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Domperidone - use for
increasing milk supply
Women’s Health Service
Patient Information
Domperidone (Motilium®) is a medication usually
used for the treatment of stomach discomfort,
nausea and vomiting. One side effect of this
medication is it increases the hormone prolactin
that stimulates the production of breast milk.
Therefore it is termed a galactagogue (milk
stimulant) and can be used for breastfeeding
mothers to increase milk supply. Although
Domperidone is not registered for use as a
galactagogue in New Zealand it is often used for
this purpose.
Domperidone is safe to take while breastfeeding as
the amount of domperidone that could be ingested
by an infant through breast milk is low and there
are only a few side effects reported in both adults
and breastfed babies.
It is important before taking this medication that
you let your midwife, neonatal staff, lactation
consultant or health professional know if your
supply is low. They will help assess your lactation
or breastfeeding and develop a plan of care to help
increase your milk supply.
Ensure you are:
• Expressing or breastfeeding regularly – at
least 3 hourly during the day and 4 hourly
at night.
• Have correct hand expressing technique or
the use of a good breast pump and ensure
you have the correct sized equipment.
• Eating a well-balanced diet and drinking
plenty of fluid, and resting when you can.
Precautions, interactions and adverse
It is important for your health professional to
discuss the risks and benefits of using
domperidone as a galactagogue to ensure that you
are able to make an informed decision.
Please notify your health professional if you have
any known cardiac conditions such as an irregular
heart rhythm (arrhythmias) or have a family history
of this or you are taking any medications for your
Side effects
Potential side effects include;
• Dry mouth
• Headaches which usually disappear when
domperidone is stopped
• Abdominal cramps
Please notify your health professional if you
experience any side effects.
The usual starting dose is 10mg three times a day.
This can be increased after consultation with your
health professional. Doses of up to 40mg daily can
be used. It may take 3 to 4 days before you notice
an effect, though some woman notice increased
milk supply within a day. It can take 2 – 3 weeks to
obtain maximum effect.
You will be given a prescription for 2 weeks initially
and this may be repeated if required. Domperidone
may need to be continued for up to 8 weeks.
However long term use has not been studied.
GA PIB-24 V2 CapitalDocs ID: 1.101162 | Issue date: December 2015 | Review date: December 2018
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Long Term use
Discuss with your health professional if needing to
take domperidone for long periods of time.
Discontinuing Domperidone
When you want to discontinue using Domperidone,
reduce your dose by just one tablet initially for 4-5
days. If there is no change in your milk supply,
reduce by one more tablet and then wait a further
4-5 days. Again if no change in your milk supply,
continue decreasing medication by one tablet
every few days until stopped. If you are able to
maintain your milk supply, continue expressing.
However, if your milk supply drops significantly
please recommence your previous dose and
continue for a further two weeks. If you have any
questions or concerns please consult with your
health professional.
GA PIB-24 V2 CapitalDocs ID: 1.101162 | Issue date: December 2015 | Review date: December 2018
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