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Sage Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE
Analysis of variance by G. R. Iversen & H. Norpoth
Causal modeling by H. B. Asher
Tests of significance by R. E. Henkel
Cohort analysis by N. D. Glenn
Canonical analysis and factor comparison by M. S. Levine
Analysis of nominal data by H. T. Reynolds
Analysis of ordinal data by D. K. Hildebrand, J. D. Laing, & H. Rosenthal
10. Ecological inference by L. I. Langbein & A. J. Lichtman
11. Multidimensional scaling by J. B. Kruskal & M. Wish
12. Analysis of covariance by A. R. Wildt & O. T. Ahtola
18. Analyzing panel data by G. B. Markus
19. Discriminant analysis by W. R. Klecka
20. Log-linear models by D. Knoke & P. J. Burke
21. Interrupted time series analysis by D. McDowall, R. McCleary, E. E. Meidinger, & R. A.
Hay, Jr.
22. Applied regression: An introduction by M. S. Lewis-Beck
23. Research designs by P. E. Spector
24. Unidimensional scaling by J. P. McIver & E. G. Carmines
26. Multiattribute evaluation by W. Edwards & J. R. Newman
27. Dynamic modeling: An introduction by R. R. Huckfeldt, C. W. Kohfeld, & T. W. Likens
28. Network analysis by D. Knoke & J. H. Kuklinski
47. Canonical correlation analysis: Uses and interpretation by B. Thompson
65. Three-way scaling and clustering by P. Arabie, J. D. Carroll, & W. S. DeSarbo
66. Q methodology by B. McKeown & D. Thomas
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