Download piriformis injections - South Carolina Pain Specialists

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What is a piriformis injection?
This is an injection of local anesthetic and steroid medication into
the Piriformis muscle. The Piriformis muscle is located deep in the
buttock and helps the leg rotate outward. The sciatic nerve runs very
close to this muscle. If the muscle becomes tight it can put pressure
on the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the buttock, which can radiate
down the leg.
If pain is significantly improved no further injections are needed
unless the pain begins to return. Physical therapy is also important
for treating Piriformis Syndrome. The goal is to reduce pain so that
you may return to your normal activities.
What happens during the procedure?
The skin over the painful Piriformis muscle will be cleaned with
an antiseptic solution. The muscle will be visualized with an x-ray
machine. Next the area of the injection will be numbed with local
anesthetic. A needle is inserted through the skin that has been
numbed and placed carefully into the muscle. Then the local
anesthetic and steroid medications are injected.
What happens after the procedure?
You will be taken to a recovery area after the procedure and will be watched carefully for approximately 15
minutes. Most people feel better following the injection while the local anesthetic is numbing the muscle. You
should perform physical therapy exercises daily for the weeks following the procedure.
What are the risks of this procedure? These risks are unlikely but include:
Leg weakness (temporary)
Nerve injury
The mission of South Carolina Pain Specialists is to improve pain symptoms
and provide optimal patient comfort, care and safety during treatment.