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Produced to improve your dental health and awareness
As summer marks the halfway point to the expiration of
your dental insurance, are your
benefits half full or half empty? Are
you taking full advantage of the
policy you’re paying for? As your
dedicated dental practitioner, it’s
important that I recommend that
you plan and schedule your dental
visits now – through summer to the
end of the year – because before you
know it, your insurance benefits
will be expiring. Make sure that you
optimize your insurance because
I know you want to enjoy optimal
oral health!
Let this newsletter be the
harbinger of your year-end goal
– a goal that we are dedicated to
helping you achieve: a beautiful,
healthy smile. And remember...
we have more appointment times
available in the summertime! Call
today! We’ll fit you in!
Summer 2008
Remember Your Recall
The importance of regular examinations
Taking good care of your teeth and
gums should be a habit. We like to see
most of our patients for a checkup at
least once every three to six months.
We refer to your checkup visit as
a recall appointment. A recall dental
visit can take up to an hour. Your
checkup will normally include a
complete cleaning, a fluoride treatment,
any required radiographs and a
comprehensive dental examination
for cavities or other problems. If there
are no problems needing treatment,
we probably won’t see you again until
your next recall appointment!
Giving your teeth regular checkups
is the only way to keep them in tiptop
shape. Recall visits help to catch
dental problems like decay before
they turn into painful cavities. Routine
dental examinations can detect lifethreatening diseases like oral cancer
in the early stages when they are most
Recall appointments are also a great
way to kick-off a new college year.
With so many new people to meet, it is
a great way to ensure that your young
adult’s smile is at its best. In fact, with
many students opting to live closer to
home due to the increase in gas prices,
it makes it that much easier to maintain
regular appointments and keep on top
of proper dental and oral care.
We encourage you to book your
recall appointments in advance. After
all, good dental habits will help your
teeth last a lifetime!
Yours in good dental health,
Alan Rauchberg, DMD
Joel Rauchberg, DDS
Break through with the new you!
Crown your way to glory!
Spice up your smile…
Make sure that your
smile is at its best!
Visit our web site at
More Power To You
Make the right connections ... and smile!
Homophily is the natural tendency of people to associate and bond more
strongly with people who are similar to them. So what can we do to help you
connect with all those other beautiful people? Well, according to research, a
cosmetically enhanced smile will make you appear more attractive and
popular with the opposite sex, as well as more intelligent, interesting,
successful, and wealthy!
Together, we can choose cosmetic options that will enhance your natural
smile foundation and make your smile sing out success! We can...
 Brighten your teeth with whitening, bonding, or porcelain veneers.
 Rebuild chips and cracks and close gaps that make you self-conscious.
 Straighten and even out the appearance of crooked, crowded teeth.
 Reproportion tooth shape, length, and width to ideally balance your features.
 Recontour an uneven or too high/low gumline.
 Correct a receding gumline that exposes roots and makes your teeth look
longer – and you look older.
 Widen your smile to fill in the gaps at the corners of your mouth.
 Diminish lip lines and make your lips appear fuller by adding volume.
And there’s even more that we can do...
 We can maximize the dramatic impact of whichever cosmetic procedure you
choose. How? By helping you achieve clean teeth and pink healthy gums with a
strong supporting bone structure.
Nothing makes a connection better than optimal oral health and a highpowered smile.
crowns & veneers
gum sculpting &
orthodontics &
A Crown Fo
Take Heart!
& Save your smile
In the earliest stage of gum disease,
you won’t even know you have it. Early
on, it’s reversible with home care and
regular dental treatment, but in later
stages it can lead to tooth loss and only
professional dental intervention can help.
Studies have linked gum disease and
cardiovascular diseases and stroke – the
number-one killers of men and women.
Stay fit and keep your mouth and
heart healthy!
 Exercise regularly to
increase blood flow,
strengthen your heart,
control your weight,
stress, and risk of high
blood pressure,
cholesterol, and diabetes.
 Eat fruits, whole
grains, vegetables, lowfat dairy products, and
sources of protein,
legumes, and Omega-3
fatty acids.
 Don’t use tobacco, a
risk factor for oral
cancer, tooth loss, and
heart disease.
 Get regular medical
and oral health
 Keep smiling!
For many people, appearance is the greatest inducement to
sustaining oral health. Who among us does not want to make a great
first impression at a job interview, look fabulous in photos, and shine
at significant moments like weddings?
Beautiful crowns can help you do all
that and more. They are the most
popular restoration not only because
they can create a natural-looking
improved appearance for discolored,
misshapen, or missing teeth, but
because they prevent and protect to
save smiles!
Crowns can...
 Prevent a cracked tooth from getting
 Strengthen and halt further damage
to a broken tooth, either...
one that has undergone root canal
therapy or
one with a large filling or fillings.
In fact, when your custom dental
crown is created, it becomes your tooth’s
new outer surface. Technicians incorporate precise measurements to suit
your bite, jaw movements, and anatomy. Durable metal or metal
camouflaged with white porcelain can be used, and all-porcelain materials
can exactly match your smile’s enamel.
Attaching multiple crowns to a natural-looking bridge is an excellent technique
for replacing several missing teeth. It can prevent drifting teeth, challenges to
eating and speaking, and increased risk for tooth decay and gum disease.
And the bonus: avoid the premature wrinkles and age lines that may
accompany an altered bite. Your smile will look even more attractive!
It’s hot, hot, hot!
The whole world is charmed by the flamboyant
extravaganzas produced by Bollywood, India’s unique
counterpart to the Hollywood film industry. Another
cultural export, famous Indian curry dishes, aren’t merely
gorgeous, aromatic, and appetizing. It seems they have the
potential to improve your oral and overall health.
Turmeric, a yellow spice that gives Indian curry
powder its distinctive color, contains a compound that
appears to relieve or suppress Alzheimer’s symptoms.
Curcumin, an antioxidant known to benefit periodontal
health, also found in turmeric, has been shown to help
prevent tumors.
Curry leaves, common in South Asian cooking, release
fragrant essential oils when chewed or combined with
water. They are an ingredient in some mouthwashes and
can help to reduce caries and chronic bad breath.
Want to spice it up a bit? Explore your Asian grocery!
does your
smile rate
on our
teeth whitening
1. Not all of your natural tooth
enamel is the same color...
 your front teeth are usually
 molars tend to be in-between
 eye teeth are commonly
2. Discoloration can be caused by:
 coffee, tea, red wine, colas, or
 heredity
 illness and medications
 ageing
3. Structural changes occur over
the life of your teeth and affect
their whiteness...
 young teeth are whiter and
usually have a highly
opalescent enamel with milky
 older teeth are darker with a
more translucent, thinner
enamel and a grayish
4. People perceive teeth as
whiter and more attractive when
they are contrasted against pink,
healthy gums.
5. We don’t add whitening to
your teeth – we remove stains to
brighten your teeth enamel by up
to eight shades!
or All Reasons
Know The Risks!
The mouth-body connection
Forty percent of the adult population suffers from natural tooth loss. Improper
care of natural teeth or dentures can lead to serious oral concerns such as root
decay and periodontal disease. And it gets worse. There is considerable evidence
linking periodontitis to cardiovascular disease, an increased risk of stroke, preterm births, and osteoporosis. In fact, the inflammatory factors of periodontitis
may also be responsible for helping to induce Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis,
and arthritis.
These four important steps can help:
n Flossing at least once a day helps to remove food debris and plaque. Dental
floss holders are available for those who have limited use of their hands.
n Brush at least twice per day (including your tongue and roof of your mouth)
to continue with the removal of plaque and to help prevent decay.
If you suffer from arthritis or limited hand use, try inserting your toothbrush
handle into a rubber ball or sponge curler – the handle can be lengthened with
a piece of wood or plastic. If you suffer from dexterity problems, an electric
toothbrush will be easier to use.
n Rinse daily to help kill germs that cause bad breath and to prevent plaque
and gingivitis.
n Recall appointments should be booked regularly so we have the opportunity
to keep an eye on your oral health and catch problems as soon as they begin,
rather than when they have done damage.
Rauchberg Dental Group
* select Saturdays
Contact Information
Web site
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Call our office today for more details.
Alan Rauchberg, DMD
Joel Rauchberg, DDS
199 Baldwin Road, Suite 120
Parsippany, NJ 07054-2043
Office Hours
We would like to extend a big thank you to all of our patients who
made our Invisalign® Open House a huge success!
We always look forward to this event and are pleased to announce
that our next Invisalign Day will be held on
(973) 334-3777
(973) 334-0856
[email protected]
Office Staff
Lisa............................ Practice Manager
Lori..................... Practice Administrator
Mickey, Annie, Elaine........................... .................................Dental Hygienists
Marina..........................Dental Assistant
Kandy...........................Dental Assistant
Burca................................. Sterilization
Information included is not dental or medical advice. For your
specific information be sure to consult our office. If you do not wish
to receive this newsletter, please contact us directly.
Isn’t just kids’ stuff
Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay. It bonds to teeth as they grow, making
them more resistant to decay. That makes it a great cavity fighter for children.
But fluoride is not just kids’ stuff. It’s good for adult teeth too. Once our teeth
are all grown up, fluoride can still lend a helping hand in the war against tooth
decay by interfering with the growth of harmful bacteria on teeth. And it can
actually reverse the early stages of cavity formation!
While fluoride treatments are not generally covered by insurance plans, the
cost is significantly less then repairing even a small cavity. Be sure to check with
your insurance provider to see what options are available to you. Your teeth
deserve the best protection we can give them.
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