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Organizational Structure 1 May 2015
Head of Department: Niels Kroer
Deputy Head of Department – Research: Michael Kühl & Michael Lisby
Deputy Head of Department – Education: Karen Skriver & Søren Rosendahl
Acting Head of Administration: Lis Dalgaard
Lone Jønsson
Group 1
Functional Genomics
Morten Petersen
Human Resources
Lis Dalgaard
Xu Peng, Qunxin She
Archaea Center
Qunxin She, Xu Peng
Bacterial Cell Biology
Kenn Gerdes
Bacterial Cell Cycle
Anders Løbner-Olesen
Cell Cycle
Olaf Nielsen, Christian Holmberg
Chromatin Dynamics
Genevieve Thon
Center for Chromosome Stability
Michael Lisby (joint with HEALTH faculty)
Biomolecular regulation
Steen Pedersen, Sine Lo Svenningsen,
Michael A. Sørensen
Plant Molecular Biology
John Mundy, Morten Petersen
Protein Biology
Lars Ellgaard, Rasmus Hartmann-Pedersen, Karen Skriver, Martin Willemoes,
Jakob R. Winther
Transcription and DNA Repair
Michael Lisby, Steen Holmberg,
Vibe Østergaard
Protein Design and Enzymology
Kresten Lindorff-Larsen, Martin
­Willemoes, Jakob R. Winther
Bacterial Stress Response and
Kenn Gerdes
Sine Lo Svenningsen, Michael Sørensen
Birthe Kragelund, Kresten Lindorff-­
Larsen, Kaare Teilum
Group 2
Biomolecular Sciences
Jakob R. Winther
Anders Krogh, Albin Sandelin,
Thomas Hamelryck
Group 3
Computational and RNA Biology
Anders Krogh
RNA Biologi
Jan Christiansen, Jeppe Vinther,
Peter Brodersen
Statistical Genetics & Population
Anders Albrechtsen, Hans Siegismund
Epithelial-Stromal Interaction Group
Lone Rønnov-Jessen
Extreme Biology
Nadja Møbjerg
Laboratory of Genomics & Molecular
Karsten Kristiansen, Lise Madsen, Jun
Wang, Jakob B. Hansen
Group 4-5
Cell Biology and Physiology
Lone Rønnov-Jessen
Membrane Physiology
Per Amstrup Pedersen
Membrane Transport
Carsten Juel
Ian Kennedy
Henriette Pilegaard
PhD Coordinators
Carsten Juel
Ole Pedersen
Workshops & Buildings
Fritz B. Nielsen
Øresund Aquarium
Jens Peder Jeppesen
Cell Growth Regulation
Berthe M. Willumsen
Epithelial Physiology
Ivana Novak
Helle Blæsild
Web & Graphics
Leif Bolding
Calmodulin Group
Martin W. Berchtold
Cilia Group
Søren T. Christensen, Lotte B. Pedersen
BIO Purchasing
Birgith Kolding
Bjarne Thenning
Marianne Knudsen
Funding & Innovation
Esben Flindt
David Featherston
Center for Transscriptom Analysis
Anders Krogh
NHEi Group
Stine F. Pedersen
Organic Osmolyte Group
Ian H. Lambert
Group 6
Cell and Neurobiology
Cornelis Grimmelikhuijzen
Drosophila Genetics
Kim Rewitz
Molecular Neurobiology
Cornelis Grimmelikhuijzen, Frank Hauser
Carbon turnover dynamics
Søren Christensen
Diversity and Function
Flemming Ekelund
Søren J. Sørensen
Soil Biodiversity & Function
Anders Priemé, Sten Struwe
Ecosystem-atmosphere Interactions
Riikka Rinnan
Food web interactions
Regin Rønn
Plant physiological ecology and
Anders Michelsen
Behavioural Ecology Group
Torben Dabelsteen
Ecophysiology of submersed macrophytes
Jens Borum
Ecophysiology of wetland and aquatic
Ole Pedersen
Macroinvertebrate ecology
Dean Jacobsen
Plankton ecology and food web
Kirsten S. Christoffersen
Plant and ecosystem ecology
Kaj Sand-Jensen
Center for Permafrost
Anders Michelsen (joint with IGN),
Riikka Rinnan, Helge Ro-Poulsen
Anders Priemé
Community Ecology
Hans Henrik Bruun, Ulrik Søchting
Fungal Molecular Ecology
Søren Rosendahl
Social Evolution
Jacobus Boomsma, Michael ThomasPoulsen, Jes S. Pedersen, David R.
Nash, Guojie Zhang
Group 9
Ecology and Evolution
Torben Dabelsteen
Group 11
Marine Biology
Per Juel Hansen
Human Microbiome / other Zoo-omes
Søren J. Sørensen
Ecophysiology and environmental
Helge Ro-Poulsen
Fungal Ecology
Rasmus Kjøller
Group 10
Freshwater Biology
Jens Borum
Center for Functional and
Comparative Insect Genomics
Cornelis Grimmelikhuijzen
Multispecies Biofilm
Mette Burmølle
Group 7
Søren J. Sørensen
Group 8
Terrestrial Ecology
Anders Michelsen
Yeast Physiology
Birgitte Regenberg
Centre for Social Evolution
Jacobus Boomsma, Michael ThomasPoulsen, Jes S. Pedersen, David R.
Nash, Guojie Zhang
Center for Lake Restoration
Kaj Sand-Jensen, Ole Pedersen,
Kirsten S. Christoffersen
Animal sensory biology
Anders Garm
Development and reproduction in
Jens Høeg
Evolution and anatomy of invertebrates; Neurophylogeny
Katrine Worsaae
Fish physiology
John Fleng Steffensen
Invertebrate physiology
Bent Vismann
Microenvironmental ecology and
biogeochemistry; Photobiology
Michael Kühl
Molecular microbial ecology
Lasse Riemann
Molecular systematics and
­phylogeny of protists
Niels Daugbjerg
Photosynthetic microbes
Niels-Ulrik Frigaard
Physiology and ecology of protists
Per Juel Hansen
Virus-bacterial interactions
Mathias Middelboe