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Accidental Cure for Cancer, A Tribute to Dr. Hulda Clark
By Simon Yu, MD
One of my patients with breast cancer, Janet, gave me a book to read. I read the book. It was written by
Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D. It was her latest, and last, book, “The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers.”
I was already familiar with her work for several years since I had read her previous books and met her.
In September 2009, I attended the 37th Annual Cancer Convention in Los Angeles, California. At the
conference, they announced Hulda Clark passed away at age 81. I met her on two occasions at another
medical conference. She was one of the most brilliant medical research scientists on cancer. She was
also a very humble person who had the audacity to write two books with bold claims right in their titles,
“The Cure for All Disease” and “The Cure for All Cancer.”
Her theory on cancer is definitely unorthodox, somewhat confusing, and hard to grasp. I won’t discuss
her latest book which describes every step of how we acquire cancer and how to beat it. I encourage you
to read it yourself.
However, I share many common approaches to cancer with Hulda Clark: parasites, hidden dental
problems, heavy metals, allergies, inflammation, nutritional support, and body detoxifications. She also
explores many topics which seem too esoteric and controversial to understand at the current thinking of
medical science. These need to be further validated. The question is how much validation does
conventional medicine need to take her ideas seriously?
Some of my patients beat the odds of dying from cancer despite advanced stages of cancer. Some of
them refused surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Some went through these same treatments while I
was supporting them with nutritional therapy and detoxification. Here are some of their stories.
Florence, an 86 year old woman from Chicago, came to see me in 1998 with squamous cell cancer of the
tongue which had been resected one year before. Cancer came back and her doctors wanted her to go
through radiation and possibly more resection. Part of my recommendation was to remove all of her
amalgams by a dentist.
Two month later, I saw Florence and she told me her cancer of the tongue spontaneously resolved one
month after half of her amalgams have been removed. Her oral surgeon stated he had never observed a
spontaneous healing in his medical career. Florence passed away of natural causes at age 94.
Janet, the one who gave me Hulda Clark’s book, had a history of breast cancer since 1997. She refused
chemotherapy and radiation and came to see me in June 2002. She had three root canals and seven
amalgams. During the course of detoxification and nutritional support, she didn’t complete her dental
work. Her cancer gradually progressed and metastasized to her spine, leg and pelvic bone.
Later, she did finally complete her dental work by extracting the root canals and replacing the amalgams
after some initial resistance. She also had multiple rounds of parasite medications, intense detoxification,
and IV (intravenous) nutritional therapy with high doses of vitamin C. Her battle with breast cancer is
not yet over, however she still works part time as a hair dresser, doesn’t take any pain medication, and
still manages to travel. At the time of this writing (September 2009), she is in Germany visiting her
husband’s family.
Roseann, an 86 year old woman, came to see me with a grim prognosis of kidney cancer metastasized to
the lung. She was told she had three months to live and maybe a slightly longer life expectancy with
chemotherapy. She refused chemotherapy and came to see me in August 2007. As a part of the
treatment, she received parasite medications, Alinia, Praziquante, and Ivermectin, along with nutritional
support and body detoxification programs. As of July 2009, there are no signs of active cancer. She is
feeling well and ready to move to a senior living apartment for independent living.
Kevin, a 45 year old man, came to see me in September 2005 with a rare cancer, thymoma, which had
metastasized to the lung. He also had myasthenia gravis. I started him on intense IV nutritional therapy
and body detoxifications while he was undergoing multiple chemotherapy treatments at the hospital
including experimental chemotherapy medications. He has been one of the few patients responding to
the experimental chemotherapy without any obvious side effects.
Was he lucky that the conventional therapies are working or did the additional nutritional therapies
and detoxifications make a difference? Were all the above cases just random luck? Or is there a
legitimately valid methodology to looking at health and healing from this very different perspective
compared to conventional medical thinking?
My therapy does not target or kill cancer cells. My therapy is designed to support your immune system
through a systematic approach to eliminating known toxins, allergens, and infections in the body.
Toxins, like heavy metals, dental infections, and parasites, are eliminated while the patient is provided
full nutritional support including IV nutritional infusions. Some of my patients don’t tell their oncologist
that they are on nutritional and body detoxification programs. One of the most common comments I get
from my patients is that their oncologist states they are star patients who respond to chemotherapy and
show minimal signs of side effects.
I believe cancer can be cured with or without chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery depending on your
belief. I do not treat cancer. I treat the whole body to support the immune system. During this process,
you will sometimes observe a spontaneous healing. I call that an Accidental Cure for Cancer.
This article is dedicated and a tribute to the memory of Doctor Hulda Clark, a brilliant medical scientist,
humanitarian, and a humble person with a great concern for humanity. To learn more about Accidental
Cure for Cancer and related topics, come to the Sixth International Conference on Bio-Cybernetics and
Energy Medicine in Saint Louis on October 9-11, 2009. For more information on the conference, check
the conference page on and spread this information to others.
Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on
Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about
alternative medicine as well as patient success stories visit his web site at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also
attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Yu on Alternative Medicine at his office on the
second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Please call to verify the date and reserve your space.
Simon Yu, M.D.
Prevention and Healing, Inc.
St. Louis, MO 63146
Weaving Internal
Medicine with
Alternative Medicine
to Use the Best Each
Has to Offer