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Luogo e Data di nascita
Codice Fiscale
Giampiero Girolomoni
Montefelcino (PU), 26/04/1957
Professore ordinario di Dermatologia e Venereologia, Facoltà di Medicina
e Chirurgia, Università di Verona; Direttore scuola di specializzazione in
Dermatologia e Venereologia, Università di Verona; Direttore della Clinica
Dermatologica dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona
Numero telefonico dell’ufficio
Fax dell’ufficio
E-mail istituzionale
[email protected]
Titolo di studio
1976 Diploma di maturità classica - Liceo Mamiani, Pesaro
1983 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia – Università di Modena
Altri titoli di studio e
1986 Specialista in Dermatologia e Venereologia- Università di Modena
Esperienze professionali
(incarichi ricoperti)
1988-1990 Immunodermatology Fellow, Visiting Instructor, Dipart. di
Dermatologia, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas
(TX, USA).
1990-1994 Assistente Medico, Clinica Dermatologica, Università di
1994-2004 Direttore Laboratorio di Ricerca di Immunologia; Primario
Seconda Divisione di Dermatologia, Direttore Dipartimento di
Dermatologia Clinica, Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata, Roma
Capacità linguistiche
Attività Scientifiche
Ottima conoscenza scritta e parlata della lingua Inglese
Fisiopatologia delle reazioni immunitarie cellulo-mediate della cute,
immunofarmacologia delle malattie infiammatorie croniche della cute.
Dermatologia clinica: malattie cutanee nell’immunodepresso, reazioni
cutanee da farmaci, manifestazioni cutanee delle malattie interne,
complicanze cardio-metaboliche delle malattie infiammatorie croniche.
Esperienze acquisite nel settore scientifiche oggetto di sperimentazione
secondo le norme di Buona Pratica Clinica (GCP), maturate nell’ambito
degli studi clinici nonché dell’assistenza ai pazienti. Presidente Società
Italiana di Dermatologia (Sidemast). Editor in chief di Clinical
Dermatology e del Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia.
Associate Editor di Frontiers in Medicine (Dermatology). Presidente e/o
responsabile scientifico di 102 congressi nazionali o internazionali.
Letture a invito 1988-2015: 710.
Co-autore di 285 articoli originali, 145 rewiew, 80 capitoli di libri o
monografie, 900 abstracts per congressi, e co-autore o co-editore di 5
libri. IF globale >1300; Citazioni >15000; H-index: 70; i10 index: 224.
1. Gisondi P, Cazzaniga S, Chimenti S, Giannetti A, Maccarone M, Tomino C,
Picardo M, Girolomoni G, Naldi L. Metabolic abnormalities associated with
initiation of systemic treatment for psoriasis: evidence from the Italian Psocare
registry. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 27:e30-41, 2013.
2. Tessari G, Naldi L, Boschiero L, Minetti E, Sandrini S, Nacchia F, Valerio F,
Rugiu C, Sassi F, Gotti E, Fonte L, Talamini G, Girolomoni G. Incidence of
primary and second cancers in renal transplant recipients: a multicenter
cohort study. Am J Transplant 13:214-221, 2013.
3. Gisondi P, Lora V, Bonauguri C, Russo A, Lippi G, Girolomoni G. Serum
chemerin is increased in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis and normalizes
following treatment with infliximab. Br J Dermatol 168:749-755, 2013.
4. Paller AS, Mercy K, Kwasny MJ, Choon SE, Cordoro KM, Girolomoni G, Menter
A, Tom WL, Mahoney AM, Oostveen AM, Seyger MM. Association of pediatric
psoriasis severity with excess and central adiposity: an international crosssectional study. JAMA Dermatol 149:166-176, 2013.
5. Gisondi P, Del Giglio M, Girolomoni G. The expectations of patients with
psoriasis during office consultation. Clinical Dermatology 1:2-7, 2013.
6. Gisondi P, Tessari G, Di Mercurio M, Del Giglio M, Girolomoni G. Survival of
systemic drug therapy for psoriasis. Clinical Dermatology 1:8-14, 2013.
7. Gisondi P, Conti A, Galdo G, Piaserico S, De Simone, C, Girolomoni G.
Ustekinumab does not increase body mass index in patients with chronic
plaque psoriasis: a prospective cohort study. Br J Dermatol 168:1124-1127,
8. Strohal R, Chimenti S, Vena GA, Girolomoni G. Etanercept provides an
effective, safe and flexible short- and long-term treatment regimen for
moderate-to-severe psoriasis: a systematic review of current evidence. J
Dermatolog Treat 24:199-208, 2013.
9. Gisondi P, Girolomoni G. Impact of TNFselected skin disease. G It Dermatol Venereol 148:243-248, 2013.
10. Lora V, Bonaguri C, Gisondi P, Sandei F, Battistelli L, Russo A, Melegari A,
Trenti T, Lippi G, Girolomoni G. Autoantibody induction and adipokine levels
in patients with psoriasis treated with infliximab. Immunol Res 56:382-389,
11. Esposito M, Gisondi P, Cassano N, Ferrucci G, Del Giglio M, Loconsole F,
Giunta A, Vena GA, Chimenti S, Girolomoni G. Survival rate of anti-TNF alpha
treatments for psoriasis in routine dermatological practice: a multicenter
observational study. Br J Dermatol 169:666-672, 2013.
12. Girolomoni G, Rosina P. Cutaneous vasculitides and vasculopathies. Clinical
Dermatology 1:93-97, 2013.
13. Pezzolo E, Colato C, Del Giglio M, Tessari G, Girolomoni G. Acantolytic
Dermatology 1:149-152, 2013.
14. Gisondi P, Girolomoni G. Cardio-metabolic comorbidities, the fingerprint of
psoriasis. Inter Emerg Med 8:S155-S159, 2013.
15. Bosco L, Schena D, Colato C, Biban P, Girolomoni G. Coma blisters in children:
case report and review of the literature. J Child Neurol 28:1677-1680, 2013.
16. Fostini A, Girolomoni G, Tessari G. Prurigo nodularis: an update on
etiopathogenesis and therapy. J Dermatolog Treat 24:458-462, 2013.
17. Girolomoni G, Peserico A, Altomare G, Ayala F, Berardesca E, Calzavara Pinton
P, Chimenti S, Martini P, Polistena B, Puglisi Guerra A, Vena GA, Spandonaro F.
Quality of life in patients with plaque psoriasis treated with biologic therapies.
Clinical Dermatology 1:175-182, 2013.
18. Gisondi P, Amerio P, Peserico A, Piaserico S, Potenza C, Bardazzi F, Bongiorno
MR, Caproni M, Costanzo A, Loconsole F, Malagoli P, Amoruso G F, Antonucci
V A, Bruni P, Campanati A, Carlesimo M, Carrera C G, Cianchini G, Cimmino G,
Cozzani E, Dapavo P, D’Amico D, De Simone C, Del Giglio M, Di Nuzzo S, Gai
F, Galluccio A G, Goffredo A, Gualdi G, Guarneri C, Kokelj F, Lasagni C, Longo
V, Miracapillo A, Mugheddu C, Parodi A, Pellegrino M, Pistone G, Plumari A,
Stingeni L, Strippoli D, Travaglini M, Girolomoni G. Uso ottimale dei
trattamenti sistemici per la psoriasi moderata-severa. Raccomandazioni per lo
“switching” ed il “transitioning”. G It Dermatol Venereol 148 (Suppl 1):1-10,
19. Nocini PF, Procacci P, Albanese M, Trevisiol L, D'Agostino A, Girolomoni G,
Palma P, Chiarini L, Bertossi D. Tongue flap to treat a severe case of Miescher's
cheilitis granulomatosa. Minerva Stomatol 62(suppl 1):79-86, 2013.
20. Gisondi P, Targher G, Cagalli A, Girolomoni G. Hyperuricemia in patients with
chronic plaque psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 70:127-130, 2014.
21. Gisondi P, Sala P, Alessandrini F, Avesani V, Zoccatelli G, Beltramello A,
Moretto G, Gambina G, Girolomoni G. Mild cognitive impairment in patients
with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Dermatology 228:78-85,
22. Ponti G, Ruini C, Girolomoni G, Pellacani G, Farnetani F, Pastorino L, Ghiorzo P,
Witkowski AM, Bianchi-Scarrà G, Tomasi A, Loschi P, Nasti S. Brooke-Spiegler
syndrome tumor spectrum beyond the skin: a patient carrying germl ine
R936X CYLD mutation and a somatic CYLD mutation in Brenner tumor. Future
Oncol 10:345-350, 2014.
23. Paul C, Puig L, Kragballe K, Luger T, Lambert J, Chimenti S, Girolomoni G
Nicolas JF, Rizova E, Lavie F, Mistry S, Bergmans P, Barker J, Reich K. Transition
to ustekinumab in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis and inadequate
response to methotrexate: a randomised clinical trial (TRANSIT). Br J Dermatol
170:425-434, 2014.
24. Reich K, Puig L, Paul C, Kragballe K, Luger T, Lambert J, Chimenti S,
Girolomoni G, Nicolas JF, Rizova E, Brunori B, Mistry S, Bergmans P, Barker J.
One year safety and efficacy of ustekinumab and results of dose adjustment
after switching from inadequate methotrexate treatment: the TRANSIT
randomised trial in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Br J Dermatol
170:435-444, 2014.
25. Augustin M, Blome C, Costanzo A, Dauden E, Ferrandiz C, Girolomoni G,
Gniadecki R, Iversen L, Menter A, Michaelis-Wittern K, Morita A, Nakagawa H,
Reich K. Nail assessment in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (NAPPA):
Development and validation of a tool for assessment of nail psoriasis
outcomes. Br J Dermatol 170:591-598, 2014.
26. Daudén E, Bewley A, Lambert J, Girolomoni G, Cambazard F, Reich K. Expert
recommendations: the use of the fixed combination calcipotriol and
betamethasone dipropionate gel for the topical treatment of psoriasis. J Eur
Acad Dermatol Venereol 28 (Suppl 2), 22–32, 2014.
27. Fiorino G, Girolomoni G, Lapadula G, Orlando A, Danese S, Olivieri I. The use
of biosimilars in immune-mediated disease: a joint Italian Rheumatologic
Society (SIR), Italian Society of Dermatology (SIDEMAST), and Italian Group of
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD) position paper. Autoimmun Rev 13:751755, 2014.
28. Lebwohl MG, Bachelez H, Barker J, Girolomoni G, Kavanaugh AF, Langley RG,
Paul CF, Puig L, Reich K, van de Kerkhof PC. Patient perspectives in the
management of psoriasis: results from the population-based multinational
assessment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (MAPP) survey. J Am Acad
Dermatol 70:871-881, 2014.
29. Blandizzi C, Gionchetti P, Armuzzi A, Caporali R, Chimenti S, Cimaz R, Cimino
L, Lapadula G, Lionetti P, Marchesoni A, Mennini FS, Salvarani C, Girolomoni G.
The role of tumour necrosis factor in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated
diseases. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 27 (Suppl 1):1-10, 2014.
30. Armuzzi A, Lionetti P, Blandizzi C, Caporali R, Chimenti S, Cimino L, Gionchetti
P, Girolomoni G, Lapadula G, Marchesoni A, Mennini FS, Salvarani C, Cimaz R.
Anti-TNF agents as a therapeutic choice in immune-mediated disease. Int J
Immunopathol Pharmacol 27 (Suppl 1):11-32, 2014.
31. Lapadula G, Marchesoni A, Armuzzi A, Blandizzi C, Caporali R, Chimenti S,
Cimaz R, Cimino L, Gionchetti P, Girolomoni G, Lionetti P, Mennini FS,
Salvarani C. Adalimumab in the treatment of immune-mediated diseases. Int J
Immunopathol Pharmacol 27 (Suppl 1):33-48, 2014.
32. Schena D, Farina A, Colato C, Girolomoni G. Wells’ syndrome in children: two
case reports with review of the literature. Clinical Dermatology 2:51-56, 2014.
33. Cozzi A, Doria A, Gisondi P, Girolomoni G. Skin rash and arthritis syndromes:
an appraisal of less common associations. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol
28:679-688, 2014.
34. Spandonaro F, Ayala F, Berardesca E, Chimenti S, Girolomoni G, Martini P,
Peserico A, Polistena B, Puglisi Guerra A, Vena GA, Altomare G, Calzavara
Pinton P. The cost-effectiveness of biologic therapy for the treatment of
chronic plaque psoriasis in real practice settings in Italy. BioDrugs 28:285295, 2014.
35. Weisz GM, Albury RW, Matucci-Cerinic M, Girolomoni G, Lippi D. Skin disease
in the Medici family and the illness of Contessina de' Bardi de' Medici: a
dermatological puzzle. Int J Dermatol 53:786-788, 2014.
36. Pastore S, Lulli D, Girolomoni G. Epidermal growth factor receptor signalling in
keratinocyte biology: implications for skin toxicity of tyrosine kinase
inhibitors. Arch Toxicol 88:1189-1203, 2014.
37. Gisondi P, Dalle Vedove C, Girolomoni G. Efficacy and safety of secukinumab
in chronic plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis therapy. Dermatol Ther
(Heidelb) 41:1-9, 2014.
38. Gisondi P, Targher G, Bardazzi F, Conti A, Donelli S, Di Lernia VG, Di Nuzzo S,
Lasagni C, Girolomoni G. Pharmacological treatment of moderate-severe
psoriasis in patients with cardio-metabolic comorbidities. G It Dermatol
Venereol 149 (Suppl 2):7-11, 2014.
39. Sampogna F, Linder D, Piaserico S, Altomare G, Bortune M, Calzavara –Pinton
P, Dalle Vedove C, Girolomoni G, Peserico A, Sala R, Abeni D. Quality of life
assessment of patients with scalp dermatitis using the Italian version of the
scalpdex. Acta Derm Venereol 94:411-414, 2014.
40. Tessari G, Cagalli A, Girolomoni G. Opportunistic deep cutaneous mycoses in
solid organ transplant recipients. G It Dermatol Venereol 149:417-422, 2014.
41. Zanniello R, Leone L, Maurelli M, Colato C, Girolomoni G. Unilaterlal nevoid
telangectasia of pregnancy. Clinical Dermatology 2:106-109, 2014.
42. Altomare G, Ayala F, Bardazzi F, Bellia G, Chimenti S, Colombo MD, Flori ML,
Girolomoni G, Micali G, Parodi A, Peris K, Vena GA. Consensus on the use of
cyclosporine in dermatological practice. G It Dermatol Venereol 149:607-625,
43. Gisondi P, Girolomoni G. The “difficult patient with psoriasis”, i.e. patient with
moderate to severe psoriasis and metaboilic comorbidities. G It Dermatol
Venereol 149 (suppl 1):67-69, 2014.
44. Gisondi P, Pezzolo E, Lo Cascio G, Girolomoni G. Latent tuberculosis infection
in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis who are candidates for biological
therapy. Br J Dermatol 171:884-890, 2014.
45. Rosina P, Papagrigoraki A, Zanniello R, Colato C, Girolomoni G. Red
eczematous melanoma: a case report with review of the literature. Clinical
Dermatology 2:140-143, 2014.
46. Vena GA, Cassano N, Esposito M, Gisondi P, Giunta A, Chimenti S, Girolomoni
G. Some considerations about the importance of alliance between patients and
dermatologists in psoriasis. Clinical Dermatology 2:147-151, 2014.
47. Strohal R, Kirby B, Puig L; Psoriasis Expert Panel, Girolomoni G, Kragballe K,
Luger T, Nestle FO, Prinz JC, Ståhle M, Yawalkar N. Psoriasis beyond the skin:
an expert group consensus on the management of psoriatic arthritis and
common co-morbidities in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. J Eur
Acad Dermatol Venereol 28:1661-1669, 2014.
48. Pezzolo E, Peroni A, Schena D, Girolomoni G. Pre-heated autologous serum
skin test in localized heat urticaria. Clin Exper Dermatol 39:921-923, 2014.
49. Adami S, Cavani A, Rossi F, Girolomoni G. The role of IL-17 in psoriatic
disease. BioDrugs 28:487-497, 2014.
50. Peroni A, Colato C, Rongioletti F, Girolomoni G. Histiocytoid Sweet syndrome
is infiltrated predominantly by M2-like macrophages. J Am Acad Dermatol
71:131-139, 2015.
51. Scalone L, Cortesi PA, Mantovani LG, Belisari A, Ayala F, Fortina AB, Bonamonte
D, Borroni G, Cannavò SP, Guarneri F, Cristaudo A, De Pità O, Gallo R,
Girolomoni G, Gola M, Lisi P, Pigatto PD, Satta R, Giannetti A. Clinical
epidemiology of hand eczema in patients accessing dermatological referall
centres: results from a Mediterranean country. Br J Dermatol 172:187-195,
52. Gisondi P, Galvan A, Idolazzi L, Girolomoni G. Management of moderate to
severe psoriasis in patients with metabolic comorbidities. Front Med
(Lausanne) 2015;2:1. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2015.00001. eCollection 2015
53. Zimmermann M, Bianchetto Aguilera F, Castellucci M, Rossato M, Costa S,
Lunardi L, Ostuni R, Girolomoni G, Natoli G, Bazzoni F, Tamassia N, Cassatella
MA. Chromatin remodelling and autocrine TNF are required for optimal
interleukin-6 expression in activated human neutrophils. Nat Commun
6:6061, 2015. doi: 10.1038/ncomms7061
54. Zaza G, Ferraro PM, Tessari G, Sandrini S, Scolari MP, Cappelli I, Minetti E,
Gesualdo L, Girolomoni G, Gambaro G, Lupo A, Boschiero L. Predictive model
for delayed graft function based on easily available pre-renal transplant
variables. Inter Emerg Med 10:135-141, 2015.
55. Rosina
Videodermatoscopic follow up of melanocytic lesions: a retrospective clinical
study. Clinical Dermatology 3:7-12, 2015.
56. Gisondi P, Perazzoli G, Del Giglio M, Girolomoni G. Systemic therapy of
psoriasis in diabetic patients. Glob Dermatol 2:112-116, 2015.
57. Gisondi P, Cazzaniga S, Chimenti S, Maccarone M, Picardo M, Girolomoni G,
Naldi L. Latent tuberculosis infection in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis:
evidence from the Italian Psocare registry. Br J Dermatol 172:1613-1620,
58. Girolomoni G, Griffiths CEM, Krueger J, Nestle F, Nicolas J-F, Prinz JC, Puig L,
Ståhle M, van de Kerkhof PCM, Allez M, Emery P, Paul C. Early intervention in
psoriasis and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: a hypothesis paper. J
Dermatolog Treat 26:103-112, 2015.
59. Girolomoni G, Altomare G, Ayala F, Berardesca E, Calzavara Pinton P, Chimenti
S, Martini P, Peserico A, Puglisi Guerra A, Vena GA. Differential management of
biologic drugs in mild-to-severe psoriasis patients: an Italian Delphi
consensus expert panel. J Dermatolog Treat 26:128-133, 2015.
60. Gisondi P, Bardazzi F, Conti A, Dapavo P, Di Nuzzo S, Malagoli P, Piaserico S,
Strippoli D, Girolomoni G. Pharmacoeconomic considerations in the treatment
of psoriatic arthritis with biologics: focus on golimumab. Clinical Dermatology
3 (Suppl 1):1-8, 2015.
61. Pelissero A, Russi EG, Melano A, Filini C, Vigna-Taglianti R, Settineri N, Lucio
F, Girolomoni G, Pergolizzi S. Facial basal cell carcinomas treated with hypofractionated radiotherapy: A retrospective analysis in 117 elderly patients. J
Am Acad Dermatol 73:166-168, 2015.
62. Mrowietz U, Leonardi C, Girolomoni G, Toth D, Morita A, Balki SA,
Szepietowski JC, Regnault P, Thurston H, Papavassilis C. Secukinumab
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: a randomized, double-blind, noninferiority trial (SCULPTURE). J Am Acad Dermatol 73:27-36, 2015.
63. Gisondi P, Girolomoni G. Skin moisturization for xerosis related to targeted
anticancer therapies. J Am Acad Dermatol 73:e33, 2015.
64. Genazzani A, Altomare G, Balato N, Cusano F, De Pità O, Loconsole F, Micali G,
Piaserico S, Girolomoni G. Biosimilar infliximab: an expert view. G It Dermatol
Venereol 150:449-459, 2015.
65. Lubrano E, Cantini F, Costanzo A, Girolomoni G, Prignano F, Olivieri I, Scarpa
R, Spadaro A, Atzeni F, Narcisi A, Ricceri F, Sarzi-Puttini P. Measuring psoriatic
disease in clinical practice. An expert opinion position paper. Autoimmun Rev
14:864-874, 2015.
66. Cozzi A, Colato C, Biasi D, Girolomoni G. Adult Still’s disease: case report with
literature review on the cutaneous manifestations. Clin Rheumatol 00:000000, 2015.
67. Vena GA, Gisondi P, Cassano N, Girolomoni G. La “cross unit” per ottimizzare
il trattamento topico della psoriasi. G It Dermatol Venereol 149 (Suppl 3):0000, 2015.
68. Pezzolo E, Girolomoni G, Gisondi P. Glomerular filtration rate in patients with
psoriasis candidate to systemic treatment. J Int Med Res 00:000-000, 2015.
69. Gisondi P, Di Mercurio M, Idolazzi L, Girolomoni G. The concept of remission
in chronic plaque psoriasis. J Rheumatol 00:000-000, 2015.
70. Schena D, Tessari G, Galvan A, Girolomoni G. Clinical features and course of
cutaneous mastocytosis on 133 children. Br J Dermatol 00:00-00, 2015
71. Altomare G, Ayala F, Bardazzi F, Bellia G, Chimenti S, Colombo D, Flori ML,
Girolomoni G, Micali G, Parodi A, Peris K, Vena GA. Cyclosporine in psoriasis:
comparison of a 25-year real world Italian experience to current European
guidelines. G It Dermatol Venereol 151:00-00, 2015.
72. Presta F, Del Giglio M, Girolomoni G. A new case of semicircular lipoatrophy
with review of the literature. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 151:000-000, 2015.
73. Di Mercurio M, Gisondi P, Colato C, Girolomoni G. Annular lichenoid dermatitis
of youth (ALDY): report of six new cases with review of the literature.
Dermatology 000:000-000, 2015.
74. Augustin M, Blome C, Paul C, Puig L, Luger T, Lambert J, Chimenti S,
Girolomoni G, Kragballe K, Naessens D, Bergmans P, Smirnov P, Barker J, Reich
K. Assessment of patient benefit following transition from methotrexate to
ustekinumab in psoriasis patients: a sub-analysis of the TRANSIT study. J Eur
Acad Dermatol Venereol 30:000-000, 2015.
75. van de Kerkhof PCM, Reich R, Kavanaugh A, Bachelez H, Barker J, Girolomoni
G, Langley R, Paul CF, Puig L, Lebwohl M. Physician perspectives in the
management of psoriasis: results from the population-based Multinational
Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (MAPP) survey. J Eur Acad
Dermatol Venereol 30:000-000, 2015.
76. Strohal R, Prinz J, Girolomoni G, Nast A. A patient-centred approach to
biologic treatment decision making for psoriasis: an expert consensus. J Eur
Acad Dermatol Venereol 30:000-000, 2015.
77. Rongioletti F, Kaiser F, Cinotti E, Metze D, Battistella M, Girolomoni G,
Calzavara-Pinton P, André J, Kempf W, Damewska K, Cavelier-Balloy B.
Scleredema: A multicenter study of characteristics, comorbidities, course and
therapy in 44 patients. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 30:000-000, 2015.
78. Fostini A, Girolomoni G. Experimental elicitation of itch: evoking and
evaluation techniques. J Dermatol Sci 00:000-000, 2015.
79. Spandonaro F, Ayala F, Berardesca E, Chimenti S, Girolomoni G, Martini P,
Peserico A, Polistena B, Puglisi Guerra A, Vena GA, Altomare G, Calzavara
Pinton P. The impact of biologic therapies for chronic plaque psoriasis in a
societal perspective: an analysis based on Italian real-world clinical practice. J
Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 30:000-000, 2015.
80. Paul C, Cather J, Gooderham M, Poulin Y, Mrowietz U, Ferrandiz C, Crowley J,
Hu C, Stevens RM, Shah K, Day RM, Girolomoni G, Gottlieb AB. Efficacy and
safety of apremilast, an oral phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor, in patients with
moderate to severe plaque psoriasis over 52 weeks: a phase III, randomized,
controlled trial (ESTEEM 2). Br J Dermatol 00:00-00, 2015.
81. Russi EG, Moretto F, Rampino M, Benasso M, Bacigalupo A, De Sanctis V,
Numico G, Bossi P, Buglione M, Lombardo A, Airoldi M, Merlano MC, Licitra L,
Denaro N, Pergolizzi S, Pinto C, Bensadoun RJ, Girolomoni G, Langendijk JA.
Acute skin toxicity management in head and neck cancer patients treated with
radiotherapy and chemotherapy or EGFR inhibitors: Literature review and
consensus. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 00:000-000, 2015.
82. Blome C, Costanzo A, Dauden E, Ferrandiz C, Girolomoni G,
Gniadecki R,
Iversen L, Menter A, Michaelis-Wittern K, Morita A, Nakagawa H, Reich K,
Augustin M. Patient-relevant needs and treatment goals in nail psoriasis. Qual
Life Res 00:000-000, 2015.
83. Barba A, Colato C, Girolomoni G. Intralymphatic hystiocytosis: case report with
literature review. J Cutan Pathol 00:000-000, 2015.
84. Sabbadini C, Banzato C, Schena D, Peroni D, Colato C, Girolomoni G.
Metastatic Crohn’s disease in childhood: case report with review of the
literature. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 14:000-000, 2015.
Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del D. Lgs N. 196/2003 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati
Verona, 31.08.2015
Prof. Giampiero Girolomoni