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CONTACT: Steven V. Dubin, PR Works, (781) 582-1061, [email protected]
Facing School South Shore Skin Center of Cohasset and Plymouth offers Tips for Teen Acne
DATELINE: COHASSET AND PLYMOUTH, MASS…Just when self-consciousness is
at its peak and “fitting in” is a must at school, acne strikes. Acne affects almost everyone
at some point in their lives, and teenagers can expect to experience at least one agonizing
breakout. The hardest hit are teenage boys.
Despite the level of severity, acne is just not something taken lightly by any teenager.
South Shore Skin Center, with offices in Cohasset and Plymouth, offers timely tips to
help teens ward off acne flare-ups:
Wash (don’t scrub) your face twice a day with a very gentle soap or water based skin
cleanser. Oil and dead skin cells are typically the cause of pimples, so avoid any
cleansers that contain oil such as cold creams.
Never squeeze your pimples as it can cause an infection, worse acne and potentially
scar your skin.
Try using an over-the-counter product that is designed to unclog pores and dry up oil
and blemishes (such as Clearasil or Stri-Dex). Be sure to follow the package
instructions. Too frequent use of these over the counter medications may actually
cause acne to become worse.
Try not to touch your face. Although you can’t see it, your hands contain oil which is
transferred when you touch your face and can cause a break-out.
Your hair is another culprit that can transfer oil to your face. Find a hairstyle that
keeps hair away from your face and do not use a lot of hair gel or other hair products
because they tend to contain oil.
Sunlight can actually aggravate acne. Try to limit your sun exposure. If you are going
to be in the sun, be sure to wear (oil-free) sunscreen.
“Acne is caused by overproduction of sebum (oil), which is regulated by hormones,
coupled with the obstruction of the pores. People can get acne at any age, but teens are
most likely to experience it because it is triggered by hormone changes. Stress and some
prescribed medications can contribute to hormone fluctuation. Acne is not caused by
foods such as chocolate and greasy French fries. In fact, severe acne is hereditary,”
explained Dr. Richard Eisen, M.D., South Shore Skin Center’s founding physician.
While most acne sufferers’ breakouts are not serious and do not result in scarring, at least
40 percent of all cases need to be treated by a physician.
For severe acne (up to a hundred or so pimples covering face and body) that may
potentially result in scarring, South Shore Skin Center offers several types of treatments
including: Gentle YAG, which is a gentle, safe and effective type of laser treatment;
Photodynamic Therapy which uses a light source in conjunction with chemical therapy;
and Thermage, which is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radio frequency. South
Shore Skin Center also offers several treatments to erase acne scarring.
According to Dr. Ramzi Saad, M.D. of South Shore Skin Center, “Most cases of teen
acne are not severe and can be treated at home. For severe acne and scarring, medical
treatment is advisable and we offer several innovative therapies to heal and improve the
Founded in 1984, South Shore Skin Center is one of Massachusetts’ most innovative
dermatology practices offering a wide range of medical, surgical and cosmetic services.
Caring for patients with skin cancer and other skin conditions such as eczema, acne and
hair loss in addition to providing cosmetic anti-aging treatments; spider vein removal;
tattoo removal and other services, South Shore Skin Center physicians are committed to
providing the highest level of service to children and adults throughout the greater Boston
South Shore Skin Center offices are located at 223 Chief Justice Cushing Highway, Suite
202 in Cohasset, Mass. (781) 383-3340, and 45 Resnick Road, Suite 102 in Plymouth,
Mass., (508) 747-0711. For more information, visit their website at