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The World of
 Cite the advances in management as they relate to screening, diagnosis, and therapy
 Identify the optimal techniques in therapy with skin malignancies
 Assess how new data and therapeutic techniques can be incorporated in the individualized treatment
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D., F.A.A.D.
Assistant Professor of Dermatology
University of Nevada School of Medicine
Director of J. Woodson Dermatology & Associates, LTD
of patients
 Review medical and surgical options for the management of skin diseases
 Describe the pathophysiology of immune-mediated chronic inflammatory diseases
 Outline the benefits and limitations of new and emerging immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, and
disease-modifying treatments for immune-mediated chronic inflammatory diseases
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis
Eight legged mites, ovoid flat body, 100 eggs per day
Intensely pruritic erythematous papules and burrows on finger\toe, web spaces, nipples, axilla, male genitalia
and umbilicus
Mineral oil preparation skin scrapings show mites, eggs or feces
Crusted scabies, immunocompromised host such as elderly, HIV or transplant patients
Can be treated with permethrin and crotamiton
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30 day cycle on human host
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Actinic keratosis
UV damage leads to p53 mutation
Transformation to squamous cell carcinoma .025% to 16%
Atypical keratinocytes, pleomorphic and disorganized
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Dome-shaped firm crater lesion, rapid growth, follicular origin
Controversy-nine or less aggressive malignancy associated with immunosuppression and
systemic lupus erythematosus
Excision, topical 5-FU, cryo- surgery, Mohs surgery
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Four types - Ulcerative, Pustular ,Bullous,Vegetative
Inflammatory pustule, ulcerates at sites of trauma (pathergy), distinct rolled edges, painful ulcer,
40-60 years old lower extremities and trunk
Inflammatory bowel disease association, leukemia possible association, 1.5-5% with inflammatory
bowel disease develops
Associations - leukemia, polycythemia, chronic active hepatitis, HCV, HIV, SLE, pregnancy
Treat for underlying condition, compresses with ointment occlusive dressings, potent topical steroids or
intralesional, tacrolimus, systemic steroids, dapsone, sulfasalazine, cyclosporine, infliximab, SSKI,
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Erythema Nodosum
Red, tender nodules, anterior shin's, size, lower extremities and upper extremities
Onset fever, chills, malaise, leukocytosis, arthropathy
Immunologic reaction triggered, medications, benign and malignant systemic illness, bacterial, viral , fungal
Streptococcal, tuberculosis, Yersinia, coccidioidiomycosis, histoplasmosis, dermatophytes
Acute respiratory illness, viruses, infectious mononucleosis, cat scratch disease, hepatitis B, sarcoidosis
Sulfonamides,bromides,oral contraceptives
Enteropathies,ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, malignancies lymphoma, leukemia, cervical cancer
Spontaneous resolution 3 to 6 weeks, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory's, systemic steroids, potassium iodide
400-900 mg Q day
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
(Mycosis Fungoides)
Can You Identify This Condition?
Clinical Types
Flat and raised lesions, pruritus, females, epidermotropism, increased mucin in follicles, tumor
stage poor prognosis
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Patch and plaque stage, hypopigmented type, pigmented purpura, alopecia mucinosa,
erythrodermas, tumor stage, granulomatous and slack skin, pagetoid reticulosis
Biopsy at three month intervals, clonality assists, malignant clonal T cell
populations(CD4+/CD7-),CD4/CD8 ratio expansion into blood, memory cell marker
CD45RO elevation peripheral blood involvement
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
(Mycosis Fungoides)
Can You Identify This Condition?
Sezary Cells - enlarged hyper convoluted nuclei, activated T cells, 100 cells counted to assess
percentage, greater than 5% poor prognosis
Pognosis - 10% or less median survival 12 years, tumors no involvement median survival 2-3
Treatment - dapsone or sulfa pyridine, intralesional and topical high potency steroids
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Molluscum Contagiosum
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Poxvirus, MCV-1 to 4, small children MCV-1, HIV-associated MCV-2
Young children, sexually active adults, immunosuppressed persons, skin to skin contact, swimming
Smooth surface, firm, dome shaped pearly papules with umbilication
Spontaneous resolution, light cryotherapy, topical tretinoin, topical cantharidin 4-6 hours,
trichloroacidic acid 35-100%
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
(Gorlin syndrome)
AD, patched gene (inhibits hedgehog signaling pathway)
Decreased patched therefore increased smoothened gene therefore uncontrolled cell proliferation
Frontal bossing, bifid ribs, calcification of falx cerebri, multiple basal cell carcinoma's, palmoplantar
pits, painful odontogenic jaw cysts, medulloblastoma, hypertelorism and ovarian fibromas
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
UVB-Related, increasing age, let it to decline, skin types I and II, immunosuppression, chemical
P 53 mutations, human papilloma virus 6,11,16,5,8
Metastatic rate 0.3 to 16%, risk increases with location on lips ears eyelids genital area, depth of
invasion perineural spread immunosuppression recurrence
Mohs surgery, excision, nonsurgical cryo- treatment, radiation
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Bowen’s Disease
Full thickness keratinocyte atypia
Transformation to SCC 5%
Can You Identify This Condition?
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Can You Identify This Condition?
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Can You Identify This Condition?
Malignant Melanoma
Lifetime risk 1 in 60 to 1 in 80, 20-45 years old, chest, upper extremities man, back, lower legs,
lower extremities women
CDKN2A(aka MST-1 or p16) mutation
Skin, lymph nodes, lungs, liver, brain, G.I. track metastatic sites
Excision, since you know node biopsy if greater than 1 mm, interferon-alpha
Surgical margins-less than 1 mm-1 cm, greater than 2 mm-2 cm
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Malignant Melanoma
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Identify This Unknown!
Sentinel node biopsy - greater than 1 mm or less than 1 mm with ulceration
New biologic therapy's, interferon alpha
Prognosis - Breslow depth for primary lesion, ulceration second most important, sentinel node
most important predictor for overall survival
Poor prognosis - head and neck, increased number of nodes, metastasis visceral, increasing age,
male, acral lentiginous type
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Arsenical Keratosis
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Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
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Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Secondary Syphilis
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
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Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Dental Fistula
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
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Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Black Heel (Tinea Pedis)
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Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Kaposi's Sarcoma (AIDS related)
 Identified common dermatologic conditions
 Addressed medical and surgical options for the management of skin diseases
 Described how new data and therapeutic techniques can be incorporated in the individualized
treatment of patients
 Described the pathophysiology of immune-mediated chronic inflammatory diseases
 Outlined the benefits and limitations of new and emerging immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory,
and disease-modifying treatments for immune-mediated chronic inflammatory diseases
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.
Johnnie M Woodson, M.D.