Download The text file, named “wordlist.txt”, contains 58000 sample English

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CSC 108 3.0 Object Oriented Programming
Lab Exercises No. 12
Exercise 12-1
The text file, named “wordlist.txt”, contains 58000 sample English words. Write a Java
program to extract the following information from the sample data set and print the results on
the screen as given below.
Information required:
1. The frequency of number of letters in a word
2. The maximum number of letters in a word
3. The number of palindromes
4. Total number of words in the list
English language statistics
------------------------------------No. of letters
No. of words
in a word
------------------------------------Maximum numbers of words are available with xx letters
Sample data set contains xx palindrome words
Total number of words in the sample is xx
Notes: 1. Copy the file “wordlist.txt” given on the LMS to your working directory.
2. Each word is given on a separate line on the file. (i.e. one word per line)
3. A palindrome is a string that is spelled the same way forward and backward. An
example is “radar”.
Department of Statistics and Computer Science
University of Sri Jayewardenepura