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Malvern Road Medical Centre
20 Malvern Road Glenwood NSW 2768
Fact Sheet
Costochondritis – Tietze’s Snydrome
What is Costochondritis?
Costochondritis is a condition that causes chest pain due to inflammation of the cartilage
and bones in the chest wall. Also called Tietze's Syndrome, costochondritis occurs when
there is inflammation of the cartilage at the junction of the rib bone and breastbone
(sternum). Depending on the extent of the inflammation, costochondritis can be quite
What is it like?
Most patients with costochondritis experience pain over the front of the chest (the area of
the sternum). Costochondritis should only be diagnosed after excluding other more serious
problems such as heart disease. Costochondritis pain is usually worsened by activity or
exercise. Often the pain is worsened when taking a deep breath due to stretches of the
inflamed cartilage. Pressing on the area can be extremely painful for the patient. Because
of the many nerves that branch away from the chest, pain may be experienced in the
shoulder or arms as well. When called Tietze's Syndrome, the pain from costochondritis is
accompanied by redness and or swelling in the areas most tender.
What causes Costochondritis?
It is often difficult to indentify a single cause of costochondritis. This condition is thought to
be most commonly due to repetitive microtrauma, or overuse. The most frequently
affected age group is young adults between 20 and 40 years old. Costochondritis can also
been found as an overuse injury in athletes, especially in competitive rowers.
Costochondritis can also be found after a traumatic injury. For example, a car accident
where the driver's chest strikes the steering wheel. Viral infections, usually upper
respiratory infections, have also been identified as a cause of costochondritis.
What are the treatments?
Costochondritis usually responds well to simple treatment measures:
In order to decrease the inflammation, you will have to avoid activities that cause pain and
exacerbation of the costochondritis. Exercise, deep breathing, and strain on the muscles of
the chest may worsen the symptoms of pain and slow the healing process. As a general
rule of thumb, avoid or limit activities that worsen the symptoms.
Heat Applications
Applying hot packs to the chest can be helpful in relieving symptoms of costochondritis.
Apply heat several times each day, especially before activities that may irritate your
symptoms. While ice application can hep with most conditions of inflammation, applying
ice to the chest can be quite uncomfortable.
Anti-Inflammatory Medications
Non steroidal anti-inflammatories help decrease symptoms of pain making patients more
comfortable. They can help to decrease inflammation, which is the root cause of the
problem. Check with your doctor before taking anti-inflammatory as they have potential
side effects.
See Your Doctor
While these symptoms usually improve within a few weeks, and resolve completely within
a few months, there are patients in whom this problem persists for some time. See your
doctor to ensure nothing more serious is going on. Occasionally, costochondritis will be
treated with cortisone injections, but this must be discussed with your doctor.
Will the symptoms return?
Most of the time, the pain associated with costochondritis significantly improves within the
first 4-8 weeks. While some pain may persist, it is usually mild and only associated with
strenuous activity. All symptoms of pain should resolve within six months. Costochondritis
may return, but it is unlikely to do so. Having the condition once does not increase your
chances of experiencing the symptoms again.
T: 02 9836 3628 F: 02 9836 2008 E: [email protected] W: