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PRN Standardized Abbreviations 6/21/2010 abd abg ABT ac acid phos ADl ad lib admin AGA AKA ALKphos amt AIDS ant approx APS apt A/O AP APS appt AROM AM ASA ASAP ASeVD ASHD abdominal arterial blood gases Antibiotic Therapy before meals acid phosphatase activities of daily living as desired administer average for gestational age Above knee amputation alkaline phosphatase amount Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome anterior approximately Adult Protective Services apartment alert/oriented apical pulse Adult Protective Services appointment Active Range of Motion moming aspirin as soon as possible arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease arteriosclerotic heart disease bid bilat BKA BKR BlE BM BP BR BSe BUE BUN twice a day bilateral Below Knee Amputation Bilateral Knee Replacement bilateral lower extremities bowel movement blood pressure bathroom bedside commode bilateral upper extremities blood urea nitrogen Co c Ca+ CA CABG CAD cap(s) CAT or CT Scan cath CBC CHHA CHF circ CMV C/O COTA cont COPD C02 clt cm CNA CNS CP CPK CPR CPS CRM CS C&S CVA CXR Centigrade with Calcium Cancer coronary artery bypass graft coronary artery disease capsule(s) computerized axial tomography catheter complete blood count certified home health aide congestive heart failure circulation cytomegalovirus complaining of Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant continuous chronic obstructive pulmonary disease carbon dioxide client centimeter certified nurse aide/assistant central nervous system Cerebral Palsy creatinine phosphokinase cardiopulmonary resuscitation Child Protective Services Case Resource Manager Cesarean Section culture and sensitivity cerebral vascular accident chest x‐ray DAT dep DM DJD DME DNR DR/MD DOB DSD diet as tolerated dependent diabetes mellitus degenerative joint disease durable medical equipment Do Not Resuscitate doctor/physician date of birth dry sterile dressing DTs D/W Dx delirium tremors dextrose/water diagnosis ECF ECG/EKG EEG EENT e.g. EMG EMS ER ESR ESRD ETOH extended care facility electrocardiogram electroencephalogram eyes, ears, nose, & throat for example electromyelogram emergency medical system emergency room eosinophil rate endstage renal disease alcohol FBS F/C FTT F/U FUO FWB FWW Fx Fo fasting blood sugar foley catheter failure to thrive follow up fever of unknown origin full weight bearing front wheel walker fracture Fahrenheit GB GI gm GR GSW gtt GT GU gallbladder gastrointestinal gram gravida gunshot wound drop gastrostomy tube genitourinary HCA hct HEP HHA HIV HME HMO hr home care aide hematocrit home exercise program home health aide human immune virus home medical equipment health maintenance organization hour Ht HTN Hx height hypertension history ICD‐9 ICU I&D IDDM IHSS IM I/O IPPS irreg IUP IV IVABT IVP Intemational Classification of Disease Intensive Care Unit incision & drainage insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in home support service intramuscular intake and output intermittent positive pressure breathing irregular intrauterine pregnancy intravenous antibiotic therapy intravenous pyelogram JCAHO JT JVD Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations jejunostomy tube jugular vein distention K KCL kg KUB KVO potassium potassium chloride kilogram kidneys, ureters, bladder keep vein open L lab lax Ib LCSW LE lg LGA LLQ LVN/LPN Iytes liter laboratory laxative pound Licensed Clinical Social Worker lower extremities large large for gestational age left lower quadrant licensed vocational/practical nurse electrolytes mcg MD meds microgram physician I Medical Doctor medications meq mg mg++ ml MI min MOM MOW MRSA MSS MSSP MSW MVA milliequivalents milligram magnesium milliliter myocardial infarction minutes milk of magnesia Meals on Wheels methicillin resistant staph aureus Masters of Social Service Multiple Senior Service Program Medical Social Worker motor vehicle accident Na+ n/a or N/A NAS neg NKA NKDA NIDDM noc npo NS NSAID NTG sodium not applicable no added salt negative no known allergies no known drug allergies Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitis night nothing by mouth normal saline nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug nitroglycerine O2 OB OT OTC oz oxygen obstetrics Occupational Therapy over the counter ounce p P PAR pc PCG PCN Peds per pH pm after para patient authorization request after meals primary caregiver penicillin pediatric by or through hydrogen‐ion concentration evening PNO po POE post post‐op POC POT PPD pre‐op prep prn PROM pt P.T. PTA PPT PUW PVD PWB Px paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea orally proof of eligibility posterior post operative plan of care plan of treatment purified protein derivative preoperative preparation as needed passive range of motion patient physical therapy Physical Therapy Assistant partial prothrombin time pick up walker peripheral vascular disease partial weight bearing prognosis q qid qod qt every four times a day every other day quart RBC RLQ RN R/O ROM RP RT RRT RPT RUQ Rx red blood count right lower quadrant registered nurse rule out range of motion radial pulse Respiratory Therapist Registered Respiratory Therapist Registered Physical Therapist right upper quadrant prescription s SAR SBO sec sed rate without Service Authorization Request small bowel obstruction second sedimentation rate SFD SGA sig SL SN S/P cath SOB SOC sol SP s/p spec s/sx or S/S ST stat supp surg SS# SSE SV or SupV single family dwelling small for gestational age directions sublingual skilled nursing suprapubic catheter shortness of breath start of care solution speech pathologist status post specimen signs/symptoms speech therapist immediately suppository surgery Social Security Number soaps suds enema Supervisory visit T or temp tab TAR TB tbsp T/C T&C THR tid TKR TLC T/O TPN TPR tsp TURP temperature tablet treatment authorization request tuberculosis tablespoon telephone call type and crossmatch total hip replacement three times a day total knee replacement tender loving care telephone order total parenteral nutrition temperature, pulse, respiration teaspoon transurethral resection of prostate ua UE UGI ung/oint URI urinalysis upper extremities upper gastrointestinal ointment upper respiratory infection UTI urinary tract infection vd VD VN V/O vs void venereal disease visiting nurse verbal order vital signs WBC w/c wk WFL WNL w/o wt white blood cells wheel chair week within functional limits within normal limits written order weight yr year 
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