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Eur Radiol (2008) 18: 429–437
DOI 10.1007/s00330-007-0764-1
Andrik J. Aschoff
Andrea S. Ernst
Hans-Juergen Brambs
Markus S. Juchems
Received: 8 February 2007
Revised: 25 July 2007
Accepted: 24 August 2007
Published online: 25 September 2007
# European Society of Radiology 2007
A. J. Aschoff (*) . A. S. Ernst .
H.-J. Brambs . M. S. Juchems
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology,
University Hospitals of Ulm,
Steinhoevelstr. 9,
89070 Ulm, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +40-731-50061003
Fax: +40-731-50061005
CT colonography: an update
Abstract Computed tomographic
(CT) colonography (CTC)—also
known as “virtual colonoscopy”—was
first described more than a decade
ago. As advancements in scanner
technology and three-dimensional
(3D) postprocessing helped develop
this method to mature into a potential
option in screening for colorectal
cancer, the fundamentals of the examination remained the same. It is a
minimally invasive, CT-based procedure that simulates conventional
colonoscopy using 2D and 3D com-
“Virtual colonoscopy” was first described by David Vining
more than a decade ago [1]. Its potential was quickly
evident and it developed from a research tool to a potential
screening method for colorectal cancer. The basic approach
of acquiring a three-dimensional (3D) dataset after colon
distension in combination with 2D/3D postprocessing has
not changed, though. The preferred terminology for this
method should be computed tomographic colonography
(CTC) [2].
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common causes for
cancer deaths. With an estimated number of 106,680 new
cases in 2006 and 55,170 estimated deaths in the same year,
it is the third most frequent cancer found among men and
women in the United States and the third most common
cause of death among cancers [3].
A variety of predisposing factors for developing colorectal cancer are known. These include: a first-degree
puterized reconstructions. The primary aim of CTC is the detection of
colorectal polyps and carcinomas.
However, studies reveal a wide performance variety in regard to polyp
detection, especially for smaller
polyps. This article reviews the available literature, discusses established
indications as well as open issues and
highlights potential future developments of CTC.
Keywords CT colonography .
Screening . Colon cancer
relative in whom colon cancer or a large adenomatous
polyp was diagnosed before the age of 60 years; inflammatory bowel disease; a history of familial adenomatous
polyposis or hereditary nonpolyposis; colorectal cancer
syndromes and prior adenomatous polyps or colon cancers.
In developing colorectal cancer, the colonic polyps—in
particular the adenomatous polyps—play a key role.
Through a genetic mutation, normal colon cells may
transform into hyperproliverative epithelium, adenomas
and finally into colorectal cancer [4]. Colorectal polyps can
be removed endoscopically (polypectomy), and colonoscopic polypectomy results in a lower than expected
incidence of colorectal cancer [5] (Fig. 1).
The symptoms of colorectal cancer are often uncharacteristic (obstipation, diffuse pain, loss of weight) and
may delay the final diagnosis. Therefore tests are desired to
detect colon cancer in its early stages or—even better—its
precursors, the adenomatous polyps.
Various screening tests for colorectal cancer are
available—fecal occult blood test (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy
and colonoscopy are the most important ones. Each of these
methods has its limitations. FOBT is a very specific but not
sensitive test [6] and sigmoidoscopy does not assess the
single breath hold without respiration artifacts is an
advantage that is particularly beneficial for CTC.
Patient preparation
Fig. 1 a Normal colon as seen in optical colonoscopy and b corresponding endoluminal CTC reconstruction
whole colon. Nevertheless, even sigmoidoscopy leads to a
decrease of mortality [7], although up to 52% of the
colorectal polyps are located proximal to the rectosigmoid
[8] and significant polyps can be overseen if located
proximal to the rectosigmoid [9].
Colonoscopy is considered the “gold standard” of
screening for colorectal polyps and endoscopy incorporates
the possibility to perform a biopsy or excision of a polyp
[10, 11]. It offers high sensitivity and specificity, but some
limitations apply to this method as well, including the
invasiveness with a low but existent complication rate and
the inconvenience patients have to suffer [12–14]. The rate
of serious complications during or immediately after
colonoscopy has been reported to be below 0.1% [15].
Besides the potential of a screening option for colorectal
polyps and cancer, which is still controversial, CTC has
increasingly established clinical indications, including
incomplete colonoscopy, evaluation of the colon proximal
to a stenosing lesion, and investigation of patients that are
not in a suitable condition for undergoing a conventional
colonoscopy (e.g., patients with bleeding disorders), or for
patients refusing conventional colonoscopy [16–19].
CT equipment
CTC has benefited greatly from developments in computed
tomography (CT) scanner technology and new methods of
3D image processing. The introduction of spiral CT in the
early 1990s culminated in the development of multidetector (MD) CT systems that allow scanning of greater
volumes with thinner slices in less time. The possibility to
perform an examination of the whole abdomen within a
Various studies have been published on how to prepare
patients prior to the examination. A well-distended,
virtually stool- and fluid-free colon is the traditional way
to perform a CTC [20, 21]. The cathartic cleansing keeps
the reader from misinterpreting residual feces and helps to
investigate as much colonic surface as possible. Unfortunately, this is highly dependent on patient compliance.
Other publications emphasize that it is possible to
perform a CTC without cathartic cleansing by using stooland fluid-tagging [22, 23]. Fecal- and fluid-tagging is
achieved by fractionated oral administration of contrast
agent (barium, sodium/meglumine diatrizoate). This helps
to improve discrimination between stool residues and
genuine polyps, and thus potentially improves the specificity of CTC [23, 24].
Different regimes and medications to perform a cathartic
bowel cleansing are in use. A lot of experience with these
medications exists because most of them are also used prior
to optical colonoscopy. In addition to home-made cleansing solutions that some favor, most institutions rely on one
of three commercially available groups of cleansing
solutions: polyethylene glycol [PEG; e.g., GoLytely
preparations (Delcoprep) and NuLytely preparations
(Endofalk)]-based, phospho-soda-based solutions (e.g.,
Fleet Phospho-soda) and magnesium citrate (e.g., LoSoPrep). Although some studies show an advantage for
phospho-soda, we favor a NuLytely PEG-based cleansing
protocol as we are constantly able to achieve sufficient
cleansing with this preparation regime [25].
Macari et al. [20] compared phospho-soda-based (‘dry’)
cathartic preparation with PEG-electrolyte-based solutions
(‘wet’) for CTC and found significantly less residual fluid
and a drier mucosal surface using phospho-soda. Although
preparations from both groups have been demonstrated
safe for use in healthy individuals, caution should be taken
in selecting a bowel preparation for individuals with
significant comorbid conditions [26]. Sodium phosphate is
contraindicated in patients with serum electrolyte imbalances, advanced hepatic dysfunction, acute and chronic
renal failure, recent myocardial infarction, unstable angina,
congestive heart failure, ileus, malabsorption, and ascites
As mentioned above, it is possible to perform CTC
without cathartic cleansing (“dry” preparation) [22, 27].
Bielen et al. [24] reported high patient compliance and
acceptance using a “dry” bowel preparation. Especially
noncompliant, elderly patients could benefit from a dry
preparation. Combined with fecal tagging the use of
automated cleansing techniques [28, 29] seems to be very
After colonic cleansing, good bowel distension during
scanning is required to further enhance visualization of the
colonic surface. The easiest and most inexpensive way of
achieving a pneumocolon is insufflating room air through a
rectal enema tube into the colon using a manual balloon
pump. This can be performed physician or patient
controlled. We routinely achieve satisfactory results using
the later approach [25].
CO2 administration instead of room air can be done
automatically and patient controlled as well [30]. Some
favor CO2 over room air as it is supposed to be better
tolerated by means of patient comfort and potentially
provides better colonic distension [31].
Several studies showed that it is imperative to perform
the CT scan in the prone and supine patient positions [32–
35]. This helps to reallocate fluid to reveal previously
hidden colonic surface, and insufflated air is redistributed
during patient repositioning to further improve sensitivity
and specificity in detecting colorectal polyps.
Another controversially discussed issue is the use of
spasmolytics (glucagon, N-butylscopolamin) prior to the
scan to improve colonic distension. While some studies
clearly show beneficial results in regard to bowel
distension and patient comfort when using spasmolytics
[36, 37], others failed to do so [35, 38]. Nevertheless, we
routinely use spasmolytics.
2D and 3D data work-up
The most important 2D procedures are the evaluation of the
axial images and multiplanar reconstructions (MPR) that
can be used to reconstruct any required scan orientation.
In early studies on CTC, the complementary use of 2D
and 3D images together was assumed to provide the
highest sensitivity [45, 46]. Although some of the newer
studies still favor a solitary 2D interpretation over 3D
viewing [47, 48], some studies yielded low sensitivities for
large polyps, ranging from 55% to 64% [49–51] using a
primary 2D approach. On the other hand, some authors
prefer primary 3D work-up [52, 53]. The impressive results
(sensitivity 93.8% for lesions >10 mm) achieved in the
latter study all go along with further improved CTC
software as well as in CT scanner hardware.
A major disadvantage of a primary 3D endoluminal
approach—similar to conventional colonoscopy—is the
lack of ability to look behind haustral folds. Ante- and
retrograde fly-throughs are therefore mandatory, resulting
in increased interpretation time. New visualization methods like an unfolded cube projection [54] and virtual
dissection displays (e.g., Philips Filet view, Fig. 2, [47, 55,
56]) have the potential to overcome this limitation.
Significant decrease of evaluation time down to 10 min
per case could be observed with these techniques.
Although it is our personal experience that lesion
detection is best performed using a 3D approach, it is
CTC scanning protocols
necessary to further evaluate detected lesions in a 2D or
MPR work-up to avoid pitfalls caused by misinterpreting
Both collimation and pitch may influence the sensitivity for stool residuals, inverted diverticula, etc. as genuine colopolyp detection [39].
rectal polyps (Fig. 3).
In the recent literature a clear trend for recommending
Much emphasis has been put into CTC research, but there
lower collimations can be recognized [18, 47, 48]. has been much unsteadiness in the results obtained with
According to the “Consensus statement on CT colonography” regard to sensitivity and specificity, as outlined below. It
of the European society of gastrointestinal and abdominal seems clear that reader performance increases with experadiology ESGAR [40], a collimation of less than 3 mm is rience [57, 58], and physicians who do CTC should receive
currently recommended.
appropriate training to perform and evaluate CTC datasets.
The downside of acquiring thinner slices may be
A lot of research [59–63] has been performed on
increased radiation dose. As radiation is of serious concern automated polyp detection [computer-aided detection
when performing CTC, exposure has to be kept as low as (CAD), Fig. 4], using different approaches: CAD as a “first
possible. Consequently many studies investigated so-called reader”, as a “concurrent reader,” or as a “second reader.” As
low-dose protocols [41–44]. In a study that was published a “first reader”, CAD separates out negative cases before
by Macari et al. in 2002 [44], 50 mAs tube current, 120 kV physicians read the cases. However, this paradigm bears the
voltage and a collimation of 4×1 mm were used. Large risk of missing colorectal lesions. CAD as a “concurrent
polyps (>10 mm) were detected with a sensitivity of 93%, reader” presents suspect lesions to the physician, who can
whereas the detection of intermediate size polyps (6–9 mm) then further evaluate the presented lesion and decide whether
was compromised totaling in a sensitivity of 70%. Even it is a genuine polyp or not. It is unclear whether this type of
more encouraging results were published by Iannacone et evaluation biases the reader by drawing attention to CAD
al. in 2003 [43]. With a current of 10 mAs and a voltage of findings. Finally CAD as “second reader” re-reviews CTC
140 kVp, 100% sensitivity was reached for large polyps cases. Thus, CAD findings can be used to alter a report if
(>10 mm) as well as for intermediate sized ones (6–9 mm). lesions have been missed in first place. Using CAD as a
The “Consensus statement” mentioned above [44] “second reader” in this specific setting may lead to an
currently recommends for supine and prone non-IV contrast increase in reading time, though [64].
enhanced acquisition with a tube current of 100 mAs or less
Recently published data showed encouraging results
(50 mAs or less), dependent on available CT technology.
using CAD. In a study performed by Taylor et al. [62],
Fig. 2 Principle of a colon
dissection display. The colon,
previously reconstructed as
a tube, is cut at one side (a),
unrolled (b) and presented
similar to a pathological
specimen (c)
CAD reached a sensitivity of 92% for polyps >10 mm.
Overall the CAD performance was comparable and in
some parts even better than that of expert readers.
If a robust CAD algorithm can be found, a further
decrease in interpretation time may be on the horizon, and
inexperienced readers might miss less polyps.
Although so-called “flat” adenomas are not considered to
have a markedly increased risk of developing into invasive
cancer compared with sessile or pedunculated polyps by
some researchers [65], they still remain problematic to be
detected in CTC [66, 67]. Since up to 27% of all baseline
adenomas may be flat [65], this remains a problem that
needs researchers’ attention in the future. One possible
Fig. 3 Pitfall in CTC.
a Polypoid lesion as seen in
endoluminal and dissection 3D
reconstructions. b The corresponding MPR discriminates
residual feces (arrow) containing air from a genuine polyp
approach is using a “translucency view” (Fig. 5). This
postprocessing algorithm assigns colors to the mucosa
based on HU values. Besides ruling out false positives by
helping to differentiate between stool residuals and colorectal polyps, this might (especially if used in conjunction
with IV contrast media) help to reveal flat adenomas.
CTC performance
Pickhardt and coworkers published in 2003 the first large
prospective study in an average-risk screening population,
comparing more than 1,200 CT colonographies with
Fig. 4 CAD marked 8-mm polyp (blue) in endoluminal (a) and
dissection (b) display mode
optical colonography performed on the same day [53].
Their sensitivity of CTC in the detection of adenomatous
polyps was 93.8% for polyps at least 10 mm in diameter,
93.9% for polyps at least 8 mm in diameter, and 88.7% for
polyps at least 6 mm in diameter. The sensitivity of optical
colonoscopy for adenomatous polyps was 87.5%, 91.5%,
and 92.3% for the three sizes of polyps, respectively. They
concluded that CTC is an accurate screening method for
the detection of colorectal neoplasia in asymptomatic
Fig. 5 “Tranclucency view”
(shown in the middle of the
upper row). 1 untagged stool is
represented in green; 2 pedunculated polyp is shown in red
average-risk adults and compares favorably with optical
colonography (Fig. 6).
Not quite 2 years later, Rockey and coworkers published
their prospective results of more than 600 CTCs in
comparison with optical colonoscopy and air contrast
barium enema [51], using a similar study design to the one
used by Pickhardt et al. [53]. When analyzed on a perpatient basis, for lesions 10 mm or larger in size, the
sensitivity of CTC was 59% (compared with 93.8%
reported by Pickhardt and coworkers), and of colonoscopy
98%. For lesions 6–9 mm in size, sensitivity was 51% for
CTC and 99% for colonoscopy.
The exact reason for this striking difference in reported
performance of CTC is yet unclear, although both papers
were extensively discussed and commented in the scientific
Three recent major meta-analysis publications tried to
systematically approach the CTC performance in the light
of the reported variability [68–70] (Table 1).
In the largest meta-analysis published up to now,
Mulhall et al. [69] systematically reviewed the test
performance of CTC, selecting prospective studies published before February 2005 from 33 studies (CTC after
full bowel preparation and insufflation of the colon, with
colonoscopy or surgery as the gold standard, collimation
smaller than 5 mm, both 2D and 3D for scan interpretation)
providing data on 6,393 patients. The sensitivity of CTC
account for this variability. Collimation, type of scanner,
and mode of imaging explain some of the discrepancy, but
not all of it.
Patients’ perception and tolerance of CTC compared
with conventional colonoscopy
Many comparisons of patients’ acceptance and tolerance
have been published, and researchers were able to show
that either CTC is better tolerated than colonoscopy [13,
14] or vice versa [71, 72]. The discussion is not very useful
because most colonoscopies are performed using sedatives,
which makes a direct comparison impossible. Nevertheless, bowel preparation seems to be the most uncomfortable issue for both CTC and colonoscopy from the patients’
point of view [14].
CTC in incomplete colonoscopy
CTC after incomplete colonoscopy may be especially
helpful for evaluation of the nonvisualized part of the colon
after incomplete colonoscopy, and it can increase the
diagnostic yield of masses and clinically important polyps
in this context [17, 19, 73]. The rate of incomplete
colonoscopies varies between 4% [74] and 19% [75–77].
This frequency serves as an important indication for
performing immediate CTC in order to avoid repeat bowel
preparation when possible.
Fig. 6 Colonic polyp. a Dissection view, b endoluminal view,
c endoscopic view. Note also diverticulae, especially apparent in a
was heterogeneous but improved as polyp size increased
[48% (95% CI, 25–70%) for detection of polyps <6 mm,
70% (95% CI, 55–84%) for polyps 6–9 mm, and 85%
(95% CI, 79–91%) for polyps >9 mm]. In contrast,
specificity was homogenous [92% (95% CI, 89–96%)
for detection of polyps <6 mm, 93% (95% CI, 91–95%)
for polyps 6–9 mm, and 97% (95% CI, 96–97%) for
polyps >9 mm]. They came to the conclusion that, although
CTC is highly specific, the range of reported sensitivities is
wide, and patient or scanner characteristics do not fully
CTC open issues
As discussed above and outlined in the meta-analysis by
Mulhall et al. [69], the wide range of reported sensitivities
that can not be completely explained must be resolved
before CTC can be advocated for generalized screening
for colorectal cancer. CTC has not yet been officially
accepted as a screening procedure in any country, mainly
because of the lack of reliable evidence resulting from
large trials.
Another important open issue concerns the relevance of
small polyps. The overall prevalence of colorectal polyps
independent of size and histology in an average risk
screening population is estimated to be in the range of 25–
Table 1 CTC performance as calculated in meta-analyses
of studies
of patients
Per patient sensitivity;
polyps >9 mm
(95% CI)
Per patient sensitivity;
polyps 6–9 mm
(95% CI)
Per patient sensitivity;
polyps <6 mm
(95% CI)
Sosna et al. [68]
Mulhall et al. [69]
88% (84–93%)
85% (79–91%)
84% (80–89%)
70% (55–84%)
65% (57–73%)
48% (25–70%)
30% [78–80]. The current concept of polypectomy is to
remove all polyps detected during optical colonoscopy
(independent of size and histology). This results in a
significant decrease in mortality from colorectal cancer, as
shown by the National Polyp Study Workgroup [5].
Although some authors argue that polyps of less than
5 mm [81] or 10 mm [82] in size may not need immediate
polypectomy, the majority of gastroenterologists disagree
[83], and no prospective study has shown a decrease in the
mortality of colorectal cancer using any threshold size for
polypectomy. This has several implications for CTC.
Even if CTC would be capable of detecting all or at least
the majority of the polyps smaller than 10 mm and no falsepositive findings would occur, approximately every third or
fourth patient would still have to undergo interventional
optical colonoscopy with polypectomy after CTC. Since
this seems to be an unacceptably high rate of follow-up
endoscopies and the known lower sensitivity of CTC in the
detection of smaller polyps, a threshold size for “relevant”
polyps would have to be defined before CTC could be used
in large screening settings.
The other major implication relates to the fact that CTC
performs poorer in the detection of smaller polyps and
relates to the clinical value of a “negative” CTC in terms of
need for follow-up exams, and the definition of a
reasonable time interval to do so.
Addressing the significance of missed or found small
polyps on CTC, Macari et al. [84] recommend a CTC
follow-up after 3 years for lesions smaller than 6 mm. The
ESGAR consensus statement recommends that polyps less
than 5 mm in size should not even be reported, providing
that agreement for such a reporting policy has been made
with those referring patients [40], but no general
recommendation regarding follow-up intervals was made.
In a consensus proposal, the Working Group on Virtual
Colonoscopy discusses the so called “clinically important
polyp and the rationale for surveillance” and discriminates
between “diminuitive”, “intermediate”, “multiple intermediate” and “lesions that are 1 cm in size or larger” [85].
In their opinion, “diminuitive” lesions (smaller than
5 mm) should not be reported, similar to the approach
suggested by the ESGAR consensus [40]. Patients with one
or two “intermediate” lesions (6–9 mm) should be
recommended interval surveillance after up to three years
depending on several factors, including patient age, sex,
comorbidities, and preference and local practice. More than
three lesions of 6–9 mm or one lesion of at least 10 mm
require immediate colonoscopy.
Although aspects of this proposal may be discussed
controversially, the proposed framework addresses the
definite need to have a reference guide for interpretation of
CTC results.
CTC offers high sensitivity and specificity for the detection
of colon cancer and polyps larger than 10 mm in size, given
suitable equipment and experienced investigators. It is the
method of choice for incomplete colonoscopies and for
patients that to some reason can not undergo optical
colonoscopy. Nevertheless, its use in routine screening
should be subject to the introduction of quality controls
with prescribed examination standards. For screening
purposes, the wide range of reported sensitivities that can
not be completely explained must be resolved and a
threshold size for clinically relevant polyps has to be
defined, and its application backed by prospective studies.
In particular, multicenter trials are necessary to achieve this
goal. Computer-assisted evaluation has the potential to
shorten the examination time and may further increase
sensitivity in the near future.
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