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
In the Essentials course you will become
familiar with all aspects of working with
Operations Orchestration 9.00. In this
course you will learn how to:
• Use Central, the Operations
Orchestration runtime engine, to
locate, run, and monitor automated
• Use Central to perform many
important administration tasks
• Use Operations Orchestration Studio
to author and deploy automated
• Install, configure, and verify HP
Operations Orchestration
• Manage the Operations Orchestration
content repository
The course consists of focused, taskoriented lectures and detailed handson
labs. This is the foundation course
Prijs: € 1.170,-
for subsequent advanced training in
Operations Orchestration.
• New users of HP Operations
Orchestration 9.0
Vereiste voorkennis
• Familiarity with networking terms and
• Familiarity with Web browsers and
telnet or SSH connection methods
• Familiarity with different operating
system environments
AIS - Operations Orchestration v9.x
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Asset Manager 9.x Software Essentials (AM120)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day instructor-led training course
is designed to provide the essential skills
and knowledge needed to configure,
deploy, and use Asset Manager 9.30
to successfully implement an asset
management solution in an enterpriselevel business or large organization. The
class consists of approximately 50%
lecture and 50% hands-on lab exercises.
The hands-on lab exercises use version 9.3
of the software. This course is designed for
users who are new to HP Asset Manager.
• Customers: Administrators, developers,
web developers, and managers who
are managing the Asset Manager 9.x
Prijs: € 2.925,-
• Channel Partners and HP C&I
Personnel: Consultants, system
architects, integrators and planners
who help customers with Asset
Manager 9.x implementations
• HP Engineers: HP personnel who
provide pre-sales and post-sales
support for Asset Manager 9.x
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience with Windows operating
• Knowledge of relational databases and
database terminology
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course provides the technical
knowledge and skills needed to manage
and monitor an IT infrastructure with the
help of the HP SiteScope product. Students
gain practical experience using SiteScope
to design and configure an extensive set
of monitoring assets, proactive alerts,
and reports. In addition, the course
describes best practices and administrative
techniques fundamental to the successful
use of SiteScope.
Participants become familiar with
SiteScope deployment and implementation
processes with an emphasis on advanced
product administration and configuration
skills. The topics included in the course are
reinforced through intensive lab exercises
and hands-on activities. The hands-on lab
exercises use version 11.20 of SiteScope.
Prijs: € 2.925,-
This course is recommended for both new
and experienced SiteScope users, system
administrators, operations team members,
and anyone responsible for the installation
and maintenance of critical systems using
Vereiste voorkennis
Working knowledge of the following: •
Administrative and network experience •
Enterprise applications, such as a database
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Network Node Manager i Software 9.x Essentials
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed for those Network
and/or System administrators tasked
with the installation, configuration,
and maintenance of the Network Node
Manager i Software (NNMi) product.
This course teaches the skills needed
to successfully implement the product
to manage small, medium, or large
networked enterprises. The course includes
training on the NNM i Smart Plug-In (NNM
iSPI) Performance for Metrics Software.
This course is designed for administrators
of the NNMi software 9.x application.
The hands-on lab exercises in this course
use NNMi software version 9.2.
Prijs: € 2.925,-
This course is intended for network or
system administrators and network
engineers seeking a more in-depth
knowledge of Network Node Manager i
Software 9.x
Vereiste voorkennis
To maximize success in this course,
students should have a working
knowledge the following topics:
• Windows system administration
• Network protocols
• Network device administration
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Business Service Management 9.x Essentials
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This entry-level, instructor-led classroom
training offers technical personnel, who
are new to Business Service Management
(BSM) 9.0 or 9.1, the opportunity to
develop hands-on experience in applying
the fundamental concepts, principles,
and methodologies for managing the
administration and configuration aspects
of this best-in-class enterprise software
performance monitoring and service
management solution.
This course is recommended for individuals
who are responsible for providing
operational visibility into the performance
and availability of mission-critical
applications. The hands-on lab exercises
in this course use Business Service
Management version 9.1.
Prijs: € 2.925,-
New users of BSM 9.0 or 9.1, including:
• IT Tools Engineers
• Database Administrators
• System Administrators
• Network Administrators
• Operations Managers
• Availability Engineer
Vereiste voorkennis
Working knowledge of the following:
• Systems, network, and database
• Information Technology Infrastructure
Library (ITIL) concepts and terminology
• Industry-standard operating systems
• Network, system, and application
monitoring principles and practices
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 2.775,-
This five-day course provides the necessary
foundation to manage the data center
servers and application environment using
HP Server Automation (SA) 10. The course
covers the key components of SA and
their functionality.Through lecture and
hands-on practice, you develop the skills
necessary to successfully provision servers,
manage physical and virtual environments,
as well as manage software, packages,
patches, and application configurations
using SA.
You will also learn how to enforce
compliance, and audit and report on server
activities through SA.The course consists
of focused, task-oriented lectures, text,
and a series of detailed hands-on labs to
teach the course material to the student.
The hands-on labs use version 10.0 of the
Vereiste voorkennis
• Knowledge of networking terms and
• Knowledge of different operating
system environments
• System Administrators
• Patch Administrators
SA Administrators
PolicyIT Managers
IT or Application Architects
Data Center Managers
Application Experts
Operations Experts
Deployment Specialists
Application Deployment Manager
Administrators QA
Team Members and Managers
Security Administrators
Other technical personnel who are
responsible for data center automation
Operations Manager 9.x on UNIX/Linux
Administration Essentials (OMU120)
Operations Manager 9.x on Windows
Administration Essentials (OMW120)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day instructor-led course focuses
on the essential administrative tasks for
Operations Manager on UNIX or Linux.
You will learn how to effectively monitor,
manage, and report on the health and
performance of systems and applications
in a heterogeneous IT environment using
Operations Manager on UNIX or Linux.
The course is delivered using the Linux
platform, but applies to all three UNIX
platforms where Operations Manager can
be installed. The course reinforces concepts
with extensive hands-on lab exercises.
These hands-on exercises use version 9.10
of the software.This course is designed for
administrators of the Operations Manager
9.x on UNIX/Linux product.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
• Anyone tasked with the administration
of the Operations Manager 9.x on
UNIX/Linux product
• Consultants and systems integrators
tasked with enterprise-wide
management integration solutions
• HP personnel who provide pre-sales
and post-sales support for the product
Vereiste voorkennis
• Fundamentals and administration of a
UNIX or Linux operating system
• Basic elements of ITIL and ITSM, and
common protocols, such as TCP, UDP,
and IP
• POSIX, UNIX shell, or Perl scripting
Vereiste voorkennis
• Quality Center 11 Essentials course
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
• Project managers
• Quality Center Administrators
• Quality Assurance Leads
• Other Quality Center users responsible
for managing projects, users, and
workflow customizations
For Operations Manager 9.0 on Windows
Vereiste voorkennis
• Fundamentals and administration of a
Windows operating system
• Understanding of the basic elements
of ITIL and ITSM
• Knowledge of network management
and network management common
protocols, such as TCP, UDP, and IP
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course covers the tasks that are
performed by site administrators, project
managers, and Quality Assurance (QA)
leads to set up Quality Center (QC)
projects before users can work with
requirements, test cases, and defects. This
hands-on course focuses on planning,
creating, and customizing Quality Center
projects. It is an important course for
people involved in creating projects,
modifying existing fields, creating userdefined fields, creating users, setting user
permissions, and defining basic workflow.
Note: Course is based on the Enterprise
edition of Quality Center.
This 5-day instructor-led course focuses
on the essential administrative tasks for
HP Operations Manager on Windows.
You will learn how to effectively monitor,
manage, and report on the health and
performance of systems and applications
in a heterogeneous IT environment using
HP Operations Manager on Windows. The
course reinforces concepts with extensive
hands-on lab exercises.
Prijs: € 2.925,-
Unified Functional Testing 11.5 Essentials
Using the ALM 11.x Edition (QC360)
Prijs: € 1.170,-
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Quality Center 11.x Site Administration (QC350)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 2.925,-
Cursusduur: 1 dag
Prijs: € 585,-
This hands-on course is for those who
have completed the Application Lifecycle
Management 11 Essentials course and
require knowledge of the extra features in
the ALM 11 edition. Students learn how
to implement cross-project customizations
and reports, and share assets, libraries
and defects. In addition, the Project
Planning and Tracking (PPT) platform will
be discussed.
• Other Quality Center users responsible
for managing projects, users, and
workflow customizations
• Quality assurance engineers
• Quality testers
• Project managers
• Quality Center Administrators
• Quality Assurance Leads
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
• Application Lifecycle Management
(ALM) 11 Essentials course
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides a comprehensive
understanding of how to use the Unified
Functional Testing (UFT) 11.5 application
as an automated functional testing tool.
You use the point and click interface
to record and play back tests, add
synchronization points and verification
steps, and create multiple action tests.
The hands-on lab exercises use version
11.5 of the Unified Functional Testing
Prijs: € 2.925,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Working knowledge of:
• Windows
• Web sites and browsers
• Testing concepts
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is intended for:
• New users of Unified Functional
Testing (UFT), who need to automate
manual testing and verification in a
short amount of time. UTF 11.5 is the
HP Software upgrade of Quick Test
Professional 11.0.
• Quality assurance engineers who
assume technical lead roles in the
use of QuickTest Professional/UFT
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HP Trainingen
Server Automation 10.x Essentials (SA120)
Business Process Testing 11.x Essentials (BPT120)
HP Trainingen
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
You will learn the process of creating
BPT components and tests using both
QuickTest Professional and Quality Center.
You will also study how to create and
manage BPT application areas, object
repositories, keywords, functions and
scripted components. Best practices for
the implementation of BPT automation
are stressed throughout the course. All
topics are supported by hands-on exercises
designed to provide you with the ability
to successfully automate using the BPT
This course is for Test Automation
Engineers and Subject Matter Experts who
will be using QuickTest Professional and
Quality Center to implement automation in
a Business Process Testing environment
Prijs: € 1.755,-
• Test Automation Engineers
• Subject Matter Experts
• Project Managers
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience with Microsoft Windows
• Basic understanding of the testing
• Familiarity with Quality Center
concepts and terminology
• Experience with QuickTest Professional
is extremely helpful
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
PPM Center 9.x Advanced Training (PPM350)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Take your skills beyond the PPM Essentials
course by learning how to configure
advanced process logic and automation
in your PPM implementation. Through
discussions and hands-on exercises, you
will learn to modularize processes into
subworkflows, use condition checks
to direct parallel workflow branches,
automate system executions and database
updates, and build custom portlets and
Prijs: € 2.340,-
This course is recommended for PPM
Administrators/Configurers who have
already taken the PPM 9.1 Essentials
course and have basic field experience in
implementing PPM processes.
Vereiste voorkennis
PPM120 9.1 Essentials
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Application Lifecycle Management 11.x Essentials
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This four-day course introduces students
to ALM Performance Center 11.0. The
course covers material from both the
VuGen Scripting and ALM Performance
Center sites.
The Virtual User Generator (VuGen) is a
scripting tool used to record and run user
actions on the application to the load
tested. This course focuses on planning,
creating, and enhancing Virtual User
(Vuser) scripts using VuGen in the Web
environment. All topics are supported by
hands-on labs designed to provide you
with the knowledge necessary to create
scripts in the Web environment.
The ALM Performance Center topics
include how to schedule tests, run tests,
and analyze test results. Students will
learn how to effectively and efficiently
plan, create, schedule and run a simple
test based on the goals determined at the
planning phase. They will also learn how
to interpret analysis graphs and achieve
set performance testing goals. The lesson
topics are reinforced with structured
hands-on labs. The class is appropriate for
both experienced and new product users
Prijs: € 2.925,-
and others responsible for or involved in
performance testing with Performance
• Quality Assurance Engineers
• Performance Engineers
• Users of ALM Performance Center
who need to create scripts to load test
their Web applications and run those
scripts in the ALM Performance Center
Vereiste voorkennis
Working knowledge of:
• Windows
• Web sites and browsers
• Testing concepts
• Basic knowledge of the ALM platform
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
LoadRunner 11.x Essentials (LR120)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day course introduces students
to LoadRunner 11.0. The course covers
topics for the VuGen, the Controller, and
Analysis tools. It also includes a final one
day, hands-on lab.
LoadRunner is an automated load
testing tool that allows you to test your
application before, during, and after
deployment. This course is designed to
give you a firm foundation in basic load
testing tasks.
The Virtual User Generator (VuGen) is
a scripting tool used to record and run
user actions on the application to be load
tested. You will plan, create, and enhance
VuGen scripts in the Web environment. The
Controller tool is used to execute scripts
created in VuGen. You will create and run
load test scenarios using the Controller.
The Analysis tool is used to analyze load
test results. You will learn to work with
the graphs to display data after a test is
Prijs: € 2.925,-
in the Controller, and view the results in
the Analysis.
• Quality Assurance and Performance
• Users of LoadRunner who need to
create scripts to load test their Web
• Executives involved in any aspect of
the load testing process
Vereiste voorkennis
Working knowledge of:
• Windows
• Web sites and browsers
• Fundamental understanding of C
programming is helpful, but not
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Hands-on labs are designed to provide
you with the knowledge necessary to
create scripts in VuGen, execute scenarios
Universal CMDB 10.x Essentials (UCMDB120)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed to provide an
understanding of the fundamental concepts
and applications of the HP Universal
Configuration Management Database
(UCMDB). Participants learn visualization
and mapping techniques to build business
service views, implement change tracking,
perform impact analysis and enrichment of
topology data and reporting. This course
also covers UCMDB Browser and UCMDB
Configuration Manager, which provide
different end-user perspectives to analyze
Prijs: € 2.925,-
and consume UCMDB data. The discussions
and scenario-based exercises reinforce skills
to optimize business outcomes through the
efficient use of the HP UCMDB, UCMDB
Configuration Manager and UCMDB
The hands-on lab environment uses UCMDB
version 10.0x.
This course is recommended for application
or system support personnel or anyone who
needs an overview of the capabilities of HP
UCMDB 10.x.
Vereiste voorkennis
General knowledge of IT operations,
familiarity with business services, and
service management
• Familiarity with the ITIL V3 Foundations
subject area and the Configuration
Management System (CMS) in particular
• Background in network or enterprise
application administration and
knowledge of enterprise architectures in
a production IT infrastructure
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
PPM Center 9.x Deployment Management Training
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course introduces the basic concepts
and terminology for the Configuration
Management System (CMS). This course
demonstrates how to design a CMS
and discusses implementation using HP
UCMDB and DDM products. The students
will learn how to configure, demo, and
extend the change management solution
with Service Manager to implement the
automate change management process. In
addition, students will learn how to learn
scope a discovery project and understand
the best practices and discovery lifecycle.
The students will learn how to write
discovery patterns and how to debug
the patterns within the HP UCMDB 9.x
The hands-on labs in this course use
version 9.0 of the software.
• For Process Owners, Project Managers,
and other managers, this is the only
class you will need.
• Business Technology Optimization
(BTO) architects leveraging the power
of the integrated CMDB across the
BTO/BSM portfolio.
Prijs: € 2.340,-
• Those in charge of Configuration
Management and the documentation
and storage of business services and
their related assets and relationships.
• Project managers, application
modelers, discovery engineers, and
UCMDB implementation consultants.
• Integration specialists implementing
data federation across the different
business silos and software product
Vereiste voorkennis
• Attended the UCMDB 9.0 Essentials
• At least 6 months experience with
• Prior experience with scripting
language such as Python, Perl, etc.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 1 dag
Take your skills beyond the PPM Essentials
and Advanced courses by learning how
to configure advanced deployment
process logic and automation in your PPM
implementation. Through discussions
and handson exercises, you will learn to
configure multi-server migration processes,
designing and configuring automated
workflows and object type logic. Students
walk away from this course with a solid
understanding of the procedures and tools
for building and managing Deployment
Management-driven processes.
Prijs: € 585,-
This course is recommended for PPM
Administrators/Configurers who have
already taken the PPM 9.1 Essentials and
Advanced courses and have basic field
experience in implementing PPM processes.
Vereiste voorkennis
• PPM 9.1 Essentials
• PPM 9.1 Advanced
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Storage Essentials 9.x Report Optimizer (SE140)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.170,-
This course provides the essential
knowledge to enable participants to
support Report Optimizer users and
groups, use standard reports, customize
standard reports, and create ad hoc
reports. The hands-on lab exercises
provide practical reinforcement to ensure
a thorough understanding of concepts,
software functionality, and application.
Storage Essentials 9.5 software is used
during the hands-on exercises.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Familiarity with SAN environments and
• Familiarity with enterprise system
management concepts
• Completion of the course SE 120
Managing Storage Essentials is
Adminstrators and users of HP Storage
Essentials Report Optimizer
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Universal Discovery 10.x Essentials (UD120)
Managing Storage Essentials 9.x (SE120)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course teaches the fundamental
concepts and applications of the HP
Universal Discovery (UD) solution.It
covers various discovery methods and
how to implement them. It also includes
Federation and leveraging of actionable
information in the context of Discovery
operations and management.The hands on
lab environment uses UD version 10.0x.
Software Version 10.0x
This course is recommended for
application or system support personnel
or anyone who needs an overview of the
capabilities of HP UD 10.0x
Prijs: € 2.340,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• General knowledge of IT operations,
familiarity with business services and
service management
• Familiarity with the ITIL V3
Foundations subject area and the
Configuration Management System
(CMS) in particular
• Background in network or enterprise
application administration
and knowledge of enterprise
architectures in a production IT
infrastructureWorking knowledge of
web sites and browsers
• Familiarity with testing concepts
• For complete prerequisites and
requirements to achieve any of the
related certifications or upgrade paths,
see the certification description on the
HP ExpertOne website.
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course provides the essential
knowledge to enable administrators
to configure and manage HP Storage
Essentials software. The hands-on lab
exercises reinforce the theory sessions
to ensure a thorough understanding of
Storage Resource Management (SRM)
concepts, the functionality of the software
and its application to typical storage
implementations. Storage Essentials 9.5
software is used during the hands-on
Prijs: € 1.755,-
Storage and system administrators using
HP Storage Essentials software.
Vereiste voorkennis
System and Network Administration or
equivalent experience.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
HP Universal Discovery 10.x Software
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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HP Trainingen
Configuration Management System 9.x Advanced
Network Node Manager i Software 9.x for
HP Trainingen
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This 2-day course provides operational
skills for the Network Node Manager i
(NNMi) Software product. The course is
targeted to network operators who are
responsible for using the NNMi product to
troubleshoot the networked environment.
This includes an overview of the NNMi
product, key terminologies and definitions,
and an overview of using NNMi to
troubleshoot a networked environment.
The course is approximately 50 percent
lecture and 50 percent lab. The lab
exercises use version 9.1 of the software.
This course is designed for operators of
the Network Node Manager i Software 9.x
Prijs: € 1.170,-
This course is intended for network
operators seeking a more in-depth
knowledge of Network Node Manager i
Software 9.x.
Vereiste voorkennis
To maximize success in this course,
students should have basic UNIX or
Windows backgrounds, plus basic
networking experience.
Er is geen certificering gekoppeld aan deze
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Operations Manager i Software 9.x Essentials
This five-day, entry-level, instructor-led
training offers technical personnel, who
are new to Operations Management
i Software (OMi) , the opportunity to
develop hands-on experience in applying
the fundamental principles, methodologies,
and capabilities for managing events
using OMi. OMi is a best-in-class service
operations solution.
This course is recommended for individuals
who are responsible for designing,
implementing, or administering effective
service operations capabilities for missioncritical business services. This course
includes hands-on labs that use version
9.22 of the OMi software.
• IT Tools engineers
• Operations staff
• Operations managers
• Availability engineers
• System administrators
• Network administrators
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.925,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• IT operations principles and practices
• Systems and network, administration
• Industry-standard operating systems
• Network, system, and application
monitoring principles and practices
• HP AIS – BSM Operations Manager iv9
• HP ASE – Business Service
Management v9
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Als IBM Authorized Global Training Provider is Global Knowledge voor u de ideale
partner om de benodigde IBM kennis op te doen. Dus, bestaat er in uw bedrijf een
tekort aan IT-skills op het gebied van IBM producten of diensten? Bij ons kunt u
terecht voor geautoriseerde IBM trainingen.
Onze IBM software en systems trainingen kunnen op verschillende manieren gevolgd worden. Zo
heeft u de keuze uit de volgende lesmethodieken: klassikaal, virtueel en klassikaal, e-Learning en
gecombineerde oplossingen (blended solutions).
De trainingen zijn standaard voorzien van hands-on praktijk labs. U werkt met de nieuwste
producten binnen een testomgeving met real-world scenario’s. Op deze manier wordt u goed
voorbereid op de dagelijkse praktijk en de eventuele te behalen IBM-examens. Wanneer er
behoefte is aan een bedrijfsgerichte training dan bieden wij ook maatwerk trainingen voor het
trainen van uw hele team of organisatie.
Voor professionals die geïnteresseerd zijn in het opdoen van IBM kennis via zelfstudie
biedt Global Knowledge een volledig gamma van IBM web-based interactive self-paced
studiemateriaal. U verkrijgt hiermee maximale flexibiliteit inclusief de meer proactieve SelfPaced Virtuele trainingen die zijn voorzien van praktijkoefeningen met toegang tot echte IBM
In deze catalogus is slecht een kleine selectie van het totale IBM trainingsaanbod opgenomen.
Voor het uitgebreide trainingsaanbod verwijzen we u graag naar onze website:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 85
IBM Trainingen
IBM Trainingen
IBM Cognos 8 BI Report Studio: Author
Professional Reports Fundamentals (V8.4)
IBM Cognos Analysis Studio: Analyze Data
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Reports with
Multidimensional Data (V10.1)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
IBM Cognos 8 BI Report Studio: Author
Professional Reports Fundamentals (V8.4)
is a three-day, instructor-led course. It
is designed for report authors to learn
report building techniques using relational
data models, and ways of enhancing,
customizing, and managing professional
reports. Attendees will participate in
hands-on demos and workshops that
illustrate key concepts while learning how
to use the product.
Prijs: € 2.095,-
• This course is intended for Professional
Report Authors
Vereiste voorkennis
• Knowledge of your business
• Experience using the Windows
operating system
• Experience using a web
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Cognos BI Analysis Studio: Analyze
Data (V10.1/10.2) is a one-day,
instructor-led course that teaches business
authors to navigate and analyze data in
Analysis Studio. Through a combination
of lectures and hands-on workshops,
attendees will discover trends, identify
opportunities, and learn how to make
better business decisions. Participants will
learn techniques such as ranking, filtering,
asymmetrical crosstabs, and graphing to
help them analyze large volumes of data
(whether OLAP or dimensionally modeled
relational metadata). They will also learn
to manage reports through IBM Cognos
Connection. Please Note: Screen captures
and labs in this course are taken from
the V10.1 of the product. However, the
Prijs: € 625,-
concepts, procedures, and tasks are all
applicable to a V10.2 environment and are
suitable for V10.2 user education.
This is a basic course for Business Authors.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have:
• Knowledge of their business
• Experience using basic Windows
• Experience using a Web
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Reports
with Multidimensional Data (V10.1) is an
advanced two-day, instructor-led course
in which professional report authors build
on their experience with Report Studio
by applying dimensional techniques
to reports. Through interactive demos
and workshops, students will learn how
to author reports that navigate and
manipulate dimensional data structures
using specific dimensional functions and
features available in Report Studio.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should attend the IBM Cognos Report
Studio: Author Professional Reports
Fundamentals (V10.1) course and have:
• Knowledge of your business
• Experience using Advanced Windows
and Web functionality
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is intended for Professional
Report Authors working with dimensional
data sources.
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Active Reports (V10.1)
IBM Cognos Framework Manager: Design
Metadata Models (v10.2)
Cursusduur: 1 dag
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Active
Reports (V10.1) is an advanced one-day,
instructor-led course in which students
build on their Report Studio experience by
using active report controls to build highly
interactive reports that can be consumed
by users.
Participants will apply their knowledge
through demos and workshops to author
active reports containing pre-packaged
data which can be distributed and viewed
by users when a data source is not
Cursusduur: 1 dag
Prijs: € 695,-
available. This course builds on advanced
report authoring skills and contains
many independent workshop exercises.
In addition, this course contains a new
module that demonstrates features added
to IBM Cognos Active Reports V10.1.1.
Participants will learn how they can use
these features to optimize active reports
that are consumed on mobile devices, such
as an iPad tablet.
This advanced offering is intended for
professional report authors who have
a need to create reports that will be
consumed by an audience who will
consume the reports in an interactive
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should attend:
• IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author
Professional Reports Fundamentals
(V10.1) course
• IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author
Professional Reports Advanced (V10.1)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
IBM Cognos Framework Manager: Design
Metadata Models (V10.2) is a five-day,
instructor-led online course that provides
participants with introductory to advanced
knowledge of metadata modeling
concepts, and how to model metadata for
predictable reporting and analysis results
using Framework Manager. You will learn
the full scope of the metadata modeling
process, from initial project creation,
to publishing of metadata to the Web,
enabling end users to easily author reports
and analyze data.
Prijs: € 3.125,-
This advanced course is intended for
Vereiste voorkennis
• Knowledge of common industry
standard data structures and design
• Experience with SQL
• Experience gathering requirements and
analyzing data Recommended:
• IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author
Professional Reports Fundamentals (V10.2)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.2) is a
three-day, instructor-led online course that
is designed to teach new administrators
the fundamental tasks of administering
servers and content in IBM Cognos BI.
Through a combination of lectures and
interactive exercises, students will install
and configure the IBM Cognos BI software,
implement security, and manage the
server components. You will also monitor
and schedule tasks, create data sources,
manage and deploy content, manage
report content in IBM Cognos Connection.
Prijs: € 1.875,-
This intermediate course is intended for
Vereiste voorkennis
This offering is intended for administrators
with a knowledge of web application
server architecture, security systems
administration, and of their business
requirements. You should also have
experience using the Windows operating
system and a web browser.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Essentials for IBM Cognos BI (V10.2)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Essentials for IBM Cognos BI (V10.2) is a
blended offering consisting of five-days of
instructor-led online training (ILO) and 21
hours of Web-based, self-paced training.
This accelerated offering is intended
for core project team members wishing
to acquire a broad understanding
of a Business Intelligence platform
During the ILT segments, participants will
perform hands-on demos and workshops
that cover four essential topic areas:
Modeling, Report Authoring, Workspace
Advanced, and Administration of a BI
platform. Throughout the ILT, participants
will be guided to more-in depth training
offerings and paths leading to certification.
Prijs: € 4.375,-
This intermediate course is intended for
Project Managers,Technical Analysts and
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have experience:
• using the Windows operating system
• using a web browser
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional
Reports Fundamentals (V10.2.2)
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional
Reports Advanced (V10.2)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author
Professional Reports Fundamentals
(v10.2.2) is a three-day, instructor-led
course. It is designed for professional
report authors to learn report building
techniques using relational data models,
and methods of enhancing, customizing,
and managing professional reports.
Attendees will participate in hands-on
demos and workshops that illustrate key
concepts while learning how to use the
Prijs: € 1.875,-
• This intermediate course is intended
for Professional Report Authors.
Vereiste voorkennis
This offering is intended for professional
report authors who have a knowledge of
their business requirements, experience
using the Windows OS and a web browser,
and have also taken the IBM Cognos BI for
Consumers (10.2) WBT.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author
Professional Reports Advanced (V10.2) is
a two-day, instructor-led course. Building
on topics learned in the Fundamentals
course, the Advanced course is designed
for professional report authors to learn
advanced report building techniques
using mostly relational data models, and
ways of enhancing, customizing, and
managing professional reports. Attendees
will participate in interactive demos and
workshops that illustrate key concepts
while learning how to use the product.
This advanced course is intended for
Professional Report Authors.
Vereiste voorkennis
This offering is intended for professional
report authors who have a knowledge
of their business requirements, basic
knowledge of SQL, XML and have taken
the IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author
Professional Reports Fundamentals
(V10.2) course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Cognos Data Manager: Build Data Marts
with Enterprise Data (v10.2)
IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced:
Author Self-Service Reports (v10.2)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
IBM Cognos Data Manager: Build Data
Marts with Enterprise Data (V10.2) is
a five-day, instructor-led online course
that teaches participants how to move,
merge, consolidate, and transform data
from a range of data sources to build and
maintain subject-area data marts. In the
process, you will create a catalog and add
connections to data sources and targets.
They will also deliver fact and dimension
data to a data mart through the use of
builds and the dimensional framework.
Prijs: € 2.500,-
In addition, you will learn how to
automate common functionality and
handle complex data issues, such as
unbalanced hierarchical structures.
This advanced course is intended for
Vereiste voorkennis
This offering is intended for Developers
who have a knowledge of basic Windows
functionality, database and dimensional.
analysis concepts, as well as a working
knowledge of SQL.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced: Author
Self-Service Reports (V10.2) is a two-day
instructor-led training course. This course
will develop the skills the participants
will need to use IBM Cognos Workspace
Advanced to create effective reports
with relational and dimensional data.
Through interactive demos and workshops,
this course will present topics related
to creating reports with IBM Cognos
Workspace Advanced for the business
Prijs: € 1.250,-
Prijs: € 1.250,-
This intermediate course is intended for
Business Authors.
Vereiste voorkennis
This offering is intended for Business
Authors who have a knowledge of basic
Windows and Web functionality, as well as
their business requirements. Also, students
should have taken the IBM Cognos BI
for Consumers (V10.1) WBT or have
knowledge of IBM Cognos Connection,
and have experience with Microsoft Excel
or Microsoft Access.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 87
IBM Trainingen
IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.2)
IBM Trainingen
IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2: System
Implementation and Administration
IBM FileNet P8 Platform 5.0: System
Implementation and Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course trains the skills needed to
configure and maintain a FileNet P8 5.2
Content Manager system.
Prijs: € 2.950,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Anyone who administers an IBM FileNet
Content Manager system or who builds
a business solution hosted on the IBM
FileNet Content Manager system.
IBM Enterprise Records 5.1: Records Management
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course is for those whose job includes
responsibility for designing the file plan
for an IBM Enterprise Records system
and making decisions regarding record
retention, disposition, and security. You
use the IBM Enterprise Records web
application to learn core skills, such as
declaring and managing records. Then, you
learn to design and create a file plan that
meets specific records management goals.
You work with a records administrator, an
installer, a database administrator, and a
programmer. You must be able to organize
and communicate records management
system requirements to the other roles.
You work with a fully functioning IBM
Enterprise Records system to practice
the skills required for managing records
and designing file plans for records
Prijs: € 1.345,-
This intermediate course is for anyone who
manages records and who is responsible
for planning the records management
strategy for their organization that uses
IBM Enterprise Records.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have completed:
• IBM FileNet P8 Prerequisite Skills 4.5
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is for those whose job
responsibility is to maintain, monitor, and
configure an operational IBM FileNet P8
Content Manager system. Maintenance
tasks include starting and stopping FileNet
P8 engines and other system components
as required, configuring object stores
and file systems for storing documents,
and implementing system security and
access control structures. In addition, this
course is for those whose job responsibility
is to build or implement a business
solution using the tools provided with
an IBM FileNet P8 system. These tasks
include creating content data structures
(document classes), document properties,
list structures, document indexes, and
stored searches and queries.
Related activities include exporting and
importing documents and associated
metadata from one object store to another.
You work with a fully functioning, IBM
FileNet P8 system to practice the skills
required for administering, configuring,
and monitoring components of an IBM
FileNet P8 Content Manager system, as
well as building and modifying an IBM
FileNet P8 business solution.
IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook Essentials
Prijs: € 2.950,-
NOTE: This is an online course. Please do
not make travel arrangements for this
course. After you receive confirmation that
you are enrolled, you will be sent further
instructions to access audio and video.
This intermediate course is for anyone who
is currently, or soon will be, administering
an IBM FileNet P8 system or building
a business solution hosted on the IBM
FileNet P8 platform.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should complete:
• IBM FileNet P8 5.0 Prerequisite Skills
using Workplace XT (F141)
• or have equivalent experience You
should have:
• A basic understanding of relational
database concepts
• Some experience as a system
administrator, database
administrator, or business solution
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day instructor-led course provides
you with an understanding of the basics of
i2 Analyst’s Notebook.
This course provides the essential skills
required to use IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook
as a tool in your analytical role to hold,
search, analyze and disseminate data.
Prijs: € 1.995,-
This intermediate course is for those who
handle national security, law enforcement,
customer intelligence and researcher.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• A basic knowledge of using Windows
analysis techniques
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
i2 Analyst’s Workstation/Data Miner
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This advanced hands-on 4.5-day workshop
focuses on the 3rd component of i2
Analyst’s Workstation - i2 Data Miner.
After briefly reviewing key components
of i2 Analyst’s Notebook and i2
iBase, attention shifts to learning the
functionality of Data Miner.
Through a series of exercises, the various
features and analytical tools available in
Data Miner are explored. You will learn to
build cubes for analysis and perfect how
to drill down into your data to uncover
trends underlying problems. Students
will master moving data among i2 Data
Miner, i2 iBase, i2 Analyst’s Notebook and
mapping programs to use the advantages
of each tool to squeeze the most out of
the information in your database. The final
project will include charts from Analyst’s
Notebook, reports from iBase, graphs
from Data Miner, and maps from a GIS
Prijs: € 3.295,-
This advanced course is for intelligence
and criminal analysts who will be using
i2 Analyst’s Workstation Data Miner for
tactical and strategic analysis.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have completed:
• Charting with i2 iBase Databases
OR the combination of i2 Analyst’s
Notebook - Level 1 and i2 iBaseYou
should have:
• Knowledge of GISKnowledge of the
types of queries performed on your
database is helpful
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Information Management
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course provides you with information
about the functions of IBM’s DB2, a
relational database manager which may
be installed under a variety of operating
systems on many hardware platforms.DB2
runs under the z/OS, VM, Linux, UNIX, and
Windows operating systems, to name a
few.The course includes discussion of how
the DB2 products provide services. The
focus is on the services DB2 provides and
how we work with DB2, not on its internal
IBM DB2 SQL Workshop for Experienced Users
IBM DB2 SQL Workshop
Prijs: € 1.345,-
This basic course is for persons needing
an introductory knowledge of DB2, and
persons preparing for advanced and
specialized DB2 education.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Basic knowledge in data
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course provides an introduction to the
SQL language.
This course is appropriate for customers
working in all DB2 environments, that
is, z/OS, VM/VSE, iSeries, Linux, UNIX,
and Windows. It is also appropriate
for customers working in an Informix
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 1.345,-
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Everyone needing to write, support, or
understand SQL queries. This includes but
is not limited to end-users, programmers,
application designers, database
administrators, and system administrators
who do not yet have knowledge of the
SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML).
This course teaches you how to make use
of advanced SQL techniques to access
DB2 databases in different environments.
This course is appropriate for customers
working in all DB2 environments,
specifically for z/OS, Linux, UNIX, and
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Basic computer literacy
• Basic editing skills
• Database skills are not
This intermediate course is for experienced
SQL end users, application programmers,
database administrators, and user support
staff who need more advanced knowledge
of SQL.
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have experience with:
• coding and executing basic SQL
statements. These skills can be
developed by attending
• SQL Workshop (CE120GB), or
equivalent experience.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for AIX
IBM Using Queue Replication
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Gain knowledge on InfoSphere Replication
Server and how it is used to perform both
queue-based homogeneous data replication
and heterogeneous data replication.
Learn to distinguish the differences in
functionality of the queue architecture’s
highly parallel, transaction-based,
asynchronous message-based transmission
capability with the SQL-based architecture.
Use the Replication Center Graphical User
Interface (GUI) to perform the Q Replication
operations necessary to define, manage,
and maintain queue-based data replication
functions for DB2 for z/OS and DB2 for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Additionally,
incorporate the use of the ASNCLP
command line interpreter for definitional
tasks, along with utilities such as ASNTDIFF
and ASNTREP and the Q Replication
Dashboard, in your replication environment.
Prijs: € 2.645,-
Discover how InfoSphere Replication Server
can be engaged to publish transactions
in either an Extensible Markup Language
(XML) format or in a character delimited
format. Become versed in the use of
the WebSphere MQ queues required by
InfoSphere Replication Server.
Included are a number of intensive
hands-on machine exercises demonstrating
InfoSphere Replication Server’s capabilities
in unidirectional replication as well as
multidirectional replication. Linux will serve
as the control point for administering the
InfoSphere Replication Server for Linux,
UNIX, Windows, and z/OS.
This is an intermediate course for system
administrators, database administrators,
replication administrators, data warehouse
architects, programmers, users, IBM
professionals, and other individuals desiring
a highly parallel, transaction-based,
asynchronous queue message-based
transmission replication architecture. This
includes all individuals who perform or
support evaluation, implementation, and
usage activities for data movement, data
availability, and data replication.
Vereiste voorkennis
Having a working knowledge of WebSphere
MQ and an understanding of the basic
operation and creation of queues and
related queue managers will provide a good
foundation for this course.
Skills or experience in the following specific
areas enable you to more easily navigate
the course material and facilitate in the
execution of the exercises:
• Relational databases
• Database system design
• DB2 Control Center
• DB2 platform knowledge
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course teaches you to perform, basic
database administrative tasks using DB2
10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. These
tasks include creating and populating
databases and implementing a logical
design to support recovery requirements.
The access strategies selected by the DB2
Optimizer will be examined using the DB2
Explain tools.
Various diagnostic methods will be
presented, including using the db2diag.log
file messages to direct your investigation
of problems, as well as using the db2pd
This is the classroom version of Instructorled Online course DB2 10 for LUW: Basic
Administration for AIX (ILO) (3L213GB)
This intermediate course is for system
administrators, database administrators,
and technical personnel involved in
Prijs: € 2.645,-
planning, implementing, and maintaining
DB2 databases.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should be able to:
• Use basic OS functions such as utilities,
file permissions, hierarchical file
system, commands, and editor
• State the functions of the Structured
Query Language (SQL), and be able to
construct DDL, DML, and authorization
• Discuss basic relational database
concepts and objects such as tables,
indexes, views, and joins
These skills can be developed by taking:
• OS Training:
• Linux Basics and Administration
• Windows Systems Administration
• DB2 SQL Workshop
• DB2 Fundamentals
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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IBM Trainingen
DB2 Family Fundamentals
IBM Trainingen
DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for Linux
and Windows
DB2 for LUW Performance Tuning and Monitoring
IBM DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Quickstart for Experienced Relational DBAs
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course teaches you to perform basic
database administrative tasks using DB2
10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. These
tasks include creating and populating
databases and implementing a logical
design to support recovery requirements.
The access strategies selected by the DB2
Optimizer will be examined using the DB2
Explain tools. Various diagnostic methods
will be presented including using the
db2diag.log file messages to direct your
investigation of problems as well as using
the db2pd commands.
This intermediate course is for system
administrators, database administrators,
and technical personnel involved in
planning, implementing, and maintaining
DB2 databases.
Prijs: € 2.390,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should be able to:
• Use basic OS functions such as utilities,
file permissions, hierarchical file
system, commands, and editor
• State the functions of the Structured
Query Language (SQL) and be able to
construct DDL, DML, and authorization
• Discuss basic relational database
concepts and objects such as tables,
indexes, views, and join These skills can
be developed by taking:
• OS Training:
• AIX 5L Basics
• Linux Basics and Administration
• Windows Systems Administration
• Or by having equivalent HP-UX or
Solaris administration experience
• DB2 SQL Workshop
• DB2 Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 2.645,-
Learn how to tune for optimum
performance the IBM DB2 10 for Linux,
UNIX, and Windows relational database
management system and associated
applications written for this environment.
Learn about DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows in a single partition database
environment. Explore performance issues
affecting the design of the database and
applications using the database, the major
database performance parameters, and the
different tools that assist in performance
monitoring and tuning.
across the Linux, UNIX, and Windows
environments. During labs running on
DB2 10.1, develop your ability to use
monitoring tools. Explain tools and DB2
utilities like RUNSTATS, REORG and
db2batch to tune a database running on
your local LINUX workstation.
Use tools in class that are common
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have completed:
• DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration
for Linux and Windows (CL2X3G) or
• DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows Quickstart for Experienced
Relational DBAs (CL484G)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This is an advanced course for database
designers, database administrators, and
application developers working with DB2
for Linux, UNIX, and Windows who are
concerned about performance.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
DB2 for z/OS - New Features in Version 10
DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration
Workshop Part 1
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn about the new features and
enhancements of DB2 10 for z/OS,
including the technical detail of the
functional enhancements of this significant
new version of DB2 for z/OS. Get a better
understanding of several of the new
functions by performing hands-on machine
This is an intermediate course for system
Prijs: € 3.795,-
and database administrators, application
developers, and other individuals who
need a technical introduction to selected
new features of DB2 10 for z/OS.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have practical experience with
DB2 for z/OS and have good knowledge
of the functions and usage of DB2 9 for z/
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides you with instruction
on how to physically implement a logical
database design in DB2. The course includes
instruction on DB2 data management, DB2
catalog tables, the bind process, database
utilities such as LOAD and REORG, and
security considerations. This course
replaces course number (CV830G).
Note: This course material is at the DB2 10
for z/OS level.
This intermediate course is for future DB2
for z/OS database administrators who
Prijs: € 3.795,-
need to acquire the basic skills required to
administer a DB2 database.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have completed DB2 Family
Fundamentals (CE031GB) and DB2 SQL
Workshop (CE121GB), or have equivalent
You should be able to:
• Design a relational table
• Describe the SQL data manipulation
statements to access and change the
contents of DB2 tables
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course teaches you to perform, basic
and advanced, database administrative
tasks using DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows. These tasks include creating and
populating databases and implementing
a logical design to support recovery
The access strategies selected by the DB2
Optimizer will be examined using the DB2
Explain tools. Various diagnostic methods
will be presented, including using the
db2diag.log file messages to direct your
investigation of problems, as well as using
the db2pd commands and DB2 traces.
You will learn how to implement automatic
archival for database logs and how to
plan a redirected database restore to
relocate either selected table spaces or an
entire database. The selection of indexes
to improve application performance
and the use of SQL statements to track
database performance and health will
be covered. This course provides a quick
start to DB2 database administration
skills for experienced relational Database
Administrators (DBA).
Prijs: € 2.390,-
This is an intermediate course for
experienced DBAs and technical
individuals, with experience on other
relational database platforms, who plan,
implement, and maintain DB2 10.1 for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows databases.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should be able to:
• Perform basic database administration
tasks on a relational database system
• Use basic OS functions such as utilities,
file permissions, hierarchical file
system, commands, and editor
• State the functions of the Structured
Query Language (SQL) and be able to
construct DDL, DML, and authorization
• Discuss basic relational database
concepts and objects such as tables,
indexes, views, and joins These skills
can be developed by taking:
• OS Training:
• AIX Basics and Administration
• Linux Basics and Administration
• Windows Systems Administration
• Or by having equivalent HP-UX or
Solaris administration experience
• DB2 SQL Workshop
• DB2 Fundamentals
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM DB2 10 for z/OS Implementation Workshop
InfoSphere BigInsights Foundation
This course is for installers of DB2 9 z/
OS and/or migration to DB2 10 for z/OS
using the Install CLIST. You are involved in
lectures that explain DB2 10 components
and pointers, and the processes used to
install or migrate from DB2 9 for z/OS. To
reinforce the lectures, a series of labs are
provided to give you hands-on experience
installing DB2 9 for z/OS and migrating to
DB2 10 for z/OS.
The hands-on labs include exercises to:
• Install DB2 9 for z/OS subsystem
• Verify with the sample applications
• Perform parameter updates
• Migrate to DB2 10 conversion mode
• Fall back to DB2 9 for z/OS
• Migrate again to DB2 10 conversion
• Enable new function mode
• Verify with the sample applications
• Precompile option NEWFUN(V9) This
course replaces course DB2 9 for z/OS
Implementation Workshop (CV860GB).
This is the Classroom version of
Instructor-led online course DB2 for
z/OS Implementation Workshop Instructor Led Online (3V861GB).
Prijs: € 3.795,-
This intermediate course is for anyone
responsible for maintaining, installing or
migrating DB2 9 for z/OS to DB2 10 for z/
OS, or installing DB2 10 for z/OS.
Vereiste voorkennis
Completion of the following courses is
• DB2 10 for z/OS Database
Administration Workshop Part 1
(CV831GB) or equivalent Work
experience in a z/OS environment
• DB2 10 for z/OS System Administration
The following prerequisites are suggested:
• The basic concepts and facilities of
• The basic concepts of Structured Query
Language (SQL)
• z/OS Time Sharing Option (TSO)
and the z/OS interactive System
Productivity Facility (ISPF)
• Defining and allocating MVS data sets
using z/OS job control language (JCL)
or equivalent experience
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Informix 11.7 Database Administration
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
In this course, students will learn the basic
concepts of data management within
Informix. They will learn how to determine
correct data types; how to create, manage,
and maintain tables and indexes; how the
Informix optimizer works; how to manage
data; and how to use the SET EXPLAIN
feature to determine query effectiveness.
Prijs: € 2.645,-
This course is designed for Informix
Administrators, Database Administrators,
and Application Developers.
Vereiste voorkennis
The student should have a working
knowledge of Structured Query Language
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This training course is for those who
want a foundation of IBM InfoSphere
BigInsights. It will give you an overview
of IBM’s Big Data strategy as well as a
more detailed information on Apache
Hadoop. It presents concepts required
by a system administrator to work with
the Hadoop Distributed File System and
concepts of MapReduce that are required
by a developer. It gives an introduction to
the scheduling capabilities of Hadoop and
how to use Oozie to control workflows
and use Flume to load data into HDFS.
Curriculum relationship:
• Programming for InfoSphere Streams
V3 with SPL (DW720)
• InfoSphere Streams Administration
• IBM InfoSphere BigInsights Analytics
for Business Analysts (DW640)
• IBM InfoSphere BigInsights Analytics
for Programmer (DW650)
Prijs: € 1.995,-
This intermediate training course is for
those who want a foundation of IBM
InfoSphere BigInsights and is designed for
system administrators and developers.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
However, knowledge of Linux would be
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Informix 11.7 System Administration
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
In this course, you will develop the skills
necessary to administer one or more
database servers. You will learn how
to configure and initialize a database
server instance, configure and test client
connectivity, configure and manage
memory and disk usage, plan and
implement system maintenance tasks, and
configure the server for optimal Online
Transaction Processing (OLTP) or decision
support. This course is based on the 11.7
version of IBM Informix.
This intermediate course is for Informix
Administrators, Database Administrators,
and Applications Developers.
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.800,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have the following knowledge
and skills:
• Ability to write complex SQL queries
• Ability to navigate through
a Linux/UNIX file system and
use common utilities in that
• IBM Certified System Administrator Informix Dynamic Server V11
• Test 000-918 - System Administration
for IBM Informix Dynamic Server V11
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM InfoSphere DataStage Essentials 9.1
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course is designed to introduce ETL
developers to DataStage 9.1.
This is the Classroom version of
Instructor-led online course IBM
InfoSphere DataStage Essentials 9.1 (ILO)
Prijs: € 2.190,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have basic knowledge of
the Windows operating system and
some familiarity with database access
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This is a basic course for project
administrators and ETL developers
responsible for data extractions and
transformations using DataStage.
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IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 System Administration
IBM Trainingen
IBM Connections 4.0 - Social Software for Business
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
IBM Connections 4.0 is social software
for business that provides an exceptional
social platform that helps enable you to
access the right people and internal and
external content in your professional
networks and communities. With IBM
Connections 4.0, you can track the activity
of your network and respond more quickly
using the embedded experience within the
activity stream. You can also bring external
applications and content into the activity
stream to respond in context, saving time
and reducing context switching.
Prijs: € 1.250,-
These are just a few of the many features in
IBM Connections 4.0 that will allow you
to increase personal and organizational
effectiveness by creating, connecting, and
sharing in one easy to use social experience.
In this workshop, you will learn about the
new features in IBM Connections 4.0,
including Activity Streams, IBM Connections
Mail, and the Metrics application.
Application developers will be interested
in topics such as iWidget development,
Activity Stream development, and the REST
APIs. Get started and become a social
business today!
This advanced course is designed for
Solution architects and social networking
Vereiste voorkennis
You should:
• Have good technical understanding of
Web 2.0 concepts
• Have high-level understanding of
object-oriented programming concepts,
systems, and languages
• Review existing IBM Social Business
resources and websites Optional skills
that will be useful:
• Previous experience with IBM
Connections or other WebSphere based
• Familiarity with the Eclipse development
• Familiarity with Java, Dojo, and
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
What’s new in IBM Connections 4.5
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
IBM Connections V4.5, social software for
business, provides an exceptional social
software solution that is designed to help
enable users to access the right people
and internal and external content in your
professional networks and communities.
IBM Connections is designed to help users
engage with networks of expertise in the
context of critical business processes in
order to act with confidence and anticipate
and respond to emerging opportunities.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
In this workshop you will learn about the
new features in IBM Connections 4.5, the
capabilities provided by IBM Connections
Content Manager and how to leverage
the social Business toolkit SDK to socialize
existing applications.
This advanced course is designed for
Solution architects and social networking
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Knowledge of IBM Connections 4.0
or attendance to IBM Connections
4.0 - Social Software for Business
• Good technical understanding of Web
2.0 concepts
• High-level understanding of objectoriented programming concepts,
systems, and languages
• Review existing IBM Social Business
resources and websites
• Previous experience with IBM
Connections or other WebSphere based
• Familiarity with the Eclipse development
• Familiarity with Java, Dojo, and
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this course, you will:
• Be introduced to basic concepts that
provide the foundation for Lotus
Domino and Lotus Notes
• Practice performing basic
administration tasks using the Lotus
Domino Administrator client
• Install and configure a basic
infrastructure with a single domain
using an existing deployment plan
• Set up replication and mail routing in
the single-domain environment
• Perform standard server maintenance
and troubleshooting tasks
• Register and maintain Notes and
non-Notes users Note: This course
covers the entire core Lotus Domino
8.5 system administration curriculum
which is normally taught in 6
days. While the course duration is
condensed to 5 days, the course
content is not condensed; therefore,
this bootcamp offering covers the
material at an accelerated pace, and
could require participants to attend
extended classroom hours.
Prijs: € 2.725,-
The target audience for this course
is system administrators new to
Lotus Domino who need to acquire a
foundational knowledge and working
experience with the Lotus Domino
8 administration tools and who are
responsible for:
• Installing and setting up of the initial,
basic Lotus Domino and Lotus Notes 8
• Setting up Domino Mail servers in the
corporate intranet and extranet (i.e.
Internet) environment
• Monitoring and maintaining an
existing Lotus Domino 8 infrastructure
• Managing Notes and non-Notes users
in a Domino domain a
Vereiste voorkennis
Previous experience as a network
administrator or mail system administrator,
and experience using the Lotus Notes 8
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM BladeCenter Fundamentals - BladeCenter H
Linux Basic and Installation
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The IBM BladeCenter Fundamentals BladeCenter H course provides a detailed
introduction and overview of the IBM
BladeCenter. Major topics covered include
the BladeCenter chassis components and
infrastructure, management interface,
blade servers, and I/O modules.
Each major lecture group is followed by a
hands-on lab exercise, including chassis
configuration and management, blade
server control, I/O module management
and control, and BladeCenter Open
Fabric Manager (BOFM). Building on
these skills and with emphasis on the
IBM BladeCenter H, we discuss the IBM
BladeCenter H and its unique components,
power and cooling, midplane connections,
and systems management.
Prijs: € 2.295,-
We then cover the high-speed
infrastructure and options that are
available. Open Fabric Manager is
discussed to help you get the most
from your I/O followed by showing the
sequence of events in a Blade failover
and recovery. The last portion of this
three day class covers those elements
regarding installation and the associated
tools. The additional focused labs with the
BladeCenter H is the BladeCenter Open
Fabric Manager, known as BOFM.
This intermediate course is for individuals
who are involved in the planning,
installation, configuration and upgrading
of IBM BladeCenters.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have completed:
• IBM System x Technical Principles
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The objective of the course is to
teach students enough about Linux
to successfully install, configure, and
run Linux on the student’s personal
workstation and be productive with it.
Prijs: € 2.645,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should be able to use
a Microsoft Windows-based
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is designed for students with
little or no Linux knowledge or experience
who want to make a start with Linux.
Mastering Web Application Development with
Rational Application Developer V7.5
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is intended for developers
who are already familiar with Java
Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Web
application development, and who wish
to understand the capabilities of IBM
Rational Application Developer V7.5 to
help you develop such applications. The
features covered will include the tools
that you can use to create, test, debug,
and package Java EE Web applications.
These tools include the wizards that you
can use to create Servlets, HTML pages,
and JavaServer Pages (JSP). In addition,
you can use the Page Designer to edit
HTML and JSP pages. Rational Application
Developer also provides support for
component testing of Java EE Web
components, the Struts and JavaServer
Faces (JSF) application frameworks, and
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML).
Finally, you can use the export wizards to
package Java EE applications.
Prijs: € 3.245,-
This instructor-led, classroom course is
intended for the following audience:
• Java developers interested in learning
IBM Rational Application Developer V7.5
• Java developers who want to learn
Web Application development using
Rational Application Developer V7.5
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have the following skills or
• Java programming
• Familiarity with Java EE for Web
development (HTML, JSP pages, and
• Basics of XML Experience using
relational databases
• The design-implement-test-deploy
stages of application development
• Object-oriented design and analysis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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IBM Trainingen
Essentials of Configuration Management with IBM Rational ClearCase UCM, v7.1
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Configuration Management with IBM
Rational ClearCase UCM, V7.1 is a
two-day, instructor-led course designed
to teach configuration managers how to
implement ClearCase UCM effectively in
their development environment (Windows
or Unix/Linux).
This course introduces you to the discipline
of software configuration management
Prijs: € 1.345,-
(SCM) using a unified change management
approach (UCM) and discusses the
attributes of effective SCM. Learn what
information is critical to include in a
configuration management plan. Practice
creating and implementing a usage
model based on a simulated software
development project. The usage model
includes details about organizing project
artifacts, streaming strategies, and project
process and policies.
This is a basic course for users who fill
the role of configuration manager in
their organizations. Some knowledge of
ClearCase is assumed. No knowledge of
ClearCase administration is assumed.
• Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase
UCM for UNIX (RS533)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have completed:
• Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase
UCM for Windows (RS524)
Configuring Projects in IBM Rational Team Concert V4.0
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Configuring Projects with IBM Rational
Team Concert V4.0 targets project
administrators and team leads. You learn
how to configure Rational Team Concert
project areas and processes so that the
core IBM practices for agile development
and change and release management
can be effectively adopted by the project
team. Topics include planning projects,
teams, and iterations to support both
traditional and agile projects; defining
source control streams and component
Prijs: € 1.750,-
structure; customizing process controls and
work items; and customizing Rational Team
Concert queries and reports to provide
project status and measure progress. This
course can be deployed through traditional
classroom Configuring Projects in IBM
Rational Team Concert (RS727GB) or
(YS727GB) virtual classroom.
This intermediate course is for Project
Administrators, Team Leads, Scrum Masters,
and Product Owners.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should complete:
• Developing Software with IBM Rational
Team Concert V4.0 (ILT) (RS842GB)
• Developing Software with IBM Rational
Team Concert V4.0 (ILO) (YS842GB) You
should have:
• Experience working with Microsoft
• Understanding on basic software
development principles
• Understanding on basic project
planning principles
• Working knowledge of an Eclipse-based
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This introductory course is designed to
familiarize testing professionals with the
basics of the IBM Rational test automation
tools for use in testing Java and Web
applications. Testers can build, enhance,
and maintain scripts in a full-function Java
IDE that integrates with the IBM Rational
Software Delivery Platform products.
Hands-on instruction is provided for those
who want to explore the power of using
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and
Data Mining is a two day instructorledbasic course that provides an overview
of data mining and the fundamentals of
using IBM SPSS Modeler. The principles
and practice of data mining are illustrated
using the CRISP-DM methodology. The
course structure follows the stages
of a typical data mining project, from
reading data, to data exploration, data
transformation, modeling, and effective
interpretation of results. The course
provides training in the basics of how to
read, explore, and manipulate data with
IBM SPSS Modeler, and then create and
use successful models.
Prijs: € 1.250,-
This basic course is for:
• Anyone with little or no experience in
using IBM SPSS Modeler
• Anyone with little or no experience in
data mining
• Anyone who is considering purchasing
IBM SPSS Modeler
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• General computer literacy No statistical
background is necessary. It would be
helpful if you had:
• an understanding of your organization’s
data, as well as any of your
organization’s business issues that are
relevant to the use of data mining.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Classifying Customers with IBM SPSS Modeler (v15)
Prijs: € 1.995,-
IBM Rational Functional Tester. The Rational
Functional Tester application builds effective
and resilient test scripts using Java code
and IBM ScriptAssure technology. The focus
is on the practical application of Rational
Functional Tester to resolve common Java
and Web automated testing challenges.
Additionally, some basics about Java code
relevant to creating scripts for testing are
Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data
Mining (V15)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting, V8.0
This course focuses on getting started with
Rational Functional Tester.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This basic instructor-led, classroom course is
intended for the following audience:
• IBM Rational Functional Testers
• Testing professionals
• Quality assurance practitioners
• Team leaders
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 1 dag
Classifying Customers Using IBM SPSS
Modeler (V15) is a one day, instructorled classroom, intermediate level course
that provides an overview of how to use
Modeler to predict the category to which
a customer belongs based on selected
data. Some examples include: whether a
customer switches to another provider or
brand, whether a customer responds to a
particular advertising campaign, or how
well a student will perform in a specific
academic setting.
This course follows the ‘Introduction to
IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Mining’
Prijs: € 695,-
course and is essential for anyone who
wishes to become familiar with a number
of modeling techniques available in IBM
SPSS Modeler used to classify customers.
This would include Data Analysts and
analytics business users.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Experience using IBM SPSS
ModelerPrior completion of
Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler
and Data Mining is recommended.
An introductory course in statistics, or
equivalent experience, is helpful.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
STG - Power Systems - AIX
Cursusduur: 1 dag
Prijs: € 695,-
In this one-day course you will focus on
the statistical techniques most often used
to support market segmentation. The
course emphasizes the practical issues of
setting up, running and interpreting the
results of market segmentation analysis.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should have an on the job
experience with SPSS for Windows or
completion of the Windows Basic and/
or Intermediate courses. Basic statistical
knowledge or at least one college level
course in statistics is helpful.
This intermediate course is for anyone
who has worked with SPSS for Windows
and is interested in knowing more about
the appropriate procedures for market
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Shell Programming
System administrators of Unix and
Linux systems, application developers,
programmers and anyone intending to
write Korn or Bash shell scripts.
AIX Basics
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics (V22)
is a two day instructor-led classroom
course that guides students through the
fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Statistics
for typical data analysis process. Students
will learn the basics of reading data, data
definition, data modification, and data
analysis and presentation of analytical
results. Students will also see how easy
it is to get data into IBM SPSS Statistics
so that they can focus on analyzing
the information. In addition to the
fundamentals, students will learn shortcuts
that will help them save time. This course
uses the IBM SPSS Statistics Base features.
This basic course is for students with:
• Minimal experience in using IBM SPSS
StatisticsAlso, students that are:
• New to using a statistical package for
data analysis
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn effective methods to create and use
KornShell and Bourne Again SHell (bash)
scripts and utilities. Shell scripts are often
the key to becoming a productive AIX or
Linux system administrator. During this
course you will write simple programs
that demonstrate your ability to write
shell scripts in either an AIX or Linux
environment. Basic programming concepts
are not taught in this course.
Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics (v22)
Prijs: € 1.345,-
• Considering purchasing IBM SPSS
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Experience using applications, such as
word processors or spreadsheets, in
the Microsoft Windows, Macintosh or
Linux environment
• Experience with IBM SPSS Statistics
is not necessary, though a basic
understanding of purpose and
functions of the software is
helpfulNo statistical background is
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Power Systems and AIX Differences Workshop
This basic course is intended for anyone
who requires basic AIX/UNIX user skills to
be able to work in an AIX environment.
This course is also a prerequisite for many
courses in the AIX Systems Administration
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Vereiste voorkennis
You should complete:
• AIX 5L Basics (AU13) or
• a Linux Basics course or understand
the programming fundamentals of
variables and flow control concepts,
such as repetition and decision, or
have working knowledge of UNIX
or Linux, including the use of the
vi editor, manipulating files and
directories, basic variables, piping and
redirection, and the find and grep
This course is designed to provide
continuing education for system
administrators who have extensive
experience with previous levels of POWER
hardware; PowerVM, and AIX. It will
introduce the student to the features
available with the POWER7, PowerVM
2.1, and AIX 7 environment. This is
accomplished by discussing the details or
enhancements in each of these followed
by hands-on labs which provide additional
exposure to the new environment.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is intended for anyone
responsible for purchasing, managing, and
planning an IBM POWER7 server running
PowerVM 2.1 or later and the AIX 7.1 or
greater operating system. The audience for
this training include the following:
• AIX technical support individuals
• System administrators
• Systems engineers
• System architects
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course enables students to perform
everyday tasks using the AIX operating
system. Learn basic AIX/UNIX commands,
features and functions through lectures
and hands-on lab exercises.
Prijs: € 2.100,-
Prijs: € 2.000,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should be familiar with:
• Basic information technology (IT)
concepts and the role of an operating
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.100,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Students must have basic AIX, LPAR,
and PowerVM system administration
experience. The AIX prerequisite can be
met by attending one of the following
classes or students can have equivalent
AIX skills.
• Power Systems for AIX II: AIX
Implementation and Administration
• AIX 6 Jumpstart for UNIX Professionals
(AN140) The LPAR and PowerVM
prerequisite can be met by attending
one of the following classes or
students can have equivalent LPAR
• Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization
I: Implementing Virtualization
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Power Systems for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Learn the skills needed to become an
effective administrator on IBM’s POWER6based systems that support Logical
Partitioning (LPAR). Learn about the
features of PowerVM Editions (Advanced
POWER Virtualization - APV) and how to
configure and manage LPARs running AIX
V6.1 using the Hardware Management
Console (HMC).
Prijs: € 1.500,-
This course is appropriate for system
administrators, technical support
individuals, and IBM business partners
who implement LPARs on IBM Power
Vereiste voorkennis
This introductory course does not
require any logical partitioning
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 95
IBM Trainingen
Market Segmentation Using IBM SPSS Statistics ILT
Power Systems for AIX II: AIX Implementation and
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn to install, customize, and administer
the AIX operating system in a POWER
(System p) partitioned environment. This
course is based on AIX 7.1 running on a
Power7 system managed by HMC version
7. This course is also appropriate for prior
releases of AIX and has a high practical
content. There is also an instructor-led
online version of this course: Power
Systems for AIX II: AIX Implementation and
Administration (ILO) (AX120GB)
Prijs: € 2.500,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should be able to:
• Log in to an AIX system and set a user
• Execute basic AIX commands
• Manage files and directories
• Use the vi editor
• Use redirection, pipes, and tees
• Use the utilities find and grep
• Use the command and variable
• Set and change Korn shell variables
• Write simple shell scripts
• Use a graphic Common Desktop
Environment (CDE) interface These
skills can be acquired by taking
AIX Basics (AN10G) or through
equivalent AIX/UNIX knowledge. In
addition, it would be helpful (but not
mandatory) that you be familiar with
partitioning concepts and technology
as taught in Power Virtualization I:
LPAR Planning and Configuration
This intermediate course is appropriate
for anyone with system administrative
duties implementing and managing an AIX
operating system in a multiuser POWER
(System p) partitioned environment.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
AIX Jumpstart for UNIX Professionals
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Provide focused training for experienced
UNIX administrators on how to install,
customize and administer the AIX
operating system in a multiuser POWER
(System p) partitioned environment. The
course is based on AIX 6.1 running on
a Power system managed by Hardware
Management Console version 7 and
provides practical discussions that are
appropriate to earlier AIX releases. Learn
to install, customize and administer
the AIX operating system in a multiuser POWER (System p) partitioned
environment. The course is based on
AIX 6.1 running on a Power system
managed by Hardware Management
Console version 7 and provides practical
discussions that are appropriate to earlier
AIX releases.
This intermediate course is appropriate for
experienced UNIX system administrators
who want to support AIX running on
POWER processor based systems in a
mult-iuser POWER (System p) partitioned
Prijs: € 2.750,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should be able to use basic UNIX
commands including:
• Execute basic AIX commands
• Manage files and directories
• Use the vi editor
• Use redirection, pipes, and tees
• Use the utilities find and grep
• Use command and variable
• Set and change Korn shell variables
• Write simple shell scripts These skills
can be acquired by attending AIX
Basics (AU13) or through equivalent
AIX/UNIX knowledge. Students should
also have experience administering
a UNIX operating system (such as
Solaris, HP/UX, and others) including:
• User management and system security
• System shutdown and restart
• Backup and recovery
• System task scheduling
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
AIX Network Installation Manager (NIM) I: Concepts and Configuration
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The primary goal of this course is to provide
the student with a working knowledge of
the fundamental capabilities of the Network
Installation Manager (NIM) facility of the
AIX 6 operating system.
This course uses a combination of instructor
lecture and machine exercises to provide
the student with practical background
knowledge of the topics covered.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
Learn the fundamental capabilities of the
Network Installation Manager (NIM) facility
of the AIX 6 operating system.
This course is appropriate for anyone with
system administrative duties installing
and managing an AIX operating system in
a multiuser POWER (System p) environment.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have:
• Basic AIX systems administration skills
and be able to use HMC V7 to manage
POWER-based managed systems These
skills may be obtained by attending:
• Power Systems for AIX I: LPAR
Configuration and Planning (AN11)
• Power Systems for AIX II:
AIX Implementation and
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Power Systems for AIX III: Advanced
Administration and Problem Determination
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides advanced AIX system
administrator skills with a focus on
availability and problem determination. It
provides detailed knowledge of the ODM
database where AIX maintains so much
configuration information. It shows how to
monitor for and deal with AIX problems.
There is special focus on dealing with
Logical Volume Manager problems,
including procedures for replacing
disks. Several techniques for minimizing
the system maintenance window are
covered. It also covers how to migrate AIX
Workload Partitions to another system
with minimal disruption.
While the course includes some AIX 6.1
enhancements, most of the material is
applicable to prior releases of AIX.
This is an advanced course for AIX system
administrators, system support, and
contract support individuals with at least
six months of experience in AIX.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have basic AIX System
Administration skills. These skills include:
• Use of the Hardware Management
Console (HMC) to activate a logical
partition running AIX and to access the
AIX system console
• Install an AIX operating system from
an already configured NIM server
• Implementation of AIX backup and
• Manage additional software and base
operating system updates
• Familiarity with management tools
such as SMIT
• Understand how to manage file
systems, logical volumes, and volume
Prijs: € 2.750,-
• Understand basic Workload Partition
(WPAR) concepts and commands
(recommended for the WPAR Manager
• Mastery of the UNIX user interface
including use of the vi editor,
command execution, input and output
redirection, and the use of utilities
such as grep These skills could be
developed through experience or by
formal training. Recommended training
courses to obtain these prerequisite
skills are either of the following:
• Power Systems for AIX III: Advanced
Administration and Problem
Determination (AN12) and its
• AIX System Administration I:
Implementation (AU14) and its
prerequisites. (Note that AU14 does
not cover WPARs) If the student has
AIX system administration skills,
but is not familiar with the LPAR
environment, those skills may be
obtained by attending either of the
• System p Virtualization I: Planning and
Configuration (AU73) / (Q1373)
• Power Systems Administration I: LPAR
Configuration (AN11)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization I:
Implementing Virtualization
Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization II:
Advanced PowerVM and Performance
PowerHA SystemMirror 6.1 Planning,
Implementation and Administration
This course provides an overview of the
PowerVM edition’s features on POWER6
and POWER7 processor-based systems.
It explains the new features and benefits
of virtualization including processor
virtualization, Integrated Virtual Ethernet,
Virtual I/O Server, and virtual devices,
such as virtual Ethernet, virtual SCSI, and
virtual Fibre Channel adapters. Basic and
advanced configurations of the Virtual
I/O Server and its clients are discussed
including various availability options.
Expand your knowledge about PowerVM
features that were introduced in Power
Systems for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and
Planning (AN110) / Power Systems for AIX
I: LPAR Configuration and Planning (ILO)
(AX110).This course provides lectures and
hands on labs in a face-to-face classroom
setting. The course is also offered in a
live virtual classroom environment (ILO Instructor Led Online) with hands-on labs
Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization I:
Implementing Virtualization (ILO) (AX301).
This advanced course is appropriate
for System Administrators, Technical
Support Personnel, and Business Partners
responsible for implementing LPARs on
IBM Power Systems with AIX servers.
Prijs: € 3.500,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have advanced system
administration experience with AIX 5.3
or later. This prerequisite may be met by
attending one of the following courses:
• Power Systems for AIX II: AIX
Implementation and Administration
(AN120) or Power Systems for
AIX II: AIX Implementation and
Administration (ILO) (AX120)
• AIX Jumpstart for UNIX Professionals
(AN140) or AIX Jumpstart for UNIX
Professionals (ILO) (AX140)
• or you must have equivalent AIX and
LPAR skills.General TCP/IP knowledge
is strongly recommended. This
prerequisite may be met by attending
AIX 5L TCP/IP I: Configuration (AU070)
or TCPIP for AIX Administrators
(AN210) / TCPIP for AIX Administrators
(ILO) (AX210).You are also expected
to have logical partition administration
skills on POWER6 or POWER7
processor-based systems, which can be
obtained by attending Power Systems
for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and
Planning (AN110) or Power Systems
for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and
Planning (ILO) (AX110).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4,5 dagen
Learn to implement advanced PowerVM
features such as Active Memory
Sharing, Shared Dedicated Processors,
Multiple Shared Processor Pools, N_Port
Virtualization, and Remote Live Partition
Mobility. This course focuses on the
features that relate to the performance of
the POWER6 processor, AIX 6.1, and the
special monitoring, configuring, and tuning
needs of logical partitions (LPARs).
This course does not cover application
monitoring and tuning. You will learn
skills to implement, measure, analyze,
and tune PowerVM virtualization features
for optimal performance on IBM System
p servers. You will also learn about the
AIX 6.1 performance analysis and tuning
tools that enable an administrator to take
advantage of the Micro-Partitioning and
other virtualization features of the System
p servers. Hands-on lab exercises reinforce
each lecture and give the students
practical experience.
Prijs: € 3.500,-
This course is for anyone responsible for
implementing and managing virtualization
features on a System p server including:
• AIX technical support individuals
• System administrators
• Systems engineers
• System Architects
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should complete:
• Power Systems for AIX I: LPAR Planning
and Configuration (AN11) or (AX11) or
• Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization
I: Implementing Virtualization (AN30)
or (AX30) or have equivalent LPAR
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn to install and configure a highly
available cluster using PowerHA for AIX.
The lab exercises are conducted on an AIX
6.1 level system.
This course is for experienced AIX system
administrators with TCP/IP networking and
AIX LVM experience who are responsible
for the planning and installation of a
Power HA 6.1 cluster on an IBM power
systems server running AIX 5L V5.3 or
Prijs: € 3.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should be an AIX system administrator
and have TCP/ IP, LVM storage and disk
hardware implementation skills. These
skills may be obtained by attending:
• Power Systems for AIX II: AIX
Implementation and Administration
(AN12) or (AX12)
• Power Systems for AIX III: Advanced
Administration and Problem
Determination (AN15) or (AX15)
• or through equivalent
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Power Systems for AIX IV: Performance Management
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 3.000,-
Develop the skills to measure, analyze, and
tune common performance issues on IBM
POWER systems running AIX6. Learn about
performance management concepts and
techniques and how to use of basic AIX
tools to monitor, analyze, and tune an AIX6
system. The course covers how virtualization
technologies such as the PowerVM
environment and workload partitions affect
AIX performance management.
This course is for:
• AIX technical support personnel
• Performance benchmarking personnel
• AIX system administrators
Monitoring and analyzing tools discussed in
this course include vmstat, iostat, sar, tprof,
svmon, filemon, netstat, lvmstat, and topas.
Tuning tools include schedo, vmo, ioo, no,
and nfso. The course also covers how to use
Vereiste voorkennis
You are expected to have basic AIX system
administration skills. These skills can
be obtained by attending the following
Performance Problem Reporting (PerfPMR)
to capture a variety of performance data for
later analysis. Each lecture is reinforced with
extensive hands-on lab exercises which
provide practical experience.
• AIX System Administration I:
Implementation (AU14)
• or Power Systems for AIX II:
Implementation and Administration
(AN12) It is very helpful to have a
strong background in TCP/IP networking
to support the network performance
portion of the course. These skills can be
built or reinforced by attending:
• AIX 5L Configuring TCP/IP ( AU07 )
• or TCP/IP for AIX Administrators (AN21)
It is also very helpful to have a strong
background in PowerVM (paricularly
micropartitioning and the role of the
virtual I/O server). These skills can be
built or reinforced by attending:
• System p LPAR and Virtualization I:
Planning and Configuration (AU73)
• or Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization
I: Implementing Virtualization (AN30)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Implementing AIX Security Features
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed to help you
implement a security policy in an AIX
environment. AIX 6.1 features are covered.
Prijs: € 2.875,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have basic AIX administration
experience. The AIX prerequisite can be
met by attending one of the two following
classes or having equivalent AIX skills:
• AIX Version 5L System Administration I:
Implementation (AU15) / (Q1314)
• AIX 5L Jumpstart for UNIX
Professionals (AW18) /
This course is intended for persons who:
• Want to learn what the security
mechanisms are in an AIX system.
• Will plan, implement, or distribute a
security policy in AIX. The audience for
this training includes:
• AIX technical support individuals
• System administrators
• System architects
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Planning,
Implementation, Customization and Basic Admin
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed to prepare students
to install and configure a highly available
cluster using PowerHA SystemMirror.
The audience for this course is students
who are experienced AIX system
administrators with TCP/IP networking
and AIX Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
experience who are responsible for the
planning and installation of a PowerHA
SystemMirror 7.1 and later cluster on an
IBM Power Systems server running AIX
5L V5.3 or later. The lab exercises are
conducted on an AIX 6.1 TL6 -level system.
Prijs: € 3.250,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should be AIX system
administrators and have TCP/IP,
LVM storage, and disk hardware
implementation skills. These skills are
addressed in the following courses or can
be obtained through equivalent education
and experience:
• TCP/IP for AIX Administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RPG IV Programming Fundamentals Workshop for IBM i
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course teaches the basics of the IBM i
RPG IV programming language. It is the first
of three courses that should be attended in
sequence. This course is a comprehensive
exposure to the basic features and functions
of RPG IV for Version 7. It does not
introduce either information processing or
programming in general. Students who are
new to programming should attend other
courses that are offered by local technical
colleges or self-study methods. This course
is designed to enable a trained programmer
to develop and maintain simple RPG IV
programs written using the latest features
and techniques available in the Version 7
Prijs: € 2.645,-
This course has been designed for
programmers who are new to RPG IV.
Basic programming experience is required.
The student should have attended at least
an introductory course to programming
such as one of those available at technical
colleges. The student is not taught the
concepts of programming. This course is
also for experienced programmers who are
new to the Power System with IBM i should
also attend this course. Examples of other
programming languages are BASIC, COBOL
or RPG II.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should be able to:
• Use a Windows-based PC
• Run PC applications using menus, icons,
toolbars, and so forth
• Write a simple program in another highlevel language (for example, CL, COBOL,
• Use basic IBM i tools, including:
• CL commands
• Online Help
• WRKSPLF and related commands to
manage output
and so forth to perform basic problem
• Use and display IBM i print queues
• Use the Program Development
Manager/source entry utility or the RSE/
LPEX Editor to create and maintain DDS
• Create and maintain physical and
logical files Attendance at IBM i RPG
Development with Rational Developer
for Power Systems Software V8
(RN500NL) is strongly recommended.
Experience with Printer and Display
files prior to attending this course is
beneficial as well.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
PowerHA 7 Additional Configurations
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed to teach
experienced PowerHA SystemMirror for
AIX professionals the latest features in
PowerHA SystemMirror. It covers how to:
• Effectively administer and monitor an
IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX
• Implement PowerHA SystemMirror for
AIX’s more complex options
This intermediate course is for experienced
AIX system administrators and support
personnel who will be responsible for
the administration, maintenance, and
implementation of PowerHA SystemMirror
clusters on IBM Power p systems running
AIX. This audience will include:
• Students who want to learn to work
with the PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1
for AIX
• Students who want to learn about how
to implement PowerHA SystemMirror
for AIX in complex configurations
• Technical leaders responsible for
designing PowerHA SystemMirror for
AIX clustering solutions Important: This
course is not suitable for students that
do not have prior knowledge of AIX
or PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX and
want to go from novice to expert in
five days.
Prijs: € 3.250,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have experience with installing
and performing standard PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX configuration functions,
which can be obtained through the
following course (or equivalent experience):
• PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Planning,
Implementing, Customizing and
Administrating (AN61AGB) Note:
AN61 is a mandatory prerequisite. You
should also be familiar with:
• The AIX operating system
• The IBM server hardware that they are
• The principles of good system
• TCP/IP communications concepts and
tools, as covered in Power Systems
for AIX II: AIX Implementation and
Administration (AN12GB) or AIX
Jumpstart for UNIX Professionals
(AN14GB) briefly (or in TCPIP for AIX
Administrators (AN21GB) extensively)
• Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
concepts and configuration, as covered
in Power Systems for AIX II: AIX
Implementation and Administration
(AN12GB) or AIX Jumpstart for UNIX
Professionals (AN14GB)
• Good Korn Shell script
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Control Language Programming for IBM i
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Hands-on course for iSeries students
who intend to write Control Language
programs to simplify server management
and make effective use of system
Application programmers, systems
programmers and others who have a need
to write Control Language programs.
Prijs: € 2.645,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Before taking this course, students should
be able to:
• Perform basic system operations
• Issue the appropriate commands to
send inquiry and information messages
• Use DDS and the host-base toolset
(PDM,SEU, SDA) to create physical,
logical, and display files
• Describe basic iSeries work
• Create a library, output queue and a
job description
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RPG IV Programming Advanced Workshop for i
System Operator Workshop for IBM i
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
A comprehensive exposure to some of
the advanced features and functions of
the language for experienced RPG IV
programmers. Power-programming for the
This is the third in a series of three courses
designed for programmers who are new
to RPG IV. Basic programming experience
using RPG IV is essential. Experienced
RPG/400 programmers who have recently
migrated to the RPG IV language will
also find this course important to their
continued skills development.
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, the student
should be able to:
Prijs: € 2.645,-
• Code subfile-processing programs in
• Employ error-handling features of the
RPG IV language.
• Describe the basic concepts of ILE and
modular program design.
• Use free-format coding techniques
• Write date-processing routines which
employ built-in functions These skills
can be developed by attending the
following courses:
• AS06 - iSeries RPG IV Programming Fundamentals
• AS07 - iSeries RPG IV Programming Intermediate Alternatively, experienced
RPG/400 programmers should have
attended the course:
• OE85 - Moving to the RPG IV
Programming Language
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
New system operators can develop basicto-intermediate skills needed for day to
day operations of the iSeries system. You’ll
learn the Character Driven Interface (Green
Screens) and iSeries Navigator (Graphical
User Interface) where applicable.
Prijs: € 2.000,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Those who have responsibility for daily
system operations. It is not intended for
technical audiences who are seeking an indepth look at how the iSeries 400 system
works. This audience should instead attend
the Concepts and facilities workshop OL49
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
PowerVM on IBM i - I: Implementing Virtualization and LPAR
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Learn the concepts of Logical Partitioning
(LPAR) for Power System servers with
IBM i. In this course you begin with an
overview of LPAR on Power System servers,
followed with more detailed information on
configuration planning and implementation
using hands-on exercises to create and
implement logical partitions.
Also, learn about partial processors,
dynamic allocation and reallocation of
Prijs: € 1.650,-
memory, processors, interactive Commercial
Processing Workloads (CPW), buses,
Graphical User Interface (GUI), Virtual
Local Area Network (VLAN), Host Ethernet
Adapters (HEA) and System Planning Tool
(SPT). Use IBM Power7 or Power6 servers
and emphasize the new hardware, including
the use of the Hardware Management
Console (HMC).
This intermediate course is for technical
specialists, support/services individuals,
individuals implementing LPARs for Power
Systems with IBM i. This course is also
appropriate for IBM Business Partners who
sell and plan for consolidated systems.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• some knowledge of Power system
architectural concepts
• some experience with Power System
• attended Hardware Management
Console (HMC) for Power System with
IBM i workshop or have the equivalent
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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IBM Trainingen
STG - Power Systems - I
PowerVM on IBM i - II: Advanced Topics and
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Learn the objectives, prerequisites,
installation and managing steps of
PowerVM advanced features like Suspend/
Resume, Active Memory Sharing, Live
Partition Mobility and Shared Storage
Pools. All learning materials are primary
focused on IBM i as a client partition and
dual VIOS as host environment. Part of
this course is presentation of the tools for
monitoring virtualized environment.
Prijs: € 1.100,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• attended PowerVM on IBM i - I:
Implementing Virtualization and LPAR
(AS5EG) course
• some knowledge of Power system
architectural concepts
• some experience with Power System
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This advanced course is for technical
specialists, support/services individuals,
individuals implementing PowerVM
features for Power Systems with IBM i.
This course is also appropriate for IBM
Business Partners who sell and plan for
consolidated systems.
STG - System x and Pure System
Introduction to IBM i for New Users
Cursusduur: 1 dag
De cursus is een korte kennismaking
voor iedereen die in zijn of haar werk
te maken krijgt met iSeries of AS/400.
In één dag krijgt u een goed overzicht
van de vele mogelijkheden en specifieke
kenmerken van dit systeem. De iSeries
en AS/400 draait naast moderne client/
server- en internetapplicaties de nog
steeds effectieve traditionele niet-grafische
applicaties. Deze cursus behandelt de
diverse basisbegrippen en termen, de
unieke architectuur, de hardware en de
relationele database. U leert niet alleen op
welke manieren de iSeries en de AS/400
kan worden ingezet, maar u wordt ook
vertrouwd gemaakt met het gebruik van
traditionele ‘green screen’-applicaties.
Prijs: € 795,-
Iedereen die direct of indirect met de
AS/400 te maken heeft of krijgt.
Vereiste voorkennis
Geen vooropleiding vereist.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Flex System v7000 Integrated Storage
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
IBM PureFlex provides customers the
ability to consolidate key IT elements
into a simple, easy to manage, footprint:
compute, storage, and networking
elements within a single managed
framework. The Flex System V7000 Storage
Node brings years of IBM storage expertise
to the PureSystems arena. This course is
designed to provide you basic operational
knowledge of the Flex System V7000.
This includes initial setup, configuration,
and provisioning. We will also look at
key advanced features such as Easy Tier,
Compression, and Copy Services. You
should feel comfortable with deploying
Flex System V7000 storage volumes to
both Power compute nodes and Intel
compute nodes upon completion.
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This Classroom course explains how to
balance the workload of the I-Series system
to ensure optimum performance. Specifically
this course explains how to manage
workloads measure system performance
and tune the operating system to meet
processing requirements. This course is run
Vereiste voorkennis
You should complete:
• IBM PureFlex System Fundamentals
Prijs: € 1.000,-
using Version R520 of the software
Anyone who has responsibility for tuning
and basic setup of OS/400. Before taking
this course students should be able to to do
the following:
• Start and Stop the Operating System
• Start and Stop subsystems
• Manage job, message and output
• Describe security concepts and create
user profiles.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
STG - System Z
z/OS JCL and Utilities
Cursusduur: 4,5 dagen
This course is designed to teach you how
to use z/OS job control language (JCL)
and selected z/OS utility programs in an
online batch environment. Both Storage
Management Subsystem (SMS) and
non-SMS JCL are discussed. Machine lab
exercises complement the lecture material.
This course is intended for people who
want to use z/OS JCL and utilities.
Enrollment in this intermediate course is
not restricted. Typical students may include
those persons involved with the planning,
installation, configuration and upgrade of
the IBM PureFlex Systems where V7000
Storage Nodes are involved. This may
• IT Consultants
• Technical IBM personnel
• Business Partner technical personnel
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM i - System i Work Management, Tailoring and Basic Tuning
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Prijs: € 3.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Basic knowledge of information
systems (IS) technologies You should
be familiar with z/OS concepts and
how these systems support the
Enterprise Servers. This knowledge can
be obtained by attending course An
Introduction to the z/OS Environment
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed to teach you the
fundamental practical skills to navigate
and work in a z/OS environment.
This includes the use of ISPF/PDF dialogs,
TSO/E commands, JCL, UNIX System
Services shell and BookManager.
Basics of z/OS RACF Administration
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should complete:
• An Introduction to the z/OS
Environment(ES05) or equivalent onthe-job training
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
The intended audience for this class is IT
personnel with a theoretical background
of z/OS (for example, as taught in ES05)
and some general practical IS experience.
SMP/E for z/OS Workshop
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is designed to provide the
SMP/E skills needed in the installation
and maintenance of optional features
and maintenance in the z/OS operating
environment. You are taught to define the
SMP/E database and invoke SMP/E to add,
modify, or replace system elements. The
course includes extensive hands-on labs
using a current level of SMP/E.
You will get practical experience in the
SMP/E tasks involved in installing a z/
OS product. Emphasis is on interpreting
results of SMP/E processing. SMP/E
concepts examined in this course include
modification control statements, the
consolidated software inventory, zone
structure, and error analysis. SMP/E
commands such as RECEIVE, APPLY,
You will also learn how to perform
automated SMP/E delivery of z/OS and
product maintenance over the Internet
with an automated SMP/E process that
downloads and installs IBM preventive
and corrective service over the Internet
Prijs: € 2.900,-
This course is for system programmers
with no prior SMP experience who plan
to use SMP/E for system and subsystem
maintenance and installation.
Vereiste voorkennis
Required Skills and Knowledge
• Use basic JCL statements
• Describe the use of the following z/
OS utility programs: assembler, linkage
editor, IEBCOPY, IEBUPDTE, and
• Identify the access method services
commands and parameters used in
creating a VSAM KSDS
• Use ISPF/PDF panels This knowledge
and these skills can be acquired on the
job or by completing one or more of
the following education offerings:
• Fundamental Practical System Skills in
z/OS , (ES10GB) (ES10AGB)
• z/OS VSAM and Access Method
Services, (SS83) (H3840) The students
new to z/OS could benefit from
attending z/OS Facilities (ES15)
(ES150) for additional basic z/OS
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn how to administer the z/OS Security
Server Resource Access Control Facility
(RACF). Get an introduction to the z/OS
environment, Time Sharing Option (TSO)
and Interactive System Productivity Facility
/ Program Development Facility (ISPF/
PDF), batch processing, and z/OS data sets.
Gain experience with z/OS by viewing, and
allocating datasets, submitting a batch
job, and viewing job output. Learn how to
use basic RACF command parameters, and
panels, to define users and groups, protect
general resources, z/OS data sets, and
choose a basic set of RACF options.
Course Materials: The course materials
cover z/OS Security Server RACF.
Hands-On Labs:Nine labs are included
to address logging on to the z/OS system,
working with z/OS data sets, submitting
batch jobs to z/OS, using System Display
and Search Facility (SDSF) to view jobs
in the system, defining a RACF group
structure, RACF user administration,
delegating security administration,
protecting z/OS data sets, and using RACF
Prijs: € 3.795,-
for TSO administration.
Hands-on lab projects may be done in
teams depending on the number of
attendees and location.
Training Path: This course is part of
an IBM Training Path. Taking this course
in the recommended sequence allows
you to maximize the benefits from your
This is a basic course for individuals who
are new to z/OS and the z/OS Security
Server RACF and who administration
security using the RACF element of the z/
OS Security Server.Experienced z/OS users
should take:
• Effective RACF Administration (BE87)
Vereiste voorkennis
Some familiarity with z/OS system facilities
is beneficial. Background material needed
to proceed is presented the first day.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Assembler Language Coding Workshop
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This classroom hands-on lab course
provides an introduction to the mainframe
Assembler language. The course is
designed to develop the skills appropriate
to write and/or maintain programs
and routines written in S/370 or S/390
Assembler Language. Emphasis is placed
on enhancing skills in problem resolution
through program check interruption
analysis and dump reading.
This course is designed for application
programmers and/or beginning system
programmers who code, maintain and/
or debug application support programs
Prijs: € 2.900,-
or subroutines written in S/370 or S/390
Assembler Language.
IBM System z Hardware Management Console
(HMC) Operations
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.545,-
This course teaches you navigation,
operation, and recovery techniques for the
Hardware Management Console (HMC) in
a System z environment. Through lectures
and hands-on exercises, you learn setup
and operating procedures for the HMC,
gain in-depth problem determination
skills, practice HMC operations, and utilize
recovery capabilities provided by the
System z servers.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have an understanding of:
• Basic data processing and I/O concepts
and terminology, which can be
obtained in the course An Introduction
to the z/OS Environment (ES05)
• z/OS console operation, including
display of device, job, and console
status. This can be obtained
from the z/OS System Operators
Operations personnel and technical
staff who are directly involved in the
installation, operation, systems support,
and software support of their System z
mainframe environment.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Trainingen
Fundamental System Skills in Z/OS
z/OS Installation Using ServerPac
Cursusduur: 4,5 dagen
Setting it up ­learn to use ServerPac to
plan, order and install a z/OS MVS system,
and IPL and customise it. And so to work!
New system programmers with
responsibility for installing and
administering a z/OS environment.
Prijs: € 2.610,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• z/OS Facilities (ES15GB)
• z/OS JCL (ES07GB)
• Introduction to ISPF (ES47GB)
• SMP/E Introduction (ES26GB)
• Nice to have - Understanding VSAM
and the IDCAMS utility (SS83GB or
equivalent knowledge)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
This classroom hands-on lab course
provides an introduction to the mainframe
Assembler language. The course is
designed to develop the skills appropriate
to write and/or maintain programs
and routines written in S/370 or S/390
Assembler Language. Emphasis is placed
on enhancing skills in problem resolution
through program check interruption
analysis and dump reading.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 101
z/OS REXX Programming Workshop
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 4,5 dagen
This course is designed to teach you the
basic skills required to write programs
using the REXX language in z/OS. The
course covers the TSO extensions to REXX
and interaction with other environments
such as the MVS console, running REXX in
batch jobs, and compiling REXX.
People who need to write and maintain
REXX programs in the z/OS system
Prijs: € 2.610,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should be able to:
• Code basic Job Control Language
• Code in a programming language
• Create, alter, and delete data
sets using TSO These skills can be
developed by taking:
• Fundamental System Skills of z/OS
• A programming language
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Introducing z/OS UNIX System Services
Cursusduur: 2,5 dagen
Open standards in z/OS ­describes the
z/OS open systems server and teaches
participants how to use UNIX system
services from an end-user or application
All computer professionals that intend to
use z/OS UNIX services.
Prijs: € 1.740,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, participants
should have a basic knowledge of z/
OS and z/OS skills as can be obtained
by attending ES47GB - Introduction
to ISPF and ES07GB - z/OS JCL and
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Planning and Implementing a Storage Area
Network (SAN)
SAN Volume Controller (SVC) V6 Planning and
Implementation Workshop
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The storage area network (SAN)
infrastructure facilitates storage
consolidation, data sharing, server
clustering, LAN-free and server-less
backup across heterogeneous host
server platforms. This course focuses
on the planning and implementation
considerations associated with
establishing that SAN infrastructure.
Functions provided by SAN fabric
components, such as Fibre Channel host
bus adapters (HBAs), Fibre Channel
switches and directors, and SCSI to Fibre
Channel protocol converters are discussed,
and the interdependencies of these
components are examined. Mechanisms to
implement resource access control for data
access integrity among heterogeneous
hosts in a storage networking environment
are also examined.
This course is for personnel who are
assessing and planning to deploy a
storage area network.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should:
• Complete the course Introduction to
Storage Networking (SN70G)
• or equivalent knowledge baseThis
course assumes that you understand
basic SAN knowledge.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Storage Management Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 2,5 dagen
Do you need an overview of how
to develop and implement storage
management strategies in z/OS? Do you
need to know how to perform storage
management tasks such as managing
media, managing data, managing
space, and managing availability? Learn
all that, in addition to how to use the
Interactive Storage Management Facility
(ISMF) and how to understand Automatic
Class Selection (ACS) routines. Discuss
system-managed DFSMS and non-system
managed environments. Reinforce the
concepts discussed in lecture during
hands-on labs.
Prijs: € 2.795,-
Prijs: € 1.995,-
This entry-level course would benefit
people responsible for developing effective
storage management techniques or who
need to understand issues associated with
storage management.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should complete:
• An Introduction to Data Storage
Subsystems (SS05)
• or have fundamental knowledge of
data storage devices
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course is designed to teach you how
to leverage networked storage connectivity
by integrating a layer of intelligence the SAN Volume Controller (SVC) - to
facilitate storage application data access
independence from storage management
functions and requirements.This course
offering is at the SVC V6 level.
Prijs: € 2.800,-
This intermediate course is for individuals
who are assessing or planning to deploy
storage network virtualization solutions.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Introduction to Storage Networking
SN700G or have equivalent
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation Workshop
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Note: This course covers the Storwize
V7000 product but does not cover the
features of the Storwize V7000 Unified
or Flex System V7000 Storage Node. The
features of the Storwize V7000 Unified
product are covered in course IBM
Storwize V7000 Unified Implementation
Workshop (SSG0GB)
Leverage SAN storage connectivity by
integrating a layer of intelligence - the
IBM Storwize V7000 - to facilitate storage
application data access independence
from storage management functions and
Focus on planning and implementation
tasks associated with integrating the IBM
Storwize V7000 into the storage area
network. Exploit both internal storage of
the IBM Storwize V7000 as well as SAN
attached external heterogeneous storage
to centralize storage provisioning to both
Fibre Channel and iSCSI host servers from
common storage pools.
Prijs: € 3.000,-
Improve storage utilization effectiveness
using thin provisioning and Real-time
Compression. Implement storage tiering
and optimize solid state drives (SSDs)
usage with Easy Tier. Address backup
recovery point objectives and recovery
time objectives with FlashCopy technology.
Facilitate the coexistence and migration of
data from non-virtualized to the virtualized
Scale-out with a clustered Storwize V7000
system for capacity, throughput, and
greater management efficiency.
This intermediate course is for individuals
who assess or plan to deploy the IBM
Storwize V7000 and leverage storage
network virtualization solutions.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Completed Introduction to Storage
Networking (SN70GB) or Storage Area
Networking Fundamentals (SN71GB)
or have equivalent knowledge.
• Basic understanding of concepts
associated with open systems
disk storage systems and I/O
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Fundamentals of IBM Rational System Architect,
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This course provides an introduction to
using IBM Rational System Architect.
Working with a simple scenario, you
learn about the Rational System Architect
environment, including an overview of:
• Supported methodologies and
notations, Encyclopedia concepts,
Drawing techniques, Model
components, Reporting. The example
spans the enterprise architecture (EA)
layers. A number of standard notations
are used to capture and present the
information. Emphasis is placed in
relating model artifacts, and basic
analysis techniques. This course is a
combination of lecture and hands on
Prijs: € 695,-
This course is for:
• Enterprise architects
• Solution architects
• Portfolio managers
• IT managers
• Data modelers
• Business analysts
• Program or project managers
• Development team leads
• Software designers and testers
• System engineers
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have completed:
• Getting Started with IBM Rational
System Architect, V11.3 (QB166),
A Web based course IBM Rational
System Architect Quick start tutorial
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Rational DOORS Practitioner, V9.4
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This course builds on the content
learned in the IBM Rational DOORS
Foundation, V9.4 course. It is designed
for those who will be in the role of
team lead or project manager, or who
want to learn more about advanced
Rational DOORS end-user functionality.
It discusses creating and structuring
Rational DOORS projects, defining linking
relationships and attributes, setting access
permissions, and managing change. It also
discusses external linking, working with
spreadsheets, and applying configuration
management strategies to Rational
DOORS data.
Prijs: € 750,-
This basic course is for:
• Business Analyst
• Systems Engineer
• Software Engineer
• Requirements Engineer
• Requirements Manager
• Requirements Team Leader
IBM Trainingen
Vereiste voorkennis
You should complete:
• IBM Rational DOORS Foundation,
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Rational DOORS Foundation, V9.4
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This course is for new Rational DOORS
users. It introduces basic Rational DOORS
concepts and functionality. It includes
hands-on exercises that teach users to
create, edit, manipulate, and analyze
requirements data in Rational DOORS.
Prijs: € 750,-
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This basic course is for new IBM Rational
DOORS users.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 103
IBM Trainingen
IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.3 Fundamentals
IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.3 Advanced Administration
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
IBM Tivoli Monitoring products monitor the
performance and availability of operating
systems and applications. In this course
you learn about the Tivoli Monitoring
architecture and how to navigate the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal. You also learn
how to manage situation events, visualize
real-time and historical data, manage
user authorities, and publish monitoring
Prijs: € 2.095,-
This basic course is for users and
administrators of all Tivoli Monitoring
products that use the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal as the user interface.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Working knowledge of Windows and
Linux operating systems
• Working knowledge of an Internet
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day course teaches the skills
necessary to administer IBM Tivoli
Monitoring and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal is used by IBM
Tivoli Monitoring, IBM Tivoli Composite
Application Manager, and OMEGAMON
XE and DE to manage your enterprise
environment. In this course you learn
about creating queries, links, situations
(enterprise and private), autonomous
agents, policies, agentless monitoring, and
event integration with Netcool/OMNIbus
and Tivoli Enterprise Console.
This training class is provided in a
classroom environment with multiple
opportunities for hands-on lab practice.
The scenarios used in this class are based
on IBM Tivoli Monitoring version 6.3.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
This intermediate-level course is for
Tivoli administrators, technical support
personnel, and IT services specialists who
are responsible for implementing and
administering IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have the following skills:
• Working knowledge of Linux
• Experience with event management
• Experience with the Tivoli Enterprise
• Working knowledge of Netcool/
OMNIbus (suggested but not
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator 2.3 Administration
and Operations
IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator 2.3 Practical
Application Methods
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Learn how to administer and use the major
functions of SmartCloud Orchestrator. The
primary focus is on using the productprovided features to get the most value
from your investment. You learn how to
perform common administrative tasks like
restarting the software stack, creating
users and groups, and registering new
images into the cloud environment. You
create virtual system patterns to model
groups of virtual systems so that they can
be deployed as a single entity.
Prijs: op aanvraag
This basic course is for anyone who needs
a technical foundation in IBM SmartCloud
Orchestrator functional architecture,
installation, administration, and operation.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn how to get the most out of a
customized implementation of IBM
SmartCloud® Orchestrator. You learn
to address common use cases such as
implementing notifications, configuring
approvals, using information from
deployed VMs, and interacting with
users. This workshop focuses on taking
full advantage of the workflow and
orchestration capabilities that are provided
to SmartCloud Orchestrator through
Business Process Manager.
This intermediate-level course is for
customers and business partners using
SmartCloud Orchestrator 2.3. The course is
designed for Administrators who will
Prijs: op aanvraag
be creating orchestration processes,
performing network configuration, and
integrating with an existing directory
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Attended SmartCloud Orchestrator 2.3
Administration and Operations (TP302)
• Basic understanding of cloud and
• Basic JavaScript skills
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS 8.6.0 for
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
In this 4-day course, you will learn how to
use IBM® Tivoli® Workload Scheduler for
z/OS® 8.6.0 to define and manage a z/
OS based batch-scheduling environment.
The course also includes a brief overview
of the end-to-end environment. During
the course, you will use ISPF panels
to create scheduling definitions that
describe various workloads. This course
provides detailed instructor-led classroom
instruction and extensive hands-on
exercises. The exercises run on an IBM®
Tivoli® Workload Scheduler for z/OS® 8.6.0
Prijs: € 3.195,-
This intermediate course is for:
• System administrators
• Workload planners
• Job schedulers and
• Operations personnel
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have a working knowledge of
TSO/ISPF panels and JCL coding. You must
also have some operational experience in
the z/OS environment.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 5.1
Administration and Operation
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
IBM® Tivoli® Storage Productivity Center
provides a set of policy-driven automated
tools for managing storage capacity,
availability, events, performance, and
assets in an enterprise environment. Tivoli
Storage Productivity Center can help you
identify, evaluate, control, and predict
enterprise storage management assets.
Because it is policy-based, it can detect
potential problems and automatically
make adjustments based on the policies
and actions that you define.
In this course, you learn to configure and
administer Tivoli Storage Productivity
Center 5.1 in a Microsoft Windows 2003
environment. The course provides many
hands-on exercises to reinforce instructorled lectures and demonstrations.
Prijs: € 3.295,-
This course is intended for system
administrators who are responsible for
all aspects of storage management in a
storage area network (SAN) environment.
This intermediate course is for:
• Storage administrators with knowledge
of SANs, virtualized storage and backend storage systems.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Basic understanding of storage
• Basic understanding of storage area
networks and SAN fabric
• Familiarity with the IBM Disk Storage
family (DS series)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 Implementation
and Administration
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 Advanced
Administration, Tuning and Troubleshooting
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3 Implementation
and Administration for AIX
This course provides hands-on practice
in implementing a data management
strategy with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
7.1. The course covers the installation of
Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 server, backuparchive clients, and the Operations Center.
You learn to create simple storage pools
and map them to client node data,
define new policy domains, policy sets,
and management classes, and backup
and archive copy groups. You also learn
to backup and restore client data, and
manage long-term and off-site data
This course also teaches you to automate
client operations by creating new Tivoli
Storage Manager schedules.
Prijs: € 3.295,-
Finally, you learn to protect the Tivoli
Storage Manager server by automating the
backup and restoration of Tivoli Storage
Manager databases and storage pools
from off-site data storage.
This basic course is for Tivoli Storage
Manager administrators.
Vereiste voorkennis
This course is for:
• Tivoli Storage Manager administration
for version 6 or later
• Windows OS
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is for administrators with a
fundamental knowledge of IBM Tivoli
Storage Manager. It uses Tivoli Storage
Manager 7.1 Extended Edition at a higher
skill level than the Implementation and
Administration course IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager 7.1 Implementation and
Administration (TS613). Administrators
learn how to control and tune the Tivoli
Storage Manager environment and what
steps to take when troubleshooting.
The lab exercises explore the DB2
database management methods and
options, using the disaster recovery plan
file and SQL scripts. The exercises involve
multiple servers to simulate an enterprise
environment. You participate in group
problem determination exercises, perform
backup and restore processes, and
optimize data management, such as data
Prijs: € 3.745,-
You also tune the backup-archive client
and the Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 server
for optimal performance.
This advanced course is for senior system
administrators and storage specialists who
have prior experience with Tivoli Storage
Vereiste voorkennis
You should understand Tivoli Storage
Manager 7.1 and have 1-2 months
of hands on experience with the
product. These skills are covered in
course IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1
Implementation and Administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is the first of two five-day
instructor-led courses for implementing,
configuring and administering IBM Tivoli
Storage Manager. In hands-on practice,
you install the Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3
server, backup-archive client, the Tivoli
Integrated Portal, and Administration
Center. After the product is installed, you
configure the environment. You create and
configure storage pool hierarchies and
define policies to manage the flow of data
from disk to disk or tape media.
Lab exercises guide you through the steps
to back up, restore, archive and retrieve
client data. You also create schedules to
run administrative and client processes
and maintain your Tivoli Storage Manager
environment to ensure recoverability.
The Student Exercises are conducted on
AIX. Students who are interested in
Prijs: € 4.000,-
Windows implementation should register
in course TS612. The lecture material covers
all supported Intel and UNIX platforms.
Students who need advanced administration
skills should also take course TSX22
- IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3
Advanced Administration, Tuning, and
Troubleshooting for AIX.
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This basic course is for system administrators
and implementers who will be responsible
for implementing an IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager 6.3 solution.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have:
• Windows administration skills
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 6.1.1
Administration & Deployment
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course covers the configuration and
administration of IBM Tivoli Directory
Server Version 6.3, which provides an
LDAP client and server infrastructure. Learn
basic LDAP concepts, install the directory
server, and configure directory server
instances. During hands-on labs you load
a sample database and manage directory
data using the Web Administration
Tool and command-line tools. You then
secure directory data using ACLs and
SSL, configure a proxy server, and set up
replication. Problem determination and
performance tools are also covered. This
course is also available as an instructor-led
online offering. See course 8W083G for
Prijs: € 2.320,-
This introductory course is for system
or network administrators who are
responsible for system administration of
IBM Tivoli Directory Server. If you need
advance skills, you should also take course
IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.3 Advanced
Deployment (TW233GB)(8W233GB)
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have the following skills:
• Working knowledge of Suse Linux
basic administration
• Working knowledge of general security
concepts, including digital certificates,
SSL, authentication, and authorization
• Basic understanding of LDAP
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.6 Operations and Scheduling
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day course introduces IBM Tivoli
Workload Scheduler 8.6 features,
environment, and terminology. You learn
about the features in Tivoli Workload
Scheduler 8.6 for distributed environments
and how to use the IBM Tivoli Dynamic
Workload Console to manage Tivoli
Workload Scheduler.
You also learn how to monitor production
workflow, and to plan, implement, and
manage Tivoli Workload Scheduler objects
to create a production day plan. Production
workflow consists of job and job stream
instances, which are designed using plan
objects such as job definitions, prompts,
dependencies, and recovery options.
Prijs: € 1.740,-
You manage changes to objects, the plan,
jobs, events, and job streams.
You also learn how to optimize production
workflow and troubleshoot plan problems.
In addition to classic batch scheduling, the
use of dynamic workload and events is
introduced. Training occurs in a classroom
environment (or online in an instructor-led
format) with hands-on labs to reinforce
concepts through production scenarios.
This basic course is for:
• New Tivoli Workload Scheduler users
seeking proficiency in Tivoli Workload
Scheduler version 8.6 job scheduling
and operations
• Existing operators, schedulers,
supervisors, and managers converting
from previous versions to version 8.6
• Anyone needing guidance in managing
plans, monitoring workloads, or
submitting jobs and job streams
• Anyone needing a refresher course
and introduction to the Tivoli Dynamic
Workload Console Graphical User
• Knowledge of production job flow in
the environment where Tivoli Workload
Scheduler will be implemented
• Basic knowledge of Linux file
navigation, editing, and commandprompt actions
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have the following skills:
• General computer literacy in a GUI
• Basic understanding of production
management and batch processing
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IBM Trainingen
Introduction to IBM Unica Campaign 8.6
WebSphere Application Server V8 Administration
for Windows
WebSphere Application Server V8 Administration
for Linux
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course explores the basics of
designing, building, and executing a
marketing campaign using IBM Unica
Campaign. This course prepares you
to configure IBM Unica Campaign’s
processes for use in campaigns from
simple to moderate in complexity, use data
structures in campaigns, create offers and
apply them to campaigns, and to track
responses to campaigns.
This course is one of five classes in the
IBM Unica Campaign 8 learning series.
To complete your learning you should
also attend the IBM Unica Campaign 8
Administration, the IBM Unica Campaign
8 Architecture and Installation, the
IBM Unica Reports Installation and
Administration, and the IBM Unica
Campaign Advanced Techniques classes.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
This basic course is for new users of IBM
Unica Campaign, and Unica Partners who
will be designing, building, and executing
For Unica Partners:
• This course is part 1 of 5 in the Unica
learning series.
• Partners should attend all five parts.
• Part 1: Introduction to IBM Unica
Campaign 8
• Part 2: IBM Unica Campaign 8
• Part 3: IBM Unica Campaign 8
Architecture and Installation
• Part 4: IBM Unica Reports Installation
and Administration
• Part 5: IBM Unica Campaign Advanced
Vereiste voorkennis
Learners should have general knowledge
of database marketing.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5-day instructor-led course teaches
students the skills needed to install and
administer IBM WebSphere Application
Server V8. As the latest release of
WebSphere Application Server, Version
8 offers users enhanced support for
standards, emerging technology, and a
choice of development frameworks.
In this course, students learn how to
install, configure, and maintain IBM
WebSphere Application Server V8 base and
Network Deployment (ND), and to deploy
enterprise Java applications in a single
machine or clustered configuration. In
addition, students learn how to work with
features new to WebSphere Application
Server V8, such as IBM Installation
Manager, WebSphere Customization
Toolbox, administrative console extensions,
security enhancements, and the centralized
installation manager. Optional units cover
topics such as centralized installation,
auditing, and customizing Information
Center content.
Throughout the course, hands-on exercises
and demonstrations reinforce lecture
content. Students gain practical experience
with WebSphere Application Server V8 by
performing tasks such as installing and
assembling applications, using properties
file-based configuration, applying problem
determination techniques, and working
with fine-grained administrative security.
Prijs: € 4.000,-
This course is designed for administrators
who install, configure, and manage
web-based applications on WebSphere
Application Server. Web administrators,
lead application developers, and
application architects can also benefit
from this course.
Vereiste voorkennis
You sould have:
• An understanding of basic Internet
• Experience using a web browser
• Administrative skills for a web server,
such as IBM HTTP Server or Apache
• Basic operational skills for the
Windows XP Professional operating
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5-day instructor-led course teaches
students the skills needed to install and
administer IBM WebSphere Application
Server V8. As the latest release of
WebSphere Application Server, Version
8 offers users enhanced support for
standards, emerging technology, and a
choice of development frameworks.
In this course, students learn how to
install, configure, and maintain IBM
WebSphere Application Server V8 base and
Network Deployment (ND), and to deploy
enterprise Java applications in a single
machine or clustered configuration. In
addition, students learn how to work with
features new to WebSphere Application
Server V8, such as IBM Installation
Manager, WebSphere Customization
Toolbox, administrative console extensions,
security enhancements, and the centralized
installation manager. Optional units cover
topics such as centralized installation,
auditing, and customizing Information
Center content.
Throughout the course, hands-on exercises
and demonstrations reinforce lecture
content. Students gain practical experience
with WebSphere Application Server V8 by
performing tasks such as installing and
assembling applications, using properties
file-based configuration, applying problem
determination techniques, and working
with fine-grained administrative security.
Prijs: € 4.000,-
This course is designed for administrators
who install, configure, and manage
web-based applications on WebSphere
Application Server. Web administrators,
lead application developers, and
application architects can also benefit
from this course.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have:
• An understanding of basic Internet
• Experience using a web browser
• Administrative skills for a web server,
such as IBM HTTP Server or Apache
• Basic operational skills for the Linux
operating system
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This release offers users enhanced support
for standards, emerging technology, and a
choice of development frameworks. In this
course, you learn how to install, configure,
and maintain IBM WebSphere Application
Server V8.5.5 base, Network Deployment
(ND), and the Liberty profile. You learn how
to deploy enterprise Java applications in a
single computer or clustered configuration.
In addition, you learn how to work with
features of WebSphere Application
Server V8.5.5, such as IBM Installation
Manager, WebSphere Customization
Toolbox, security enhancements, Intelligent
Management, and centralized installation.
Throughout the course, hands-on exercises
and demonstrations reinforce lecture
content and give you practical experience
with WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.
You complete tasks such as installing and
assembling applications, applying problem
determination techniques, configuring a
Prijs: € 4.000,-
clustered environment, and working with
fine-grained administrative security.
This course is designed for administrators
who install, configure, and manage
web-based applications on WebSphere
Application Server. Web administrators,
lead application developers, and
application architects can also benefit
from this course.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• An understanding of basic internet
• Experience in using a web browser
• Administrative skills for a web server,
such as IBM HTTP Server or Apache
• Basic operational skills for the Linux
operating system
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Developing Applications in IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8 - I
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5-day instructor-led course teaches
you how to use the tools in IBM Business
Process Manager Advanced V8 to build and
deploy process integration solutions.
IBM Business Process Manager Advanced
V8 provides a comprehensive way to
manage business processes by offering
a suite of tools that support visibility,
management, and automation with high
quality of service. IBM Process Server and
WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus support
a service-oriented architecture (SOA)
by providing a platform for integrating
business applications by using diverse
technologies. IBM Process Center provides
a scalable central repository and control
center for organizing and managing process
artifacts, applications, and services. IBM
Process Server is a high-performance
business process engine that orchestrates
services within an SOA, and WebSphere
Enterprise Service Bus enables interaction
between applications and services by using
Prijs: € 3.245,-
standards-based connectivity.
In this course, you learn the concepts,
architecture, components, processes, and
procedures that are required to develop and
implement an integrated business solution
by using a diverse set of WebSphere and
IBM products. You learn how WebSphere
Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
adapters supply connectivity to enterprise
information systems (EIS). You learn how
IBM Process Server enables business
integration applications to define business
logic and processes based on Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL), human tasks, and business rules.
You also learn how IBM Process Server uses
the Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) to
centralize the runtime monitoring of various
events that occur in business integration
solutions and applications.
The course also teaches you how to
implement a reusable Coach View by using
a Coach user interface, and then invoke it
through a BPEL process. You then learn how
to use IBM Process Portal to collaborate
with others to participate in processes
and complete their work efficiently. In
addition, this course covers how WebSphere
Enterprise Service Bus provides mediation
services for integration applications.
In the intensive hands-on lab exercises, you
design, develop, and test a comprehensive
business integration solution. You use a
standards-based process design tool, IBM
Process Designer, as part of the authoring
environment to rapidly compose a process
design. You use the IBM Integration
Designer tool to create business integration
solutions by using the Service Component
Architecture (SCA) programming model, the
Service Data Objects (SDO) data model, and
the mediation flow programming model.
You then manage your processes in IBM
Process Center and deploy the integration
application to IBM Process Server. You also
test and debug the application.
The lab environment for this course uses the
Windows XP Professional platform.
This basic course is designed for system
administrators, integration specialists,
application developers, business process
developers, support engineers, and technical
sales and marketing professionals.
IBM Trainingen
WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• basic Java and Java 2 Platform
• Enterprise Edition (Java EE) skills, and
• basic Extensible Markup Language
(XML) skills Successful completion
of Process Modeling with IBM
Business Process Manager Standard
V8 (WB801NL) or Process Modeling
with IBM Business Process Manager
V8 (Remote Classroom) (VB801NL), is
highly recommended, but not required.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this five-day instructor-led introductory
course, you learn the skills that are needed
to install, configure, and administer IBM
Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5.
This basic course is designed for systems
administrators, solutions administrators,
and operators who install, configure,
manage, and troubleshoot Process Server
Prijs: € 3.295,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have successfully completed one
of the IBM WebSphere Application Server
V8.0 Administration courses:
• Websphere Application Server V8
Administration for AIX (WA180),
Websphere Application Server V8
Administration for Windows (WA380),
Websphere Application Server V8
Administration for Linux (WA580)
• or Websphere Application Server V8
Administration for Windows (Self-paced)
(ZA380) or WebSphere Application
Server V8.5 Administration (WA585)
or WebSphere Application Server V8.5
Administration (Self-paced) (ZA585).You
should have a general knowledge of
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java
EE) and SOA.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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Technical Introduction to IBM WebSphere MQ
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This 1-day instructor-led course is a
technical overview of IBM WebSphere MQ.
It provides a conceptual understanding
of messaging and queuing as
implemented by IBM WebSphere MQ.
IBM WebSphere MQ delivers reliable
application integration for applications
and web services, allowing users to fully
leverage existing software and hardware
Through a series of lectures, students
learn how IBM WebSphere MQ provides
a messaging backbone for deploying
an enterprise service bus (ESB) as
the connectivity layer of a serviceoriented architecture (SOA). The course
also explains how IBM WebSphere
MQ responsibilities can include the
management of topic-based publish/
subscription information.
There are no lab exercises in this course;
students confirm their learning through
checkpoint questions.
Prijs: € 800,-
This basic course is designed for system
administrators, application developers,
and technical sales and marketing
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have experience working
with software. Skills and experience in one
or more of the following specific areas
enable students to derive more benefit
from the course:
• Communications and networking
• System and network management
• System design
• Application development
• Transaction processing
• Database management
• Client/server solutions
• Platform knowledge (IBM and nonIBM)
• Open systems
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM WebSphere MQ V7 System Administration
(using Windows for labs)
IBM WebSphere MQ V7.5 System Administration
(using Windows for labs)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This 4-day instructor-led course provides
technical professionals with the skills
needed to administer IBM WebSphere MQ
version 7 queue managers except for IBM
WebSphere MQ for z/OS. For WebSphere
MQ for iSeries, see the remarks under
Audience. The course is also appropriate
for administrators of WMQ version 6.
In this course, students learn how to
install, customize, operate, and administer
IBM WebSphere MQ on distributed
platforms. Topics covered in this course
include configuration, day-to-day
administration, problem recovery, and
managing security and performance.
In addition to the instructor-led lectures,
students also participate in hands-on lab
exercises that are designed to reinforce
lecture content. The lab exercises utilize
IBM WebSphere MQ V7, giving students
practical experience with tasks such as
handling queue recovery, implementing
security, and problem determination.
This intermediate course is designed for
technical professionals who require the
skills to be an administrator for any of the
WebSphere MQ queue managers except
WebSphere MQ for z/OS, or to provide
support to others performing this task.
While the course is primarily aimed at the
Windows and UNIX implementations of
WebSphere MQ, and the practical exercises
are run on Windows, administrators with
an interest in WebSphere MQ on iSeries
Prijs: € 3.200,-
may expect to derive a substantial benefit
from the course, as both WebSphere
MQ concepts and MQ Script Commands
are common across all WebSphere MQ
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should:
• Have basic knowledge of WebSphere
MQ V7 concepts and facilities,
which may be obtained through
practical experience or by successfully
completing course Technical
Introduction to WebSphere MQ
(WM100) or (VM100)
• Be reasonably familiar with and able
to invoke standard functions within
the operating system environment
used in the lab exercises Some
knowledge of SNA LU6.2, TCP/
IP, or NetBIOS configuration is also
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This 4-day instructor-led course provides
technical professionals with the skills that
are needed to administer WebSphere MQ
queue managers on distributed platforms
such as Windows and Linux. In this course,
students learn how to install, customize,
operate, and administer WebSphere MQ
on distributed platforms. The course covers
topics such as configuration, day-to-day
administration, problem recovery, and
managing security and performance.
In addition to the instructor-led lectures,
students also participate in hands-on lab
exercises that are designed to reinforce
lecture content. The lab exercises give
students practical experience with
tasks such as handling queue recovery,
implementing security, and problem
determination. Completing this course
can also help students prepare for the
appropriate WebSphere MQ Administrator
certifications. The lab environment for this
course uses the Windows XP platform.
Prijs: € 3.200,-
This intermediate-level course is for
technical professionals who need the
skills to be an administrator for any of the
WebSphere MQ queue managers except
WebSphere MQ for z/OS and WebSphere
MQ for iSeries.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should:
• Have a basic knowledge of
WebSphere MQ concepts and
facilities, which can be achieved
through practical experience or by
successfully completing course A
Technical Introduction to WebSphere
MQ (WM101GB), (VM101GB), or
• Be familiar with and able to start
standard functions within the
operating system environment that is
used in the lab exercises.
• Have some knowledge of TCP/IP
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 System Administration
(using Linux for labs)
IBM MQ V8 System Administration (using
Windows for labs)
IBM MQ V8 System Administration (using Linux
for labs)
This 4-day instructor-led course provides
technical professionals with the skills that
are needed to administer WebSphere MQ
queue managers on distributed platforms
such as Windows and Linux. In this course,
you learn how to install, customize,
operate, and administer WebSphere MQ
on distributed platforms.
The course covers topics such as
configuration, day-to-day administration,
problem recovery, and managing security
and performance. In addition to the
instructor-led lectures, you also participate
in hands-on lab exercises that are
designed to reinforce lecture content. The
lab exercises give you practical experience
with tasks such as handling queue
recovery, implementing security, and
problem determination.
Completing this course can also help you
prepare for the appropriate WebSphere
MQ Administrator certifications. The lab
environment for this course uses the SUSE
Linux platform.
Prijs: € 3.200,-
This intermediate-level course is for
technical professionals who need the
skills to be an administrator for any of the
WebSphere MQ queue managers except
WebSphere MQ for z/OS and WebSphere
MQ for iSeries.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should:
• Have a basic knowledge of WebSphere
MQ concepts and facilities, which
can be achieved through practical
experience or by successfully
completing course Technical
Introduction to IBM WebSphere
MQ (WM101GB),(VM101GB), or
• Be familiar with and able to start
standard functions within the
operating system environment that is
used in the lab exercises
• Be familiar with TCP/IP
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course is designed to provide
technical professionals with the skills
needed to administer IBM MQ queue
managers on distributed platforms such as
Windows 2008 Server and Linux.
This intermediate course is designed for
technical professionals who require the
skills to administer any of the IBM MQ
queue managers except IBM MQ for z/OS
or IBM MQ for iSeries.
Prijs: € 3.200,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should:
• Have a basic knowledge of IBM MQ
V8 concepts, either through successful
completion of course Technical
Introduction to IBM MQ (WM102G),
Technical Introduction to IBM MQ, or
through equivalent practical experience
• Be familiar with and able to use
standard functions within the
operating system that is used in the
lab exercises
• Have a basic knowledge of TCP/
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course is designed to provide
technical professionals with the skills
needed to administer IBM MQ queue
managers on distributed platforms such as
Windows 2008 Server and Linux.
This intermediate course is designed for
technical professionals who require the
skills to administer any of the IBM MQ
queue managers except IBM MQ for z/OS
or IBM MQ for iSeries.
Prijs: € 3.200,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should:
• Have a basic knowledge of IBM MQ
V8 concepts, either through successful
completion of course Technical
Introduction to IBM MQ (WM102), or
through equivalent practical experience
• Be familiar with and able to use
standard functions within the
operating system that is used in the
lab exercises
• Have a basic knowledge of TCP/
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM WebSphere MQ V7.5 Advanced System Administration (Distributed)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 3.200,-
In this four-day course, you learn some
of the advanced skills that system
programmers and administrators of IBM
WebSphere MQ V7.5 on distributed
platforms require. This course expands
the basic skill sets that are developed in
courses Technical Introduction to IBM
WebSphere MQ (WM101GB), (VM101GB),
and (ZM101GB) and IBM WebSphere MQ
V7.1 System Administration (WM204GB)/
(VM204GB) for Windows, (WM206GB)/
(VM206GB) for Linux.
clustering and security. More specifically,
you learn about the administration of
workload balancing by using clustering
and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure
channels. Additional topics include channel
exit programming, statistic and accounting
facilities, advanced client features, and
publish/subscribe administration. The lab
exercises are designed to build advanced
administration skills, which include
implementing channel exits, securing
WebSphere MQ channels, and clustering to
manage workloads.
This course focuses on advanced features
and facilities of WebSphere MQ, such as
The lab environment for this course uses the
Windows XP platform.
This advanced course is designed for
technical professionals who require
advanced administrator skills for
WebSphere MQ on distributed platforms,
or who provide support to others who
administer WebSphere MQ. This course is
based on WebSphere MQ version 7.5 but
is also appropriate for those who support
prior versions of WebSphere MQ.
These skills can be obtained through
practical experience or by successfully
completing one of the IBM WebSphere
MQ V7.1 System Administration courses
(WM204GB)/(VM204GB) for Windows,
(WM206GB)/(VM206GB) for Linux.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• the skills necessary to complete
basic WebSphere MQ administration
tasks in a distributed environment.
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IBM WebSphere Message Broker V8 System
IBM Trainingen
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This 4-day instructor-led workshop
is designed to give administrators an
intermediate-level overview of IBM
WebSphere Message Broker V8. This
course is also relevant for Message
Broker developers who also work in
an administrative capacity. WebSphere
Message Broker V8 delivers new features
that enhance its ability to connect to a
wide range of data sources and manage
enterprise solution bus (ESB) deployments.
In this course, you learn how to administer
WebSphere Message Broker V8 on
distributed platforms, such as Windows
and AIX, by using the WebSphere Message
Broker administrative interfaces. These
interfaces include the WebSphere Message
Broker Toolkit, WebSphere Message
Broker Explorer, the web interface, and the
command-line interface.
The course begins with an overview
of Message Broker and its role in the
IBM WebSphere reference architecture.
Subsequent topics covered in the course
include initial product installation and
maintenance, environment configuration,
and administrative tasks, such as backing
up and recovering the environment.
You learn how to conduct in-depth content
reviews, product requirements planning,
problem determination and resolution, and
performance monitoring and tuning. You
also learn techniques for extending the
capabilities of WebSphere Message Broker.
The course also covers the publish/
subscribe model, and it provides a
review of the Java Message Service (JMS)
transport protocol and web services.
Prijs: € 3.200,-
You also investigate runtime problems
and extend WebSphere Message Broker
capabilities by implementing extensions
and SupportPacs. The lab environment for
this course uses the Windows platform.
This intermediate course is designed for
product administrators and developers
who perform administrative tasks in
the WebSphere Message Broker V8
Vereiste voorkennis
You should successfully complete one
of the IBM WebSphere MQ V7 System
Administration courses:
• IBM WebSphere MQ V7 System
Administration (AIX labs) (WM202GB)
or (VM202GB)
• IBM WebSphere MQ V7 System
Administration (Linux labs)
(WM203GB) or (VM203GB)
• IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 System
Administration (using Windows for
labs) (WM204GB), IBM WebSphere
MQ V7.1 System Administration
(using Windows for labs) (Remote)
(VM204GB), or (ZM204GB)
• IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 System
Administration (using Linux for labs)
(WM206GB) or (VM206GB) You
should also have hands-on experience
with the Windows operating system
environment. Experience with
WebSphere Message Broker is helpful,
but not required.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
In this 4-day course, you learn how
to administer IBM Integration Bus on
distributed operating systems, such as
Windows and AIX, by using the IBM
Integration Bus administrative interfaces.
These interfaces include IBM Integration
Explorer, the IBM Integration web console,
and the IBM Integration Bus command
This intermediate course is designed for
product administrators and developers
who administer IBM Integration Bus.
Prijs: € 3.200,-
Vereiste voorkennis
You should successfully complete one
of the IBM WebSphere MQ V7.5 system
administration courses:
• IBM WebSphere MQ V7.5 System
Administration (using Windows for
labs) (WM204G) or (ZM204G)
• IBM WebSphere MQ V7.5 System
Administration (using Linux for
labs) (WM206G)You should also
have hands-on experience with the
Windows operating system.
• Experience with IBM Integration Bus
message flow development is helpful,
but not required.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM WebSphere Message Broker V8 Application
Development I
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5-day instructor-led course provides
an intermediate-level overview of the
WebSphere Message Broker product,
focusing on using WebSphere Message
Broker to develop, deploy, and support
platform-independent message flow
applications. These applications use
various messaging topologies to transport
messages between service requestors
and service providers, and also allow the
messages to be routed, transformed, and
enriched during processing.
Students learn about the components
of the WebSphere Message Broker
development and runtime environments.
The course explores message flow problem
determination, with an emphasis on
identifying and recovering from errors in
message flows. Students then learn how to
construct message flows that use extended
Structured Query Language (ESQL), Java,
and PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) to
transform messages.
The course also explores how to control
the flow of messages using various
message processing nodes, and how to
use databases and maps to transform and
enrich messages during processing.
Various messaging transports are reviewed
at a high level, so that students gain a
basic understanding of how message
flows can use web services, Java Message
Service (JMS), and other transport
mechanisms. In addition, students learn
to write efficient message flows by
applying the concepts of message parsing,
serialization, and message modeling.
Finally, students explore advanced topics,
such as how to extend the functionality
of WebSphere Message Broker by using
In the course lab exercises, you get handson experience with Message Broker V8
administrative tasks, such as working with
the publish/subscribe message topology,
managing WebSphere Message Broker,
using web services, and configuring
IBM Integration Bus V9.0 System Administration
Prijs: € 4.000,-
adapters and other WebSphere products.
Throughout the course, extensive
hands-on lab exercises allow students to
practice the skills and concepts that are
discussed in the lectures. The hands-on
labs cover topics such as creating and
testing message flows, message modeling,
problem determination, error handling,
and using a wide range of message
processing nodes to construct message
This course is designed for experienced
integration specialists and senior-level
developers with experience in application
development and WebSphere MQ.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have:
• A basic knowledge of WebSphere MQ
• A basic understanding of current IT
technologies such as Structured Query
Language (SQL), Extensible Markup
Language (XML), Java, and XML Path
language (XPath)
• An understanding of the
business needs of their
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this 5-day instructor-led course, you
learn how to use IBM Integration Bus to
develop, deploy, and support platformindependent message flow applications.
These applications use various messaging
topologies to transport messages between
service requesters and service providers,
and also allow the messages to be
routed, transformed, and enriched during
The course explores message flow problem
determination, with an emphasis on
identifying and recovering from errors in
message flows. You learn how to construct
message flows that use extended
Structured Query Language (ESQL), Java,
and the IBM Graphical Data Mapping
editor to transform messages.
The course also explores how to control
the flow of messages by using various
message processing nodes, and how to
use databases and maps to transform and
enrich messages during processing. You
review various messaging transports at a
high level and gain a basic understanding
of how message flows can use web
services, Java Message Service (JMS), and
other transport mechanisms. Finally, you
explore how to extend IBM Integration Bus
by using adapters and other IBM products.
Throughout the course, hands-on lab
exercises allow you to practice the skills
and concepts that are presented in the
lectures. The hands-on labs cover topics
Prijs: € 3.495,-
such as creating and testing message
flows, message modeling, problem
determination, and error handling.
This course is designed for experienced
integration specialists and senior-level
developers with experience in application
development and WebSphere MQ
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have:
• Basic experience with WebSphere MQ
• A basic understanding of current IT
technologies such as Structured Query
Language (SQL), Extensible Markup
Language (XML), Java, and XML Path
language (XPath)
• An understanding of the
business needs of your
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
V8.0 for Administrators
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This 2-day, instructor-led course is
designed to teach you how to install,
secure, and maintain IBM WebSphere
Service Registry and Repository.
IBM WebSphere Service Registry and
Repository provides a robust, centrally
managed system of record for service
artifacts within a service-oriented
architecture (SOA). Your organization can
get more business value from your SOA
by using WebSphere Service Registry and
Repository to store, access, and manage
service metadata so that services can
be effectively shared, managed, and
This course uses an interactive
combination of instructor-led lectures
and hands-on lab exercises. The course
begins by introducing you to the concept
of service registries and to the architecture
of WebSphere Service Registry and
Repository. In subsequent units and
exercises, you learn how to install, deploy,
and administer WebSphere Service Registry
and Repository environments. You also
learn how to troubleshoot and configure
role-based security on WebSphere Service
Registry and Repository.
The lab environment for this course uses
the Microsoft Windows platform.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
This intermediate course is designed for
system administrators and deployers of
IBM WebSphere Service Registry and
Vereiste voorkennis
You should be able to install, configure,
secure, and administer IBM WebSphere
Application Server V8.0 Network
Deployment. You can fulfill this
prerequisite through experience, or
by successfully completing one of the
WebSphere Application Server V8.0
Administration courses:
• WebSphere Application Server V8
Administration for AIX (WA180G)
• WebSphere Application Server V8
Administration for AIX (Remote
Classroom) (VA180G)
• WebSphere Application Server V8
Administration for Windows (WA380G)
• WebSphere Application Server V8
Administration for Windows (Remote
Classroom) (VA380G)
• WebSphere Application Server V8
Administration for Windows (Selfpaced) (ZA380G)
• WebSphere Application Server V8
Administration for Linux (WA580G)
• WebSphere Application Server V8
Administration for Linux (Remote
Classroom) (VA580G)
• or WebSphere Application Server V8
Administration for Linux (Self-paced)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM z/OS Latest Release Level Technical Update
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This 1-day technical seminar will
provide information about the latest
enhancements to z/OS. It will discuss
enhancements affecting installation,
positioning activities, functional changes,
and migration considerations introduced in
z/OS from selected elements.
Prijs: € 600,-
The seminar is open to IBM Clients,
Business Partners, Independent
Software Vendors (ISVs) and IBMers.
IT professionals, including technical
project managers, architects, systems
programmers/analysts, systems designers
and application developers who need to
understand how to design and exploit
the hardware and software infrastructure
required to effectively run modern System
z solutions.IBMers, BPs, and Clients All
IBM Trainingen
IBM Integration Bus V9 Application Development I
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge of previous release of z/OS.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
IBM Parallel Sysplex and High Availability
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This one-day workshop will include the
following topics:
• Sysplex-related enhancements in z/OS
latest version
• Latest guidance on optimizing
application availability in a z/OS
• Live demo of the benefit and
implementation effort of recent z/OS
• Exploiting z/OS parallel processing
capabilities to optimize application
response and turnaround times.
• Summary of sysplex and availabilityrelated enhancements in the latest
releases of the major System z
• System Programmer toolkit - a list
of tools and tips to improve System
Programmer productivity.
Prijs: € 600,-
The seminar is open to IBM Clients,
Business Partners, Independent
Software Vendors (ISVs) and IBMers.
IT professionals, including technical
project managers, architects, systems
programmers/analysts, systems designers
and application developers who need to
understand how to design and exploit
the hardware and software infrastructure
required to effectively run modern System
z solutions.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 111
Als officieel Juniper Networks Authorized Education
Partner (JNAEP) biedt Global Knowledge u exclusieve
Juniper trainingen, cursussen, workshops en
certificeringtrajecten aan op diverse locaties in Nederland.
Door ons brede scala aan opleidingen en leermethodieken
is Global Knowledge voor u de ideale partner om de
benodigde Juniper kennis op te doen en indien gewenst
een bijhorende Juniper certificering te behalen.
Juniper Certificeringen
Juniper biedt uitgebreide certificeringsmogelijkheden. Bij Global Knowledge kunt u zich
certificeren voor Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate (JNCIA), het Specialist niveau (JNCIS),
Professional niveau (JNCIP) en Expert niveau (JNCIE) op het gebied van routing, switching en
Juniper Networks – Junos certificeringsprogramma
Het Juniper Networks – Junos certificeringsprogramma bestaat uit de volgende vier niveaus:
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate – Junos (JNCIA-Junos)
JNCIA-Junos is het instapniveau binnen het Junos certificeringsprogramma.
Een JNCIA-Junos certificering toont aan dat u beschikt over de basiskennis van Juniper Networks
Junos, netwerken en routing & switchinng.
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist (JNCIS)
De JNCIS omvat diepgaande productkennis en geeft u een goed begrip van
Internet-technologieën en ontwerpmogelijkheden en principes.
Voorafgaand aan het JNCIS examen dient het JNCIA examen behaald te zijn.
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional (JNCIP)
De JNCP certificering valideert uw vermogen om te configureren en algemene scenario's voor
netwerken te troubleshooten. Voorafgaand aan het JNCIP examen dient het JNCIS examen
succesvol afgelegd te zijn.
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Expert (JNCIE)
JNCIE is het hoogsthaalbare certificeringsniveau binnen het Juniper Networks Certification
programma en geeft u de mogelijkheid om uzelf te onderscheiden binnen de elite groep van de
network wereld. Het examen is lab-based.
Keuze uit drie verschillende tracks
Vanaf het Specialist niveau kan er een keuze gemaakt worden uit drie tracks, te weten:
Juniper Certificeringen
Service Provider Routing And Switching
Deze track is geschikt voor degene die werken met infrastructurele- of access oplossingen in een
Juniper Networks routing en/of switching omgeving hoofdzakelijk binnen telecommunicatie.
Enterprise Routing and Switching
Deze track is geschikt voor diegene die werkzaam zijn binnen kleine tot grote enterprise
omgevingen die netwerken op basis van Juniper Networks technologieën installeren en
ondersteunen. Dit alles met inbegrip van LAN en WAN routers and switches.
Junos Security
Deze track is speciaal bedoeld voor IT professionals die beveiligde Juniper Networks
netwerkomgevingen ontwerpen en implementeren.
Service Provider Routing
and Switching Track
Enterprise Routing
and Switching Track
JNCIE–SP Bootcamp
JNCIE–ENT Bootcamp
JNCIE–SEC Bootcamp (TBD)
Security Track
Junos Multicast Routing (JMR)
Junos Class of Service (JCOS)
Advanced Junos Service Provider Routing (AJSPR)
Advanced Junos Enterprise Switching (AJEX)
Advanced Junos Enterprise Routing (AJER)
Junos Intrusion Prevention System Functionality (JIPS)
Advanced Junos Security (AJSEC)
Junos MPLS and VPNs (JMV)
Junos Service Provider Switching (JSPX)
Junos Intermediate Routing (JIR)
Junos Enterprise Switching (JEX)
Junos Intermediate Routing (JIR)
Junos Unified Threat Management (JUTM)
Junos Security (JSEC)
Junos Routing Essentials (JRE)
Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS)
Networking Fundamentals
Training Course
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 113
Juniper Trainingen
Juniper Trainingen
Routing & Switching
Advanced Junos Enterprise Routing
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day course is designed to
provide students with the tools required
for implementing, monitoring, and
troubleshooting Layer 3 components
in an enterprise network. Detailed
coverage of OSPF, Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP), class of service (CoS),
and multicast is strongly emphasized.
Through demonstrations and hands-on
labs , students will gain experience in
configuring and monitoring the Junos
operating system and in monitoring device
and protocol operations.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring devices
running the Junos OS.
Prijs: € 1.850,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of the
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model
and the TCP/IP protocol suite. Students
should also have working experience with
basic routing principles.
Students should also attend the
Introduction to the Junos Operating
System (IJOS), Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE), and Junos Intermediate Routing
(JIR) courses prior to attending this
This course is recommended training for
the following exam(s):
• JN0-643 - Juniper Networks Certified
Internet Professional (JNCIP-ENT)
Advanced Junos Enterprise Switching
Introduction to the Junos Operating System
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day instructor led course
provides detailed coverage of virtual LAN
(VLAN) operations, Multiple Spanning
Tree Protocol (MSTP) and VLAN Spanning
Tree Protocol (VSTP), authentication and
access control for Layer 2 networks, IP
telephony features, class of service (CoS)
and monitoring and troubleshooting tools
and features supported on the EX Series
Ethernet Switches.
Through demonstrations and hands-on
labs, students will gain experience in
configuring and monitoring the Junos
operating system and in monitoring device
and protocol operations.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring EX Series
Prijs: € 1.400,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Students should have an intermediatelevel of networking knowledge and an
understanding of the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) reference model
and the TCP/IP protocol suite. Students
should also attend the Introduction
to the Junos Operating System (IJOS)
course, the Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE) course, and the Junos Enterprise
Switching (JEX) course prior to
attending this class.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-643 -Juniper
Networks Certified Internet
Professional (JNCIP-ENT)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This one-day Instructorled course provides
students with the foundational knowledge
required to work with the Junos operating
system and to configure Junos devices.
The course provides a brief overview of the
Junos device families and discusses the key
architectural components of the software.
Key topics include user interface options
with a heavy focus on the commandline interface (CLI), configuration tasks
typically associated with the initial setup
of devices, interface configuration basics
with configuration examples, secondary
system configuration, and the basics of
operational monitoring and maintenance
of Junos devices. This course is based on
Junos OS Release 11.1R1.10.
Prijs: € 850,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) reference model and the TCP/IP
protocol suite.
Recommended preparationfor exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-101 Introduction to
the Junos Operating System (IJOS)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring devices
running the Junos OS.
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate - Junos (IJOS en JRE)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prepare to operate Juniper based networks
and pass the JNCIA-Junos exam. Gain the
foundation required to work with the Junos
operating system (OS) and to configure
and route a Junos device-based network in
this two-day course. You will also prepare
to take the Juniper Networks Certified
Internet Associate - Junos (JNCIA-Junos)
certification exam. After a brief overview
of the Junos device families, you’ll learn
about the key architectural components of
Prijs: € 1.400,-
the software.
Through demonstrations and hands-on labs,
you will gain experience in configuring and
monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring
basic device operations. You will dive into
routing and configuration, beginning with
an overview of general routing concepts
and covering routing policy and firewall
filters and Class of Service (CoS).
You’ll also get hands-on experience
configuring and monitoring the Junos OS
and monitoring basic device operations.
Your Boot Camp package includes: Free
Understanding Network Fundamentals
self-paced e-Learning course; Free JN0-101
exam voucher.
Individuals responsible for configuring and
monitoring devices running the Junos OS
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
reference model and the TCP/IP protocol
This course is part of the following
programs or tracks:
Juniper Networks Certified Internet
Associate - Junos (JNCIA-Junos)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Junos Intermediate Routing
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.400,-
Junos Enterprise Switching is a two-day
course that provides students with
introductory switching knowledge and
configuration examples. This course
includes an overview of switching
concepts and operations, virtual LANs
(VLANs), the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP),
port and device security features, and
high availability (HA) features. This course
is based on the Junos operating system
Release 11.1R2.3.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) reference model and the TCP/
IP protocol suite. Students should also
attend the Introduction to the Junos
Operating System (IJOS) and the Junos
Routing Essentials (JRE) courses prior
to attending this class.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring EX Series
recommended preparation for exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-343 -Juniper
Networks Certified Internet Specialist
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day instructor led course provides
students with intermediate routing
knowledge and configuration examples.
The course includes an overview of
protocol-independent routing features,
load balancing and filter-based forwarding,
OSPF, BGP, IP tunneling, and high availability
(HA) features. This course is based on
the Junos operating system Release
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring devices
running the Junos OS.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 1.400,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) reference model and the TCP/
IP protocol suite. Students should also
attend the Introduction to the Junos
Operating System (IJOS) and Junos
Routing Essentials (JRE) courses prior
to attending this class.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-343 - Juniper
Networks Certified Internet Specialist
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist - Ent
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prepare to operate Juniper based networks
and pass the JNCIA-Junos exam. Gain the
foundation required to work with the Junos
operating system (OS) and to configure and
route a Junos device-based network in this
two-day course. You will also prepare to
take the Juniper Networks Certified Internet
Associate - Junos (JNCIA-Junos) certification
After a brief overview of the Junos
device families, you’ll learn about the key
architectural components of the software.
Through demonstrations and hands-on labs,
you will gain experience in configuring and
monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring
basic device operations. You will dive into
routing and configuration, beginning with
an overview of general routing concepts
and covering routing policy and firewall
Prijs: € 2.500,-
filters and Class of Service (CoS). You’ll also
get hands-on experience configuring and
monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring
basic device operations.
Overview of protocol-independent routing
features, load balancing and filter-based
forwarding, OSPF, BGP, IP tunneling, and
high availability (HA) features.
Through demonstrations and hands-on
labs, students will gain experience in
configuring and monitoring the Junos
OS and monitoring device operations.
This course uses Juniper Networks SRX
Series Services Gateways for the hands-on
component, but the lab environment
does not preclude the course from being
applicable to other Juniper hardware
platforms running the Junos OS. virtual
LANs (VLANs), the Spanning Tree Protocol
(STP), port and device security features, and
high availability (HA) featuresThis course is
based on Junos OS Release 12.1R1.9.
Your Boot Camp package includes: Free
Understanding Network Fundamentals
self-paced e-Learning course; Free JN0-101
exam voucher.
Juniper Networks Certified Internet
Associate - Junos (JNCIA-Junos)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
JNCIS Enterprise Routing and Switching
Certification Boot Camp (JIR, JEX)
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Gain the foundation required to work with
the Junos operating system (OS) and to
configure and route a Junos device-based
network in this two-day course.
After a brief overview of the Junos
device families, you’ll learn about the
key architectural components of the
software. Through demonstrations and
hands-on labs, you will gain experience
in configuring and monitoring the
Junos OS and monitoring basic device
operations. You will dive into routing and
configuration, beginning with an overview
of general routing concepts and covering
routing policy and firewall filters and Class
of Service (CoS). You’ll also get hands-on
experience configuring and monitoring
the Junos OS and monitoring basic device
Prijs: € 2.500,-
Individuals responsible for configuring and
monitoring devices running the Junos OS
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
reference model and the TCP/IP protocol
Juniper Trainingen
Junos Enterprise switching
This course is part of the following
programs or tracks:
• Internet Specialist - Enterprise Routing
and Switching (JNCIS-ENT)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
You will review switching concepts
and operations, virtual LANs (VLANs),
the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), port
and device security features, and high
availability (HA) features. In the last half,
you will cover protocol-independent
routing features, load balancing and filterbased forwarding, Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP),
and IP tunneling.
Your Boot Camp package includes afree
JN0-343 exam voucher
Individuals responsible for configuring and
monitoring devices running the Junos OS
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
reference model and the TCP/IP protocol
This course is part of the following programs
or tracks:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 115
Junos Pulse Access Control
Juniper Trainingen
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 1.850,-
This three-day course provides detailed
coverage of the configuration of the Junos
Pulse Access Control Service offered by
Juniper Networks. Students will work with
the solution elements—the Junos Pulse
Access Control Service, the SRX Series
Services Gateway as a firewall enforcer,
Junos Pulse, and the Odyssey Access
Client (OAC)—to configure secured
access to network resources. Key topics
include Junos Pulse Access Control Service
deployment, basic implementation, and
element configuration. Students will have
the opportunity to apply their knowledge
in several hands-on labs. This course is
based on Junos Pulse Access Control
Service Release 4.1R3.
responsible for implementing the Junos
Pulse Access Control Service.
The intended audience for this course
includes network engineers, support
personnel, reseller support, and individuals
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have experience with the
TCP/IP protocol suite, including addressing
and routing, and Ethernet experience,
including addressing, basic switching
operations, and virtual LANs (VLANs). In
addition, students should have knowledge
of basic security and access management
concepts, including 802.1x and RADIUS.
Attendance of the Introduction to the
Junos Operating System (IJOS) and Junos
Security (JSEC) courses, or equivalent
experience with Junos devices and SRX
Series firewalls, is recommended but not
Junos Routing Essentials
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This one-day Instructor led course provides
students with foundational routing
knowledge and configuration examples
and includes an overview of general
routing concepts, routing policy and
firewall filters, and class of service (CoS).
This course is based on Junos operating
system Release 11.1R1.10.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring devices
running the Junos OS.
Prijs: € 850,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) reference model and the TCP/
IP protocol suite. Students should also
attend the Introduction to the Junos
Operating System (IJOS) course prior to
attending this class.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-101 Junos Routing
Essentials (JRE)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Advanced Juniper Networks IPSec VPN
Advanced Junos Security
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day course, which is designed
to build off of the current Junos Security
(JSEC) offering, delves deeper into Junos
security with advanced coverage of
IPsec deployments, virtualization, high
availability, advanced Network Address
Translation (NAT) deployments, and
Layer 2 security with SRX Series Services
Gateways. Through demonstrations
and hands-on labs, students will gain
experience in configuring and monitoring
advanced security features of the Junos
operating system.
This course benefits individuals
responsible for implementing, monitoring,
and troubleshooting Junos security
Prijs: € 1.850,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Students should have a strong level
of TCP/IP networking and security
knowledge. Students should also attend
the Introduction to the Junos Operating
System (IJOS), Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE), and Junos Security (JSEC) courses
prior to attending this class.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-632 -Juniper
Networks Certified Internet
Professional (JNCIP-SEC)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day, advanced-level course
focuses on the wide range of options
available when configuring VPNs using
Juniper Networks firewall/VPN products.
Students attending the course will learn
these various deployments through
detailed lectures and hands-on lab
This course is intended for network
engineers, network support personnel, and
reseller support.
Prijs: € 1.400,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Prerequisites for this course include the
• Completion of the Configuring Juniper
Networks Firewall/IPSec VPN Products
(CJFV) course or equivalent experience
with ScreenOS software.
• General networking knowledge,
including Ethernet, TCP/IP, and routing
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Attack Prevention with Juniper Networks
Configuring Juniper Networks Firewall/IPsec VPN
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This one-day course meets the business
need of customers who are deploying the
attack prevention features of ScreenOS
software. The course focuses specifically on
the attack-related features and assumes
familiarity with ScreenOS software. Upon
completing this course, you should be
able to return to work and successfully
configure and verify the desired attack
prevention features.
This course is intended for network
engineers, support personnel, reseller
support, and others responsible for
implementing Juniper Networks products.
Prijs: € 850,-
Vereiste voorkennis
This course assumes that you have basic
networking knowledge and experience in
the following areas:
• The Internet;
• Networking concepts; and
• Terms including TCP/IP and bridging,
switching, and routing.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course is the first in the ScreenOS
curriculum. It is a three-day, instructorled course that focuses on configuration
of the ScreenOS firewall/virtual private
network (VPN) products in a variety of
situations, including basic administrative
access, routing, firewall policies and
policy options, attack prevention
features, address translation, and VPN
implementations. This course is based on
ScreenOS version 6.2.
This course is intended for network
engineers, support personnel, reseller
support, and others responsible for
implementing Juniper Networks firewall
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
This course assumes that students
have basic networking knowledge and
experience in the following areas:
• The Internet;
• Networking concepts; and
• Terms including TCP/IP, bridging,
switching, and routing.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-522 - Confirguring
Juniper Networks Firewall/IPsec, VPN
products (CJFV)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day course focuses on the
ScreenOS features that are typically
necessary in large-scale networks,
including dynamic routing, virtual systems,
traffic shaping, and high availability. Upon
completing this course, students should be
able to successfully install and configure
ScreenOS devices. Students should
also be able to verify that a ScreenOS
device is interoperating in the network
as desired. Through demonstrations and
hands-on labs, students gain experience in
configuring, testing, and troubleshooting
these advanced features of ScreenOS
This course is based on ScreenOS version
Prijs: € 2.183,-
This course is intended for network
engineers, network support personnel, and
reseller support personnel.
Vereiste voorkennis
The prerequisites for this course include
the following:
Completion of the Configuring Juniper
Networks Firewall/IPsec VPN Products
(CJFV) course or equivalent product
experience; and General networking
knowledge, including and understanding
of Ethernet, TCP/IP, and routing
Network engineers, support personnel,
reseller support, and others responsible for
implementing Juniper IDP products.
Prijs: € 1.850,-
Vereiste voorkennis
This course assumes that students
have basic networking knowledge and
experience in the following areas:
• Internetworking basics
• TCP/IP Operations
• Network security concepts
• Network administration
• Application support Also assumes
that students have attended the
Security Manager Fundamentals (2 day
IIDP + exam: Juniper Networks Certified
Internet Associate (JNCIA-IDP)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Junos Security
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This four-day course discusses the
configuration of the Junos Pulse Secure
Access Service in a typical network
environment. Key topics include Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) access technologies,
basic implementation, and configuration
and management options. Through
demonstrations and hands-on labs,
students will gain experience in
configuring, testing, and troubleshooting
basic and advanced facets of the Junos
Pulse Secure Access Service. This course
uses the MAG6611 Junos Pulse Gateway
using MAG-SM160 Service Modules. The
course also supports the SA Series SSL
VPN Virtual Appliance Demonstration and
Training Edition (DTE).
This three-day course discusses the
configuration of Juniper Intrusion
Detection and Prevention (IDP) sensors in
a typical network environment. Key topics
include: sensor configuration, creating and
fine-tuning security policies, managing
attack objects, creating custom signatures,
and troubleshooting.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Junos Pulse Secure Access
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 2.800,-
This course benefits network engineers,
support personnel, reseller support, and
individuals responsible for implementing
the Junos Pulse Secure Access Service.
JPSA is an intermediate-level course.
Vereiste voorkennis
This course assumes that students have
moderate background in internetworking
basics, basic security concepts, network
administration, and application
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Junos Intrusion prevention System Functionality
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day course is designed to provide
an introduction to the Intrusion Prevention
System (IPS) feature set available on the
Juniper Networks SRX Series Services
Gateway. The course covers concepts,
ideas, and terminology relating to
providing intrusion prevention using the
SRX Series platform. Hands-on labs offer
students the opportunity to configure various
IPS features and to test and analyze those
functions. This course is based on the Junos
operating system Release 10.4R1.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring the IPS
aspects of SRX Series devices.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Prijs: € 1.400,-
Students should have basic networking
knowledge, an understanding of the Open
Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference
model for layered communications and
computer network protocol design, and
an understanding of the TCP/IP protocol
suite. Students should also attend the
Introduction to the Junos Operating System
(IJOS) course, the Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE) course, and the Junos Security (JSEC)
course, or they should have equivalent
experience prior to attending this class.
Juniper Trainingen
Integrating Juniper Networks Firewall/IPSec VPN
Products into High-Performance Networks
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-632 -Juniper
Networks Certified Internet
Professional (JNCIP-SEC)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Junos Unified Threat Management
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day course covers configuration,
operation, and implementation of SRX
Series Services Gateways in a typical
network environment. Key topics within
this course include security technologies
such as security zones, security policies,
intrusion detection and prevention (IDP),
Network Address Translation (NAT), and
high availability clusters, as well as details
pertaining to basic implementation,
configuration, and management.
This course benefits operators of SRX
Series devices. These operators include
network engineers, administrators, support
personnel, and reseller support personnel.
Prijs: € 1.850,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
reference model and the TCP/IP protocol
suite. Students should also either attend
the Introduction to the Junos Operating
System (IJOS) and Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE) courses prior to attending this class,
or have equivalent experience with the
Junos OS.
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
• Exam code: JN0-332 Juniper Networks
Certified Internet Specialist (JNCISSEC)
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This one-day course includes detailed
coverage of Web filtering, antivirus
(AV), antispam, and content filtering.
Through demonstrations and hands-on
labs, students will gain experience in
configuring and monitoring the Unified
Threat Management (UTM) features of the
Junos operating system.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for implementing and monitoring the UTM
features available on branch SRX Services
Gateways and J Series Services Routers.
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
Prijs: € 850,-
• Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) model and the TCP/IP protocol
suite. Students should also have
working knowledge of security policies.
Students should also attend the
Introduction to the Junos Operating
System (IJOS), Junos Routing
Essentials (JRE), and Junos Security
(JSEC) courses prior to attending this
Recommended preparation for exam(s):
Exam code: JN0-332 -Juniper Networks
Certified Internet Specialist (JNCIS-SEC)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 117
Service Provider
Junos Class of Service
Juniper Trainingen
Advanced Junos Service Provider Routing
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 2.800,-
This four-day course is designed to
provide students with detailed coverage
of OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, and routing policy.
Through demonstrations and hands-on
labs, students will gain experience in
configuring and monitoring the Junos
operating system and in monitoring device
and protocol operations. This course is
based on the Junos OS Release 10.4R5.5.
AJSPR is an advanced-level course.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have intermediatelevel networking knowledge and an
understanding of the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) model and the
TCP/IP protocol suite. Students should
also attend the Introduction to the Junos
Operating System (IJOS), Junos Routing
Essentials (JRE), and Junos Intermediate
Routing (JIR) courses prior to attending
this class.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for implementing, monitoring, and
troubleshooting Layer 3 components of a
service provider’s network.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Junos MPLS and VPNs
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day course is designed to
provide students with MPLS-based
virtual private network (VPN) knowledge
and configuration examples. The course
includes an overview of MPLS concepts
such as control and forwarding plane,
RSVP Traffic Engineering, LDP, Layer 3
VPNs, next-generation multicast virtual
private networks (MVPNs), BGP Layer 2
VPNs, LDP Layer 2 Circuits, and virtual
private LAN service (VPLS). This course also
covers Junos operating system-specific
implementations of Layer 2 control
instances and active interface for VPLS.
This course is based on the Junos OS
Release 10.3R1.9.Through demonstrations
and hands-on labs, students will gain
experience in configuring and monitoring
the Junos OS and in device operations.
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day course provides students
with advanced class-of-service (CoS)
knowledge and configuration examples.
The course begins with an overview of CoS
before going into classification, policing,
scheduling, and rewriting. The course
then covers class-based forwarding and
finishes with a case study. This course
is based on the Junos operating system
Release 10.3R1.9.Through demonstrations
and hands-on labs, students will gain
experience in configuring and verifying
Junos CoS features.
Junos Class of Service is an advanced
level course.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring devices
running the Junos OS, especially those
in a service provider environment. It
also benefits individuals responsible for
designing networks containing devices
running the Junos OS.
Prijs: € 1.400,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should attend the Introduction
to the Junos Operating System (IJOS)
course, the Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE) course, and the Junos Intermediate
Routing (JIR) course, or have equivalent
experience prior to attending this class.
General knowledge of CoS concepts is also
This course is recommended training for
the following exam(s):
• JN0-660 - Juniper Networks Certified
Internet Professional (JNCIP-SP)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day course is designed to
provide students with detailed coverage
of multicast protocols including Internet
Group Management Protocol (IGMP),
Protocol Independent Multicast–Dense
Mode (PIM-DM), Protocol Independent
Multicast–Sparse Mode (PIM-SM), and
Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
Through demonstrations and hands-on
labs, students will gain experience in
configuring and monitoring the Junos
operating system and monitoring device
and protocol operations. This course uses
Juniper Networks MX Series 3D Universal
Edge Routers for the hands-on component,
but the lab environment does not preclude
the course from being applicable to other
Juniper hardware platforms running the
Junos OS.
Prijs: € 1.400,-
This course benefits individuals responsible
for implementing, monitoring, and
troubleshooting multicast components in a
service provider’s network.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of the
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model
and the TCP/IP protocol suite. Students
should also have working knowledge of
security policies.
Students should also attend the
Introduction to the Junos Operating
System (IJOS), Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE), and Junos Intermediate Routing
(JIR) courses prior to attending this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 3.050,-
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring devices
running the Junos OS
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have intermediatelevel networking knowledge and an
understanding of the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) model and the
TCP/IP protocol suite. Students should
also have familiarity with the Protocol
Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIMSM) protocol. Students should also attend
the “Introduction to the Junos Operating
System (IJOS)”, “Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE)” ,”Junos Service Provider Switching
(JSPX)” and “Junos Intermediate Routing
(JIR)” courses prior to attending this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Junos Multicast Routing
Junos Service Provider Switching
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day course provides students with
intermediate switching knowledge and
configuration examples. The course includes
an overview of switching concepts such as
LANs, Layer 2 address learning, bridging,
virtual LANs (VLANs), provider bridging,
VLAN translation, spanning-tree protocols,
and Ethernet Operation, Administration,
and Maintenance (OAM).
Prijs: € 1.400,-
This course also covers Junos operating
system-specific implementations of
integrated routing and bridging (IRB)
interfaces, routing instances, virtual
switches, load balancing, and port
mirroring. Furthermore, this course covers
the basics of Multiple VLAN Registration
Protocol (MVRP), link aggregation groups
(LAGs), and multichassis LAG (MC-LAG).
This course is based on the Junos OS
Release 11.2R1.10.
This course benefits individuals responsible
for configuring and monitoring devices
running the Junos OS.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have basic networking
knowledge and an understanding of
the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
reference model and the TCP/IP protocol
suite. Students should also attend the
Introduction to the JunosOperating
System(IJOS) and Junos Routing Essentials
(JRE) courses prior to attending this class.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Advanced Juniper Networks Wireless LANs
Introduction to Juniper Networks Wireless LANs
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course is a four day advanced training
CLASSROOM course on the Juniper
Networks Wireless LAN Services (WLS)
system. The course is designed to build
on the skills learned in the Introduction
to Juniper Networks Wireless LANs (IJWL)
course and take students to the next level
of expertise as a Juniper Networks wireless
design, implementation, or management
The course describes best practice
guidelines for planning an enterprise-wide
Juniper Networks WLS system with its
flexible domain architecture. Best practices
for advanced security are presented, as
are the issues to be considered when
deploying voice and mesh services.
Centrally managed architectures are also
presented. The course also includes a
look at some advanced troubleshooting
The course uses a combination of lecture
and practical exercises to ensure a high
level of hands-on experience with Juniper
Networks WLS hardware and software
components, advanced authentication
options, and other advanced features.
Prijs: € 2.800,-
This course benefits individuals responsible
for planning, configuring, managing, and
monitoring devices on a Juniper Networks
wireless network.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have intermediatelevel networking knowledge and an
understanding of the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) model and the TCP/
IP protocol suite. Students should also
have intermediate-level knowledge of the
Juniper Networks WLS system. Students
should also attend the Introduction
to Juniper Networks Wireless LANs
(IJWL) course prior to attending this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 2.240,-
This course is a four-day CLASSROOM
instructor led technical training course
on the Juniper Networks Wireless LAN
Services (WLS) system. The course
includes an overview of the full range of
hardware and software products and their
capabilities and features.
The course uses a combination of lecture
as well as practical and group exercises to
ensure a high level of hands-on experience
with the Juniper Networks WLS system
The course is based on the Juniper
Networks wireless LAN system (WLS)
software release 7.5.
The course describes the WLS system
architecture and a project framework for
planning a WLS system deployment. It
covers the Radio Frequency (RF) planning
capabilities of the RingMaster software
and basic wireless LAN controller (WLC)
configuration through the command-line
interface (CLI).
The course is designed to give field and
support engineers a high level of technical
competence with the Juniper Networks
WLS products.
The course then moves on to describe
system and service configuration using
RingMaster. The course also describes
a secure, enterprise-grade employee
service in detail and introduces other
service options (such as a Web portal
login). Integration issues with the backend authentication, authorization, and
accounting (AAA), Domain Name System
(DNS), and Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) servers are examined,
and the monitoring, management and
reporting capabilities of the RingMaster
software are also described.
Juniper Trainingen
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have intermediatelevel networking knowledge and an
understanding of the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) model and the TCP/
IP protocol suite. Students should also
have a good understanding of 802.11
wireless LAN fundamentals and be familiar
with AAA concepts and RADIUS. Students
should also attend both the Juniper
Networks Networking Fundamentals and
the Juniper Networks WLAN Fundamentals
courses (or possess equivalent knowledge)
prior to attending this class.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 119
Global Knowledge is Microsoft Certified Partner met Gold Learning competentie en
werkt met Microsoft samen om de kennis van Microsoft producten en oplossingen
op de beste manier over te dragen. Door een uitgebreid aanbod van geautoriseerde
Microsoft trainingen heeft Global Knowledge bewezen een allround partner te zijn in
leeroplossingen op het gebied van Microsoft kennis en certificering.
Microsoft Certificeringen
Het certificeringsprogramma van Microsoft speelt in op het veranderende IT-landschap met
nieuwe technologieën, waarbij de cloud een belangrijke rol speelt. Het certificeringsprogramma
bestaat uit twee niveau’s: Associate en Expert.
Het Associate niveau vormt de basis van het certificeringsprogramma, gevolgd door het Expert
niveau. In deze opleidingsgids zijn per niveau de verschillende certificeringstrajecten volledig
MCSE (Solutions Expert)
MCSD (Solutions Developer)
De wereldwijd erkende
standaard voor IT
MCSA (Solutions Associate)
MTA (Technology Associate)
De basis voor uw carrière
in de IT
Microsoft SA Training vouchers
Microsoft SA Training Vouchers
‘Gratis’ trainen met Microsoft Software Assurance Training vouchers
Software Assurance van Microsoft is een uitgebreid pakket aan diensten waarmee u de aanschaf, de uitrol, de installatie, het
beheer en het onderhoud op uw softwareprogramma’s aanzienlijk kunt vereenvoudigen. Tegen betaling van een jaarlijks bedrag
krijgen deelnemers van het Software Assurance programma recht op support en gratis upgrades van Microsoft software.
Gratis training vouchers
Bovendien ontvangt u als onderdeel van het Microsoft Software
Assurance programma gratis training vouchers. Deze kunnen
bij Global Knowledge worden ingewisseld voor trainingen uit
het Microsoft Official Curriculum. Global Knowledge is een Gold
Certified Partner for Learning Solutions waar u de vouchers als
betaalmiddel kunt inwisselen voor iedere technische Microsoft
Wissel uw SA Training Vouchers in bij
‘s werelds grootste Microsoft opleider
Natuurlijk kunt u uw SA Training Vouchers als betaalmiddel
voor bijna iedere technische Microsoft training inwisselen bij
Global Knowledge.
Wanneer u de SA Training Vouchers bij Global Knowledge
inruilt, dan ontvangt u de volgende voordelen:
• Alle trainingen zijn inclusief cursusmateriaal en lunch
• U wordt opgeleid door hooggekwalificeerde en officieel
gecertificeerde Microsoft docenten;
• De kwalitatief hoogstaande trainingen worden gegeven
door het hele land
• Volledige administratieve afhandeling
• Global Knowledge biedt het meest uitgebreide aanbod aan
Microsoft trainingen met het hoogste doorgangspercentage
• De trainingen worden gegeven met officieel Microsoft
trainingsmateriaal (materiaal dat dus aansluit op een
eventueel examen!)
• Hulp bij het opstellen van uw opleidingsplannen
• De nieuwste Microsoft trainingen voor o.a. Windows,
Windows Server, SQL, Exchange, System Center (SCCM),
Office 365 en Operations Manager (SCOM)
Laat geen kostbare trainingsdagen
verloren gaan
SA Training Vouchers hebben een beperkte geldigheidsduur.
De vouchers verlopen bijvoorbeeld als uw Microsoft
licentieovereenkomst verloopt. Gebruik daarom uw vouchers
op tijd! Laat geen kostbare trainingsdagen verloren gaan.
Trainingen die in aanmerking komen voor
Software Assurance
U kunt de training vouchers van het Microsoft Software
Assurance programma inwisselen tegen bijna iedere officiële
Microsoft cursus, workshop, seminar of clinic.
Eén voucher kunt u inwisselen voor één dag technische
Microsoft training via het open-rooster op een van de
Global Knowledge locaties. Microsoft Fasttracks zijn echter
uitgesloten. Tevens kunt u de waarde van uw vouchers inzetten
als betalingsmiddel voor technische Microsoft maatwerk
“Beschik ik over training vouchers?”
Indien u wilt weten of, en zo ja, over hoeveel training
vouchers u beschikt, dan kunt u dit kosteloos en vrijblijvend
door ons uit laten zoeken. U kunt hiervoor contact opnemen
met één van onze opleidingsadviseurs door te bellen naar
0800-KNOWLEDGE (0800-566953343) of mail naar
[email protected].
Don’t let your Microsoft
Software Assurance
Training Vouchers expire.
Act now!
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 121
Microsoft Certificeringen
Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA)
Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is de eerste stap binnen het Microsoft
certificeringsprogramma. Het is een voorbereidende certificering die u door
middel van het afleggen van één examen kunt behalen.
Wanneer u net start met uw IT-carrière of u wilt meer inzicht krijgen in de
IT-basisbegrippen op het gebied van Microsoft, dan kunt u met een MTA
certificering uw kennnis valideren. MTA is een erkende certificering voor
diegenen die een carrière beogen op het gebied van IT infrastructure, database
design of development.
MTA Certificeringen
Onderstaand vindt u per MTA certificering de bijbehorende examens en aanbevolen trainingen.
MTA IT infrastructure
MTA Development
Windows Operating System
Windows Server Administration
Windows Operating System Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40349
Windows Server Administration Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40365
Networking Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40366
Security Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40367
Networking Fundamentals
Security Fundamentals
EXAMEN 98-364
Database Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40364
Windows Development
Web Development
Windows Development Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40362
Web Development Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40363
Microsoft .NET Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40372
Database Fundamentals
.NET Fundamentals
Mobile Development
HTML5 Application
Development Fundamentals
Mobile Development Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40373
MTA Database
Software Development
Software Development Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40361
HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals
Cursuscode: M40375
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA)
Installing and Configuring
Windows Server 2012
Cursuscode: M20410
Onderstaand vindt u per MCSA certificering de bijbehorende examens en aanbevolen trainingen.
Supporting Windows 8.1
Cursuscode: M20688
Upgrading your skills to
MCSA Windows 8
Cursuscode: M20689
Windows 8
Upgradetraject MCSA Windows 8
MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator
MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician
MCSA: Windows 7
Windows Server
• MCSA: Windows Server 2008 MCITP: Server Administrator on Windows Server 2008
• MCITP: Enterprise Administrator on Windows Server 2008
• MCITP: Virtualization administrator on Windows server 2008 R2
• MCITP: Enterprise Messaging Administrator 2010
• MCITP: Lync Server Administrator 2010
• MCITP: SharePoint Administrator 2010
• MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator on Window 7
Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop
Support Technician
Cursuscode: M6293
Enabling Office 365 Services
Upgrading Your Skills to
MCSA Windows Server 2012
Cursuscode: M20417
Windows Server
Windows 8
MCSA SQL Server 2012
EXAMEN 70-461
Querying Microsoft
SQL Server
Cursuscode: M20461
MCSA Windows 7
Installing & Configuring Windows 7
Cursuscode: M6292
Upgradetraject MCSA Windows Server 2012
MCSA Windows 8
Administering Windows
Server 2012
Cursuscode: M20411
*Optioneel kan het 70-412 examen vervangen worden door één van de onderstaande examens:
• EXAMEN 346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Services (M20346)
• EXAMEN 409 Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center (M20409)
• EXAMEN 462 Administering a Microsoft SQL Server Database (M20462)
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA)
Configuring Windows 8.1
Cursuscode: M20687
Administering Windows
Server 2012
Cursuscode: M20411
Microsoft Certificeringen
MCSA Windows Server 2012
MCSA staat voor Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate en vormt de basis van
het certificeringsprogramma van Microsoft. Dit certificeringsniveau valideert
de kennis en vaardigheden over de belangrijkste platformen binnen een IT
omgeving, voor zowel cloud als on-premise.
Windows 7
Administering a Microsoft
SQL Server Databases
Cursuscode: M20462
Implementing a Data
Warehouse with Microsoft
SQL Server
Cursuscode: M20463
SQL Server 2012
*Optioneel kan het 70-463 examen vervangen worden door één van onderstaande examens:
• EXAMEN 70-411 Administering Windows Server 2012 (M20411)
• EXAMEN 70-412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (M20412)
• EXAMEN 70-483 Programming in C# (M20483)
MCSA Office 365
Managing Office 365 Identities and
Cursuscode: M20346
Office 365
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 123
Microsoft Certificeringen
Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)
MCSE staat voor Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. Een MCSE certificering
toont aan over welke technische en professionele vaardigheden iemand
beschikt. Het gaat hierbij dus niet alleen om de technische kennis van een
Microsoft oplossing, maar om een breder kennisgebied. Een MCSE is in staat een
bepaalde rol te vervullen in relatie tot een specifieke oplossing en gerelateerde
Microsoft producten.
MCSE Certificeringen
Onderstaand vindt u per MCSE certificering de bijbehorende examens en aanbevolen trainingen.
MCSE Desktop Infrastructure
MCSE Server infrastructure
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
EXAMEN 70-413
Designing and Implementing
a Server Infrastructure
Cursuscode: M20413
EXAMEN 70-414
Implementing an Advanced
Server Infrastructure
Cursuscode: M20414
EXAMEN 70-415
Implementing a Desktop
Cursuscode: M20415
Upgradetraject naar MCSE Server Infrastructure
and Implementing
+ Designing
a Server Infrastructure
Cursuscode: M20413
EXAMEN 70-416
Implementing Desktop
Application Environments
Cursuscode: M20416
Upgradetraject naar MCSE Desktop Infrastructure
• MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator 7
• MCSA: Windows Server 2008 MCITP: Enterprise Messaging Administrator
• MCITP: Virtualization Administrator; MCITP: Lync Server Administrator
• MCITP: Enterprise Administrator MCITP: SharePoint Administrator
• MCITP: Server Administrator MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator
EXAMEN 70-417
Upgrading Your Skills to
MCSA Windows Server 2012
Cursuscode: M20417
EXAMEN 70-414
Implementing an Advanced
Server Infrastructure
Cursuscode: M20414
EXAMEN 70-417
Upgrading Your Skills to
MCSA Windows Server 2012
Cursuscode: M20417
EXAMEN 70-415
Implementing a Desktop
Cursuscode: M20415
EXAMEN 70-416
Implementing Desktop
Application Environments
Cursuscode: M20416
MCSE Enterprise Devices and Apps
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows 8 of Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
EXAMEN 70-695
Deploying Windows Devices
and Enterprise Apps
Cursuscode: M20695
EXAMEN 70-696
Managing Enterprise Devices
and Apps using System
Center Configuration
Cursuscode: M20696
MCSE Enterprise
Devices and Apps
MCSE Data Platform
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
EXAMEN 70-246
Monitoring and Operating
a Private Cloud with System
Center 2012
Cursuscode: M20246
EXAMEN 70-247
Configuring and Deploying
a Private Cloud with System
Center 2012
Cursuscode: M20247
Private Cloud
EXAMEN 70-464
Developing Microsoft SQL
Server Databases
Cursuscode: M20464
EXAMEN 70-465
Designing Database Solutions
for Microsoft
SQL Server 2012
Cursuscode: M20465
Data Platform
Upgradetraject naar MCSE Data Platform
MCSE Messaging
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
EXAMEN 70-341
Core Solutions of Microsoft
Exchange Server 2013
Cursuscode: M20341
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
Microsoft Certificeringen
MCSE Private Cloud
EXAMEN 70-342
Advanced Solutions of
Microsoft Exchange Server
Cursuscode: M20342
• MCITP: Database Developer 2008 / MCITP: Database Administrator 2008
Data Platform
MCSE Communication
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
EXAMEN 70-336
Core Solutions of Microsoft
Lync Server 2013
Cursuscode: M20336
EXAMEN 70-337
Enterprise Voice and Online
Services with Microsoft
Lync Server 2013
Cursuscode: M20337
MCSE Business Intelligence
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
EXAMEN 70-466
Implementing Data Models
and Reports with
Microsoft SQL Server
Cursuscode: M20466
EXAMEN 70-467
Designing Business
Intelligence Solutions with
Microsoft SQL Server
Cursuscode: M20467
MCSE Sharepoint
Voorafgaand aan dit traject is de MCSA Windows Server 2012 certificering vereist.
EXAMEN 70-331
Core Solutions of Microsoft
SharePoint Server 2013
Cursuscode: M20331
EXAMEN 70-332
Advanced Solutions of
Microsoft SharePoint Server
Cursuscode: M20332
Upgradetraject naar MCSE Business Intelligence
• MCITP: Business Intelligence 2008
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 125
Microsoft Certificeringen
Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)
Een Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) heeft de juiste kennis en
vaardigheden van Windows Store Apps en Web Applications. Deze accreditatie
is een betrouwbare indicator voor de expertise van een ontwikkelaar. Indien u
van plan bent om applicaties te ontwikkelen waarbij gebruik gemaakt wordt
van Windows Store Apps en Web Applications. kan een MCSD certificering
helpen bij het valideren van uw vaardigheden en vakbekwaamheid. Kandidaten
dienen twee tot drie jaar ervaring te hebben met het gebruik van de
onderliggende technologieën die in het examen verwerkt zijn.
MCSD Certificeringen
Onderstaand vindt u per MCSD certificering de bijbehorende examens en aanbevolen trainingen.
MCSD Sharepoint Applications
MCSD Windows Store Apps Using C#
EXAMEN 70-483
Programming in C#
Cursuscode: M20483
EXAMEN 70-484
Essentials of Developing
Windows Store Apps
Using C#
Cursuscode: M20484
EXAMEN 70-485
Advanced Windows Store
App Development Using C#
Cursuscode: M20485
Windows Store
Apps Using C#
EXAMEN 70-480
in HTML5 with
JavaScript and CSS3
EXAMEN 70-486
Developing ASP.
EXAMEN 70-488
SharePoint Server
2013 Core Solutions
EXAMEN 70-489
SharePoint Server
2013 Advanced
MCSD Windows Store Apps Using HTML 5
EXAMEN 70-480
Programming in HTML5 with
JavaScript and CSS3
Cursuscode: M20480
EXAMEN 70-481
Essentials of Developing
Windows Store Apps Using
HTML5 and JavaScript
Cursuscode: M20481
EXAMEN 70-482
Advanced Windows Store
App Development Using
HTML5 and JavaScript
Cursuscode: M20482
MCSD Application Lifecycle Management
Windows Store
Apps Using HTML 5
MCSD Web Applications
EXAMEN 70-480
Programming in HTML5 with
JavaScript and CSS3
Cursuscode: M20480
EXAMEN 70-486
Developing ASP.NET MVC
Web Applications
Cursuscode: M20486
EXAMEN 70-487
Developing Microsoft Azure
and Web Services
Cursuscode: M20487
Web Applications
Application Lifecycle
Microsoft Cloud: Office 365 en Azure Windows Server platform
Unified Communications: Lync Server
Bij de term ‘cloud’ blijken veel organisaties nog wel wat
“koud water vrees” te hebben. Toch is de ontwikkeling van de
technologieën voor de cloud niet meer tegen te houden. De
flexibiliteit die deze biedt, gecombineerd met de grote mate
van beschikbaarheid en beveiliging, maken de cloud tot het
platform voor de toekomst.
Windows servers zijn ontworpen voor high-performance
netwerken, het gebruik in datacenters en het leveren van vele
services. Met Windows Server beschikt u over een veelzijdig
serverplatform met een grote verscheidenheid aan mogelijke
toepassingen, zoals e-mail, database management en vele
Microsoft biedt verschillende diensten aan in de cloud. Office
365 is een Software As A Service (SAAS) dienst waarin Sharepoint met Onedrive, Exchange, Lync en de desktop productivity
suite Office worden aangeboden vanuit de cloud. Office 365 is
beschikbaar via abbonnementsvormen.
Aangezien het Windows Server besturingssysteem onmisbaar is
om van deze services gebruik te maken , is er voor de implementatie en het beheer hiervan grote aandacht ingeruimd in
het opleidingsportfolio. Ook de certificeringen op dit platform
zijn hierop ingericht. Kijk voor het meest actuele aanbod op
onze website:
De manier van communiceren, waarbij spraak, e-mail, chat en
video worden geïntegreerd wordt Unified Communications
genoemd. Microsoft voegt daar “presence” informatie als extra
dienst aan toe. Onder presence informatie wordt verstaan dat
zichtbaar is of en hoe er met mensen gecommuniceerd kan
worden: per telefoon, instant messaging (IM), e-mail of helemaal niet. Microsoft Lync vormt een belangrijk onderdeel in
Unified Communications en brengt de verschillende manieren
van communicatie bij elkaar. Telefonie integratie met Lync
maakt Unified Communication helemaal compleet.
Met Office365 verkrijgen organisaties van allerlei omvang
grote voordelen in productiviteit, mobiliteit en kostenbesparing. Er hoeven niet meer periodiek servers te worden aangeschaft en ook voor het onderhoud wordt gezorgd. Dit levert
een flinke kostenbesparing op. Daarnaast zijn organisaties
verzekerd van de laatste versies en updates, omdat deze door
Microsoft in het online platform continue worden vernieuwd.
De andere diensten die Microsoft aanbiedt in de cloud zijn
gebaseerd op Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS) en Platform As
A Service (PAAS). Microsoft noemt dit Azure. Binnen Azure zijn
virtuele machines (VMs) op basis van Windows of Linux beschikbaar. Maar ook SQL databases en nog veel meer diensten
zijn in de Azure cloud online te verkrijgen.
Microsoft blijft het Windows Server platform verbeteren.
Ook voor de meest recente versie ervan geldt dat nog niet
eerder een dergelijk robuust platform is geboden voor clouden applicatieservices. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de verbeterde
virtualisatie eigenschappen. Hiermee is Windows Server
het platform voor gebruik in datacenters en enterprise
Om gebruik te kunnen maken van alle diensten zijn er client
computers nodig. Deze clients kunnen verschillende verschijningsvormen hebben. Inmiddels spreken we over Desktops,
Notebooks, Ultrabooks en Tablets. Microsoft levert voor deze
“clients” een besturingssysteem dat de functionaliteit van deze
devices ten volle kan benutten. Windows 7 is het besturingssysteem dat al weer enige tijd meegaat op desktop en notebook
computers. Windows 8 is het besturingssysteem dat speciaal
voor gebruik op devices met aanraakschermen (tablets) is
ontwikkeld met de Store App User Interface.
Voor deze Windows clients zijn verschillende trainingen
te volgen die opleiden tot een van de beschikbare
Microsoft Technologieën
Microsoft Technologieën
Met Unified Communications kan bereikbaarheid worden
vergroot en tijd bespaard. In het Unified Communications
portfolio werken een aantal producten samen:
• Lync
• Exchange Server
Lync is ook in een online variant beschikbaar binnen Office 365.
Communicatie: Exchange Server
Microsoft Exchange Server maakt communicatie via e-mail en
beheer van agenda’s en contactpersonen mogelijk. Exchange
vormt daarbij een belangrijk onderdeel in het Unified Communications concept.
Exchange biedt nieuwe, geïntegreerde archiveringsfunctionaliteit voor e-mail, inclusief gedetailleerde zoekfunctionaliteit
in meerdere postvakken en voorzieningen om aan de nieuwste regelgeving van overheidswege te kunnen voldoen. In
Exchange is tevens de beveiliging en controle van informatie
uitgebreid. Gevoelige of ongewenste e-mail is te coderen,
bewerken en blokkeren op basis van afzender, ontvanger en
Exchange is ook in een online variant beschikbaar binnen
Office 365 .
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 127
Microsoft Technologieën
Microsoft Technologieën
Collaboration: Sharepoint Server
Het Microsoft-platform en de Microsoft applicaties maken het nieuwe werken
mogelijk. Het nieuwe werken is een manier van werken waarbij samenwerken
en een goede work/life balance centraal staan. Voor een deel rust dit op zaken
als efficiënt communiceren door middel van Unified Communication. Voor een
ander belangrijk deel zit dat in de productiviteit die wordt vergroot dankzij het
samenwerken (collaboration).
Sharepoint Server is de spin in het web van data presentatie.
Het biedt legio mogelijkheden met betrekking tot Business Intelligence,
document management en workflow.
Net als Lync en Exchange heeft ook Sharepoint een Office365 variant. Hierin is
bijvoorbeeld ook Onedrive voor online opslag van data verwerkt.
System Management met System Center
Met de System Center Management Suite beschikt men over een management
omgeving die het mogelijk maakt om applicaties, servers, clients en andere devices te monitoren en beheren. Het spreekt voor zich dat de meest recente telg uit
de Microsoft management productfamilie, beschikt over uitgebreide mogelijk-heden voor “cloud management”. Global Knowledge biedt geïntegreerde,
op de oplossingen gebaseerde trainingen voor System Center.
De System Center suite bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen:
System Center Configuration Manager
Biedt uitgebreid configuratiebeheer voor het Microsoft-platform waarmee u
gebruikers de devices en applicaties geeft die zij nodig hebben om productief te
zijn en tegelijk corporate compliance en controle te houden.
System Center Endpoint Protection
Gebouwd op System Center Configuration Manager biedt System Center Endpoint Protection krachtige bescherming tegen malware als onderdeel van een
geïntegreerde infrastructuur voor het beheer van client- en server-security en
compliance die u kunnen helpen endpoint protectie te vereenvoudigen en te
System Center App Controller
Biedt eenduidige selfservice bediening van private en public clouds die applicatie-eigenaren het vermogen geeft om eenvoudig nieuwe diensten te bouwen,
configureren, uit te rollen en te beheren.
System Center Service Manager
Biedt flexibele, op ITIL® gebaseerde selfservice en gestandaardiseerde datacenter-processen waarmee u mensen, workflows en kennis kunt integreren in uw
infrastructuur en applicaties.
System Center Virtual Machine Manager
Biedt beheer van virtuele machines en het uitrollen van diensten met support
voor multi-hypervisor omgevingen waarmee u een flexibele en kosteneffectieve
private cloud-omgeving kunt leveren.
System Center Orchestrator
Biedt instrumentatie, integratie en automatisering van IT-processen met behulp
van runbooks die u helpen best practices te definiëren en standaardiseren, en de
operationele efficiëntie verbeteren.
System Center Operations Manager
Biedt vergaande applicatie-diagnostiek en infrastructuurmonitoring waarmee
u voorspelbare performance en beschikbaarheid van bedrijfskritische applicaties kunt waarborgen. Ook biedt het een uitgebreide inzicht in uw datacenter,
private en public clouds.
System Center Data Protection Manager
Biedt geïntegreerde databescherming voor Windows servers en clients waarmee
u schaalbare, beheerbare en kosteneffectieve
backup en restore-scenario’s kunt leveren van disk, tape. In een
on- en off-premise scenario.
Virtualisatie lijkt de hype voorbij. Niets is minder waar. Zodra meer pc’s of servers nodig of
in gebruik zijn, wordt virtualisatie interessant.
Met virtualisatie kan één pc of server zich gedragen als meerdere (virtuele) pc’s of servers.
Voor het bedrijfsleven zijn de besparing op
hardware, energiebesparing, het efficiënter
beheer én de verhoogde veiligheid interessante
eigenschappen van virtualisatie. Virtualisatie
past heel goed in ‘Green IT’, waarbij de beperking van energiegebruik voorop staat.
In een fysieke omgeving is elke applicatie afhankelijk van haar besturingssysteem voor een
reeks services, waaronder geheugen-allocatie,
device-drivers, en veel meer. Incompatibiliteit
tussen een applicatie en haar besturingssysteem kan worden opgelost door servervirtualisatie of presentatievirtualisatie; maar voor
incompatibiliteit tussen twee applicaties die
zijn geïnstalleerd op hetzelfde besturingssysteem heeft u applicatievirtualisatie nodig.
Bij hardwarevirtualisatie wordt software
gebruikt om een virtuele machine (VM) te
creëren die een fysieke computer emuleert.
Dit zorgt voor een afzonderlijk besturingssysteemomgeving die logisch geïsoleerd is van
de hostserver. Door tegelijk voor verscheidene
VM’s te zorgen, kunnen via deze benadering
meerdere besturingssystemen tegelijkertijd
draaien op een enkele fysieke machine.
Voor alle vormen van virtualisatie heeft Global
Knowledge trainingen beschikbaar. Of het nu
gaat om server virtualisatie, desktop
virtualisatie of applicatie virtualisatie, Global
Knowledge kan u helpen bij het oplossen van
uw kennisvraagstukken op dit gebied.
De hoeveelheid data neemt iedere dag met
grote hoeveelheden toe. Een groot deel van
deze toename is toe te schrijven aan gegevens
die in databases terecht komt. Microsoft
SQL server vormt vaak het hart van deze
database omgevingen. Trainingen op het
gebied van SQL server zijn beschikbaar voor
server beheerders, database beheerders en
SQL Server levert een set van geïntegreerde
diensten om meer te doen met gegevens,
zoals het maken van queries, zoeken,
synchroniseren, rapporteren en analyseren.
schaalbaar Business Intelligence-platform
dat geoptimaliseerd is voor data-integratie,
-rapportage en -analyse, zodat organisaties
een intelligente tool in handen hebben die
tegemoet komt de eisen van de gebruikers.
SQL Server is de basis waarop snelle, slimme en
efficiënte bedrijven zijn gebouwd. Het werkt
met bestaande IT-systemen, maar ook met
gegevens uit Oracle, DB2, SAP en NetWeaver.
Het reduceert de beheertijd met op policies
gebaseerd beheer en biedt beveiliging,
betrouwbaarheid en schaalbaarheid.
SQL Server is het platform voor Business
Analytics en Big Data.
Microsoft Technologieën
Databases: SQL Server
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence staat voor het verzamelen
van informatie die vervolgens wordt
aangewend om de juiste bedrijfsbeslissingen
te nemen. Microsoft SQL Server biedt een
Microsoft Hyper-V biedt uitkomst. In plaats
van te betalen voor vele weinig gebruikte
servermachines, die elk zijn gekoppeld aan een
specifieke functie, zorgt server-virtualisatie dat
deze workload wordt geconsolideerd op een
kleiner aantal machines die volledig worden
Desktopvirtualisatie biedt krachtige mogelijkheden om bedrijfs-pc’s te beheren en flexibel
te reageren op verschillende gebruikersbehoeften. Gevirtualiseerde desktops kunnen op
de client of centraal op servers in het datacenter gehost zijn. Dit wordt vaak een virtuele
desktop infrastructuur (VDI) genoemd.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 129
Microsoft Trainingen
Microsoft Trainingen
Business Analysis
Cloud Computing
PowerPivot, Power View and SharePoint 2013
Business Intelligence Center for Analysts
Designing for Office 365 Infrastructure
Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day instructor-led course
concentrates on PowerPivot and Power
View in Excel 2013. The attendees will
learn how to surface the workbooks
and visualizations using the Business
Intelligence Center in SharePoint 2013.
As far as possible each of the modules is
stand-alone allowing for customization of
the course for those audiences that may
not have an interest in a certain service.
Prijs: € 1.045,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience with Excel 2007 or higher.
• An understanding of PivotTables.
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is intended for analysts,
business intelligence (BI) developers and IT
professionals that will be involved with the
design, development, and maintenance
of Excel workbooks utilizing PowerPivot
and Power View 2013 to be surfaced on
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This intensive instructor-led course
provides students with the knowledge
and experience to implement Office 365
in a large corporate environment using
the FastTrack three-phase delivery process
of Pilot, Deploy, and Enhance. The course
consists of two distinct parts:
Lecture/Lab. Part One is the training
phase of the course and consists of six
modules. Each module has an associated
paper-based lab that is based on an
actual, real-world Office 365 deployment
involving a medium-sized enterprise
organization. The aim of the scenario is
to confirm that students have learned the
concepts from the modules.
Case Study. Part Two is the testing
phase and consists of a different scenario
based on another real-world deployment,
this time involving a large enterprise
deployment. During the case study,
students will work in groups to create a
design solution for the organization that is
based on the information provided in the
scenario and gained from interviewing the
instructor, who will role-play the part of
the customer. Each group will then present
its design to the remainder of the class.
This course is intended for consultants and
IT professionals who are responsible for
planning and implementing Office 365 in
medium to large enterprise environments
where there are complex factors within
the client’s infrastructure that affect the
migration process. The course student
Prijs: € 1.395,-
• Is an enterprise architect, IT consultant
or IT professional that has already
planned and implemented Office 365
in a large corporate environment.
• Has hands-on experience with Office 365
• Wants to know the design factors
behind Microsoft’s new FastTrack
approach to deploying Office 365
through rapid piloting of Office 365,
followed by the Deploy and Enhance
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have:
• At least one year of experience with
Office 365 and at least two years of
in-role experience as a consultant.
• Knowledge of the individual
components of Office 365, such
as Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft
SharePoint, Microsoft Lync, and Office
365 ProPlus.
• Experience with the Office 365
platform and its administrative console.
• Experience with Active Directory,
Windows Azure Active Directory,
Directory Synchronization (DirSync)
and single sign-on (SSO) with Active
Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 2.0.
• Successful deployment experience
of Office 365 in a customer-facing
• Knowledge of the principles of IT
project design.
• Ability to present and peer-review a
project design.
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course describes how to monitor and
operate a cloud with Microsoft System
Center 2012 R2. This course focuses on
how to manage and administer a cloud
environment, and it describes how you
can monitor key infrastructure elements
and applications that run within a
cloud. It does not discuss planning and
implementation, which is covered in
20247: Configuring and Deploying a
Cloud with System Center.
The primary audience for this course
includes cloud administrators who are
responsible for monitoring and protecting
the cloud infrastructure. It is also intended
for solution architects who are responsible
for designing cloud architectures and
extending existing cloud solutions.
The primary audience for this course is
administrators who create service requests.
The secondary audience includes
datacenter administrators—who are
responsible for providing provisioning
for applications to include configuring
and deploying—application/service
business owners, and administrators who
implement service requests. In addition,
the secondary audience includes people
who need to learn the required material in
order to take the Microsoft exam 70-246:
Monitoring and Operating a Cloud with
Microsoft System Center.
Prijs: € 2.395,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Windows Server 2012 experience
• Active Directory Domain Services (AD
DS) knowledge
• Networking experience
• Working knowledge of previous
versions of System Center products
• Knowledge of configuration of
Microsoft SharePoint
• Hyper-V knowledge
• Microsoft Windows Azure
• Knowledge of cloud and data center
management processes
• Storage Area Network (SAN)
This course helps you to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud
Managing Office 365 Identities and Services
Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
This course equips students with the skills
they require to configure and deploy a
cloud using Microsoft System Center 2012
R2. Using hands-on labs, students learn
the following:
• Produce a high-level design that
accounts for requirements for cloud
• Configure and deploy the cloud fabric.
• Configure a PXE server, an update
server, and a software update baseline.
• Configure Microsoft Server Application
Virtualization (App-V) so that it can
be used to sequence and deploy an
application virtually.
• Build the core components necessary
for delivering services on the fabric.
• Allocate resources to a cloud and grant
access to a cloud
• Understand how to monitor clouds
using Operations Manager.
• Understand the tools necessary to
extend and customize Operations
Manager for cloud environments.
• Set up, configure, and integrate the
core components of Service Manager
into a cloud fabric.
• Configure a service catalog, and then
publish it to the Self-Service Portal.
• Gain the knowledge necessary to
deploy and configure Data Protection
Manager in a cloud.
• Deploy and configure Orchestrator in a
cloud, and then integrate it with other
System Center components.
Prijs: € 2.395,-
This course is intended for cloud
administrators who will be responsible
for designing, installing and configuring
a cloud infrastructure. The secondary
audience includes datacenter
administrators who are responsible for
designing, installing and configuring the
infrastructure for an on premise, Microsoft
Private Cloud. In addition, the secondary
audience includes people who need to
learn the required material in order to take
the Microsoft exam 70-247: Configuring
and Deploying a Cloud with Microsoft
System Center.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Windows Server 2012 R2 operating
• Active Directory Domain Services (AD
• Working knowledge of previous
versions of System Center products.
• Microsoft SharePoint.
• Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V.
• Microsoft Windows Azure.
• Microsoft Windows Azure Pack.
• Networking and storage experience.
• Familiarity with cloud management
• Previous work with IT Infrastructure
Library (ITIL).
• Previous work with Microsoft
Operations Framework (MOF).
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This is a 5-day Instructor Led Training
(ILT) course that targets the needs
of IT professionals who take part in
evaluating, planning, deploying, and
operating Office 365 services, including
its identities, dependencies, requirements,
and supporting technologies. This course
focuses on skills required to set up an
Office 365 tenant, including federation
with existing user identities, and skills
required to sustain an Office 365 tenant
and users.
This course is intended for IT professionals
and consultants who take part in
evaluating, planning, deploying, and
operating the Office 365 services,
including its dependencies, requirements,
and supporting technologies. This course is
also intended for network administrators
and IT managers responsible for
managing and maintaining Office 365,
including identities, document protection,
integration with on-premise directory
services, and compliance with service level
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Completion of Clinic 40041 or
equivalent technical knowledge.
• Cloud-based service concepts
• Overview of Office 365 and its
component services
• Active Directory Directory Service
• TCP/IP network routing
• Domain Name Services (DNS)
• X.509 Certificates
• Firewall ports
• Using Windows PowerShell
• Administering Office 365 with Office
365 Admin Center
• Working with virtual machines
• Using Remote Desktop
This course maps to the following two
certification exams: 70-346 and 70-347.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is intended for students who
have experience building vertically scaled
applications. Students will also have
experience with the Microsoft Azure
platform and a basic understanding of the
services offered.This course offers students
the opportunity to take an existing ASP.
NET MVC application and expand its
functionality as part of moving it to Azure.
This course focuses on the considerations
necessary when building a highly available
solution in the cloud.
The candidates targeted by this training
have basic experience in implementing
and monitoring Microsoft Azure solutions.
Candidates are also proficient with
the development tools, techniques and
approaches used to build application
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have experience working with the
Azure platform. They will also have a
general understanding of ASP.NET and C#
concepts for the lab scenario. Candidates
experience can include:
• Compare services available in the
Azure platform
Prijs: € 2.345,-
• Configure and deploy ASP.NET web
• Creating Azure WebSites from the
• Deploying and monitoring Azure
• Creating and configuring Azure Virtual
• Describe the relationship between
Cloud Services and Virtual Machines
• Deploy existing Cloud Service packages
• Create and manage a Storage account
• Manage blobs and containers in a
Storage account
• Create, configure and connect to a SQL
Databases instance
• Identify the implications of importing a
SQL Standalone database
• Manage users, groups and
subscriptions in an Azure Active
Directory instance
• Create a virtual network
• Implement a point to site network
Microsoft Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course also prepares the students for
the 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure
Solutions certification exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course helps you to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 131
Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
Microsoft Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is aimed at experienced IT
Professionals who currently administer
their on-premise infrastructure. The course
introduces the student to Microsoft Azure
and then teaches them how to manage
their infrastructure in Azure rather than
on premise.
• Information Technology (IT)
professionals who have some
knowledge of cloud technologies and
want to learn more about Microsoft
• IT professionals who want to deploy,
configure, and administer services and
virtual machines in Microsoft Azure.
• IT professional who have used
Microsoft System Center to manage
and orchestrate a Microsoft server
• Windows Server administrators who
are looking to evaluate and migrate
on-premises Active Directory roles and
services to the cloud.
• IT professionals who want to use
Windows Azure to host web sites and
mobile app back-end services.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
• IT professionals who are experienced in
other non-Microsoft cloud technologies,
who meet the course prerequisites, and
are looking to cross-train on Microsoft
• IT professionals who want to take
the Microsoft Certification exam,
70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure
Infrastructure Solutions.
Vereiste voorkennis
In addition to their professional experience,
students who attend this training should
already have the following technical
• Understanding of on-premises
virtualization technologies including:
virtual machines, virtual networking,
and virtual hard disks.
• Understanding of network configuration
including: TCP/IP, DNS, virtual private
networks, firewalls, and encryption
• Understanding of websites including:
create, configure, monitor and deploy
a website on Internet Information
Services (IIS).
• Understanding of Active Directory
concepts including: Domains, Forests,
Domain Controllers, replication,
Kerberos, and LDAP.
Understanding of database concepts
including: Tables, queries, Structured
Query Language (SQL), and database
Understanding of resilience and disaster
recovery including: backup and restore
operations.Students who attend this
training can meet the prerequisites
by attending the following course, or
obtaining equivalent knowledge and
Completing the MCSA certification in
Windows Server 2012.
Completing the 10979 Azure Essentials
This course helps to prepare for exam
70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure
Infrastructure Solutions.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course is designed for IT professionals
looking to understand the Microsoft Azure
Infrastructure components, including
virtual machines, virtual networks,
migrating, extending, running, managing
and monitoring common workloads in
the cloud. The course will guide student
through the process of managing virtual
machines, web sites, and cloud services in
Microsoft Azure.
Prijs: € 1.445,-
This course is intended for IT professionals
looking to evaluate or deploy Microsoft
• Previous storage configuration
• Previous networking configuration
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
should have:
• Deep understanding of Virtualization
• Understanding of cloud computing
• Prior experience with Hyper-V or other
virtualization technologies
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze cursus doet u kennis en ervaring
op met het configureren en beheren
van een Microsoft SharePoint Server
2013-omgeving. U leert hoe u SharePoint
Server 2013 kunt configureren en u krijgt
richtlijnen, best practices en overwegingen
mee voor het optimaliseren van uw
Dit is de eerste in een serie van twee
cursussen voor IT-professionals; de cursus is
afgestemd op het eerste examen voor het
SharePoint Server 2013 IT Pro-certificaat.
De cursus is bedoeld voor ervaren
IT-professionals die graag willen leren
over het installeren, configureren,
implementeren en beheren van SharePoint
Server 2013 in een datacenter of een
cloud. Deelnemers hebben doorgaans
Prijs: € 2.345,-
al praktijkervaring met de belangrijkste
technologieën waarop SharePoint werkt,
zoals Windows Server 2008 R2 of nieuwer,
Internet Information Services (IIS), SQL
Server 2008 R2 of nieuwer, Active Directory
en services voor de netwerkinfrastructuur.
Een tweede doelgroep voor deze
cursus bestaat uit Business Application
Administrators (BAA’s) die betrokken zijn
bij line-of-business-projecten (LOB), samen
met interne klanten van het bedrijf die
kunnen profiteren van inzicht in het beheer
van SharePoint Server 2013. Beheerders
voor wie SharePoint volledig nieuw is
kunnen iets opsteken in deze cursus, maar
het wordt wel aanbevolen om voorafgaand
aan de cursus basiskennis op te doen van
het SharePoint-platform.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Software management in a Windows
2008 R2 enterprise server or Windows
Server 2012 environment.
• Deploying and managing applications
natively, virtually and in the cloud.
• Administering Internet Information
Services (IIS).
• Configuring Active Directory for use in
authentication, authorization and as a
user store.
• Managing an application remotely
using Windows PowerShell 2.0.
• Connecting applications to Microsoft
SQL Server.
This course helps you to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze vijfdaagse cursus gaat in op het
plannen, configureren en beheren
van een Microsoft SharePoint Server
2013-omgeving. Er wordt met name
ingegaan op de implementatie van hoge
beschikbaarheid, disaster recovery, de
architectuur van onderhoudsapplicaties,
Business Connectivity Services,
sociale functies, productiviteits- en
samenwerkingsplatforms en -functies,
business intelligence-systemen,
contentbeheer voor bedrijven en de
infrastructuur, systemen en apps voor
contentbeheer op internet. De cursus
behandelt ook de optimalisatie van
de zoekmachine, de ontwikkeling en
implementatie van een beleidsplan en
upgrades of migraties naar SharePoint
Server 2013.
De cursus is bedoeld voor ervaren
IT-professionals die graag willen leren
over het installeren, configureren,
implementeren en beheren van SharePoint
Server 2013 in een datacenter of cloud.
Daarnaast kunnen Business Application
Administrators (BAA’s) die samen met
interne gebruikers binnen het bedrijf
betrokken zijn bij line-of-businessprojecten (LOB) profiteren van inzichten in
Prijs: € 2.345,-
het beheer van SharePoint Server 2013.
De training richt zich op drie doelgroepen:
• Bestaande gebruikers en partners van
SharePoint 2010 die vertrouwd willen
raken met de belangrijkste wijzigingen
in SharePoint 2013. Er zijn ook diverse
andere verbeteringen geweest voor
hulpmiddelen en methoden.
• Klanten voor wie SharePoint nieuw
is. Het marktaandeel van SharePoint
groeit stevig en de verwachting
is dat dit blijft groeien; er zijn dus
veel nieuwe klanten zonder eerdere
• Klanten die een eerdere versie
gebruiken van SharePoint (SharePoint
2003 en SharePoint 2007), niet
hebben geüpgrade naar SharePoint
2010 en dus ook niet bekend zijn met
de architectuur van SharePoint 2010 of
SharePoint Server 2013.
Vereiste voorkennis
• M20331, Core Solutions of Microsoft
SharePoint Server 2013
This course helps you to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Upgrading your End User Skills to SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2013 for site owners
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day Instructor Lead course Explore
all the new end user features exposed in
SharePoint 2013. Learn to work with new
Social computing features like newsfeeds
and communities, metadata navigation,
cross-site publishing, Image Renditions,
Embedded Code, UI Enhancements,
Composed Looks, Community Sites
and Reputation, Apps for SharePoint,
eDiscovery, Education and Office Web Apps
This 3-day Instructor Lead course Explore
all the new end user features exposed in
SharePoint 2013. Learn to work with new
Prijs: € 1.345,-
Social computing features like newsfeeds
and communities, metadata navigation,
cross-site publishing, Image Renditions,
Embedded Code, UI Enhancements,
Composed Looks, Community Sites
and Reputation, Apps for SharePoint,
eDiscovery, Education and Office Web Apps.
Vereiste voorkennis
Understanding of SharePoint 2010 basics.
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Sharepoint 2013 for content owners
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day Content Owner training has
been designed for everyone who will be
responsible for the advanced management
of SharePoint site content.
Everyone who has to design and manage
the content of SharePoint sites.
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This 3-day Instructor Led course
explores all the basic end user features of
SharePoint 2013 including all basic
lists and sites (aka “Apps”). Learn to
assign basic and advanced
permissions. Explore the new project and
community sites as well as how to work
with the new social features of My Sites.
Building and sending search queries
is also covered.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge and skills discussed in the
SharePoint end-user (SHARE-EU) training.
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Microsoft Trainingen
Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint
Server 2013
This course is designed for everyone who
has the responsibility to manage one or
more SharePoint sites or site collections.
SharePoint 2013 for end users
Prijs: € 1.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge and skills on the level of the
SharePoint end-user (SHARE-EU) training
is required.
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This 1-day Instructor Led course explores
the basic end user features of SharePoint
2013 such as Apps, Approval
and Check-in/Check-out.
Prijs: € 595,-
No certification is available for this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
You need to have a basic understanding of
Windows, web sites and SharePoint sites.
SharePoint 2013 for power users
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.045,-
This 2-day SharePoint Power User
training is designed for individuals who
need to learn advanced management of
SharePoint sites.
Vereiste voorkennis
Beside basic computer and Windows
experience is also experience and
knowledge on the level of the SharePoint
Site Owner training (SHARE-SO) is required.
This course is intended for experienced
users of SharePoint.
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 133
Microsoft Trainingen
Data Center
Administering System Center 2012 Configuration
Manager (70-243)
Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration
Manager (70-243)
Cloud & Datacenter Monitoring with System
Center Operations Manager
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course describes how to configure
and manage a System Center 2012 R2
Configuration Manager (SCCM) site and
its associated site systems. The course
focuses on day-to-day management tasks
for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration
The primary audience for this course is
intended for IT Professionals who are
responsible for configuring and managing
endpoints in one or more System Center
2012 R2 Configuration Manager sites and
all supporting systems. They have one to
three years of experience managing and
maintaining client computers, devices,
and servers in medium to large enterprise
organizations. Administrators may
have previous Configuration Manager
experience, or be new to the product.
The secondary audience for this course is
intended for individuals who are interested
in taking exam
70-243 TS: Microsoft System Center 2012
Configuration Manager, Configuring. Both
10747D: Administering System Center
2012 R2 Configuration Manager, and
10748C: Planning and Deploying System
Center 2012 Configuration Manager, are
necessary to prepare for this exam.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Installation, configuration, and
troubleshooting for Windows-based
personal computers.
• Windows client management including
endpoint security fundamentals.
• Networking fundamentals, including
TCP/IP and Domain Name System
• Windows Server administration
concepts including Active Directory
and group policy principles and
• Basic concepts of Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) security.
• Familiarity with Windows Intune
• Desired: Basic understanding of
Windows Server roles and services
• Desired: Basic understanding of
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting
Individuals who are interested in taking
exam 70-243 TS: Microsoft System
Center 2012 Configuration Manager,
Configuring can also attend this course.
Both 10747: Administering System Center
2012 R2 Configuration Manager, and
10748: Planning and Deploying System
Center 2012 Configuration Manager, are
necessary to prepare for this exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Get detailed instruction and hands-on
practice planning and deploying Microsoft
System Center 2012 R2 Configuration
Manager and its associated site systems.
This three-day Microsoft Official course
is designed for IT Professionals who are
responsible for designing and deploying
one or more System Center 2012 R2
Configuration Manager sites and all
supporting systems, as well as configuring
and managing endpoints in those
systems. You will learn how to plan for the
deployment of the central administration
site, one or more primary sites and
secondary sites, and all associated site
systems. You will also learn how to migrate
from System Center 2012 Configuration
Manager to System Center 2012 R2
Configuration Manager.
This course is intended for Information
Technology (IT) professionals who are
responsible for designing and deploying
one or more System Center 2012 R2
Prijs: € 1.395,-
Configuration Manager sites and all
supporting systems. They should have
three to five years of experience in medium
to large enterprise organizations, in a role
in which they are supporting multiple
desktop and server computers that run
Windows-based operating systems.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Course M10747: System Center
2012 Configuration Manager, Part 1:
This course also helps candidates
prepare for Exam 70-243, MCTS:
Administering and Deploying System
Center 2012 Configuration Manager. Both
Configuration Manager courses, 10747
and 10748, or the equivalent knowledge
and skills will be necessary to prepare for
the exam.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course equips students with the skills
they require to deploy and configure
System Center 2012 R2 Operations
The primary audience for this course is
for cloud and datacenter administrators
who are new to System Center 2012 R2
Operations Manager and are responsible
for deploying, configuring and operating it
in their cloud or datacenter. The secondary
audience for this course is cloud and
datacenter administrators who are already
familiar with Operations Manager and
want to upgrade their skills to include the
new features found in System Center 2012
Operations Manager, System Center 2012
SP1 Operations Manager and System
Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager.
Prijs: € 2.395,-
Vereiste voorkennis
In addition to their professional
experience, students who attend this
training should already have the following
technical knowledge:
• One or more years’ experience in the
design and implementation of System
Center Operations 2007 R2 or System
Center 2012 Operations Manager is
• Working knowledge of Windows
Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server
2012 R2.
• Working knowledge of SQL Server
2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012.
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
System Center 2012 Operations Manager (SCOM)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day instructor-led course provides
students with the necessary knowledge to
successfully design and deploy Microsoft
System Center 2012 Operations Manager
(SCOM). In this course, students are
introduced to the basic theory of service
monitoring. They will also learn about
configuration, deployment, monitoring, and
operation of Operations Manager 2012.
This course will be delivered with some
of the enhanced content of the GKSCOM
Prijs: € 2.345,-
This course is for IT Professionals who
already have some prerequisite technical
knowledge and want to learn the skills
necessary to implement a comprehensive
service monitoring system for their
production environment. This course is
also for IT Professionals who want to learn
how to communicate relevant business
information about the operational status of
the IT environment.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Windows Server 2008 R2 operating
• Active Directory Domain Services (AD
• Experience with PowerShell and SQL
Server and SQL Server Reporting
• Familiarity with data center
management processes
• Previous work with IT Infrastructure
Library (ITIL)
• Previous work with Microsoft
Operations Framework (MOF)
• Knowledge of the product(s) that you
plan to monitor
This course is not related to any offical
Microsoft exam or certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day course provides students
with the knowledge necessary to design,
deploy, and maintain Microsoft’s System
Center 2012 Orchestrator. In this course,
students are introduced to the various
System Center products, and then learn
how Orchestrator 2012 is architected
and deployed within the Systems Center
suite. In addition, this course includes
automation of processes designed to
address various scenarios, which may be
encountered in the business computing
environment. Upon course completion,
students will have the skills necessary to
manage Orchestrator 2012 for maximum
business benefit. This course incorporates
hands-on learning opportunities, so
students can practice applying business
solutions to real-world scenarios
This course is designed for IT professionals
who already have prerequisite technical
knowledge of the systems they want
to manage with Orchestrator 2012..
This course is also for IT professionals
who need to understand the critical
System Center 2012 Service Manager
Prijs: € 1.345,-
components of the systems that might
require automation.
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have technical knowledge in the
following areas:
• Windows Server 2008 R2 operating
• Active Directory Domain Services (AD
• Experience with PowerShell,SQL
Server,Excel PivotTables and Opalis
Integration Server helpful
• Knowledge of the product(s) and
function(s) that they plan to automate
with Orchestrator 2012
• Familiarity with administration of other
System Center 2012 products helpful
This course is not related to any offical
Microsoft exam or certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day course teaches students how
to design, deploy and maintain Service
Manager 2012 within their organizations.
Students are introduced to the various
System Center 2012 products and will
learn how Service Manager 2012 is
designed and deployed within the System
Center suite. In addition, students will
learn how to customize the end user
experience and automate service request
responses, as well as learn best practices
for using Service Manager 2012. This
course incorporates hands-on learning
opportunities so students can practice
applying business solutions to real-world
This course is designed for IT professionals
and business analysts who already have
prerequisite technical knowledge of the
underlying infrastructure and components
that integrate with Service Manager
2012. These IT professionals are primarily
responsible for implementing a service
Prijs: € 2.345,-
desk and need in-depth knowledge of
Service Manager 2012.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows
Server 2012 operating system.
• Active Directory Domain Services (AD
• PowerShell and SQL Server Reporting
• Service Manager (helpful but not
• Administration of other System
Center 2012 products (helpful but not
• Information Technology Infrastructure
Library (ITIL) or Microsoft Operations
Framework (MOF) (helpful but not
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Microsoft System Center Orchestrator 2012 for Runbook Authors
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This is a two-day instructor-led course
that provides participants with knowledge
and skills to begin to use System Center
Orchestrator. The course focuses on use
of Orchestrator after its installation. It
also focuses on how IT processes can be
automated using Orchestrator.
This course is intended for Enterprise
Systems Engineers, Administrators and
System Integrators in the role of Runbook
Authors tasked with automating IT
processes using Microsoft System Center
Orchestrator 2012.
Using Microsoft System Center Service Manager
2012 for IT Analysts
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This is a one or two-day instructor-led
course that provides participants with
knowledge and skills to use System Center
Service Manager. The course focuses on
use of Service Manager with other System
Center products after its installation. It
also focuses on how IT process activities
such as the Microsoft Operations
Framework (MOF) & IT Infrastructure
Library (ITIL) can be performed using
Service Manager.
This course is intended for IT Analysts
who support End Users using Microsoft
System Center Service Manager 2012.
This includes Service Desk managers and
staff, as well as managers and staff at Tiers
1-4 of support organizations, including IT
Operations, Technical Management, and
Applications Management functions.
Prijs: € 1.045,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience performing activities with
ITIL and MOF processes as an IT
• Experience as a user (not
administrator) of System Center
Configuration Manager 2007 and
Operations Manager 2007 R2 features
and functionality
• Experience as a user of Active Directory
• Experience with deployment,
configuration, and troubleshooting
Windows-based computers as an IT
Microsoft Trainingen
System Center 2012 Orchestrator
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
The focus is on individuals responsible
for managing Incidents, Problems,
Changes, IT Assets, and Knowledge and
Reporting for their technology streams.
Participants should have at least one year
of experience with IT Support processes
or one or more System Center products
(Operations Manager, Configuration
Prijs: € 1.045,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, participants
must have:
• Experience performing IT activities
including deployment, configuration,
and troubleshooting Windows-based
computers as a Windows Server
• Familiarity with basic programming
constructs including data types,
operators, variables, expressions,
assignment, simple I/O, and conditional
and iterative flow control structures /
selection (if-then iteration; loops, for,
• Experience as a user of Active Directory
• Familiarity with System Center features
and functionality
• Recommended:It is recommended
participants have achieved the following
Microsoft certifications or possess
equivalent knowledge
• MCTS: System Center Operations
Manager 2007, Configuring (Exam:
• MCTS: Microsoft System Center Virtual
Machine Manager 2008 Configuration
(Exam: 70-403)
• MCTS: Windows Server Virtualization,
Configuration (Exam: 70-652)
• An understanding of the System Center
and Virtualization is desired, specifically:
• Virtual Machine Manager 2012,
Operations Manager 2007 R2,
Service Manager 2012, Virtualization
• Hyper-V and Windows Server 2008
R2, Automated deployment of server
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 135
Database Management & Development
Microsoft Trainingen
Upgrading Your SQL Server Skills to Microsoft
SQL Server 2014
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.345,-
This five-day instructor-led course teaches
students how to use the enhancements
and new features that have been added
to SQL Server and the Microsoft data
platform since the release of SQL Server
2008. The course focuses on teaching
individuals how to use SQL Server 2014
product features and other Microsoft data
platform components.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience of building and managing
database, data warehouse, and
business intelligence (BI) solutions with
SQL Server 2008.
• Familiarity with the Windows
Server 2012 operating system and
• Familiarity with Microsoft Excel and
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.
The primary audience for this course is
database and business intelligence (BI)
professionals who are familiar with SQL
Server 2008 and want to update their
skills to SQL Server 2014, and become
familiar with related Microsoft data
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Querying Microsoft SQL Server
Introduction to Azure for Developers
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course offers students the opportunity
to take an existing ASP.NET MVC
application and expand its functionality
as part of moving it to Azure. This course
focuses on developing in Azure using
Storage, Cloud Services, Service Bus,
Active Directory, WebSites and SQL among
other features. This course also focuses on
using the provided .NET SDKs, REST APIs,
configuration and deployment options
related to Azure.
The developers targeted by this training
are web application developers who
have 6-12 months of web development
experience using ASP.NET and C#. Said
developers are interested in deploying
their ASP.NET applications to Azure,
integrating the applications with the Azure
Prijs: € 2.345,-
services and using best practices to build
a highly scalable application. This course
is intended for students who have the
following experience:
• 6-12 months experience developing
ASP.NET Web applications using C#
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have the following experience:
• ASP.NET web application development
• C# application development
• Relational databases (SQL)
• WCF services
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Administering Microsoft SQL Server Databases
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day instructor-led course provides
students with the knowledge and skills
to maintain a Microsoft SQL Server 2014
database. The course focuses on teaching
individuals how to use SQL Server 2014
product features and tools related to
maintaining a database.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
The primary audience for this course is
individuals who administer and maintain
SQL Server databases. These individuals
perform database administration and
maintenance as their primary area of
responsibility, or work in environments
where databases play a key role in their
primary job. The secondary audience for
this course is individuals who develop
applications that deliver content from SQL
Server databases.
Vereiste voorkennis
This course requires that you meet the
following prerequisites:
• Basic knowledge of the Microsoft
Windows operating system and its core
• Working knowledge of Transact-SQL.
• Working knowledge of relational
• Some experience with database design.
Students who want to attend this
training can meet the prerequisites
by attending the following courses, or
obtaining equivalent knowledge and
• M20461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5-day instructor led course provides
students with the technical skills required
to write basic Transact-SQL queries for
Microsoft SQL Server 2014. This course
is the foundation for all SQL Serverrelated disciplines; namely, Database
Administration, Database Development
and Business Intelligence.
This course is intended for Database
Administrators, Database Developers, and
Business Intelligence professionals. The
course will very likely be well attended by
SQL power users who aren’t necessarily
database-focused or plan on taking the
exam; namely, report writers, business
analysts and client application developers.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
This course requires that you meet the
following prerequisites:
• Working knowledge of relational
• Basic knowledge of the Microsoft
Windows operating system and its core
This course helps people prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course describes how to implement
a data warehouse platform to support
a BI solution. Students will learn how to
create a data warehouse with Microsoft
SQL Server 2014, implement ETL with SQL
Server Integration Services, and validate
and cleanse data with SQL Server Data
Quality Services and SQL Server Master
Data Services.
This course is intended for database
professionals who need to create and
support a data warehousing solution.
Primary responsibilities include:
• Implementing a data warehouse.
• Developing SSIS packages for data
extraction, transformation, and
• Enforcing data integrity by using
Master Data Services.
• Cleansing data by using Data Quality
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
This course requires that you meet the
following prerequisites:
• At least 2 years’ experience of working
with relational databases, including:
• Designing a normalized database.
• Creating tables and relationships.
• Querying with Transact-SQL.
• Some exposure to basic programming
constructs (such as looping and
• An awareness of key business priorities
such as revenue, profitability, and
financial accounting is desirable.
• M20461, Querying Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 / 2014
• M20462, Administering a Microsoft
SQL Server Databases
Developing Microsoft SQL Server Databases
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 5-day instructor-led course introduces
SQL Server 2014 and describes logical
table design, indexing and query plans. It
also focusses on the creation of database
objects including views, stored procedures,
along with parameters, and functions.
Other common aspects of procedure
coding, such as indexes, concurrency, error
handling, and triggers are also covered in
this course.
The primary audience for this course is IT
Professionals who want to become skilled
on SQL Server 2014 product features and
technologies for implementing a database.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
This course requires that you meet the
following prerequisites:
• Knowledge of writing T-SQL queries.
• Knowledge of basic relational
database concepts.You can meet these
requirements by attending course
M20461, Querying Microsoft SQL
This course helps you prepare for the Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course helps to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL
Server 2012
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course describes how to design and
monitor high performance, highly available
data solutions with SQL Server 2012.
This course focuses on creating plans and
designs for database structure, storage,
objects, and servers. Students will have
the opportunity to practices hands-on
skills and design tasks in a virtual lab
environment and will learn about topics
such as data compression, high availability,
data migration, security, and scalability.
This course is intended for individuals
who design database solutions for
organizations and have experience with
database development and administering
SQL Server databases. These individuals
design databases as their primary area of
responsibility. They are responsible to plan
and design database structure, storage,
objects, and servers. They also create the
plan for the environment in which the
database solution runs.
Designing Self-Service Business Intelligence and Big Data Solutions
Database Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day instructor-led course teaches
students how to implement self-service
Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data
analysis solutions using the Microsoft data
platform. The course discusses the rationale
for self-service BI, and describes how to use
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft SharePoint Server,
and Microsoft Office 365 Power BI to create
self-service data models and reports. The
course then goes on to describe how to use
Windows Azure HDInsight to perform Big
Data analysis.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Note: This course is designed for customers
who are interested in learning SQL Server
2012 or SQL Server 2014. It covers the new
features in SQL Server 2014, but also the
important capabilities across the SQL Server
data platform.
The primary audience for this course is
database and business intelligence (BI)
professionals who are familiar with data
warehouses and enterprise BI solutions built
with SQL Server technologies.
Experienced data analysts who want to
learn how to use Microsoft technologies for
self-service analysis and reporting will also
benefit from attending this course.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Knowledge of data warehousing and
data modeling principles.
• Familiarity with Microsoft Excel and
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.
Prerequisites can also be met by
attending courses M20461, M20462,
M20463 and M20466.
This course maps to skills and knowledge
measured by Microsoft Exam 70-467, and
in conjunction with on-the-job experience,
can help prepare you for the exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
• Course M10774: Querying Microsoft
SQL Server 2012
• Course M10775: Administering a
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Database
• Course M10776: Developing Microsoft
SQL Server 2012 Databases with
Microsoft SQL Server 2012
This course maps to skills and knowledge
measured by Microsoft Exam 70-465, and
in conjunction with on-the-job experience,
can help prepare your for the exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-364, and build an
understanding of these topics: Core
Database Concepts, Creating Database
Objects, Manipulating Data, Data Storage,
and Administering a Database.
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some hands-
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Microsoft Trainingen
Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft
SQL Server
Prijs: € 1.245,-
on experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites voor this course
This course helps to prepare for MTA Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 137
Microsoft Trainingen
Desktop Applications
Enterprise Resource Management
SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence
Microsoft Office Migration
Extending Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day instructor-led course
provides students with the necessary
knowledge to work with all the associated
SharePoint business intelligence services
including PerformancePoint Service, Excel
Services, Business Connectivity Services,
and Visio Services.
The new and improved Business
Intelligence Center is explored, and all
the exciting new features within the
SharePoint 2013 release are covered. The
focus of this course is on the SharePoint
2013 business intelligence platform and
not on the SQL business intelligence
services.As far as possible each of the
modules is stand-alone allowing for
customization of the course for those
audiences that may not have an interest in
a certain service.
Prijs: € 1.395,-
This course is intended for power users,
business intelligence developers and IT
professionals that will be involved with
the design, development and maintenance
of SharePoint 2013 business intelligence
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have an understanding of the
benefits of business intelligence.
Cursusduur: 1 dag
MS Office 2013 brengt nieuwe
mogelijkheden met zich mee. Wanneer
de medewerkers de nieuwe versie onder
de knie hebben werkt het efficiënter. Om
de overstap binnen de organisatie soepel
en zonder productiviteitsverlies te laten
verlopen biedt Global Knowledge u de
mogelijkheid uw eindgebruikers in korte
tijd op te leiden.
There is no exam related to this course.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course is intended for IT professionals
who deploy, manage, and maintain
PCs, devices, and apps across medium/
large/enterprise organizations, and for
individuals who are interested in taking
exam 70-695.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Networking fundamentals, including
common networking protocols,
topologies, hardware, media, routing,
switching and addressing.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kennis van eerdere versies van Microsoft
Office is noodzakelijk.
Deploying Windows Devices and Enterprise Apps
This 5-day course describes how to
assess operating system and application
deployment options, determine the most
appropriate deployment strategy, and
then implement a lite-touch or zero-touch
deployment solution for Windows devices
and apps. Solutions covered in this course
include operating system deployment
scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment
Toolkit (MDT) and System Center 2012 R2
Configuration Manager.
Iedereen die professioneel gebruik maakt
van Microsoft Office en met de nieuwe
versie wil gaan werken.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 495,-
Prijs: € 2.345,-
• Active Directory Domain Services (AD
DS) principles and fundamentals of AD
DS management.
• Installation, configuration, and
troubleshooting for Windows-based
personal computers.
• Basic concepts of Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) security.
• Basic understanding of scripting and
Windows PowerShell syntax.
• Basic understanding of Windows
Server roles and services.
• Basic understanding of management
tasks using System Center 2012 R2
Configuration Manager.
This course helps to prepare for exam
70-695: Deploying Windows Devices and
Enterprise Apps
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course offers detailed and interactive
information on how to develop extensions
for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, with
focus on extension methods documented
in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK.
It provides instruction on the use of a
number of Common Platform Operations,
on how to query and execute these
operations, as well as on developing
a concise understanding of business
process implementation and workflows. In
addition, the course describes how to use
Plug-ins, application event programming,
client extensions and web resources.
Finally, it includes a summary overview of
the integration between Windows Azure
and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
This course is a CRM development
course intended primarily for partners
and customers who have a technical
background and familiarity with Microsoft
Dynamics CRM 4.0 or Microsoft Dynamics
CRM 2011. The audience must also be
experienced in basic form customizations
and workflows.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience in basic form
customizations and workflows
Background in one or more of the
following technologies:
• .NET-connected applications to Visual
• Microsoft Dynamics CRM
customizations and web services
• Windows Workflow Foundation
• Windows AZURE Platform
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customization
and Configuration
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course describes the techniques
required to customize Microsoft Dynamics
CRM to meet the specialized needs of
businesses. The topics covered include
security; creation and configuration
of entities; design of forms views and
charts; auditing and solutions. The course
describes each topic and how each topic
relates to the other topics to produce a full
configured, effective solution.
This training is intended for both novice
and experienced customizers of Microsoft
Dynamics CRM who are familiar with the
end-user principles of the software. No
programming skills are required, but a
basic understanding of database principles
will be an advantage.
Prijs: € 1.545,-
Vereiste voorkennis
A working knowledge of how to use
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. It is
recommended, but not required, that
individuals have completed Microsoft
Dynamics CRM 2011 or 2013 applications
training. Because this training material
focuses on customizing database entities,
attributes, relationships, and mappings,
it is recommended that individuals have
a basic understanding of Microsoft
SQL Server and relational database
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This course introduces the capabilities of
Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics
CRM 2013 that allow you to track and
manage the sales process from potential
to close. This course provides insight on
sales process information, and introduces
the tools available to analyze and report
on sales information. This course guides
you through the tools that help make
the internal processes simpler and easier
so your sales force can focus on what
is important—creating a differentiated
experience for your customers.
This course is intended for individuals
that plan to implement, use, maintain, or
support Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 in
their organization. The training is intended
Prijs: € 845,-
for sales representatives, administrators,
office managers, CEOs, and consultants
who want to learn the available sales
features within Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Service in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
Cursusduur: 1 dag
Prijs: € 845,-
This course focuses on how an
organization can nurture customer
satisfaction through automation of
business processes within Microsoft
Dynamics CRM 2013. This course provides
an insight into all of the powerful
Customer Service and Service Scheduling
functionality capabilities within Microsoft
Dynamics CRM 2013.
This course is intended for individuals
that plan to implement, use, maintain, or
support Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 in
their organization. The training is intended
for customer service representatives,
service schedulers, administrators, office
managers, CEOs, and consultants who
want to gain foundational knowledge of
the application functionality.
Additionally, this course guides you through
the process of working with your customers
in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, including:
resolution of customer complaints and
services issues cost effectively, and provides
insight on managing all related
correspondence, documents, contacts and
conversations. This course demonstrates
the rich and relevant view of your customer
that provides your team with actionable
insights, including the use of knowledge
management in a centralized knowledge
Vereiste voorkennis
• General knowledge of Microsoft
• General knowledge of Microsoft Office
• An understanding of Customer
Relationship Management solution
processes and practices
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze cursus leren deelnemers om
een communicatieplatform op basis
van Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 te
configureren en te beheren. Cursisten krijgen
richtlijnen, best practices en overwegingen
mee voor het optimaliseren van hun
Exchange-server. Cursus M20341 staat
onder leiding van een docent en u doet hierin
kennis en vaardigheden op voor het plannen,
installeren en beheren van de mailboxrollen,
de clienttoegang, het transport en de
Deze cursus is met name gericht op
IT-professionals die een functie als
communicatiebeheerder voor bedrijven
ambiëren. Ook voor IT-generalisten en
helpdeskmedewerkers die meer willen
weten over Exchange Server 2013 kan
deze cursus nuttig zijn. Beheerders
die willen deelnemen aan de cursus
moeten minimaal drie jaar werkervaring
in de IT hebben, bijvoorbeeld op het
gebied van netwerkbeheer, helpdesks
of systeembeheer. Ervaring met eerdere
versies van Exchange Server is niet nodig.
Een tweede doelgroep voor deze cursus
bestaat uit professionals die het examen
Prijs: € 2.345,-
70-341: Microsoft Exchange Server 2013,
Core Solutions willen afleggen, zelfstandig
of als onderdeel van de vereisten voor
het MCSE: Microsoft Exchange Server
2013-certificaat. Zij kunnen deze cursus
volgen ter voorbereiding..
Vereiste voorkennis
• Minimum of two years of experience
administering Windows Server,
including Windows Server 2008 R2 or
Windows Server 2012.
• Minimum of two years of experience
working with Active Directory Domain
Services (AD DS).
• Minimum of two years of experience
working with name resolution,
including DNS.
• Experience working with certificates,
including PKI certificates
Microsoft Trainingen
This course helps to prepare for exam 70-341
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
• General knowledge of Microsoft
• General knowledge of Microsoft Office
• An understanding of Customer
Relationship Management solution
processes and practices
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 139
Microsoft Trainingen
Mobile Applications
Network Management
Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange
Server 2013
Managing Enterprise Devices and Apps using
System Center Configuration Manager
Advanced Automated Administration with
Windows PowerShell
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.345,-
In deze cursus leren deelnemers om
een communicatieplatform op basis
van Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 te
configureren en te beheren. Cursisten
krijgen richtlijnen, best practices en
overwegingen mee voor het optimaliseren
van hun Exchange-server. Cursus M20341
staat onder leiding van een docent en u
doet hierin kennis en vaardigheden op
voor het plannen, installeren en beheren
van de mailboxrollen, de clienttoegang,
het transport en de Exchangeinfrastructuur
weten over Exchange Server 2013 kan
deze cursus nuttig zijn. Deelnemers aan
deze cursus moeten minimaal drie jaar
werkervaring in de IT hebben, bijvoorbeeld
op het gebied van netwerkbeheer,
helpdesks of systeembeheer. Van
deelnemers wordt verwacht dat zij
ervaring hebben met Exchange Server
2013 of met eerdere versies van Exchange
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor ITprofessionals die een functie als
communicatiebeheerder voor bedrijven
ambiëren. Ook voor IT-generalisten en
helpdeskmedewerkers die meer willen
This course helps you prepare for exam
Vereiste voorkennis
Course M20341 Core Solutions of
Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Get expert instruction and hands-on
practice configuring and managing clients
and devices using Microsoft System Center
2012 R2 Configuration Manager, Windows
Intune, and its associated site systems. In
this five-day course, you will learn day-today management tasks including how to
manage software client health, hardware
and software inventory, applications. and
integration with Windows Intune. You
will also learn how to optimize Endpoint
Protection, manage compliance, and create
management queries and reports. This course
is also intended for individuals who are
interested in taking exam 70-696.
This course is intended for experienced
IT Professionals, typically described as
Enterprise Desktop Administrator (EDA).
These EDAs deploy, manage, and maintain
PCs, devices, and applications across
medium/large/enterprise organizations.
A significant portion of this audience uses
or intends to use System Center 2012 R2
Configuration Manager and Windows Intune
to manage and deploy PCs, devices, and
The Enterprise Desktop Administrator
also supports either domain joined or
non-domain joined Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD) scenarios, mobile device
management, and secure data access
on common platforms, such as Windows
8.x, Windows Phone 8.x, iOS, and
Android by using System Center 2012 R2
Configuration Manager with Windows
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Networking fundamentals, including
common networking protocols,
topologies, hardware, media, routing,
switching and addressing.
• Active Directory Domain Services (AD
DS) principles and fundamentals of AD
DS management.
• Installation, configuration, and
troubleshooting for Windows-based
personal computers.
• Basic concepts of public key
infrastructure (PKI) security.
• Basic understanding of scripting and
Windows PowerShell syntax.
• Basic understanding of Windows
Server roles and services.
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day course is a follow on course
from the M10961 course. It is built on
Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows
8.1 and while it is specifically focussed on
Windows PowerShell v4.0, is also relevant
in v2.0 and v3.0 Windows PowerShell
Expand and build upon the knowledge
already acquired in course 10961B and
focus on building more scalable and
usable Windows PowerShell scripts for
use in your organization by building
your own Windows PowerShell tools.
Learn about areas such as the creation
of advanced functions, script modules,
advanced parameters attributes and
controller scripts. Also learn how to make
your scripts more robust by learning about
handling script errors and the analysis and
debugging Windows PowerShell scripts.
The course will also cover the use of
Windows PowerShell cmdlets with .NET
Framework as well as teaching how to
configure your Windows Servers using
Desired State Configuration and providing
an understanding of Windows PowerShell
This course is intended for IT Professionals
already experienced in general Windows
Server and Windows Client administration
or already experienced in administering
and supporting Application servers and
services including applications such as
Prijs: € 1.395,-
Exchange, SharePoint, and SQL.
System, Infrastructure and Application
Administrators working in a Windows or
Windows hybrid environment will all find
this course relevant to their day to day jobs
and future career and skills development.
The course is also intended for IT
Professionals who want to build upon
existing Windows PowerShell knowledge
and skill to learn how to build their own
tools for broader general use in their
organization, using any Microsoft or
independent software vendor (ISV) product
that supports Windows PowerShell
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge and experience working
with Windows PowerShell or knowledge
equivalent to the content covered in course
M10961 Automating Administration with
Windows PowerShell
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Networking Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 1.245,-
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-366, and build an
understanding of these topics: Network
Infrastructures, Network Hardware, and
Protocols and Services.
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
technologies. This program provides an
This course helps to prepare for Exam
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012
Administering Windows Server 2012
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Get hands-on instruction and practice
installing and configuring Windows Server
2012, including Windows Server 2012
R2. This course is part one in a series of
three courses that provides the skills and
knowledge necessary to implement a core
Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an
existing enterprise environment.
The three courses collectively cover
implementing, managing, maintaining and
provisioning services and infrastructure
in a Windows Server 2012 environment.
Although there is some cross-over of skills
and tasks across these courses, this course
focuses on the initial implementation
and configuration of core services, such
as Networking, Storage, Active Directory
Domain Services (AD DS), Group Policy,
File and Print Services, and Hyper-V
Labs in this course are based on Windows
Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.
This course is intended for information
technology (IT) professionals who have
some knowledge and experience working
with Windows operating systems and who
want to acquire the skills and knowledge
necessary to install and perform the initial
Prijs: € 2.295,-
configuration of a Windows Server 2012
or Windows Server 2012 R2 server in an
existing Windows server environment.
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have:
• A good understanding of networking
• An understanding and experience
configuring security and administration
tasks in an Enterprise environment.
• Experience supporting or configuring
Microsoft Windows clients.
This course maps directly to and is the
preferred choice for hands-on preparation
for the Microsoft Certified Solutions
Associate (MCSA) Exam 410: Installing
and Configuring Windows Server 2012,
which is the first of three exams required
for the MCSA: Windows Server 2012
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus is het tweede deel
van een serie van drie cursussen
waarin de benodigde kennis en
vaardigheden worden opgedaan voor de
implementatie van een Windows Server
2012-kerninfrastructuur in een bestaande
De drie cursussen behandelen gezamenlijk
het implementeren, beheren, onderhouden
en ‘bevoorraden’ van de services en de
infrastructuur binnen een Windows Server
Hoewel er qua vaardigheden en taken
tussen de cursussen enige overlap is, gaat
deze cursus vooral in op de beheerstaken
die nodig zijn voor het onderhouden van
een Windows Server 2012-omgeving,
zoals gebruikers- en groepsbeheer,
netwerktoegang en databeveiliging.
Deze training is gebaseerd op Windows
Server 2012 R2. Ook het examen 70-411,
dat gerelateerd is aan deze cursus is
gebaseerd op Windows Server 2012 R2
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor ITprofessionals die praktijkervaring hebben
met een Windows Server 2008- of
Windows Server 2012-omgeving en die de
benodigde kennis en vaardigheden willen
opdoen voor het beheren en onderhouden
van de belangrijkste infrastructurele
diensten die nodig zijn binnen een
Windows Server 2012-omgeving.
Microsoft Trainingen
Operating Systems
Deze cursus is vooral gericht op uitbreiding
van de basisomgeving met Windows
Server 2012-diensten en -infrastructuur
en op het opdoen van de benodigde
vaardigheden voor het beheren en
onderhouden van een Windows Server
2012-omgeving binnen een domein, zoals
het beheer van gebruikers en groepen,
toegang tot het netwerk en de beveiliging
van data.
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge and skills concerning the
initial implementation and configuration
of core Windows Server services including
Active Directory Domain Services (AD
DS), Networking Services and Microsoft
Candidates must have knowledge
equivalent to that covered in M20410
Installing and Configuring Windows Server
This course prepares for exam 70-411
which is the second of the three exams
needed for MCSA Windows Server 2012.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 141
Microsoft Trainingen
Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012
Designing and Implementing a Server
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus is het derde deel van een serie
van drie cursussen waarin de benodigde
kennis en vaardigheden worden opgedaan
voor de implementatie van een Windows
Server 2012-kerninfrastructuur in een
bestaande bedrijfsomgeving.
De drie cursussen behandelen gezamenlijk
het implementeren, beheren, onderhouden
en ‘bevoorraden’ van de services en de
infrastructuur binnen een Windows Server
Hoewel er qua vaardigheden en taken
tussen de cursussen enige overlap is, gaat
deze cursus vooral in op geavanceerde
configuratie- en onderhoudstaken die
nodig zijn voor het implementeren,
beheren en onderhouden van een
Windows Server 2012-omgeving, zoals
identiteitsbeheer en identiteitsfederaties,
load balancing op het netwerk,
bedrijfscontinuïteit, schadeherstel,
fouttolerantie en rechtenbeheer.
Deze training is gebaseerd op Windows
Server 2012 R2. Ook het examen 70-412,
dat gerelateerd is aan deze cursus is
gebaseerd op Windows Server 2012 R2.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor ITprofessionals die ervaring hebben
met het implementeren, beheren en
onderhouden van een Windows Server
2008-, Windows Server 2008 R2- of
Windows Server 2012-omgeving binnen
een bestaande bedrijfsomgeving en die
de benodigde kennis en vaardigheden
willen opdoen voor het uitvoeren
van geavanceerd beheer en van de
provisioning voor diensten binnen
die Windows Server 2012-omgeving.
Deelnemers zijn doorgaans zeer
ervaren systeembeheerders en moeten
praktijkervaring hebben met een Windows
Server 2008-, Windows Server 2008 R2- of
Windows Server 2012-omgeving.
Vereiste voorkennis
Candidates would typically be System
Administrators or aspiring to be System
Administrators. Candidates must have
knowledge equivalent to that covered in
course M20411 Administering Windows
Server 2012.
This course is also preparation material,
and maps directly to Exam 70-412:
Configuring Advanced Windows Server
2012 Services.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze vijfdaagse cursus onder leiding
van een docent doet u de kennis en
vaardigheden op die nodig zijn voor het
plannen, ontwerpen en implementeren
van een fysieke en logische infastructuur
met Windows Server 2012 Active Directory
Domain Services (AD DS). De cursus
voorziet u ook van de vaardigheden
voor het uitvoeren van naamresolutie,
applicatie-integratie, optimalisatie van
automatische sanering en het onderhoud
van netwerkdiensten.
Deelnemers aan de cursus hebben
ervaring met eerdere Windows Serverbesturingssystemen en beschikken over
een Windows Server 2012-certificering
(MCSA) of over vergelijkbare
vaardigheden. Deze cursus is ook
bedoeld voor IT-professionals die willen
deelnemen aan het examen 70-413:
ontwerp en implementatie van een
serverinfrastructuur, zelfstandig of als
onderdeel van het eisenpakket voor de
certificering MCSE: serverinfrastructuur.
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge equivalent to Windows 2012
MCSA. Attend course M20412 Configuring
Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services,
to match the appropriate prerequisites.
This course helps to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing Desktop Application Environments
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day course provides students
with the skills and knowledge to be able
to design, deploy and manage a physical
as well as a virtual Windows Server 2012
application management infrastructure.
Students will also learn to design, deploy
and manage Windows 8 Enterprise
applications in a physical and virtual
environment as well as in the cloud.
This course is intended for IT Professionals
who are interested in specializing in
Windows 8 application deployments and
managing the application environments
for large organizations. People attending
this training could be support technicians
or currently in deployment roles and are
considering taking the next step in their
career or enhancing their skills in the areas
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Prijs: € 2.345,-
of planning and deploying Windows 8
Vereiste voorkennis
M20415 Implementing a Desktop
This course helps to prepare for exam 70416: Implementing Desktop Application
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure
Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure
In deze cursus doen deelnemers
vaardigheden op in het plannen
en implementeren van een aantal
geavanceerde functies binnen Windows
Server 2012. Voor het volgen van cursus
M20414 is het afronden van cursus
M20413 verplicht. Voor personen die
kennis en vaardigheden willen opdoen
voor het implementeren van Hyper-V in
Windows Server 2012 is deze cursus zeer
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor ITprofessionals die verantwoordelijk
zijn voor het plannen, ontwerpen en
implementeren van een fysieke en
logische infrastructuur voor bedrijven
met Windows Server 2012 en Active
Directory Domain Services (AD DS),
inclusief netwerkdiensten. Deelnemers
aan de cursus hebben doorgaans
ervaring met eerdere Windows Serverbesturingssystemen en beschikken over
een Windows Server 2012-certificering
(MCSA) of over vergelijkbare
Een tweede doelgroep voor deze cursus
bestaat uit IT-professionals die willen
deelnemen aan het examen 70-414:
implementatie van een geavanceerde
Prijs: € 2.345,-
serverinfrastructuur voor bedrijven,
zelfstandig of als onderdeel van het
eisenpakket voor de MCSE-certificering.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Understanding of TCP/IP and
networking concepts.
• Understanding of Windows Server
2012 and AD DS, including planning,
designing and deploying.
• Understanding of scripts and batch
• Understanding of security concepts
such as authentication and
• Understanding of deployment,
packaging, and imaging tools.
• Working in a team or a virtual team.
• Creating proposals and making budget
• Have achieved the Windows Server
2012 MCSA certification as well as
information in the course M20413
Implementing an Advanced Server
This course helps to prepare for exam
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Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.345,-
This 5-day instructor-led course provides
you with the skills and knowledge
needed to plan, design, and implement
a Windows 8 desktop infrastructure. The
course provides guidance on planning
and deploying desktops by using several
technologies such as User State Migration
Tool (USMT), Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
(MDT), Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
(VDI), and more. Additionally, the course
describes how to protect desktops and
monitor their health and performance.
environments for organizations, and
want to specialize in Windows 8 desktop
The course is primarily intended for IT
Professionals who manage the desktop
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge equivalent to Windows 2012
MCSA and general familiarity with System
Center 2012.
This course helps to prepare for exam 70415: Implementing an Enterprise Desktop
and Device Infrastructure
Microsoft Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze vijfdaagse cursus gaat in op
nieuwe functies en functionaliteiten
binnen Windows Server 2012 op
het gebied van beheer, netwerken,
opslag, toegangsbeheer, Hyper-V, hoge
beschikbaarheid en identiteitsfederatie.
Er wordt onder meer ingegaan op
de technologieën Dynamic Access
Control (DAC), hoge beschikbaarheid,
failover-clustering, Microsoft Online
Backup en aanpassingen binnen Active
Directory, Hyper-V en Active Directory
Federation Services (ADFS). Het is geen
productupgradecursus die ingaat op
het migreren en het upgraden van uw
bestaande omgeving naar Windows Server
2012. In plaats daarvan krijgt u in deze
cursus een update over Windows Server
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor ITprofessionals die al ruime ervaring hebben
met het beheer van Windows Server
2008 of Windows Server 2008 R2 Server,
Prijs: € 2.345,-
die dagelijks implementatie-, beheer- en
administratietaken uitvoeren en die hun
kennis en vaardigheden willen ‘updaten’
naar Windows Server 2012.
Deze cursus kan ook interessant zijn voor
studenten die beschikken over het diploma
MCSA: Windows Server 2008 en dit willen
update naar het diploma MCSA: Windows
Server 2012 via het examen 70-417:
upgrade van uw kwaliteiten naar MCSA
Windows Server 2012.
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge equivalent to the MCSA:
Windows Server 2008 credential (former
MCITPSA or MCITPEA certification)
This course is also preparation material,
and maps directly to, the Exam 70-417:
Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows
Server 2012.
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Configuring Windows 8.1
Microsoft Trainingen
Supporting Windows 8.1
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze cursus doen deelnemers
praktijkervaring op met Windows 8. De
cursus biedt instructies voor het installeren,
upgraden en licenseren van Windows 8.
Deelnemers leren om opslag te beheren via
het aanmaken van eenvoudige, ‘gevlekte’
en ‘gestreepte’ volumes en om de prestaties
van het bestandssysteem te optimaliseren.
Daarnaast leren ze om de beschikbare
schijfruimte te beheren door het gebruik
van quota. De deelnemers leren ook werken
met Windows-hulpmiddelen en -diensten
voor de herkenning van prestatie- en
betrouwbaarheidsproblemen en voor het
oplossen hiervan.
Prijs: € 2.295,-
bestanden en mappen en de configuratie
van gedeelde mappen. Deelnemers
leren ook om printers te installeren en
te beheren. Daarnaast krijgen ze een
overzicht van de SkyDrive-functionaliteit en
van de procedures voor het installeren en
configureren van applicaties, waaronder die
uit de Windows Store.
De cursus behandelt het configureren van
netwerken met IPv4 en IPv6, verbindingen
met draadloze netwerken en het gebruik
van de netwerkfuncties in Windows 8 voor
de oplossing van netwerkproblemen,.
Deelnemers leren ook preventieve
maatregelen te nemen die samenwerken
om computers te beschermen tegen
De cursus gaat ook in op de basis van het
werken met virtuele machines via de Client
Hyper-V-omgeving in Windows 8.
Deelnemers doen kennis op over functies
als Virtual Private Networks (VPN’s)
en DirectAccess, waarmee mobiele
gebruikers toegang hebben tot interne
systeembronnen wanneer zij niet op
kantoor zijn. Tijdens de cursus zullen
deelnemers gebruik maken van Windows
PowerShell 3.0 en van de bijbehorende
grafische gebruikersomgeving (GUI) voor de
configuratie en het beheer van het systeem.
Deelnemers zullen ook gebruik maken van
de scripting-editor voor het aanmaken
en testen van PowerShell-scripts voor het
beheer van het systeem.
De cursus gaat vervolgens in op de functies
rondom bestands- en mappenbeheer, zoals
bestandspermissies, de compressie van
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor IT-professionals
die ondersteuning bieden of de configuratie
verzorgen voor Windows 8-computers,
-apparaten en -gebruikers en van de
bijbehorende netwerken en beveiliging.
De netwerken waarmee deze professionals
doorgaans werken zijn opgezet als
omgeving op basis van een enkel domein
of op peer-to-peer-basis, met toegang
tot internet en cloud-diensten. De ITprofessional kan adviseur zijn, fulltime
technisch ondersteunend medewerker
voor desktops of een IT-generalist die
het beheer van Windows 8-computers
en -apparaten uitvoert als onderdeel van
bredere technische verantwoordelijkheden.
De cursus is ook geschikt voor studenten
die hun certificaat willen behalen in het
examen 70-687 Windows 8-configuratie.
Vereiste voorkennis
In addition to their professional experience,
students who attend this training should
already have the following technical
• Networking fundamentals, including
Transmission Control Protocol /Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP), User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), and Domain Name
System (DNS)
• Microsoft Active Directory Domain
Services (AD DS) principles and
fundamentals of AD DS management
• Understanding of the Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) components
and working knowledge of the
fundamentals of Active Directory
Certificate Services (AD CS)
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or
Windows Server 2008 R2 fundamentals
• Microsoft Windows Client fundamentals;
for example, working knowledge of
Windows XP, Windows Vista, and/or
Windows 7
• Fundamentals of management and
experience using the Microsoft Office
2010 system or the Microsoft Office
2007 system
• Windows Automated Installation Kit
(WAIK) components including Windows
PE, Windows SIM, VAMT, ImageX, USMT,
and DISM concepts and fundamentals
Deze 5-daagse cursus helpt deelnemers de
kennis en vaardigheden te ontwikkelen die
nodig zijn om een.Windows 8.1 enterprise
omgeving te kunnen ondersteunen.
This course helps you prepare for exam
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-349 and build an
understanding of these topics: Operating
System Configurations, Installing and
Upgrading Client Systems, Managing
Applications, Managing Files and Folders,
Managing Devices, and Operating System
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Upgrading your skills to MCSA Windows 8.1
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Deze driedaagse cursus is vooral bedoeld
voor IT-professionals die hun technische
vaardigheden willen upgraden van Windows
7 naar Windows 8. De cursus is gericht op
de nieuwe functies en functionaliteiten
in Windows 8 en op gerelateerde
hulpmiddelen en cloud-diensten die
betrekking hebben op installatie, activatie,
upgrades en migratie, lokaal beheer en
beheer op afstand, bijvoorbeeld via Group
Policy, Windows Intune en Windows
PowerShell, applicatiesystemen en
-compatibiliteit, Internet Explorer, toegang
Prijs: € 1.445,-
op afstand, clientconfiguratie via VPN
en DirectAccess, opslag en beveiliging,
probleemoplossing en systeemherstel,
Client Hyper-V en online-diensten.
Deze cursus dient ook ter voorbereiding
op examen 70-689: uw vaardigheden
upgraden naar MCSA Windows 8.
Deze cursus is in eerste instantie bedoeld
voor IT-professionals die ruime ervaring
hebben met het beheer van Windows 7
of die technische ondersteuning bieden
en hun vaardigheden willen ‘updaten’
naar Windows 8 en de bijbehorende
beheerhulpmiddelen en clouddiensten.
Een tweede doelgroep voor deze cursus
bestaat uit personen die al beschikken
over het certificaat Microsoft Certified IT
Professional (MCITP) voor Windows 7 en
die hun huidige diploma willen uitbreiden
naar het Microsoft Certified Solutions
Associate (MCSA) voor Windows 8.
Vereiste voorkennis
Technical knowledge and skillsof Windows
7 on the level of MCSA Windows 7.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course helps you prepare for exam
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Deze cursus is bedoeld voor de Enterprise
Device Support Technician die 2e lijns
ondersteuning moet kunnen leveren aan
gebruikers die Windows desktops en
andere devices gebruiken in een Windows
domain omgeving..
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
M20687 Configuring Windows 8
This course helps you to prepare for exam
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Windows Operating System Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Prijs: € 1.245,-
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites voor this course
This course helps to prepare for MTA Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Windows Server Administration Fundamentals
Installing & Configuring Windows 7 Client
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-365, and build an
understanding of these topics: Server
Installation, Server Roles, Active Directory,
Storage, Server Performance Management,
and Server Maintenance.
Prijs: € 1.245,-
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This course helps to prepare for exam
MTA 98-365
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day instructor-led course will
teach IT Professionals, experienced with
Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista
in a Tier 2 support environment, how to
support the operating system and solve
technical troubleshooting problems in a
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
networking environment. This course also
directly supports the EDST exam.
The primary audience for this course is the
Enterprise Desktop Support Technician
(EDST) providing Tier 2 support. The
secondary audience for this course is the
Desktop Support Technician (DST) in an
Upper MORG Organization.
Deze drie-daagse klassikale cursus
is bedoeld voor IT-professionals die
geïnteresseerd zijn in het uitbreiden van
hun kennis en technische vaardigheden
t.a.v. Windows 7 Client. In deze cursus
leren cursisten het installeren en upgraden
van, en migreren naar, Windows 7-client.
Cursisten configureren vervolgens
Windows 7-client voor netwerkconnectiviteit, beveiliging, onderhoud en
mobile computing.
IT Professionals die geinteresseerd zijn in
het installeren, configureren en beheren
van Windows 7.
Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Support Technician
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 1.445,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Ervaring met installeren van PCs en
• Basis begrip van TCP/IP en netwerk
• Basis Windows en Active Directory
• Kunnen koppelen van netwerk shared
• Ervaring in het werken met de
command prompt.
Exam 70-680 MCTS: Windows 7 –
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 1.445,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Please attend M6292 Installing &
Configuring Windows 7 Client before you
attend M6293.
Exam 70-685 Enterprise Desktop Support
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Security Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-367, and build an
understanding of these topics: Security
Layers, Operating System Security,
Network Security, Security Software.
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Prijs: € 1.245,-
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This course helps to prepare for MTA Exam
Automating Administration with Windows
PowerShell v3.0
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn how with Windows PowerShell
3.0, you can remotely manage single
or multiple Windows-based servers and
automate day-to-day management and
administration tasks. This five day course
provides students with the fundamental
knowledge and skills to use Windows
PowerShell 3.0 for administering and
automating administration of Windows
based servers. It focuses on primary
Windows PowerShell command-line
features and techniques, and will
provide prerequisite skills supporting
many different Microsoft products. This
includes Windows Server, Windows Client,
Exchange Server, SharePoint Server,
SQL Server, System Center, and more. In
keeping with that goal, this course will
not focus on any one of those products,
although Windows Server (which is the
common platform for all of those) will
serve as the example for the techniques
being taught.
This course is intended for IT Professionals
already experienced in general Windows
Server and Windows Client administration
or already experienced in administering
and supporting Application servers
and services including applications
Prijs: € 2.345,-
like Exchange, SharePoint, and SQL. It
is broadly intended for students who
want to use Windows PowerShell to
automate administrative tasks from the
command line, using any Microsoft or
independent software vendor (ISV) product
that supports Windows PowerShell
Microsoft Trainingen
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Servers & Applications
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have:
• Previous Windows Server and
Windows Client management
knowledge and hands on experience.
• Experience installing and configuring
Windows Server into existing
enterprise environments, or as
standalone installations.
• Knowledge and experience of network
adapter configuration, basic Active
Directory user administration, and
basic disk configuration.
• Knowledge and hands on experience
specifically with Windows Server 2012
and Windows 8 would be of benefit
but is not essential.
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Fundamentals of a Windows Server Infrastructure
Microsoft Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn about the Fundamental building
blocks that go into building a Windows
Server infrastructure with Windows
Server 2012.This five day course covers
the basic skills and knowledge that are
required in order to build a Windows
Server Infrastructure. It covers networking
architecture and topologies, security
considerations and best practices as well
as basic Windows Server administration
skills and technologies such as Windows
Server 2012 Installation, configuration,
maintenance and performance. Within
that it will also cover specific areas such
as Active Directory Domain Services (AD
DS), Domain Name Services (DNS), Storage
and many others.This course is designed
to provide foundational level knowledge
needed to prepare students to start a
career or cross train in Microsoft Windows
Server technologies.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
or students who are looking to cross train
from an alternative technology.This course
is needed as a first step in preparing
for a job in IT or as prerequisite training
before beginning the Microsoft Certified
System Administrator (MCSA) training and
certification path.
Vereiste voorkennis
• In addition to their professional
experience, before attending this
course, students must have:
• A good fundamental knowledge of
general computing concepts.
• Knowledge equivalent to the MTA
exam 98-349: Windows Operating
System Fundamentals
There is currently no exam associate to
this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Candidates for this course are people who
are starting out their career or looking
to change careers into Windows Server
Technologies and need the fundamental
knowledge to help them achieve that. It
would be of interest to home computer
users, small business owners, academic
students, information workers, developers,
technical managers, help desk technicians
Implementing Data Models and Reports with
Microsoft SQL Server
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The focus of this five-day instructor-led
course is on creating managed enterprise
BI solutions. It describes how to implement
multidimensional and tabular data models,
deliver reports with Microsoft SQL Server
Reporting Services, create dashboards
with Microsoft SharePoint Server
PerformancePoint Services, and discover
business insights by using data mining.
This course is intended for database
professionals who need to fulfill a Business
Intelligence Developer role to create
analysis and reporting solutions. Primary
responsibilities include:
• Implementing analytical data models,
such as OLAP cubes.
• Implementing reports, and managing
report delivery.
• Creating business performance
• Supporting data mining and predictive
Vereiste voorkennis
This course requires that you meet the
following prerequisites:
• At least 2 years’ experience of working
with relational databases, including:
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Designing a normalized database.
Creating tables and relationships.
Querying with Transact-SQL.
Some basic knowledge of data
warehouse schema topology (including
star and snowflake schemas).
• Some exposure to basic programming
constructs (such as looping and
• An awareness of key business priorities
such as revenue, profitability, and
financial accounting is desirable.
You can match these prerequisites by
attending the courses needed for
MCSA SQL Server.
• M20461, Querying Microsoft SQL
• M20462, Administering a Microsoft
SQL Server Databases
• M20463, Implementing a Data
Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server
This course helps you prepare for exam
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Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides students with the
fundamental knowledge and skills to
configure and manage Internet Information
Services. This course is intended to help
provide pre-requisite skills supporting a
broad range of Internet web applications,
Prijs: € 2.345,-
security, and knowledge to help support
other products that use IIS such as
Exchange and SharePoint. In keeping with
that goal, this course will not focus on any
particular web application or development
This course is intended for IT Professionals
already experienced in general Windows
Server and Windows Client administration.
No prior experience with any version of
Internet Information Services is assumed.
Vereiste voorkennis
M20410 Installing and Configuring
Windows Server 2012
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Introduction to Office 365
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This Microsoft clinic provides an
introduction to Office 365. It focuses on
the business considerations and economics
of Office 365 and Windows Azure.
This clinic highlights the features and
functionality of Microsoft’s cloud offerings.
It uses a case study approach to illustrate
various Office 365 deployment scenarios.
Prijs: € 495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have:
• A general concept of cloud computing.
• A basic understanding of how software
has traditionally been deployed.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is intended for business
decision makers who are contemplating
implementation of Office 365 and/
or Windows Azure in their business
IT Service Management with System Center
Service Manager
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This four day course will provide students
with the key knowledge required to deploy
and configure System Center 2012 SP1
Service Manager.
This course is intended for cloud and
datacenter administrators who are new to
System Center 2012 SP1 Service Manager
and are responsible for deploying,
configuring and operating it in their cloud
or datacenter. This course is also intended
for Cloud and datacenter administrators
who are already familiar with Service
Manager and want to upgrade their skills
to include the new features found in
System Center 2012 SP1 Service Manager.
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have:
• Working knowledge of Windows
Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server
• Working knowledge of SQL Server
2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Software Development
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.345,-
This five-day instructor-led course provides
the knowledge and skills to develop web
applications by using Microsoft Visual
Studio and WebMatrix 2.
Typically, these web developers:
• Create a website for a small company
or voluntary organization.
• Add multiple static webpages to a
The course introduces the Microsoft web
stack and shows how to use WebMatrix
2 to develop web applications. The course
will help students understand how start
with basic web development concepts,
and how to use existing applications from
the Application Gallery. The course will
describe basic web development, including
CSS, plug-ins, scripting, basic data access,
and application hosting. The course will
also describe how to use Windows Azure
for application hosting, and how to move
beyond WebMatrix 2 into Visual Studio.
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have:
Knowledge of HTML or DHTML, including:
This course is intended for web
developers who are beginners and have
some knowledge of HTML. These web
developers create sites for a range of
different customer and companies, often
by observing and re-purposing existing
HTML pages, styles, and scripts. They work
primarily with static webpages and in-line
formatting. They do not often work in a
team and use an ISV to host most of their
customers’ sites.
Programming experience including the
following concepts:
• Declaring variables
• Using loops
• Using conditional statements
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Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps
Using HTML5 and JavaScript
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this course students will learn essential
programming skills and techniques that
are required to develop Windows Store
apps. This includes a combination of both
design and development skills, as well as
ensuring that students are comfortable
using and making the most of the Visual
Studio and Expression Blend tools.
This course is intended for professional
developers who have 1 or more years of
experience in creating applications.
Prijs: € 2.295,-
Vereiste voorkennis
M20480 Programming in HTML5 with
JavaScript and CSS3
This course helps you prepare for exam
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Advanced Windows Store App Development
Using HTML5 and JavaScript
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this course the students will learn
the more advanced programming skills
and techniques that they can use to
optimize their Windows Store app and
differentiate their app from other apps in
the Windows Store. These advanced skills
and techniques include a combination of
both design and development skills. The
students will also learn about supporting
the apps that they have published to the
Windows Store.
Prijs: € 2.295,-
This course is intended for professional
developers who have 1 or more years of
experience creating applications for a
production environment.
Introduction to programming
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this 5-day course, students will learn
the basics of computer programming
through the use of Microsoft Visual Studio
2013 and either the Visual C# or Visual
Basic programming languages. The course
assumes no prior programming experience
and introduces the concepts needed to
progress to the intermediate courses
on programming, such as M20483:
Programming in C#.The focus will be
on core programming concepts such as
computer storage, data types, decision
structures, and repetition by using loops.
The course also covers an introduction to
object-oriented programming covering
classes, encapsulation, inheritance, and
polymorphism. Coverage is also included
around exception handling, application
security, performance, and memory
This course is intended for anyone who is
new to software development and wants,
or needs, to gain an understanding of
programming fundamentals and objectoriented programming concepts. They
Prijs: € 2.345,-
will typically be career changers, with no
prior programming experience. They might
want to gain an understanding of the core
programming fundamentals before moving
on to more advanced courses such as
M20483: Programming in C#.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Ability to use computers to start
programs, open and save files,
navigate application menus and
• Ability to understand logical concepts
such as comparisons
• Understand number theory
• Ability to create, understand, and
follow structured directions or step-bystep procedures
• Ability to understand and apply
abstract concepts to concrete examples
Microsoft Trainingen
Programming Fundamentals of Web Applications
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This course helps you prepare for exam
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Microsoft Trainingen
Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
Programming in C#
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides an introduction to
HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This course
helps students gain basic HTML5/CSS3/
JavaScript programming skills and is an
entry point into both the Web application
and Windows Store apps training paths.
The course focuses on using HTML5/CSS3/
JavaScript to implement programming
logic, define and use variables, perform
looping and branching, develop user
interfaces, capture and validate user input,
store data, and create well-structured
applications. The lab scenarios in this
course are selected to support and
demonstrate the structure of various
application scenarios. They are intended
to focus on the principals and coding
components/structures that are used to
establish an HTML5 software application.
The course is intended for developers who
have at least six months of professional
experience and who are interested in
developing applications using HTML5 with
JavaScript and CSS3 (either Windows Store
apps or IE10 apps for the Web). While
the students may have little or no HTML5
coding experience, they should have some
experience with HTML4.
Prijs: € 2.295,-
fundamental in nature when presenting
the syntax associated with certain
programming tasks.
Vereiste voorkennis
In addition to their professional
experience, students who attend this
training should have a combination of
practical and conceptual knowledge
related to HTML5 programming. This
includes the following prerequisites:
Understand the basic HTML document
• Use HTML tags to display text content.
• Use HTML tags to display graphics.
• Use HTML APIs.
Understand how to style common HTML
elements using CSS, including:
• Separating presentation from content.
• Managing content flow.
• Managing positioning of individual
• Managing content overflow.
• Basic CSS styling.
This course helps you prepare for exam
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Students choosing to attend this course
without a developer background should
pay special attention to the training
prerequisites. Developers who have more
than 5 years programming experience
may find that portions of this training are
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This training course teaches developers the
programming skills that are required for
developers to create Windows applications
using the C# language. During their five
days in the classroom students review the
basics of C# program structure, language
syntax, and implementation details,
and then consolidate their knowledge
throughout the week as they build an
application that incorporates several
features of the .NET Framework 4.5.
The course introduces many of the
techniques and technologies employed
by modern desktop and enterprise
applications, including:
• Building new data types.
• Handling events.
• Programming the user interface.
• Accessing a database.
• Using remote data.
• Performing operations asynchronously.
• Integrating with unmanaged code.
• Creating custom attributes.
• Encrypting and decrypting data.
This course is designed for professional
developers with at least one month of
experience programming in an objectoriented environment.
Vereiste voorkennis
Developersattending this courseshould
already have gained some limited
experience using C# to complete basic
programming tasks. More specifically,
students should have hands-on experience
using C# that demonstrates their
understanding of the following:
• How to name, declare, initialize and
assign values to variables within an
• How to use:
• arithmetic operators to perform
arithmetic calculations involving one or
more variables;
Prijs: € 2.295,-
• relational operators to test the
relationship between two variables or
• logical operators to combine
expressions that contain relational
• How to create the code syntax for
simple programming statements using
C# language keywords and recognize
syntax errors using the Visual Studio
• How to create a simple branching
structure using an IF statement.
• How to create a simple looping
structure using a For statement to
iterate through a data array.
• How to use the Visual Studio IDE to
locate simple logic errors.
• How to create a Function that accepts
arguments (parameters and returns a
value of a specified type.
• How to design and build a simple user
interface using standard controls from
the Visual Studio toolbox.
• How to connect to a SQL Server
database and the basics of how to
retrieve and store data.
• How to sort data in a loop.
• How to recognize the classes and
methods used in a program.
This course helps you prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps
Using C#
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this course students will learn essential
programming skills and techniques that
are required to develop Windows Store
apps. This includes a combination of both
design and development skills, as well as
ensuring that students are comfortable
using and making the most of the Visual
Studio and Expression Blend tools.
This course is intended for professional
developers who have 1-2 years of
experience creating client applications
and who are comfortable programming
in C# and have done some XAML-based
Prijs: € 2.295,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• 1 or more years of experience creating
• 1 – 3 months experience creating
Windows client applications.
• 1 – 3 months experience using Visual
Studio 2010 or 2012.
This course helps to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 2.295,-
In this course, students will learn
to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC
applications using .NET Framework 4.5
tools and technologies. The focus will
be on coding activities that enhance the
performance and scalability of the Web
site application. ASP.NET MVC will be
introduced and compared with Web Forms
so that students know when each should/
could be used.
Vereiste voorkennis
A minimum of two to three years of
experience developing web-based
applications by using Microsoft Visual
Studio and Microsoft ASP.NET, proficiency
in using the .NET Framework, and some
familiarity with the C# language.
This course is intended for professional
web developers who use Microsoft Visual
Studio in an individual-based or teambased, small-sized to large development
environment. Candidates for this course
are interested in developing advanced
web applications and want to manage the
rendered HTML comprehensively. They want
to create websites that separate the user
interface, data access, and application logic.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course will also prepare the student
for exam 70-486.
Advanced Windows Store App Development
Using C#
Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
Core Solutions
Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
Advanced Solutions
In this course the students will learn
the more advanced programming skills
and techniques that they can use to
optimize their Windows Store app and
differentiate their app from other apps in
the Windows Store. These advanced skills
and techniques include a combination of
both design and development skills. The
students will also learn about supporting
the apps that they have published to the
Windows Store.
This course is intended for professional
developers who have 1 or more years
of experience creating applications for
a production environment and who are
comfortable programming in C# and
XAML to create Windows 8 apps.
Prijs: € 2.295,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Some experience programming in
• Some experience using Visual Studio
• Some experience working on Windows
8 apps
This course helps you prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Developing Windows Azure and Web Services
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this course, students will learn how to
design and develop services that access
local and remote data from various data
sources. Students will also learn how to
develop and deploy services to hybrid
environments, including on-premises
servers and Windows Azure.
This course is intended for both novice and
experienced .NET developers who have
a minimum of six months programming
experience, and want to learn how to
develop services and deploy them to
hybrid environments.
Prijs: € 2.295,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience with C# programming, and
concepts such as Lambda expressions,
LINQ, and anonymous types.
• Understanding the concepts of n-tier
• Experience with querying and
manipulating data with ADO.NET.
• Knowledge of XML data structures
This course helps you prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In this course, students learn core skills that
are common to almost all SharePoint
development activities. These include working
with the server-side and client-side object
models, developing and deploying features,
solutions, and apps, managing identity and
permissions, querying and updating list
data, managing taxonomy, using workflow
to manage business processes, and
customizing the user interface.
The course is intended for professional
developers who develop solutions for
SharePoint products and technologies
in a team-based, medium-sized to large
development environment. While some
familiarity with SharePoint solution
development is required, candidates are not
expected to have prior experience with the
new features in SharePoint Server 2013.
Vereiste voorkennis
• A working knowledge of using Visual
Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 to
develop solutions.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
• A basic working knowledge of
SharePoint solution development,
either in SharePoint 2013 or in earlier
versions of SharePoint.
• A working knowledge of Visual C# and
the .NET Framework 4.5.
• A basic understanding of ASP.NET
and server-side web development
technologies, including request/
response and the page lifecycle.
• A basic understanding of AJAX
and asynchronous programming
• A basic working knowledge of clientside web technologies including HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript.
• Familiarity with approaches to
authentication and authorization,
including claims-based authentication.
This course helps you prepare for exam
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This course provides SharePoint developers
the information needed to implement
SharePoint solutions using Enterprise
Search, Managed Metadata Service
(MMS), Business Connectivity Services
(BCS), Enterprise Content Management
(ECM), Web Content Management (WCM),
Social Computing features and SharePoint
The course is intended for professional
developers who develop solutions for
SharePoint products and technologies
in a team-based, medium-sized to large
development environment. The course is
ideally suited to SharePoint developers
who have gained some experience with
SharePoint 2013 and who are looking to
build on their existing skills.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Completed course M20488 Developing
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core
Solutions (or equivalent knowledge).
• A working knowledge of using Visual
Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 to
develop solutions.
• A working knowledge of Visual C# and
the .NET Framework 4.5.
• A basic understanding of ASP.NET
and server-side web development
technologies, including request/
response and the page lifecycle.
• A basic working knowledge of clientside web technologies including HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript.
This course helps you prepare for exam
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Software Development Fundamentals
Windows Development Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-361, and build
an understanding of these topics:
Core Programming, Object-Oriented
Programming, General Software
Development, Web Applications, Desktop
Applications, and Databases.
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
Microsoft Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 1.245,-
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites voor this course
This course helps to prepare for MTA Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-362, and build an
understanding of these topics: Windows
Programming Basics, Creating Windows
Forms Applications, Creating Windows
Services Applications, Accessing Data
in a Windows Forms Application, and
Deploying a Windows Application.
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
Prijs: € 1.245,-
to begin building a career using Microsoft
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites voor this course
This course helps to prepare for MTA Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 149
Web Development Fundamentals
Microsoft Trainingen
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-363, and build
an understanding of these topics:
Programming Web Applications, Working
with Data and Services, Troubleshooting
and Debugging Web Applications, Working
with Client-Side Scripting, and Configuring
and Deploying Web Applications.
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
Mobile Development Fundamentals
Prijs: € 1.245,-
This program provides an appropriate
entry point to a future career in technology
and assumes some hands-on experience
or training but does not assume on-the-job
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This course helps to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Microsoft .NET Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-372, and build an
understanding of these topics: .NET
Framework Concepts, Namespaces and
Classes in the .NET Framework, .NET
Code Compilation, I/O Classes in the .NET
Framework, Security, .NET Languages, and
Memory Management.
Prijs: € 1.245,-
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This course helps to prepare for MTA exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-373, and build an
understanding of these topics: Work
with Physical Devices, Use Data with
Mobile Services, Use a Mobile Application
Development Environment, Develop
Mobile Applications.
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
Prijs: € 1.245,-
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This course helps to prepare for MTA exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Software Testing with Visual Studio 2013
Implementing Enterprise Desktop Virtualization
with Microsoft APP-V
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
In this course, Developers and Testers will
learn to use the tools in Visual Studio 2013
Ultimate to complete software testing
requirements. Students will learn how
to plan test efforts, execute manual and
automated tests, and some techniques to
manage work items and the test process
This course is intended for professional
software testers and developers who
have one or more years of experience
working on a software development team.
They manage the process of running
tests, creating and monitoring bugs, and
managing and mitigating issues that a
software organization has in controlling
test coverage for project requirements. The
qualified candidate typically has a strong
understanding of the software testing
role and modern testing practices, and the
Prijs: € 1.195,-
ability to implement testing practices by
using Microsoft technologies.
Vereiste voorkennis
• 1 or more years of experience working
as a tester on a software development
• 1 or more years of experience reading
or writing software requirements
• 1 or more years of experience using
Microsoft Test Manager 2012 or 2013
This course will also prepare students for
exam 70-497.
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This four-day instructor-led course Focused
only on App Virtualization. We do not
cover the “other” MDOP components. This
allows much more time for deep-dives and
hands on Sequencing.
IT Professionals focusing on desktop
configuration, which can include Network
Administrators, SMS/SCCM Administrators,
Field Consultants, Technical Business
Consultants and any other technical
worker responsible for tasks that can be
automated or improved.
Prijs: € 1.845,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have:
• Active Directory knowledge and
concepts including Group Policy.
• Windows Server knowledge and
• Fundamental knowledge of SQL Server.
• Fundamental knowledge of Windows
Terminal Services.
• Fundamental knowledge of System
Center Configuration Manager.
• Experience managing Windows
desktops in an Enterprise environment.
Microsoft Trainingen
Software Testing
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HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals
Gaming Development Fundamentals
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-374, and build an
understanding of these topics: Game
Design, Hardware, Graphics, and
Animation. This course leverages the same
content as found in the Microsoft Official
Academic Course (MOAC) for this exam.
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
Prijs: € 1.245,-
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Vereiste voorkennis
No specific knowledge is required.
This course helps to prepare for exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day MTA Training course helps
you prepare for Microsoft Technology
Associate Exam 98-375, and build an
understanding of these topics: Manage
the Application Life Cycle, Build the User
Interface by Using HTML5, Format the User
Interface by Using CSS, Code by Using
The Microsoft Technology Associate
(MTA) is Microsoft’s newest suite of
technology certification exams that
validate fundamental knowledge needed
to begin building a career using Microsoft
technologies. This program provides an
appropriate entry point to a future career
Prijs: € 1.245,-
in technology and assumes some handson experience or training but does not
assume on-the-job experience.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This course helps to prepare for MTA exam
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Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 151
Server Virtualization with Windows Server
Hyper-V and System Center
Microsoft Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze vijfdaagse officiële Microsoftcursus krijgt u praktijkinstructies en doet u
praktijkervaring op met het implementeren
van Microsoft Server Virtualization met
Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V en
System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine
U doet vaardigheden op die u nodig
heeft voor het implementeren en beheren
van een Microsoft Server Virtualizationinfrastructuur in een bedrijfsomgeving.
U leert hoe u Windows Server 2012 R2
Hyper-V en System Center 2012 R2 Virtual
Machine Manager configureert, beheert
en onderhoudt, inclusief netwerk- en
U leert ook hoe u belangrijke functies
binnen Microsoft Server Virtualization
configureert, zoals Generation 2 Virtual
Machines, Replication Extension, Online
Export, Cross-Version Live Migration,
Online VHDX Resizing, Live Migration
Performance-tuning, Dynamic Virtual
Switch Load Balancing en virtuele Receive
Side Scaling (vRSS).
Als onderdeel van de cursus voert u
praktijkoefeningen uit in een virtuele
labomgeving. LET OP: deze cursus is
gebaseerd op Windows Server 2012
R2 Preview en System Center 2012 R2
Preview. Deze cursus is bedoeld voor
ervaren IT-professionals die ondersteuning
bieden aan middelgrote tot grote bedrijven
en ervaring hebben met het beheer van
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Windows Server 2012.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor ITprofessionals die verantwoordelijk zijn
voor het ontwerpen, implementeren,
beheren en onderhouden van een
virtualisatie-infrastructuur of die
geïnteresseerd zijn in de huidige
virtualisatietechnieken van Microsoft.
Een tweede doelgroep voor deze cursus
bestaat uit IT-beleidsmakers die moeten
bepalen welk virtualisatieproduct
moet worden geïmplementeerd in hun
Vereiste voorkennis
• An understanding of TCP/IP and
networking concepts
• An understanding of different storage
technologies and concepts
• The ability to work in a team/virtual
• An understanding of Windows
This course provides the hands-on training
that can help you prepare for the Microsoft
Specialist exam 74-409: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and
System Center.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Virtualizing Enterprise Desktops and Apps
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day, hands-on training course
is designed to teach you the breadth of
Microsoft virtual desktop technology, and
the course will compare and contrast the
various technologies with use cases and
best practices. This course builds your skills
in Microsoft Application Virtualization
(App-V) Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft
User Experience Virtualization (UE-V), and
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) as part
of Windows Server 2012 R2. Throughout
this course, you will learn how to manage,
monitor, support, and troubleshoot various
Windows-based desktop virtualization
This course is intended for the IT
administrators, and implementers, of large
and midsized organizations who want to
understand and get hands on experience
with the latest Microsoft desktop and
application virtualization technologies
and how to plan, implement, and manage
virtual infrastructure solutions based on
these technologies.
Prijs: € 2.345,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have a system administrator–level
working knowledge of:
• Networking fundamentals, including
Transmission Control Protocol /Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP), User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), and Domain Name
System (DNS).
• Active Directory Domain Services (AD
DS) principles and fundamentals of AD
DS management.
• Installation, configuration, and
troubleshooting for Windows-based
personal computers.
• Basic understanding of scripting and
Windows PowerShell syntax.
• Desired: Basic understanding of
Windows Server roles and services.
Configuring and Administering Hyper-V in
Windows Server 2012
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This three-day instructor-led course
provides students with the knowledge
and skills to configure and administer
Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012. Students
will learn the history of Virtualization
as it pertains to Microsoft technologies.
Students will learn the new features of
Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012. After
completing this course students will be
able to install, configure, and administer
Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012. Students
will also be able to describe the High
Availability features built into Hyper-V in
Windows Server 2012.
Prijs: € 1.445,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, students
must have:
• Deep understanding of Virtualization
• Prior experience with Hyper-V or other
virtualization technologies
• Previous storage configuration
• Previous networking configuration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course is intended for Network
Administrators who are responsible
for virtualization in their environment
specifically Hyper-V.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
LYNC End User Adoption Training
Cursusduur: 1 dag
End-user readiness is a key component of
a successful Lync rollout. Users who have
a clear understanding of how they should
use Lync as well as why they should use
it, will be more confident in integrating
Lync in their day-to-day job. This one-day
course is designed to provide users the
knowledge and skills to use Lync in their
daily job. The instructor-led course will
combine theory and demos with hands-on
lab activities in order to gain a working
knowledge of Lync.This course is the
course you need to support the Lync
adoption process.
Prijs: € 545,-
End users who are going to use Lync or
want to improve their Lync communication
Vereiste voorkennis
• Be a good listener
• Writing skills
• Customer oriented (your colleagues
are customers as well)
• Being helpfull
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This is a 3-day instructor Led Training
(ILT) Course that targets the needs of
professionals with data networking
experience who take part in the planning,
design, and deployment of the Lync
Unified Communications solution in the
enterprise. This course focuses on four
key areas:
1) implementation methodology,
including defining methodology
phases, identifying phase deliverables,
and preparing for traffic simulation;
2) analyzing the network environment,
including review of WAN topology,
Wi-Fi infrastructure, Quality of Server
approaches, and media flow scenarios,
analyzing the network for optimal
performance, and monitoring and
managing networks;
3) performing usage modeling, including
modeling RTC traffic media flows and
Lync traffic per location, calculating
traffic volume by using the Lync
bandwidth calculator, and analyzing
how predicted traffic impacts a
network; and
4) analyzing customer data and
measurements, including policies
collected from the Discovery phase
and historical data usage, planning
simulation traffic, analyzing results
from traffic simulation, and formulating
Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013
Prijs: € 1.645,-
This course targets the needs of network
analysts, networking engineers and system
integrators who plan, design, and deploy
unified communications (UC) solutions
using Lync Server 2013 in the enterprise.
Students should have strong knowledge
of data networking, an industry or
vendor qualification (CompTIA Network+
or similar), and be able to translate
business requirements into technical
and networking requirements for a UC
solution. Students should be familiar
with Network Readiness Assessment
methodology and related tools, such as the
Lync bandwidth calculator
Vereiste voorkennis
• M20336 Core Solutions of Microsoft
Lync Server 2013 and
• M20337 Enterprise Voice and Online
Services with Microsoft Lync Server
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In deze cursus onder leiding van een
docent leren IT-professionals een Microsoft
Lync Server 2013-systeem in te plannen,
te ontwerpen, te implementeren, te
configureren en te beheren. De cursus legt
de nadruk op de Unified Communicationsfuncties van Lync Server 2013 voor
bedrijven, met speciale aandacht voor
het installeren naast, en migreren vanuit,
eerdere communicatie omgevingen. In
de labs in deze cursus wordt een systeem
opgezet dat bestaat uit instant messaging
en presence, conferentiesoftware en voicesystemen voor bedrijven.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor IT-adviseurs en
professionals binnen de telecomconsulting
die systemen voor unified communications
(UC) ontwerpen, plannen, implementeren
en onderhouden. Cursisten moeten in
staat zijn om bedrijfseisen om te zetten
in een technische architectuur en een
Prijs: € 2.345,-
technisch ontwerp voor een UC-systeem.
Daarnaast kunnen Business Application
Administrators (BAA’s) die samen met
interne gebruikers binnen het bedrijf
betrokken zijn bij line-of-businessprojecten (LOB) profiteren van inzichten in
het beheer van Lync Server 2013.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience managing software in a
Windows 2008 R2 enterprise server or
Windows Server 2012 environment
• Experience managing an application
remotely using Windows PowerShell
2.0 or Powershell 3.0
• An introduction to Active Directory
Domain Services
This course helps the student prepare for
Exam 70-336.
Enterprise Voice and Online Services with
Microsoft Lync Server 2013
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
In deze vierdaagse cursus onder leiding
van een docent leren deelnemers om
voice- en online-diensten voor bedrijven
te ontwerpen en te configureren in
Microsoft Lync Server 2013. Deze cursus
rust deelnemers uit met de kennis en
vaardigheden voor het configureren
en beheren van een Lync Server
2013 op locatie, in de cloud of in een
gemengde omgeving. Daarnaast doen
IT- of telecomadviseurs de benodigde
vaardigheden op voor het leveren van een
voice-systeem voor bedrijven op basis van
Lync. In deze cursus leert u hoe u Lync
Server 2013 kunt configureren en krijgt u
richtlijnen, best practices en overwegingen
mee voor het optimaliseren van uw
Prijs: € 1.945,-
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor professionals
op het gebied van IT- en telecomconsulting
die unified communications-systemen
ontwerpen, plannen, implementeren
en beheren, waarbij de nadruk ligt
op VOIP- en online-diensten binnen
bedrijven. De deelnemer moet in staat
zijn om bedrijfseisen om te zetten in een
technische architectuur en een technisch
ontwerp voor een UC-systeem.
Microsoft Trainingen
Lync Network Readiness Assessment
Vereiste voorkennis
M20336 Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync
Server 2013
This course helps the student prepare for
Exam 70-337.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course prepares you for exam 70-335
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Lync 2013 Depth Support Engineer Course
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This five-day instructor-led class takes
support engineers beyond design and
deployment to troubleshooting Microsoft
Lync Server 2013. You will review Lync
Server architecture from the perspective
of a Depth Support Engineer in order to
support customers with Lync Server service
issues. The course provides a toolkit for the
Depth Support Engineer, which includes
Microsoft and third-party tools available for
troubleshooting Lync Server.
You will use a variety of these tools and
resources to troubleshoot real-world
scenarios related to Enterprise Voice,
conferencing, application sharing, IM, and
Presence. As part of the hands-on labs,
you will derive, articulate, and implement
solutions to trouble tickets for common Lync
Prijs: € 2.395,-
Server issues and practice walking a typical
customer through a solution.
• IT support consultants and
telecommunication support
professionals who provide support
services for unified communication
• Support professionals who want to
attain the troubleshooting skills required
to become a Depth Support Engineer
• Helpdesk personnel and administrators
who support a Lync Server 2013
environment and wish to deepen
their knowledge and improve their
troubleshooting skills
Vereiste voorkennis
• M20336 Core Solutions of Microsoft
Lync Server 2013
• M20337 Enterprise Voice and Online
Services with Microsoft Lync Server
• Proficiency in Active Directory Domain
Services, Windows Server, data
networks, Microsoft Exchange Server,
and telecommunication standards that
support Lync Server 2013 configurations
• Knowledge of UC endpoints, including
Lync 2013 clients and Lync Phone
• Knowledge of SQL Server
• Knowledge of VoIP technologies
including SIP
• Knowledge of formal troubleshooting
• Knowledge of DNS, PKI and Digital
• A minimum two years’ experience with
Microsoft Lync technologies and various
deployment and configuration
This course helps to prepare for exam 74338 which is needed for the Gold Partner
Competence on communication.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 153
Red Hat staat wereldwijd bekend om vooraanstaande training
en certificeringprogramma’s op Linux, Open Source software en
middleware. Als Red Hat Premier Partner bieden wij u eerste klas
Red Hat Enterprise Linux training ter voorbereiding op uw Red Hat
certificering. Onze Red Hat trainingen zijn voornamelijk gericht op het
ontwikkelen van praktische vaardigheden.
Red Hat Trainingen
Cloud Computing
Deploying Systems in Cloud
Red Hat
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Our Deploying Systems in Cloud
Environments (CL260) course teaches you
how to deploy virtual machines (VMs) in a
public, private, or hybrid cloud using Red
Hat® CloudForms through hands-on labs.
• IT professionals with Red Hat Certified
System Administrator (RHCSA)-level
skills and knowledge
• System and VM administrators
seeking to deploy systems in cloud
Prijs: € 2.400,-
• System and VM administrators whose
organizations already have a cloud
deployment and want to expand to
other private or public clouds
Vereiste voorkennis
• RHCSA or equivalent system
administration skills
• Knowledge of Red Hat Enterprise
Virtualization, vSphere, or EC2 is
helpful, but not required
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Desktop Applications
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Create, test, and maintain Java EEcompliant applications from start to finish.
Intended for mid-level Java™ developers,
Red Hat JBoss® Enterprise Application
Development with RHCJD Exam
(JB226) introduces you to Java EE 6
frameworks, specifications, and application
programming interfaces (APIs).
Create, test, maintain Java EE-compliant
Learn how to create, test, and maintain
Java EE-compliant applications from start
to finish using the Eclipse-based Red Hat®
JBoss Developer Studio.
Create a fully functional enterprise Java
Comprehensive lectures and extensive
use-case, hands-on labs introduce you to
enterprise application development using:
• JBoss Hibernate®
• JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
• Other related technologies to create
a fully functional enterprise Java
• Build a complete, multi-tier enterprise
• Learn how to build a complete, multitier enterprise application featuring a
JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2 web-based
front end, a Java API for Restful Web
Services (JAX-RS) layer, an Enterprise
JavaBeans (EJB) layer, and a Java
Persistence API (JPA) persistence
layer, leveraging best-practice design,
coding, and testing techniques.
Prijs: € 3.093,-
• Students with Java programming
experience who want to enter
Enterprise Java development
• Experienced Enterprise Java developers
who are migrating to JBoss for the first
• Experienced enterprise Java developers
who want to upgrade their skill set
using Java EE 6 and the latest Red Hat
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio
• Students who want to use the course
to help them in their preparations for
the Red Hat Certified JBoss Developer
(RHCJD) Exam (EX225)
Red Hat Enterprise Deployment and Systems Management
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
RH401 is a four-day lab-based course
that explores the concepts and methods
necessary for successful large-scale
deployment and management of Red
Hat Enterprise Linux systems. Course
participants will learn how to install and
use a Red Hat Network Satellite Server
to deploy and manage systems. The use
of virtualization technology as a key
deployment tool is also examined.
RH401 is aimed at senior Red Hat
Enterprise Linux system administrators and
other IT professionals working in enterprise
environments and mission-critical systems.
Vereiste voorkennis
RH401 requires RHCE-level skills. A current
RHCE certification is recommended, but
not required.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Operating Systems
RedHat OpenStack Administration with Expertise Exam
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Vereiste voorkennis
• Fluency in the Java programming
language (Java SE 5 or 6), particularly
annotations and object-oriented
• Ability to read HTML and XML
• Basic experience with an integrated
development environment (IDE) like
• Basic knowledge of Asynchronous
JavaScript XML (AJAX) and Relational
Database Management Systems
(RDBMSs) is recommended but not
This course teaches system administrators
how to implement a cloud computing
environment using Red Hat® Enterprise
Linux® OpenStack Platform, including
installation, configuration, and
maintenance. Through hands-on labs,
students will explore fault-tolerant and
redundant configurations of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform and
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 3.360,-
Red Hat Trainingen
Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application
Development I with RHCJD Exam (EX225)
Prijs: € 2.918,-
look at the future plans of the OpenStack
development community. This course can
also help you prepare for the Red Hat®
Certificate of Expertise in Infrastructure-asa-Service Exam (EX210).
This version of the course includes the
Red Hat® Certificate of Expertise in
Infrastructure-as-a-Service Exam (EX210).
The exam tests candidates’ abilities to
needed to create, configure, and manage
private clouds using Red Hat Enterprise
Linux® OpenStack® Platform
Linux system administrators and cloud
administrators interested in or responsible
for maintaining a private cloud
Vereiste voorkennis
Red Hat Certified System Administrator
(RHCSA) or requisite level of knowledge is
highly recommended.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
System Administration I (RHEL7)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Red Hat System Administration I (RH124)
relates to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and
is designed for IT professionals without
previous Linux administration experience.
The course focuses on providing students
with Linux administration “survival skills”
by focusing on core administration tasks.
System Admin I also provides a foundation
for students wishing to become full time
Linux system administrators by introducing
Prijs: € 2.325,-
key command line concepts and other
enterprise level tools. These concepts
are further developed in the follow-on
course, Red Hat System Administration II
(RH134). Both courses are needed in your
preparation for the Red Hat Certified System
Administrator Exam (EX200).
• Microsoft Windows system
administrators who need to quickly
learn core Red Hat Enterprise Linux
• System administrators, network
administrators, and other IT
professionals who require proficiency
performing core tasks in Linux
• Non Linux IT professionals on the path
to becoming a full time Linux system
Vereiste voorkennis
Previous operating system administration
experience is helpful but not required.
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Red Hat Trainingen
System Administration II & EX200 Exam
Fast Track RHCSA (RH124 + RH134 + EX200 Exam)
System Administration III (RH254) + EX300 Exam
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Red Hat System Administration II with
RHCSA Exam (RH135) is designed for IT
professionals working to become a fulltime enterprise Linux system administrator.
The course is a follow on to System
Administration I, and continues to utilizes
today´s best-of-breed contemporary
teaching methodology. Students will
be actively engaged in task focused
activities, lab based knowledge checks and
facilitative discussions to ensure maximum
skills transfer and retention. Building on
the foundation of command line skills
covered in System Administration I,
Prijs: € 2.623,-
students will dive deeper into Red Hat
Enterprise Linux to broaden their “tool kit”
of administration skills.
IT professionals who have attended Red
Hat System Administration I, and want
the skills to be a full-time enterprise Linux
administrator and/or earn an RHCSA
Vereiste voorkennis
RH124 Red Hat System Administration I.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RHCE Certification Lab (incl RHCSA & RHCE exam)
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The RHCE® Certification Lab (RH300) is
designed for students seeking a hands-on,
lab-based review prior to taking the Red
Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam.
Students taking this course should have
already completed their classroom training
and simply be preparing to take or retake
the exam. During the 4-day course, students will work at their own pace through
the complete set of labs from both the
RHCSA [Red Hat Certified System Administrator] Rapid Track course (RH199) and
Red Hat System Administration III (RH254).
The RHCE Certification Lab course includes
a few instructor lectures designed to
review key technologies such as systemd,
firewalld, and IPv6. For the classroom and
virtual classroom versions of this course,
an instructor will be available throughout
the week to assist students as they work
through the labs.
• RHCEs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
or earlier who wish to recertify on Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Prijs: € 3.196,-
• Students who previously attempted the
RHCE exam, did not pass, and wish to
retake the exam
• Students who have completed
the RHCE track courses (Red Hat
System Administration I, II, and III or
equivalent) and would like additional
hands-on practice prior to taking the
RHCE exam
Vereiste voorkennis
• Students must meet the requirements
for attending Red Hat System Administration I, II and III courses
• Students must have the same skill set
as an RHCT / RHCSA
• Confirmation of the correct skill-set required for this course can be obtained
by passing the online pre-assessment
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The RHCSA Rapid Track course (RH200)
relates to Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®
7 and is designed for students who
already have significant experience with
Linux administration. The course reviews
the tasks covered in Red Hat System
Administration I (RH124) and II (RH134)
at an accelerated pace. On completion
of course materials, students should be
prepared to take the Red Hat Certified
System Administrator (RHCSA) exam.
The RHCSA Fast Track course with exam
(RH200) is designed for experienced
Linux System Administrators who want to
harden their technical skill set and become
accredited with the RHCSA certification.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students attending this course should have
basic experience with the following, with
minimal dependence on documentation:
• Linux (some of the course may be
Prijs: € 2.773,-
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
• The bash shell, including job control
(&, fg, bg, jobs), shell expansion
(command, tilde, globbing, brace,
protection from expansion), I/O
redirection, and pipes
• IPv4 networking addressing and
routing concepts, TCP/UDP, and ports
• Navigation of the GNOME 3 interface
• Editing text files from the command
line with vim or other available
• Finding information in man pages and
info nodes
• The concept of file permissions
• Interactive installation of Red Hat
Enterprise Linu
• Per-user ‘at’ and ‘cron’ jobs
• Use of archival utilities such as ‘tar’,
‘zip’, and compression utilities
• Absolute and relative paths
• Finding files with ‘find’ and ‘locate’
Red Hat System Administration III (RH255),
related to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, is
designed for experienced Linux system
administrators who hold a Red Hat
Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)
certification or equivalent skills and who
want to broaden their ability to administer
Linux systems at an enterprise level.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Through lectures and hands-on labs,
students who have already earned the
RHCSA certification will be exposed to
all competencies covered by the Red Hat
Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam.
The course is focused on deploying and
managing network servers running
caching Domain Name Service (DNS),
MariaDB, Apache HTTPD, Postfix SMTP
nullclients, network file sharing with
Network File System (NFS) and Server
Message Block (SMB), iSCSI initiators
and targets, advanced networking and
firewalld configurations, and the use of
Bash shell scripting to help automate,
configure, and troubleshoot the system.
Red Hat System Administration III
is intended for experienced Linux
administrators wishing to learn enterpriselevel automation techniques through
scripting, how to deploy and secure
network services, and how to manage
other key security features of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. Students in this course
should have earned their RHCSA or have
equivalent skills.
Vereiste voorkennis
• RHCSA Rapid Track Course (RH200) or
Red Hat System Administration I & II
• Equivalent experience to the RHCSA
Rapid Track Course
• Skills required to earn an RHCT/RHCSA
• Confirmation of the correct skill-set
required for this course can be
obtained by passing the online preassessment quiz
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RH401-Bundle: Red Hat Enterprise Deployment and Systems Management + EX401
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Red Hat® Enterprise Deployment and
Systems Management (RH402) training
course explores the concepts and methods
necessary for the successful large-scale
deployment and management of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux® systems. Experienced
system administrators will learn how
to implement and manage Red Hat
Enterprise Linux deployments efficiently and
effectively, in ways that make their systems
manageable by a team of administrators.
Prijs: € 3.898,-
Central to the course is the training on the
use of the Red Hat Network Satellite server
for deployment and provisioning of Red
Hat Enterprise Linux systems. By the end
of this course, students will have built their
own RPM packages and will have used
Subversion to make changes to scripts.
Experienced Linux system administrators
responsible for the planning, deployment,
and management of multiple physical or
virtualized servers and an RHCE interested
in earning a Red Hat Certificate of Expertise
or a Red Hat Certified Datacenter Specialist
(RHCDS) or Red Hat Certified Architect
(RHCA) credential.
Vereiste voorkennis
• An RHCE certification or equivalent
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 3.046,-
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course is intended for system administrators seeking to have a successful
large-scale management of Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems. Students will learn
how to install a Red Hat Satellite 6 server
and populate it with software packages.
They will use Red Hat Satellite to manage
the software development life cycle of a
subscribed host and its configuration.
Red Hat Server Hardening with Exam
Prijs: € 2.520,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have RHCE certification,
or equivalent experience.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Red Hat Enterprise Storage Management
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Red Hat® Enterprise Clustering and
Storage Management (RH436) provides intensive, hands-on experience with storage
management, Red Hat Cluster Suite, and
the shared storage technology delivered by
Red Hat Global File System (GFS). Created
for Senior Linux® system administrators,
this 4-day course has a strong emphasis
on lab-based activities. At the end of
the course, students will have learned to
deploy and manage shared storage and
server clusters that provide highly available
network services to a mission-critical
enterprise environment.
Prijs: € 3.360,-
Experienced Linux system administrators
responsible for managing shared storage
across one or more Linux systems and
Experienced Linux system administrators
responsible for maintaining a high availability service using cluster technology.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Secure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux
system to comply with security policy
Red Hat® Server Hardening (RH414) builds
on a student’s Red Hat Certified Engineer
(RHCE®) certification or equivalent
experience to teach how to secure a Red
Hat Enterprise Linux® system to comply
with security policy requirements. Many
security policies and standards require
systems administrators to address specific
user authentication concerns, application
of updates, system auditing and logging,
file system integrity, and more. Red Hat
Server Hardening provides strategies for
addressing specific policy and configuration concerns.
This course includes the EX413 examination.
This course is designed for people who:
• need technical guidance on how
to enhance the security of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux systems
Prijs: € 3.552,-
• are responsible for implementing
security policy requirements on
Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems
consistently and in a reproducible,
scalable way
• must be able to demonstrate
that systems meet security policy
• maintains continued adherence to
security requirements, including
management of security-critical
operating system/software updates
Vereiste voorkennis
Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)
certification, Red Hat Certified Systems
Administrator (RHCSA) certification, or
equivalent experience required.
EX413 examination.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RHS429-Bundle: Red Hat Enterprise SELinux Policy
Administration + EX429
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Security-enhanced Linux® (SELinux) is a
powerful, kernel-level security layer that
provides fine-grained control over which
users and processes may access which
resources and execute which programs
on a system. Red Hat® Enterprise SELinux
Policy Administration (RHS429) introduces
senior system administrators, security
administrators, and application programmers to SELinux policy writing. Students
will learn how SELinux works and how
to manage, write, compile, and debug an
SELinux policy.
This class culminates in a major project
to analyze, determine the security needs
of, and design and implement a set of
net new policies for a service previously
unprotected by SELinux.A Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE®) who successfully
completes this course is prepared to take
the Red Hat Enterprise SELinux Policy
Administration Expertise Exam (EX429).
Exam sold separately.
Prijs: € 3.581,-
Experienced Linux system administrators responsible for Mandatory Access
Control-based (MAC) security, or who
want to harden their existing Linux system
or networked services security and RHCEs
interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate
of Expertise or a Red Hat Certified Security
Specialist (RHCSS) certification.
Vereiste voorkennis
• The essential elements of how to
configure the services covered, as this
course focuses on more advanced
• RHCE certification or equivalent
Red Hat Trainingen
Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
• RHCE certification or equivalent
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RH436-Bundle: Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management + EX436
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Red Hat® Enterprise Clustering and Storage
Management with Exam (RH437) provides
intensive, hands-on experience with storage
management, Red Hat Cluster Suite, and
the shared storage technology delivered by
Red Hat Global File System (GFS). Created
for senior Linux® system administrators,
this 4-day course has a strong emphasis on
lab-based activities.
Prijs: € 3.898,-
At the end of the course, students will have
learned to deploy and manage shared
storage and server clusters that provide
highly available network services to a
mission-critical enterprise environment.A
Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE®) who
successfully completes this course is
prepared to take the Red Hat Enterprise
Clustering and Storage Management
Expertise Exam (EX436).
An experienced Linux system administrator responsible for managing shared
storage across 1 or more Linux systems, an
experienced Linux system administrator responsible for maintaining a high-availability
service using cluster technology, an RHCE
interested in earning a Red Hat Certificate
of Expertise, a Red Hat Certified Datacenter
Specialist (RHCDS) or a Red Hat Certified
Architect (RHCA) credential.
Vereiste voorkennis
• RHCE certification or equivalent
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Red Hat Trainingen
RedHat systems monitoring and performance
RH442-Bundle: Red Hat Enterprise System
Monitoring and Performance Tuning + EX442
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Red Hat Enterprise Performance Tuning
(RH442) Performance tuning and capacity
planning for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Red Hat® Enterprise System Monitoring
and Performance Tuning (RH442) is
designed to teach senior Linux® system
administrators the methodology of
performance tuning and capacity planning
for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This course
discusses system architecture with an
emphasis on understanding the implications of system architecture on system
performance, methods for testing the
effects of performance adjustments, open
source benchmarking utilities, methods
for analyzing system and networking
performance, and tuning configurations for
specific application loads.
Prijs: € 3.000,-
A Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE®)
who successfully completes this course is
prepared to take the Red Hat Enterprise
System Monitoring and Performance
Tuning Expertise Exam (EX442). Exam sold
Experienced Linux system administrators
responsible for maximizing resource
utilization through performance tuning
An RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat
Certification of Expertise, or a Red Hat Certified Datacenter Specialist (RHCDS) or Red
Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) credential
Vereiste voorkennis
RHCE certification or equivalent experience.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Red Hat® Enterprise Performance Tuning
is designed to teach senior Linux® system
administrators the methodology of performance tuning for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
This course discusses system architecture
with an emphasis on understanding the
implications of system architecture on
system performance, methods for testing
the effects of performance adjustments,
open source benchmarking utilities, methods for analyzing system and networking
performance, and tuning configurations
for specific application loads.This course
includes and prepares a Red Hat Certified
Engineer (RHCE®) for the Red Hat Enterprise Directory Services and Authentication
Expertise Exam (EX423).
Prijs: € 3.552,-
Experienced Linux system administrators
responsible for maximizing resource
utilization through performance tuningAn
RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat
Certification of Expertise or a Red Hat
Certified Architect (RHCA) credential
Vereiste voorkennis
• RHCE certification or equivalent
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Red Hat Enterprise SELinux Administration
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 2.880,-
Security-enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a
powerful, kernel-level security layer that
provides fine-grained control over which
users and processes may access what
resources and execute which programs
on a system. Red Hat Enterprise SELinux
Policy Administration (RHS429) introduces
senior system administrators, security administrators, and application programmers
to SELinux policy writing.
• Experienced Linux system
administrators responsible for
Mandatory Access Control-based
(MAC) security, or who want to
harden their existing Linux system or
networked services security.
• An RHCE interested in earning a Red
Hat Certification of Expertise™, or a
Red Hat Certified Security Specialist
Students will learn how SELinux works,
how to manage, and how to write, compile
and debug a SELinux policy. This class
culminates in a major project to analyze,
determine the security needs, design and
implement a set of net new policies for a
service previously unprotected by SELinux.
Vereiste voorkennis
• RHCE certification or equivalent
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Servers & Applications
Enterprise Portal Platform
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform (JB321)
course is designed for experienced system
administrators and Java developers who
require the capabilities to navigate JBoss
Enterprise Portal Platform 5 (JBoss EPP).
Through in-class investigation and handson labs, students will acquire the skills to
install, configure, and develop compliant
portal applications for JBoss EPP using
JBoss Developer Studio.
In addition, they will be introduced to the
installation and operation of the powerful
Prijs: € 2.760,-
web content management system, JBoss
Site Publisher. By the end of this course,
students will understand the essentials
of the JSR-168 and JSR-286 (Portlet 1.0
and 2.0) specifications and how to build,
configure and administer compliant portlets
onto JBoss EPP.
• Java Enterprise developers with Java
Enterprise Web Application experience
• Advanced system administrators with
knowledge of Java Application Server
Vereiste voorkennis
• JBoss and EJB3 for Java Developers
(JB161)or equivalent experience
• JBoss Application Administration
(JB336) or equivalent experience
• Proficiency with JavaEE, including:
• A high-level understanding of
enterprise and modern web application
• A basic understanding of the operation
of Java Enterprise Application Servers
• JBoss Seam Development (JB311)
helpful, but not required
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Software Development
Monitoring with JBoss ON
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Intended for mid-level Java™ developers,
JBoss® Enterprise Application Development (JB225) introduces you to Java EE 6
frameworks, specifications, and application
programming interfaces (APIs).
Learn how to create, test, and maintain
Java EE-compliant applications from start
to finish using the Eclipse-based JBoss
Developer Studio.
Comprehensive lectures and extensive
use-case, hands-on labs introduce you to
enterprise application development using
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
6, CDI, Arquillian, JBoss Hibernate®,
RESTEasy, HornetQ, and other related
technologies to create a fully functional
enterprise Java application.
Learn how to build a complete, multitier
enterprise application featuring a
JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2 web-based front
end, a Java API for Restful Web Services
(JAX-RS) layer, an Enterprise JavaBeans
(EJB) layer, and a Java Persistence API (JPA)
persistence layer, leveraging best-practice
design, coding, and testing techniques.
Prijs: € 2.840,-
Cursusduur: 1 dag
• Students with Java programming
experience who want to enter
enterprise Java development
• Experienced enterprise Java developers
who are migrating to JBoss for the first
• Experienced enterprise Java developers
who want to upgrade their skill set
using Java EE 6 and the latest JBoss
Enterprise Application Platform and
JBoss Developer Studio versions
Monitoring with JBoss ON covers the
monitoring capabilities of the JBoss® Operations Network. This course is designed
for JBoss administrators new to JBoss
Operations Network who need to learn
how to install a JBoss Operations Network
server and agent, and JBoss Operations
Network plug-ins. Students will also learn
how to use JBoss Operations Network to
effectively monitor and manage their JBoss
servers and applications.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Fluency in the Java programming
language (Java SE 5 or 6), particularly
annotations and object-oriented
• Ability to read HTML and XML
• Basic experience with an integrated
development environment (IDE) like
• Basic knowledge of Asynchronous
JavaScript XML (Ajax) and Relational
Database Management Systems
(RDBMSs) is recommended but not
This course is also the first day of our
Systems Management with JBoss ON
(JB234) course and can be used as a 1-day
add-on to many of our existing JBoss training courses, representing the managed
component of our products.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Systems Management with JBoss ON
Prijs: € 710,-
JBoss administrators new to JBoss Operations Network who need to monitor JBoss
servers and applications
Vereiste voorkennis
• Base experience with system
administration on Microsoft Windows,
UNIX, or Linux® operating systems
• Understanding of hardware and
• No prior knowledge of Java™,
scripting, or JBoss Developer Studio is
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Systems Management with JBoss ON is
a deep dive into the JBoss® Operations
Network. Students learn how to monitor
and manage their JBoss servers and
systems—including their JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform, Enterprise BRMS,
Data Services Platform, Enterprise Web
Server, and Enterprise SOA Platform
deployments—using the many features
and capabilities of the newest version of
JBoss Operations Network.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.130,-
JBoss administrators seeking in-depth
knowledge of JBoss Operations Network’s
monitoring and management capabilities,
including managing inventory, provisioning, alerts, operations, notifications, and
drift management
Vereiste voorkennis
• Base experience with system
administration on Microsoft Windows,
UNIX, or Linux operating systems
• Understanding of hardware and
• No prior knowledge of Java™,
scripting, or JBoss Developer Studio is
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
JBoss Application Administration I, incl. JBCAA
exam (EX248)
Red Hat Trainingen
JBoss Enterprise Application Development
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 3.093,-
JBoss® Application Administration I
teaches you the best practices for installing
and configuring JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6. Through hands-on labs,
learn the essential, real-world tasks that a
system administrator needs to know to effectively deploy and manage applications
on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.
Note: JB248 replaces our popular JB336
course and is meant for system administrators. The topics in this course cover all
of the exam objectives of the JBCAA exam,
which is included in this course.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Base experience with system
administration on Microsoft Windows,
UNIX, or Linux® operating systems
• Understanding of hardware and
• No prior knowledge of Java, scripting,
or JBoss Developer Studio required
System administrators who are both new
to JBoss and have experience with JBoss
Enterprise Application Platform 5
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
After completing this course, you should
be prepared to take the JBoss Certified
Application Administrator (JBCAA) exam,
which is included.
JBoss Application Administration II
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
JBoss® Application Administration II
(JB348) prepares experienced system administrators to provision and manage Red
Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
6 in large-scale production environments.
Learn about clustering, performance
tuning, and securing enterprise application
platform instances, as well as troubleshooting and applying fixes. This course is
the follow-on course for JBoss Application
Administration I (JB248).
• Experienced system administrators
responsible for deploying and
administering JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform 6 in large-scale
production environments.
Prijs: € 2.760,-
• At least 2 years’ experience as a
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
• JBoss Certified Application
Administrators (EAP 6)
Vereiste voorkennis
• JBoss Application Administration I
(JB248) (highly recommended)
• JBoss Certified Application
Administrator (JBCAA) Enterprise
Application Platform 6 status is
recommended but not required;
students should at least be able to
accomplish the tasks associated with
the JBCAA EAP 6 exam (EX248).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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Red Hat Trainingen
JBoss Hibernate Technology with Exam
Advanced JBoss Administration
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 3.093,-
The JBoss® Hibernate® Technology course
gives Java™ developers the knowledge
and skills required to leverage the
powerful Java Hibernate Application Stack.
Through clear interactive lectures and
hands-on labs, students are introduced
to Hibernate essentials and internals
along with its practical applications and
best practices strategies. By the end of
the course, students will have learned
the best practices to leverage Hibernate
to produce and maintain well-designed,
robust business applications while optimizing performance and reducing software
maintenance costs.
• Database administrators who need
to understand how ORM may affect
performance and how to tune the
performance of the SQL database
management system and persistence
• Enterprise systems architects
• Experienced Java developers who work
with SQL-based database systems
• Business component and database
This course includes and prepares students
for the JBCD - Persistance Exam (EX297).
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience with Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition (Java EE) or Java 2
Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™)
• A high-level understanding of
enterprise software systems
• An understanding of legacy systems
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The JBoss® Seam Application Development
course teaches experienced Java™
developers how to efficiently use Seam to
intelligently tie components together and
manage increasingly complex IT systems.
The course focuses on the core of the
JBoss Seam technology: rapid application
development, an industry standard UI,
Java Persistence API (JPA) integration,
end-to-end security, and integrated tooling
in JBoss Developer Studio. Using clear
interactive lectures and hands-on labs, this
course also introduces Seam integration
points for rules engines and business process management in addition to covering
the new JSR-299 CDI standard, a feature
of Java EE 6.
Prijs: € 3.017,-
• Enterprise systems architects
• Experienced enterprise Java developers
• Technical managers
• Developers who already have JSF and
basic Seam knowledge
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience with Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition (Java EE) or Java 2
Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™)
• A high-level understanding of
enterprise and modern web application
• Completion of the JBoss Enterprise
Application Development (JB225)
course or equivalent experience
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
to manage large numbers of servers or
virtual machines using Red Hat Enterprise
Experienced Linux system administrators
responsible for managing enterprise servers who are interested in learning how
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RH319-Bundle: Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
+ EX318
Advanced JBoss Enterprise Development
Advanced JBoss® Enterprise Development
(JB325) dives into the JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform (JBoss EAP) with an
emphasis on advanced Java™ EE application programming interfaces (APIs).
This course challenges experienced Java
EE developers by providing a deep dive
into JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
details, features, internals, and Java EE
best practices. Leveraging JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform lets students build,
deploy, and maintain highly performing,
scalable applications.
Prijs: € 2.760,-
• Experienced Java developers seeking to
enhance their usage of JBoss
• Java developers who need a deeper
understanding of JBoss to implement
customized services based on remoting,
JMX, or other protocols outside
the normal Java EE .ear or .war
• ISV development teams who need
to know JBoss more intimately to
customize the server environment to
better fit their applications’ deployment
Vereiste voorkennis
System administration experience on
Microsoft Windows® operating systems
beneficial, but is not necessary for this
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 3.000,-
To help system administrators deploy and
manage their virtual environment, Red Hat
offers its Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
(RH318) course. The Red Hat Enterprise
Virtualization course (RH318) arms professionals with the knowledge and skills
needed to deploy and manage Red Hat
Enterprise Virtualization technologies.
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
• Application architects seeking to
produce leaner, meaner deployment
artifacts, resulting in better performance
and integrity results
Vereiste voorkennis
• Two years of experience with Java EE or
• Proficiency in HTML
• Experience with an integrated
development environment (IDE), such as
Eclipse or NetBeans, and build tools like
as Ant or Maven
• Basic knowledge of open source
relational database management
systems (RDBMSs)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Red Hat® Enterprise Virtualization course explores the virtualization
features of Red Hat Enterprise Linux®
managed through the Red Hat Enterprise
Virtualization suite. Students acquire the
skills and knowledge to effectively create,
deploy, manage, and migrate Linux and
Microsoft Windows virtual machines
hosted on either dedicated Red Hat
Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor nodes
or Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers using
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager.
With hands-on labs and a deep dive into
the technology, this training course is
the perfect first step for any enterprise
planning or executing a virtualization
deployment strategy.
• Experienced Linux system
administrators responsible for managing enterprise servers who are
interested in learning how to manage
large numbers of servers or virtual
Prijs: € 3.552,-
machines using Red Hat Enterprise
• IT professionals interested in earning
an RHCVA certification
Vereiste voorkennis
• IT professionals who have earned a
Red Hat Certified System Administrator
(RHCSA) certification or maintain the
equivalent experience with the Linux
operating system
• System administration experience on
Microsoft Windows operating systems
is beneficial but not necessary for this
RHCVA, Red Hat Certified Virtualization
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RES Software is leverancier van werplek management en
automatiseringsoplossingen. Als RES Authorized Learning
Center (RALC) is Global Knowledge geautoriseerd voor
het leveren van RES Workspace Manager, RES Automation
RES Software producten
Res Software
Manager en RES IT Store trainingen.
RES Workspace Manager
RES Workspace Manager is een lichtgewicht platform waarmee de user workspace van elke
gebruiker vanuit één console beheerd kan worden door deze te scheiden van de onderliggende
infrastructuur. Met als voordeel dat veranderingen in de infrastructuur geen effect meer hebben op
de user workspace.
RES Automation Manager
Met RES Automation Manager kunnen de IT-services geautomatiseerd worden die aan de user workspace van de gebruiker worden geleverd. Elke standaard IT-taak binnen een hybride infrastructuur
kan geautomatiseerd en beheerd worden. Het resultaat is dat de IT-afdeling tijd en werk bespaart.
Voor beide producten levert Global Knowledge een vijfdaagse trainingsbundel. Deze vindt u terug
onder de codes RWMBC voor Workspace Manager en RAMBC voor Automation Manager.
Certificeren voor RES
Het is mogelijk om uw kennis van RES producten vast te leggen met een certificering. In de regel komt
er om de twee productversies een nieuwe certificering beschikbaar. De huidige certificeringen zijn:
• RWMCP 2012 - RES Workspace Manager 2012 Certified Professional. Deze status kan worden
behaald door het RES Workspace Manager 2012 Basic Exam (RWMBX-500) te behalen. Deze
certificering is gebaseerd op de 2012 versie van RES Workspace Manager en verloopt dus niet.
De Prometric code voor dit examen is ES0-007.
RES Software
• RAMCP 2011 - RES Automation Manager 2011 Certified Professional. Deze status kan worden
behaald door het RES Automation Manager 2011 Basic Exam (RAMBX-300) te behalen. Deze
certificering is gebaseerd op de 2012 versie van RES Automation Manager. De Prometric code
voor dit examen is ES0-005.
• RAMCP 2011-SO - RES Automation Manager 2011 Certified Professional, inclusief Service
Orchestration. Deze status kan worden behaald door het RES Automation Manager 2011 Service
Orchestration Exam (RAMBX-300-SO) te behalen. Let op! Het RAMCP 2011 certificaat moet zijn
behaald voor dit examen kan worden gedaan. Ook deze certificering is versie gebonden en
verloopt niet. De Prometric code voor dit examen is ES0-006.
Als Authorized Prometric Test Center kunt u voor het afleggen van een RES examen terecht op één
van de Global Knowledge locaties.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 161
RES Software Trainingen
RES Software Trainingen
RES Automation Manager 2014 Basic Course
RES Master Class
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
De RES Automation Manager 2014
basiscursus is een 3-daagse training
waarbij de onderdelen Task Automation en
Resource Provisioning aan de orde komen.
Prijs: € 1.795,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows
operating systems.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Beheerders die (gaan) werken met RES
Automation Manager in een Microsoft
Windows omgeving.
RES IT Store Basic Course
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze masterclass vormt een toevoeging
aan de kennis van iedere IT professional,
die de geavanceerde functies van de
diverse RES producten wil beheren en
Voor het eerst is er een training,
die de producten van RES Software
combineert en de kracht laat zien van de
IT professionals die eerder de RES
Workspace Manager training hebben
gevolgd en reeds bekend zijn met RES
Automation Manager.
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Vereiste voorkennis
• Basiskennis van de Microsoft
besturingsystemen (Windows 7,
Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows
Server 2012)
• Cursus RES Workspace Manager
• Enige ervaring met RES Automation
Manager is een pré
The RES IT Store 2014 Basic Course
is a three-day course that provides
comprehensive training for administrators
on the installation, configuration and use
of RES IT Store, from setting up your RES
IT Store environment to delivering and
returning services. It does not provide
training on designing business processes.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Administrators who perform computer
management with RES Automation
Manager in Microsoft Windows
Prijs: € 1.795,-
environments and who want to learn how
they can use RES IT Store to fulfill virtually
any user request through self-servicing and
automatic service delivery.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows
operating systems
• RES Automation Manager 2014 Basic
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
RES Workspace Manager 2014 Basic Course
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
De RES Workspace Manager 2014 Basic
Course is een vijfdaagse training die
ingaat op de installatie, configuratie
en het gebruik van RES Workspace
Manager 2014. In deze cursus
komen de onderwerpen applicatie
virtualisatie, rapportage, beveiliging en
prestatiegerichte functies aan bod.
Beheerders die (gaan) werken met RES
Workspace Manager in een Microsoft
Windows omgeving.
Prijs: € 2.445,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Kennis van Windows omgevingen op
administrator niveau is een vereiste.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec levert oplossingen voor beveiliging,
opslag en systeembeheer om bedrijven en
consumenten te helpen bij de beveiliging en
het beheer van hun informatie.
ondersteuning van deze oplossingen.
Global Knowledge biedt trainingen aan ter
Partner Programma
Het Partner Programma van Symantec biedt partners de mogelijkheid om de concurrentie een
stap voor te blijven en de winstgevendheid in de markt te vergroten. Het programma beloont
partners die inzet tonen en door hun expertise op het gebied van Symantec oplossingen een
meerwaarde bieden aan klanten.
Het Symantec Partner Program is gebaseerd op competenties, waarmee inzicht, kennis en
expertise van een partner met betrekking tot een bepaald oplossingen- of servicegebied worden
vastgelegd en erkend.
Binnen het programma zijn vier partnerniveaus gedefinieerd, te weten: Registered, Silver, Gold
en Platinum. Het onderstaande schema geeft weer hoe het Symantec Partner Programma is
opgebouwd en wat het te bieden heeft.
Vaardigheden in meerdere
•Individueel opebouwd ontwikkelingsfonds
• Uitgebreide Growth Accelerator Rebate
• Alle Gold-voordelen
1 Expertcompetentie
1 Principalcompetentie
• Regionaal opgebouwd ontwikkelingsfonds
• Growth Accelerator Rebate
• Renewals Performance Incentve
• Meer technische voordelen
• Alle Silver-voordelen
• Opportunity Registration
• Meer voordelen op het gebied van verkoop-, marketing- en
technische ondersteuning
• Basisvoordelen op het gebied van verkoop-, marketing- en
technische ondersteuning
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 163
Symantec Trainingen
Symantec Trainingen
Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery Platform 7.x: Transparent Predictive Coding
Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery Platform 7.x Legal Hold and Collection
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery
Platform 7.x: Transparent Predictive Coding
course covers the major functionalities of
Transparent Predictive Coding, including
information retrieval basics, workflow
management, and administration.
This course is for eDiscovery specialists,
attorneys, corporate legal staff, litigation
support, risk managers, IT professionals
and consultants tasked with managing
Prijs: € 1.240,-
predictive coding in the Clearwell
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no required prerequisites.
However, to get the most out of the
training session, Symantec suggests that
you have a basic understanding of the
Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery Platform.
If you are new toelectronic discovery or
Clearwell, Symantec recommends the
following options to facilitate a more
• Attend Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery
Platform 7.x: Administration course
• View demos and information at
Transparent Predictive Coding
• Read Predictive Coding for Dummies
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery
Platform 7.x: Legal Hold and Collection
course is designed for the network,
IT security, systems administration,
and support professional tasked with
configuring and maintaining a Clearwell
environment. This class covers the major
functionalities of the Clearwell eDiscovery
Platform as well as best practices for
managing eDiscovery projects in Clearwell,
including Legal Hold, Hold notices
Collections, Collection Sets, and so on.
This course is for customers, support
Prijs: € 1.240,-
engineers, consultants, and partners who
need to maintain and use the Symantec
Clearwell eDiscovery Platform.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no required prerequisites. To
get the most out of the training session,
however, Symantec strongly suggests
that you have a basic understanding of
electronic discovery and the Symantec
Clearwell eDiscovery Platform. If you are
new to electronic discovery or Clearwell,
Symantec recommends the following
options to facilitate a more effective
• View a Flash demo as well as
read about Clearwell at www.
• Contact your Symantec representative
to arrange a short demonstration.
• Review the Clearwell Reviewer
QuickStart Guide, Case Administrator
Guide, or other Clearwell reference
materials (contact your Symantec
representative or Training Services
contact for copies).
• View online training and general
information about electronic discovery
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery Platform 7.x: Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery
Platform 7.x: Administration course is
designed for the network, IT security,
systems administration, and support
professional tasked with configuring, and
maintaining a Clearwell environment.
eDiscovery Platform in v.7.1.3.
This course includes practical hands-on
exercises that enable you to test your new
skills and begin to use those skills in a
working environment.
This class covers the major functionalities
of the Clearwell eDiscovery Platform as well
as best practices for managing eDiscovery
projects in Clearwell including processing,
search techniques, workflow management,
export guidelines, and so on.
This class is composed of three sub-courses:
Legal Hold and Collection, Processing,
Review and Export and a third sub-course,
Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery Platform
7.1.3: Differences, covering the changes
implemented for Symantec Clearwell
Prijs: € 3.100,-
This course is for customers, support
engineers, consultants, and partners who
need to maintain and use the Symantec
Clearwell eDiscovery Platform.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no required prerequisites.
To get the most out of the training session,
however, Symantec strongly suggests
that you have a basic understanding of
electronic discovery and the Symantec
Clearwell eDiscovery Platform.
If you are new to electronic discovery or
Clearwell, Symantec recommends the
Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery Platform 7.x Processing, Review and Export
following options to facilitate a more
effective experience:
• View a Flash Demo as well as
read about Clearwell at www.
• Contact your Symantec representative
to arrange a short demonstration.
• Review the Clearwell Reviewer
QuickStart Guide, Case Administrator
Guide, or other Clearwell reference
materials (contact your Symantec
representative or Training Services
contact for copies).
• View online training and general
information about electronic discovery
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Symantec Clearwell eDiscovery
Platform 7.x: Processing, Review and Export
course is designed for the network, IT
security, systems administrator, and support
professional tasked with configuring
Clearwell and managing cases in Clearwell.
This course covers the major functionality
of the Clearwell eDiscovery Platform
as well as best practices for managing
eDiscovery projects. Main course topics
include systemmanagement, case setup,
processing, search, review, and export.
Prijs: € 1.860,-
This course is for customers, support
engineers, consultants, and partners who
need to maintain and use the Symantec
Clearwell eDiscovery Platform.
Vereiste voorkennis
There are no required prerequisites. To
get the most out of the training session,
however, Symantec strongly suggests
that you have a basic understanding of
electronic discovery and the Symantec
Clearwell eDiscovery Platform.
If you are new to electronic discovery or
Clearwell, Symantec recommends the
following options to facilitate a more
effective experience:
• View a Flash demo as well as
read about Clearwell at www.
• Contact your Symantec representative
to arrange a short demonstration.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Backup Exec 2014: Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Backup Exec 2014:
Administration course is designed for the
data protection professional tasked with
backing up and restoring critical data. This
five-day, virtual academy, hands-on class
covers how to back up and restore data,
configure storage devices, manage media,
and maintain the Backup Exec database.
Students also learn how to configure and
work with various Backup Exec Agents,
which protect applications like Microsoft
Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint, and
Microsoft SQL. The course also covers
the Virtual Environment Agents and the
Deduplication Option.
Prijs: € 3.100,-
This course is designed for system
administrators, system engineers, technical
support personnel, consultants, network
administrators, backup administrators,
backup operators, and others who are
responsible for installing, configuring, and
administering Backup Exec 2014.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have basic working knowledge
of administration and configuration of
the Windows Server 2008 and Windows
Server 2012 platforms. You must also have
experience configuring server software and
hardware. Basic working knowledge of domain security and experience with Active
Directory and Windows Server 2008 and
Windows Server 2012 are recommended.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec NetBackup 7.5: Maintain and
Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for UNIX and Windows:
Advanced Administration
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The three day Symantec NetBackup
Maintain and Troubleshoot course provides
the IT professional with instruction on
troubleshooting Symantec NetBackup 7.5
This course covers general error detection
tools and troubleshooting methodologies.
Students practice solving problems
related to the NetBackup database,
devices, media, disk, deduplication, and
networking. In addition, students study
the functions of key NetBackup processes
and how to enable, view, and manage the
associated logs.
This course is hands-on and includes
practical exercises that enable you to test
your new skills and begin to transfer them
into your working environment.
Prijs: € 1.860,-
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course is for NetBackup
administrators, operators, system
engineers, and technical support personnel
who want to broaden their NetBackup
advancedtroubleshooting knowledge and
skills on a Windows or UNIX platform.
The Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for UNIX
and Windows: Advanced Administration
course provides the IT professional
with instruction on advanced
SymantecNetBackup 7.5 software
functionality and administrative tasks.
Vereiste voorkennis
Before attending this course, you must
• One year of NetBackup administration
on Windows or UNIX
• Two years experience as a system
administrator, including networking,
on the Windows or UNIX operating
• Familiarity with backup and restore
concepts and SAN concepts
This course covers advanced NetBackup
topics, including deduplication, NetBackup
performance, disaster recovery, virtual
machine backups, application backups,
NetBackup Search, and security.
This course also covers using NetBackup to
manage Oracle, Microsoft Exchange, and
Microsoft SQL database backups.
This course includes practical hands-on
exercises that enable you to test your new
skills and begin to use those skills in a
working environment.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.480,-
This course is intended for experienced
NetBackup system administrators, system
engineers, technical support personnel,
and system integration staff who
areresponsible for implementing new
and advanced NetBackup features and
Symantec Trainingen
Data Protection
Vereiste voorkennis
Students must be familiar with the
administration and configuration of the
platforms that are covered by the course.
Students must also have one to three
years experience with basic NetBackup
administration, configuration, and
These prerequisites can be met by
attending any version of the Symantec
NetBackup Administration course plus
additional on the-job experience.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Backup Exec 2012: Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Backup Exec 2012:
Administration course is designed for the
data protection professional tasked with
backing up and restoring critical data.
This class covers how to back up and
restore data, configure storage devices,
manage media, and maintain the Backup
Exec database. Students also learn how to
configure and work with various Backup
Exec Agents, which protect applications like
Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint,
and Microsoft SQL.
The course also covers the Remote Agent
for Linux and UNIX Servers, Agent for
Active Directory, Virtual Environment
Prijs: € 3.100,-
Agents, and Backup Exec Private Cloud
Services. In addition, students learn how
to configure and work with Backup Exec
Options, such as the Deduplication Option
and Archiving Option. The new features and
enhancements introduced in Backup Exec
2012 are also discussed in this course.
This course includes practical, hands-on
lab exercises that enable you to test your
new skills and begin to transfer them to
your working environment. Additionally,
assessment items at the end of each
lesson will test your knowledge and
comprehension of the information provided.
This course is designed for system
administrators, system engineers, technical
support personnel, consultants, network
administrators, backup administrators,
backup operators, and others who are
responsible for installing, configuring, and
administering Backup Exec 2012.
also recommends a basic working
knowledge of domain security and
experience with Active Directory and
Windows Server 2008.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have basic working knowledge
of administration and configuration of the
Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server
2008 platforms.
Basic working knowledge of the following
applications is beneficial, but not
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Microsoft Exchange Server
• Symantec Enterprise Vault
• Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server
• Microsoft Hyper-V
• VMware virtual infrastructure
You must also have experience configuring
server software and hardware. Symantec
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 165
Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for UNIX: Administration
Symantec Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for UNIX:
Administration course provides the IT
professional with instruction on the
functionality of Symantec NetBackup 7.5
This course covers the general principles
of using NetBackup to develop and
implement a storage management
strategy, including how to: Install,
configure, and operate NetBackup 7.5;
Manage NetBackup using the graphical
interfaces, commands, and scripts; Provide
service protection and recovery; Use the
NetBackup Activity Monitor, NetBackup
reports, and OpsCenter to monitor
NetBackup activity.
Prijs: € 3.100,-
This course includes practical hands-on
exercises that enable you to test your new
skills and begin to use those skills in a
working environment.
This course is for entry level system
administrators, system engineers,
technical support personnel, and system
integration staff who are responsible for
the installation, configuration, design,
operation, monitoring, and performance
optimization of NetBackup.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students must be familiar with the
administration and configuration of the
platforms that are covered by the course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for Windows:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for
Windows: Administration course provides
the IT professional with instruction on the
functionality of Symantec NetBackup7.5
This course covers the general principles
of using NetBackup to develop and
implement a storage management
strategy, including how to:Install,
configure, and operate NetBackup 7.5;
Manage NetBackup using the graphical
interfaces, commands, and scripts; Provide
service protection and recovery; Use the
NetBackup Activity Monitor, NetBackup
reports, and OpsCenter to monitor
NetBackup activity.
Prijs: € 3.100,-
skills and begin to use those skills in a
working environment.
This course is for entry level system
administrators, system engineers, technical
support personnel, and system integration
staff who are responsible for the installation, configuration, design, operation,
monitoring, and performance optimization
of NetBackup.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students must be familiar with the
administration and configuration of the
platforms that are covered by the course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course includes practical hands-on
exercises that enable you to test your new
Enterprise Vault
Symantec Enterprise Vault 11.x for Exchange:
Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x for Exchange:
Maintain and Troubleshoot
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 3.100,-
The Symantec Enterprise Vault 11.x
for Exchange: Administration course
is designed for system administrators
tasked with operating, integrating, and
monitoring the day-to-day performance
of Enterprise Vault within their Exchange
This course is for system administrators,
system engineers, technical support
personnel, and system integration/
development staff who are responsible
for installing, operating, or integrating
Enterprise Vault within their Exchange
This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on
class covers the product’s functionality
and Enterprise Vault’s operations and
features. Additional topics include using
reports, basic management, backing
up and restoring the components of
Enterprise Vault, and an introduction to
troubleshooting. After you complete this
course, you will know how to, manage,
monitor, and maintain Enterprise Vault.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have a working knowledge of
Windows with some system administration
experience. Basic familiarity with
Exchange/Outlook is sufficient, while an
understanding of SQL Server, Exchange,
and Active Directory as a power user or
administrator is useful.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Legal Discovery Using Symantec Enterprise Vault
10.x Discovery Accelerator
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Legal Discovery Using Symantec
Enterprise Vault 10.x Discovery Accelerator
course is designed for those who use
Discovery Accelerator to search, review,
andprepare archived items in support of
information requests. This class describes
the steps involved in setting up discovery
searches and explains how to review,
analyze, and export the search results.
In addition, using research folders and
setting up marks and tags are discussed.
Also included are analytics and client
NOTE: Installation, configuration, and
troubleshooting of Discovery Accelerator
are not covered.
Prijs: € 1.860,-
This course is for users of Discovery
Accelerator and other individuals who use
Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator to
retrieve requested business information.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have a working knowledge of
Enterprise Vault on Windows.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x for
Exchange: Maintain and Troubleshoot
course is designed for the IT or Support
professional tasked with maintaining and
troubleshooting Enterprise Vault 10.x.
It is particularly appropriate for those
candidates who have previously attended
the courses named in the “Prerequisites”
section of this document. Successful
completion of the training provides
suitable candidates the skills to fulfill
roles either as IT personnel responsible
for managing, maintaining, and
troubleshooting the product, or as support
professionals who may be required to
demonstrate an in-depth understanding
of the product and provide assistance to
other Enterprise Vault users.
Prijs: € 2.480,-
This course is intended for customers,
Support Engineers, Sales Engineers
Consultants, and partners.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have attended or have the
required knowledge from the following
Symantec courses:
• Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x:
Installation (WBT)
• Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x for
Exchange: Administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x for
File System Archiving: Administration
course is designed primarily for
system administrators responsible for
installing,operating, integrating, and
monitoring the day-to-day performance
of Enterprise Vault within their File System
Archiving environments.
This course covers how to install, configure,
manage, and troubleshoot Enterprise Vault
from the File System Archiving perspective.
The course helps you to better understand
the product’s functionality, features, and
operations, as well as those topics that
matter most to customers.
This course includes practical exercises
Prijs: € 2.480,-
that enable you to test your new skills and
begin to transfer them into your working
This course is for Symantec customers,
consultants, partners, technical support
engineers, system engineers, sales
engineers, file server experts, and anyone
who isresponsible for installing, operating,
and maintaining Enterprise Vault in a File
System Archiving environment.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have a working knowledge of
Windows with some system administration
Windows Active Directory is sufficient,
while an understanding of NetApp filer,
EMC Celerra server, and Symantec Backup
Exec is an added advantage.
Optional PrerequisiteSymantec Enterprise
Vault 10.x: Installation
This eLearning course covers the topics
of installing, upgrading and migrating for
Enterprise Vault 10.x implementations.
The modules can be accessed from the
Enterprise Vault Tech Center.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
High Availability
Symantec High Availability Fundamentals with Storage Foundation 6.x and
Cluster Server 6.x for Unix
The Symantec High Availability
Fundamentals course is designed for the
IT professional who wants an overview
of the Symantec Storage Foundation and
Symantec Cluster Server products.This
five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class
is a condensed version of the four day
Symantec Storage Foundation 6.x for UNIX:
Administration Fundamentals course and
Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x for Exchange: Administration
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x for
Exchange course is designed for system
administrators tasked with operating,
integrating, and monitoring the day-to-day
performance of Enterprise Vault within their
Exchange environments.
This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class
covers how to configure and use Enterprise
Vault. Students learn about the product’s
functionality and Enterprise Vault’s
operations and features.
Additional topics include using
reports, basic management, backing
up and restoring the components of
Enterprise Vault, and an introduction to
troubleshooting. After you complete this
course, you will know how to configure,
manage, monitor, and maintain Enterprise
Prijs: € 1.860,-
This course includes practical hands-on
exercises that enable you to test your new
skills and begin to transfer them into your
working environment.
This course is for system administrators, system engineers, technical support personnel,
and system integration/development staff
who are responsible for installing, operating, or integrating Enterprise Vault within
their Exchange environment.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have a working knowledge of
Windows with some system administration
Basic familiarity with Exchange/Outlook is
sufficient, while an understanding of SQL
Server, Exchange, and Active Directory as a
power user or administrator is useful.
Optional PrerequisiteSymantec Enterprise
Prijs: € 3.750,-
the five day Symantec Cluster Server 6.x for
UNIX: Administration Fundamentals course.
It covers a subset of the topics in those
two courses
This course is for UNIX system administrators, system engineers, technical support
personnel, network/SAN administrators,
and systems integration/development staff
who want an overview of the Symantec
Storage Foundation and Symantec Cluster
Server products.
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge of UNIX system administration.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Veritas Storage Foundation 6.x for Unix: Administration Fundamentals
Basic familiarity with SQL Server and
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Symantec Trainingen
Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x for File System Archiving: Administration
Vault 10.x: InstallationThis e-Learning
course covers the topics of installing,
upgrading and migrating for Enterprise
Vault 10.x implementations. The modules
can be accessed from the Enterprise Vault
Tech Center.
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Prijs: € 3.000,-
The Symantec Storage Foundation 6.x
for UNIX: Administration Fundamentals
course is designed for the IT professional
tasked with installing, configuring, and
maintaining Symantec Storage Foundation
(SF) environments, including Volume
Manager (VxVM) and File System (VxFS).
Symantec Storage Foundation. You learn
how to manage disks, disk groups, and
volumes by using a variety of SF user
interfaces including the Veritas Operations
Manager (VOM) Web console. You can also
learn about the basics of online file system
administration and how to recover from
disk failures.
system engineers, technical support
personnel, network/SAN administrators and
systems integration/development staff who
will be installing, operating, or integrating
Symantec Storage Foundation.
This four day, Instructor led, hands-on
class covers how to install and configure
This course is for UNIX system administrators,
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge of UNIX system administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0.1 for Oracle RAC: Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In the Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0.1
for Oracle RAC: Administration course,
you learn to implement and maintain a
Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle Real
Application Cluster (SFRAC) environment.
You learn the basic features of SFRAC,
including a detailed description of the
components and core architecture of
SFRAC. In this course, you also perform
Prijs: € 3.750,-
hands-on labs to learn how to install,
configure, administer, and troubleshoot
This course is for database administrators,
system engineers, help-desk personnel,
and system integration staff who will be
installing, operating, or administering
Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have basic working knowledge
of the installation, configuration, and
administration of UNIX operating systems
and networks. You must also know about
Oracle fundamentals, Volume Manager, File
System, and Cluster Server configurations.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 167
Symantec Trainingen
Symantec High Availability Fundamentals with
Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0 and Veritas
Cluster Server 6.0 for Windows
Symantec High Availability Fundamentals with
Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0 and Veritas
Cluster Server 6.0 for Unix
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 3.750,-
The Symantec High Availability
Fundamentals with Veritas Storage
Foundation 6.0 and Veritas Cluster Server
6.0 for Windows course is designed for the
IT professional who will be working with
Veritas Storage Foundation and Veritas
Cluster Server.
This course is for Windows system
administrators, system engineers, network
administrators, system integration
or development staff, and technical
supportpersonnel who will be working
with Veritas Storage Foundation and
Veritas Cluster Server.
This class covers how to use Symantec
high-availability technology to meet the
data availability goals of your operations
by implementing Veritas Storage
Foundation and Veritas Cluster Server. This
course describes how to manage storage
in a high-availability environment and
perform cluster management.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have experience as a system
and network administrator working in a
Windows environment.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec High Availability
Fundamentals with Veritas Storage
Foundation 6.0 and Veritas Cluster
Server 6.0 for UNIX course describes
how to manage storage in a high
availability environment, perform cluster
management, and practice basic file
system administration.
This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class
covers how to use Veritas high availability
technology to meet data availability
goals of your operations by implementing
Veritas Cluster Server and Veritas Storage
Foundation, which includes Veritas Volume
Manager and Veritas File System.
Prijs: € 3.750,-
This course includes practical exercises
that allow you to test your new skills and
begin to transfer them into your working
This course is for UNIX system or network
administrators, system engineers, technical
support personnel, and system integration/
development staff who will be installing,
operating, or integrating Veritas Storage
Foundation and Veritas Cluster Server.
Altiris Asset Management Suite 7.1:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Altiris Asset Management Suite 7.1
Administration course is designed for the
asset management professional tasked
with installing, configuring, administering,
and using Asset Management Suite 7.1 to
manage corporate assets in an ITIL-focused environment.
Prijs: € 3.100,-
This course is for asset management
administrators and any other asset
management personnel who are involved
in installing, configuring, managing, and
administering Altiris Asset Management
Suite 7.1.
Vereiste voorkennis
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge of UNIX system administration.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Client Management Suite 7.5:
Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 for UNIX: Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 for UNIX:
Administration course is designed for
the IT professional tasked with installing,
configuring, and maintaining VCS clusters.
This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class
covers how to use Veritas Cluster Server to
manage applications in a high availability
After gaining the fundamental skills that
are needed to manage a highly available
application in a cluster, you deploy VCS in
a lab environment to implement a sample
cluster design.
Prijs: € 3.750,-
This course is for system administrators,
system engineers, network administrators,
system integration or development staff,
and technical support personnel whowill
be working with Veritas Cluster Server.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have experience as a system or
network administrator working in a UNIX
environment, and basic knowledge of
UNIX system administration.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course includes practical, hands-on
lab exercises that enable you to test your
new skills and begin to transfer them into
your working environment.
Veritas Storage Foundation 6 for UNIX
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
In the Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0 for
UNIX Administration course, you learn to
integrate, operate, and make the most of
Veritas Storage Foundation (SF), including
Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) and
Veritas File System (VxFS), in a UNIX
You learn to install and configure Veritas
Storage Foundation and to manage
disks, disk groups, and volumes by using
a variety of SF user interfaces, including
the Veritas Operations Manager (VOM)
Web console. You also learn about
recovery from disk failures, online file
system administration, including data
compression and deduplication, remote
mirroring across sites, offline and off-host
processing using volume snapshots and
storage checkpoints, and dynamic storage
tiering using the SmartTier feature.
Prijs: € 3.750,-
This course is for UNIX system or network
administrators, system engineers, technical
support personnel, and system integration/
development staff who will be installing,
operating, or integrating Veritas Storage
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge of UNIX system administration
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 3.100,-
The Symantec Client Management Suite
7.5 Implementation course is designed for
professionals tasked with implementing
Symantec Client Management Suite
(CMS) in their organizations. This fiveday, instructor-led, hands-on course
teaches students theory and concepts,
and provides technical know-how on
implementing Client Management Suite.
and replication, and troubleshooting Client
Management Suite.
This course teaches students the
underlying components and concepts
of the Symantec Management Platform
along with the Symantec Management
Console that is used by CMS to perform
its management functions. Students learn
how to install and configure the Symantec
Management Agent on computers,
including the various solution plug-ins.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must also have a basic understanding
and working knowledge of Microsoft
Windows (XP, 2003, 7, 2008) operating
systems and optionally Linux and Mac
operating systems.
Students also learn the concepts of
organizational views and groups, targets
and filters and how to apply them.
Students will also learn how to configure
policies, tasks and jobs, security, hierarchy
This course is designed for the professional
tasked with implementing, designing,
architecting, installing, and configuring
Symantec Client Management Suite (CMS)
to manage the software and hardware in
their company.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Altiris Client Management Suite 7.1
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 3.100,-
The Symantec Client Management Suite
7.5 Administration course is designed for
professionals tasked with using Symantec
Client Management Suite(CMS) to manage
their software and hardware resources in
their organizations.
lessons on Site Management and Security.
This five-day, instructor-led, handson
course teaches students the underlying
components and concepts of the Symantec
Management Platform along with the
Symantec Management Console that is
used by CMS to perform its management
This course is for IT administrators who will
be maintaining and installing software,
taking inventory of computers, distributing
software updates to computers orremotely
managing computers.
Students learn how to use CMS’s software
solutions to collect inventory, manage
their software catalog, deliver and meter
software, apply software updates and
remotely control computer resources.
Students also learn how to use platform
and CMS reports to track and monitor their
environment. Included are supplemental
This course includes practical exercises
and labs using your own network of virtual
computers that enable you to test your
new skills and begin to transfer them into
your working environment.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must also have a basic understanding
and working knowledge of Microsoft
Windows (XP, 2003, 7, 2008) operating
systems and optionally Linux and
Macoperating systems.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Deployment Solution 7.5:
Administration course is designed for
the professional tasked with installing,
configuring, and managing a Deployment
Solution system. This five-day, instructorled, hands-on course covers how
Deployment Solution 7.5 simplifies the
routine tasks of setting up new computers,
migrating computers to a new operating
system, and moving users to new
operating systems or hardware.
Students also learn how to install,
configure, and use DeploymentSolution to
perform these types of tasks remotely from
an easy-to-use console, saving time for
The Altiris Client Management Suite 7.1
Administration course is designed for
professionals tasked with using Altiris
Client Management Suite (CMS) to
manage the software and hardware in
their companies.
This course teaches students how to
install, configure, and maintain CMS.
Students learn how to use CMS’s core
processes, including collecting inventory,
delivering software, and applying
operating system patches. Students
also learn how to use some reporting
features in CMS to track and monitor their
environment. Included are supplemental
lessons on Altiris Server Management
Prijs: € 3.100,-
This course is for system administrators
who will be installing software, taking
inventory of computers, or deploying
patches to managed computers
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have working knowledge of
Notification Server and have attended
the Symantec Management Platform 7.1
Administration course. You must also
have a basic understanding and working
knowledge of Microsoft Windows (2000,
XP, 2003, Vista, and Windows 7).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Workflow 7.1 Administration
course is designed for IT administrators
tasked with installing, designing, building,
and maintaining workflow projects,
and integrating Workflow with existing
systems. This class covers how to install
Workflow and configure database,
Notification Server, and Workflow settings.
Students also learn how to design basic
projects inWorkflow Designer. Students
then build a comprehensive Vacation
Request project and add functionality
to it using components, data types,
integrations, forms, rules, triggers,
escalations, and time-outs. Students also
learn how to publish and package the
projects and make projects available to
other users in Process Manager.
Prijs: € 3.100,-
This course is for IT administrators
responsible for installing, designing,
building, and maintaining workflow
projects, and integrating Workflow with
existing systems in their organization.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students must have attended the
Symantec Management Platform 7.1:
Administration course, or possess
equivalent experience with Symantec
Management Platform.
Students must have basic working
knowledge of Microsoft Windows client
and server operating systems, and network
concepts, including LANs, network adapter
cards, and drivers.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Deployment Solution 7.5:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Symantec Workflow 7.1: Administration
Symantec Trainingen
Symantec Client Management Suite 7.5:
Altiris Deployment Solution 7.1: Administration
Prijs: € 3.100,-
employees and money for their enterprise.
This course is for system administrators or
anyone who will be installing, configuring,
and managing a Deployment Solution
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have a working
knowledge of Windows 2008, Win 7, and
XP; be familiar with network concepts,
including LANs, network adapters, drivers,
and network operating systems
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Altiris Deployment Solution 7.1
Administration course is designed for
the professional tasked with installing,
configuring, and managing a Deployment
Solution system.
Prijs: € 1.860,-
This course is for system administrators or
anyone who will be installing, configuring,
and managing a Deployment Solution
Vereiste voorkennis
This course covers how Deployment
Solution 7.1 simplifies the routine tasks
of setting up new computers, migrating
computers to a new operating system, and
moving users to new operating systems
or hardware. Students also learn how to
install, configure, and use Deployment
Solution to perform these types of tasks
remotely from an easy-to-use console,
saving time for employees and money for
their enterprise.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Management Platform 7.1:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Management Platform
7.1: Administration course is designed
for IT specialists tasked with installing,
managing, and troubleshooting Symantec
Management Platform.
This class covers Symantec Management
Platform installation and infrastructure,
and how to create and configure key items
in the Symantec Management Console,
such as tasks, policies, organizational
groups, targets, and filters. Students also
learn how to run reports and replication,
create a hierarchy, configure site servers,
find and access data in the database, and
apply troubleshooting techniques.
Prijs: € 3.100,-
This course is for system administrators
responsible for installing, configuring,
managing, and troubleshooting Symantec
Management Platform.
Vereiste voorkennis
Students must have basic working
knowledge of Microsoft Windows and
networking concepts, including LANs,
network adapter cards, drivers, and
operating systems. Students must also
be familiar with computer hardware
components such as hubs, switches, and
routers. Experience using VMware is
helpful but not required.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
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Symantec App Center 4.1.x Administration
Symantec Trainingen
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Symantec App Center is a scalable mobile
app management solution for securing,
deploying, and managing content and apps
on corporate and employee- owned mobile
This training course covers how to configure
and use Symantec App Center in both onpremise and cloud- based (SaaS) versions.
Topics include how to securely enroll and
manage your mobile devices, enroll users,
import and securely distribute apps and
content, manage app lifecycles, secure end
Prijs: € 1.240,-
user devices in the event they are lost or
stolen, and how App Center uses MDM
(Mobile Device Management) to manage
This course is intended for mobile device
administrators and other management
personnel who are involved in configuring,
managing, and administering Symantec
App Center, as well as those responsible for
ongoing management of mobile devices in
an organization
Vereiste voorkennis
A working knowledge of the CentOS
Operating System, or other Linux based
platforms is highly recommended. For those
installing the product, a working knowledge
of Apple Push Notification Server, Google
Cloud Messaging, SSL certificates, root
certificates, and SSL communications is
recommended. Many of these are required
components and must be installed before
App Center can fully manage iOS and
Android devices.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec App Center 4.1.x Installation and Administration
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 1.860,-
Symantec App Center is a scalable mobile
app management solution for securing,
deploying, and managing content and apps
on corporate and employee-owned mobile
import and securely distribute apps and
content, manage app lifecycles, secure end
user devices in the event they are lost or
stolen, and how App Center uses MDM
(Mobile Device Management) to manage
administrators and other management
personnel who are involved in installing,
configuring, managing, and administering
Symantec App Center, as well as those
responsible for ongoing management of
mobile devices in an organization.
Server, Google Cloud Messaging, SSL
certificates, root certificates, and SSL
communications is recommended.
Many of these are required components and
must be installed before App Center can
fully manage iOS and Android devices.
This training course covers how to configure
and use Symantec App Center in both onpremise and cloud-based (SaaS) versions.
The installation and Administration course
also covers step-by-step installation steps
for App Center on a CentOS virtual machine.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Topics include how to securely enroll and
manage your mobile devices, enroll users,
This course is intended for mobile device
Vereiste voorkennis
A working knowledge of the CentOS
Operating System, or other Linux based
platforms is highly recommended.
For those installing the product, a working
knowledge of Apple Push Notification
Symantec Data Loss Prevention 12.5:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Data Loss Prevention
12.5: Administration course is designed
to provide you with the fundamental
knowledge to configure and administer
the Symantec Data Loss Prevention
Enforce platform. The hands-on labs
include exercises for configuring Enforce
server, detection servers, and DLP
Agents as well as reporting, workflow,
incident response management, policy
management and detection, response
management, user and role administration,
directory integration, and filtering.
Additionally, you are introduced to
deployment best practices and the
following Symantec Data Loss Prevention
products: Network Monitor, Mobile Email
Monitor, Mobile Prevent, Network Prevent,
Network Discover, Network Protect,
Endpoint Prevent, and Endpoint Discover.
Note that this course is delivered on a
Microsoft Windows platform.
Prijs: € 3.750,-
This course is intended for anyone
responsible for configuring, maintaining,
and troubleshooting Symantec Data Loss
Prevention. Additionally, this course is
intended for technical users responsible for
creating and maintaining Symantec Data
Loss Prevention policies and the incident
response structure.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have aworking knowledge of
Windows server-class operating systems
and commands, aswell as networking and
network security concepts
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Data Loss Prevention 12: Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Data Loss Prevention
12: Administration course is designed
to provide fundamental knowledge to
configure and administer the Symantec
Data Loss Prevention Enforce platform.
The hands-on lab include exercises for
configuring Enforce server, detection
servers, and DLP Agents as well as
reporting, workflow, incident response
management, policy management
and detection, response management,
user and role administration, directory
integration, and filtering.
Additionally, you are introduced to
deployment best practices and the
following Symantec Data Loss Prevention
products: Network Monitor, Mobile Email
Monitor, Mobile Prevent, Network Prevent,
Network Discover, Network Protect,
Endpoint Prevent, and Endpoint Discover.
Note that this course is delivered on a
Microsoft Windows platform.
Prijs: € 3.750,-
This course is intended for anyone
responsible for configuring, maintaining,
and troubleshooting Symantec Data Loss
Additionally, this course is intended for
technical users responsible for creating
and maintaining Symantec Data Loss
Prevention policies and the incident
response structure.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have basic working knowledge
of Microsoft Windows server-class operating systems and commands, as well as
networking and network security concepts.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.X: Maintain
and Troubleshoot
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1:
Maintain and Troubleshoot course is
designed for the IT security management
professional tasked with administering,
monitoring, and troubleshooting Symantec
Endpoint Protection 12.1.
Students learn how to troubleshoot
and upgrade to Symantec Endpoint
Protection 12.1; and how to monitor and
troubleshoot the SEPM, client-to-SEPM
communication, content distribution, client
deployments, protection technologies, and
network threat protection.
The class also covers how to
follow Symantec best practices for
troubleshooting and remediating a virus
outbreak, performing advanced monitoring
using IT Analytics, and providing solutions
to Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1
case studies.
Prijs: € 1.860,-
This course is for network managers,
resellers, system administrators,
client security administrators, systems
professionals, and consultants who
are charged with the installation,
configuration, and day-to-day
management of Symantec Endpoint
Protection in a variety of network
environments, and who are responsible
for troubleshooting andtuning the
performance of this product in the
enterprise environment.
Symantec Trainingen
Risk & Compliance
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have attended the Symantec
Endpoint Protection 12.1: Administration
course or have equivalent experience.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Control Compliance Suite 11.0: Administration
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The Symantec Control Compliance
Suite (CCS) 11.0 Administration course
is designed for professionals who are
tasked with ensuring the security of their
computingenterprise and compliance with
both external and internal mandates.
This course focuses on using Control
Compliance Suite 11.0 to define risk and
Prijs: € 3.100,-
compliance objectives; develop policies and
controls to govern the enterprise; assess
compliance with policies, standards, and
other mandates; remediate vulnerabilities
and deviations from requirements;
and create reports and dashboards to
demonstrate compliance to multiple
This course is for computer professionals
involved with security compliance using
CCS 11.0.
knowledge of Microsoft Windows 2000/
XP/2003 operating systems.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have working knowledge of
advanced computer terminology, including
TCP/IP networking terms, security, and
Internet terms, and administrator level
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 171
Symantec Security Information Manager 4.7
Symantec Trainingen
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The Symantec Security Information
Manager 4.7 course is designed for
security professionals and network
security administrators who are tasked
with proactivelyidentifying, prioritizing,
and resolving critical security incidents
to reduce security risk against their key
network resources.
This course delivers an overview of the
Symantec Security Information Manager
server and console, including details about
the components, architecture, features,
and benefits. Students will learn how
to deploy and install the product in an
enterprise environment, with emphasis on
configuration, rule creation, modification,
and management of incidents.
Prijs: € 1.860,-
This course is for security professionals
or IT administrators who are tasked with
proactively identifying, prioritizing, and
resolving critical security incidents.
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have a working knowledge
of networking, including typical security
components such as firewalls, intrusion
detection systems, and antivirus systems.
It isbeneficial to be familiar with the
operation of a help desk in an Information
Technology environment.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.X:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This class covers how to design, deploy,
install, configure, manage, and monitor
Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 (SEP
Students learn how to create and
implement the client firewall, intrusion
prevention, application and device
control, and behavioral protection policies
that guard the enterprise from viruses
and hackers. In addition, students learn
how to perform server and database
management, expand the management
environment, use virtualization features for
virtual clients, and interface the Symantec
Endpoint Protection Manager with
Protection Center.
Prijs: € 3.750,-
The Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1:
Administration course is designed for
the network, IT security, and systems
administration professional tasked
with architecting, implementing, and
monitoring virus and spyware protection,
zero-day protection, and network threat
protection solutions.
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
The Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2.5
course builds your knowledge of the
Symantec Ghost Solution Suite, enabling
you to deploy systems across your network
and maintain client computers effectively
and efficiently.
Vereiste voorkennis
You must have working knowledge
of advanced computer terminology,
including TCP/ IP networking terms and
Internet terms, and an administrator-level
knowledge of Microsoft Windows 2000/
XP/2003 operating systems.
Prijs: € 2.480,-
This course is for network and system
administrators, IT managers, IT support
personnel, and other network operations
staff who are responsible for deploying
new computers across their organizations,
managing ongoing software and hardware
configuration tasks for computers, and
retiring outdated computers.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course concentrates on how to use
Symantec Security Information Manager to
reduce security risk by managing security
events emanating from many different
Symantec and third-party products.
This course includes practical exercises
that enable you to test your new skills and
begin to transfer them into your working
PGP Universal Server 3.2 and PGP Desktop 10.2:
Symantec Network Access Control 11.
The PGP Universal Server 3.2 and PGP
Desktop 10.2: Administration course
for PGP Universal Server 3.2 and PGP
Desktop 10.2 is designed to provide you
with thefundamental knowledge to install,
administer, and troubleshoot the PGP
Universal Management Server and primary
client product.
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Symantec Network Access Control
(SNAC) 11.x seminar (combining lecture
and demonstrations) is designed for
the network, IT security, and systems
administration professional tasked
with architecting, implementing, and
monitoring network access control
solutions. This class covers how to design,
deploy,install, configure, and monitor
Symantec Network AccessControl.
Students also learn how to manage
enforcer appliances and endpoint
enforcement clients.
Prijs: € 1.240,-
This course is for network managers,
resellers, systems administrators,
client security administrators, systems
professionals, and consultants who
are charged with the installation,
configuration, and day-to-day
management of Symantec Network
Access Control in a variety of network
Vereiste voorkennis
You should have working knowledge
of advanced computer terminology,
including TCP/IP networking terms and
Internet terms, an administrator-level
knowledge of Microsoft Windows 2000/
XP/2003 operating systems, and in-depth
knowledge of networking and the OSI
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2.5
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The course also covers troubleshooting
of PGP Desktop, including installation
and enrollment problems, PGP Whole
Disk Encryption, and common files and
services that may need to be manipulated
or repaired.
Additionally, you are introduced to the
following PGP encryption products: Key
Management Services, PGP Support
Package for BlackBerry, PGP Mobile, PGP
iOS Viewer and Endpoint Device Control.
Prijs: € 3.100,-
This course is intended for those
responsible for the installation,
configuration, maintenance, or
troubleshooting of PGP Universal Server or
PGP Desktop.
Vereiste voorkennis
An understanding of information security
concepts and terminology helps you
succeed in this course.
Also, this course requires familiarity with
networking and computing concepts.
Symantec recommends that students
taking this course have at least one year of
information technology experience.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware levert oplossingen voor virtualisatieen cloud infrastructuren waarmee ITkunnen worden.
Als VMware Premier Authorized Training
Center (Premier VATC) werkt Global
Knowledge wereldwijd nauw samen met
VMware. Dit resulteert in leeroplossingen die u
ervan verzekeren dat u bij Global Knowledge
de kennis opdoet die voldoet aan de eisen
van uw organisatie. Global Knowledge biedt
voor alle VMware oplossingen een volledig
VMware Certificeringen
VMware heeft een certificeringsprogramma opgesteld waarmee de technische competenties en
expertises die nodig zijn voor installatie, beheer, implementatie en ondersteuning van VMware
software worden verzekerd en vastgelegd. De VMware certificeringen zijn wereldwijd erkend
en zijn beschikbaar voor verschillende specialisaties. Onderstaand vindt u een overzicht van de
beschikbare certificeringen. Uiteraard kunt u bij Global Knowledge terecht voor het volledige
VMware trainingsaanbod en complete certificeringstrajecten. Meer hierover vindt u verderop in
deze catalogus.
VMware Certificeringen
activiteiten vereenvoudigd en gestroomlijnd
geautoriseerd trainingsportfolio.
VCA - Data Center
In Nederland is Global Knowledge die enige
Premier VATC!
VCA - Workforce
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 173
VMware Certified Associate - Cloud (VCA-Cloud)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
Geen vereiste voorkennis noodzakelijk
e-Learning: VMware Cloud Fundamentals
VCA Cloud (VCAC510)
VMware Certified Professional – Cloud (VCP Cloud)
Verplichte trainingen
U begint met VMware Cloud
VMware vCloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage v5.5 (VMCICM)
VCP Cloud
Uw VMware kennis
vCloud Automation Center (vCAC): Install Configure Manage v6.0
Aanbevolen trainingen
Een geldige VCP Level certificering
VMware vCloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage v5.5 (VMCICM)
VCP Cloud
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
Een geldige VCP Level certificering
VMware Cloud: Design Best Practices v1.5 (VMCD)
VMware Certified Design Expert - Cloud (VCDX-Cloud)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Cloud Infrastructure Administration (VCAP-CIA)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte training
Een geldige VCP Level certificering
Geen specifieke training noodzakelijk
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Cloud Infrastructure Design (VCAP-CID)
Uw VMware kennis
Het VMware Cloud certificeringsprogramma is ontwikkeld voor erkenning van IT-Professionals
en VMware Partners met kennis, ervaring en expertise op het gebied van het installeren,
configureren, beheren en ontwerpen van een cloud-omgeving met behulp van vCloud Director
en bijbehorende onderdelen.
VMware training-en certificeringstrajecten
VMware training-en certificeringstrajecten
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
VMware Cloud: Design Best Practices v1.5 (VMCD)
Presentatie en
verdediging van uw
ontwerp voor een VCDX
U dient een succesvolle VCDX-Cloud applicatie en ontwerp in te dienen
Geen vereiste voorkennis noodzakelijk
e-Learning: VMware Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
Verplichte trainingen
VMware Certified Professional - Data Center Virtualization (VCP-DCV)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 - Data Center Administration (VCAP-DCA)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U start met VMware óf u bent
gecertificeerd als VCP2 of VCP3
VCP5-DCV voor
vSphere 5
U bent reeds VCP5-DCV, VCP5-DT of
VCP-Cloud gecertificeerd
VMware vSphere 5: Optimize & Scale v5.1 (VSOS)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U bent reeds VCAP4-DCA
VMware vSphere 5: What’s New (VMWN)
Uw VMware kennis
VMware vSphere 5: Install, configure & Manage training (VSICM)
VMware vSphere 5: Fast Track (VSFT)
VMware vSphere 5: Optimize & Scale v5.1 (VSOS)
VMware vSphere 5: Troubleshooting Workshop v5.1 (VST)
Verplichte trainingen
Een geldig VDP level certificering
VMware vSphere 5: What’s New (VMWN)
VMware training-en certificeringstrajecten
VMware Certified Associate – Data Center Virtualization (VCA-DCV)
Uw VMware kennis
Het VMware Data Center Virtualization certificeringsprogramma geeft erkenning aan ITprofessionals en VMware partner met kennis, ervaring en expertise op het gebied van virtuele
infrastructuren op basis van VMware vSphere.
VCA - Data Center
Data Center Virtualization (vSphere 5)
VCP5-DCV voor
vSphere 5
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U bent niet VCP gecertificeerd, maar u
heeft reeds één van de onderstaande
VCP4 kwalificatietrainingen gevolgd:
• VMware vSphere: Advanced Fast
Track [V4.x]
• VMware vSphere: Automation Fast
Track [V4.1]
• VMware vSphere: Install, Configure,
Manage [V4.1]
• VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting
VMware vSphere 5: What’s New (VMWN)
VCP5-DCV voor
vSphere 5
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 - Data Center Design (VCAP5-DCD)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U bent reeds VCP5-DCV, VCP5-DT of
VCP-Cloud gecertificeerd
VMware vSphere 5: Design Workshop (VSD)
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Design[V5.x](DRBC Design)
- eLearning module
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U bent reeds VCAP4-DCD gecertificeerd VMware vSphere 5: What’s New (VMWN)
VMware Certified Design Expert 5 - Data Center Virtualization (VCDX5-DCV)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U bent reeds VCAP5-DCA en VCAP5DCD gecertificeerd
VMware vSphere 5: Design Workshop (VSD)
U dient een zelfontworpen en goedgekeurde VCDX-DCV applicatie in
te dienen
Verdedig uw ontwerp
voor een VCDX panel
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 175
VMware training-en certificeringstrajecten
Verplichte trainingen
Geen vereiste voorkennis noodzakelijk
e-Learning: VMware Workforce Mobility Fundamentals
VMware Certified Professional 6 - Desktop (VCP6-DT)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
Nieuw op het gebied van VMware
Desktop technologies of in het bezit
van een VCP certificering
Horizon (with View): Install, Configure, Manage v6.0 (VMVIEW)
VMware Horizon View 5: Desktop Fast Track v5.2 (VMVDFT)
Let op, deze cursus dekt een andere versie van View dan het examen
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Desktop Administration (VCAP-DTA)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
Een geldige VDP Level certificering
VMware Horizon View 5: Desktop Fast Track v5.2 (VMVDFT)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Desktop Design (VCAP-DTD)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
Een geldige VCP Level certificering
VMware View 5: Design Best Practices v5.1 (VMVD)
VMware Horizon View 5: Desktop Fast Track v5.2 (VMVDFT)
VMware Certified Design Expert – Desktop (VCDX-DT)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U bent reeds VCAP-DTD én VCAP-DTA
VMware View 5: Design Best Practices v5.1 (VMVD)
U dient een zelfontworpen en goedgekeurde VCDX-DT applicatie in te
Verdedig uw ontwerp
voor een VCDX panel
Uw VMware kennis
VCA - Workforce
VMware Certified Associate – Workforce Mobility (VCA-WM)
Het VMware End User Computing certificeringsprogramma is ontwikkeld voor de erkenning van
IT-Professionals en VMware Partners die kennis, ervaring en expertise hebben op het gebied van
VMware Desktop Virtualisatie.
VMware training-en certificeringstrajecten
End User Computing
VMware NSX™ is een netwerk virtualisatie en security platform voor software gedefinieerde
data centers. Op basis van VMware NSX™ is een volledig nieuw certificeringstraject ontwikkeld.
Het Network Virtualization certificeringsprogramma valideert kennis en expertise op het gebied
van het installeren, implementeren, beheren en het ontwerpen van NSX virtual networking
VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage (VMNSXICM)
VMware NSX Fast Track for Implementation Experts (VMNSXFT)
U bent reeds VCP gecertificeerd
Verplichte trainingen
VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage (VMNSXICM)
VMware NSX Fast Track for Implementation Experts (VMNSXFT)
VMware NSX Technical Overview with Labs
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
Nieuw op het gebied van Network
Virtualization Technologies
Uw VMware kennis
VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization (VCP-NV)
VMware training-en certificeringstrajecten
Network Virtualization
VMware Certified Implementation Expert — Network Virtualization (VCIX-NV)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U dient in het bezit zijn van een
geldige VCP-NV certificering
Geen specifieke training vereist
Verplichte trainingen
VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage (VMNSXICM)
Uw VMware kennis
U dient in het bezit zijn van een
geldige VCP5-DCV, VCP-Cloud, VCP5DT certificering
VCDX – Network Virtualization (VCDX-NV)
Uw VMware kennis
Verplichte trainingen
U dient in het bezit zijn van een
geldige VCIX-NV certificering
VMware NSX Fast Track for Internetworking Experts (VMNSXFT)
U dient een succesvol
Network Virtualization
ontwerp in te dienen en
te verdedigen.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 177
VMware Partner Network
VMware Partner Network
Het Partner Network Programma van VMware biedt u een competitief voordeel op het gebied
van uw VMware Virtualisatie en biedt daarnaast ook financiele voordelen. Als VMware partner
krijgt uw bedrijf exclusieve toegang tot middelen die u helpen bij het uitbreiden van uw
licentie-en service business, het creëren van nieuwe kansen, vergroten van winstgevendheid en
het sneller sluiten van overeenkomsten.
Het VMware Partner Network biedt twee verschillende programma’s, te weten:
• VMware Solution Provider Programma
• VMware vCloud Air Network Programma
VMware vCloud Air Network Programma
VMware Solution Provider Programma
Het VMware vCloud Air Network Programma
is een specifiek partner programma dat
VMware service providers helpt bij het ontwikkelen van hun cloud computing business.
Het VMware vCloud Air Network Programma
biedt partners via een abbonnementsvorm
flexibiliteit in het aanbieden van virtualisatie
oplossingen, applicaties en diensten aan hun
klanten zonder voorafgaande kosten.
Daarnaast biedt het programma ondersteuning
en voorzieningen waarmee partners hun
VMware producten, diensten en oplossingen
kunnen ontwikkelen, promoten en verkopen.
Het VMware Solution Provider Programma is
een veel omvattend partner programma en
voorziet VMware partners van middelen die
benodigd zijn om klanten goed te kunnen
bedienen en het verkrijgen van een lang durend competitief voordeel op het gebied van
VMware Virtualisatie.
Het VMware vCloud Air Network Programma
is een ideale oplossing voor verschillende
typen VMware partners die cloud computing en/of gehoste IT diensten leveren aan
enterprise en middelgrote organisaties, zoals
Cloud Service Providers, Application Service
Providers (APSs), Internet Service Providers
(ISPS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) Providers en
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Providers.
- 4 VCP
- Cloud Provider Competentie
- vCloud powered Badge
≥ 100.000 punten
- 1 VCP
≥ 360 punten
Aan het VMware vCloud Air Network Programma worden ook opleidingseisen gesteld. De opleidingseisen en de verschillende
puntenniveaus worden in de onderstaande
afbeelding weergegeven:
Voor meer informatie over verschillende VSPPabonnementsvormen en het bijbehorende
puntenssysteem verwijzen we naar de
VMware website,
- 2 VCP
- Cloud Provider Competentie
- vCloud powered Badge
≥ 10.800 punten
Er zijn vier partner niveau’s: Registered,
Professional, Enterprise en Premier. Iedere accreditatie heeft een eigen eisen- en voordeelpakket. Een volledige uitleg kunt u verderop
in deze brochure lezen.
VMware heeft een aantal competenties
betreffende Virtualisatie-oplossingen aan
dit partner programma toegevoegd. Vanaf
het Solution Provider Enterprise niveau dient
naast de basis accreditaties ook één of meerdere competenties behaald te worden.
- 4 VSP, 4 VTSP,4 VCP
- 3 competenties
- 2 VSP, 2 VTSP, 2 VCP
- 1 competentie
- 1 VSP, 1 VTSP
Dit heeft als voordeel dat VMware partners
hun klanten een duidelijker beeld kunnen
geven van hun onderscheidende expertise en
maximaal kunnen profiteren van de voordelen van het VMware Partner Netwerk. De
verschillende competenties worden op pagina
161 toegelicht.
VMware Competenties
Virtualization of Business Critical Applications Competentie
Vereiste Training
Vereiste Training
Sales - VSP
VSP - Server Virtualization Solution e-Learning modules1)
Sales - VSP
VSP - VBCA e-Learning Modules1)
Pre-sales - VTSP
VTSP - Server Virtualization Solution e-Learning modules1)
Pre-sales - VTSP
VTSP - VBCA e-Learning Modules1)
PostSales - VCP
vSphere 5: Wat’s new (VMWN) OF
vSphere 5: Install, Configure (VSICM) OF
VMware vSphere 5: Fast Track (VSFT)
ILT, 2 days
ILT, 5 days
ILT, 5 days
Technical Post Sales
Virtualizing Microsoft
SQL Server with
VMware Accreditation
VCP - VBCA e-Learning Modules1)
VCP - VBCA e-Learning Modules1)
Virtualizing Microsoft
Exchange with VMware
VSD - vSphere Design Best Practices
ILT, 3 days
Virtualizing an Oracle
Database with VMware
Business Continuity (BC) Competentie
Vereiste Training
VSP - Business Continuity e-Learning Modules1)
Technical Sales
VTSP - Business Continuity e-Learning Modules1)
Technical Post Sales
Business Continuity
Technical Post Sales
Accredited Overview
and Design
Business Continuity Overview and Design1)
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager: Install, Configure,
Manage v5.1 (VMSRM)
ILT, 2 days
Technical Pos-Sales
Fundamentals 5
VMware Competenties
Server Virtualization Solution Competentie
Virtualizing Microsoft
SharePoint with
VMware Accreditation
Virtualizing SAP ERP
Software with VMware
VMware vSphere 5: Design Workshop (VSD)
ILT, 3 dagen
Desktop Virtualization (DV) Competentie
Vereiste Training
Sales - VSP
VSP - Desktop Virtualization e-Learning Modules1)
Pre-sales - VTSP
VTSP - Desktop Virtualization e-Learning Modules1)
ILT, 2 dagen
Horizon Mirage: Install, Configure, Manage (VMHMICM)
Horizon (with View): Install, Configure, Manage v6.0 (VMVIEW) OF
VMware View: Desktop Fast Track (VMVDFT)
Horizon Mirage: Install, Configure, Manage (VMHMICM)
VMware View 5: Design Best Practices (VMVD) OF
VMware View: Desktop Fast Track (VMVDFT)
ILT, 2 dagen
Post-sales - VCP
ILT, 4 dagen
ILT, 5 dagen
1) De e-Learning modules vindt u op de MyLearn pagina van VMware
ILT, 3 dagen
ILT, 5 dagen
ILT = Instructor Led Training
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 179
VMware Competenties
VMware Competenties
Management Operations (MO) Solution Competentie
Management Automation (MA) Competentie
Vereiste Training
Vereiste Training
VSP - Management Competency e-Learning modules1)
Sales - VSP
VSP - MA e-Learning modules1)
Technical Sales
VTSP -Management Competency Technical Sales e-Learning modules1)
Technical Sales
VTSP - MA e-Learning modules1)
Technical Post Sales
Technical Post-Sales
Accreditation: vCenter
Operations Manager 5
VMware vCenter Operations Manager: Analyze & Predict (VMOMAP)
ILT, 2 dagen
Technical Post Sales
Automation Technical
Post-Sales: vRealize
Automation [V6.0]
vRealize Automation: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.0]
ILT, 5 dagen
VMware vCenter Operations Manager: Advanced Usage
and Dashboard Design [V5.x] (VMOMAUDC)
ILT, 3 dagen
Technical Post-Sales
Accreditation: vCenter
Manager 5
VMware vCenter Configuration Manager for Virtual
Infrastructure Management (VMCMVIM)
VMware vCenter Configuration Manager for Virtual
Infrastructure and OS Management v5.5 (VMCMVIOSM)
VMware vCenter Configuration Manager: Install, Configure,
Manage [V5.7] (VMCMI)
ILT, 5 dagen
ILT, 3 dagen
Hybrid Cloud Solution Competentie
Vereiste Training
Sales - VSP
VSP - Hybrid
VSP - Hybrid e-Learning modules1) e-Learning
Technical Sales
VTSP - Hybrid
VTSP - Hybrid e-Learning modules1) e-Learning
Technical Post Sales
vSphere 5: Wat’s new (VMWN) OF
vSphere 5: Install, Configure (VSICM) OF
VMware vSphere 5: Fast Track (VSFT)
ILT, 2 dagen
ILT, 5 dagen
ILT, 5 dagen
VMware Subscription
Expert Accreditation
VSE Includes Subscription Ops Overview Bus. Considerations Quote,
Order, Invoice Metered Usage, Add-ons Renewal, Pricing
1) De e-Learning modules vindt u op de MyLearn pagina van VMware
ILT = Instructor Led Training
Automation Technical
Post-Sales: Service
Delivery Readiness
ILT, 3 dagen
Network Virtualization Competentie
Vereiste Training
Sales - VSP
VSP - NV e-Learning modules1)
Technical Sales
VTSP - NV e-Learning modules1)
Technical Post Sales
Network Virtualization
Technical Post-Sales
Accreditation: NSX
VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.0] (VMNSXICM)
ILT, 5 dagen
Vereiste Training
Sales - VSP
VSP - SDS e-Learning modules1)
Technical Sales
VTSP - SDS e-Learning modules1)
Technical Post Sales
Storage Technical PostSales Accreditation
VMware Virtual SAN: Deploy and Manage [V5.5] (VMVSAN)
ILT, 5 dagen
Cloud Provider Solution Competentie
Vereiste Training
Sales - VSP
VSP - CP e-Learning modules1)
Technical Sales
VTSP - CP e-Learning modules1)
Technical Post Sales
Cloud Provider Technical VMware Virtual SAN: Deploy and Manage [V5.5] (VMVSAN)
Post-Sales Accreditation
ILT, 5 dagen
VMware Certified
Professional - Data
Center Virtualization
vSphere 5: Wat’s new (VMWN) OF
vSphere 5: Install, Configure (VSICM) OF
VMware vSphere 5: Fast Track (VSFT)
ILT, 2 dagen
ILT, 5 dagen
ILT, 5 dagen
VMware vCloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage v5.5 (VMCICM)
ILT, 3 dagen
VMware Competenties
Software-Defined Storage Competentie
VMware Certified
Professional - Cloud
1) De e-Learning modules vindt u op de MyLearn pagina van VMware
ILT = Instructor Led Training
VMware Trainingen
VMware Trainingen
Data Center Virtualization
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager:
Install, Configure, Manage
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This two-day, hands-on training course
equips experienced VMware vSphere®
administrators with the knowledge to
install, configure, and manage VMware®
vCenter™ Site Recovery Manager™
5.5. This course also equips vSphere
administrators with the knowledge to
assist in writing and testing disaster
recovery plans that use vCenter Site
Recovery Manager.
vSphere administrators, architects, system
engineers, and systems integrators who
are responsible for the deployment or
management of vCenter Site Recovery
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Completion of VMware vSphere:
Install, Configure, Manage or
equivalent experience
• Basic knowledge of disaster recovery
• Basic knowledge of storage array
• This course helps to prepare you
for the VCP5-DCV and VCAP5-DCA
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware Virtual SAN: Deploy and Manage
VMware vSphere 5: What’s New
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This training course focuses on deploying
and managing a software-defined storage
solution with VMware® Virtual SAN™
5.5. This course looks at how Virtual SAN
is used as an important component in the
VMware® software-defined data center.
The course is based on VMware® ESXi™
5.5 and VMware® vCenter Server™ 5.5.
For additional course options, go to http://
Prijs: € 1.210,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Storage administration experience on
block or file storage devices
• Understanding of concepts presented
in the VMware vSphere®: Install,
Configure, Manage course
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Storage and virtual infrastructure
administrators who want to use softwaredefined storage with Virtual SAN.
VMware vSphere 5: Design Workshop
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
The goal of this course is to equip you
with the knowledge, skills, and abilities
to design a VMware vSphere® 5.5 virtual
infrastructure that is available, scalable,
manageable, and secure. You will design
such an infrastructure while meeting
your organization’s business objectives
and working within its constraints and
Prijs: € 1.695,upgrade, configuration, and administration
This course discusses the benefits and
risks of available design alternatives and
provides information to support making
sound design decisions. This course also
gives you an opportunity to practice your
design skills by working with peers on
a design project.The course is based on
VMware ESXi™ and VMware vCenter
Server™ 5.5.
• Consulting professionals
• Solution architects
• System architects
• System administrators
• IT managers
Vereiste voorkennis
Knowledge of vSphere 5.5 installation,
This course prepares toward the VMware
VCAP-DCA certification and is part of the
Server Virtualisation Solution Compentency.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Deze praktijktraining verkent de nieuwe
functies in VMware® vCenter Server™ 5.5
en VMware ESXi™ 5.5. Aan bod komen
onder meer de installatie van VMware®
vSphere® 5.5 en de upgrade van vSphere
4.x naar vSphere 5.5.
Prijs: € 1.295,-
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers een van de
volgende VMware vSphere 4-cursussen
hebben bezocht:
• Install, Configure, Manage
• Fast Track
• What’s New
Of vergelijkbare ervaring hebben met het
beheer van vSphere 4
• Verantwoordelijken voor de
implementatie of het beheer van
De VMWN training bereidt deelnemers
voor op het VMware® Certified Professional 5(VCP5-DCV) examen en is onderdeel
van de Server
Virtualization Competency
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware vSphere 5: Fast Track
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This exam training intended to get
familiar with the objectives covered by
VCP5-DCV exam, related resources, and
recommended courses.
As this exam preperation workshop
covers a lot of topics the actual exam will
not take place at the end of the day. It is
recommended that the actual exam should
be sit by the attendees the week following
the Exam prepration workshop.
In our Workshop a free VUE VCP5-DCV
exam voucher is included!
Prijs: € 575,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendance of either one of the following
• VSICM -VMware vSphere 5: Install,
Configure, Manage
• VMWN - VMWare vSphere 5: What’s
• VSFT - VMware vSphere 5: Fast Track
This workshop prepares for the VCP5-DCV
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This VCP5-DCV Exam preparation training
is designed for VMware professionals who
would like to attain the VMware Certified
Professional accreditation.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This intensive, extended-hours training
course focuses on installing, configuring,
and managing VMware vSphere® 5.5.
This course combines the content of the
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure,
Manage course with advanced tasks and
skills for configuring a highly available
and scalable virtual infrastructure. The
course is based on VMware® ESXi™ 5.5
and VMware® vCenter Server™ 5.5.
Completion of this course satisfies the
prerequisite for taking the VMware®
Certified Professional 5 exam.
Experienced system administrators and
system integrators willing to work hard
to achieve superior vSphere skills with
minimal time away from the office.
VMware vSphere 5: Install, Configure, Manage
Prijs: € 3.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• System administration experience on
Microsoft Windows or Linux operating
• Understanding of concepts presented
in the VMware Data Center
Virtualization Fundamentals course for
VCA-DCV certification
The VSFT training prepares you well for
the VCP5-DCV exam.All topics will be
taught which can be part of the VCP5-DCV
exam. Global Knowledge Advises you to
also attend our VCP-DCV (v5.5)exam prep
workshop (VSEXP). For more information
on the exam topics, please read the VCP5DCV Exam Blueprint.
Also this training is part of the Server
Virtualization Competency.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware vSphere 5: Overview
Cursusduur: 1 dag
Prijs: € 695,-
This hands-on training course introduces
the most compelling features of VMware
vSphere® 5, which is the foundational
component of the cloud infrastructure
suite of software from VMware®.
This course is designed for technical
persons responsible for evaluating ESX,
ESXi and vCenter Server, including IT
managers, system architects, and system
This course demonstrates vSphere features
that help reduce your IT costs while
improving efficiency, availability, scalability,
flexibility and manageability. The course
is based on VMware ESXi™ 5.0 and
VMware vCenter Server™ 5.0.
Vereiste voorkennis
System administration experience on
Microsoft Windows or Linux operating
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware vSphere with Operations Management:Fast Track
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This intensive, extended-hours training
course focuses on installing, configuring
and managing VMware vSphere® 5 and
effectively using VMware® vCenter™
Operations Manager™.
This course combines the content of the
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure,
Manage course with the vCenter
Operations Manager: Analyze and Predict
course. This course explores installation,
configuration and management of
vSphere, which consists of VMware ESXi™
and VMware® vCenter Server™.
Prijs: € 3.295,-
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze praktijktraining gaat in op de
installatie, de configuratie en het beheer
van VMware® vSphere®, dat bestaat uit
VMware ESXi™ en VMware® vCenter
Server™. Deze cursus is gebaseerd op de
versies ESXi 5.5 en vCenter Server 5.5.
Na afronding van de cursus voldoet de
deelnemer aan de ingangseis voor het
examen VMware® Certified Professional 5.
• Beheerders die verantwoordelijk zijn
voor ESXi en vCenter Server
Vereiste voorkennis
Bij aanvang van de training wordt er van
uitgegaan dat de deelnemers over de
volgende kennis beschikken:
• Ervaring met systeembeheer op
Windows- of Linux-besturingssystemen
De VSICM-training bereidt u goed voor
op het examen VCP5-DCV. Tijdens deze
training komen echter niet alle onderwerpen uit het examen VCP5-DCV aan bod.
Global Knowledge adviseert u om deze
onderwerpen te bestuderen via zelfstudie
of via een VSOS-training. Lees voor meer
informatie over de examenonderwerpen
de blauwdruk voor het examen VCP5-DCV.
Deze training is ook onderdeel van de
competentie infrastructuurvirtualisatie.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus, bedoeld voor ervaren VMware
vSphere® professionals, leert cursisten
geavanceerde vaardigheden voor het
configureren en onderhouden van een
hoge beschikbaarheid en schaalbare
virtuele infrastructuur.
• System administrators
• Systems engineers
• Operators responsible for ESXi and
vCenter Server
De cursus is gebaseerd op VMware ®
ESXi™ 5.5 en VMware® vCenter Server™
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
• Kennis van virtuele
datacenterconcepten die vergelijkbaar
is met de benodigde kennis voor VCADCV-certificering.
VMware vSphere 5: Optimize & Scale
This course also teaches skills in the use of
vCenter Operations Manager as a forensic
and predictive tool. This course is based on
ESXi 5.1, vCenter Server 5.1 and vCenter
Operations Manager 5.x.
Vereiste voorkennis
System administration experience on
Microsoft Windows or Linux operating
Prijs: € 2.995,-
VMware Trainingen
VMware Exam Preparation Workshop (VCP5-DCV)
De cursus bereidt student voor op de
VMware Certified Advanced Professional
- Datacenter Administration [V5]
certificering (VCAP5-DCA). Afronding
van deze cursus voldoet ook aan de
voorwaarde voor het afronden het
VMware® Certified Professional 5 examen.
Prijs: € 3.340,-
• Experienced system administrators
• Systems engineers
• System integrators
Vereiste voorkennis
Completion of one of the following
• VSICM- VMware vSphere 5: Install,
Configure & Manage
• VMWN- VMware vSphere 5: What’s
• VSFT- VMware vSphere 5: Fast Track
• Or equivalent knowledge and
administration experience with ESXi
and vCenter Server
• Experience working at the command
prompt is highly recommended.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 183
VMware Trainingen
Cloud Infrastructure
VMware vSphere 5: Skills for Operators
VMware Cloud: Design Best Practices
vCloud Director: Organization Administration
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
VMware vSphere: Skills for Operators is
a two-day technical classroom training
course designed to help operators and
administrators create and manage virtual
machines. This two-day lecture and lab
course will help students gain the skills
required to work effectively with VMware®
virtual machines. This course is based
on VMware® ESXi™ 5.5 and VMware®
vCenter Server™ 5.5.
Prijs: € 1.395,-
• Operators responsible for ESXi and
vCenter Server management
Vereiste voorkennis
• System administration experience on
Microsoft Windows or Linux operating
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware vSphere 5: Troubleshooting Workshop
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This hands-on training workshop provides
you with the advanced knowledge, skills,
and abilities to achieve competence in
troubleshooting the VMware vSphere®
environment. This workshop also increases
your skill and competence in using the
command-line interface to analyze
problems. The workshop is based on
VMware® ESXi™ 5.5 and VMware®
vCenter Server™ 5.5.
• System administrators
• System integrators
Prijs: € 3.340,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Required prerequisites include completion
of one of the following:
•VMware® Certified Professional 5 –
Datacenter Virtualization (VCP5-DV)
• VSFT - VMware vSphere: Fast Track
• VSOS - VMware vSphere: Optimize and
• Equivalent knowledge and
administration experience with ESXi
and vCenter Server
• Experience working with a commandline interface is highly recommended.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course is designed to guide students
through the decision points and policy
choices available for designing and
implementing a VMware vCloud®
environment. Students will learn to
appreciate the effects of design choices
in VMware vSphere®, VMware vCloud®
Director™, VMware® vCenter™
Chargeback™ and the VMware® vShield
Edge™ capability that is included with
vCloud Director. The course culminates in
a comprehensive workshop on VMware
cloud design.
This course is intended for:
• Sales partners, customers, consultants
and sales engineers who are
responsible for designing public
and private cloud architectures with
VMware products.
Vereiste voorkennis
Delegates should meet the following
• Completion of VMware vCloud Director
Deploy and Manage (VMCICM)
• VCP-level knowledge of vSphere
• General-purpose vSphere design
experience, with special emphasis on
networking and storage
• Exposure to the features and
functionality of vCloud Director,
vSphere, vShield Edge and vCenter
This course prepares you for the VMware
Certified Advanced Professional - Cloud
Infrastructure Design (VCAP-CID) and
is part of the Cloud Infrastructure as a
Service (Cloud IaaS) Competency.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware vCloud Director: Install, Configure,
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This course demonstrates to technical
personnel how to deploy VMware®
vCloud Director® for a small private cloud
environment and manage the ongoing
operation of the deployment.
The course focuses on the private cloud
in an engineering or quality assurance
solution. The course covers all of the
fundamentals needed to install, configure,
and manage any small private cloud
with vCloud Director. This course is
the prerequisite for other courses that
cover more advanced vCloud Director
configurations in enterprise deployments.
Prijs: € 2.010,-
Prijs: € 1.820,-
• Consultants, systems engineers,
datacenter administrators, and cloud
Vereiste voorkennis
• VMware vSphere: Install, Configure,
Manage [V5.0] \
• VMware vCloud Director: Essentials/
Fundamentals [V5.1]
• Solid understanding of TCP/IP
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This course focuses on the organization
administrator’s role in VMware® vCloud
Director® in managing cloud resources.
This course provides hands-on training
for operators who are charged with
administering their corporate resources in
a public cloud or a private cloud.
This course assumes that a vCloud Director
organization administrator is technically
proficient in working at a department or
customer level to support cloud operations.
The vCloud Director organization
administrator is responsible for assisting
coworkers in the daily management and
use of cloud resources provided to the
organization from the vCloud Director
cloud provider.
Prijs: € 1.210,-
• Department-level cloud administrators
Vereiste voorkennis
• Basic understanding of Microsoft
Windows administration
• Basic understanding of VMware
vSphere® virtualization
• Basic understanding of TCP/IP
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
vCloud Network & Security for vSphere
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This intensive training course focuses on
installing, configuring, and managing
VMware vCloud® Networking and
Security™ for VMware® vSphere®
professional use. vCloud Networking
and Security is a suite of security virtual
appliances built for VMware® vCenter
Server™ and VMware ESXi™ integration.
vCloud Networking and Security is a
critical security component for protecting
virtualized data centers from attacks and
helping you to achieve your compliancemandated goals. The course is based on
VMware® vShield™ 5.5, ESXi 5.5, and
vCenter Server 5.5.
Prijs: prijs op aanvraag
• System administrators and system
integrators responsible for deploying
vCloud Networking and Security
Vereiste voorkennis
• Willingness to participate in
demanding, high-intensity training
• Experience with vSphere (required)
• Comfort with system administration
using command-line interfaces
• Completion of VMware vSphere:
Install, Configure, Manage
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware vCloud: Overview
Cursusduur: 1 dag
NederlandsDeze cursus toont technisch
personeel hoe een VMware vCloudoplossing IT-diensten levert in een
cloud-omgeving. De cursus richt zich op
bedrijfsgebruik in een particuliere cloud,
maar bevat ook informatie over hoe deze
aanpak de migratie naar een hybride of
publieke cloud ondersteunt. Middels handon-labs leren cursisten hoe IT-resources
worden geleverd en gebruikt in een
vCloud omgeving.
Deze cursus is niet een VMware vCloud
Director systeembeheer training. Het
accent ligt op het demonstreren van de
kenmerken en voordelen van een vCloud
oplossing en niet zozeer op de details van
het installeren, configureren en beheren
van de componenten.
Prijs: op aanvraag
• Technical influencers, high-level
managers, and IT decision makers
• Consultants, engineers, and first-line
support people wanting a first look at
the vCloud solution
Vereiste voorkennis
• Thorough understanding of
virtualization and vSphere capabilities
will be helpful.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
vCloud Automation Center (vCAC): Install
Configure Manage
VMware vCenter Configuration Manager: Install,
Configure, Manage
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This training course focuses on installing,
configuring, and managing VMware
vCloud® Automation Center™. This
course covers the configuration and use
of the vCloud Automation Center platform
self-service provisioning and creation of
on-demand private and multivendor cloud
Experienced system administrators, cloud
administrators, system integrators, and
operational developers.
Prijs: € 3.030,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• VMware vSphere 5.x: Install,
Configure, Manage or
• Equivalent knowledge
This course prepares you for the following
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This hands-on training course focuses
on installing, configuring, and managing
VMware vCenter Configuration
Manager™ 5.7. The course is built on
VMware ESXi™ and VMware vCenter
Server™. This course provides you with
the knowledge and skills to install and
configure vCenter Configuration Manager,
navigate the user interface, manage
compliance, and perform administrative
and configuration tasks against your
Prijs: € 2.010,-
• Virtual infrastructure administrators
• IT managers
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience in performing basic
administration tasks on ESXi hosts,
vCenter Server, and virtual machines
through the VMware vSphere® Web
• System administration experience on
Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and Linux
operating systems
VMware Trainingen
Cloud Management
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware vRealize Operations Manager: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6.0]
VMware vCenter Configuration Manager for
Operating Systems Management
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This training course for experienced VMware
vSphere® users teaches how to use VMware
vCenter™ Operations Manager™ as a
forensic and predictive tool. This course
also teaches advanced capabilities, such as
adapters, customization, and management
topics. This course is based on VMware
ESXi™ 5.x, VMware vCenter Server™ 5.x,
and vCenter Operations Manager 6.0.
Prijs: 3.040,-
Experienced system administrators and
system integrators; consultants responsible
for customizing vCenter Operations
Manager content
Vereiste voorkennis
Completion of the following courses:
• VMware vSphere: Install, Configure,
Manage [V5.5]
• VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale
• Or system administration experience
with vSphere deployments
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Deze hands-on-training geeft u vaardigheden
met VMware® vCenter Configuration
Manager™ (VCM). Deze training bouwt
voort op de kennis die u heeft opgedaan in
de VMware vCenter Configuration Manager
for Virtual Infrastructure Management
training. Het geeft u vaardigheden in:
• Het configureren van VCM voor beheer
van fysieke en virtuele guest operating
systemen en Active Directory (AD)
• Het creëren en het gebruik van de
compliance templates
• Het gebruik van de VCM voor patching
• Het uitrollen van de operating
systemen en Windows software
• Het gebruik van VCM tools voor het
downloaden, importeren en exporteren
van compliance templates en het
bekijken en collecteren van debugginginformatie.
Prijs: op aanvraag
Deze training is bedoeld voor:
• Virtual infrastructure administrators
• IT managers
Vereiste voorkennis
De cursisten dienen te voldoen aan de
volgende voorwaarden:
• Deelname aan VMCMVIM training is
• Ervaring met het uitvoeren van
basisadministratie taken op VMware
vSphere® ESXi™ hosts, VMware®
vCenter Server™, VMware vCloud®
Director™, VMware® vShield™ en
virtuele machines
• Ervaring met systeemadministratie
in eenWindows, Linux of Solaris
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Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 185
VMware Trainingen
VMware vCenter Configuration Manager for
Virtual Infrastructure Management
VMware vCenter Configuration Manager for
Virtual Infrastructure and OS Management
vCenter Operations Manager: Advanced Usage
and Dashboard Design
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 2.195,-
This hands-on training course builds your
skills with VMware® vCenter Configuration
Manager™ (VCM). It will provide you
with the knowledge and skills to install
and configure VCM, navigate the user
interface, manage compliance and perform
administrative and configuration tasks
against your virtual infrastructure.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience in performing basic
administration tasks on VMware
vSphere® ESXi™ hosts, VMware®
vCenter Server™, VMware vCloud®
Director™, VMware® vShield™ and
virtual machines
• System administration experience in a
Windows, Linux or Solaris environment
Virtual infrastructure administrator and IT
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware vCenter Orchestrator Develop Workflows
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Deze hands-on-training verkent het
gebruik van VMware® vCenter™
Orchestrator™ voor het automatiseren
van IT-processen, zowel fysiek als virtueel.
Deze training is bedoeld voor:
• Ervaren VMware administrators
• Automatiserings- en
• System integrators
• Private and publieke cloud
Prijs: € 2.010,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Cursisten dienen te voldoen aan de
volgende voorwaarden:
• Deelname aan de VSICM training
of vergelijkbare kennis van VMware
• Bekwaamheid met het scripten
of programmeren in JavaScript,
Powershell, Perl, Java, Python, of
overeenkomstige talen
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Dezehands-on training breidt uw
vaardigheden uit op het gebied
vanVMware® vCenter Configuration
Manager™ (VCM). Het breidt
uwvaardigheden uitwelke u heeft
opgedaanin de trainingVMware vCenter
Configuration Manager for Virtual
Infrastructure Management en geeft u
vaardigheden die u in staat stelt voor het
configureren vanVCM voorhet beheer
vanfysieke envirtuele guest operating
systemen enActive Directory (AD).
Creeer en gebruik compliance templates.
GebruikVCM voorpatching, roloperating
systemen uitalsmede Windows software
applicaties.GebruikVCM tools voor
hetdownloaden, importerem enexporteren
vancompliance templates enbekijk en
collecteerdebugging informatie.
Prijs: prijs op aanvraag
Deze training is bedoeld voor:
• Virtual infrastructure administrator
• IT managers
Vereiste voorkennis
De cursisten dienen te voldoen aan de
volgende voorwaarden:
• Deelname aan deVMCMVIM training is
• Ervaring met basisadministratie taken
op eenVMware vSphere® ESXi™
hosts, VMware® vCenter Server™,
VMware vCloud® Director™, VMware®
vShield™ envirtuele machines
• System administration ervaringin een
Windows, Linux of Solaris omgeving
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This training course focuses on the
advanced capabilities of VMware®
vCenter™ Operations Manager™ 5.6,
such as adapters, customization, and
management topics. You will learn how
to use adapters, define custom super
metrics, customize dashboards, and use
the Custom user interface. The course is
based on vCenter Operations Manager 5.6
and integration with VMware® vSphere®
5.1, VMware vCloud Director® 5.1 and
VMware® vFabric™ Hyperic®.
Prijs: € 2.010,-
System administrators and consultants
responsible for customizing vCenter
Operations Manager to expand from the
vSphere user interface to a customized
Vereiste voorkennis
• Install and configure basic settings in
vCenter Operations Manager.
• Log in and use the vSphere user
interface of vCenter Operations
• Identify the difference between badges
and metrics.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
End User Computing
VMware vCenter Operations Manager:
Analyze & Predict
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.210,-
Deze training voor ervaren VMware®
vSphere® gebruikers, leert vaardigheden
voor het gebruik van VMware® vCenter™
Operations als een forensisch en
voorspellend instrument. Deze training is
gebaseerd opVMware vSphere® ESXi™
5.X, VMware® vCenter™ Server 5.X en
vCenter Operations Manager 5.X.
Vereiste voorkennis
Cursisten dienen te voldoen aan de
volgende voorwaarden:
• Hands-on-ervaring met het
administreren van vSphere 5
• Deelname aan de VSICM- VMware
vSphere 5: Install, Configure, Manage
training is aanbevolen
Deze training is bedoeld voor:
• Ervaren system administrators en
system integrators.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Application Virtualization with VMware ThinApp
Cursusduur: 1 dag
This course will provide applicationsoriented administrators with the
knowledge and skills to virtualize Windows
applications with VMware® ThinApp®,
modify the Package.ini parameters to
handle special circumstances, and choose
the best deployment and updating
processes for their environment.
Students who complete this course can
enroll in any of several more advanced
VMware vSphere® courses.
Prijs: € 795,-
Experienced system administrators and
system integrators willing to work hard
to achieve superior vSphere skills with
minimal time away from the office.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Have a basic understanding of
virtualization concepts
• Completion of the VMware Horizon
View: Install, Configure, Manage
course or the VMware ThinApp
Fundamentals eLearning course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware View 5: Design Best Practices
Horizon Mirage: Install, Configure, Manage
Deze training presenteert de deelnemers
met een methodologie voor het
ontwerpen van een VMware® View™
oplossing voor de VMware vSphere®
infrastructuur. De ontwerp-aanbevelingen
zijn inclusief aanbevelingen voorhet
type informatie en data die verzameld
en geanalyseerd moeten worden om tot
goede ontwerpbesluiten te komen voor
client systemen, desktop opties,de vSphere
infrastructuur en View componenten.
VMware best practices worden
gepresenteerd gedurende elke fase van
het ontwerpproces. Tijdens de training zal
u met andere deelnemers samenwerken
om eenView oplossing te ontwerpen van
een real-world project.
Prijs: € 2.195,-
• Consulting professionals
• Solution architects
• System architects
• System administrators
• IT managers
Vereiste voorkennis
• Completion of VMware View: Install,
Configure, Manage or equivalent
experience with VMware View
• Completion of VMware vSphere:
Install, Configure, Manage or
equivalent experience with VMware
• This training is part of the Desktop
• This training prepares the delegates for
the VCP5-DT Exam
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
This hands-on training course builds
your skills in installing, configuring and
performing common administrator tasks
and enduser tasks with the VMware®
Horizon Mirage™ software. This course is
based on the Horizon Mirage 4.0 release.
• System administrators and system
integrators responsible for deploying
the Horizon Mirage system.
Prijs: € 2.195,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience with VMware® vSphere®
• Completion of VMware vSphere:
Install, Configure, Manage
• Using VMware vSphere® Client™ to
view the state of virtual machines,
datastores and networks
• Opening a virtual machine console
in VMware® vCenterServer™ and
accessing the guest operating system
• Navigating Windows XP, Windows 7,
and Windows Server 2008
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Horizon (with View): Install, Configure, Manage
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This hands-on training course builds
your skills in installing, configuring,
and managing the Horizon™ View™
component of VMware Horizon™.
Students gain practical experience with
these concepts through the completion
of hands-on labs. View includes: VMware
View® Manager™, VMware View®
Composer™, and View security server. This
course is based on the Horizon 6 release.
• Before attending this course, you must
be able to perform the following tasks:
• Create a template in the VMware
vCenter Server™ system and deploy a
virtual machine from a template.
• Modify a vCenter Server customization
• Open a virtual machine console in the
vCenter Server system and access the
guest operating system.
Prijs: € 2.395,-
System administrators and system
integrators responsible for deploying the
VMware® virtual desktop infrastructure
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experience in Microsoft Windows
Active Directory administration
• Experience with VMware vSphere®
This training prepares for the VCP6-DT
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware NSX for Internetworking Experts Fast
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This comprehensive, fast-paced training
course is designed for advanced Cisco
network administrators who want a
comprehensive understanding of how to
use VMware NSX™ in their enterprise.
This course focuses on how to use the
power of the NSX network virtualization
and security platform.
This course covers NSX as a part of
the software-defined data center,
implementation, use cases, features, and
functionality operating at layer 2 through
layer 7 of the OSI model. Data center
network architectures are examined to
demonstrate how NSX intersects with
and virtualizes functions of a Cisco-based
infrastructure in spine-leaf and traditional
core-aggregate-access architectures.
Lecture and hands-on lab activities
support your understanding of NSX
Prijs: € 4.680,-
features, functionality, and on-going
management and control.
This course requires a solid background
in a Cisco-based infrastructure. If you do
not have this background, you should
take the NSX: Install, Configure, Manage
[V6.0] course.
VMware Trainingen
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Network Virtualisation
Experienced system administrators who
specialize in networking.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Experienced network administrators
or system administrators with a strong
background in networking
• Understanding of concepts presented
in the VMware Data Center
Virtualization Fundamentals course for
VCA-DCV certification
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This comprehensive, fast-paced training
course focuses on installing, configuring,
and managing VMware NSX™. NSX
is a software networking and security
virtualization platform that delivers the
operational model of a virtual machine for
the network. Virtual networks reproduce
the layer 2–layer 7 network model in
software, enabling complex multitier
network topologies to be created and
provisioned programmatically in seconds.
NSX also provides a new model for
network security where security profiles
are distributed to and enforced by virtual
ports and move with virtual machines.
Prijs: € 3.030,-
• Experienced system administrators that
specialize in networking
Vereiste voorkennis
• System administration experience on
Microsoft Windows or Linux operating
• Understanding of concepts presented
in the VMware Data Center
Virtualization Fundamentals course for
VCA-DCV certification
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 187
Global Knowledge biedt, naast geautoriseerde trainingen en
certificeringtrajecten van verschillende vendors, ook trainingen aan in
eigen beheer. Dit zijn trainingen die inzicht en/of diepgaande kennis
geven met betrekking tot verschillende onderwerpen variërend van
professionele vaardigheden tot development.
Cloud Computing Essentials
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Verken de mogelijkheden van cloud
computing in deze interactieve drie-daagse
cursus. U krijgt helderheid over de snel
ontwikkelende wereld van cloud computing
en u ontdekt de mogelijkheden van cloud
computing. U leert over de evolutie van de
cloud en hoe de toename van rekenkracht
en bandbreedte cloud computing mogelijk
hebben gemaakt. Ook zullen de meest
toonaangevende personen op het gebied
van cloud computing worden besprokenin
deze cursus ende producten en diensten
die zij aanbieden. Verken de financiële
Prijs: € 1.495,-
voordelen, alsmede de veiligheidsrisico’s,
en verkrijg een goed begrip van de
fundamentele concepten, implementatie,
architectuur en design van het snel
groeiende cloud computing.
Iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in cloud
computing.Van IT manager die het wel/
niet gebruik van cloud services aan het
inventariseren is tot aan de sales of
marketing professional die cloud services
Vereiste voorkennis
Geen voorkennis vereist
Deze training bereidt u voor op het Exin
examen ‘CLOUD Foundation’.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Network Management
TCP/IP Networking
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
TCP/IP is the globally accepted group
of protocols at the core of the Internet
and organizational intranets. A solid
understanding of each of these protocols
and how they work will give you the ability
to deploy the most effective network for
your organization. In this course, you will
gain the essential knowledge and skills
required to set up, configure, support, and
troubleshoot your TCP/IP-based network.
Our expert instructors and extensive
hands-on labs will prepare you to face
and overcome the challenges of today’s
Prijs: € 1.995,-
complex networks. This course-the longest
running of its kind in the industry-also
prepares you for more specialized courses
in network security, wireless integration,
and Voice over IP, as well as for productspecific training such as Cisco, Nortel, and
Anyone who is responsible for designing,
installing, configuring, and maintaining
TCP/IP networks or who needs to
understand TCP/IP protocol structures and
functions will benefit from this course. This
course also provides excellent preparation
for more advanced networking training.
Vereiste voorkennis
The skills and knowledge required for
a delegate to attend this course are as
• Delegates must have a solid
understanding of the basics on
networking and one years experience is
highly recomended
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Understanding Networking Fundamentals
Safe Migration from IPv4 to IPv6
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Neem deel aan de cursus die meer dan
50.000 andere netwerkprofessionals ook
hebben gevolgd om een goed inzicht te
krijgen in het functioneren van netwerken.
In deze cursus wordt aandacht besteed
aan alle hardware- en softwareonderdelen
van moderne computernetwerken.
Bij de specialistische lezingen en
praktijkoefeningen ontwikkelen cursisten
alle vaardigheden die vereist zijn om
binnen hun organisatie LAN’s en WAN’s te
ontwerpen, installeren en beheren.
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Netwerkbeheerders, technici die zich
bezighouden met spraakverkeer,
programmaontwikkelaars, helpdeskmedewerkers en medewerkers van andere
afdelingen die veel met IT te maken hebben.
Vereiste voorkennis
Er zijn geen vooropleidingen nodig voor
deze cursus.
Deze cursus maakt deel uit van de
Network+-certificering en vormt de basis
voor verschillende Cisco-certificeringen.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course provides engineers and
technicians with the knowledge and skills
required for the safe migration of networks
from IPv4 to IPv6. It is essential that
engineers understand the function and
addressing of IPv6 and are prepared for
this change in internet protocol .This course
begins with the IPv6 basics but builds over
the4 days to incorporate the more advanced
It is essential that the initial design of the
enterprise network is accurate and topics
such as the use of DHCP, DNS and the
integration of IPv6 in an IPv4 network are
discussed to ensure the correct decisions
are made at the design stage.
Voice over IP Foundations
Wireless LAN Foundation
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The aim of this course is for delegates to
gain essential data networking and Voice
over IP (VoIP) knowledge in a single, weeklong class. In this course, you will learn
how VoIP works, why VoIP works, and how
to use VoIP
This class is for people who need to
understand VoIP technology. IT managers,
technical sales/marketing personnel,
consultants, network designers and
engineers, product design engineers
developing integrated-services
products,telecom technicians and
managers integrating PBX services within
data networks, and systems administrators
Prijs: € 1.995,-
who will manage a converged network
would benefit from this course.
Vereiste voorkennis
The skills and knowledge required for a
delegate to sit this course are as follows
• TCP/IP Networking
• Telecommunications Fundamentals
There is no exam related to this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
This course incorporates as much as
it possibly can in 3 days including
the possibilities of addressing, auto
configuration with SLAAC and DHCP, use of
DNS, configuration rules for an enterprise
network, the configuration of Cisco Routers,
Win7 clients and Win2008R2 Servers for
IPv6. IPv6 transition mechanisms including
tunnels like ISATAP, TEREDO and 6to4 as
well as NAT64 are incorporated.
Hands-on labs have been incorporated into
the class to ensure delegates get plenty of
practice with the most important protocols
for the Client/Server (SLAAC, DHCPv6 and
DNS), IPv6 routing protocols OSPF and
EIGRP, first hop redundancy protocols HSRP
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Learn how to design, secure, and support
wireless networks through detailed course
discussion and a broad range of hands-on
configuration and testing exercises.
Learn in-depth security principles and
troubleshooting techniques. Gain a full
understanding of how radio frequency
affects networking so you can perform
site surveys, design a high-performance
network, and protect both users and
sensitive data from potential intruders.
After covering fundamental concepts
of deploying a secure WLAN, you will
explore advanced topics such as VoWLAN
deployments, seamless mobile connectivity,
and detailed wireless frame analysis.
Prijs: € 1.995,and GLBP, and Tunneling with dynamic
ISATAP Tunnels.
There is no exam related to this course.
Anyone involved in planning and
implementing a migration from IPv4 to IPv6.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Vereiste voorkennis
Attendees should meet the following
• Valid CCNA Recommended ICND1 and
• ROUTE Recommended
• Working knowledge of the Microsoft
Windows operating system
Vendor Onafhankelijke Trainingen
Routing & Switching
Prijs: € 2.495,-
Enterprise class hardware and software
tools are used during live lab exercises
in order to simulate a state-of-the-art
production environment.
This course is excellent as part of an overall
study strategy for the CWNP certification
CWNA. Full CWNA discussion concepts are
covered with lab emphasis on real-world
solutions, as well as many CWSP and CWNE
concepts. This class is also part of our
Wireless Specialist Certificate track.
Preparing for the CWNA certification?
This course includes a CWNA study guide,
certification practice exam, and test
voucher. It also includes 1-year access to
our 50-book Online Networking Reference
Library with titles specially selected to
reinforce course concepts.
• Administrators: network, systems,
infrastructure, security, and LAN/WLANs
• Support professionals: technical
assistance and field support
• Designers: network, systems, and
• Developers: wireless software and
hardware products
• Consultants and integrators: IT and
• Decision makers: infrastructure
managers, IT managers, security
directors, chief security officers, and
chief technology officers
Vereiste voorkennis
• Understanding Networking
Fundamentals (GK3150)
Certification is not included in this course.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 189
Trainen met 100% startgarantie
Met de startgarantie van Global Knowledge weet u zeker dat de cursus doorgaat – onvoorwaardelijk!
Ons cursusaanbod sluit aan op de marktvraag, met als resultaat een laag annuleringspercentage.
Wij garanderen u dus dat alle cursussen met startgarantie hoe dan ook doorgaan.
Bezoek onze website om te zien welke cursussen een startgarantie hebben:
Informatie- en netwerkbeveiliging spelen een belangrijke rol binnen elke organisatie. Om ervoor
te zorgen dat uw organisatie optimaal én veilig kan functioneren is het slim inrichten van uw
informatie- en netwerkbeveiliging cruciaal. ‘Kennis’ is hierbij het sleutelwoord.
Door mensen in de diverse disciplines van security, waaronder informatiebeveiliging,
netwerkbeveiliging en cyber security, goed op te leiden kunt u de veiligheidsrisico’s en
kwetsbaarheden van uw organisatie tot een minimum beperken.
Global Knowledge levert trainingen en opleidingen in alle disciplines en niveau’s van beveiliging.
Of het nu gaat om cyber security, security beleid, het opzetten en implementeren van veilige
netwerken, risico analyse, monitoring en troubleshooting bij ons vindt u de security training die
bij u past.
Security Trainingen
Check Point Security Administrator R76 (CCSA)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Check Point Security Administrator provides
an understanding of the basic concepts
and skills necessary to configure Check
Point Security Gateway and Management
Software Blades. During this course you
will configure a Security Policy and learn
about managing and monitoring a secure
network. In addition, you will upgrade and
configure a Security Gateway to implement
a virtual private network for both internal
and external, remote users.
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Technical persons who support, install,
deploy or administer Check Point Software
Blades should attend this course. This could
include the following:
• System Administrators
• System and Network Engineers
• Security Managers
• Anyone seeking CCSA certification
Vereiste voorkennis
Persons attending this course should
have a working knowledge of networking
concepts, Windows Server and/or UNIX,
and experience with TCP/IP and the
The 3-day CCSA-training prepares the
student for the Check Point Certified
Security Administrator R76 exam. The exam
can be taken at a VUE testing center.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Check Point Security Expert R76 (CCSE)
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Check Point Security Expert is an advanced
course for Check Point’s Security Gateway
and Management Systems. This 3-day
course provides hands-on training to
achieve advanced skills necessary to
manage and troubleshoot R76 Check
Point Software Blades including advanced
firewall, advanced user management and
clustering, advanced IPsec and VPN and
remote access. During this course, students
will perform debugs on firewall processes
and optimize VPN.
Technical persons who support, install,
deploy or administer Check Point Software
Blades should attend this course. This
could include the following:
• Systems Administrators, System
Engineers and Security Managers
• Check Point Certified Security
Administrators (CCSA) who want to
achieve Expert certification
Dell SonicWall
Comptia Security+ (SY0-401)
Dell SonicWall Network Security Basic
Administration Training
Prijs: € 1.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
• Check Point Security Administration
R75 training or equivalent knowledge
and experience.
• This training prepares the student
for the Check Point Certified Security
Expert exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The CompTIA® Security+® (2014
Objectives) course is designed to help you
prepare for the SY0-401 exam. Students
will implement and monitor security on
networks, applications, and operating
systems, and respond to security breaches.
This course is targeted toward an Information Technology (IT) professional who
wants to further a career in IT by acquiring
a foundational knowledge of security
topics; prepare for the CompTIA Security+
(Exam SYO-401) Certification examination;
or use Security+ as the foundation for
advanced security certifications or career
Vereiste voorkennis
Networking and administrative skills in
Windows-based TCP/IP networks and
familiarity with other operating systems,
such as OS X, Unix, or Linux.
Prijs: € 2.195,-
CompTIA Security+ Certification
CompTIA Security+ is an international,
vendor-neutral certification that
demonstrates competency in these areas:
• Network security
• Compliance and operational security
• Threats and vulnerabilities
• Application, data and host security
• Access control and identity
CompTIA Security+ not only ensures
that candidates will apply knowledge of
security concepts, tools, and procedures to
react to security incidents, it ensures that
security personnel are anticipating security
risks and guarding against them.
About the Exam
Security+ Exam (SYO-401): .
The exam includes 100 questions and students are allotted 90 minutes to complete
the exam. A passing score is 750 out of
900 possible points.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
This 2-day, hands-on, instructor-led
course provides students the required
background, knowledge and experience
to begin designing, implementing and
troubleshooting Dell SonicWALL security
appliances running SonicOS firmware.
The Network Security Basic Administration
(NS-102) (Formerly Network Security
Essentials) course provides students the
required background, knowledge and
hand-on experience to begin designing,
implementing and troubleshooting Dell™
SonicWALL™ Network Security Appliances
running SonicOS firmware.
This course requires the prior completion
of several e-Learning courses. This course
is NOT a substitute for the prerequisite
e-Learning courses. Prerequisite skills
and knowledge are required – the first
lab exercise is based on prerequisite
knowledge and begins without formal
instruction (see below for prerequisite
The NS-102 course culminates with the
CSSA Certification exam for Network
Security. While this exam is not a part of
the class, you will have access to it on-line
via your personal work MySonicWALL
System engineers, channel partners,
service partners, end users
Prijs: op aanvraag
Vereiste voorkennis
General networking knowledge and
• Basic knowledge of networking
concepts, network topologies, and
the OSI model of networking protocol
• Understanding of TCP/IP, network
addressing, subnets, and Network
Address Translation (NAT)
• Knowledge of basic router concepts
• Familiarity with IPSec functionality and
e-Learning courses:
• Network security technology overview
(not a prerequisite course, but it is
strongly suggested)
• Network security essentials course
• Virtual Private Networking with
SonicOS course prerequisites
Security Trainingen
The related certification exam is available
on-line via your personal MySonicWALL
Account. Any participant who successfully
completes this course and passes the certification exam will be deemed a Certified
SonicWALL System Administrator (CSSA).
All Dell SonicWALL Certifications are good
for two years from the date that you pass
the exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 193
Security Trainingen
Dell SonicWALL Network Security Advanced
Administration - (CSSP Level Course)
Dell SonicWALL Secure Mobile Access Advanced
Administration (CSSP Level Course)
Dell SonicWALL Secure Mobile Access Basic
Administration (CSSA Level Course)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: op aanvraag
The Network Security Advanced
Administration (NS-202) course builds on
the skills learned in Dell’s Network Security
Basic Administration (NS-102) course and
teaches the student the latest information
on Application Control, Bandwidth
Management, troubleshooting, advanced
networking and more.
Student assessment: Formative evaluations
(knowledge checks and hands-on
exercises) are incorporated throughout
the course. The Certification exam is
available on-line via your personal work
MySonicWALL Account. You will be given
an activation key that will allow you to
access the exam up to three times.
This course uses extensive labs to
reinforce key concepts covered during
the lecture portion of the class.Prior
completion of several e-Learning courses
and the NS-102 courses (or equivalent) is
required. This course is NOT a substitute
for the prerequisite e-Learning courses.
Prerequisite skills and knowledge are
required – the first lab exercise is based
on prerequisite knowledge and begins
without formal instruction (see below for
prerequisite details).
• The NS-202 course culminates with the
CSSP Certification exam for SonicOS.
While this exam is not a part of the
class, you will have access to it on-line
via your personal work MySonicWALL
Account. For more information about
certifications, visit the Certification
Programs page.
Any participant who successfully
completes this course and passes the
certification exam will be deemed a
Certified SonicWALL System Professional
(CSSP).The exam is administered outside
the class. 180 minutes are allotted for
60 questions. A passing score is 80%
or higher. The exam covers all course
material including eLearning content and
CSSA content.
System engineers, channel partners,
service partners, end users.
In addition, you can view your certification
details, such as the certification expiration
date, on MySonicWALL. You can also
print your certificate and access the
CSSP certification logo for use on your
business cards, email signatures, and
resume.Duration of certification: All Dell
SonicWALL Certifications are good for
two years from the date that you pass
the exam.
Vereiste voorkennis
• An Active CSSA Certification in
SonicOS.General networking
knowledge and experience:
• Extensive knowledge of networking
concepts, network topologies, and
the OSI model of networking protocol
• Understanding of TCP/IP, network
addressing, subnets, and Network
Address Translation (NAT)
• Knowledge of basic router concepts
• Familiarity with IPSec functionality and
The exam is not restricted to material
covered in class, and can include material
found in SonicOS Administrator Guides or
Knowledge Base articles.At the end of the
exam you are immediately notified of your
exam score and if you passed or failed the
exam. Upon successfully passing the exam
you will be sent an email containing your
CSSP certificate.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Secure Mobile Access Advanced
Administration (SMAAA) Training Course
provides instruction on the administration
and management of the SMA appliance
to provide secure access for remote users
utilizing any device. The course covers
using the Appliance Management Console
(AMC) to provide users with secure access
to any application, from corporate laptops,
un-managed computers, or mobile device,
based on secure authentication and
authorization policies and appropriate End
Point Control requirements.
Students will further learn advanced
deployment options and troubleshooting
methodologies.This class is recommended
for all administrators of Dell® Secure
Mobile Access (SMA) appliances who
need to maintain and monitor a Dell SMA
appliance. Upon completing the course,
students are encouraged to take the
Certified SonicWALL System Administrator
(CSSP) exam.
For more information about certifications,
visit the Certification Programs page.
System engineers, channel partners,
service partners, end users
Prijs: op aanvraag
Vereiste voorkennis
• An Active CSSA Certification in SMA.
General networking knowledge and
• It is assumed that the student will
have at a thorough understanding of
the technologies being used in their
environments or the environments of
their customers.
• Extensive understanding of networking
and networking technologies
• Comfortable with basic command-line
• Knowledge of SSL, certificates, and
certificate authorities
• Understanding of directories (LDAP,
Microsoft Active Directory, or RADIUS)
• Understanding of VPN technology
(IPSec and SSL)
• Have a current CSSA level certification
from either the SMABA or legacy
SRABA course.
Formative evaluations (knowledge checks
and hands-on exercises) are incorporated
throughout the course. The Certification
exam is available on-line via your personal
work MySonicWALL Account. Any
participant who successfully completes this
course and passes the certification exam
will be deemed a Certified SonicWALL
System Administrator (CSSA).
All Dell SonicWALL Certifications are good
for two years from the date that you pass
the exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The Secure Mobile Access Basic
Administration (SMABA) Training Course
provides instruction on the administration
and management of the SMA appliance
to provide secure, anywhere access to
applications and resources for employees,
business partners and other users.
The course covers using the Appliance
Management Console (AMC) to
provide users with secure access to any
application, from any network, based on
secure authentication and authorization
Students will also learn how to deploy
graphical terminal shortcuts for native
Web-based access to Windows Terminal
Servers and Citrix server farms.This class
is recommended for all administrators
of Dell® Secure Mobile Access (SMA)
appliances who need to maintain
and monitor a Dell SMA appliance.
Upon completing the course, students
are encouraged to take the Certified
SonicWALL System Administrator (CSSA)
exam. For more information about
certifications, visit the Certification
Programs page.
System engineers, channel partners,
service partners, end users.
Vereiste voorkennis
• It is assumed that the student will
have at a basic understanding of
the technologies being used in their
environments or the environments of
their customers.
• Basic understanding of networking
and networking technologies
• Comfortable with basic command-line
• Familiarity with SSL, certificates, and
certificate authorities
• Basic understanding of directories
(LDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, or
Prijs: op aanvraag
• Basic understanding of VPN technology
(IPSec and SSL)
Student Assessment:
• Formative evaluations (knowledge
checks and hands-on exercises)
are incorporated throughout the
course. The Certification exam is
available on-line via your personal
work MySonicWALL Account. You
will be given an activation key that
will allow you to access the exam up
to three times. Any participant who
successfully completes this course and
passes the certification exam will be
deemed a Certified SonicWALL System
Administrator (CSSA).
• The exam is administered outside the
class. 180 minutes are allotted for 60
questions. A passing score is 80% or
higher. The exam covers all course
material including eLearning content.
The exam is not restricted to material
covered in class, and can include
material found in SMA Administrator
Guides or Knowledge Base articles.
• At the end of the exam you are
immediately notified of your exam
score and if you passed or failed the
exam. Upon successfully passing
the exam you will be sent an email
containing your CSSA certificate.
In addition, you can view your
certification details, such as the
certification expiration date, on
MySonicWALL. You can also print
your certificate and access the CSSA
certification logo for use on your
business cards, email signatures, and
resume.Duration of Certification:
• All Dell SonicWALL Certifications are
good for two years from the date that
you pass the exam.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Certified Ethical Hacker
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Om een hacker te verslaan, dient u te
begrijpen hoe een hacker denkt. Hoe een
hacker denkt en wat hem beweegt, dat is
wat u tijdens de Certified Ethical Hacker
training leert.
Deze cursus biedt een interactieve
omgeving waarin u kennis maakt met het
scannen, testen, hacken en beveiligen
van eigen netwerken. De intensieve lab
omgeving biedt u de grondige kennis
en praktische ervaring over de huidige
essentiële beveiligingssystemen.
U leert op een geheel andere wijze dan u
gewend bent om de informatiebeveiliging
van uw organisatie te optimaliseren. U
leert hoe u aanvallen op uw netwerk kunt
herkennen en welke stappen genomen
moeten worden om een systeem te
U doet kennis op over Intrusion Detection,
Policy Creation, Social Engineering, DDos
Attacks, Buffers Overflows and Virus
Creation. Na afloop van deze intensieve
5-daagse cursus bent u bekend met het
begrijpen en ervaren van Ethical Hacking.
De cursus bereidt u voor op de laatste
versie van het EC-Council Certified Ethical
Hacker examen. Een examen voucher is
bij de cursus inbegrepen.Voorafgaand
aan het bijwonen van de cursus wordt u
gevraagd een overeenkomst te tekenen.
Hierin verklaart u dat u geen gebruik zal
maken van de nieuwe kennis die u heeft
opgedaan voor illegale of schadelijke
aanvallen en dat u geen gebruik zult
maken van tools in een poging andermans
computer of netwerk schade aan te
brengen in welke vorm dan ook en
ongeacht de intentie.
Prijs: € 3.550,-
Niet elke student kan tot deze training
worden toegelaten. De geaccrediteerde
trainingsinstituten dienen er voor zorg te
dragen dat de deelnemers werkzaam zijn
bij legitieme organisaties.
Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor security
officers, auditors, security professionals,
site administrators en iedereen die
bezorgd is over de integriteit van de
Vereiste voorkennis
De cursus CEH v8 (Certified Ethical Hacker)
is bedoeld voor:
• Personen die over ruime ervaring van
systeem en netwerk administratie
Certification kennis (of vergelijkbaar)
Het examen 312-50 Ethical Hacker Het
examen wordt niet aan het einde van
de training afgenomen maar op een
aparte dag na de training. Kijk voor het
EC-Council examen rooster van Global
Knowledge op
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator vs 8
EC-Council Certified Incident Handler
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
EC-Council heeft de meest geavanceerde
Computer Forensic Investigation training in
de wereld. Via deze CHFIv8 training leert u
een gedetailleerde en methodische aanpak
te gebruiken op het gebied van computer
forensisch- en bewijs analyse.
Dit is een veelomvattende training die
alle belangrijke forensisch onderzoek
scenario’s behandeld die studenten
in staat stelt de benodigde hands-on
ervaring te verkrijgen op het gebied
van verschillende forensisch onderzoek
technieken en standaard instrumenten, die
nodig zijn voor het succesvol uitvoeren van
een computer forensisch onderzoek.
De strijd tussen bedrijven, overheden en
landen wordt niet langer uitgevochten
doormiddel van fysieke kracht. Via Cyber
oorlogen wordt nu de strijd gestreden
en de consequentie wordt elke dag weer
ervaren. Door de vele vooruitstrevende
cyber aanvallen is een zeer geavanceerde
cyber security en onderzoek training
vandaag de dag broodnodig. I
ndien uw organisatie behoefte heeft
aan de kennis en vaardigheden om
cybercriminelen te identificeren, te
achtervolgen en te vervolgen, dan is deze
training iets voor u.
Prijs: € 3.895,-
Deze intensieve training leert studenten
excelleren in digitaal bewijs vorming,
handeling en analyse op een forensisch
gezonde manier. Acceptabel in het
Gerechtshof zal de opgedane kennis en
vaardigheden tijdens deze training leiden
tot succesvol aanklagen van verschillende
typen van beveiligingsincidenten
zoals data breaches, bedrijfsspionage,
insider threats en andere complexe
cybercriminaliteit waarbij men gebruik
heeft gemaakt van computer systemen.
Deze CHFI training is bedoeld voor alle
IT Professionals die betrokken zijnbij
informatie systeem beveiliging, computer
forensisch onderzoek en incident response.
Vereiste voorkennis
It is strongly recommended that you
attend the CEH class before enrolling into
CHFI program.
• CEH- Certified Ethical Hacker v8
The CHFI 312-49 exam will be conducted
on the last day of training. Students need
to pass the online Prometric exam to
receive the CHFI certification.
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
The EC-Council Certified Incident Handler
program is designed to provide the
fundamental skills to handle and respond
to the computer security incidents in an
information system. The course addresses
various underlying principles and
techniques for detecting and responding
to current and emerging computer security
threats. Students will learn how to handle
various types of incidents,risk assessment
methodologies, and various laws and
policy related to incident handling.
After attending the course, they will be
able to create incident handling and
response policies and deal with various
types of computer security incidents.
The comprehensive training program will
make students proficient in handling and
responding to various security incidents
such as network security incidents,
malicious code incidents, and insider
attack threats.In addition, the students will
learn about computer forensics and its role
in handling and responding to incidents.
Prijs: € 1.595,-
The course also covers incident response
teams, incident reporting methods, and
incident recovery techniques in detail.
When a student leaves this intensive
2 day class they will have hands on
understanding and experience in Incident
Security Trainingen
EC Council
This course will significantly benefit
incident handlers, risk assessment administrators, penetration testers, cyber forensic
investigators, venerability assessment
auditors, system administrators, system
engineers, firewall administrators, network
managers, IT managers, IT professionals
and anyone who is interested in incident
handling and response.
Vereiste voorkennis
This course prepares you for EC-Council
Certified Incident Handler exam 212-89
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 195
Security Trainingen
Security Analyst & Licensed Penetration Tester
EC-Council Certified Secure
EC Council Certified Voice Professional
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
ECSA/LPT is a security class like no other!
Providing real world hands on experience,
it is the only in-depth Advanced Packing
and Penetration Testing class available that
covers testing in all modern infrastructures,
operating systems and application
EC-Council’s Certified Security Analyst/
LPT program is a highly interactive 5-day
security class designed to teach Security
Professionals the advanced uses of the
LPT methodologies, tools and techniques
required to perform comprehensive
information security tests.
Students will learn how to design, secure and
test networks to protect your orga-nization
from the threats hackers and crackers pose.
By teaching the tools and ground breaking
echniques for security and penetration
testing, this class will help you perform the
intensive assessments required to effectively
identify and mitigate risks to the security
of your infrastructure. As students learn to
identify security problems, they also learn
Prijs: € 5.250,-
how to avoid and eliminate them, with the
class providing complete coverage of analysis
and network security-testing topics.
Security Analysts, Risk Managers, Security
Officers, System Managers, Architects
Vereiste voorkennis
• CEH, Certifies Ethical Hacker: http://
• Experience with Windows and/
or UNIX/LINUX operating systems,
along with knowledge of TCP/IP and
The ECSA certification exam will be
conducted on the last day of training.
Students need to pass the online Prometric
exam 412-79 to receive the ECSA
certification. The Student also will be
prepared for the LPT certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Deze cursus zal van onschatbare waarde
zijn voor zowel software-ontwikkelaars en
programmeurs om te leren coderen en zeer
veilige toepassingen en webapplicaties
te ontwikkelen. Dit wordt gedaan in de
hele levenscyclus van de software die het
ontwerpen, implementeren en uitrollen
van applicaties aangaat.
NET wordt veel gebruikt door bijna alle
organisaties als de toonaangevende
kader om web applicaties te bouwen.
De cursus leert ontwikkelaars hoe ze
beveiligingsfouten moeten beveiliging,
hoe tegenmaatregelen te identificeren
en te implementeren in de hele software
development life cycle en om de
algehele kwaliteit van de producten en
toepassingen te verbeteren.
EC-Council Certified Secure
Programmer legt de basis dat vereist
is voor alle applicatie-ontwikkelaars
en ontwikkelingsorganisaties om
applicaties met meer stabiliteit en minder
veiligheidsrisico’s voor de consument
te produceren. De Certified Secure
Application Developer standaardiseert
Prijs: € 2.495,-
de kennisbasis voor de ontwikkeling van
toepassingen door het opnemen van de
‘best practices’, gevolgd door ervaren
experts in de verschillende domeinen.
The ECSP certification is intended for
programmers who are responsible for designing and building secure Windows/Web
based applications with .NET Framework.
It is designed for developers who have
.NET development skills.
Deze traininggeeft inzicht in de complexe
materie van Voice over IP en biedt een
duidelijk beeld van de samenhang
en de uitdagingen die zijn verbonden
aan IP-Communications. Tevens is er
aandacht voor de verschillende zaken die
samenhangen met VoIP. Uiteraard wordt
er ingegaan op aandachtspunten met
betrekking tot risico’s, bedreigingen en
Vereiste voorkennis
You must be well-versed with .NET
programming language
The ECVP certification is intended for
IT professionals who are responsible
for designing and building Voice of IP
• Number of Questions: 50
• Passing Score: 70%
• Test Duration: 2 Hours
• Test Format: Multiple Choice
• Test Delivery: Global Knoweldge
Testing Center
• Exam Prefix: 312-93.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
EC Council Disaster Recovery Professional
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
De EDRP cursus behandelt methoden
om kwetsbaarheden te identificeren
en de juiste maatregelen te nemen
alsmede de risico’s voor een organisatie
in beeld te brengen.. De cursus biedt de
IT professional de noodzakelijke kennis
op het gebied van disater recovery
principes, inclusief de voorbereiding van
een disaster recovery plan, assessment
van de bedrijfsrisico’s, ontwikkeling van
beleid en procedures en het vaststellen
van de rollen en relaties van diverse
bedrijfsmedewerkers. Ook wordt ingegaan
op de implementatie van het disaster
recovery plan.
Prijs: € 4.500,-
Network server administrators, firewall administrators, systems administrators, application
developers, and IT security officers.
Vereiste voorkennis
Strong networking foundation
The EC-Council Disaster Recovery
Professional certification exam 312-76 will
be conducted on the last day of training.
Students need to pass the online Prometric
exam to receive the EDRP certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
EC-Council Network Security Administrator
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Deze cursus gaat in ophet opstellen
van een informatiebeveiligingsbeleid,
beveiligingsmodellen, risicomanagement
en beveiligingsmaatregelen (in techniek,
proces of organisatie).De onderwerpen
worden opgehangen aan de zgn. CIA
driehoek (Confidentiality, Integrity en
System administrators, Network
administrators and anyone who is
interested in network security technologies
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Prijs: € 3.495,-
Vereiste voorkennis
MCDST of MCP -Basic support
The ENSA 312-38 exam will be conducted
on the last day of training. Students need
to pass the online Prometric exam to
receive the ENSA certification
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 4.500,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Extensive knowledge within Multi Vendor
Products (Microsoft and Open Source)
The ECVP 312-78 exam will be conducted
on the last day of training. Students need
to pass the online Prometric exam to
receive the ECVP certification.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
CISA, Certified Information Systems Auditor
CISSP Certification Preparation
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
CISA® staat voor Certified Information
Systems Auditor en is een titel van ISACA.
Deze e-learning cursus leidt op voor het
wereldwijd erkende CISA certificaat van
ISACA. ISACA® (Information Systems
Audit and Control Association) is een
internationale beroepsvereniging met
als doel de uitvoering van IT governance,
IT auditing, informatiebeveiliging en
risicomanagement van automatisering
op een hoger plan te brengen door het
professionaliseren van haar leden.
Met de CISA titel achter uw naam
onderscheidt u zich internationaal van
andere IT-auditors. De CISA titel geeft
wereldwijd aan dat u over de kennis
beschikt om op vakkundige wijze
opdrachten uit te voeren op het gebied
van informatiebeveiliging en auditing van
Prijs: € 2.595,-
Bent u klaar om uw beveiligingscarriere
naar een volgend niveau te brengen? Onze
Certified Information Systems Security
Professional (CISSP) training kan u hierbij
helpen. De training zal u voorzien van de
materialen en kennis die u nodig heeft om
het CISSP examen te behalen. Daarnaast
krijgt u instructies van experts met
Vereiste voorkennis
Systems administration experience, familiarity with TCP/IP, and an understanding of
UNIX, Linux, and Windows. This advanced
course also requires intermediate-level
knowledge of the security concepts
covered in our Security+ Course.
SSCP, Systems Security Certified Practitioner
For more information on certification,
please go to
CISM, Certified Information Security Manager
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Designed for experienced Information
Security (IS) managers, designers, and
overseers, Certified Information Security
Manager (CISM) certification is a one-of-akind credential that will enter you into an
elite international network, making you an
invaluable asset to your organization.
Prijs: € 2.995,-
IS audit, control, assurance, and security
professionals, including IT consultants,
auditors, managers, security policy writers,
privacy officers, information security
officers, network administrators, security
device administrators, and security engineers, who have five years of experience
with audit, IT systems, and security of
information systems.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
IT consultants, managers, security policy
writers, privacy officers, information security
officers, network administrators, security
device administrators, security engineers,
and other security professionals whose
positions require CISSP certification.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
The (ISC)2 Systems Security Certified
Practitioner (SSCP) certification covers
seven domains which they describe as ‘the
compendium of topics pertaining to an
Information Systems Security Practitioner’,
the CBK (Common Body of Knowledge).
The seven domains maps directly to the
seven modules of this course listed below,
it is referred to as a taxonomy or collection
of past, present and future topics around
Information Security.
The SSCP is aimed at security people
who are on the front line of a business
dealing with technologies employed to
Vereiste voorkennis
Students should have a fundamental
understanding of local area networks as
well as the functions of the seven layers in
the open interconnect (OSI) reference model
s outlined in the course
• Understanding Networking
Fundamentals (GK3150)
This course prepares you for the ISC(2)
CISSP examination.
The examination itself is not part of this
This credential is ideal of those who have
already obtained or are working towards
positions such as: Security Administrators;
Security Systems Analysts and Network
Security Administrators, security policy
writers, privacy officers, information security
officers, security device administrators,
security engineers, and other security
professionals seeking SSCP certification or,
ultimately, CISSP certification.
Administrators; Network Administrators;
Systems Analysts; Auditors and Database
Administrators, IT consultants and
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Security Trainingen
Prijs: € 2.995,-
protect Information. If you are responsible
for implementing and maintaining
countermeasures such as Firewalls,
Intrusion Detection or Prevention, Anti-Virus
solutions or Public Key Infrastructures
and you want a certification to attest to
your skills and professionalism within
Information Security, this is the course
for you.
• The (ISC)2 SSCP exam is not a part of
the course.
• To book the new CBT exam requires
the candidate to acquire a Pearson VUE
testing voucher. Please note, the price of
the voucher is not included in the RRP
of this course.
It may also be of interest to those who
desire a better understanding of security,
but do not have a direct security role,
examples of these could include: System
Vereiste voorkennis
• One year working in the Information
Security arena, covering at least one of
the domains from the SSCP CBK. Proof
of this must be supplied to (ISC)2.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Prijs: € 2.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Certified Information Security Manager
(CISM) E-Learning
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 197
Security Trainingen
ISO Certification
Security - Overig
Lead Auditor training (IRCA certified)
Masterclass ISO 27001 implementation
360 Penetration Testing Course
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Het uitvoeren van audits is cruciaal
voor het succes en functioneren van
elk managementsysteem. De lead
auditor dient het gehele auditproces te
managen. Gekwalificeerde lead auditoren
zijn in staat om het succes van een
IT-­beveiligingssysteem verder te
optimaliseren. In deze intensieve 5-­
daagse hands-­on cursus ligt de
nadruk op de rol en deskundigheid van
de lead auditor. Er worden handvatten
aangereikt waardoor hij/zij in staat zal
zijn om beoordelingen uit te voeren
vanuit verschillende invalshoeken en met
verschillende methoden.
Ook zal veel aandacht worden besteed aan
hoe op een efficiënte wijze de aansturing
van het audit team kan plaatsvinden. De
training wordt afgerond met het officiële
IRCA examen (International Register of
Certificated Auditors). Hierdoor kunt u zich
als gecertificeerd auditor laten registreren
in het ‘Auditor Certification Scheme’.
Prijs: € 3.995,-
De training is bestemd voor:
• Security Officers
• Security Consultants
Na het succesvol afronden van de training
Lead Auditor ISO 27001 kunt u 40
studiepunten behalen en uw CISSP titel
Vereiste voorkennis
Het strekt tot aanbeveling dat de deelnemers kennis hebben van auditing principes
gericht op de norm voor het beheer van
een managementsysteem.
De training wordt afgerond met het
officiële IRCA examen (International
Register of Certificated Auditors). Hierdoor
kunt u zich als gecertificeerd auditor laten
registreren in het ‘Auditor Certification
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Het uitlekken van vertrouwelijke informatie
gebeurt steeds vaker. Op grond hiervan
is er steeds meer behoefte binnen
organisaties om hun informatiebronnen
beter te beschermen. Een management
systeem voor informatiebeveiliging is
een systeem gericht op het waarborgen,
beheren en controleren van gevoelige
Het beschrijft hoe medewerkers moeten
omgaan met het verstrekken van
vertrouwelijke gegevens en beschrijft
op welke manier de bedrijfsprocessen,
vallend onder informatiebeheer, dienen
te worden beheerd. Gedurende deze
2-daagse ‘hands-on’ training verkrijgt
u de kennis en vaardigheden die nodig
zijn voor het succesvol implementeren
van een management systeem voor
informatiebeveiliging op basis van ISO
Prijs: € 1.595,-
Een ieder die betrokken is bij de
implementatie en het beheer van
Vereiste voorkennis
Het strekt tot aanbeveling dat de
deelnemers kennis van en ervaring hebben
met informatiebeveiliging.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
You will enjoy it! This course teaches
infrastructure security concepts, including
the techniques how to attack and
how to respond with an appropriate
countermeasure implementation.
This 2 day course will be presented by
Paula Januszkiewicz. Paula Januszkiewicz
is IT Security Auditor and Penetration
Tester, Enterprise Security MVP, trainer
(MCT) and Microsoft Security Trusted
Advisor. She is also a top speaker at many
international conferences (incl. TechEd
North America, TechEd Middle East and
TechEd Europe, RSA China, Cybercrime
Forum and other) and writes articles on
Windows Security.
The trainings she conducts usually cover
Security, Windows operating system topics
and Virtualization. Paula is passionate
about sharing her knowledge with others.
She conducted many IT security audits and
penetration tests – these are her everyday
Prijs: € 1.595,-
We go far beyond simply presenting
how to ‘break into operating systems’.
This course has been developed around
professional penetration testing and
security awareness in the business and IT
fields. To make sure that all participants
will gain the necessary infrastructure
security knowledge this class has intensive
hands-on format. All labs are constantly
updated and have 3 levels of difficulty and
can be easily adjustable to the overall level
of the group. Every exercise is supported
with the lab instructions and multiple
tools, traditional and specialized.
Security Analysts, Risk Managers, Security
Officers, System Managers, Architects,
Penetration Testers.
Vereiste voorkennis
• Sound knowledge of TCP/IP
• Operating systems architecture
(windows, Linux)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Advanced Windows Security and Infrastructure
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This course exists in three editions: IIS
7.5 and IIS 8.0 and IIS 8.5, so it depends
on your needs and interests what edition
suits you better. Internet Information
Services is a solution that can be delivered
in couple of hours as well as in 3 weeks
– we practiced both options! IIS is a
never-?ending subject that requires a
deep-?dive if you consider to use it for
web farm administration or if you want
to become familiar with IIS behavior in
particular situations. During this intensive
4 days training students will be introduced
to the process of configuring advanced
IIS features, configuring security settings,
performing advanced troubleshooting and
monitoring. You will learn everything you
need to maintain and provide availability
to business Web Application platform.
Prijs: € 3.195,-
Enterprise administrators, web administrators, infrastructure architects, security
professionals, systems engineers, network
administrators, IT professionals, security
consultants and other people responsible
for implementing network and perimeter
Vereiste voorkennis
To attend this training you should have
attended course MS 6427A or have
equivalent knowledge from real-?world
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Masterclass Public Key Infrastructure
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This 3-?day course is considered essential
for anyone who would like to expand
knowledge about Public Key Infrastructure
(PKI) in Microsoft technologies. During the
course PKI is covered in depth, starting
from the best practices for implementing
PKI, ending up with advanced issues that
happen during the implementation.
Network administrators, infrastructure
architects, security professionals, systems
engineers, network administrators, IT
professionals, security consultants and
other people responsible for implementing
network and perimeter security, Chief
Security Officers.
Prijs: € 3.995,-
Vereiste voorkennis
Basic understanding of Microsoft Windows
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
This is a deep dive course on infrastructure
services configuration, increasing their
level of security and windows internals. It
is a must-go for enterprise administrators,
security officers and architects. Delivered
by one of the best people in the market
in the security field – with practical
knowledge from tons of successful
projects, many years of real-world
experience, great teaching skills and no
mercy for misconfigurations or insecure
The secure infrastructure configuration
should be the most important line
of defense in every organization.
Unfortunately people, the most valuable
resource, are not always aware of the level
of security in their companies, possible
points of entry, how operating system are
attacked and how to protect infrastructure
from successful attacks, sometimes caused
by configuration mistakes.
Understanding perfectly internal operating
system protection mechanisms and
knowing how operating systems services
or server roles work allows having huge
impact on the security level of the whole
infrastructure. But the problem is that…
rarely anybody has this impact! Advanced
access rights, password mechanisms,
windows internals, PowerShell usage for
security purposes, gaining unauthorized
access, advanced DNS configuration and
common configuration mistakes, Active
Directory security, IIS Security, debugging,
advanced monitoring and troubleshooting
and much more!
Prijs: € 2.095,-
Topics covered during this training will
help you to feel for the hackers’ role and
evaluate your infrastructure from their
point of view.
Paula Januszkiewicz (trainer)is the IT
Security Auditor and Penetration Tester,
Enterprise Security MVP and trainer (MCT)
and Microsoft Security Trusted Advisor. She
is also a top-speaker on many well-known
conferences (for example: TechEd North
America, TechEd Europe, TechEd Middle
East, TechDays worldwide RSA worldwide,
yberCrime etc.) and writes articles on
Windows Security.
Enterprise administrators, infrastructure
architects, security professionals, systems
engineers, network administrators, IT
professionals, security consultants and
other people responsible for implementing
network and perimeter security.
Vereiste voorkennis
To attend this training you should have
attended course MS 2830B or Comptia
Security + or Certified Ethical Hacker or
have equivalent knowledge.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Hacking Windows Infrastructure
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Windows Infrastructure Hardening has
become a mandatory step performed on a
regular basis by any organization that sees
security as a priority. Businesses nowadays
are almost fully dependent on IT services,
making the hardening and securing
processes even more intense. The number
of possible attack surfaces has emerged
exponentially in direct relation to the
increasingly competitive field of current
technology we are witnessing where
developers try to achieve more and more
functionality from implemented solutions
and applications.
The CAST 616: Securing Windows
Infrastructure is designed with the
single purpose of providing Info-?Sec
professionals with complete knowledge
and practical skills necessary to secure
their network infrastructure which is fast
becoming if already not a top priority plus
a major tech challenge for most security
conscious organizations.
This 3 day training deep dives into the
key aspects of solving infrastructure?related problems by appreciating the
key elements of how Windows Internal
Security mechanisms actually work and
how it can be further optimized without
jeopardizing or easing an organization’s IT
Environment configuration settings which
Prijs: € 1.595,-
becomes common as time passes. Some of
the highlights of this course are techniques
used in Kernel Debugging, Malware
hunting, deep diving into BitLocker and
the automation of the whole hardening
Paula Januszkiewicz (trainer) is the IT
Security Auditor and Penetration Tester,
Enterprise Security MVP and trainer (MCT)
and Microsoft Security Trusted Advisor.
She is also a top-?speaker on many
well-?known conferences (?for example:
TechEd North America, TechEd Europe,
TechEd Middle East, TechDays worldwide
RSA worldwide, CyberCrime etc.) and
writes articles on Windows Security.
Security Trainingen
Masterclass Internet Information Services
Information Security Professionals,
Government Agents, IT Administrators, IT
Architects, Risk Assessment Professionals,
Penetration Testers.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 199
Security Awareness
Security Trainingen
Masterclass Cloud Security
Cursusduur: 1 dagen
De beveiliging, dat wil zeggen de beschikbaarheid, integriteit en vertrouwelijkheid
van informatie, is voor veel organisaties
belangrijk. Het is bijvoorbeeld van
belang dat de bedrijfsvoering zodanig is
ingericht dat is gewaarborgd dat gevoelige
informatie zoals klantgegevens niet ‘op
straat komt te liggen’. Onjuiste informatie
kan tot verkeerde investeringsbeslissingen
leiden met alle financiële gevolgen van
dien. Ook de (tijdige) beschikbaarheid van
bepaalde informatie is cruciaal voor het
nemen van beslissingen.
Organisaties investeren veel in het verbeteren van het niveau van informatiebeveiliging. Hierbij is communicatie cruciaal. Het
gaat naast het invoeren van allerlei organisatorische en technische maatregelen
uiteindelijk vooral om gedragsbeïnvloeding bij medewerkers. Dit veronderstelt
niet alleen bewustwording, kennis en
vaardigheden, maar ook overtuiging en
een welwillende houding ten aanzien van
het onderwerp informatiebeveiliging.
Prijs: € 495,-
De eendaagse workshop ‘Security
Awareness’ zorgt er op een leuke
en interactieve manier voor dat het
beveiligingsbewustzijn wordt vergroot.
Global Knowledge maakt hierbij gebruik
van ‘case based learning’. Dit betekent
dat medewerkers wordt geleerd wat
ze in een bepaalde situatie (ook wel
dilemma genoemd) zouden moeten,
dan wel kunnen doen. Elke situatie
wordt ondersteund met multimedia
materiaal zoals een cartoon, filmpje of
Een ieder die betrokken is bij de implementatie en het beheer van informatiebeveiliging.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Secure Programming
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Veel organisaties hanteren een strategie
waarbij primaire of ondersteunende
processen (deels) worden uitbesteed. Deze
trend (outsourcing) is de afgelopen jaren
in alle sectoren van het bedrijfsleven en in
de publieke sector sterk toegenomen.
Informatietechnologie (IT) is een van de
processen die vaak (als eerste) worden
uitbesteed. Hierbij wordt steeds vaker
gebruik gemaakt van ‘cloud computing’.
Cloud computing is een model dat
het mogelijk maakt om ,door middel
van een computernetwerk, gedeelde
configureerbare computermiddelen (zoals
netwerken, servers, opslag, applicaties
en diensten) op aanvraag beschikbaar
te stellen op een snelle, gemakkelijke en
alomtegenwoordige manier met minimale
beheermoeite of interactie van een service
De belangrijkste voordelen van cloud
computing zijn meer flexibiliteit, lagere
kosten, grotere schaalbaarheid, betere
Prijs: € 1.595,-
focus op kernactiviteiten en minder
Deze 2-daagse masterclass geeft een
volledig overzicht van de mogelijkheden
en onmogelijkheden van de cloud. U leert
welke stappen u concreet moet zetten om
relevante risico’s te beheersen.
De training is bestemd voor:
• Security Officers
• Security Consultants
Vereiste voorkennis
Het strekt tot aanbeveling dat de deelnemers kennis van en ervaring hebben met
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Eén van de belangrijkste onderdelen van
het informatiebeveiligingsbeleid van veel
organisaties is het periodiek uitvoeren van
risicoanalyses. Risico’s moeten in kaart
worden gebracht en er moeten, indien
nodig, maatregelen worden getroffen
om die risico’s te beheersen. Voor het
succesvol uitvoeren van een risicoanalyse
is het niet alleen nodig dat degene die de
analyse begeleidt, over de nodige kennis
van informatiebeveiliging beschikt, maar
ook over de nodige vaardigheden.
Prijs: € 1.595,-
Een ieder die betrokken is bij de implementatie en het beheer van informatiebeveiliging.
Vereiste voorkennis
Het strekt tot aanbeveling dat de deelnemers kennis van en ervaring hebben met
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
In de 2-daagse training ‘Risicoanalyse
gemakkelijk gemaakt’ wordt daarom
niet alleen aandacht besteed aan de
noodzakelijke kennis, maar wordt vooral
ook gewerkt aan de vaardigheden die
nodig zijn om met proceseigenaar,
gebruikers en functionele en technische
beheerders te komen tot acceptabele
risico?inschattingen en passende
Securing Windows Infrastructure
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Prijs: € 1.595,-
De interne processen en dienstverlening
van bedrijven naar klanten toe worden
steeds afhankelijker van ondersteunende
applicaties. Dat betekent dus ook dat de
betrouwbaarheid van die applicaties van
steeds groter belang wordt. Dit blijkt onder
meer uit het toenemend aantal internet
gerelateerde beveiligingsincidenten en de
snel groeiende cybercriminaliteit.
De training is bestemd voor:
• Software testers
• Security Consultants
Maar weet u eigenlijk wel of uw
vertrouwen in die applicaties
gerechtvaardigd is? Gedurende deze
2-daagse ‘hands-on’ training verkrijgt u
de kennis en vaardigheden die nodig zijn
voor het veilig programmeren van uw
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Risk Analysis Made Easy
Vereiste voorkennis
Enige technische kennis van netwerken en
systemen wordt aanbevolen.
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
For so many years we have been asked
to create a course like this! This course is
just a great workshop that teaches how
to implement securing technologies one
at a time. The course covers all aspects
of Windows infrastructure security that
everybody talks about, but during the
course you will learn how to implement
them! Our goal is to teach you how to
design and implement secure infrastructures
based on the reasonable balance between
security and comfort with great knowledge
attacker’s possibilities.
Prijs: € 2.395,-
We really want you to go out from the
class with the practical, ready-to-use and
holistic approach and skills to secure your
infrastructure. This is a deep dive course on
infrastructure services security. It is a mustgo for enterprise administrators, security
officers and architects.
Delivered by one of the best people in the
market in the security field – with practical
knowledge from tons of successful projects,
many years of real-?world experience,
great teaching skills and no mercy for
misconfigurations or insecure solutions.
The course is an intense workshop!
During these 3 days we provide the
caffeine candies – this course is really
intense and in order to not miss a thing
you MUST stay awake! We really want
you to leave the class with the practical,
ready-to-use knowledge on the ways to
secure your infrastructure. This course is
based on the practical knowledge from
tons of successful projects, many years of
real-?world experience and no mercy for
misconfigurations or insecure solutions!
Enterprise administrators, infrastructure
architects, security professionals, systems
engineers, network administrators, IT
professionals, security consultants and
other people responsible for implementing
network and perimeter security.
Vereiste voorkennis
To attend this training you should have a
good hands-?on experience in administering Windows infrastructure. At least 8 years
in the field is recommended. All exercises
are based on Windows Server 2012 R2
and Windows 8.1. Some examples are
also shown on Windows Server 2012 to
accommodate the difference.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Masterclass Troubleshooting, Monitoring and
Tracing Windows Infrastructure
Masterclass: Windows Security and Infrastructure
This is a deep dive course on infrastructure
monitoring! We would like to say:
‘finally!’ as it took long time to prepare
good examples, tools and scenarios for
you! Regular monitoring ensures that
you always have up-to-date knowledge
about how particular components of your
infrastructure are operating.
The most important thing in monitoring
is to work out the baseline that can be a
good reference to identify problems and
to analyze some specific conditions of
nfrastructure components to operate. In
vast majority of cases operating system
troubleshooting involves monitoring,
starting from analysis of the booting
process ending up performance of the
network or even particular process.
Prijs: € 3.995,-
Enterprise administrators, infrastructure
architects, security professionals, systems
engineers, network administrators, IT
professionals, security consultants and
other people responsible for implementing
network and perimeter security.
Vereiste voorkennis
To attend this training you should have
good hands-?on experience in administering Windows infrastructure. At least 8
years in the field is recommended. You
should have good understanding of how
operating system works. Ideally you should
have read “Windows Internals” by Mark
Russinovich book.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
This is a deep dive course on infrastructure
services configuration, increasing their
level of security and windows internals. It
is a must-?go for enterprise administrators,
security officers and architects. Delivered
by one of the best people in the market
in the security field –with practical
knowledge from tons of successful
projects, many years of real-?world
experience, great teaching skills and no
mercy for misconfigurations or insecure
The secure infrastructure configuration
should be the most important line
of defense in every organization.
Unfortunately people, the most valuable
resource, are not always aware of the level
of security in their companies, possible
points of entry, how operating system are
attacked and how to protect infrastructure
from successful attacks, sometimes caused
by configuration mistakes.
Understanding perfectly internal operating
system protection mechanisms and
knowing how operating systems services
or server roles work allows having huge
impact on the security level of the whole
infrastructure. But the problem is that…
rarely anybody has this impact!
Prijs: € 3.995,-
Advanced access rights, password
mechanisms, windows internals,
PowerShell usage for security purposes,
gaining unauthorized access, advanced
DNS configuration and common
configuration mistakes, Active Directory
security, IIS Security, debugging, advanced
monitoring and troubleshooting and much
more! Topics covered during this training
will help you to feel for the hackers’ role
and evaluate your infrastructure from their
point of view.All exercises are based on
Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows
8.1. Some examples are also shown on
Windows Server 2012 to accommodate
the difference.
Security Trainingen
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Enterprise administrators, infrastructure
architects, security professionals, systems
engineers, network administrators, IT
professionals, security consultants and
other people responsible for implementing
network a perimeter security.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 201
Last Minute Trainingen
@ Global Knowledge
Wanneer u in de gelegenheid bent om op korte termijn een
training te volgen, dan is een Last Minute training een uitgelezen
kans om uw trainingsbudget te ontlasten. Global Knowledge heeft
altijd een aantal Last Minute trainingen gepland die u met een
voordeel van 30% kunt boeken.
Profiteer van een Last Minute training met 30% korting!
Best Practices zijn technieken, werkmethodes
of activiteiten die zich in praktijksituaties
als effectiever hebben bewezen dan enige
andere techniek, methode etc. De gedachte
is dat met de juiste werkmethode een project
uitgevoerd kan worden met minder problemen,
minder onvoorziene complicaties en betere
eindresultaten. Het is dus voor organisaties
belangrijk de ‘Best Practices’ binnen hun
branche te kennen en de eigen manier van
werken hiermee te kunnen vergelijken.
Mede daarom zijn er standaarden en
frameworks met betrekking tot Best Practices
ontwikkeld. Het gebruik hiervan maakt
het mogelijk dat een ieder dezelfde ‘taal’
spreekt. Zo worden fouten en onduidelijke
communicatie voorkomen.
Best Practices
Global Knowledge biedt een uitgebreid aanbod
aan Best Practices trainingen die eventueel
afgesloten kunnen worden met een officieel
examen voor diverse frameworks.
Standaarden en Frameworks zijn er o.a. voor:
• Business Analysis
Binnen ICT is projectmatig werken en projectmanagement
onontbeerlijk. Projectmanagement omvat het beheersen van
projecten. Het is de manier waarop projecten georganiseerd,
voorbereid, gepland, uitgevoerd en afgerond worden.
doorgaans verscheidene deelprojecten met bijbehorende teams en
Een internationaal erkende methode voor effectief projectmanagement
is PRINCE2® (PRoject IN Controlled Environments). Deze methode is
ontwikkeld op basis van een projectgerichte aanpak, door projectmanagers voor projectmanagers en is geschikt voor alle typen
projecten. De PRINCE2® methodiek wordt erkend binnen de private
sector alsook de overheidssector.
Project Management
Projectmanagement is het werk van projectleiders en omvat
Global Knowledge biedt u naast PRINCE2® diverse andere
projectmanagementopleidingen en trainingen aan die zeer relevant
zijn binnen ICT. Denkt u hierbij bijvoorbeeld aan Scrum, IPMA en PMI.
Project Management
Challenge of Egypt
Een interactieve projectmanagement workshop
In betrekkelijk korte tijd bouwden de oude Egyptenaren enorme bouwwerken.
Daarbij was projectmanagement onvermijdelijk. Hoe krijg je anders de
miljoenen stenen op de juiste plaats en zorg je ervoor dat tienduizenden mensen
zo efficiënt en effectief mogelijk werken?
Ervaar tijdens deze interactieve workshop de belangrijkste kenmerken van
methodisch projectmanagement op basis van PRINCE2®.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 205
Project Management Trainingen
Project Management Trainingen
Waarom PRINCE2®?
Twee niveaus
PRINCE2® is een methodiek die u als
projectmanager stapsgewijs door een aantal
processen leidt die noodzakelijk zijn voor het
sturen en plannen van een project. Hierbij
wordt telkens het eindproduct centraal gesteld.
Er zijn twee niveaus van certificering: Foundation
en Practitioner. Bij Global Knowledge kunt u
voor beide niveaus de juiste trainingen volgen en
eventueel de bijbehorende examens afleggen.
Daarnaast bieden we u de mogelijkheid om
middels interactieve workshops de belangrijkste kenmerken van methodisch projectmanagement op basis van PRINCE2® te ervaren.
Het gebruik van PRINCE2 biedt voor (project)
managers en organisaties voordelen door
gecontroleerd gebruik van beschikbare
resources en de mogelijheid om zakelijke en
projectmatige risico’s beter en effectiever te
Global Knowledge biedt u naast PRINCE2®
diverse andere projectmanagementopleidingen
en trainingen aan die zeer relevant zijn binnen
ICT. Denkt u hierbij aan Agile en Scrum.
PRINCE2® Foundation
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Interactieve 2-daagse klassikale training,
optioneel afgesloten met examen.
Verandering is een constante waar ook
uw organisatie niet omheen kan. Om bij
te kunnen blijven in alle ontwikkelingen
en uw organisatie effectief te houden zijn
innovaties en veranderingen noodzakelijk.
Mede vanwege de risico’s die hiermee
gepaard gaan worden hiertoe projecten
In projecten worden middelen, vaardigheden,
technologie en ideeën bijeengebracht om
zakelijke doelstellingen te bereiken en
zakelijke voordelen te behalen. PRINCE2®
wordt internationaal erkend als een
standaard en een gestructureerde methode
voor effectief project management,
ontwikkeld op basis van ‘best practices’.
Iedereen die in een project werkzaam is
of als belanghebbende bij een project
betrokken is en:
Prijs: € 995,-
• inzicht wil verkrijgen hoe projecten op
een adequate wijze gemanaged kunnen
worden om de beoogde resultaten te
• de principes en terminologie van de
gestructureerde projectmanagement
methode PRINCE2 wil leren.
U leert de principes en terminologie van
projectmatig werken volgens de PRINCE2®
methode.Hiermee krijgt u gestructureerd inzicht in de wijze waarop een project en een
projectorganisatie worden opgebouwd en
hoe een project gecontroleerd kan worden
opgestart, uitgevoerd en opgeleverd
conform PRINCE2®. Meer specifiek leert u
in deze training het volgende:
• Uw eigen rol en de rol van anderen in
een project
• Het doel en de belangrijkste inhoud
van: het Project Mandaat, de Project
Brief, het Project Initiation document,
het End Project Report en een aantal
andere belangrijke projectdocumenten
• De beheersing van een projectmet de
belangrijkste activiteiten, rollen en
• Het met goed resultaat afleggen van
het examen PRINCE2® Foundation
• Met deze kennis haalt u het PRINCE2®
Foundation certificaat. Het PRINCE2®
examen is dan ook een (optioneel)
onderdeel van de cursus.
Vereiste voorkennis
U heeft enige kennis van en ervaring met
projectmatig werken.
Na afloop bent u geheel voorbereid op het
officiële examen ‘PRINCE2® Foundation’.
Het examen wordt aansluitend aan de
training afgenomen. Bij uw boeking
dient u aan te geven of u hiervan gebruik
wil maken. De kosten voor dit examen
bedragen €249,-.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
PRINCE2® Practitioner incl examentraining
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Steeds meer activiteiten worden
projectmatig georganiseerd. PRINCE2®
is inmiddels uitgegroeid tot dé standaard
best practice methode voor projectmatig
werken. Steeds meer werkgevers vragen
daarom naar certificering van projectleiders.
Opdrachtgevers verwachten dat u inzicht
heeft in projectmatig werken. Daarbij
dient u bekend te zijn met de rollen in een
projectorganisatie en de wijze waarop
communicatielijnen worden georganiseerd.
Verder wordt van u inzicht gevraagd in de
wijze waarop werkzaamheden in de vorm
van werkpakketten worden aangereikt
en opgeleverd. Ook dient u bekend te
zijn met de verschillende processen,
controlemechanismen en rapportages die
van belang zijn in uw werkgebied.
U bent werkzaam als projectmanager,
lijnmanager of algemeen manager en heeft
te maken met interne of externe projecten.
Of u bent projectmedewerker, teamleider
of aankomend projectleider en wilt uw projectmanagement kennis- en vaardigheden
Prijs: € 1.760,-
op een hoger plan brengen om door te
kunnen groeien. Met deze training bereidt
u zich inhoudelijk voor op het PRINCE2
Practitioner examen. Om aan het examen
deel te kunnen nemen dient u geslaagd te
zijn voor het PRINCE2 Foundation examen.
Het is aan te bevelen om voorafgaand
aan het PRINCE2 Practitioner examen de
examentraining PRI2PE te volgen.
Tijdens de training ‘PRINCE2™ Practitioner’ leert u om de methode van PRINCE2
toe te passen. Meer specifiek bent u na de
training in staat om:
• de methode PRINCE2 af te stemmen op
specifieke projectomstandigheden;
• de principes die aan de methode
PRINCE2 ten grondslag liggen toe te
• aan te geven wat de samenhang is
tussen de onderdelen van de methode
PRINCE2: de processen, componenten,
technieken en managementproducten;
• managementproducten op te
stellen op basis van specifieke
Vereiste voorkennis
U heeft minimaal vier jaar werkervaring,
waarvan twee jaar als projectmanager. U
heeft kennis van projectmatig werken en
parate kennis van PRINCE2 op foundation-niveau. Wanneer u het examen voor
PRINCE2 Practitioner wilt afleggen dient
u het PRINCE2 Foundation certificaat te
hebben behaald.
Na afloop bent u voorbereid op het
officiële examen ‘PRINCE2 Practitioner’.
Naast de training is enige zelfstudie nodig,
waarbij de studiebelasting circa 20-40 uur
bedraagt. Na de examentraining van deze
cursus kunt u deelnemen aan het PRINCE2
Practitioner examen. Dit examen dient
u apart te boeken en de kosten hiervoor
bedragen €365,-.Voor deelname aan dit
examen is het ‘PRINCE2 Foundation’-certificaat verplicht.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Hercertificering en examentraining PRINCE2® Practitioner (incl, examen)
Cursusduur: 1 dag
De geldigheidsduur van het PRINCE2
Practitioner certificaat is beperkt. Global
Knowledge biedt een korte opleiding (in
de vorm van een examentraining) aan voor
PRINCE2 Practitioner certificaathouders,
die zich opnieuw willen laten certificeren.
Sinds 1 mei 2008 zijn PRINCE2 Practitioner
certificaten nog maar 5 jaar geldig. In de
periode van 3 tot 5 jaar na de Certification
Confirmation Date kan een deelnemer
zich laten hercertificeren door middel van
het afleggen van een verkort PRINCE2
Practitioner Examen, ook wel Reregistration Examen genoemd.
Prijs: € 625,-
Projectmanagers, in het bezit van het
PRINCE2 Practitioner certificaat, waarvan
de geldigheidsduur binnenkort verloopt.
Tijdens de examentraining, die in de morgen plaats vindt, wordt een proefexamen
behandeld. Dit proefexamen wordt voorafgaand aan de training naar u verstuurd. Om
optimaal van de examentraining te profiteren wordt u verzocht om dit proefexamen
vooraf te maken.
Vereiste voorkennis
• PRINCE2™ Practitioner training
• Certificaat PRINCE2 Practitioner.
Het examen (Hercertificering) vindt plaats
in de middag en bestaat uit het volgende:
• Objective Testing
• 3 vragen - met 10 afzonderlijke vragen,
elke vraag is een punt waard
• 17 punten minimaal nodig om te slagen
(van de 30 beschikbare punten) - 55%
• Duur één uur (60 minuten)
• Open boek examen (alleen het
PRINCE2 handboek).
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Bent u startend projectmanager of bent
u projectmedewerker? Wilt u uw kennis
en ervaring verder verbreden en met een
erkend IPMA-D certificaat bekronen? Dan
is IPMA D cursus projectmanagement voor
u de juiste training. De Certified Project
Management Associate - IPMA D. Deze
IPMA D cursus is examenvoorbereiding. Als
ervaren projectmedewerker of beginnend
projectmanager wilt u graag aantonen dat uw
kennis up-to-date is en dat u capabel bent,
ook al ontbreekt het u nog aan ervaring als
projectmanager. Die mogelijkheid biedt het
IPMA D certificaat. IPMA D toetst de theorie
van projectmanagement.
Prijs: € 2.359,-
Deze IPMA D cursus biedt u de juiste
basis voor een succesvol IPMA D examen.
Juist projectmedewerkers en beginnende
projectmanagers kunnen hierna veel
effectiever op vele manieren ervaring
opdoen in de praktijk.
Projectmedewerkers en beginnende
projectmanagers met HBO werk- en denkniveau. Ervaring in projectmanagement is
niet vereist.
• Hebt u veel examentips ontvangen
waardoor u goed inzicht krijgt in het
algehele examenverloop.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kennis op niveau van PRINCE2®
Foundation is gewenst.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Project Management Trainingen
Na afloop van de IPMA D cursus:
• Bent u efficiënt voorbereid op het
IPMA-D examen.
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Wilt u uw ervaring als projectmanager
met het internationaal erkende IPMA-C
certificaat bekronen? En zoekt u een op
maat gesneden, flexibel opleidingstraject
dat uw slaagkans vergroot? Dan is IPMA
C: Training projectmanagement voor u
de juiste training. De ‘Certified Project
Manager’ - IPMA Level C
Deze training is een IPMA C examenvoorbereiding. Ze is bedoeld voor
projectmanagers met minimaal drie jaar
aantoonbare ervaring in het managen
van niet complexe projecten. De IPMA C
training richt zich op de toepassing van
zowel de ‘harde’ als ‘zachte’ kant van
projectmanagement en bereidt u voor op
het theoretisch examen bij Cito.
Prijs: € 3.214,-
Ervaren projectmanagers en projectleiders,
met eindverantwoordelijkheid voor het
zelfstandig leiden van projecten.
Vereiste voorkennis
Deze training is bedoeld voor projectmanagers met ten minste drie jaar ervaring als
Na afloop van de IPMA C training:
• Bent u efficiënt voorbereid op de Citotheorietoets voor IPMA-C
• Hebt u uw kennis verdiept van
• Hebt u gereflecteerd op uw
projectmanagement ervaringen
• Hebt u veel examentips ontvangen
waardoor u goed inzicht krijgt in het
algehele examenverloop
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 207
Project Management Trainingen
MSP (Managing Successful Programs
Managing Successful Programs, Foundation
PMP Exam Prep Boot Camp
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
De MSP Foundation Training is een training
die een volledig beeld geeft van alle
aspecten van MSP. Het is dé voorbereiding
op de MSP Foundation certificering.
Veel organisaties stoeien met het
managen van strategische programma’s;
clusters van projecten en nietprojectmatige activiteiten.
Programmamanagement speelt,
anders dan sterk resultaatgerichte
projectmanagementmethodieken in op de
pragmatische vertaling van strategische
veranderingen naar acties. Door hun aard
zijn deze trajecten complex en langdurig.
Bovendien hebben zij een grote impact
op de organisatie. MSP® (Managing
Successfull Programmes) is een krachtig
hulpmiddel bij het tot een goed einde
brengen van deze trajecten.
De training is bedoeld voor iedereen die
binnen een organisatie te maken krijgt
met programma’s. U kunt daarbij denken
aan programma- en projectmanagers
en -medewerkers, maar zeker ook aan
opdrachtgevers en adviseurs.Enige
ervaring met projecten en programma’s is
een voordeel.
Prijs: € 960,-
Na de training beschikt u over de volgende
• U begrijpt de concepten van het
Programmamanagement en MSP;
• U kunt de belangrijkste elementen van
MSP toepassen op een programma;
• U weet op hoofdlijnen wat belangrijk
is bij het inrichten van een programma;
• U herkent een aantal valkuilen in het
opzetten van een programma.
Vereiste voorkennis
Kennis van een gestructureerde projectmanagementmethodiek, zoals PRINCE2®
is een vereiste.Wij verwachten van deelnemers een basiskennis op het gebied van
projectmatig werken en een HBO denk- en
De cursus wordt op een later tijdstip,
optioneel, afgesloten met het MSP Foundation examen.
De kosten voor het examen bedragen
€ 210,Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 4 dagen
Deze PMP Training is gebaseerd op de
theorie uit de Project Management
Body of Knowledge (afgekort PMBOK)
Guide en praktijkervaring. Het is dé
voorbereiding op de PMP Certificering
voor deelnemers met veel kennis van de
Associate project managers, project
managers, IT project managers, project
coordinators, project analysts, project leaders, senior project managers, team leaders,
product managers, program managers,
project sponsors, and project team members
seeking the PMP or CAPM certification.
At the end of this course delegates will be
able to;
• Prepare to take the PMP or CAPM exams
• Become familiar with PMBOK Guide®
terms, definitions, and processes
• Master test-taking techniques
• Learn styles and types of questions
found on the PMP or CAPM exams
•PMBOK® Guide’s five process groups,
ten knowledge areas, and the area of
professional and social responsibility
Vereiste voorkennis
The skills and knowledge required fromthe
delegates before they attend this course
are as follow:
• To be eligible for the CAPM or PMP
certification, you must first meet specific
education and experience requirements.
• The PMP Prep Boot Camp satisfies
the requirements for contact hours of
instruction. The final step in gaining
certification is passing a multiple-choice,
psychometric-based examination
designed to objectively assess and
measure your project management
knowledge. It is recommended that
you have achieved the experience
requirements prior to taking this course.
This course is part of the following certification programs:
• Professional Project Manager
• PMI Project Management Professional
(PMP)PMI Certified Associate in Project
Management (CAPM)
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Managing Successful Programs, Practitioner
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
De MSP Practitioner Training is gericht op
het toepassen van MSP®. De deelnemers
krijgen meer inzicht in de relaties tussen de
principes, de thema’s en de processen van
de methode. Deze training geeft handvatten
voor het toepassen van MSP in de praktijk.
De training is bedoeld voor iedereen die
binnen een organisatie ervaring heeft met
het werken in of aansturen vanprojecten
en programma’sen in het bezit is van het
Prijs: € 2.810,-
Prijs: € 1.065,-
certificaat MSP Foundation. U kunt daarbij
denken aan programma- en projectmanagers en -medewerkers, maar zeker ook aan
opdrachtgevers en adviseurs.
Na de training beschikt u over de volgende
• U begrijpt het concept van MSP tot op
• U kunt MSP toepassen op alle aspecten
van een programma;
• U kunt op een evenwichtige wijze een
programma opzetten en uitvoeren;
• U kunt een programma uitvoeren
met een goede balans voor alle
• U kunt onderbouwd commentaar geven
op alle aspecten en documenten van
een programma;
• U kunt Projecten en
organisatieveranderingen aansturen.
Vereiste voorkennis
MSP-F, Managing Successfull Programs,
Het MSP Practitioner examen wordt op een
later tijdstip, optioneel, afgenomen.
De kosten voor het examen bedragen € 225,Kijk voor meer informatie op:
MoP (Management of Portfolios)
MoR (Management of Risk) Foundation
Management of Portfolios Foundation
Management of Portfolios Practitioner
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Management of Risk is bedoeld om
organisaties te helpen bij het invoeren van
een effectief kader voor het nemen van
verantwoorde beslissingen over risico’s die
invloed hebben op hun prestatiedoelen
voor alle organisatieactiviteiten, of die nu
strategisch, programmatisch, projectmatig
of operationeel zijn.
Het is een richtlijn voor Integraal
risicomanagement die waarborgt dat
een organisatie op een rendabele
wijze gebruikmaakt van een
risicomanagementproces met een aantal
duidelijk omschreven stappen. Het doel
is het ondersteunen van een betere
besluitvorming door middel van een goed
zicht op de risico’s en hun waarschijnlijke
M_o_R vormt een geïntegreerd raamwerk
met OGC-methoden en -modellen als
ITIL®, PRINCE2®, MSP® en P3O®.
U heeft bij voorkeur minimaal 1-3 jaar
werkervaring en HBO werk en denkniveau.
U bent werkzaam als:
• Corporate manager – met interesse
voor risicomanagement als control
voor behoorlijk bestuur
• Programma- of projectmanager
• Operationeel manager –
verantwoordelijk voor het managen
van risico’s die de continuïteit van uw
bedrijfsvoering raken
• Kwaliteitsmanager, veiligheidskundige,
auditor, controller of register
Prijs: € 1.300,-
Na afloop van deze training:
• Kent u de kernconcepten van
Management of Risk (M_o_R)
• Het risicomanagement proces in de
praktijk te brengen
• Kunt u strategisch, project en
programma en operationeel
risicomanagement met elkaar in
verband brengen
• Heeft u meer grip op onzekerheid en
de kansen op succes
• Kunt u de succes- en faalfactoren
van risicomanagement en de baten
van M_o_R voor uw organisatie
Vereiste voorkennis
U heeft bij voorkeur minimaal 1-3 jaar
werkervaring en HBO werk en denkniveau.
Het Foundation examen is een multiple-choice examen dat bestaat uit 45
vragen die in 45 minuten moeten worden
beantwoord. Dit is een gesloten boek
Het examen is inclusief en wordt ongeveer
1 week na de laatste trainingsdag
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Management of Portfolios (MoP) provides
advice and examples of how to apply
principles, practices, and techniques that
together enable the most effective balance
of organisational change and business
as usual.
Thiscourse engages with the students
to ensure that theory is embedded and
delegates feel confident in the practical
application of MoP™.
The MoP Foundation qualification is aimed
at those involved in a range of formal
and informal portfolio management
roles encompassing investment decision
making, project and programme delivery,
and benefits realisation.
It is relevant to all those involved in the
selection and delivery of business change
initiatives including:
• Senior Responsible Owners (SROs)
• Members of management boards and
Directors of Change
• Portfolio, Programme, Project, Business
Change, and Benefits Managers
• Business Case writers and project
The objective of the course is to enable a
student to understand the MoP principles,
cycles, practices, techniques, roles and
documentation. This will enable them
to work as an informed member of a
Portfolio Office or in a range of Portfolio
Management roles.
Specifically they will know and understand
Prijs: € 995,-
• Scope and objectives of portfolio
management and how it differs from
programme and project management
• Benefits from applying portfolio
• Context within which it operates
• Principles upon which successful
portfolio management is based
• Approaches to implementation, the
factors to consider in maintaining
progress, and how to assess the
success of portfolio management
• Purposes of the portfolio management
definition and delivery cycles and their
component practices, and relevant
techniques applicable to each practice
• Purpose and key content of the major
portfolio documents
• Scope of key portfolio management
Vereiste voorkennis
The MoP Foundation exam consists of:
• 50 multiple choice questions
• 40 minutes
• Candidates require a minimum of 25
correct answers (50%) to pass.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Management of Portfolios (MoP) provides
advice and examples of how to apply
principles, practices, and techniques
that together enable the most effective
balance of organisational change and
business as usual. This course engages
with the students to ensure that theory is
embedded and delegates feel confident in
the practical application of MoP.
The MoP Practitioner qualification is aimed
at those involved in a range of formal
and informal portfolio management
roles encompassing investment decision
making, project and programme delivery,
and benefits realisation. It is relevant to all
those involved in the selection and delivery
of business change initiatives including:
• Members of management boards and
Directors of Change
• Senior Responsible Owners (SROs)
• Portfolio, Programme, Project, Business
Change, and Benefits Managers
• Business Case writers and project
The objective of the course is to prepare
students for the MoP Practitioner level
examination. To confirm understanding
of the MoP™ principles, cycles, practices,
techniques, roles and documentation.
A successful Practitioner candidate
should be able to apply and understand
how to tailor MoP effectively. And, with
suitable support, be able to advise on the
implementation of appropriate practices,
techniques, and apply the method to a
live portfolio.
Prijs: € 995,-
Specifically candidates should be able to
demonstrate their ability to:
• Define the business case to get senior
management approval for portfolio
• Plan the implementation of portfolio
• Select and adapt MoP principles,
practices and techniques to suit
different organisational environments
• Evaluate examples of MoP information
(including documents and role
• Analyze the solutions adopted in
relation to a given scenario.
Project Management Trainingen
MoR (Managing of Risk)
Vereiste voorkennis
MoP-F, Management of Portfolios
Candidates will have to have passed the
Foundation exam before attempting the
Practitioner exam.
The MoP Practitioner exam consists of:
• 80 multiple choice questions
• 3 hours
• Candidates require a minimum of 40
correct answers (50%) to pass.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 209
Project Management Trainingen
AGILE Projectmanagement
Business Simulatie
AGILE Project Management Foundation
The Challenge of Egypt (Business Simulation
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
De snelheid van de ontwikkelingen eist dat
organisaties veranderingen steeds sneller
moeten doorvoeren om te overleven.
Daarnaast is gebleken dat veel projecten
slecht presteren omdat ze onvoldoende
rekening houden met de eisen van de
Business. De Best Practice Agile Project
Management biedt een goede oplossing
voor beide problemen. Het gaat verder dan
alleen een SCRUM of een Timebox aanpak.
Daardoor is het geschikt voor zowel kleine
projecten als voor grote projecten en
• Wat zijn voorwaarden aan mijn
organisatie om Agile te kunnen werken
• Hoe lever ik altijd op tijd op
• Hoe zorg ik voor een product met
draagvlak in de Business?
• Hoe organiseer ik dat ik snel kan
kiezen tijdens de uitvoering
• Hoe kies ik een optimale
ontwikkelmethodiek voor mijn
specifieke project
• Voor welke stukken kan ik beter de
traditionele aanpak gebruiken
Prijs: € 995,-
• Projectmanagers, Team Managers,
Technical coordinators
• Business Sponsors, Opdrachtgevers,
Senior Responsible Owners
• Product owners, Business Analisten
• Project Support Medewerkers
• Agile teamleden, Projectmedewerkers
• Adviseurs, Agile coaches
• U begrijpt de concepten van Agile
Project Management
• U kunt sneller projecten uitvoeren
• U levert altijd op tijd op
• U komt tot een optimale oplossing
voor de Business
Vereiste voorkennis
Geen ervaring vereist, echter ervaring met
Projecten is handig.
Het bijbehorende APMG examen ‘’Agile
Project Management Foundation’’ is
De examenkosten bedragen € 185,Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 1 dag
De Challenge of Egypt is een interactieve
projectmanagement game, gebaseerd op
het framework van Prince2. In één dag
wordt een overzicht gegeven van alle
basisbeginselen en methoden van effectief
projectmanagement. Daarnaast worden
de methoden besproken om de kwaliteit
en effectiviteit van uw projectmanagement
benadering te beoordelen.
Managementteams, Projectmanagers,
Projectleides, Teamleiders en Projectmedewerkers.
• Het in de praktijk hanteren
van de belangrijkste
• Het opzetten van een
projectorganisatie met de
daarbij horende rollen, taken en
• Het analyseren van de risico’s
binnen het project en het vinden van
• Het als teammanager uitgeven van
werkpakketten en het bewaken van de
Prijs: € 465,-
• Het toezicht houden op de toleranties
(geld, tijd, scope en kwaliteit) van een
• Het oplossen van projectissues.
• Het als projectmanager sturen van het
• Het omgaan met wijzigingen binnen
het project.
• Het omgaan met de stuurgroep of
• Het evalueren van het project.
Bovendien krijgt u inzicht in de kennis,
vaardigheden en handelingen die nodig
zijn om succesvol projecten te leiden.
Vereiste voorkennis
Er is geen specifieke voorkennis nodig.
Wel is affiniteit met projectmanagement
Niet van toepassing
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
AGILE & SCRUM Trainingen
AGILE Project Management Foundation
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
De snelheid van de ontwikkelingen eist dat
organisaties veranderingen steeds sneller
moeten doorvoeren om te overleven.
Daarnaast is gebleken dat veel projecten
slecht presteren omdat ze onvoldoende
rekening houden met de eisen van de
Business. De Best Practice Agile Project
Management biedt een goede oplossing
voor beide problemen. Het gaat verder dan
alleen een SCRUM of een Timebox aanpak.
Daardoor is het geschikt voor zowel kleine
projecten als voor grote projecten en
• Wat zijn voorwaarden aan mijn
organisatie om Agile te kunnen werken
• Hoe lever ik altijd op tijd op
• Hoe zorg ik voor een product met
draagvlak in de Business?
Prijs: € 995,-
• Hoe organiseer ik dat ik snel kan kiezen
tijdens de uitvoering
• Hoe kies ik een optimale
ontwikkelmethodiek voor mijn
specifieke project
• Voor welke stukken kan ik beter de
traditionele aanpak gebruiken
• U begrijpt de concepten van Agile
Project Management
• U kunt sneller projecten uitvoeren
• U levert altijd op tijd op
• U komt tot een optimale oplossing voor
de Business
• Projectmanagers, Team Managers,
Technical coordinators
• Business Sponsors, Opdrachtgevers,
Senior Responsible Owners
• Product owners, Business Analisten
• Project Support Medewerkers
• Agile teamleden, Projectmedewerkers
• Adviseurs, Agile coaches
Vereiste voorkennis
Geen ervaring vereist, echter ervaring met
Projecten is handig.
AGILE & SCRUM Trainingen
Het bijbehorende APMG examen ‘’Agile
Project Management Foundation’’ is optioneel. De examenkosten bedragen € 185,Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 211
AGILE & SCRUM Trainingen
SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework)
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Gedurende deze 2-daagse cursus
leert u hoe u een Agile transformatie
op Enterprise niveau kunt leiden.
Hierbij wordt gebruik gemaakt van het
SAFe fraework in combinatie met het
onderliggende gedachtengoed van Lean
en Product Development.
Agile methoden worden inmiddels al jaren
gebruikt, met als doel om meer waarde in
minder tijd te leveren aan klanten.
De meeste organisaties zijn complexe
systemen, waarbij het noodzakelijk is
om samen te werken en te coordineren
tussen verscheidene delivery teams. In
deze cursus leert u hoe u dit op een goede
manier kunt doen.
De Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) training
is bedoeld voor iedereen die de voordelen
van Agile graag wil doorvoeren binnen
zijn gehele organistie. Deze training is
ideaal voor;
• (Project) Managers
• Agile Change Agents
• Verantwoordelijken voor een Lean
/ Agile transitie binnen een grote
software ontwikkelafdeling of
Prijs: € 1.295,-
Na de Scaled Agile Framework training:
• Kunnen de deelnemers Lean, Agile en
Product Development Flow principes
toepassen om zo productiviteit,
medewerker tevredenheid, time-tomarket en kwaliteit te verbeteren
• Weten de deelnemers welke
vaardigheden nodig zijn voor de
transitie naar een Agile organisatie
• Hebben de deelnemers de kennis om
zelf te beginnen met het toepassen van
SAFe binnen hun eigen organisatie,
gefundeerd door theorie, voorbeelden
uit de praktijk en inzichten van de
Vereiste voorkennis
Om het certificaat te bemachtigen is het
van belang dat de deelnemer na afloop
van de training met succes het online examen aflegt. Hiervoor hebben deelnemers
10 dagen de tijd na ontvangst van de link.
Wanneer het examen succesvol wordt
afgerond ontvangt de deelnemer het SAFe
Agilist (SA) certificaat.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
SCRUM is een flexibele projectmanagementmethode voor het
snel en effectief ontwikkelen van software. Scrum hanteert
een stap-voor-stap aanpak en stelt waardeverhoging,
teamverantwoordelijkheid en klantbetrokkenheid centraal.
Scrum wordt al veel gebruikt in de IT, maar is ook daarbuiten
uitstekend toepasbaar en wint de laatste jaren dan ook enorm
aan populariteit.
SCRUM for Developers
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
De Professional Scrum Developer (PSD)
training geeft uw Scrum Development
Team een vliegende start zowel in
efficiëntie als in productiviteit. Voor het
ontwikkelen van kwaliteitsoftware is een
goed functionerend team, een Agile proces
door middel van Scrum en passende
tooling nodig.
In deze training leren deelnemers hoe
een team, gebruikmakend van moderne
software ontwikkeltechnieken, elke Sprint
software kan opleveren die in principe
in productie kan worden genomen
(“potentially shippable product”).
De training is een mix van theorie en
het toepassen hiervan in de praktijk.
Daarbij werken de deelnemers in zelf
organiserende teams aan de productie
en het ‘done’ opleveren van items op de
Product Backlog.
Aan het einde van de training weet u:
• Hoe Scrum bijdraagt aan het
functioneren van een high performing
• Welke software development best
practices nodig zijn om kort cyclisch te
kunnen werken en iedere Sprint hoge
kwaliteitsoftware op te leveren.
Prijs: € 1.995,-
• Hoe de Application Lifecycle
Management (ALM) tools van
Microsoft ingezet kunnen worden om
het ontwikkelproces te ondersteunen.
Na het volgen van de training Professional
Scrum Developer bent u in staat om uw
certificering af te ronden door middel van
een officieel examen. Dit examen zit bij de
prijs inbegrepen en kunt u tot twee weken
na het volgen van de training online
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
SCRUM Product Owner
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
De toepassing van Scrum voor het
ontwikkelen van software neemt sterk toe.
Veel organisaties overwegen om Scrum
toe te passen of gebruiken het al. Veel
beschikbare hulpmiddelen en trainingen
richten zich op de theorie van Scrum en
slechts in mindere mate op de toepassing.
Dit terwijl ‘de kracht van Scrum’ juist ligt
in het eenvoudig oppakken en toepassen
ervan. Deze cursus biedt u daarom de
mogelijkheid om theorie en praktijk aan
elkaar te koppelen.
U leert tijdens deze tweedaagse training
alles over het werken als Scrum Master en/
of Scrum teamlid. Naast een stuk theorie
omtrent de basisconcepten van Scrum
biedt de training verschillende handvatten
en oefeningen om Scrum direct toe te
passen in de praktijk.
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Deze training is geschikt voor Project
managers, Teamleiders, IT/Development
managers, Product managers, Test
managers, Business analisten, Architecten,
Developers en Testers die interesse hebben
in het toepassen van Scrum om maximale
toegevoegde waarde te creëren en verbeterde klant- en werknemerstevredenheid.
Aan het einde van de training:
• kent u het agile gedachtegoed: wijze
van aansturen, plannen, rolverdeling
en communicatie
• kent u de werkwijze van Scrum
• bent u in staat om de agile principes
binnen uw organisatie handhaven
Om de PSM-certificering te behalen dienen
alle deelnemers na het volgen van de
training het online certificeringsexamen
succesvol af te leggen. Dit examen is in het
Engels en zit bij de prijs inbegrepen.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 2 dagen
Heeft u al (enige) ervaring in het werken
als Product Owner, maar bent u nog niet
De Product Owner vertegenwoordigt
de klant binnen het Scrum team. Hij/
Zij zorgt er voor dat het team met de
juiste visie naar het project kijkt. Hij is
verantwoordelijk voor het opstellen van de
user stories en deze te prioriteren in een
product backlog.
De training Professional Scrum Product
Owner geeft u kennis en begrip omtrent de
rol van Product Owner, alsmede het belang
van de rol binnen het Scrum team. In deze
opleiding leert u de basisvaardigheden
voor het definiëren en managen van
een geprioriteerde product backlog en
het creëren van accurate en realistische
product en release plannen. Door middel
van praktijkvoorbeelden en praktische
oefeningen doet u kennis en ervaring
omtrent de rol van Product Owner zodat
u deze direct kan inzetten in uw eigen
De Scrum Product Owner training is
geschikt voor (Product) Managers die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het optimaliseren
van de waarde van hun producten en IT
Development Managers die verantwoordelijk zijn voor een businesslijn en het
optimaliseren van de waarde dat IT ervan
Prijs: € 1.495,-
Aan het einde van de training bent u tot
het volgende in staat:
• U kunt benoemen hoe de iteratiefincrementele principes door Scrum
worden ingevuld.
• U weet te beschrijven welke elementen
Scrum onderkent, de samenhang ervan
en hoe deze productiviteitsverhogend
• U kunt beschrijven hoe de Scrumfundamenten van belang zijn voor
incrementeel productbeheer en deze
creatief naar uw eigen praktijksituatie
• U kunt optreden als Product Owner
voor Scrum Teams en stakeholders met
diepgaand begrip van uw rol.
• U weet in te schatten hoe Scrum
organisatiebrede Business Agility
• U kunt zelfstandig denken in termen
van goede toepassing van het Scrum
framework voor productbeheer.
AGILE & SCRUM Trainingen
SCRUM Master
Na het volgen van de training Scrum
Product Owner bent u in staat om uw
PSPO-certificering af te ronden door middel van een officieel examen. Dit examen
zit bij de prijs inbegrepen en kunt u tot
twee weken na het volgen van de training
online afleggen.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 213
Organisaties moeten kunnen vertrouwen op
een IT-dienstverlening die hun processen goed
ondersteunt. Met het toenemende belang van ICT in
de bedrijfsvoering worden ook de eisen die klanten
stellen aan de IT-dienstverlening steeds hoger. IT Service
Management is het vakgebied dat zich bezighoudt
met het inrichten, managen en verbeteren van de ICTdienstverlening aan interne of externe klanten.
Global Knowledge biedt een reeks opleidingen op dit vakgebied.
Deze zijn gebaseerd op industriestandaard raamwerken zoals Information
Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL®), Business Information Services Library
(BiSL) en Application Service Library (ASL). Wij bieden u opleidingen voor
startende professionals tot ervaren managers en in uiteenlopende vormen als
workshops, groepsopleidingen en simulatiegames.
Global Knowledge is een geautoriseerd examencentrum,, zodat u ook voor het
behalen van uw certificering(en) bij ons terecht kunt.
Waar staat ITIL® voor?
ITIL is een afkorting van Information
Technology Infrastructure Library en is ontstaan
uit een verzameling ‘best practices’ die in het
werkveld van de IT-dienstverlening worden
aangetroffen. ITIL® biedt een systematische
Service Management
aanpak voor het leveren van de gewenste
kwaliteit van IT-services. Het geeft een
gedetailleerde omschrijving van de (meeste)
belangrijke processen in een IT-organisatie en
omvat checklijsten voor taken, procedures en
verantwoordelijkheden, die elke organisatie als
basis kan gebruiken om ITIL® op maat te maken
van de eigen bedrijfsbehoeften.
De brede dekking van het ITIL® -materiaal
maakt het tevens mogelijk om er op gezette
tijden naar terug te grijpen en er nieuwe
verbeterdoelen voor de IT-organisatie uit af te
leiden. Hierdoor kan de organisatie groeien en
volwassen worden.
Global Knowledge biedt als grootste
onafhankelijke IT-opleider een uitgebreide
serie ITIL-trainingen, van basis ‘awareness’
trainingen tot en met de implementatie
opleidingen. Iedere ITIL® cursus, workshop of
seminar bij Global Knowledge helpt u, indien
wenselijk, om uw ITIL® Expert certificaat te
ITIL® Certificering
Voor het verkrijgen en vastleggen van uw ITIL kennis biedt
Global Knowledge een complete serie ITIL-trainingen inclusief
de bijbehorende certificeringen.
Foundation - Het Foundation niveau richt zich op kennis en
begrip voor het verwerven van een goede ondergrond om
vertrouwd te raken met het ITIL® concept, de terminologie en
de ITIL® processen.
Intermediate - Dit niveau is beschikbaar in twee stromingen:
- Lifecycle modules: deze modules zijn bedoeld voor mensen
die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de algehele lifecycle van
een IT product. Per lifecycle onderdeel worden meerdere
processen aangestipt maar op deze processen zelf wordt niet
diep ingegaan. De ITIL® Service Lifecycle cursussen zijn ideaal
voor consultants, service managers en service coördinatoren
die betrokken zijn bij het besturen, coördineren of
implementeren van ITIL®.
De cursussen bieden de juiste kennis en inzicht voor het
rechtvaardigen van de investering in IT-diensten.
- Capability modules: deze modules zijn bedoeld voor mensen
die specifieke processen binnen IT Service Management
beheren. De trainingen hiervoor bieden een diepgaand
inzicht in de verschillende ITIL® processen en hoe deze in de
ITIL® Master
ITIL® Expert
22 credits required
Managing Across the Lifecycle
5 credits
Continual Service Improvement
Lifecycle (ILLCCSI)
Operation Support & Analysis
Capability (ILOSA)
Service Design Lifecycle (ILLCS)
Service Operation Lifecycle
Service Catalog
1.5 credits
Master - De Master certificering toont aan in hoeverre
een kandidaat in staat is om de ITIL® concepten op nieuwe
werkvelden en gebieden toe te passen en te analyseren.
Release, Control & Validation
Capability (ILRCV)
Service Strategy Lifecycle (ILLCSS)
Service Offerings & Agreements
Capability (ILSOA)
Service Transition Lifecycle (ILLCST)
Planning, Protection & Optimization Capability (ILPPO)
praktijk kunnen worden toegepast.
Expert - Met het behalen van deze Expert in IT Service
Management certificering wordt uw expertise en diepgaande
kennis op alle fronten binnen ITIL aangetoond.
Service Management
Binnen ITIL® worden vier niveaus onderscheiden:
ITIL® Capability Modules
4 credits per module
ITIL® Lifecycle Modules
3 credits per module
ITIL® Foundation (ILFN)
2 credits
Het certificeringtraject van ITIL® is gebaseerd op een
puntensysteem (credits). Elk succesvol afgelegd examen levert
een bepaald aantal credits op. Voor het Expert certificaat heeft
u 22 punten nodig.
Ik heb ambitie. Dus ik train bij Global Knowledge! 215
Service Management Trainingen
Service Management Trainingen
ITIL ® Foundation
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Goed functionerende informatiesystemen
zijn essentieel voor de bedrijfsvoering
van organisaties. ITIL ® (IT Infrastructure
Library) is een methode voor het
inrichten van processen voor service
management, die kan worden ingezet
om de IT-dienstverlening van een
organisatie te professionaliseren. Deze
methode is gebaseerd op ‘best practices’.
Tijdens de cursus ITIL ® Foundation
leert de deelnemer onder andere de
basisbegrippen van ITIL ® en het belang
van IT-infrastructuur en IT-dienstverlening
voor organisaties.
Professionals die betrokken zijn met het
beheer, de organisatie en de optimalisatie
van de activiteiten van de processen in
een IT serviceorganisatie. De doelgroep
bestaat uit iedereen die hun IT Service
Management vaardigheden naar de
nieuwste inzichten willen ontwikkelen.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
• Functies en rollen
Vereiste voorkennis
Er is geen specifieke vooropleiding vereist.
Met deze training waarbinnen ook een
proefexamen wordt afgelegd is de deelnemer optimaal voorbereid voor het examen
‘ITIL ® Foundation in IT Service Management’. Het examen is optioneel en wordt
aansluitend aan de training afgenomen.
Bij uw boeking dient u aan te geven of u
hiervan gebruik wil maken. De kosten voor
dit examen bedragen €219,Het behalen van het ITIL ® Foundation
examen levert u 2 credits op.
U krijgt, na het behalen van het examen,
het certificaat digitaal toegestuurd.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Tijdens deze cursus leert de deelnemer
onder andere het volgende:
• Het belang van IT dienstverlening en
het beheer van de IT-Infrastructuur
voor een organisatie en hoe deze
waarde creeert voor de organisatie.
• Diensten, organisaties en procesmatig
• De IT Service Life cycle
• De belangrijkste concepten, principes,
modellen en processen binnen de
verschillende stadia van de IT Service
Lifecycle (Service Strategy, Service
Design, Service Transition, Service
Operation en Continual Service
ITIL ® Service Lifecycle: Continual Service
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Deze cursus zal ingaan op de algemene
concepten, processen, strategieën en
methoden die in verband staan met de
Continual Service Improvement (CSI) fase
van de Service Lifecycle. In de cursus zal
worden besproken hoe men de activiteiten
en technieken binnen het CSI stadium
kan managen. Op de details van elk
ondersteunend proces zal verder niet
worden ingegaan.
De cursus maakt gebruik van een
boeiende, op case study-gebaseerde,
aanpak voor het leren van de
kerndisciplines van de ITIL ® “best
practices”. Ook wordt er gezorgd dat u
voldoende kennis en vaardigheden opdoet
om te slagen voor het bijbehorende
• IT-personeel op het gebied van
operations, management en techniek,
dat meer informatie nodig heeft over
ITIL ® best practices.
• Iedereen die verantwoordelijk is voor
het managen, implementeren of
consulten van ITIL ® processen binnen
de, of in combinatie met, IT.
In deze cursus zal een cursist de volgende
dingen leren:
• Het belang van Service Management
en het doel, de uitgangspunten en de
principes van CSI.
• De samenwerking tussen de CSI
processen en de Service Lifecycle
Prijs: € 1.345,-
• De subprocessen, activiteiten,
methodes en functies die gebruikt
worden in elk van de CSI processen.
• De rollen en verantwoordelijkheden
binnen CSI en de activiteiten en
functies waarmee operational
excellence kan worden bereikt.
• Het bepalen van de CSI performance.
• De technologie en implementatie-eisen
die CSI processen ondersteunen.
• De uitdagingen, kritische succes
factoren en risico’s van CSI.
Vereiste voorkennis
•ITIL ® Foundation certificatie (ILFN)
• Minimaal twee jaar relevante
Na afloop van de cursus wordt u de
mogelijkheid aangeboden om het officiële
APMG/EXIN examen te maken. Echter is
dit optioneel en indien u dit examen wilt
maken zal dit moeten worden aangegeven
bij uw boeking. De prijs van dit examen
bedraagt € 299,-.
Na het behalen van het examen ontvangt
u het certificaat digitaal.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
ITIL ® Managing Across the Lifecycle
Cursusduur: 5 dagen
Dit is de laatste module van de Service
Lifecycle en / of Service Capability
Intermediate cursussen die u opleiden tot
ITIL ® expert in IT Service Management.
De cursus gaat in op de inhoud van de ITIL
publicaties. U zult zich gedurende deze
cursus focussen op business, management
en supervisie doelstellingen, processen,
functies en activiteiten. Daarnaast zult
u de interfaces en interacties tussen
de processen in de Service Lifecycle
De cursus maakt gebruik van een
boeiende, op case study-gebaseerde,
aanpak voor het leren van de
kerndisciplines van de ITIL ® “best
practices”. Ook wordt er gezorgd dat u
voldoende kennis en vaardigheden opdoet
om te slagen voor het bijbehorende
• IT-personeel op het gebied van
operations, management en techniek,
dat meer informatie nodig heeft over
ITIL ® best practices.
• Iedereen die verantwoordelijk is voor
het managen, implementeren of
consulten van ITIL ® processen binnen
de, of in combinatie met, IT.
In deze cursus zal een cursist de volgende
dingen leren:
• Introductie van de business en
management vraagstukken binnen IT
Service Management.
• Het managen van de planning en
de implementatie van IT Service
Prijs: € 2.145,-
• Management van strategische
• Risico management
• Uitdagingen voor de organisatie
• Het beoordelen van de service
• Aanvullende begeleiding binnen de
Vereiste voorkennis
Tenminste 17 credits behaald uit:
• Verplicht: ITIL ® Foundation certificatie
(ILFN), 2 credits
• Keuze uit de Lifecycle modules, elk 3
• Keuze uit Capability modules, elk 4
Na afloop van de cursus wordt u de
mogelijkheid aangeboden om het officiële
APMG/EXIN examen te maken. Echter is
dit optioneel en indien u dit examen wilt
maken zal dit moeten worden aangegeven
bij uw boeking. De prijs van dit examen
is € 299,-.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
ITIL ® Service Lifecycle: Service Design
ITIL ® Service Lifecycle: Service Operation
ITIL ® Service Lifecycle: Service Strategy
Deze cursus zal ingaan op de algemene
concepten, processen, strategieën en
methoden die in verband staan met
de Service Design fase van de Service
Lifecycle. Deze cursus behandelt het
management en beheer van de activiteiten
en technieken binnen het Service Design
stadium maar zal niet verder ingaan op de
details van elk ondersteunend proces.
Deze cursus maakt gebruik van een
boeiende, op case study-gebaseerde,
aanpak voor het leren van de
kerndisciplines van de ITIL ® “best
practices”. Ook wordt er gezorgd dat u
voldoende kennis en vaardigheden opdoet
om te slagen voor het bijbehorende
• IT-personeel op het gebied van design,
operations, management en techniek,
dat meer informatie nodig heeft over
ITIL ® best practices.
• Iedereen die verantwoordelijk is voor
het managen, implementeren of
consulten van ITIL ® processen binnen
de, of in combinatie met, IT.
In deze cursus zal een cursist de volgende
dingen leren:
• Het belang van Service Management
en het doel, de uitgangspunten en de
principes van Service Design.
• De samenwerking tussen de (Service
Design) processen.
• De subprocessen, activiteiten,
methodes en functies die gebruikt
worden in elk van de Service Design
Prijs: € 1.345,-
• De rollen en verantwoordelijkheden
binnen Service Design en de
activiteiten en functies waarmee
operational excellence kan worden
• Het bepalen van de Service Design
• De technologie en implementatieeisen die Service Design processen
• De uitdagingen, kritische succes
factoren en risico’s van Service Design.
Vereiste voorkennis
•ITIL ® Foundation certificatie (ILFN)
• Minimaal twee jaar relevante
Na afloop van de cursus wordt u de
mogelijkheid aangeboden om het officiële
APMG/EXIN examen te maken. Echter
is dit optioneel en indien u dit examen
wilt maken dient u dit aan te geven bij
uw boeking. De prijs van dit examen is
€ 299,-.
Het behalen van dit examen levert u 3
credits op.
Na het behalen van het examen ontvangt
u het certificaat digitaal.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Prijs: € 1.345,-
Deze cursus zal ingaan op de algemene
concepten, processen, strategieën en
methoden die in verband staan met de
Service Operation fase van de Service
Lifecycle. U zult zich richten op het doel
van Service Operation, de uitgangspunten,
processen, activiteiten, functies,
technologie en de uitvoering.
• IT-personeel op het gebied van
operations, management en techniek,
dat meer informatie nodig heeft over
ITIL ® best practices.
• Iedereen die verantwoordelijk is voor
het managen, implementeren of
consulten van ITIL ® processen binnen
de, of in combinatie met, IT.
De cursus maakt gebruik van een
boeiende, op case study-gebaseerde,
aanpak voor het leren van de
kerndisciplines van de ITIL ® “best
practices”. Ook wordt er gezorgd dat u
voldoende kennis en vaardigheden opdoet
om te slagen voor het bijbehorende
Vereiste voorkennis
•ITIL ® Foundation certificatie (ILFN)
• Minimaal twee jaar relevante
De belangrijkste procesaandachtsgebieden van deze cursus zijn:
• Incident Management
• Problem Management
• Request Fulfillment en Access
De belangrijkste functieaandachtsgebieden van deze cursus
• Service Desk
• Technical Management
• IT Operations Management
• Application Management
Na afloop van de cursus wordt u de
mogelijkheid aangeboden om het officiële
APMG/EXIN examen te maken. Echter
is dit optioneel en indien u dit examen
wilt maken dient u dit aan te gevenbij
uw boeking. De prijs van dit examen is
€ 299,-.
Het behalen van dit examen levert u 3
credits op.
Na het behalen van het examen ontvangt
u het certificaat digitaal.
Kijk voor meer informatie op:
Cursusduur: 3 dagen
Deze cursus zal ingaan op de algemene
concepten, processen, strategieën en
methoden die in verband staan met
de Service Strategy fase van de Service
Lifecycle. In de cursus zal worden
besproken hoe men de activiteiten en
technieken binnen het Service Strategy
stadium kan beheren. Op de details van
elk ondersteunend proces zal verder niet
worden ingegaan.
Prijs: € 1.345,-
worden in elk van de Service Strategy
De rollen en verantwoordelijkheden
binnen Service Strategy en de
activiteiten en functies waarmee
operational excellence kan worden
Het bepalen van de Service Strategy
De technologie en implementatieeisen die Service Strategy processen
De uitdagingen, kritische succes
factoren en risico’s van Service
Deze cursus maakt gebruik van een
boeiende, op case study-gebaseerde,
aanpak voor het leren van de
kerndisciplines van de ITIL ® “best
practices”. Ook wordt er gezorgd dat u
voldoende kennis en vaardigheden op