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Irma Arriagada
Sociologists from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile; she accomplished a
master in Sociology of Development in the University of London (LSE); Doctor
in American Studies with mention in Economic and Social History, Universidad
de Santiago, Chile. Officer of Social Affairs of the Economic Commission for
Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago, Chile, since 1993. She usually writes
in the annual ECLAC publication Social Panorama of Latin America on topics
of the governments' social agenda: gender, social policies, labor market, families,
social capital and social integration. She has been published in ECLAC journals
and several Latin American journals on social and gender topics. She has been
external consultant in family and gender issues and has taught in advanced
studies of gender and social policies for universities in Bolivia, Chile, Spain, Peru
and Uruguay.
e-mail address: [email protected]
Neir Antunes Paes
Associate professor in the Department of Statistics in the Universidad Federal
de Paraiba, Brazil; and researcher in Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq-Brasil), and researcher in Post-Doctorate in
Studies on Population from Johns Hopkins Public School Baltimore and Doctorate
in Medical Demography from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
of the University of London. His research fields are: mortality, indirect demographic
methods and Demography of Health. He has carried out recent works of the
quality of vital statistics in northern Brazil. Among his recent publications we find:
"Qualidade das estatísticas de óbitos por causas desconhecidas dos Estados
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Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 53
brasileiros" in Public Health Journal, 2007; "Avaliação da cobertura dos registros
de óbitos dos estados brasileiros em 2000" in Public Health Journal, 2005;
"Doenças infecciosas e parasitárias no Brasil: uma década de transição", in
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, OPS, 2004; Mortality by accident in old
age in Brazil (Mortalidad por accidente en la vejez en Brasil), in Papeles de
Población Num. 37, 2003 .
E-mail address: [email protected]
Margarita Barajas Tinoco
Bachelor in Sociology from the School of Social Sciences and Politics of UABC.
Master in Regional Development from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte.
Doctorate in Applied Social Sciences from El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. She
is incorporated to SNI, level I. She currently holds the position of researcher in
the Institute of Social Researches (IIS) of UABC. Her research lines have been
developed in migration, regional development, education and labor and service
activities in Baja California, as well as in electoral participation and absenteeism.
She has published: "Part-time employment and labor, reaches in its training and
measurement" (Empleo y trabajo a tiempo parcial, alcances en su captación y
medición) , in Carta Económica Regional Num. 65, March - April, 2003; "The
State's modernization and Public Administration in their dimension of employment
policy, a panoramic approach of Baja California" (La modernización del Estado
y la Administración Pública en su dimensión de la política de empleo, una
aproximación a la panorámica de Baja California), in Estudios Fronterizos, New
Time, Vol. 4, Num.8, July - December, 1991, "Some approaches to study
migration" (Algunos enfoques para el estudio de la migración), in Travesía,
Number 28, October - December, 1991. She is a member of the Mexican
Association of Population Studies (Asociación Mexicana de Estudios de Población,
AMEP), of the Association for Borderlands Studies and Association of Labor
Studies (Asociación de Estudios del Trabajo, AMET).
E-mail address: [email protected]
Mardone Cavalcante França
Adjunct professor of the Department of Statistics of the Universidad Federal de
Río Grande del Norte, Brazil. Researcher of the Base de Pesquisa Grupo de
Estudos Demográficos. Master in Bio-Statistics from the Universidad de São
Paulo-USP-Brasil. Currently candidate to doctor in Sciences of Health from
Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Norte. Research fields: Bio-Statistics,
Demography of Health, Social and Economic Statistics. The most recent works
approach demographic and social subjects of Brazil, such as: The city as the
stage of demographic diversity: the case of the of city Natal, presented in XXIV
General Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of
Population Salvador Brazil, 2001; "Socioeconomic conditions as determining
factors in the prevalence of systemic and ocular toxoplasmosis in Northeastern
Brazil"; (co-author) in the Journal Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 2004; Estudo da
concentração da posse da terra na região Nordeste e no Estado do Rio Grande
do Norte Brasil, Editora da UFRN/EDUFRN, 2006.
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Dora Celton
Bachelor, Master and Doctor in History from the Faculty of Philosophy and
Human Studies of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Specialized in
Historical Demography in École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
Researcher Category 1 of the Consejo Interamericano Nacional. Main researcher
of the National Council of Technical and Scientific Researches. Director of
Center of Advanced Studies UCN. Director of the Doctorate in Demography
of the Faculty of Economic Sciences (UNC). President of AEPA and ALAP.
Part of the Director Council of CLACSO. Among her works one finds: The road
of the stays. Inscription in the history of the patrimony of Humanity (El camino
de las estancias. Inscripción en la historia del patrimonio de la Humanidad)
(2000), The Bolivian community in Cordoba: characterization and migratory
process (La comunidad boliviana en Córdoba: caracterización y proceso
migratorio) (1998), Estimation and projection of the population of Cordoba 19912005 (Estimación y proyección de la población de la Provincia de Córdoba 19912005) (1999), Migratory Characteristics of the population in the IV General
Census of the Nation, 1947 (Características migratorias de la población en el IV
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Censo General de la Nación, 1947) (1998), Mortality in Argentina between 1980
and 1991 (La mortalidad en la Argentina entre 1980 y 1991) (1997), Population
Censuses in the City of Cordoba 1779-1779 (Censos de población de la Ciudad
de Córdoba 1778-79) (1996). As editor (in collaboration) we can mention -among
other- the work Demographic changes in Latin America: the five-century
experience (Cambios demográficos en América Latina: la experiencia de cinco
siglos) (2000). Recently (2005) published: "Dispenses as sources of studies on
consanguinity and marriage patterns" (Las dispensas como fuentes de estudio de
la consaguinidad y de las pautas matrimoniales) in the book Family issues through
the sources (Cuestiones de familia a través de las Fuentes), edited by the
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
e-mail address: [email protected]
Silvia Leticia Figueroa Ramírez
Bachelor in Sociology from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
(UABC). Master in Sociology from the Universidad de Guadalajara and
Doctorate in Applied Social Sciences from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte. 26
years in UABC as researcher-professor (Institute of Social Researches). In the
area of organization and labor she has tracked the topics of syndicalism, political
vanguard, laborers' process of consciousness, adaptation and prospective in
reproduction of labor force, laborers' health in high-risk assembly factories,
teratogenous risks in biological reproduction of laborers, weakening of power
relations in the familial environment of females laborers and capitalist behavior
in shore-fishing companies. She has published articles of divulgation in the
journals Estudios Fronterizos (IIS-UABC) and Cuadernos de Ciencias Sociales
E-mail address: [email protected]
David F. Fuentes Romero
Bachelor in Sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics in the
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Master in Architecture and Urban
Planning in the specialty of social politics and urban analysis from UCLA and
Doctorate in Applied Social Sciences, in the Area of Policies of Regional
Development from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Colef). He has coordinated
eleven different research programs within the field of Regional and Urban
Development, being distinguishable those related to migration analysis and
workforce in the Mexican northern border, as well as those linked to administration,
operation and evaluation of public services. He currently develops a research line
of inter-disciplinary nature in public security in the academic body called Social
Environment and Public Insecurity. He has hold several positions in public
administration. In the private sector he worked as general manager of the Group
of Research in Specialized Consultancy (Grupo de Investigación en Consultoría
Especializada, GICE). He is a professor with 24 years of experience, has taught
diverse courses in the faculties of Architecture, Human Studies and Social
Sciences and Politics, both in undergraduate and post-graduate courses.
CONACYT granted him the distinction National Researcher Level I.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Brígida García
She is a researcher professor in the Center of Demographic Studies and Urban
Development of El Colegio de México since 1971. She holds a master in
Demography from El Colegio de Mexico and a doctorate in Sociology from the
National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is a specialist in labor markets,
family and gender, subjects on which she has published diverse books and a broad
variety of articles and chapters in specialized books. Her last book is Women and
the labour market in changing economies: demographic issues (coeditor with
Richard Anker and Antonella Pinnelli) and it has been published by Oxford
University Press in May 2003. She was president of the Mexican Society of
Demography (Somede) during the 1994-1996 period.
e-mail address: [email protected]
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Daniel Hiernaux-Nicolas
Doctor in Geography from the University of Paris. Researcher-professor of the
Department of Sociology in Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, campus
Iztapalapa; coordinator of the bachelor studies in Human Geography in the same
university. Member of the National System of Researchers, level 3: professor in
Sociology and Human Geography Majors as well as Social Studies (Labor)
advanced studies in the mentioned university, in the lines of imaginaries and
places, and theoretical and methodological problems on space and imaginary.
Member and coordinator of the Consolidated Academic Body in Spatial
Analysis, of UAM - Iztapalapa. His research subjects are: urban and metropolitan
studies, urban imaginaries, geography of tourism, geographic thought and urban
E-mail address: [email protected]
Alicia Lindón
Doctor in Sociology from the Center of Sociological Studies of El Colegio de
México. Researcher-professor in the Department of Sociology of Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana, campus Iztapalapa. Member of the National System
or Researchers, level 2. Professor of bachelor studies on Sociology, Social
Psychology and Human Geography, and of advanced studies of Social Studies
of UAM, Iztapalapa. Founder of the Area of Research Space and Society of the
Department of Sociology of UAM-I in the research lines: imaginaries and places,
theoretical and methodological problems on space and imaginary. Member of the
Consolidated Academic Body in Spatial Analysis of UAM-Iztapalapa. Research
topics: territorialities and socio-symbolic construction of places, quotidian life,
topo-philias and topo-phobias, and qualitative methodologies.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Elizabeth Maier
Sociologist; specialty in Women's Area and Gender Studies: sexual health and
reproductive health; indigenous women; women and migration; women and
environment; construction of gender identity; women's socio-political participation;
women and human rights. Doctor in Latin American Studies from the National
Autonomous University of Mexico. She is currently a researcher and a professor
in the Department of Cultural Studies in El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, in
Tijuana, Baja California. Member of the National System of Researchers.
Among her academic production one finds: From the private to the public: 30
years of women's civic fight in Latin America (De lo privado a lo público: 30 años
de lucha ciudadana de las mujeres en América Latina) Elizabeth Maier and
Natalie Lebon comps, Mexico, 2006; Nicaragua: woman in the revolution
(Nicaragua: la mujer en la revolución) Ediciones de Cultura Popular, Mexico,
1980; The Sandinistas, Ediciones de Cultura Popular, Mexico, 1986; How come
we women have human rights? (¿A poco las mujeres tenemos derechos?)
Servicio Universitario Mundial, Mexico, 1990; Feminine gender, rural poverty
and ecological culture (Género femenino, pobreza rural y cultura ecológica),
ECOSUR-ediciones potrerillos, Mexico, 1998; The mothers of the disappeared:
a new myth in Latin America (Las madres de los desaparecidos: ¿Un nuevo mito
en América Latina?) El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana, Ediciones La Jornada, Mexico, 2001.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Viviana Masciadri
Bachelor and professor in Psychology from the Faculty of Philosophy and
Human Studies of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Magister in
Demography from UNC. Magister in Human Geography option Demography
from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Candidate to doctor in Demography
from the Escuela de Graduados, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad
Nacional de Córdoba. She currently works as a researcher assistant of the
National Council of Technical and Scientific Researches under the direction of
Dora Celton. Among her publications one finds: Recent tendencies in the
constitution and dissolution of unions in Argentina (Tendencias recientes en la
constitución y disolución de las uniones en Argentina), 2002; Demand and offer
of personnel of Health of the province of Cordoba (Demanda y oferta del
personal de salud de la provincia de Córdoba), 2000; The use of critical lacks'
censual maps in health studies: sanitary zones of the province of Cordoba (El uso
de los mapas censales de carencias críticas en estudios de salud: zonas sanitarias
de la provincia de Córdoba), 1999. In 2005 she published Demographic behavior
and behavior genetics (comportement démographique et génetique du
comportement, by Atam Vetta and Daniel Courgeau, and Getting married in
Cordoba in 1996.
e-mail address: [email protected]
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Victoria Mazzeo
Bachelor in sociology from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Magister in Social
Demography from the Universidad Nacional de Luján, Doctor in Social Sciences
from the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Argentina Seat.
Responsible for the Unit of Demographic Analysis of the General Direction of
Statistics and Censuses of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos
Aires (Unidad de Análisis Demográfico de la Dirección General de Estadística
y Censos del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires). Researcher
from the Institute Gino Germani of the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Lecturer in the Master in Social Demography in
the Universidad Nacional de Luján. Author of the book: Infantile mortality in the
city of Buenos Aires (1856-1986) (La mortalidad infantil en la Ciudad de Buenos
Aires (1856-1986)) and different research works in specialized books.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Cristóbal Mendoza Pérez
Bachelor and Master in Geography in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona,
Spain. Cooursed his Doctorate Studies in Geography in King's College London,
England. Specialization in Demography in the Center of Demographic Studies
and Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He currently is researcher-professor
in Sociology in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, campus Iztapalapa.
He is a member of the Mexican Society of Demography and the National System
of Researchers level I. Among his most recent publications, coauthored with J.
Loucky, 2007, "Recent trends in Mexico-US border demographics" in James
Loucky and Don Alper; Transnational policy challenges in Western North
America, University of Calgary Press/El Colegio de la Frontera Norte/Michigan
State University Press; in print, 2007; "Expatriated women in Mexico: labor,
household and quotidian life" in Migraciones Internacionales, 13 (4).
E-mail address: [email protected]