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Don Conreaux, formerly known as
Baba Don and Guru Jagat, was one of the
five original Kundalini Yoga Teachers
designated by Yogi Bhajan in 1969. He
established the Nanak Dwara Ashram
Teacher Training in Phoenix, Arizona, in
1970. His very first spiritual teacher was
Paramahansa Yogananda, receiving his
Kriya Yoga initiation in 1953.
Don originated the Gong Yoga of
Holistic Resonance, the title of
“Gongmaster,” Gong Therapy, the Gong
Bath, the Gong Puja, Spiritual Free Jazz, and
Songs and Concerts for Humanity. He
conducts Gong Master Training
internationally in the Way of the Gong. Don
has continually produced gongmasters in
many countries of the world. He also
conducts his Mysterious Tremendum Gong
Consort and Sacred Tone Ensemble
throughout the world since 1969.
His formal education includes a Masters Degree in Theatre, and from 1952 – 1969 was a
director, actor and writer in Hollywood and New York City. Today in his 80th year he continues
to teach the art and science of sacred geometry, divination, and designs World Peace Gong &
Bell Gardens of which there are now seven established internationally. All are dedicated to the
coming first day of world peace and planetary cooperation in a world without violence for our
children of the New Millennium.
Don’s primary musical influence was pianist and composer Dane Rudhyar, who
originated what he called Syntonic Music. One of Rudhyar’s peers in the early 20th century was
the Russian pianist and composer Alexander Skriabin. Don created his Mysterious Tremendum
concerts based upon the works of Rudhyar and Skriabin. The first Mysterious Tremendum gong
concert was held in California in 1969 was and dedicated to Yogi Bhajan. Today it is a regular
concert presentation, having been performed many times in Don’s musical travels
internationally. This is the first tour for it here in North America. Over the last 45 years, Don has
invited various musicians skilled in sacred tone improvisation to perform together spontaneously
in public venues. He still sees these events much in the way that Rudhyar and Skriabin did, as a
“mysterium tremendum” or Greek Mystery Drama that includes the Gong’s fullness of tone
experience with it, representing the coming music of the Aquarian Age wherein higher
consciousness would be activated. Rudhyar believed that this was Alpha/Omega music, both
primal and electronic fused together.
The purpose and goal of Mysterious Tremendum as it exists today is to nurture the
quantum shifting of consciousness of the audience in order to initiate an inclusive state of
universality rather than an exclusive one. All of the concerts are healing concerts using holistic
resonance of the gong as its mystic chord.
Don’s international mission fully began in 1984 while working for the non-governmental
ICC of the United Nations with a USA cross-country Mahatma Gandhi Salt March from
California to the East Coast playing the gong of peace while passing through each city.
What you may expect in Mysterious Tremendum musical presentations is nonpremeditative inspired performance of songs and music with both primal and electronics fused as
the beginning and end of music.
In addition to the gongs, Don uses the shruti box, which produces one recurring chord, as
his primary instrument just as the beat poets Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg did in the 1950’s
for their poetry performances in San Francisco. Because Don is also known as a master teacher
of kriya kundalini gong yoga, he interacts with the audience on this level and also conducts
audiences in a spontaneous rapport of singing and over-toning.