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ADHD or Normal Behavior
Guide to Understanding ADHD – Special Report
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Remember back to your school days. You can probably remember times when you had trouble
concentrating or sitting still in your seat. If not you, there was probably another student that you
remember who acted this way. It is not uncommon but some people do it all the time.
As an adult you probably get déjà vu when you see someone displaying the same behavior. They
are not six or seven but they can’t seem to stop fidgeting. This person may even have trouble
concentrating or controlling their tongue in meetings, resulting in sudden outbursts.
In both situations, the cause of such behavior may be ADHD – Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder. It is a condition that is often misunderstood in medical circles and in society in general.
The majority of sufferers are children of school age, teenagers and adults whose condition has
carried over from childhood.
In this report you will learn about what ADHD is and isn’t. What are the symptoms of the
condition? How do doctors diagnose it in children, adults? Are there treatment options? Where
can parents turn to for help on a daily basis? All of these questions will be answered in the next
few pages. For those suffering from ADHD and the ones who love them, you are not alone.
With ADHD, no single treatment is the answer for every child. A child may have undesirable side effects to a
medication, making a particular treatment unacceptable. Each child’s needs and personal history must be
carefully considered. It is important to work with a health care professional/psychologist to determine the
safest treatment.
If all other options and avenues have been investigated, and prescription drugs are chosen for treatment,
frequent follow-up visits should be scheduled to assess the response and to detect possible side effects.
Children on medications should have regular checkups. Parents should also talk regularly with the child’s
teachers, psychologist, and health care professional about how the child is doing.
Stimulants are not a cure-all, and families should be informed of healthy choices with regards to food,
exercise, healthy hobbies, and friends. The best chances of minimizing side effects, is to use a remedy that
is free of side effects completely.
Alternative Treatments
* Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies – A number of parents have tried natural remedies as an alternative
to psycho-stimulants and other drugs. Small trials have found some agents, such as oral flower essence,
Ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, and melatonin may possibly have benefits for ADHD.
There are homeopathic remedies which effectively target some of the disruptive symptoms of ADHD and
allow the child to concentrate more easily. Natural remedies should be considered as a first step ahead of
prescription psychiatric drugs. When combined with strong dietary control, counseling as necessary, and a
healthy lifestyle, natural remedies have been show to be effective in helping to alleviate the symptoms of
Focus Formula: Supports concentration and attention, while promoting normal energy levels in children and
BrightSpark: Homeopathic remedy relieves hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children
MoodCalm: Homeopathic remedy calms emotional outbursts and reduces mood swings
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PureCalm: Aids nervous system in stress resistance for balanced moods, calm demeanor and feelings of
well being
* Dietary Approaches. A number of diets have been suggested for people with ADHD. Various studies have
reported behavioral improvement with diets that restrict possible allergens in the diet.
Parents may want to discuss with their health care professional, homeopath, or naturopath regarding
implementing an elimination diet of certain foods or adding supplements that might help. This is a very
individualized approach and would differ from child to child. Always consult a nutritional expert before
restricting the diet of any child.
Scenario-The Stigma
Here is an example of what might happen with a child suffering from undiagnosed ADHD:
Bobby is a student in the second grade. He sits in the back of the class but can often be found
anyplace in the room depending on the time of day. His teacher repeatedly asks him not to leave
his seat. He shouts out that he is bored.
At lunchtime, Bobby seems okay. He eats but mostly talks to his classmates even when they are
eating. The afternoon starts off fine. The teacher asks a question and asks the children to raise
their hands to answer. Bobby blurts out the answers.
At the end of the day, the teacher calls and leaves a message with Bobby’s parents. Both appear
the next afternoon for a conference. The teacher relays the incidents in class. Bobby’s father
believes that he is just a little rambunctious. The teacher doesn’t agree and says that Bobby’s
interruptions are becoming a problem. His mom displays a worried look because Bobby has been
doing the same thing at home. Is her child showing signs of becoming budding troublemaker?
In this situation, something is going on but everyone is at a loss to explain it other than the obvious
conclusions. Children with ADHD are often labeled as troublemakers by teachers. As for their
peers, some don’t want to associate with them because of their outbursts and fidgeting.
The teacher in the above scenario can easily come to the erroneous conclusion that Bobby is not
getting the discipline he needs at home especially if the same thing is happening there. Bad
parenting is another stigma that attaches itself to parents who have no clue why their little ones
are developing such behaviors. But, no matter what they try, the behavior persists.
How does ADHD Affect Sufferers?
ADHD affects both children and adults. The adults who are diagnosed often displayed the
symptoms since childhood but they were misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all at the time. In
either case, it is frustrating for those affected to feel out of control with their emotions and their
The disorder affects the brain, usually the part of it that controls organizational functions. The level
of certain neurotransmitters like dopamine is lower in people who suffer from ADHD. This
neurotransmitter binds to certain receptors in the brain to control focus and attention. Without
proper levels, these functions are affected.
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As a result, those with ADHD are prone to one or all of the following: impulsivity, hyperactivity, and
inattention. These areas of behavior are present in both child and adult sufferers.
Children who suffer from ADHD are usually school age and older. If they display impulsivity, they
are likely to present with difficulty waiting patiently for things. In line at school, they will want to
jump ahead of others. When raising their hand to answer questions in class, they may blurt out
the answers instead of waiting to be called on. When classmates or others are talking, they will
interrupt if they have something to say.
Hyperactivity brings in a new set of symptoms. The most common is fidgeting or squirming in their
seat at school or at home. When they are supposed to be seated they are often out of their seat
playing with toys on the floor or sharpening a pencil. For some reason, the child has to keep
moving as if they are restless.
The third component of ADHD is inattention. A child affected by this component of the disorder
has a hard time focusing and paying attention for any length of time. They begin quiet and
attentive but quickly their mind drifts away from the task at hand. Daydreaming is common among
children with ADHD.
Functioning alone in a classroom setting is hard and frustrating for them. When it comes to doing
homework or completing class work, they often forget what they are supposed to do and are illprepared for class. The lack of organization leads to late assignments or unfinished ones as well
as poor grades. Some teachers may label them as lazy students even though they are trying their
Focus Formula is a natural, safe and proven herbal remedy, clinically formulated to effectively treat
symptoms of ADHD without the side effects of psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall.
Focus Formula treats the symptoms of ADHD naturally to reduce hyperactivity and restlessness; calm,
soothe and reduce mood swings; improve concentration, memory and attention span; improve alertness
and mental focus; calm over-active minds; reduce impulsiveness and aggression. Focus is formulated for
children and adults with ADHD. Adults with ADD (no hyperactivity) should use Native Remedies Focus
ADDult, while children with ADD (no hyperactivity) should use BrightSpark for ADD.
BrightSpark is a natural, safe and proven complex homeopathic remedy, clinically formulated to treat the
symptoms of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
without the side effects of prescription drugs such as Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall. BrightSpark has
been specially formulated for children under 12 years of age to help then to relax and calm down; be less
impulsive; listen more carefully; follow instructions; concentrate better; be less distractible; achieve better
results at school or work. Adults and teenagers with ADD should use Focus ADDult herbal formula.
Formulated by a clinical psychologist, BrightSpark is recommended for use with Focus Formula and is
pharmaceutically manufactured to the highest standards.
In adults the problems caused by ADHD have carried over from childhood. The lack of diagnosis
and treatment left the sufferer without proper understanding of their condition. In the adult world,
their condition may have resulted in problems forming lasting relationships as well as affecting
performance at any job that they hold.
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A few of the symptoms are:
* Tardiness at work
* Impulsiveness
* Mood swings and difficulty controlling their anger
* Depression/anxiety
* Procrastination
* Lack of organizational skills
* Low self-esteem
* Boredom
Any one of these symptoms can lead to a lifetime of problems without any intervention.
Focus ADDult is a natural, safe and proven herbal remedy, clinically formulated to effectively treat
symptoms of adult ADD without the side effects of psychiatric drugs. This remedy treats the symptoms of
adult ADD naturally to improve focus and ability to concentrate; Increase attention span; boost memory
functioning; increase motivation and energy levels; increase study skills; boost immune functioning and
protect against illness and reduce distractibility.
Focus ADDult is specifically formulated for adults and teenagers with ADD. Children and adults with ADHD,
with hyperactivity, should use Focus Formula, while children with ADD (no hyperactivity) should use
BrightSpark. Formulated by a clinical psychologist, Focus ADDult is pharmaceutically manufactured to the
highest standards.
Who is to Blame?
Especially with children who suffer from ADHD, those in authority are perhaps too quick to assign
blame to the parents for a child whose behavior is different from the norm. Let’s start with what is
NOT the cause of the condition.
ADHD is not caused by bad parenting. No manner of discipline can prepare a parent for the onset
of this disorder in their children. Your home life could be organized and your child still displays the
symptoms. Along the same lines as bad parenting, watching too much television or playing video
games is not a cause of the disorder either.
Food has often been blamed as a cause for ADHD. Children often consume a lot of sweets. It’s
like a rite of passage. The abundance of sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavorings or food
allergies is not a known cause of the disorder either. Whether or not your child takes a children’s
vitamin has no bearing.
Now, what are the speculated causes? We already know that ADHD is a problem in the brain
where not enough neurotransmitters that affect receptors responsible for focus, thought and
organization are produced. It has been suggested that children with a relative who suffers from
the disorder are more likely to develop it themselves.
These deficiencies in the brain are what separate those with ADHD and those children without it.
The causes of brain changes have researchers and doctors questioning if low birth weight or
lifestyle choices during pregnancy have any bearing on the condition. Brain injuries sustained in
childhood may bring on symptoms similar to ADHD according to researchers.
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Playing the Shell Game
Doctors and other health professionals don’t have one test that will definitively say if a child is
suffering from ADHD or not. One way to narrow down the diagnosis is to eliminate other possible
causes for the symptoms being displayed. Disorders that are similar: Tourette’s syndrome,
depression, anxiety disorders and learning disabilities.
A battery of test and questionnaires are used by developmental professionals to further determine
the depth of a child’s condition. Children, their parents and their teachers (among others) are
asked about behaviors at home, at school, grades, relationships with siblings and peers and
overall development.
Adult sufferers who have never been diagnosed are asked about their childhood. ADHD develops
in childhood not adulthood so it is important to get a sense of what they experienced early on in
their lives to see if their condition is related.
There are guidelines in place to give health professionals a place to start when diagnosing ADHD.
The disorder is more common in boys than in girls. Children with ADHD usually display one of the
three facets of the disorder (inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity) before the age of seven. The
behaviors have to have been happening for at least six months and be more severe than the
normal behaviors displayed by children of that age group. If the behavior has disrupted at least
two of the areas in a child’s life, meaning home and school, that criteria has been met.
Doctors also look at stressors in the home that may contribute to the behavior being displayed.
Kids may show signs of inattention or impulsivity if they have recently had a death, divorce or other
life-altering event in their lives.
Most of what will happen as a part of the diagnosis is not going to affect the child. For his or her
part, they will be given a complete physical including a hearing and vision test. They may be
asked a few questions and have their blood drawn to rule out certain conditions.
What do you do now?
Until a diagnosis is made and/or treatment begins, you are still left with a child who has a hard
time functioning at home and at school. What can you do to deal with the behavior issues?
There are suggestions that can make your life and that of your child better than it was before. At
home, you may have to revamp way of doing things but it will be better for all concerned.
* Develop house rules. Children with ADHD need order and structure to manage their behavior.
As parents, we often make rules and may bend them a little depending on the circumstance. With
this disorder, rules that are made need to be adhered to by you and others so your child has
consistency in his life. Also devise a reward and consequence system to go along with following
and breaking the rules.
* Create a schedule. Setting down times for each activity that your child is involved in helps them
to focus on what they are doing and what will come next. Suggestions include: waking time in the
morning, homework time, chore time, free time, bath time and bedtime.
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* Help your child to understand what you are asking them to do. Part of inattention is not listening
clearly or understanding directions that are given. When you talk to your child, make sure that you
are using short words and speaking in a calm way to them.
* Supervise your child at all times. Pull them aside and correct inappropriate behaviors by offering
a more appropriate action. Watch them with their friends to see how they are interacting. Let
them know later when they have done well.
* Work on homework together. Learn to break assignments up into little parts so that your child
can concentrate fully. Choose a quiet area to help them focus.
You will also need to discuss the diagnosis with your child’s teachers. They will need to be aware
of the disorder. Speak with the guidance counselor to arrange for any special services your child
is eligible for as an ADHD sufferer. Children with special needs are given an IEP – Individual
Education Plan – at school so that their status and progress are addressed with parents, school
social worker, counselor, principal, teachers and other professionals involved in their care.
With lifestyle changes that are geared towards your child’s progress and treatment, they can learn
to manage their disorder. Children who are accepted and maintain a support system can grow up
to be well-adjusted adults.
Options for your Child
Doctors have developed many treatment options for children and adults with ADHD. The number
one thing is to educate your child and you about which options are available to you. When the
diagnosis is made, you are going to want to discuss treatment.
Medications play a big role in reducing the severity of the symptoms of the disorder. There are
three types of medications used to treat ADHD: stimulants, non-stimulants and antidepressants.
Stimulants are the most common drug prescribed. Here is where you will see Ritalin, Concerta,
Dexedrine and Adderall. Depending on the stimulant, your child may need one or several doses
each day. Side effects include: stomachaches, headaches, jitters and loss of appetite and
Non-stimulants act similar to the medications mentioned above in the body. The main difference is
that they have fewer side effects and is non-habit forming. An example of this type of drug is
Antidepressants have been shown to positively affect the symptoms of ADHD in all three areas of
the disorder. There are side effects from putting children on antidepressants: constipation, dry
mouth, dizziness and urinary problems. When other medications are not working, antidepressants
could be another avenue for managing symptoms.
The antidepressant Wellbutrin works for both children and adult sufferers. Other antidepressant
drugs may be prescribed for adults like Zoloft, Effexor or MAO inhibitors.
With ADHD, no single treatment is the answer for every child. A child may have undesirable side effects to a
medication, making a particular treatment unacceptable. Each child’s needs and personal history must be
carefully considered. It is important to work with a health care professional/psychologist to determine the
safest treatment.
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If all other options and avenues have been investigated, and prescription drugs are chosen for treatment,
frequent follow-up visits should be scheduled to assess the response and to detect possible side effects.
Children on medications should have regular checkups. Parents should also talk regularly with the child’s
teachers, psychologist, and health care professional about how the child is doing.
Stimulants are not a cure-all, and families should be informed of healthy choices with regards to food,
exercise, healthy hobbies, and friends. The best chances of minimizing side effects, is to use a remedy that
is free of side effects completely.
Alternative Treatments
* Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies – A number of parents have tried natural remedies as an alternative
to psycho-stimulants and other drugs. Small trials have found some agents, such as oral flower essence,
Ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, and melatonin may possibly have benefits for ADHD.
There are homeopathic remedies which effectively target some of the disruptive symptoms of ADHD and
allow the child to concentrate more easily. Natural remedies should be considered as a first step ahead of
prescription psychiatric drugs. When combined with strong dietary control, counseling as necessary, and a
healthy lifestyle, natural remedies have been show to be effective in helping to alleviate the symptoms of
Focus Formula: Supports concentration and attention, while promoting normal energy levels in children and
BrightSpark: Homeopathic remedy relieves hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children
MoodCalm: Homeopathic remedy calms emotional outbursts and reduces mood swings
PureCalm: Aids nervous system in stress resistance for balanced moods, calm demeanor and feelings of
well being
* Dietary Approaches. A number of diets have been suggested for people with ADHD. Various studies have
reported behavioral improvement with diets that restrict possible allergens in the diet.
Parents may want to discuss with their health care professional, homeopath, or naturopath regarding
implementing an elimination diet of certain foods or adding supplements that might help. This is a very
individualized approach and would differ from child to child. Always consult a nutritional expert before
restricting the diet of any child.
Behavior Therapy
Behavior Therapy is a complementary treatment that is used to help ADHD sufferers to manage
their disorder. Two kinds of therapy that are used are cognitive behavior therapy and
Cognitive behavior therapy involves dealing with the emotions and behaviors surrounding your
condition. For ADHD sufferers are taught to realistically look at their situation and use strategies
to plan and manage the condition. This works better with teenagers and adults than younger
children. This type of behavior therapy is not like putting on rose-colored glasses. It is instead a
way to accurately describe what you feel and learn to understand your feelings.
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For younger children, behavior therapy revolves around setting up a workable routine and
implementing behavior modifications to manage ADHD is a variety of situations like home, school,
daycare and time out in public places. Here are some pointers on behavior therapy in younger
* Clearly spell out boundaries in different areas and for different activities. Discuss these with your
child right before the activity is to take place for maximum effect.
* Use a reward system to help your child understand when their behavior is positive and
appropriate or inappropriate and negative.
* Establish a daily routine. If you have to switch from it for any reason, discuss this with your child
prior to the change.
* Talk with school teachers to find out how your child is doing and if you need to make changes to
their educational situation.
* Talk with your child each day to find out their feelings and frustrations from the day.
With behavior therapy, parents set an example for their child. Being consistent in your behavior
may help your child stick to their routine better.
Psychotherapy is another form of behavioral therapy that may help children and adults with
emotional disorders. Through psychotherapy, you also learn to manage your condition by working
on the thoughts and feelings you already have. Growing emotionally is an important part of living
with ADHD as a child and as an adult.
The patient and the therapist operate as a team, both giving and taking. The therapist will not talk
at you or your child for an hour. The patient makes the therapy session what they will as an active
participant in their own care.
Support Groups
It is not easy to deal with a disorder such as ADHD. Treatments are meant to help reduce the
symptoms and manage the condition for life. Those who manage well as a child will have richer
lives as adults. But, because of the stigma and often misdiagnosed condition, many adults are
starting at square one with their treatment and coping skills.
Support groups are necessary for both sufferers and the ones who care for them. As parents of
young children, even with behavior modifications, taking steps to better your child’s like is work.
To discuss your feelings and know that you are not alone, support groups provide an outlet.
If you have no time to meet outside of the home, there are online support groups to meet your
needs. Discussing your issues with others can yield some interesting and creative solutions.
As adults dealing with ADHD, support groups are almost essential to your survival. Finally, you
have an answer to the behavior issues you have dealt with your entire life. Meeting with others in
groups in person or online is one way to begin building meaningful relationships.
Here are some online support groups to check out. For local meetings, ask your doctor or
therapist for help.
* – Children and Adults with ADHD
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* – Online resource for children, teens and adults with ADHD
* - Online community with experts
available to answer questions
* – free support groups for a variety of conditions including ADHD
ADHD affects mostly school age children. There are also undiagnosed adults who have been
living with the disorder for a long time. Get help as soon as you identify your symptoms as that of
this disorder. It is not curable but can be managed through a variety of treatment options.
Although the exact prevalence in adults is unknown, studies thus far reveal that the condition of Adult
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) probably exists in about 2 to 4 percent of adults, and is marked by the
inability to maintain concentration, difficulty getting work done, procrastination, and organization problems.
A person’s inability to focus, sit still, concentrate, or follow instructions can greatly impair academic
development or negatively affect their professional career.
Developing self-regulation is the biggest problem adults face when they have ADHD. This is often not
expected of young children but is expected of adults. This self control affects an adult’s ability not just to
perform tasks, but to determine when they need to be done.
Individuals with ADHD have difficulty with certain brain activity, particularly in the area that is responsible for
monitoring the behaviors that control planning and organization. This can be extremely frustrating to the
ADHD adult.
If all other options and avenues have been investigated and prescription drugs are chosen for treatment,
frequent follow-up visits should be scheduled to assess the response and to detect possible side effects.
Teens on medications should have regular checkups.
Stimulants are not a cure-all, and adults should be informed of healthy choices with regards to food,
exercise, and healthy hobbies. The best chance of minimizing side effects is to use a remedy that is free of
adverse or unwanted secondary effects completely.
Alternative Treatments
* Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies – A number of adults have tried natural remedies as an alternative
to psycho-stimulants and other drugs. Small trials have found some agents, such as oral flower essence,
Ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, and melatonin may possibly have benefits for ADHD. There are
homeopathic remedies which effectively target some of the disruptive symptoms of ADHD and allow the
child to concentrate more easily.
Natural remedies should be considered as a first step ahead of prescription psychiatric drugs. When
combined with strong dietary control, counseling (as necessary), and a healthy lifestyle, natural remedies
have been show to be effective in helping to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.
Focus ADDult: Promotes concentration, focus and attention span in teens and adults
Brain Tonic: Homeopathic remedy relieves forgetfulness and mental fatigue, plus improves brain
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PureCalm: Aids nervous system in stress resistance for balanced moods, calm demeanor and feelings of
well being
* Dietary Approaches. A number of diets have been suggested for people with ADHD. Various studies have
reported behavioral improvement with diets that restrict possible allergens in the diet. Parents may want to
discuss with their health care professional, homeopath, or naturopath concerning implementing an
elimination diet of certain foods or adding supplements that would not be harmful and that might help. This
is a very individualized approach and would differ from child to child. Always consult a nutritional expert
before restricting your diet.
You are not alone. Find a support network of family, friends and fellow sufferers to gain
acceptance, confidence and most of all, a helping hand.
Free Natural Health Ebooks
Effective, Natural Treatment For ADHD
Effective, Natural Treatment For ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD affects 3-5% of all children. It is often misdiagnosed
and treatment plans are not always effective.
The condition is frustrating for the child, the parent and the rest of the family. Teachers, physicians and
other healthcare professionals become frustrated, as well. To achieve the best results, everyone in the
child's environment needs to work together.
If your child has ADHD, he or she needs your help, guidance and understanding. I know from personal
experience how difficult it is to raise a child with ADHD. My goal here on this site is to help you, the parent,
learn about the condition and understand the treatment options.
The most common symptoms of ADHD are impulsiveness, hyperactivity and inattention. But, your child might
not have all of these behavioral problems. Some kids are primarily hyperactive. Others get sidetracked
easily, become bored or daydream, when they should be learning a new skill.
Impulsive behaviors are sometimes difficult to identify. All of us act without thinking, sometimes. That's one
reason that ADHD is difficult to diagnose. The behavioral characteristics that accompany the condition are
present in everyone, from time to time.
But, when a child's impulsivity, hyperactivity or inability to concentrate begins to affect his performance at school
or his relationship with family and friends, then professional help is needed. That does not necessarily mean
that they require medication. Sometimes, doctors and parents quickly turn to prescription medications,
without first considering all of their options.
You need to remember that the stimulant drugs that are used to treat ADHD are not a "cure". In some cases,
they help. In others, they create more problems. We tried the drugs, but even at the lowest dosage, my
normally happy son came home from school in tears, every single day. Some kids simply cannot tolerate
any stimulant, no matter how low the dosage.
A more holistic approach, treating the "whole" child, worked for us. Numerous studies have shown that
medication alone is not the most effective treatment plan. It may be a quick and easy solution, but there are
no "magic pills".
Many factors may play a role in your child's behavioral problems. Diet is often part of the problem. Too much
sugar, artificial colors and preservatives increase irritability, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Good nutrition is of
the utmost importance. Kids need to eat right and take a good multi-vitamin, as well as an omega-3 or fish
oil supplement.
If your child is hyperactive in school, change your routine. Get up early in the morning. Go for a brisk walk or
run before school. Get him involved in an organized sport, karate or other physical activity that will help him or
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Effective, Natural Treatment For ADHD
her "burn-off" some of that restless energy.
Try natural herbal remedies before you turn to prescription medication. It has always seemed illogical to me to
give a child stimulants. But, there are many herbs and botanical extracts that are "soothing". Here's a look at
some of them.
Known to reduce restlessness and over-excitability, this homeopathic remedy showed positive results in a
controlled study conducted in 1997. In general, the plant extract reduces outbursts, fidgeting and
hyperactive behaviors.
This homeopathic remedy is traditionally recommended for those who need constant stimulation or change,
in other words, for those who get "bored" easily. It is also beneficial for the relief of irritability, destructive
behaviors and feelings of discontent.
Arsen iod
This extract promotes balance, reduces temperamental outbursts or temper tantrums. It also tends to
reduce frustration that can occur when learning new skills.
Verta alb
Used to soothe the nerves, verta alb is often recommended by homeopaths for hyperactive children.
Focus Formula is a 100% herbal remedy used to support the nervous system and the brain in the long-term
to maintain and support:
Concentration and attention
Normal energy levels
BrightSpark is a 100% homeopathic remedy best used to facilitate concentration and temporarily relieve
acute symptoms such as:
Now, all of these solutions must be properly prepared according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia and
you should only purchase the remedy from a reliable manufacturer.
We have had a great deal of success with the products from Native Remedies. They are carefully prepared
in registered facilities and meet with FDA approval.
All of their products are backed by a one year, unconditional money back guarantee. The prices are reasonable
and the quality is unquestionable.
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or you have noticed the behavioral problems that typically
accompany the condition, visit Native Remedies, learn more about the condition and read the testimonials
written by other parents. Both you and your child will be glad that you made the effort.
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