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 MEDCOM ONLINE COURSES with Long Term Care Focus Catalog 1 -­‐ T3 Video Courses 2 Catalog 1a -­‐ CNA Video Courses (41 Courses) 2 Catalog 1b -­‐ LTC Video Courses (46 Courses) 4 Catalog 2 -­‐ CE Courses 6 Catalog 2b -­‐ Specialty Accredited CE courses (grouped by occupation) (86 Courses) 6 Catalog 3 -­‐ Specialty Cross-­‐Training Series (45 Courses) 11 Catalog 4 -­‐ Long Term Care Series (100 Courses) 13 Catalog 6 -­‐ Basic Clinical Skills (Not for CE Credit) (48 Courses) 18 Catalog 7 -­‐ Mandatory Updates (Not for CE credit) (31 English, 9 Spanish) 21 Catalog 10 -­‐ State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education (24 Courses) 23 Catalog 11 -­‐ Billing and Coding Cross-­‐training Series (55 Courses) 25 Catalog 12 -­‐ CNA In-­‐Service Training (26 Courses) 27 Catalog 13 -­‐ Home Health Aide Training (28 Courses) 28 Catalog 16 -­‐ Billing and Coding AAPC CE: ICD-­‐10 (7 Courses) 29 Catalog 17 -­‐ Caregiver Training Series (28 Courses) 30 Catalog 18 -­‐ Home Care Aide CE -­‐ Washington -­‐ Approved by DSHS (24 Courses) 31 Updated July 6, 2016 1 of 32 Catalog 1 -­‐ T3 Video Courses Catalog 1a -­‐ CNA Video Courses (41 Courses) (sorted by course code) CEU's VIDBCSM260-­‐T VIDCNA701-­‐T VIDCNA702-­‐T VIDCNA703-­‐T VIDCNA704-­‐T CPR: A Guide for Healthcare Workers (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Infection Control Skills (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Measuring Vital Signs (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Moving and Turning Skills (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Transfer and Ambulation Skills (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Personal Care Skills for the Care Provider (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Providing Oral Care (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Essential Elimination Skills (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Techniques in Toileting and Incontinent Care (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Serving a Meal (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Range of Motion Exercises (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Bedmaking (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Measuring Weight and Height (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Positioning Techniques (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Techniques in Bathing: The Bed Bath (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Techniques in Bathing: Tub Bath, Shower, Shampoo and Perineal Care (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Assessment: Recognizing Abnormal Signs and Symptoms (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Ostomy, Urinary Drainage and Catheter Care (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Communication with Residents and their Families (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Documentation (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Pain Management (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Wandering and Elopement (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Understanding Abuse and Neglect (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Understanding & Caring for Residents with Depression (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Dementia Care, Part 1 (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Dementia Care, Part 2 (w/Video) 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr VIDCNA705-­‐T VIDCNA706-­‐T VIDCNA707-­‐T VIDCNA708-­‐T VIDCNA709-­‐T VIDCNA710-­‐T VIDCNA711-­‐T VIDCNA712-­‐T VIDCNA713-­‐T VIDCNA714A-­‐T VIDCNA714B-­‐T VIDCNA715-­‐T VIDCNA716-­‐T VIDCNA717-­‐T VIDCNA718-­‐T VIDCNA719-­‐T VIDCNA720-­‐T VIDCNA721-­‐T VIDCNA722-­‐T VIDCNA723A-­‐T VIDCNA723B-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 2 of 32 VIDCNA723C-­‐T VIDCNA724-­‐T VIDCNA725-­‐T VIDCNA726-­‐T VIDCNA727-­‐T VIDCNA728-­‐T VIDCNA729-­‐T VIDCNA730-­‐T VIDCNA731-­‐T VIDCNA732-­‐T VIDCNA733-­‐T VIDCNA734-­‐T VIDCNA735A-­‐T VIDCNA735B-­‐T VIDCNA735C-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Dementia Care, Part 3 (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Resident Rights (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Pressure Ulcer Prevention (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Nutrition and Hydration (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Caring for Residents with Dignity & Respect (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Recognizing & Reporting Physical Changes in a Resident's Condition (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Recognizing & Reporting Changes in a Resident's Mental Condition (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Understanding Skin Breakdown (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Infection Control (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Fall Prevention (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Safe Transfer (w/Video) The Nursing Assistant: Incontinence Care (w/Video) Understanding Restorative Care Part 1: Introduction to Restorative Care (w/Video) Understanding Restorative Care Part 2: Getting a Resident Started (w/Video) Understanding Restorative Care Part 3: Restorative Care Practices (w/Video) 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr Updated July 6, 2016 3 of 32 Catalog 1b -­‐ LTC Video Courses (46 Courses) (sorted by course code) VIDBCSM265A-­‐T Measuring Vital Signs Part 1: Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration (w/Video) VIDBCSM265B-­‐T Measuring Vital Signs Part 2: Blood Pressure and Pain (w/Video) VIDCNA702-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Measuring Vital Signs (w/Video) VIDCNA706-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Providing Oral Care (w/Video) VIDCNA707-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Essential Elimination Skills (w/Video) VIDCNA708-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Techniques in Toileting and Incontinent Care (w/Video) VIDCNA709-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Serving a Meal (w/Video) VIDCNA710-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Range of Motion Exercises (w/Video) VIDCNA711-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Bedmaking (w/Video) VIDCNA712-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Measuring Weight and Height (w/Video) VIDCNA713-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Positioning Techniques (w/Video) VIDCNA714A-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Techniques in Bathing: The Bed Bath (w/Video) VIDCNA714B-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Techniques in Bathing: Tub Bath, Shower, Shampoo and Perineal Care (w/Video) VIDCNA715-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Assessment: Recognizing Abnormal Signs and Symptoms (w/Video) VIDCNA716-­‐T The Nursing Assistant: Ostomy, Urinary Drainage and Catheter Care (w/Video) VIDCNA735A-­‐T Understanding Restorative Care Part 1: Introduction to Restorative Care (w/Video) VIDCNA735B-­‐T Understanding Restorative Care Part 2: Getting a Resident Started (w/Video) VIDCNA735C-­‐T Understanding Restorative Care Part 3: Restorative Care Practices (w/Video) VIDM141-­‐T Pressure Ulcers in Adults: Prediction and Prevention (w/video) VIDM201RA-­‐T Fall Prevention in Long Term Care: Risk Assessment (w/Video) VIDM201RB-­‐T Fall Prevention in Long Term Care: Preventative Strategies and Products (w/Video) VIDM201RC-­‐T Fall Prevention in Long Term Care: A Comprehensive Fall Prevention Program (w/Video) VIDM217-­‐T Preventing Elder Abuse: Helping Keep Residents Safe (w/Video) VIDM218SA-­‐T Preventing Medication Errors Part 1: General Recommendations for System-­‐wide Change (w/Video) Updated July 6, 2016 CEU's 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 2hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 1hr 0.5hr 4 of 32 VIDM218SB-­‐T VIDM218SC-­‐T VIDM224TA-­‐T VIDM224TB-­‐T VIDM224TC-­‐T VIDM225-­‐T VIDM233R17-­‐T VIDM239R-­‐T VIDM245A-­‐T VIDM245B-­‐T VIDM245C-­‐T VIDM252A-­‐T VIDM252B-­‐T VIDM252C-­‐T VIDM274A-­‐T VIDM274B-­‐T VIDM274C-­‐T VIDM277A-­‐T VIDM277B-­‐T VIDM277C-­‐T VIDM277D-­‐T VIDM277E-­‐T Preventing Medication Errors Part 2: Sources of Errors and Basic Safety Practices (w/Video) Preventing Medication Errors Part 3: What Nurses Can Do (w/Video) HIPAA for Healthcare Workers: An Overview (w/Video) HIPAA for Healthcare Workers: The Privacy Rule (w/Video) HIPAA for Healthcare Workers: The Security Rule (w/Video) HIPAA for Long Term Care Workers (w/Video) National Patient Safety Goals for Long Term Care 2014-­‐2016 (w/Video) Airway Care: Tracheostomy Care, Tube Change, and Artificial Airway Cuff Management (w/Video) Enteral Feeding Tubes: A Guide for Nurses, Part 1: Tube Identification (w/Video) Enteral Feeding Tubes: A Guide for Nurses, Part 2: Administering Formula and Medication (w/Video) Enteral Feeding Tubes: A Guide for Nurses, Part 3: Daily Care and Troubleshooting (w/Video) Restraints: Legal Considerations and Patient Rights (w/Video) Restraints: Alternatives to Restraints (w/Video) Restraints: Safe Application of Restraints (w/Video) Preventing Bloodborne Infections in Long Term Care: Bloodborne Viruses (w/Video) Preventing Bloodborne Infections in Long Term Care: Preventing Transmission, Protecting Yourself (w/Video) Preventing Bloodborne Infections in Long Term Care: Engineering Controls and Workplace Practice Controls (w/Video) Infection Control in Long Term Care: An Introduction (w/Video) Infection Control in Long Term Care: Regulatory and Administrative Measures (w/Video) Infection Control in Long Term Care: Precautions (w/Video) Infection Control in Long Term Care: Safe Work Practices (w/Video) Infection Control in Long Term Care: Multidrug-­‐resistant Organisms (w/Video) 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 1.5hr 1hr 1hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr Updated July 6, 2016 5 of 32 Catalog 2 -­‐ CE Courses Catalog 2b -­‐ Specialty Accredited CE courses (grouped by occupation) (86 Courses) Dietitian CPE – Approved by CDR ADRM133-­‐T ADRM141-­‐T ADRM175-­‐T ADRM183-­‐T ADRM186-­‐T ADRM187-­‐T Nurses' Guide to Enteral Feeding Tubes (Dietitian CPE, CDR Activity # 125970) Pressure Ulcers in Adults: Prediction and Prevention (Dietitian CPE, CDR Activity # 125980) Meeting the Challenge of Diabetes in Long-­‐Term Care (Dietitian CPE, CDR Activity # 125930) Nutrition and Pulmonary Therapy (Dietitian CPE, CDR Activity # 125977) Nutrition Screening: Identifying the Hidden Signs of Nutritional Risk (Dietitian CPE, CDR Activity # 125978) Critical Control: Nutrition and Care for Renal Failure Patients (Dietitian CPE, CDR Activity # 125920) Nursing Home Administrator CE -­‐ NAB-­‐NCERS Approved NHAM204-­‐T NHAM214-­‐T NHAM301-­‐T NHAM302-­‐T NHAM303-­‐T NHAM304-­‐T NHAM305-­‐T NHAM306-­‐T NHAVID717-­‐T NHAVID719-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 Confidentiality: Who Needs to Know (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 2722017-­‐0.50-­‐14388-­‐dl) Getting Ready for Terrorism: Preparing the Healthcare Community for Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Weapons (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 2722017-­‐1.00-­‐14389-­‐dl) Aging and Advance Directives (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval # 20170601-­‐1-­‐CEDE-­‐DL) Controlling Violence in Healthcare and Preventing Elder Abuse (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval # 20170604-­‐1-­‐WNGE-­‐DL) The Confused Resident and Preventing Falls (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval # 20170604-­‐1-­‐GHNI-­‐DL Continuous Quality Improvement and Pressure Ulcer Care (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval # 20170604-­‐1-­‐BIRF-­‐DL) Resident Rights and Confidentiality (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 20170619-­‐1-­‐XTAT-­‐DL) Communications: The Process and Between Generations (NAB-­‐
NCERS Approval #: 20170619-­‐1-­‐NYTG-­‐DL) Communication with Residents & Their Families (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14400-­‐dl) Pain Management (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 332017-­‐
1hr 2hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 1hr 0.5hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 6 of 32 0.50-­‐14401-­‐dl) NHAVID720-­‐T Wandering & Elopement (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14402-­‐dl) NHAVID721-­‐T Understanding Abuse & Neglect (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14403-­‐dl) NHAVID722-­‐T Understanding & Caring for Residents with Depression (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14406-­‐dl) NHAVID723A-­‐T Dementia Care I, Mental Decline & Caregiving Challenges (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14407-­‐dl) NHAVID723B-­‐T Dementia Care II, Physical Decline & Caregiving Challenges (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14408-­‐dl) NHAVID723C-­‐T Dementia Care III, Understanding & Managing Difficult Behavior (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐
14409-­‐dl) NHAVID724-­‐T Resident Rights (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐
0.50-­‐14410-­‐dl) NHAVID725-­‐T Pressure Ulcer Prevention (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14411-­‐dl) NHAVID726-­‐T Nutrition & Hydration (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14412-­‐dl) NHAVID727-­‐T Caring for Residents with Dignity & Respect (w/Video) (NAB-­‐
NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14413-­‐dl) NHAVID730-­‐T Understanding Skin Breakdown (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14414-­‐dl) NHAVID732-­‐T Fall Prevention (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐
0.50-­‐14415-­‐dl) NHAVID734-­‐T Incontinence Care (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14416-­‐dl) NHAWM506-­‐T HIPAA -­‐ A Guide for Long Term Care Workers (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 2722017-­‐0.50-­‐14399-­‐dl) NHAWM525-­‐T Age-­‐Specific Competencies in Long Term Care (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 1692016-­‐1.25-­‐13487-­‐dl) Occupational Therapy CE OCTHM204TABC-­‐T Confidentiality for Occupational Therapists (AOTA Approved) OCTH78796-­‐T Cultural Awareness for Occupational Therapists (AOTA Approved) OCTHM224UABC-­‐T HIPAA: A Guide for for Occupational Therapists (AOTA Approved) OCTHM232R-­‐T Lifting Safely to Prevent Injury for Occupational Therapists (AOTA Approved) OCTHM206TABC-­‐T Medical Errors: New Approaches for Occupational Therapists (AOTA Approved) OCTHWM501-­‐T Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect for Updated July 6, 2016 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 1.25hr 1hr 1.5hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 7 of 32 OCTHM268-­‐T OCTHM272AB-­‐T Occupational Therapists (AOTA Approved) Sexual Harassment in Healthcare for Occupational Therapists (AOTA Approved) Violence in Healthcare for Occupational Therapists (AOTA Approved) Physical Therapy CE for Florida – Approved by FPTA PT78621R-­‐T Medicating Children -­‐ Preventing Medication Errors and General Considerations (FPTA Approval Number: CP140022058) PTACMCE003-­‐T Essentials of HIV/AIDS for Healthcare Workers -­‐ Florida (FPTA Approval Number: HA140022055) PTM166T-­‐T Standards for Infection Control: An Update for Healthcare Workers (FPTA Approval Number: HA140022059) PTM224-­‐T HIPAA: A Guide for Healthcare Workers (FPTA Approval Number: CE140022056) PTM232-­‐T Lifting Safely to Prevent Injury (FPTA Approval Number: CE140022057) PTUP100U-­‐T Bloodborne Safety: Universal Precautions, Standard Precautions, and Needlestick Prevention (FPTA Approval Number: HA140021942) Radiologic Technologist CE – Approved by ASRT RADM166T-­‐T RADM223R14-­‐T RADM224-­‐T RADM255-­‐T RADUP100U-­‐T Standards for Infection Control: An Update for Healthcare Workers (ASRT Approval # CAZ0131006) National Patient Safety Goals 2013 (ASRT Approval # CAZ0130031) HIPAA: A Guide for Healthcare Workers (ASRT Approval # CAZ0131004) The Challenge of Healthcare Literacy (ASRT Approval# CAZ0130030) Bloodborne Safety: Universal Precautions, Standard Precautions, and Needlestick Prevention (ASRT Approval # CAZ0131005) Respiratory Therapy CE – Approved by AARC RESP001-­‐T RESP002-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 Recognizing and Preventing Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia (VAP) (CRCE Course #: 141723000) Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation (CRCE Course #: 146604000) 1hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 1.5hr 1.5hr 1hr 1.5hr 1.5hr 1hr 1.5hr 0.75hr 1.5hr 1hr 2hr 8 of 32 RESP003-­‐T RESPM029R-­‐T RESPM166T-­‐T RESPM224-­‐T RESPM239R-­‐T RESPUP100U-­‐T Oxygenation Status -­‐ Physiologic Principles and Therapy (CRCE Course #: 146603000) Weaning and Extubation (CRCE Course #: 141407000) Standards for Infection Control: An Update for Healthcare Workers (CRCE Course #: 141422000) HIPAA: A Guide for Healthcare Workers (CRCE Course #: 141409000) Airway Care: Tracheostomy Care, Tube Change, and Artificial Airway Cuff Management (CRCE Course #: 141408000) Bloodborne Safety: Universal Precautions, Standard Precautions, and Needlestick Prevention (CRCE Course #: 141417000) Social Worker CE – Approved by NASW SW001-­‐T SWM118-­‐T SWM192-­‐T SWM204TA-­‐T SWM204TB-­‐T SWM204TC-­‐T SWM255-­‐T Assessing Elder Abuse (NASW Approval# 886575064-­‐0) Advance Directives: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers (NASW Approval# 886575064-­‐8929) Patient Rights (NASW Approval# 886575064-­‐8930) Confidentiality: Maintaining Confidentiality in Your Practice (NASW Approval# 886575064-­‐8931) Confidentiality: HIPAA Today (NASW Approval# 886575064-­‐
8932) Confidentiality: Keeping it Confidential (NASW Approval# 886575064-­‐8933) The Challenge of Healthcare Literacy (NASW Approval# 886575064-­‐8934) Sterile Processing CE – Approved by IAHSCMM & CBSPD SPD01-­‐T SPD02-­‐T SPD03-­‐T SPD04-­‐T SPD05-­‐T SPD06-­‐T Introduction to Rigid Endoscopes: Their Care and Cleaning Surgical Instruments: Care and Handling, and Sterilization Considerations Care and Handling of Powered Surgical Instruments Care and Handling of Endoscopes, Video Cart Systems, and Powered Surgical Instruments The Challenge of Cleaning Laparoscopic Instruments Minimally Invasive Surgery: Instrument Readiness Substance Abuse Professional CE -­‐ Approved provider by NAADAC SAC0102-­‐T SAC031-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 Defensible Documentation (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Ending Sexual Harassment in Healthcare (Substance Abuse 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 9 of 32 SAC091-­‐T SAC192-­‐T SAC199S-­‐T SAC204TA-­‐T SAC204TB-­‐T SAC204TC-­‐T SAC244-­‐T SAC501-­‐T SAC502-­‐T SAC505-­‐T SAC509-­‐T SACP501-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 Professional CE) Communications: The Process (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Patient Rights (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Tuberculosis: New Strategies for the Healthcare Worker (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Confidentiality: Maintaining Confidentiality in Your Practice (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Confidentiality: HIPAA Today (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Confidentiality: Keeping it Confidential (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Emergency Management Planning (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Recognizing Domestic Violence (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Culturally Competent Care: An Overview (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Essentials of HIV/AIDS for Healthcare Workers -­‐ General (Substance Abuse Professional CE) Hepatitis C (Substance Abuse Professional CE) 2hr 2hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 1hr 10 of 32 Catalog 3 -­‐ Specialty Cross-­‐Training Series (45 Courses) Cardiac Monitoring Cross-­‐Training CM0101-­‐T Functional Anatomy and Physiology CM0102-­‐T Cardiac Assessment CM0103-­‐T Rhythm Strip Analysis and Normal Sinus Rhythm CM0104-­‐T Cardiac Monitoring Set-­‐Up and Tips for Success CM0105-­‐T Sinus Node and Atrial Dysrhythmias CM0201-­‐T AV Blocks and Bundle Branch Blocks CM0202-­‐T Ventricular Dysrhythmias CM0203-­‐T Acute Coronary Syndromes, Coronary Circulation, and ECG Clues CM0204-­‐T Electrophysiology and Cardiac Medications CM0205-­‐T Pacemakers and ICDs CM0206-­‐T Code Management and BLS/ACLS Guidelines CM0301-­‐T 12-­‐Lead Placement CM0302-­‐T 12-­‐Lead ECG Interpretation CM0303-­‐T Axis Determination/Hypertrophy/Enlargement CM0304-­‐T Bundle Branch Blocks and Hemiblocks CM0305-­‐T Acute Coronary Syndromes and Myocardial Infarction Localization CM0306-­‐T Non-­‐ACS Causes of ST and T Wave Changes CM0307-­‐T Differentiating Supraventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Tachycardia Geriatrics Cross-­‐Training GE0201-­‐T Epidemiology, Theories of Aging, Financial, Political, Social, Legal and Ethical Issues Nursing Theories, Models of Gerontological Care, Standards and GE0202-­‐T Scopes of Practice, Research, Quality Improvement GE0203-­‐T Health Promotion, Age related Changes, Health Issues: Integumentary and Sensory Disorders GE0204-­‐T Health Issues: Cardiovascular, Respiratory GE0205-­‐T Health Issues: Endocrine, Immunological, Hematological GE0206-­‐T Health Issues: Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary GE0207-­‐T Health Issues: Neurological, Musculoskeletal GE0208-­‐T Nutrition, Pain, End-­‐of-­‐Life, Care, Elder Mistreatment GE0209-­‐T Medication Issues, Patient Education, Communication Updated July 6, 2016 CEU's 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 1.5hr 2hr 1.5hr 2hr 1.5hr 2hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 11 of 32 Oncology Cross-­‐Training ON0101-­‐T Cancer Treatment Modalities ON0102-­‐T Managing Cancer Pain ON0103-­‐T Management of Postoperative Complications ON0104-­‐T Psychosocial Issues ON0105-­‐T Common Safety Issues in Oncology Nursing ON0106-­‐T Bone Marrow Suppression in Cancer Patients ON0107-­‐T Vascular Access Devices ON0108-­‐T Management of Common Complications of Cancer Treatment Orthopedics Cross-­‐Training OT0101-­‐T Total Hip Arthroplasty OT0102-­‐T Total Knee Arthroplasty OT0103-­‐T Sports Injuries: Upper Extremities OT0104-­‐T Sports Injuries: Lower Extremities OT0105-­‐T Hand OT0106-­‐T Trauma OT0107-­‐T Spine OT0108-­‐T Musculoskeletal OT0109-­‐T Pediatric Orthopedics: Part 1 OT0110-­‐T Pediatric Orthopedics: Part 2 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr Updated July 6, 2016 12 of 32 Catalog 4 -­‐ Long Term Care Series (100 Courses) Basic Clinical Skills BCS226-­‐T Administering Oral, Topical, Suppository and Inhalant Medications (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) CNA In-­‐Service and Continuing Education CCNA001-­‐T Alzheimer's Disease (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA002-­‐T Assistive Devices (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA003-­‐T Residents with Special Problems (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA004-­‐T Bowel and Bladder Management (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA005-­‐T Oral Hygiene (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA006-­‐T Infection Control and Universal Precautions (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA007-­‐T Resident Rights: Privacy (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA008-­‐T Resident Rights: Confidentiality (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA009-­‐T Skin Management: Preventing Pressure Ulcers (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA010-­‐T Resident Assessment/Care Planning (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA011-­‐T Nutritional Needs (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA012-­‐T Restraint-­‐Free Environment (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA013-­‐T Tobacco and Smoking (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA014-­‐T Disaster Preparedness (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA015-­‐T Managing Behavior (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA016-­‐T Improving Observation and Reporting Skills (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA017-­‐T Survey Process (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA018-­‐T Isolation Precautions (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA019-­‐T The Choking Resident (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA020-­‐T Psychosocial Aspects of Aging (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA021-­‐T Developing Effective Relationships (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA022-­‐T Social and Recreational Needs (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA023-­‐T Positioning and Lifting (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA024-­‐T Nursing Care: Stroke (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA025-­‐T Nursing Care: Diabetes (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA026-­‐T Environmental Safety (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA027-­‐T Residents' Personal Property (CNA in-­‐service Education) CCNA028-­‐T Incident Reporting (CNA in-­‐service Education) CNA Training CNA001-­‐T The Role of the Nursing Assistant (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA008-­‐T Admissions (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Updated July 6, 2016 CEU’s 0hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 13 of 32 CNA009-­‐T Disasters and Evacuation (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA010-­‐T Transfers, Discharges and Homecare (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA031-­‐T Resident Belongings and Prostheses (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA032-­‐T The Environment of Care: Resident Safety (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA038-­‐T Bed Making and Comfort Measures (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA039-­‐T Bathing the Resident (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA040-­‐T Personal Hygiene (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA044-­‐T Feeding a Resident (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA047-­‐T Bladder and Bowel Care (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CNA058-­‐T Using a Computer (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Dietary/Nutrition M183-­‐T Nutrition and Pulmonary Therapy M186R-­‐T Nutrition Screening: Identifying the Hidden Signs of Nutritional Risk M187-­‐T Critical Control: Nutrition and Care for Renal Failure Patients Infection Control M274ABC-­‐T Preventing Bloodborne Infections in Long Term Care 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 1hr 2hr 1hr M277A-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: An Introduction 0.5hr M277B-­‐T 0.5hr M277C-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: Regulatory and Administrative Measures Infection Control in Long Term Care: Precautions M277D-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: Safe Work Practices 0.5hr M277E-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: Multidrug-­‐resistant Organisms Legal Aspects of Nursing M118-­‐T Advance Directives: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers M252A-­‐T Restraints: Legal Considerations and Patient Rights M252B-­‐T Restraints: Alternatives to Restraints M252C-­‐T Restraints: Safe Application of Restraints Safety-­‐Related Issues M233R17-­‐T National Patient Safety Goals for Long Term Care 2014-­‐2016 M252A-­‐T Restraints: Legal Considerations and Patient Rights M252B-­‐T Restraints: Alternatives to Restraints M252C-­‐T Restraints: Safe Application of Restraints Abuse: Recognizing and Reporting Updated July 6, 2016 0.5hr 0.5hr 1hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 1hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 14 of 32 M217-­‐T Long Term Care M098-­‐T M099-­‐T M100-­‐T M105-­‐T M107-­‐T M115-­‐T M128-­‐T M146-­‐T M175-­‐T M176-­‐T Preventing Elder Abuse: Helping Keep Residents Safe Meeting Mental Health Needs Meeting Oxygenation, Fluid and Electrolyte Needs Meeting Mobility, Sexual and Nutritional Needs Resident Rights: The Art of Caring The Confused Resident: Strategies for Quality Care Resident Assessment: Physical, Cognitive and Sensory Functioning Continuous Quality Improvement In Long Term Care Urinary Incontinence in Adults Meeting the Challenge of Diabetes in Long-­‐Term Care Prevention, Assessment and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in Long-­‐
Term Care M203-­‐T Aging: The Natural Process M217-­‐T Preventing Elder Abuse: Helping Keep Residents Safe M225-­‐T HIPAA for Long Term Care Workers M228-­‐T Preventing Unsafe Wandering and Elopement M229S-­‐T Preventing Health Care-­‐Associated Infections in Long Term Care M274ABC-­‐T Preventing Bloodborne Infections in Long Term Care M277A-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: An Introduction M277B-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: Regulatory and Administrative Measures M277C-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: Precautions M277D-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: Safe Work Practices M277E-­‐T Infection Control in Long Term Care: Multidrug-­‐resistant Organisms WM506-­‐T HIPAA -­‐ A Guide for Long Term Care Workers WM510-­‐T Guidance for Long Term Care Facilities: Pressure Ulcers and Tag F314 Compliance WM511-­‐T Guidance for Long Term Care Facilities: Urinary Incontinence and Tag F315 Compliance Nursing Home Administrator CE NHAM204-­‐T Confidentiality: Who Needs to Know (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 2722017-­‐0.50-­‐14388-­‐dl) NHAM214-­‐T Getting Ready for Terrorism: Preparing the Healthcare Community for Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Weapons (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 2722017-­‐1.00-­‐14389-­‐dl) NHAM301-­‐T Aging and Advance Directives (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval # 20170601-­‐
1-­‐CEDE-­‐DL) NHAM302-­‐T Controlling Violence in Healthcare and Preventing Elder Abuse Updated July 6, 2016 1hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 1hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 1hr 1.5hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 1.5hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 1hr 1hr 0.5hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 15 of 32 (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval # 20170604-­‐1-­‐WNGE-­‐DL) NHAM303-­‐T The Confused Resident and Preventing Falls (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval # 20170604-­‐1-­‐GHNI-­‐DL NHAM304-­‐T Continuous Quality Improvement and Pressure Ulcer Care (NAB-­‐
NCERS Approval # 20170604-­‐1-­‐BIRF-­‐DL) NHAM305-­‐T Resident Rights and Confidentiality (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 20170619-­‐1-­‐XTAT-­‐DL) NHAM306-­‐T Communications: The Process and Between Generations (NAB-­‐
NCERS Approval #: 20170619-­‐1-­‐NYTG-­‐DL) NHAVID717-­‐T Communication with Residents & Their Families (w/Video) (NAB-­‐
NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14400-­‐dl) NHAVID719-­‐T Pain Management (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 332017-­‐
0.50-­‐14401-­‐dl) NHAVID720-­‐T Wandering & Elopement (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14402-­‐dl) NHAVID721-­‐T Understanding Abuse & Neglect (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14403-­‐dl) NHAVID722-­‐T Understanding & Caring for Residents with Depression (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14406-­‐dl) NHAVID723A-­‐T Dementia Care I, Mental Decline & Caregiving Challenges (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14407-­‐dl) NHAVID723B-­‐T Dementia Care II, Physical Decline & Caregiving Challenges (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14408-­‐dl) NHAVID723C-­‐T Dementia Care III, Understanding & Managing Difficult Behavior (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14409-­‐dl) NHAVID724-­‐T Resident Rights (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐
14410-­‐dl) NHAVID725-­‐T Pressure Ulcer Prevention (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14411-­‐dl) NHAVID726-­‐T Nutrition & Hydration (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14412-­‐dl) NHAVID727-­‐T Caring for Residents with Dignity & Respect (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14413-­‐dl) NHAVID730-­‐T Understanding Skin Breakdown (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐14414-­‐dl) NHAVID732-­‐T Fall Prevention (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐0.50-­‐
14415-­‐dl) NHAVID734-­‐T Incontinence Care (w/Video) (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 0332017-­‐
0.50-­‐14416-­‐dl) NHAWM506-­‐T HIPAA -­‐ A Guide for Long Term Care Workers (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 2722017-­‐0.50-­‐14399-­‐dl) NHAWM525-­‐T Age-­‐Specific Competencies in Long Term Care (NAB-­‐NCERS Approval #: 1692016-­‐1.25-­‐13487-­‐dl) Updated July 6, 2016 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 0.5hr 1.25hr 16 of 32 Physical Assessment M242-­‐T A Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment 1hr 100 Courses Any items listed in more than one category is counted only once in this Total Course Count. Updated July 6, 2016 17 of 32 Catalog 6 -­‐ Basic Clinical Skills (Not for CE Credit) (48 Courses) Anatomy and Physiology BCS78715-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Cardiovascular System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78716-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Respiratory System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78717R-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Digestive System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78718-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Nervous System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78719-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Muscular System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78720-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Reproductive System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78721-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Skeletal System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78722-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Urinary System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78723-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Endocrine System (Not for CE Credit) BCS78724-­‐T Anatomy and Physiology: The Integumentary System (Not for CE Credit) 10 Courses Basic Clinical Skills BCS015-­‐T Physical Assessment: Foundation for Data Collection (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS016-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Head and Neck (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS017-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Lungs (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS018-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Heart (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS019-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Abdomen (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS020-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Neurologic System (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐
Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS021-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Musculoskeletal System (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS022-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Male Reproductive System (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS023-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Female Reproductive System (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS024-­‐T Physical Assessment: The Integumentary System (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) BCS026-­‐T Suctioning: Nasotracheal, Oropharyngeal and Endotracheal Updated July 6, 2016 CEU’s 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 18 of 32 BCS028-­‐T BCS226-­‐T BCSM250A-­‐T BCSM250B-­‐T BCSM250C-­‐T BCSM258A-­‐T BCSM258B-­‐T BCSM258C-­‐T BCSM259A-­‐T BCSM259B-­‐T BCSM259C-­‐T BCSM261A-­‐T BCSM261B-­‐T BCSM261C-­‐T BCSM262-­‐T BCSM264A-­‐T BCSM264B-­‐T BCSM265A-­‐T BCSM265B-­‐T BCSM266A-­‐T BCSM266B-­‐T BCSM266C-­‐T BCSM266D-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 Techniques (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) Endotracheal Intubation (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) Administering Oral, Topical, Suppository and Inhalant Medications (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) 0hr 0hr Fluids and Electrolytes Balance: Basics (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Fluids and Electrolytes Balance: Fluid Volume Imbalances (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Fluids and Electrolytes Balance: Electrolyte Imbalances (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) 0hr Administering Medications, Part 1: Medication Safety and Oral Medications (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) Administering Medications, Part 2: Topical, Suppository and Inhalant Medications (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐Not for Nursing CE Credit) Administering Medications, Part 3: Injections (Basic Clinical Skills-­‐
Not for Nursing CE Credit) Cardiac Auscultation: The Anatomy and Physiology of Heart Sounds (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Cardiac Auscultation: The Process of Basic Cardiac Auscultation (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Cardiac Auscultation: Normal Heart Sounds (Not for CE Credit) Protecting Your Body At Work, Part 1: Your Muscles and Bones Protecting Your Body At Work, Part 2: The Mechanics of Lifting and Moving Protecting Your Body At Work, Part 3: Moving Patients Safely The Bed Bath (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Auscultation of Breath Sounds: Normal Breath Sounds (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Auscultation of Breath Sounds: Abnormal Breath Sounds (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Measuring Vital Signs Part 1: Temperature, Pulse and Respiration (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Measuring Vital Signs Part 2: Blood Pressure and Pain Measurement (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Intravenous Therapy: Basics and Venipuncture (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Intravenous Therapy: Routine Care and Discontinuation (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Intravenous Therapy: Recognizing and Treating Complications (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) Intravenous Therapy: Pediatrics (Basic Clinical Skills -­‐ Not for CE Credit) 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 19 of 32 BCSM276-­‐T BCSM284A-­‐T BCSM284B-­‐T BCSM284C-­‐T Bedmaking: The Well-­‐Made Bed Blood Collection: Anatomy and Physiology Blood Collection: Performing Phlebotomy Blood Collection: Special Considerations 0hr 0 hr 0 hr 0 hr 38 Courses Updated July 6, 2016 20 of 32 Catalog 7 -­‐ Mandatory Updates (Not for CE credit) (31 English, 9 Spanish) Enhanced with audio: AEACM001-­‐T TB Prevention AEACM002-­‐T Bloodborne Pathogens Safety AEACM003-­‐T Standard Precautions AEACM004-­‐T Infection Control Fundamentals AEACM005-­‐T Transmission-­‐based Precautions AEACM006-­‐T Age-­‐specific Care AEACM007-­‐T Confidentiality AEACM008-­‐T Body Mechanics AEACM009-­‐T Needlestick and Sharps Safety Precautions AEACM010-­‐T Documentation AEACM011-­‐T Acute Pain Management in Adults AEACM012-­‐T Acute Pain Management in Children AEACM013-­‐T Developing Alternatives to Restraints AEACM014-­‐T Controlling Violence in Healthcare AEACM016-­‐T Fire Safety AEACM017-­‐T Electrical Safety AEACM018-­‐T Developing an Effective Evacuation Plan AEACM019-­‐T Disaster Preparedness AEACM020-­‐T HIPAA: What Healthcare Workers Need to Know AEACM022-­‐T AEACM023-­‐T AEACM024-­‐T AEACM025-­‐T AEACM026-­‐T AEACM027-­‐T Preventing Infant Abduction Recognizing Domestic Violence Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Elder Abuse Culturally Competent Care: An Overview Multidrug-­‐resistant Pathogens Preparing Staff and Workplace for Future Changes Associated with Latex Allergies AEACM028-­‐T AECM029R17-­‐
T National Patient Safety Goals 2014-­‐2016 AEACM031-­‐T Sexual Harassment in the Medical Workplace Enhanced without audio: ACM030R17-­‐T National Patient Safety Goals for Long Term Care 2014-­‐2016 ACM032-­‐T H1N1 Flu for Healthcare Workers ACM033-­‐T Chemical Hazards in the Healthcare Environment CEU’s 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr Updated July 6, 2016 21 of 32 Mandatory Updates (Spanish Version) ACM002SP-­‐T Seguridad en Infecciones de Transmision Sanguinea ACM004SP-­‐T Fundamentos Para el control de Infecciones ACM007SP-­‐T Confidentiality ACM008SP-­‐T Mecanismos del Cuerpo ACM016SP-­‐T Medidas de seguridad en caso de fuego ACM017SP-­‐T Seguridad Electrica ACM018SP-­‐T Desarrollando un Plan Efectivo de Evacuacion de Emergencia ACM019SP-­‐T Prevencion de Desastres ACM026SP-­‐T Atencion Culturalmente Competente: Un Panorama General 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 9 Courses Updated July 6, 2016 22 of 32 Catalog 10 -­‐ State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education (24 Courses) ACMCE001-­‐T ACMCE002-­‐T ACMCE003-­‐T ACMCE004-­‐T ACMCE005-­‐T ACMCE006FL-­‐T ACMCE008-­‐T ACMCE009-­‐T ACMCE010-­‐T ACMCE011-­‐T ACMCE013-­‐T ACMCE014-­‐T ACMCE015FL-­‐T ACMCE017-­‐T ACMCE018-­‐T ACMCE019-­‐T ACMCE020-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect -­‐ New York (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Essentials of HIV/AIDS for Healthcare Workers -­‐ Washington State (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Essentials of HIV/AIDS for Healthcare Workers -­‐ Florida (State-­‐
Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Essentials of HIV/AIDS for Healthcare Workers -­‐ Kentucky (KY CHFS Approval #: # 0417-­‐1559-­‐M) (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Recognizing Domestic Violence -­‐ Kentucky (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Recognizing Domestic Violence -­‐ Florida (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) End-­‐of-­‐Life Care -­‐ Florida (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Advance Directives: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers -­‐ Florida (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Elder Abuse -­‐ Florida (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Infection Control: A Training Program For Healthcare Professionals -­‐ New York (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Ohio Nurse Practice Act (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education (program approval #141001-­‐R 2016) / Nursing CE) Handling and Moving Patients Safely: The Texas Safe Patient Handling Act (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Preventing Medical Errors -­‐ Florida (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Acute Pain Management: Operative or Medical Procedures and Trauma -­‐ Michigan (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Getting Ready for Terrorism: Preparing the Healthcare Community for Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Weapons -­‐ Nevada (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Bioterrorism and Other Emergencies: Be Prepared, Be Safe -­‐ Nevada (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) Responding to Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Agents of Terror -­‐ Nevada (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) CEU's 1hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 1hr 2hr 2hr 1hr 2hr 4hr 1hr 1hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 1hr 2hr 23 of 32 ACMCE021-­‐T Acute Pain Management: Operative or Medical Procedures and Trauma -­‐ Oregon (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) ACMCE022-­‐T Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse in Iowa (IA Abuse Education Panel Approval #2471) ACMCE023-­‐T Reporting Dependent Adult Abuse in Iowa (IA Abuse Education Panel Approval #2472) ACMCE024-­‐T Recognizing and Reporting Child and Dependent Adult Abuse in Iowa (IA Abuse Education Panel Approval #2473) ACMCE025KY-­‐T Recognizing and Preventing Abusive Head Trauma -­‐ Kentucky (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) ACMCE026CA-­‐T Sexual Harassment in California Healthcare (State-­‐Specific Mandatory Education / Nursing CE) ACMCE027FL-­‐T Florida Nursing Practice Laws and Rules 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 1.5hr 2hr 2hr 24 Courses Updated July 6, 2016 24 of 32 Catalog 11 -­‐ Billing and Coding Cross-­‐training Series (55 Courses) Billing and Coding Cross-­‐Training: Advanced Series BCCE01-­‐T Coding: Preparing for the Change to ICD-­‐10-­‐CM BCCE02-­‐T Introduction to ICD-­‐10-­‐CM Chapter-­‐Specific Guidelines BCCE03-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐PCS Introduction to the New Procedural Classification System BCCE04-­‐T Home Health Coding and PPS: Achieving Coding Accuracy OASIS, CMS-­‐485, UB92 BCCE05-­‐T Home Health Top Ten Coding Issues BCCE06-­‐T Impact of Clinical Documentation on the OPPS CEU's 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 6 Courses Billing and Coding Cross-­‐Training: ICD-­‐10-­‐CM Basic Series BAC1001-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Introduction to Medical Coding BAC1002-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Introduction to ICD-­‐10-­‐CM Classification BAC1004-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: The Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS): The Patient Record as a Source Document BAC1006-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Infectious and Parasitic Diseases BAC1007-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Neoplasms BAC1008-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Endocrine System, Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases and Immune-­‐System Disorders BAC1009-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of Blood and Blood-­‐Forming Organs BAC1010-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Mental Disorders CEU's 1hr 1hr 1hr BAC1011-­‐T 1hr BAC1012-­‐T BAC1013-­‐T BAC1014-­‐T BAC1015-­‐T BAC1016-­‐T BAC1018-­‐T BAC1019-­‐T BAC1020-­‐T BAC1021-­‐T BAC1022-­‐T BAC1023-­‐T BAC1024-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Circulatory System ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Respiratory System ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Digestive System ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Genitourinary System ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Congenital Anomalies ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Guidelines for Signs and Symptoms ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Injuries ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Burns ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Poisonings and Adverse Effects of Drugs 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 25 of 32 BAC1025-­‐T BAC1026-­‐T ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Complications of Surgical and Medical Care 1hr ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: External Causes of Morbidity Codes (Chapter 20) and 1hr Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services Codes (Chapter 21) 23 Courses Billing and Coding Cross-­‐Training: ICD-­‐9-­‐CM Basic Series BAC001-­‐T Introduction to Medical Coding BAC002-­‐T Introduction to ICD-­‐9-­‐CM Classification BAC003-­‐T Introduction to the Official ICD-­‐9-­‐CM Conventions BAC004-­‐T The Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS): The Medical Record as a Source Document BAC005-­‐T Basic Coding Steps and Guidelines BAC006-­‐T Coding Infectious and Parasitic Diseases BAC007-­‐T Coding Neoplasms BAC008-­‐T Coding Diseases of the Endocrine System, Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases and Immune-­‐System Disorders BAC009-­‐T Coding Diseases of Blood and Blood-­‐Forming Organs BAC010-­‐T Coding Mental Disorders BAC011-­‐T Coding Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs BAC012-­‐T Coding Diseases of the Circulatory System BAC013-­‐T Coding Diseases of the Respiratory System BAC014-­‐T Coding Diseases of the Digestive System BAC015-­‐T Coding Diseases of the Genitourinary System BAC016-­‐T Coding Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium BAC018-­‐T Coding Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues BAC019-­‐T Coding Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue BAC020-­‐T Coding Congenital Anomalies BAC021-­‐T Coding Guidelines for Signs and Symptoms BAC022-­‐T Coding Injuries BAC023-­‐T Coding Burns BAC024-­‐T Coding Poisonings and Adverse Effects of Drugs BAC025-­‐T Complications of Surgical and Medical Care BAC026-­‐T V and E Codes BAC027-­‐T Coding Guidelines for Operations and Procedures CEU's 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 26 Courses Updated July 6, 2016 26 of 32 Catalog 12 -­‐ CNA In-­‐Service Training (26 Courses) Advanced CNA ACNA78093-­‐T Wound Healing: The Principles of Wound Healing (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) ACNAM039-­‐T Medical Asepsis (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) ACNAM141-­‐T Pressure Ulcers in Adults: Prediction and Prevention (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) ACNAM143-­‐T Controlling Violence in Healthcare (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) ACNAM166-­‐T Standards for Infection Control: An Update for Healthcare Workers (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) ACNAM192-­‐T Patient Rights (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) ACNAM199-­‐T Tuberculosis: New Strategies for the Healthcare Worker (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) ACNAM204-­‐T Confidentiality: Who Needs to Know (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) ACNAUP100S-­‐T Bloodborne Safety: Universal Precautions, Standard Precautions, and Needlestick Prevention (Certified Nursing Assistant CE) CEU's 1hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 2hr 1hr 9 Courses CNA Training CNA001-­‐T CNA008-­‐T CNA009-­‐T CNA010-­‐T CNA018-­‐T CNA031-­‐T CNA032-­‐T CNA038-­‐T CNA039-­‐T CNA040-­‐T CNA044-­‐T CNA047-­‐T CNA058-­‐T CNA059-­‐T CNA066-­‐T CNA067-­‐T CNA068-­‐T The Role of the Nursing Assistant (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Admissions (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Disasters and Evacuation (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Transfers, Discharges and Homecare (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Digestive System (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Resident Belongings and Prostheses (CNA In-­‐Service Training) The Environment of Care: Resident Safety (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Bed Making and Comfort Measures (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Bathing the Resident (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Personal Hygiene (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Feeding a Resident (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Bladder and Bowel Care (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Using a Computer (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Your Healthcare Career (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Pediatrics and Disabilities (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Food and Nutrition (CNA In-­‐Service Training) Death and Dying (CNA In-­‐Service Training) CEU's 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 17 Courses Updated July 6, 2016 27 of 32 Catalog 13 -­‐ Home Health Aide Training (28 Courses) HHA001-­‐T HHA002-­‐T HHA003-­‐T HHA004-­‐T HHA006-­‐T HHA007-­‐T HHA008-­‐T HHA009-­‐T HHA010-­‐T HHA011-­‐T HHA012-­‐T HHA013-­‐T HHA014-­‐T HHA015-­‐T HHA018-­‐T HHA019-­‐T HHA020-­‐T HHA022-­‐T HHA026-­‐T HHA028-­‐T HHA029-­‐T HHA035-­‐T HHA038-­‐T HHA043-­‐T HHA044-­‐T HHA045-­‐T HHA047-­‐T HHA058-­‐T Updated July 6, 2016 Home Health Services (Home Health Aide Training) The Role of the Home Health Aide (Home Health Aide Training) Ethics and Clients Rights (Home Health Aide Training) Documentation (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Skeletal and Muscular Systems (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Urinary System (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Integumentary System (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Cardiovascular System (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Respiratory System (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Endocrine System (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Sensory System (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Digestive System (Home Health Aide Training) Anatomy and Physiology: The Nervous System (Home Health Aide Training) Infection Control in the Home (Home Health Aide Training) Dealing with an Emergency (Home Health Aide Training) Communicating with Clients (Home Health Aide Training) Principles of Observation (Home Health Aide Training) Measuring Vital Signs (Home Health Aide Training) Incontinence: Measuring Intake and Output (Home Health Aide Training) Safety (Home Health Aide Training) Maintaining A Clean Environment (Home Health Aide Training) Bathing the Client (Home Health Aide Training) Bed Making and Comfort Measures (Home Health Aide Training) Understanding Behavior (Home Health Aide Training) Family, Roles, and Socialization (Home Health Aide Training) Culture and Religion (Home Health Aide Training) Bladder and Bowel Care (Home Health Aide Training) Using a Computer (Home Health Aide Training) CEU's 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 28 of 32 28 Courses Catalog 16 -­‐ Billing and Coding AAPC CE: ICD-­‐10 (7 Courses) BCA101-­‐T BCA102-­‐T BCA103-­‐T BCA104-­‐T BCA105-­‐T BCA106-­‐T BCA107-­‐T Module 1: Introduction to Coding Conventions and Guidelines with ICD-­‐10-­‐CM (AAPC index# MI0212160416A) Module 2: Preparing for Change, Chapter Specific Guidelines and New Procedural Classifications of ICD-­‐10-­‐CM (AAPC index# MI0212160421A) Module 3: ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Neoplasms, Endocrine Diseases and Blood Diseases (AAPC index# MI0212160509A) Module 4: ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Mental Disorders, Nervous System and Musculoskeletal System Diseases, Congenital Anomalies, and Signs and Symptoms (AAPC index# MI0212160405A) Module 5: ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Skin Diseases, Complications of Pregnancy, and Circulatory System Diseases (AAPC index# MI0211160700A) Module 6: ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Diseases of the Respiratory, Digestive and Genitourinary Systems (AAPC index# MCI10216615A) Module 7: ICD-­‐10-­‐CM: Coding Injuries, Burns, Poisonings, Complications of Medical Care, and Using the V, W, X, Y and Z Codes (AAPC index# MI0211160719A) CEU's 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 7 Courses Updated July 6, 2016 29 of 32 Catalog 17 -­‐ Caregiver Training Series (28 Courses) CG01-­‐T CG02-­‐T CG03-­‐T CG04-­‐T CG05-­‐T CG06-­‐T CG07-­‐T CG08-­‐T CG09-­‐T CG10-­‐T CG11-­‐T CG12-­‐T CG13-­‐T CG14-­‐T CG15-­‐T CG16-­‐T CG17-­‐T CG18-­‐T CG19-­‐T CG20-­‐T CG21-­‐T CG22-­‐T CG23-­‐T CG24-­‐T CG25-­‐T CG26-­‐T CG27-­‐T CG28-­‐T Caregiver Training: Introduction and Roles of the Caregiver Caregiver Training: Ethics Caregiver Training: Documentation Caregiver Training: Communication Caregiver Training: Infection Control Caregiver Training: Cultural Competence Caregiver Training: Understanding Behavior of the Client Caregiver Training: Client Roles and Socialization Caregiver Training: Observation Caregiver Training: Client Safety Caregiver Training: Assistive Devices and Transferring Clients Caregiver Training: Bathing and Grooming Caregiver Training: Bladder and Bowel Care/Incontinence Caregiver Training: Medical Emergencies Caregiver Training: Household Tasks and Shopping Caregiver Training: End of Life Care Caregiver Training: Caregiver Safety Caregiver Training: Effects of Aging Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Disorders of the Neurologic System Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Dementia Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Sensory Disorders Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Disorders of the Circulatory System Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Disorders of the Respiratory System Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Disorders of the Urinary and Renal Systems Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Disorders of the Digestive System Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Disorders of the Endocrine System Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Caregiver Training: Common Diagnoses -­‐ Disorders of the Integumentary System CEU's 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr 28 Courses Updated July 6, 2016 30 of 32 Catalog 18 -­‐ Home Care Aide CE -­‐ Washington -­‐ Approved by DSHS (24 Courses) WA1CNA001-­‐T Alzheimer's Disease (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO147820) WA1CNA002-­‐T Assistive Devices (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO147748) WA1CNA004-­‐T Bowel and Bladder Management (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO147824) WA1CNA006-­‐T Infection Control and Universal Precautions (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO147822) WA1CNA015-­‐T Managing Behavior (HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington DSHS Approval Code CO158944) WA1CNA011-­‐T Nutritional Needs (HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington DSHS Approval Code CO147861) WA1CNA005-­‐T Oral Hygiene (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO147747) WA1CNA023-­‐T Positioning and Moving (HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1511020) WA1CNA010-­‐T Resident Assessment/Care Planning (HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington DSHS Approval Code CO147862) WA1CNA007-­‐T Resident Rights: Privacy (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO147823) WA1CNA003-­‐T Residents with Special Problems (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO147821) WA1CNA009-­‐T Skin Management: Preventing Pressure Ulcers (HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington DSHS Approval Code CO1510005) WA2ACM008-­‐T Body Mechanics (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514719) WA2CNA025-­‐T Diabetes (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514717) WA2CNA068-­‐T Death and Dying (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514727) WA2CNA704-­‐T Transfer and Ambulation Skills (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1619266) WA2CNA717-­‐T Communicating with Clients, Residents & Their Families (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514720) WA2CNA723A-­‐T Dementia Care Part 1: Behavior Changes and Challenges (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code Updated July 6, 2016 CEU's 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 31 of 32 CO1514724) WA2CNA723B-­‐T Dementia Care Part 2: Dementia and Physical Decline (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514725) WA2CNA723C-­‐T Dementia Care Part 3: Managing Difficult Behavior (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514726) WA2CNA732-­‐T Fall Prevention (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1619310) WA2M267A-­‐T How the Body Ages, Part 1: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Musculoskeletal Systems (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514721) WA2M267B-­‐T How the Body Ages, Part 2: Central Nervous System, The Senses, and Emotions (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514722) WA2M267C-­‐T How the Body Ages, Part 3: Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary and Integumentary Systems (1 hour HCA Continuing Education -­‐ Washington -­‐ DSHS Approval Code CO1514723) 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 24 Courses Updated July 6, 2016 32 of 32 
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