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Tatiana Safonova (Curriculum Vitae)
Mailing Address: Center for Independent Social Research, P.O.B. 193, St. Petersburg, 191040, Russia
Phone/Fax: +7 (812) 718-37-96(work); +36(30)861-18-03 (mobile)
E-mail: [email protected]
2009 PhD degree in sociology (Kandidat nauk), dissertation title: “Russian and European Nature Reserves:
A Comparison of Regimes of Control over Territory”, Saint-Petersburg State University.
2005 – 2008 Saint Petersburg State University, PhD student Chair of Comparative Sociology, Department of
1999 – 2005 Saint Petersburg State University, Major – Social Anthropology, Minor – Sociology
Diploma with distinction. Project: “The Inspector of Nature Reserve: Sociology of Ecological Profession”
2003 Bielefeld University (Germany), Department for Sociology
Hunter-gatherers, Nature conservation, indigenous people, anthropology of Siberia, ethnomethodology
2010-2011– associate member of Siberian Studies Centre, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
(Halle (Saale), Germany)
2003 – present researcher, Center for Independent Social Research (NGO), St.Petersburg, Russia
2011 Az evenkik földjén. Kulturális kontaktusok a Bajkál-vidéken. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó (in coauthorship with István Sántha), in Hungarian
Articles and Chapters:
Forthcoming Stories about Evenki People and their Dogs: Communication through Sharing of
Contexts // M. Brightman, V. E. Grotti and O. Ulturgasheva (eds.) Shamanism in Rainforest and Tundra:
Personhood in the Shamanic Ecologies of Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia. N.Y, Oxford: Berghahn
Books (in co-authorship with István Sántha)
2011 Pokazukha in the House of Culture: the pattern of behavior in Kurmkan of Eastern Buryatia //
Donahoe, Brian und Joachim Otto Habeck (eds): Reconstructing the House of Culture: community, self and
the makings of culture in Russia and beyond, pp. 75-96. New York; London: Berghahn (in co-authorship
with István Sántha)
2010 The Study of Practices through Learning in Social Anthropology // Forum for Anthropology
and Culture, Vol.13, pp.211-216 (in Russian)
2010 Being Local Outsiders: a Study of Chinese Ethos in East Siberia // Inner Asia, 12(2), pp. 347364 (in co-authorship with István Sántha)
2010 Gender Distinctions in an Egalitarian Society: The Case of Evenki People of the Baikal Region
// Anthropology of East Europe Review, Special Issue:"Gender Shift in the North of Russia", 28(2), pp. 120139, (in co-authorship with István
2010 Walking Mind: The Pattern that Connects Evenki Land, Companionship and Person // Bammé,
A., Getzinger, G. and Wieser, B, (eds.), Yearbook 2009 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science,
Technology and Society, München, Wien: Profil, pp. 311-323 (in co-authorship with István Sántha)
2010 Different Risks, Different Biographies: The Roles of Reversibility for Buryats and Circularity
for Evenki people // Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum Qualitative Social Research, special issue
Biography, Risk and Uncertainty/Biographical Coping with Risk and Uncertainty, 11(1), Art. 1, (in co-authorship with István Sántha)
2009 Study of Practices in sociology after Emile Durkheim // Journal of Sociology and Social
Anthropology, Vol. 12, No. 1. P. 15-31 (in Russian)
2009 Study of Practices in sociology after Emile
Durkheim // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Vol. 12, No. 1. P. 15-31 (in Russian)
2009 ’Mítoszban élni’ és a sámánkodás gyakorlata a Bajkál-tó környéki ehirit-burjátok körében.
(“Living in the Myth ” and the Practice of Shamans among Ehirit - Buryats of the Baikal Region) // Berta, P.
1 (ed.) Ethno-lore, XXVI. Budapest, MTA Néprajzi Kutatóintézete. Pp. 191–204 (In Hungarian, in coauthorship with István Sántha)
2008 Színlelés – Idegenekkel kapcsolatos magatartási forma a Barguzin felső folyásánál élő
kurumkáni evenkik körében. (“Pokazukha” Pattern of Behaviour in Kurumkan of Eastern Buryatia) //
Vargyas, G., Berta, P. (eds.) Ethno-lore, XXV. Budapest, MTA Néprajzi Kutatóintézete. Pp. 71–87 (In
Hungarian, in co-authorship with István Sántha)
2008 Nature Reserves in Russia and Europe: The Comparison of Self-Corrective Systems // Ab
Imperio, 4. Pp. 335-355 (in Russian)
2007 Companionship among Evenki of Eastern Buryatia: The Study of Flexible and Stable Elements
of Culture // Working Papers of Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, No.99 (in co-authorship with
István Sántha)
2007 The Professional Ethos of Rangers in Russian Nature Reserves // Acta Borealia, 24:1, 44 – 58
2006 Social Ecology of Russian Nature Reserves in Post-Soviet Times // Reserved Funds, No 2 (46).
Pp. 215-224 (in Russian)
2005 “Unverstehende” Sociology: Histories about Ethnomethodologists // Journal of Sociology and
Social Anthropology, Vol. 8, No. 4. Pp. 22-31 (in Russian)
2005 Social Ecology of a Professional Group: The Study of the Case of Inspectors in Nature Reserve
// Romanov D. (ed.) Anthropology of Profession. Saratov: Scientific Book. Pp. 200-226 (in Russian)
2005 The Presentation of Cultural Display // Sociological Journal, Vol. 1, P. 37-50 (in Russian, in
co-authorship with Mikhail Sokolov)
2004 “Seduction by Profession: The Study of Recruitment of Younger Sociologists” // Telescope,
Journal of Sociological and Market Research, No. 4, pp. 53-56
2003 The New Totemism: A Study of Rangers in Russian Zapovednik’s and National Parks //
Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, No. 4 (24), Volume VI, pp. 169-185 (in Russian)
2008 Evenki People and Evenki Dogs: A Study of Mutual Socialization // International workshop
“Humans, animals, plants, and things: personhood in contemporary Amazonia and Siberia”, Museum de Qua
Branly, Paris, France, 26-27 June (in English, in collaboration with István Sántha)
2007 Walking Mind: Companionship, Movement and Landscape // Seminars series, Department for
Anthropology, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 12 December (in English, in collaboration
with István Sántha)
2007 Negen Hanan: Forgetting in Buryat Culture // Department for Anthropology, Cambridge
University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 28 November (in English, in collaboration with István Sántha)
2007 Stories about Evenki People and Their Dogs: Communication through Sharing of Contexts //
Magic circle seminars, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 5 October (in English, in
collaboration with István Sántha)
2007 Pokazuha in the House of Culture – the Pattern of Behavior in Kurumkan of Eastern Buryatia
// Reconstructing the House of Culture Conference, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle
(Saale), Germany, 13 September (in English, in collaboration with István Sántha)
2007 The Biography of a Buryat Shaman: Risks as Resources of Reputation for Authority among
Hunters // 8th Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association, Glasgow, United Kingdom 5
September (in English, in collaboration with István Sántha)
2007 Caught in Illusions: How People in Eastern Siberia Cheat the State // Seminar of the
Ethnological Laboratory of the Institute of Ethnology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 20 May (in English,
in collaboration with István Sántha)
2007 Non Illustrative Photos: Camera in the Field // Conference, «Dialektus» European
Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival, Budapest, Hungary, 11 April (in English, in collaboration
with István Sántha)
2007 Mapping the Wild Nature of Russia // Seminar at Anthropological Department of the Institute
of Ethnology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 3 April (In English)
2007 The Epistemological Role of Fieldwork: Is Social Anthropology an Independent Scientific
Discipline? // Theoretical seminar, CISR 8 February (In Russian)
2007 Control over Territory in Russian Nature Reserves: Conflict and Cooperation in Transitional
Period // Seminar at Södertörns Högskola, Baltic and East European Graduate School, Stockholm, Sweden,
8 January (In English)
2 2006 Biographical Situation of “Weak Authority” among Evenki People in Buryatia // Biographical
Research on Post Socialist Space: Ten Years After, Conference of ESA, CISR, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 1517 December (in English)
2006 Bear and Big Water as devices of external control for Evenki people in Eastern Buryatia //
Workshop: Reassessing Religion in Siberia and Neighbouring Regions, Max Planck Institute for Social
Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany, 6-8 December (in English, in collaboration with István Sántha)
2006 Schismogenesis, Pokazukha and Existence of Authorities among the Evenki people in Eastern
Buryatia: The case of Kurumkan // Uncertainty and Freedom Workshop, NECEN, Budapest, Hungary, 2-4
November (in English)
2008-2009 Baunt region, Buryatia republic, Russia
2006 Biosphaerenreservat Sued-Ost Ruegen, Ruegen Island, Germany, October
2006 Jerga Nature Reserve, Buryatia Republic, Russian Federation, April – May
2004 Volzhsko-Kamskij Nature Reserve, Tatarstan Republic, Russian Federation, February
2002 Altay Nature Reserve, Gornyj Altaj Republic, Russian Federation, July – September
2006-2008 Russian and European Nature Reserves: A Comparison of Regimes of Control over Territory,
INTAS Young Scientist Scholarship (March 2006 – February 2008)
2005-2006 The Study of Face-to-Devise Interaction in Life Journals (grant from Russian State Scientific
2003-2005 The Zapovednik and The Village: The Study of Conflict and Cooperation (grant from the
Heinrich Boell Foundation)
2003 Professional and Nonprofessional Topographical Knowledge: Peasants’ and Rangers’ Knowledge of
the Forest (grant from the Center for Independent Sociological Research – The MacArthur Foundation)
2003 The Distribution of Everyday Topographical Knowledge among Peasants (grant from the Center for
Independent Sociological Research – The MacArthur Foundation)
2008-2009 Institute of Ethnology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Balassi Institute Visiting Scholarship),
Budapest, Hungary, September-February
2007 Aberdeen University, Department for Anthropology, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, October-December
2007 Södertörns Högskola, Baltic and East European Graduate School (INTAS Young
Scientist Scholarship), Stockholm, Sweden, January
2006 House of Culture Project, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany,
November - December
2006 VISBY Programm, Lulea University, Sweden, 14-19 February
2005 Bielefeld University’s Contact Fellowship, Bielefeld, Germany, October-December
2005 Research Training Course “The Concept of Time in Post-Soviet Studies” (NorFa), Tallinn, Estonia 30
May - 5 June
2004 Sur Place Stipendium (Heinrich Boell Stiftung), Berlin, Bielefeld (Germany) October-December
2006 Second award of the Galina Starovoitova’s competition of young scientists’ works on social sciences,
“Colloids and Coagulants of Saint-Petersburg Public Space”
2004 Prize-winner of the Galina Starovoitova’s competition of young scientists’ works on social sciences,
“Seduction by Profession: The Study of Recruitment of Younger Sociologists”
Since 2006 Member of Nordic and East / Central European Network for Qualitative Social
LANGUAGE SKILLS: Russian, English, German, Hungarian
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