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Aortic Aneurysm
What follow-up procedures and
care are necessary after an
endovascular stent graft?
You will need to have follow-up visits on a regular
basis to monitor the graft which will require ultrasound and/or CT scans on an annual basis.
Redlands Community Hospital
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It is important to be your own best health
advocate. A good way to do that is by committing
to routine physical exams and diagnostic tests as
often as is recommended by your vascular specialist.
Early detection of vascular disease is important for
effective treatment.
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The Vascular Institute
Center for Surgical & Specialty Care
Redlands Community Hospital
What should I ask my doctor?
What is an aortic aneurysm?
The aorta is the main blood vessel of the body and
is located within the chest and abdomen. It feeds the
blood vessels that supply blood to the brain, internal
organs, arms, and legs. An aortic aneurysm is a bulge
or weakening of the aorta. This weakened area may
grow larger with time and if it bursts or ruptures,
could be life threatening. The abdominal section of
the aorta is the most common place for an aneurysm
to occur, but they can form in any blood vessel in
the body.
Symptoms of an aneurysm
People rarely have symptoms from an aortic
aneurysm. On physical examination, the doctor may
feel a throbbing mass in your abdomen, however,
most aneurysms are identified when a person has an
x-ray, ultrasound test or CT scan for other reasons.
If the aneurysm bursts or ruptures massive internal
bleeding will occur, which may cause intense back
or abdominal pain and signs of shock (ie; fainting,
sweating, sudden weakness, and a rapid heartbeat).
Causes of an aneurysm
Factors that contribute to aneurysm formation are:
• Heredity
• Smoking
• Hypertension
(high blood pressure)
• Atherosclerosis
(hardening of the arteries)
Screening / Testing
Aneurysms rarely cause
symptoms, but there are
noninvasive ultrasound
screening tests available.
An ultrasound or CT scan of
the abdomen may be ordered
by your doctor and is usually
covered under your insurance.
There are two ways to repair an abdominal aortic
aneurysm. One is an open abdominal operation to
remove the aneurysm and inserting a graft or
replacement material. The other is an endovascular
stent graft which is a less invasive operation and
performed from within the aorta.
Not every patient is a candidate for an endovascular
graft. Your doctor will determine which is the best
treatment for you. If an open abdominal operation is
necessary, it is performed under general anesthesia
and usually takes 2-4 hours. The surgeon replaces
the diseased portion of the aorta with an aortic graft
(strong, flexible tube made of Dacron plastic which
the body cannot reject). This graft functions as a
bridge connecting the normal artery above and
below where the aneurysm was located.
During an endovascular stent graft procedure, the
surgeon will make two small incisions in your groin.
While watching an x-ray machine, a catheter tube
with the graft is guided inside the artery to the
aneurysm. The graft is placed within the aneurysm
sac and forms a new lining within the aneurysm.
How long will I stay in the hospital?
For the open abdominal operation, patients usually
stay in the Intensive Care Unit between 1-3 days
and then remain in the hospital another 2 to 7 days.
For the endovascular graft procedure the hospital
stay is usually 1-2 days.
What should I bring to the hospital?
Pack a small bag of personal hygiene items, and a
list of your medications. Do not bring valuables.
What lifestyle changes are required after
abdominal aneurysm surgery?
You will need to take it easy after your operation.
It may be important to modify your lifestyle.
Modifications include, but are not limited to:
stopping smoking, regulating your blood pressure
and cholesterol, exercise, and changing your diet.
What type of anesthesia will I have?
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia
for the open operation and possibly local anesthesia
for the endograft.
How long can the stent graft stay in place?
The graft can stay in place for the rest of your life.
Who is a candidate for an endograft stent procedure?
Patients with favorable anatomy, are those with
large arteries leading to the aneurysm and patients
with an area in the aorta below the kidney arteries to
anchor the stent graft. A CT scan can determine if you
are a candidate for an endovascular graft procedure.