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Just records Babelsberg
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Ausgabe Nr. 20/06
Veröffentlichungen & Produktinfo
Artist: Los Bomberos de Monte Cruz
Titel: Los Bomberos de Monte Cruz
Best.-Nr.: Jelly030
EAN: 4021904014340
Format: CD
PC: 0106
Label: Jelly Records
Stil: Pop/Weltmusik VÖ: 17.11.06
Los Bomberos de Monte Cruz, gegründet 2005;
Flamenco patxanka metropolitain mit furiosem FiestaFeeling aus Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Dem Live-Publikum von Anfang an als schweisstreibende
Vollgas-Band bekannt, hat die Feuerwehr aus Kreuzberg
sich schon nach kurzer Zeit im Studio von Thomas Stern (Einstürzende Neubauten, Crime and
the City Solution, Nick Cave, Meret Becker,
Rainbirds/Katharina Franck) zusammengefunden, um ihre
erste CD aufzunehmen. Grandios gemastered von Ingo
Krauss (Fanta4, Mano Negra, u.v.a.) spielen sich hier ein
paar echte Virtuosen die Seele aus dem Leib. Und so ist
dann auch das Prädikat aller, die bis jetzt in den Genuss
einer Vorab-Hörprobe (
kommen durften: "ABSOLUT HÖRENSWERT!"
Los Bomberos de Monte Cruz wollen ihr Publikum zum
Tanzen, Feiern und Träumen animieren und den Alltag
vergessen lassen.
Was sie in Bands wie Lex Barker Exp., Casino Gitano,
Winson, Butlers und Chanson du Trash praktiziert hatten
und haben, wird hier zu einer explosiven Mischung !
Mit ihrem Debut-Album treten Los Bomberos de Monte
Cruz nun aus ihren Schatten heraus.
Artist: Nawal Al Zoghbi
Titel: Yama Alou
Best.-Nr.: JR-111
EAN: 4041598011128
Format: CD
PC: 0106
Label: JR
Stil: Pop/Arabien/Libanon VÖ: 17.11.06
The Lebanese Diva comes back with a new album titled
"Yama Alou", marking the 11th Album in her career.
It containes 12 superb tracks including her recent smash
hits "Shou Akhbarak" and " Rouhi Ya Rouhi".
Plus a bonus track: "Habibaty Man Takoun", a cover song
dedicated to the soul of Al-Andaleeb Abdul Halim Hafez.
Artist: Melissa
Titel: Baddi Mennak
Best.-Nr.: JR-114
EAN: 4041598011425
Format: CD
PC: 0106
Label: JR
Stil: Pop/Arabien/Libanon
VÖ: 17.11.06
Melissa, A new talent from Lebanon she has nice voice and
all predicting her that she is going to be one of the biggest
artist in the Arab World.
Her musical talent was discovered by the well known
composer Jean Saliba who gave her all his support and
experience to develop such a strong voice.
Artist: Alina
Titel: Maly
Best.-Nr.: JR-109
EAN: 4041598010909
Format: CD
PC: 0106
Label: JR
Stil: Pop/Arabien VÖ: 17.11.06
This is her second album with Alam El-Phan. She is a
singer with a nice voice;. Her first album gained a lot of
success last year; she is also an actress, who acted in
several films in Egypt with the big star Moustafa Amar.
Artist: Hameed Elshaari
Titel: Roh Elsamara
Best.-Nr.: JR-112
EAN: 4041598011227
Format: CD
PC: 0106
Label: JR
Stil: Pop/Arabien VÖ: 17.11.06
Hamid El-Shaeri was born in the Libyan city of Benghazi.
He made a name for himself as Egypt's leading champion
of westernized synthesizer pop, known as Al-jil
(generation music). Al-jil has all the dance appeal an array
of samplers and synths can serve up, tempered by a
distinctively Middle Eastern melodic sound. His 1988 hit
single, "Lolaiki," recorded with Ali Hamaida, is said to have
sold more than a million cassettes between 1988 and
1899. And Now Hamid is debuting his latest album “Rouh
Basma & Mohamed Kamal are new talents.Mohamed has
the voice like Mohamed Fouad, the well known star in
Egypt. Basma's voice is like Samira Said's, the big female
star in the Middle East and both are discovered by Mr.
Mohsen Gaber, producer and owner of Alam El-Phan.
Artist: Mohamed Kamal
Titel: Alby Alak
Best.-Nr.: JR-113
EAN: 4041598011326
Format: CD
PC: 0106
Label: JR
Stil: Pop/Arabien VÖ: 17.11.06
Artist: Basma
Titel: Hakou An Hawana
Best.-Nr.: JR-110
EAN: 4041598011029
Format: CD
PC: 0106
Label: JR
Stil: Pop/Arabien VÖ: 17.11.06