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Toddler Time: Dragons
Wings and Fire
Dragons are wonderful mythical creatures. Some real lizards have dragon-like
characteristics, such as horns, spikes, scales, and even skin that acts as wings when they
glide away from danger. Maybe storytellers saw these little creatures, and their
imaginations turned them into dragons!
Opening song
Up, down, turn around
Touch the sky and touch the ground
Wiggle fingers, wiggle toes
Wiggle shoulders, wave hello
Closing Song
Up, down, turn around
Touch the sky and touch the ground
Pat your belly, blink your eyes
Blow a kiss and wave goodbye
“Dragon, Dragon, Turn Around”
Dragon, dragon, turn around
Dragon, dragon, touch the ground
Dragon, dragon, fly up high
Dragon, dragon, touch the sky
Dragon, dragon, swing your tail
Dragon, dragon, shake your scales
Dragon, dragon, give a ROAR
Dragon, dragon, sit on the floor
Out and About activities
Search for the letter D on signs, boxes in the grocery store, magazines, etc.
Check out books about dragons, and talk about what other animals have wings,
tails, and scales.
Early Literacy Tips
Play Can You Hear It?
You say three words. Only one of them should have the /d/ sound in it. Start with words that
have /d/ as the beginning letter. Have your child identify the word with the /d/ sound.
soar . . . dragon . . . cat
library . . . fog . . . dog
bat . . . stop . . . dig
Level 2: Include words that have the /d/ sound at the end of the word: kid, glad, food
Level 3: Let your child make up words with the /d/ sound. Even nonsense words help children
learn, so be silly with them, and make up some words!
Oh No, Little Dragon! by Jim Averbeck
Old MacDonald Had A Dragon
by Ken Baker
If I Had A Dragon by Tom Ellery
A Dragon Moves In by Lisa Falkenstern
There’s No Such Thing As A Dragon
by Jack Kent
Super-dragon by Steven Kroll
When A Dragon Moves In by Judy Moore
Dragon Stew by Steven Smallman