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Secrets of Oral Chelation
by Michele Payne-Salomon
Doctors Discover the Alarming
Truth about iViercury's and Other
Toxic Heavy iVIetais' Devastating
Effects on Patients and the
Secrets of Oral Cheiation
Why is Oral Chelation still such
a secret when so nnany doctors and
health care professionals have been
aware of its amazing benefits as far
back as 1948? I have worked with
hundreds of doctors and thousands
of case studies that have used
oral-chelating formulas for almost
ten years and have experienced
outstanding reversal of some of the
numerous health issues caused by
toxic heavy metals. These toxins are
what we refer to as the twenty-first
century plague.
What do 9/11 Ground Zero
Rescue workers, one in 12 women
of child-bearing age, people who
consume fish daily, people with
amalgam fillings in their mouth, and
vaccinated individuals all have in
ground-zero rescue workers and
lower Manhattan residents were
exposed to dangerous levels of
mercury and lead, plus numerous
respiratory and digestive problems,
depression, lethargy, headaches,
and elevated blood pressure.
2. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) states
that "1 out of 12 women of childbearing age already have levels of
mercury that are close to hazardous;
enough to cause ADD, lower IQs,
plus other serious health issues in
their unborn child."
Consuming fish daily, having
mercury amalgam fillings, and
undergoing vaccinations each create
severe health risk factors. The above
all have a strong link to Alzheimer's,
Parkinson's, cardiovascular degeneration, circulatory problems,
memory loss, chronic fatigue, as
well as autism, according to many
In this day and age, it is generally
impossible to not be exposed to toxic
heavy metals; it becomes more a
matter of how much and how often.
Time after time, many of the aches
and pains, even life-threatening
conditions of your patients are
due to common environmental
exposures. Using a well-respected
Oral Chelation formula, these health
issues have the ability to improve
if not be completely eliminated,
sometimes in as little as six months.
What Is Orai Cheiation Therapy?
Oral Chelation is a highly
effective treatment for clearing
toxic heavy metals trapped deep
within the organs, tissues, and
bones. Toxic chemicals and heavy
metals can have a powerful impact
on the human body. Oral Chelation
is also valuable for the treatment
of cardiovascular disease and
circulatory problems, which have
now been proven to be responses
to heavy metal toxins; memory loss;
increased allergic reactions; high
blood pressure, cholesterol, and
trigiycerides. Autoimmune diseases
and chronic fatigue syndrome also
result from exposure to these twenty-
first century pollutants. Shouldn't
everyone be offered a non-surgical
therapy that could slow the process
of atherosclerosis and restore
healthy circulation?
professionals who understand the
many benefits of Oral Chelation:
As an allopathic nutritional and
metabolic physician, I am happy
to state that Oral Chelation has
served hundreds of my patients
very well, indeed for many years
now. Aluminum, mercury, and
copper excesses/toxicities are
quite common among my patient
population in Tucson and phoneconsulting patients around the
US, causing fatigue, memory loss/
dementia/early Alzheimer's and
general ill-health...The results, in
hundreds of patients over a many
year period, has been nothing
short of outstanding, with total
clearing of symptoms and very
few sensitivities.
John V. Dommisse MD, MBChB, FRCP(C).
ACAM member [email protected]
for six years, I recently had a
Inland Cardiology Clinic, Post
Falls, Idaho did the work-up,
which included an EKG and scan
of my heart and arteries. The
heart specialist said he found
I had the "heart of a young man
and arteries as clean as a new
whistle," and I'm decidedly older
than a younger man!
John Coleman, PhD, world-renowned author,
has books published in eight languages. John
was the first U.S. authority to report the Avian Flu
outbreak in 1984.
Over the past five years, I have
actively encouraged my patients
to participate in IV and Oral
Chelation therapy. IV Chelation is
a valid form of heavy metal detox,
however, many of our patients do
not have time to accomplish 30 or
more three-hour visits, and some
are intimidated by the delivery
system. The Oral Chelation
patients are dosing dally without
side effects and exhibiting many
of the same desired benefits
as the IV patients. One patient
shared recently that he now takes
long walks and even climbs stairs.
For this patient, walking to the
mailbox was impossibility prior
to his utilizing our Oral Chelation
protocol. We prescribe Oral
Chelation to all patients as an
integral part of a healthy lifestyle.
Woodie Fritz, MD, The Fritz Clinic,
[email protected]
I have been practicing general
dentistry for many years in my
community and have become
increasingly concerned with the
potential negative effects that
mercury and other toxic heavy
metals can have on the health of
my patients. The benefits of Oral
Chelation came to my attention
shortly after recommending it to
one of my patients. A long-term
dental patient had developed
Alzheimer's two years prior.
Approximately one month after
beginning the Oral Chelation
formula, his combativeness had
improved considerably, reported
to me by his family and other
Robert Nelson, DDS, Saginaw, Michigan,
As CEO of Extended Health,
I detailed the overlaps between
symptoms of autism/ADD and those
of mercury toxicity in a 2001 report
featured in the Townsend Letter.
[Treated a] 13-year-old boy
diagnosed with ADD. Excellent
results reducing arsenic, lead,
and cadmium in a two-month
period using only Oral Chelation.
J. Brighton, MA, ND
ADD + AUTiSM: Maile Pouls,
Director of Research of
Extended Health, Walnut Creek,
California (maile@ExtendedHealth.
com), conducted case studies on
12 children, ages ranging from
three to nine years, all with verified
toxic heavy metals. "The children
had behavior and immune system
compromises. In the majority of
these individuals, we have evaluated
heavy metals toxicity, we had them
on a six-month protocol of an Oral
Chelation AM/PM Formula. The
abnormal levels ofall the major heavy
metals had either been eliminated or
significantly reduced. However, we
have found that in some cases the
heavy metals can be stored deep in
the brain and nerve ganglions and
take longer to remove. As these
heavy metals are mobilized from
the deeper tissues, the hair analysis
reading will actually appear higher
for a short period of time indicating
that these deeper deposits that have
been stored are being mobilized and
excreted. The remaining mobilized
heavy metals will continue to be
excreted out of ones system as long
as the individual continues to remain
on the Oral Chelation Formula. In
some cases a one-year protocol is
needed for these deeper deposits.
One example was a seven-yearold autistic girl with very poor
cognitive function and memory.
She had a difficult time following
directions, and could not speak In
sentences. Her immune system
was compromised and her chronic
coughing was severe. Her bowel
movements were irregular with an
extremely bad odor, and she had
much bloating, stomach upsets,
and gas. Her energy was poor
and did not sleep well. Her hair
analyses revealed sever mercury
toxicity. After six months on the
Oral Chelation Formula, her hair
test levels of mercury went normal.
Her cognitive abilities improved;
she became a good reader; her
short-term memory improved;
she had more imaginary play; she
followed directions better; and
she could speak in full sentences.
Her bowel movements are regular
with no fowl odor, bloating, or
gas. Needless to say her family is
extremely pleased.
Oral Chelation
There are many different methods
of testing for toxic heavy metals. The
following excerpts describe a few
Kupsinel, MD, of Oviedo, Florida
([email protected])
I have had a very significant
reduction in my own toxic
metals as documented by a hair
analysis. I have been taking an
Oral Chelation AM/PM Formula
without the added intravenous
EDTA chelation. One of my autistic
patients, who is five years old,
has also documented reduction
in toxic metals by the hair testing
method and has experienced a
remarkable improvement over the
past year. Observations by his
parents and teachers, along with
testing at school, document his
Ewing, PhD, ND, Executive
Director International Academy of
Biological Dentistry & Medicine,
author of Let the Tooth Be
Known, Are Your Teeth t^ai<ing
You Sick?, Houston, Texas
([email protected]) uses a
biological terrain assessment
and meridian stress assessment
to verify the absolutely fabulous
results with patients using oral
chelation for removal of toxic
metals, chemicals, and build-up
in the arteries. It is cost-effective
and can be used as a person's
basic vitamins.
CIRCULATION: Nancy GardnerHaven, PhD, at the California
Preventive Medicine Non-Profit
in San Rafael,
com) conducted a thermological
study on eight Individuals with
varying and complicated heart
conditions. After six months
on an Oral Chelation AM/PM
Formula, all but one person
had an improvement of at least
20% increase in circulation,
reducing the level of stenosis of
the vascular system. Thermology
testing has been used as an early
detection of heart disease.
Oral Chelation
Generally speaking, heavy metals
disrupt metabolic function. They
accumulate and thereby disrupt
function in vital organs and glands
such as the heart, brain, kidneys,
bone, liver, etc. High blood pressure
and cholesterol are common issues
with the majority of patients. The
patients normally do not stop taking
their medications. As they begin
improving from the Oral Chelation
formula, reduction or elimination of
the medication is common.
HEART: James Miles, ND of
Georgetown, Texas (512-8689867). A patient's cholesterol was
tested on June 19, 2001, the total
cholesterol was 269, and the LDL
was 177, the trigiycerides 215,
and the HDL 49; the risk was 5.4.
On 7/12/2001, he started on an
Oral Chelation AM/PM Formula.
When retested on 9/17/2001,
his total cholesterol was 184,
the trigiycerides was 67, and the
LDL was 123; the risk factor was
3.83. Amazing results in just two
months! Testing mythology by
Toxic heavy metals can also
increase the acidity in the blood,
and, as a protective measure, the
body will leech metabolic minerals
and then calcium from the bones
to help restore proper blood pH.
Oxidative stress and acidosis lead to
inflammation in arteries and tissues,
causing more calcium to be drawn to
those areas as a buffer. The calcium
coats the inflamed areas in the blood
vessels like a bandage, patching up
one problem but creating another,
namely, hardening of the artery
walls and progressive blockage of
the arteries.
CONSUMER: I have been using
Oral Chelation for over a year.
I originally had a quadruple
bypass and continuing pain in
the ankle from which the artery
was taken. I no longer have this
pain. My dental hygienist has
told me that the color of my gums
has tremendously improved. My
cholesterol count was originally
at 273, and it has dropped to
164. My overall energy has been
terrific even though I have a
very demanding and exhausting
T. Batt
According to the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), there are
50 different industries that expose
to dangerous
heavy metals on a daily bases. Your
patients cannot stop working. Some
quality Oral Chelation formulas can
be used long-term to ward off the
daily exposure along with reducing
the body load.
CONSUMER: Wayne works as
an auto machinist. He is around
auto racing fuel, which contains
a lot of lead. His feet and toes
tingle and are often numb. Wayne
irritability, and sleeping problems.
Wayne began by ordering a hair
analysis to verify numerous high
level toxins.
Wayne is feeling improvements
with more energy and is now
able to resume working 15-hour
days. The joints in his body do
not hurt as much, and his lower
back stiffness and pain are gone.
Wayne also states that he no
longer feels fatigued and he is
sleeping better. Original testing
verified toxic heavy metal levels
of the following: Cadmium- High,
Copper- High, Tin-High, LeadHigh, and Cobalt-Medium.
United States military veterans
have numerous health issues and
need special attention.
weeks on Oral Chelation, I have
noticed great improvements. The
rash - doctors have said was
shingles, ringworm, parasites,
fungus, etc. - is disappearing.
I am a veteran and have been
having problems with this for 15
years. I have noticed a change in
mental attitude and in my physical
well-being, thanks to the Oral
N. Bragger
environment has a huge impact on
your health.
For the past few years, I have
had an increase in tremors of my
hands. I could not hold a glass
of water in my left hand with
out significant tremors. I have
been on Oral Chelation now for
two-and-a-half months. I have
noticed a considerable drop in the
tremors to the point that the only
time I notice them is when I am
extremely tired or stressed, and
even then, they are minor. I live in
an area of constant exposure to
toxic heavy metals in the air from
mining and factories.
D. Trudeau, NMD
My patient suffered from chronic
fatigue with recurrent score
throats and headaches. Her
symptoms have improved from a
level 4 out of 10 to an 8 after just
a few months. We will continue
to use Oral Chelation as she
continues to improve. She is
happier, enjoying life and her
increased energy.
Dr. D. Ryan
Toxic heavy metals contribute to
so many different health issues and
symptoms. The numerous benefits
of Oral Chelation are powerful.
Are All Oral Chelation Formuias
the Same?
No, of course not. It is extremely
important to learn how to compare
Oral Chelation formulas to determine
which ones have the most effective
results. If I can be of any assistance
in this education process, please do
not hesitate to contact me directly.
Michele Payne-Salomon
Extended Health
Walnut Creek, California
Fax: 925-988-8013
[email protected]