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ucsf spine center
a single stop for
The UCSF Spine Center provides comprehensive treatment for all
This team approach, from initial diagnosis through treatment
pathologies affecting the spine and peripheral nerves. Patients are
and recovery, is one reason why US News and World Report has
treated by internationally recognized specialists in neurosurgery,
ranked the UCSF Neurosurgery and Orthopedics Departments
orthopaedic surgery, neurology, and physiatry who work together
among the best in the nation. We are committed to excellence in
to eliminate pain, restore function, and improve quality of life. The
patient care, to the education and involvement of physicians who
team also includes experts in cancer, pain management, physical
refer their patients to our Center, and to advancing new therapies
therapy, radiation oncology, radiology, rheumatology, and nutrition.
for spinal disorders.
Christopher Ames, MD
Nicholas Barbaro, MD
Dean Chou, MD
Primary bone tumors; Spinal
Peripheral nerve and pain
Minimally invasive spine surgery;
deformity; Cranio-cervical junction
disorders; Chiari malformation;
Spinal deformity; Spinal tumors
Praveen Mummaneni, MD
Philip Weinstein, MD
Cervical spine surgery; Minimally
Spinal stenosis; Meningeal
invasive spine tumor surgery;
cysts and tumors; Spinal cord
Adult scoliosis surgery
arteriovenous malformations
total spine care
key collaborators
Jeremy Lieberman, MD
Mark Rollins, MD, PhD
Russ Lyons, MS, DABNM
Roger Noss, PhD
Orthopaedic Surgery
Cynthia Chin, MD
William Dillon, MD
Christopher Dowd, MD
John Engstrom, MD
Orthopaedic Bioengineering
Jeffrey Lotz, PhD
Ivan El-Sayed, MD
Shane Burch, MD
Sibel Deviren, MD
Vedat Deviren, MD
Spinal deformity; Spinal tumors;
Spinal deformity;
Non-surgical treatments;
Spinal deformity; Minimally invasive
Minimally invasive
Geriatric spine disease
spinal reconstruction;
Mohammad Diab, MD
spinal injections
Spinal tumors
Nalin Gupta, MD, PhD
Sigurd Berven, MD
spinal reconstruction
Pediatric Spinal Surgery
Tarik Tihan, MD
Radiation Oncology
Igor Barani, MD
Thoracic Oncology
Thierry Jahan, MD
Vascular &
Endovascular Surgery
Serena S. Hu, MD
Aenor Sawyer, MD
Bobby Tay, MD
Spinal deformity; Spinal stenosis;
Pediatric and adult bone health;
Cervical and lumbar
Disc replacements
Osteoporosis care and prevention
spinal disorders;
Minimally invasive spine surgery
Charles Eichler, MD
non-surgical treat
The first line of treatment for patients at the UCSF Spine Center
In a recent study at UCSF, 76% of patients with cervical disorders
is always a combination of non-surgical therapies. Patients with
causing neck and radicular arm pain improved with conservative
serious disorders, such as tumors, myelopathy, or instability,
treatments, including cervical transforaminal epidural injection,
may be referred for surgical evaluation, but these patients are
physical therapy, and medication.
also evaluated by physiatrists and managed with non-surgical
adjuvant therapy.
Non-surgical treatments are
applied simultaneously from
the beginning of treatment
and include:
• Medications
• Physical therapy
• Ergonomics
• Patient education
• Transforaminal epidural
steroid injections
• Facet joint intraarticular injections
• Sacroiliac joint intraarticular injections
• Medial branch nerve blocks
• Selective nerve root blocks
• Spinal angiography
Experienced neuroradiologists
• Discography
perform a wide range of
interventional and diagnostic
therapeutic procedures,
such as:
• Sciatic nerve
• Sympathetic nerve blocks
with anesthetics or botox
• Piriformis
anesthetic injections
• Radiofrequency ablations
• Embolization of spinal
vascular malformations
Additional diagnostic
evaluations and non-surgical
treatment options for functional
movement problems or pain
conditions of the neck and
back are provided through our
collaboration with the Osher
Center for Integrative Medicine,
• Manual therapy by an
experienced physician
(including spinal manipulation if indicated)
• Massage by
practitioners with
experience in
pain conditions
• Acupuncture following
a diagnosis according to
Traditional Chinese Medicine
• Biofeedback by an
experienced nurse
• Hands-on
mind-body interventions
for psychosomatic
pain conditions
• Group programs for
Stress Reduction,
Yoga, and Tai Chi
Transforaminal spread of radiopaque dye to confirm correct needle placement
and to help localize the entrapment of the nerve root.
epidural steroid injections
cervical transforaminal injections
An epidural steroid injection
help determine which level
epidural steroid injections,
Cervical transforaminal
blood flow and result in
can be used not only to treat
is the main pain generator.
and are more selective and
injections are done using
complications. Over 2,000
pain and reduce inflammation,
Symptoms can then be
specific for localizing pain.
digital substraction
cervical transforaminal
but also for diagnostic and
managed with less invasive
TFE injections, under
angiography, allowing
injections and 10,000
prognostic purposes.
surgery if the conservative
fluoroscopic guidance, are
the physician to have a
spine injections have been
treatments fail to improve
given where the nerve root
clear view of the spinal
performed at UCSF with no
function. Injections can also
is exiting the spine, allowing
radicular artery to ensure
serious complications.
be used to resolve
a greater percentage of the
that injections do not block
discrepancies between
steroid to reach the ventral
symptoms and imaging.
epidural space — the site
Patients who receive 80%
or greater relief from injections
are 90-95% likely to benefit
from surgery. Images taken
for injections can be used to
localize the source of pain
It has been shown that
and visualize the nerve roots.
transforaminal epidural (TFE)
For patients with multilevel
steroid injections are more
disorders, the injections can
effective than interlaminar
of most inflammation — and
enter the nerve root sleeve.
minimally invasive
Minimally invasive surgery is available for a number of spinal
disorders, ranging from degenerative diseases to spinal tumors.
These procedures have potential to greatly benefit patients by
reducing surgical risk, pain, blood loss, risk of infection, and
time to recovery. Our specialists have extensive training and
minimally invasive techniques
for the thoracic spine
Minimally invasive thoracoscopy techniques
for anterior thoracic spine tumors use three
to four small incisions through which the
tumor can be removed. A voice-activated
robotic arm aids in this surgery by following
commands and helping to position the
throacoscopic camera for visualization.
We are also one of the only centers in the
United States to offer minimally invasive
transpedicular thoracic discectomies
and minimally invasive transpedicular
corpectomies for tumors.
experience in minimally invasive spinal techniques, some of
which can be performed in the outpatient setting. State-of-the-art
instrumentation designed for these procedures allow for improved
visualization and mobility.
Minimally Invasive Procedure
Herniated discs with
cord compression
Transpedicular discectomy
Thoracoscopic robotic surgery
Posterior resection
Minimally invasive transpedicular
discectomy of the thoracic spine is
performed through a tube just 26 mm
in diameter.
e surgery
minimally invasive techniques
for the cervical spine
Minimally Invasive Procedure
Herniated discs
Foraminotomy and Discectomy
Using specialized tubular retractors and
endoscopes that can move through tiny
incisions, UCSF spine surgeons are able to
treat cervical spine disorders with minimally
invasive surgery.
Degenerative spinal disease
Axial T2 weighted MRI of the C7-T1
level showing a left-side disc herniation
compressing the neural foramen. This disc
herniation was subsequently removed with
a posterior minimally invasive foraminotomy
and discectomy.
minimally invasive techniques
for the lumbar spine
Minimally Invasive Procedure
Herniated discs
A variety of advanced minimally invasive
techniques are also available to treat the
lumbar spine.
Cauda equina syndrome
Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF)
Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF)
Posterolateral fusion
Intradural tumor removal at
T12-L1 through a minimally
invasive expandable
tubular retractor.
Resection (with or without fusion)
Revision fusion
degenerative spin
Cervical Spine
The cervical spine is the most
flexible anatomic region in
the axial skeleton. Distinct
segments of the cervical spine
give us the ability to perform
complex neck motions like
symptoms associated with cervical spine disorders
head turning or tilting and to
carry weight or absorb impact
while protecting the delicate
Neck pain and headache, Radiculopathy due to
radiating to the shoulders,
disc herniation and spondylosis
arms, and hands
Diminished dexterity
Spastic gait
vertebra. Vital supportive
structures of the cervical spine,
Myelopathy caused by
and surrounding ligaments,
spinal cord compression from
are subject to repetitive injury
neural canal stenosis
and degeneration from normal
activities, such as work or
and head flexion
that pass through the cervical
such as the discs, facet joints,
Neurogenic bladder
Neck pain during movement
spinal cord and nerve roots
sports, and from aging,
Segmental instability caused
by degenerative
or prior fracture
or post-traumatic deformity
stress, or trauma.
The Occipito-Cervical
insufficiency, or rheumatoid
arthritis. UCSF spine surgeons
Instability in the atlanto-occipital
have substantial experience
joint results in hyper-mobility of
the junction between the head
and the neck, which can cause
severe pain or paralysis. It may
result from rheumatoid arthritis
with complex surgical
procedures, including use of
either transarticular screws
or pedicle screws to restore
stability to this segment without
or congenital defects that
injuring the vertebral arteries.
can accelerate degenerative
Subaxial Cervical Spine
arthropathy, resulting in basilar
invagination. The UCSF
Spine Center uses the latest
developments in imaging,
computer-assisted surgery,
and instrumentation to provide
safer and more effective
decompression and arthrodesis.
The most common
degenerative disorders of
the cervical spine affect
the sub-axial C3-C7
segments. Symptoms of disc
herniation, joint degeneration,
and spondylostenosis
include radicular pain and
The Atlanto-Axial (C1-2) Joint
sensorimotor deficit or
Chronic C1-2 instability and
myelopathy with spasticity and
subsequent joint degeneration
is primarily caused by
trauma, congenital odontoid
pathological reflexes. At UCSF,
minimally invasive approaches
can be performed posteriorly
ne disorders
for decompression of nerve
much of the treatment is non-
roots. Our surgical team also
surgical, there are certain
has expertise in motion-sparing
conditions that require
operations such as cervical
surgery. Some degenerative
disc replacement and cervical
diseases can be easily treated
laminoplasty that obviate
with small, minimally invasive
the need for a cervical spinal
procedures, but others
fusion. As a tertiary care spine
require large, reconstructive
center, we have substantial
operations. The spine surgeons
experience in treating complex
at UCSF have considerable
cervical spine problems with
experience treating the entire
osteotomies, corpectomies,
spectrum of degenerative
reconstruction, and multilevel
disorders, as well as in-depth
fusion with instrumentation.
knowledge of the success
Spine Disorders
thoracolumbar conditions treated include:
• Disc herniations
• Kyphosis
• Stenosis
• Spondylolisthesis
• Adult scoliosis
rates of each procedure. This
experience enables them to
guide patients towards the
appropriate treatment based
Degenerative thoracolumbar
on the entire clinical picture,
disorders are becoming
not just a focal finding. increasingly prevalent as
patients have longer, healthier,
and more active lives. While
Left) Preoperative lateral x-ray film demonstrating L5/S1 spondylolysis with
spondylolisthesis and foraminal stenosis. Right) Postoperative lateral x-ray
film following ALIF with anterior cage and plate and minimally invasive posterior decompression and pedicle screw fixation.
spinal tumors
The UCSF Spine Center offers treatment for all primary and
The Spine Center faculty who specialize in tumors are
metastatic tumors from the skull base to the sacrum. We treat
members of the Spine Oncology Study Group — an international
a high volume of spinal tumor cases each year and our spine
collaboration of spine tumor experts who partner in studying the
surgeons are continually at the forefront of developing new
behavioral pattern of these tumors and analyzing the efficacy
techniques for optimal resection of the most difficult tumors.
of current therapies.
Our surgical team has special
Comprehensive Cancer
expertise in transpedicular
Center offers patients the
corpectomy and en bloc
benefit of care from a
resection, sparing many
variety of specialists.
Advantages of
CyberKnife VSI™
Radiosurgery for
Spinal Tumors:
The UCSF Spine Center is
• Robotics and advanced
cancer patients from a
thoracotomy procedure and
• Treatment is completed on
outpatient basis without the
need for a hospital stay.
• The VSI™ System is
the latest development in
one of few programs to offer
image-guidance adjust for
CyberKnife technology.
the latest CyberKnife VSI TM
a patient’s movements and
Faster radiation delivery and
radiosurgery platform for the
map the precise location of
variable beam apertures
All spine tumor cases are
treatment of spinal tumors.
the lesion during treatment.
enable us to considerably
routinely reviewed at a
This non-invasive, painless
multidisciplinary spine tumor
treatment can be done in
board to determine the best
one to five sessions and can
treatment options for each
be used to treat primary and
patient. The close collaboration
metastatic tumors definitively
between neurosurgeons,
or as a supplement to surgery.
orthopaedic surgeons,
The CyberKnife can also be
radiation oncologists, and
used to treat patients who have
oncologists at the UCSF
inoperable tumors or who were
Helen Diller Family
previously irradiated.
resulting in less morbidity and
shorter hospital stays.
Top) 3-Dimensional CT reconstruction of a sacral tumor.
Bottom) En bloc resection removes the tumor in one piece using wide margins
to avoid violating the tumor and reduce local spread of malignant cells.
• Focused radiation delivers
a maximally aggressive
dose of radiation to the
target abnormality with
minimal impact on the
healthy tissue.
• No frame is used to
immobilize the patient.
reduce the treatment time,
extending the advantages
of radiosurgery over
conventionally fractionated
radiation therapy.
for removal
of malignant
• Spondylectomy (en bloc
resection) for primary
and metastatic tumors,
including sacral tumors
• Transpedicular corpectomy
for metastatic tumors
• Cervical transpedicular
technique for ventral
intradural tumors
• Lateral transpedicular
approach to deep midline
tumors of the cervical spine
• Image-guided tumor
resection using advanced
neuronavigation software
The CyberKnife radiousurgery platform at UCSF Medical Center
provides non-invasive treatment for spinal tumors.
vertebral compre
Older patients and those with osteoporosis have a high risk of
vertebral compression fractures can occur during simple activities
spinal fractures, particularly vertebral compression fractures.
of daily living, such as coughing, sitting down quickly, or taking a
The reasons are multi-factorial but include low bone mass and
step wrong. Vertebral fractures in younger patients typically result
strength, as well as an increased risk of falling. In these patients,
from substantial trauma.
Vertebral fractures occur
fractures are more common in
future fractures, decreased
and prosthetics, pain
with twice the frequency
women than men; however, the
quality of life, increased
management, and skeletal
of hip and wrist fractures
consequences are severe in
anxiety, depression, and death.
health. Comprehensive and
combined. Approximately
both. Patients may experience
700,000 vertebral compression
acute and chronic pain,
fractures are diagnosed in
kyphotic deformity (increased
the United Sates annually. As
forward curve of the spine),
with many fragility fractures,
compromised respiratory and
vertebral compression
GI function, increased risk of
The UCSF Spine Center
provides care from
specialists in spine surgery,
radiology, internal medicine,
gerontology, endocrinology,
physical therapy, orthotics
integrated care is essential to
minimize the severe morbidity
and mortality associated
with vertebral compression
fractures, as well as prevent
future fractures.
high-risk spine surgery team
A high-risk spine team has been formed at UCSF to improve
patient’s diet prior to surgery. A neurosurgeon and an orthopaedic
surgical care for elderly patients (> 65 years) with spinal conditions,
surgeon operate on each patient simultaneously with the goals of
who are at higher risk of complication during surgery. Each patient
decreasing blood loss and shortening operating times.
is treated by a hospitalist and a nutritionist who optimizes the
Orthopaedic surgeon Vedat Deviren and neurosurgeon Christopher Ames
collaborate in the operating room to perform a spinal fusion for a high-risk patient.
ession fractures
In Patient Management
Out Patient Management
Medical management of
Spine Clinic
co-existing conditions
Imaging (Xray, CT, MRI)
Imaging (Xray, CT, MRI)
Surgical Care
Surgical Care
• Percutaneous
• Percutaneous
vertebral augmentation
indicators of possible
vertebral compression
fractures in older patients
• Development of back pain
• Protuberant abdomen
• Stooped or hunched posture
• Decreased
• Loss of 0.5 inch or more
in height in one year
• Loss of more than 1.5 inches
from original height
respiratory capacity
• Early satiety,
weight loss
vertebral augmentation
• Decompression
and fusion
Non-surgical Management
Non-surgical Management
• Pain management
• Pain management
• Physiatry
• Physiatry
• Short-term bracing,
• Orthotics,
if indicated
if bracing is indicated
Physical Therapy for safe
Physical Therapy for safe
mobility, fall prevention, and
mobility and fall prevention
discharge planning
Skeletal Health
Skeletal Health
• Evaluation
• Evaluation (risk-factor
(risk-factor screening, labs)
• Optimization of nutrients
• Patient education
screening, dual x-ray
absorptiometry, labs)
• Treatment of osteopenia/
• Patient education
• Stand Tall exercise program
for osteoporotic patients
The UCSF Spine Center provides expert care for all aspects
spondylolisthesis, which may result in acute or chronic instability,
of spinal deformity, including kyphosis, scoliosis, and
neurological deficit, and pain.
Our spine surgeons place
particular emphasis on
adequate and thorough neural
decompression and protection,
combined with restoration of
normal global and regional
spinal balance. State-of-theart spinal cord monitoring
techniques are employed by
PhD-level electrophysiologists
in the operating rooms to
provide the highest levels of
patient safety.
Conditions treated include:
• Adult degenerative scoliosis
• Adult idiopathic scoliosis
• Adolescent scoliosis
• Congenital deformities
• Scheuermann’s kyphosis
• Severe lordotic deformities
• Severe kyphotic deformities
To restore functional capacity
Smith-Peterson osteotomies,
and eliminate pain, our skilled
Ponte-type osteotomies, and
team uses a wide variety of
vertebral column resection.
techniques, including pedicle
subtraction osteotomies,
• Failed-back syndrome
• Flat-back syndrome
• Chin-on-chest
kyphotic deformity
• High-grade
• Neuromuscular scoliosis
• Ankylosing spondylitis
• Rheumatoid arthritis
spinal deformity in patients
with parkinson’s disease
Movement disorders and
Spinal deformity can be a
spine care specialists at
consequence of Parkinson’s
UCSF work together closely
disease, and a recent study
to care for patients with
at UCSF demonstrated
both Parkinson’s disease
a 50% complication rate
and spinal deformity.
for operations on these
Although there is little
patients. Adjacent segment
guidance for management,
degeneration and junctional
this issue is becoming
kyphosis are common in
increasingly relevant with a
Parkinson’s patients, and
growing elderly population
these patients often require
of Parkinson’s patients.
multiple surgeries to treat
spinal deformity.
A 60-year-old female patient with severe back pain caused by scoliosis was
successfully treated by spine surgeons at UCSF. Left: Before the operation, x-ray images revealed severe deformity of the spine. Right: Six months after surgery, the spine’s normal curvature has been restored and the patient is
now free of her back pain.
clinical research
All the faculty and staff in
By systematically and
asked to complete outcomes
the UCSF Spine Center
analytically reviewing our
questionnaires so that we
are dedicated to improving
patients’ outcomes, we
may objectively and carefully
our care of spine patients.
can implement the best
evaluate the effectiveness
Performing clinical research
evidence-based practices.
of our recommendations
allows us to improve care in a
Many of our patients are
and surgeries.
way that reaches people with
involved in specific ongoing
spinal conditions worldwide.
studies, and all patients are
current areas of study
• Incidence and risk factors
• Specialized MRI sequences
• Improved nerve monitoring
for degeneration and disease
to determine which discs
techniques for placement of
adjacent to a fusion
may be painful
pedicle screws
• Risk factors for developing
• Evaluating the risk factors
• Defining the coexistence of
kyphosis at the end of
for complications of surgery,
cervical spondylosis and
a fusion
such as infection, DVT/PE,
adult spinal deformity
• Use of teriparatide
(parathyroid hormone)
to potentially increase
the healing rate of
spine fusions
or reoperation
University of California, San Francisco
UCSF Box 0112
San Francisco, CA 94143-0112
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University of
San Francisco
ucsf spine center
To refer a patient to the UCSF Spine Center,
call (866) 81-SPINE or (866) 817-7463.
UCSF Spine Center
400 Parnassus Ave., Third Floor
San Francisco, CA 94143-0332
Fax: (415) 353-4047
Visit us online at