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Endolymphatic Hydrops/Meniere's Disease
What is it? What are the symptoms?
Endolymphatic hydrops is a disorder of the vestibular
system of the inner ear. It stems from abnormal
fluctuations in the fluid called endolymph, which fills
the hearing and balance structures of the inner ear.
In a normal inner ear, the endolymph is maintained at
a constant volume
and contains specific
concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, and
other electrolytes. This fluid bathes the sensory cells
of the inner ear and allows them to function normally.
If the inner ear is damaged by disease or injury, the
volume and composition of the inner-ear fluid can
fluctuate with changes in the body's fluid and
electrolyte levels.
One or more of the following symptoms characterizes
this disorder:
Fluctuating hearing loss
Fluctuating fullness/pressure in the ears
Fluctuating tinnitus (noises in the ear)
Spells of vertigo, lasting minutes to hours followed by imbalance that may persist
Meniere's Disease is the term used to describe endolymphatic hydrops when all of the above
symptoms are present and hearing loss is in low frequencies. Therefore, anyone who has Meniere's
has endolymphatic hydrops but everyone who has endolymphatic hydrops does not have Meniere's.
In general, Meniere's is only a more symptomatic, or advanced, form of endolymphatic hydrops.
Research indicates a strong correlation between the spells of endolymphatic hydrops and illness,
severe noise trauma, a concussion, or ear surgery. Thus, there can be a great variability in length of
time between spells from days to years. Not only is the variability of spells frustrating for patients but
the secondary symptoms are frustrating as well, which may include decreased strength, loss of
range-of-motion, muscle tension, anxiety and fatigue.
What are the risk factors?
• Middle ear infection
• Syphilis
• Head injury
• Recent viral infection
History of allergies
Alcohol use
Respiratory infection
What is the treatment?
Treatment for endolymphatic hydrops is aimed at stabilizing the inner ear through medical therapy
(usually a mild diuretic to eliminate excess fluid), control of related factors/disorders and, when
appropriate, vestibular rehabilitation. Factors known to aggravate endolymphatic hydrops include diet
(particularly salt intake), allergies and inflammation, hormones and even viruses.
Vestibular rehabilitation may be used when endolymphatic hydrops results in persistent dizziness,
imbalance and/or nausea. Secondary symptoms as discussed above are also addressed. The goal
of vestibular rehabilitation is to decrease, if not eliminate, both primary and secondary symptoms
through a "hands-on" approach.
360°Balance – Diagnostics & Therapy ● 7900 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 200
Austin, TX 78757 ● 512.345.4664 ●
Specializing in dizziness and balance disorders.