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If you plan to use the Internet to find documents, you should check that the site is reliable and
authoritative; in general, those sites affiliated with a known college or university or library are best; the
bibliographies within many recent textbooks also include web sites. Here are 2 reliable sites: offers a thorough collection of primary sources organized by nation;
perhaps the best resource for primary sources related to European history is
AHA Guide to Historical Literature (a copy is available in the History Dept. office)
G. Ansart
Condorcet: Writings on the United States
W. Applebaum
Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution
C. Baker
Absolutism & the Scientific Revolution, 1600-1720: A Biographical
L. Bernard
Readings in European History
M. Chojnacka
Ages of Woman, Ages of Man: Sources in European Social History, 14001750
J. Dewald
Europe 1450-1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World
L. DiCaprio
Lives & Voices: Sources in European Women’s History
B. Dmytryshyn
Imperial Russia: A Source Book, 1700-1917
W. Doyle
The Oxford Handbook of the Ancien Régime
M.A. Finocchiaro
The Essential Galileo
R.C. Gibbons
Exploring History, 1400-1900: An Anthology of Primary Sources
P. Goubert
The Ancien Régime: French Society, 1600-1750
T. Helfferich
The Thirty Years’ War: An Anthology of Sources
T. Helfferich
The Thirty Years’ War: A Documentary History
H. Kamen
Who’s Who in Europe, 1450-1750
M.L. Kekewich
Princes & People: France & British Isles, 1620-1714: An Anthology of
A.C. Kors
Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment (4 vols.)
A.C. Kors & E. Peters
Witchcraft in Europe, 1100-1700: A Documentary History
J. Leigh
Voltaire: Philosophical Letters, Or, Letters Regarding the English Nation
B.P. Levack
The Witchcraft Sourcebook
P. Levillain
The Papacy: An Encyclopedia (3 vols.)
C.S. Mackay
The Hammer of Witches: A Complete Translation of the Malleus
T.F. Mayer
The Trial of Galileo, 1612-33
J.W. Merrick
Sarah Nelson
C.J. Nolan
E. Reeves
J.-J. Rousseau
H.H. Rowen
W.R. Shea
L.L. Snyder
Friedrich Spee
G. Vernadsky
G. Ziegler
Homosexuality in Early Modern France: A Documentary Collection
Memoirs: Marie Mancini & Hortense Mancini
Wars of the Age of Louis XIV, 1650-1715: An Encyclopedia of Global
Warfare & Civilization
On Sunspots: Galileo Galilei & Christopher Scheiner
The Essential Writings of Rousseau
From Absolutism to Revolution, 1648-1848
Selected Writings: Galileo
Documents of German History
Cautio Criminalis, or a Book on Witch Trials [Documents]
A Source Book for Russian History from Early Times to 1917, 3 vols.
At the Court of Versailles: Eyewitness Reports from the Reign of
Louis XIV
M.S. Anderson
M.S. Anderson
C.B.A. Behrens
M. Beloff
J. Bergin
R. Birn
J. Black
J. Black
J. Black & R. Porter
J. Black
T.C.W. Blanning
T.C.W. Blanning
T.C.W. Blanning
G. Bruun
G. Clark
W.L. Dorn
W. Doyle
Richard S. Dunn
C.J. Friedrich
C.J. Friedrich
L. Gershoy
R.W. Harris
R. Hatton
O. Hufton
H. Kamen
H. Kamen
H.G. Koenigsberger
M. Konnert
New Cambridge Modern History (several volumes)
Eighteenth-Century Europe, 1713-1789
Europe in the 18th Century
The Ancien Régime
The Age of Absolutism, 1660-1815
The 17th Century, Europe 1598-1715
Crisis, Absolutism, Revolution: Europe, 1648-1789
18th-Century Europe, 1700-1789
European International Relations, 1648-1815
The Penguin Dictionary of 18th-Century History
The Rise of the European Powers
The Culture of Power & the Power of Culture: Old Regime Europe,
The 18 Century, Europe 1688-1815
The Pursuit of Glory: Europe, 1648-1815
The Enlightened Despots
The Seventeenth Century
Competition for Empire, 1740-1763
The Old European Order, 1660-1800
The Age of Religious Wars, 1559-1715, 2d ed
The Age of Power
The Age of the Baroque, 1610-1660
From Despotism to Revolution, 1763-1789
Absolutism & Enlightenment, 1660-1789
Europe in the Age of Louis XIV
Europe: Privilege & Protest, 1730-89
The Iron Century: Social Change in Europe, 1550-1660
Who’s Who in Europe, 1450-1750
Early Modern Europe, 1500-1789
Early Modern Europe: The Age of Religious War, 1559-1715
L. Krieger
D. McKay & H.M. Scott
D. Maland
F. Manuel
A.L. Moote
T. Munck
F.L. Nussbaum
D. Ogg
D. Ogg
G. Parker
D.H. Pennington
P. Roberts
G. Rudé
P.W. Schroeder
A. Sorel
J. Stoye
D. Sturdy
G. Treasure
A.F. Upton
R. White
M.E. Wiesner-Hanks
E.N. Williams
G. Williams
P.H. Wilson
R. Winks
J.B. Wolf
R. Zaller
Kings & Philosophers, 1689-1789
The Rise of the Great Powers, 1648-1815
Europe in the 17th Century
The Age of Reason
The Seventeenth Century: Europe in Ferment
17th-Century Europe, 1598-1700
The Triumph of Science and Reason, 1660-1685
Europe in the Seventeenth Century
Europe of the Ancien Régime
Europe in Crisis, 1598-1648
17th-Century Europe
The Quest for Security, 1715-1740
Europe in the 18th Century: Aristocrats & the Bourgeois Challenge
The Transformation of European Politics, 1763-1848
Europe Under the Old Regime
Europe Unfolding, 1648-88
Fractured Europe, 1600-1721
The Making of Modern Europe, 1648-1780
Europe, 1600-1789
Europe in the 18th Century
Early Modern Europe, 1450-1789
Ancien Régime in Europe: Government & Society in the Major
States, 1648-1789
Expansion of Europe in the 18th Century
Companion to 18th-Century Europe
Europe: 1648-1815
The Emergence of the Great Powers, 1685-1715
Europe in Transition, 1660-1815
N. Abercrombie
C. Adams
C. Adams
G. Adams
T.M. Adams
K. Alder
C.P. Algrant
G.J. Ames
W.C. Anderson
The Origins of Jansenism
A Taste for Comfort & Status: A Bourgeois Family in 18 th-Century
Visions & Revisions of 18th-Century France
The Huguenots & French Opinion, 1685-1787: The Enlightenment
Debate on Toleration
Bureaucrats & Beggars: French Social Policy in the Age of the
Engineering the Revolution: Arms & Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815
Madame de Pompadour: Mistress of France
Colbert, Mercantilism, & the French Quest for Asian Trade
Between the Library and the Laboratory: The Language of
Chemistry in 18th-Century France
R.M. Andrews
E.L. Asher
M. Ashley
N. Aston
K. Baker
C.B. Bailey
J. Bainville
H.M. Baird
G. Balsama
P.W. Bamford
K. Banks
E. Barber
N.N Barker
L. Battifol
D.C. Baxter
S. Beam
F.E. Beasley
W. Beik
W. Beik
W. Beik
W. Beik
D.A. Bell
D.A. Bell
P. Benedict
P. Benedict
P. Benedict
P. Benedict
Y.-M. Bercé
Y.-M. Bercé
R.W. Berger
R.W. Berger
J. Bergin
J. Bergin
J. Bergin
J. Bergin
J. Bergin
J. Bergin
J. Bergin
Law, Magistry & Crime in Old Regime Paris, 1735-89
The Resistance to the Maritime Classes: The Survival of Feudalism
in the France of Colbert
Louis XIV and the Greatness of France
The End of an Elite: The French Bishops & the Coming of the
Revolution, 1786-90
Inventing the French Revolution: Essays on French Political
Culture in the 18th Century
Patriotic Taste: Collecting Modern Art in Pre-Revolutionary Paris
History of France
The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
The Decomposition and Rebirth of Post-Reformation France
Privilege & Profit: A Business Family in 18th-Century France
Chasing Empire across the Sea: Communications & the State in the
French Atlantic, 1713-63
The Bourgeoisie in 18th-Century France
Philippe, Duke of Orleans, Brother to the Sun King
Marie de Medici and the French Court in the 17th Century
Servants of the Sword: French Intendants of the Army, 1630-70
Laughing Matters: Farce & the Making of Absolutism in France
Salons, History, & the Creation of 17th-Century France
Absolutism and Society in 17th-Century France
Louis XIV & Absolutism: A Brief Study with Documents
A Social & Cultural History of Early Modern France
Urban Protest in 17th-Century France
The Cult of the Nation in France: Inventing Nationalism, 1680-1800
Lawyers & Citizens: The Making of a Political Elite in Old Regime
Cities & Social Change in Early Modern France
The Faith & Fortunes of France’s Huguenots, 1600-85
The French Huguenots, 1600-85
The Huguenot Population of France, 1600-1685: The
Demographic Fate & Customs of a Religious Minority
The Birth of Absolutism: A History of France, 1598-1661
History of Peasant Revolts: The Social Roots of Rebellion in Early
Modern France
A Royal Passion: Louis XIV as Patron of Architecture
Diplomatic Tours in the Gardens of Versailles Under Louis XIV
Cardinal de La Rochefoucauld: Leadership & Reform in the French
Cardinal Richelieu: Power and the Pursuit of Wealth
Church, Society, & Religious Change in France, 1580-1730
Crown, Church & Episcopate Under Louis XIV
The Making of the French Episcopate, 1589-1661
Richelieu & His Age
The Rise of Richelieu
J.R. Berkovitz
L. Bernard
O. Bernier
H. Bernstein
L. Bertrand
F. Billacois
R. Birn
P. Birnbaum
J. Black
J. Black
C. Blum
A. Blunt
D. Bohanan
D. Bohanan
R. Bonney
R. Bonney
R. Bonney
R. Bonney
T.F. Bosher
G. Bossenga
J.R. Boulenger
C.A. Bouton
M.P. Breen
T. Brennan
T. Brennan
R. Briggs
R. Briggs
L.W. Brockliss
L.W. Brockliss
L.W. Brockliss
Sl. Broomhall
G.S. Brown
G.S. Brown
D. Buisseret
D. Buisseret
P. Burke
Rites & Passages: The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Culture in France,
The Emerging City: Paris in the Age of Louis XIV
Louis the Beloved: The Life of Louis XV
Between Crown & community: Politics & Civic Culture in 16 th-Century
Louis XIV
The Duel: Its Rise & Fall in Early Modern France
Royal Censorship of Books in 18th-Century France
A Tale of Ritual Murder in the Age of Louis XIV: The Trial of Raphael
Lévy, 1669
Natural & Necessary Enemies: Anglo-French Relations in the 18th
The Collapse of the Anglo-French Alliance, 1727-31
Strength in Numbers: Population, Reproduction, & Power in 18 th-Century
Art & Architecture in France, 1500-1700
Crown & Nobility in Early Modern France
Old & New Nobility in Aix-en-Provence, 1600-1695
The King's Debts: Finance & Politics in France, 1589-1661
The Limits of Absolutism in ancien régime France
Political Change in France Under Richelieu & Mazarin, 1624-61
Society & Government in France Under Richelieu and Mazarin, 1624-61
French Finances, 1770-1795
The Politics of Privilege: Old Regime & Revolution in Lille
The Seventeenth Century in France
The Flour War: Gender, Class & Commentary in Late Ancien Régime
French Society
Law, City, & King: Legal culture, Municipal Politics & State Formation in
Early Modern Dijon
Burgundy to Champagne: The Wine Trade in Early Modern France
Public Drinking & Popular Culture in 18th-Century Paris
Communities of Belief: Culture & Social Tension in Early Modern
Early Modern France, 1560-1715
Calvet’s Web: Enlightenment & the Republic of Letters in 18th-Century
French Higher Education in the 17th and 18th Centuries
The Medical World of Early Modern France
Women’s Medical Work in Early Modern France
A Field of Honor: Writers, Court Culture & Public Theater in French
Literary Life from Racine to the Revolution
Literary Sociability & Literary Property in France, 1775-93
Henry IV
Sully & the Growth of Centralized Government in France, 1598-1610
The Fabrication of Louis XIV
J.D. Burson
R. Butler
Peter Campbell
Peter Campbell
Peter Campbell
J. Caplan
J.A. Carey
J.L. Carr
S. Carroll
K.E. Carter
S. Cavallo
J. Censer
J. Censer
J. Censer & J. Popkin
M. de Certeau
S.E. Chapman
G. Chaussinand-Nogaret
P. Cheney
M. Choudhury
W.F. Church
H.C. Clark
H.C. Clark
D. Clarke
A. Cobban
S.R. Cohen
J.B. Collins
J.B. Collins
J.B. Collins
G.J. Cowart
K. Crawford
V. Cronin
M. Crook
M. Crosland
T.E. Crow
C.H. Crowston
A. Crubaugh
L.M. Cullen
L.M. Cullen
P. Darmon
R. Darnton
The Rise & Fall of Theological Enlightenment
The Ancien Regime in France
Louis XIV
Power & Politics in Old Regime France, 1720-45
In the King’s Wake: Post-Absolutist Culture in France
Judicial Reform in France Before the Revolution of 1789
Life in France Under Louis XIV
Blood & Vengeance in Early Modern France
Creating Catholics: Catechism & Primary Education in Early Modern
Charity & Power in Early Modern Italy: Benefactors & Their
Motives in Turin, 1541-1789
The French Press in the Age of Enlightenment
Visions & Revisions of 18th-Century France
Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France
The Possession at Loudon
Private Ambition & Political Alliances: The Phélypeaux de Pontchartrain
Family & Louis XIV’s Government, 1650-1715
The French Nobility in the 18th Century
Revolutionary Commerce: Globalization & the French Monarchy
Convents & Nuns in 18th-Century French Politics & Culture
Richelieu and Reason of State
Compass of Society: Commerce & Absolutism in Old-Regime France
La Rochefoucauld & the Language of Unmasking in 17 th-Century France
Pierre Corneille; Poetics & Political Drama Under Louis XIII
A History of Modern France, Vol. I, 1715-99
Art, Dance & the Body in the French Court of the Ancien Régime
Classes, Estates & Order in Early-Modern Brittany
Fiscal Limits of Absolutism; Direct Taxation in Early 17th-Century France
The State in Early Modern France
The Triumph of Pleasure: Louis XIV & the Politics of Spectacle
Perilous Performances: Gender & Regency in Early Modern France
Louis XIV
Toulon in War & Revolution, 1750-1820
Madame de Pompadour: Sex, Culture & Power
Painters and Public Life in 18th-Century Paris
Fabricating Women: The Seamstresses of Old Regime France, 1675-1791
Balancing the Scales of Justice: Local Courts & Rural Society in
Southwest France, 1750-1800
The Brandy Trade under the Ancien Régime
The Irish Brandy Houses of 18th-Century France
Damning the Innocent: A History of the Persecution of the Impotent
in Pre-Revolutionary France
The Devil in the Holy Water, or the Art of Slander from Louis XIV to
R. Darnton
R. Darnton
R. Darnton
R. Darnton & D. Roche
M. de Certeau
D. Dee
S. De Gramont
J. DeJean
M. Delpierre
J. Dent
S. Desan
C. de Seyssel
G. Dethan
N. Dew
J. Dewald
J. Dewald
S.E. Dinan
M. Dobie
P.R. Doolin
J.V. Douthwaite
W. Doyle
W. Doyle
W. Doyle
W. Doyle
W. Doyle
C. Drazin
J.R. Dull
I. Dunlop
P. Duro
D. Echeverria
J. Egret
E.L. Eisenstein
J.H. Elliott
H.A. Ellis
C.J. Ekberg
P. Erlanger
P. Erlanger
C. Fairchilds
The Forbidden Bestsellers of Pre-Revolutionary France
The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History
Poetry & the Police: Communication Networks in 18 th-Century Paris
Revolution in Print: The Press in France, 1775-1800
The Possession at Loudun
Expansion & Crisis in Louis XIV’s France: Franche-Comté &
Absolute Monarchy, 1674-1715
Epitaph for Kings
The Reinvention of Obscenity: Sex, Lies, & Tabloids in Early Modern
Dress in France in the 18th Century
Crisis in France: Crown, Financiers and Society in 17 th-Century France
Family, Gender, & Law in Early Modern France
The Monarchy of France
The Young Mazarin
Orientalism in Louis XIV’s France
Aristocratic Experience & the Origins of Modern Culture; France,
Pont-St-Pierre, 1398-1789; Lordship, Community & Capitalism in
Early Modern Europe
Women & Poor Relief in 17th-Century France
Trading Places: Colonization & Slavery in 18th-Century French Culture
The Fronde
Exotic Women: Literary Heroines & Cultural Strategies in Ancien
Regime France
The Ancien Regime
Officers, Nobles & Revolutionaries: Essays on 18th-Century France
Origins of the French Revolution
Venality: The Sale of Offices in 18th-Century France
The Man Who Outshone the Sun King
The French Navy & the Seven Years’ War
Louis XIV
The Academy & the Limits of Painting in 17th-Century France
The Maupeou Revolution: A Study in the History of
Libertarianism in France, 1770-74
The French Prerevolution, 1787-1788
Grub Street Abroad: Aspects of the French Cosmopolitan Press
from the Age of Louis XIV to the French Revolution
Richelieu and Olivares
Boulainvilliers & the French Monarchy: Aristocratic Politics in
Early 18th-Century France
The Failure of Louis XIV's Dutch War
The Age of Courts & Kings; Manners & Morals, 1558-1715
Louis XIV
Domestic Enemies: Servants & Their Masters in Old Regime France
A. Farge
A. Farge
A. Farge & J. Revel
J.R. Farr
J.R. Farr
J.R. Farr
J.R. Farr
S. Ferber
S.A. Finley-Croswhite
M.P. Fitzsimmons
A. Forrestal
R. Forster
R. Forster
F. Ford
E.R. Foster
R. Fox
A. Fraser
M. Fumaroli
F. Furet
K.E. Gager
D. Garrioch
D. Garrioch
J. Garrison
P. Gaxotte
N.R. Gelbart
N.R. Gelbart
M. Gerber
W. Gibson
R.E. Giesey
C.C. Gillispie
M. Glozier
R.M. Golden
E.C. Goldsmith
E.C. Goldsmith
G.P. Gooch
D. Goodman
E. Goodman
D. Gordon
P. Goubert
P. Goubert
L.J. Graham
A.J. Grant
Fragile Lives: Violence, Power, & Solidarity in 18th-Century Paris
Subversive Words: Public Opinion in 18th-Century France
The Vanishing Children of Paris
Authority & Sexuality in Early Modern Burgundy (1550-1730)
Hand of Honor: Artisans & Their World in Dijon, 1550-1650
A Tale of Two Murders: Passion & Power in 17th-Century France
The Work of France: Labor & Culture in Early Modern Times, 1350-1800
Demonic possession & Exorcism in Early Modern France
Henry IV & the Towns
The Night the Old Regime Ended
Fathers, Pastors & Kings: Visions of Episcopacy in 17 th-Century France
Merchants, Landlords, Magistrates: The Depont Family in 18 th-Century
The Nobility of Toulouse in the 18th Century
Robe and Sword
Judicature in Parlement
Luxury Trades & Consumerism in Ancien Régime Paris
Love & Louis XIV
The Poet & the King: Jean de La Fontaine & His Century
The French Revolution, 1770-1814
Blood Ties & Fictive Ties: Adoption & Family Life in Early Modern
The Formation of the Parisian Bourgeoisie, 1690-1830
Neighborhood and Community in Paris, 1740-1790
Henry IV
Louis XV and His Times
Feminine and Opposition Journalism in Old Regime France
The King’s Midwife: A History & Mystery of Madame du Cordray
Bastards: Politics, Family, & Law in Early Modern France
Women in 17th-Century France
Rulership in France, 15th-17th Centuries
Science & Polity in France at the End of the Old Regime
War, Religion & Service: Huguenot Soldiering, 1685-1713
The Godly Rebellion: Parisian Cures & The Religious Fronde, 1652-56
Going Public: Women & Publishing in Early Modern France
The Kings’ Mistresses: The Liberated Lives of Marie Mancini, Princess
Colonna, & Her Sister Hortense, Duchess Mazarin
Louis XV
Becoming a Woman in the Age of Letters
The Portraits of Madame de Pompadour
Citizens without Sovereignty: Equality & Sociability in French
Thought, 1670-1789
Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen
The French Peasantry in the 17th Century
If the King Only Knew: Seditious Speech in the Reign of Louis XV
The Huguenots
C. Gray
F. du P. Gray
M. Greenberg
M. Greengrass
M. Greenshields
V.R. Gruder
V.R. Gruder
D.M. Hafter
R. Hahn
H.G. Hall
T. Halliday
A.N. Hamscher
A.N. Hamscher
A.N. Hamscher
G. Hanlon
R.R. Harding
J. Hardman
J. Hardman
J. Hardwick
R.D. Harris
R.D. Harris
E. Harth
E. Harth
J. Haslip
A. Hassall
R. Hatton
J.M. Hayden
J. Hayhoe
C. Hesse
D. Hickey
D. Hickey
P.T. Hoffman
P.T. Hoffman
The Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Superiors, & the Paradox of Power,
At Home with the Marquis de Sade
Baroque Bodies: Psychoanalysis & the Culture of French Absolutism
France in the Age of Henri IV: The Struggle for Stability
An Economy of Violence in Early Modern France: Crime &
Justice in the Haute Auvergne, 1587-1664
The Notables & the Nation: The Political Schooling of the French,
The Royal Provincial Intendants: A Governing Elite in 18th-Century
Women at Work in Preindustrial France
The Anatomy of a Scientific Institution: The Paris Academy of
Sciences, 1666-1803
Richelieu's Desmarets & the Century of Louis XIV
The Temperamental Nude: Class, Medicine & Representation in 18 thCentury France
The Parlement of Paris After the Fronde, 1653-1673
The Conseil Prive & the Parlements in the Age of Louis XIV: A
Study in French Absolutism
The Royal Financial Administration & the Persecution of Crime in France,
Confession & Community in 17th-Century France: Catholic &
Protestant Coexistence in Aquitaine
Anatomy of A Power Elite: The Provincial Governors of Early Modern
French Politics, 1774-89
Louis XVI
The Practice of Patriarchy: Gender & the Politics of Household Authority
in Early Modern France
Necker and the Revolution of 1789
Necker: Reform Statesman of the Ancien Regime
Cartesian Women: Versions & Subversions of Rational Discourse
in the Old Regime
Ideology & Culture in 17th-Century France
Madame du Barry: The Wages of Beauty
Louis XIV and the Zenith of the French Monarchy
Louis XIV and Europe
France and the Estates General of 1614
Enlightened Feudalism: Seigneurial Justice & Village Society in
18th-Century Northern Burgundy
The Other Enlightenment: How French Women Became Modern
The Coming of French Absolutism
Local Hospitals in Ancien Régime France
Church and Community in the Diocese of Lyon, 1500-1789
Growth in a Traditional Society: The French Countryside, 1450-1815
K.A. Hoffman
M.P. Holt
R. Hooperman-Hamersley
O.H. Hufton
J.J. Hurt
E. Hyde
H.M. Hyde
R.M. Isherwood
R.M. Isherwood
A. James
C. Jones
C. Jones
C. Jones
P.M. Jones
T.E. Kaiser
S.L. Kaplan
S.L. Kaplan
J. Kaplow
G. Kates
T. Kavanagh
A.D. Kessler
S. Kettering
S. Kettering
S. Kettering
S. Kettering
S. Kettering
F. Kierstead
J.E. King
J. Klaits
R. Kleinman
R.J. Knecht
A.C. Kors
D. Kostroun
B.R. Kreiser
M. Kwass
J.B. Landes
Society of Pleasures: Interdisciplinary Readings in Pleasure & Power
during the Reign of Louis XIV
Society & Institutions in Early Modern France
The Hunt after Jeanne-Antoinette de Pompadour: Patronage, Politics, Art,
And the French Enlightenment
The Poor of 18th-Century France, 1750-1789
Louis XIV & the Parlements: The Assertion of Royal Authority
Cultivated Power: Flowers, Culture, & Politics in the Reign of Louis XIV
John Law
Farce and Fantasy: Popular Entertainment in 18th-Century Paris
Music in the Service of the King: France in the 17 th Century
The Navy & Governmentin Early Modern France, 1572-1661
The Charitable Imperative: Hospitals & Nursing in Ancien Regime
& Revolutionary France
The Great Nation: France from Louis XV to Napoleon
Madame de Pompadour: Images of a Mistress
Reform & Revolution in France, 1774-91
From Deficit to Deluge: The Origins of the French Revolution
The Bakers of Paris & the Bread Question, 1700-75
Provisioning Paris: Merchants and Millers in the Grain and Flour
Trade during the 18th Century
The Names of Kings: The Parisian Laboring Poor in the 18 th Century
Monsieur d’Eon Is a Woman: A Tale of Political Intrigue & Sexual
Enlightened Pleasures: 18th-Century France & the New Epicureanism
Revolution in Commerce: The Parisian Merchant Court & the Rise of
Commercial Society in 18th-Century France
French Society, 1589-1715
Judicial Politics & Urban Revolt in 17th-Century France
Patronage in 16th- & 17th-Century France
Patrons, Brokers, and Clients in 17th-Century France
Power & Reputation at the Court of Louis XIII: The Career of Charles
D’Albert, duc de Luynes (1578-1621
State & Society in 17th-Century France
Science and Rationalism in the Government of Louis XIV, 1661-83
Printed Propaganda Under Louis XIV: Absolute Monarchy and
Public Opinion
Anne of Austria, Queen of France
Atheism in France, 1650-1729
Feminism, Absolutism, & Jansenism: Louis XIV & the Port Royal Nuns
Miracles, Convulsions, & Ecclesiastical Politics in Early 18 th-Century
Privilege & Politics of Taxation in 18th-Century France
Visualizing the Nation: Gender, Representation, & Revolution in
18th-Century France
J. Langins
E. Le Roy Ladurie
E. Le Roy Ladurie
G. Lefebvre
T.J.A. Le Goff
T.J.A. Le Goff
T.J.A. Le Goff
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W.H. Lewis
W.H. Lewis
W.H. Lewis
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A. Lossky
C. Lougee
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J. Lough
J. Lough
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K.P. Luria
K.P. Luria
H.-J. Lüsebrink
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A. McClellan
J. McClellan III
E.M. McClure
G.B. McCollim
T. McHugh
J. McLeod
J. McManners
J. McManners
Conserving the Enlightenment: French Military Engineering from Vauban
to The Revolution
The Ancien Regime, A History of France 1610-1774
Saint-Simon & the Court of Louis XIV
The Coming of the French Revolution
France, 1661-1789
State & Society in France, 1661-1789
Vannes & Its Region: A Study of Town & Country in 18 th-Century
Madame de Pompadour: A Life
Painting & Sculpture in France, 1700-1789
Daily Life at Versailles in the 17th and 18th Centuries
The Scandalous Regent
Louis XIV
The Splendid Century
The Sunset of the Splendid Century
The Politics of Virtue in Enlightenment France
Women’s Work & Identity in 18th-Century Brittany
Louis XIV & the French Monarchy
La Paradise Des Femmes: Women, Salons & Social Stratification
in 17th-Century France
An Introduction to 18th-Century France
An Introduction to 17th-Century France
France Observed in the 17th Century by British Travellers
Blood & Religion: The Conscience of Henri IV
Sacred Boundaries: Religious Coexistence & Conflict in Early-Modern
Territories of Grace: Cultural Change in the 17 th-Century Diocese of
The Bastille: A History of a Symbol of Despotism & Freedom
Patronage & Royal Science in 17th-Century France
Giant of the Grand Siècle: The French Army, 1610-1715
Inventing the Louvre: Art, Politics, & the Origins of the Modern Museum
in 18th-Century Paris
The Colonial Machine: French Science & Overseas Expansion in the Old
Sunspots & the Sun King: Sovereignty & Mediation in 17 th-Century
Louis XIV’s Assault on Privilege: Nicholas Desmaretz & the Tax on
Hospital Politics in 17th-Century France
Licensing Loyalty: Printers, Patrons, & the State in Early Modern France
Church & Society in 18th-Century France, vol. 1: The Clerical
Establishment & its Social Ramifications; vol. 2: The Religion of
the People & the Politics of Religion
French Ecclesiastical Society Under the Ancien Regime
L. McTavish
J.R. Major
J.R. Major
D. Maland
C. Manning
L. Marin
A.L. Martin
H.-J. Martin
H.-J. Martin
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E.W. Marvick
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S. Maza
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R.A. Mentzer
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R. Mettam
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A.L. Moote
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R. Muchembled
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O.T. Murphy
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P.J. Norman
Childbirth & the Display of Authority in Early Modern France
From Renaissance Monarchy to Absolute Monarchy: French
Kings, Nobles & Estates
Representative Government in Early Modern France
Culture and Society in 17th-Century France
Fortunes à Faire: The French in Asian Trade, 1719-48
Portrait of the King
The Jesuit Mind; The Mentality of an Elite in Early Modern France
Absolutism & Classicism in the French Book, 1585-1715
The French Book: Religion, Absolutism, & Readership, 1585-1715
Dairy Queens: The Politics of Pastoral Architecture from Catherine de’
Medici to Marie-Antoinette
Louis XIII
The Young Richelieu: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Leadership
Private Lives & Public Affairs: The Causes Célèbres of
Prerevolutionary France
Servants and Masters in 18th-Century France
From the Royal to the Republican Body: Incorporating the Political in
17th- & 18th-Century France
Blood & Belief: Family Survival & Confessional Identity among
the Provincial Huguenot Nobility
Society & Culture in the Huguenot World, 1559-1685
The Desacralization of the French Monarchy in the 18 th Century
Order & Disorder under the Ancien Régime
Government and Society in Louis XIV's France
Power & Fraction in Louis XIV's France
State & Society in 18th-Century France
One King, One Law, Three Faiths: Religion & the Rise of Absolutism in
17th-Century Metz
Madame de Pompadour
Strange Revelations: Magic, Poison, & Sacrilege in Louis XIV’s France
Years of Sorrows: The Great Famine of 1709 in Lyon
Louis XIII, the Just
The Revolt of the Judges: The Parlement of Paris and the Fronde, 164852
Becoming a French Aristocrat: The Education of the Court
Nobility, 1580-1715
The Institutions of France Under the Absolute Monarchy, 15981789, 2 vols.
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Charles Gravier, Comte De Vergennes: French Diplomacy in the
Age of Revolution, 1719-1783
The Diplomatic Retreat of France & Public Opinion on the Eve of the
French Revolution, 1783-8
The Shock of the Ancient: Literature & History in Early Modern France
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D. Parker
D. Parker
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O. Ranum
O. Ranum
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E. Rapley
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J.S. Ravel
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Louis XIV
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Life and Death of Louis XVI
The Age of Louis XIV
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Class & State in Early Modern France: The Road to Modernity
La Rochelle & the French Monarchy: Conflict & Order in 17th-Century
The Making of French Absolutism
An Administrative Bureau during the Old Regime: The Bureau of
Commerce & Its Relation to French Industry from May 1781 to
November 1783
Richelieu’s Army: War, Government & Society in France, 1624-42
“There Are No Slaves in France”: The Political Culture of Race & Slavery
in the Ancien Régime
France Under Louis XV
France Under the Regency
The Man Who Would Be King: The Life of Philippe D’Orleans, Regent of
Church & Culture in 17th-Century France
A Revolution in Taste: The Rise of French Cuisine, 1650-1800
Henri IV of France
La Grande Mademoiselle at the Court of France, 1627-93
French Protestantism and the French Revolution
Corps & Clienteles: Public Finance & Political Change in France,
Preserving the Monarchy: The Comte de Vergennes, 1774-87
France Overseas Through the Old Regime
Louis XV's Navy, 1748-62
Artisans of Glory: Writers and Historical Thought in 17 th-Century France
The Fronde: A French Revolution, 1648-1652
Paris in the Age of Absolutism
The Dévotes: Women & Church in 17th-Century France
A Social History of the Cloister: Daily Life in the Teaching Monasteries
of the Old Regime
A Case of Witchcraft: The Trial of Urbain Grandier
The Contested Parterre: Public Theater & French Political Culture,
The Would-Be Commoner: A Tale of Deception, Murder, & Justice in
17th-Century France
The Catholic Church & the French Nation, 1589-1989
Between State & Market: Printing & Bookselling in 18th-Century France
The Seven Years' War and the Old Regime in France
A Lust for Virtue: Louis XIV’s Attack of Sin in 17 th-Century France
Elephant Slaves & Pampered Parrots: Exotic Animals in 18 th-Century
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D. Roche
D. Roche
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H.L. Root
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R.A. Schneider
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A. Sedgwick
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D. Seward
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A History of Everyday Things: The Birth of Consumption in France,
The People of Paris: An Essay on Popular Culture in the 18 th Century
Louis XV & the Parlement of Paris, 1737-55
Peasants & King in Burgundy; Agrarian Foundations of French
The Fountain of Privilege: Political Foundations of Markets in Old
Regime France & England
Boulevard Theater & Revolution in 18 th-Century Paris
Papermaking in 18th-Century France
A Revolution in Language: The Problem of Signs in Late 18 th-Century
The Fruits of Revolution: Property Rights, Litigation & French
Agriculture, 1700-1860
Opposition to Louis XIV
The King's State: Proprietary Dynasticism in Early Modern France
The Dynastic State & the Army under Louis XIV
Paris & London in the 18th Century
Crime, Justice and Public Order in Old Regime France, 1696-1789
Louis XIV and the Craft of Kingship
Henry of Navarre: Henry IV of France
Warrior Pursuits: Noble Culture & Civil Conflict in Early Modern France
Merchants & Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of 18th-Century
Printed Poison: Pamphlet Propaganda, Faction Politics & the
Public Sphere in Early 17th-Century France
From Valor to Pedigree: Ideas of Nobility in France in the 16th &
17th Centuries
The French Council of Commerce, 1700-15: A Study of
Mercantilism After Colbert
Obstinate Hebrews: Representations of Jews in France, 1715-1815
The Ceremonial City: Toulouse Observed, 1783-80
Public Life in Toulouse, 1463-1789
The King’s Bench: Bailiwick Magistrates & Local Governance in
Normandy, 1670-1740
Policing the Poor in 18th-Century France
Commemorating Poussin: Reception & Interpretation of the Artist
The Persecution of Huguenots and French Economic Development,
Jansenism in 17th-Century France
The Travails of Conscience: The Arnauld Family & the Ancien Régime
The Bourbon Kings of France
The First Bourbon: Henri IV of France & Navarre
The Bourbons: The History of a Dynasty
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J.H. Shennan
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M. Sonenscher
M. Sonenscher
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P. Sonnino
P. Sonnino
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R.L. Stein
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B. Stone
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D.J. Sturdy
D.J. Sturdy
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N.M. Sutherland
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J. Swann
T. Tackett
S. Takats
J.T. Takeda
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Philippe, Duke of Orleans: Regent of France, 1715-23
The Parlement of Paris
Moved By Love: Inspired Artists & deviant Women in 18 th-Century
Religion & the Politics of Time: Holidays in France from Louis XIV
Through Napoleon
Tortured Subjects: Pain, Truth, & the Body in Early Modern France
Beyond Contractual Morality: Ethics, Law, & Literature in 18 th-Century
Citoyennes: Women & the Ideal of Citizenship in 18 th-Century France
Louis XIV
The Culture of Merit: Nobility, Royal Service, & the Making of Absolute
Monarchy in France, 1600-1789
The French Nobility in the 18th Century
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Secret State Intelligence
The Affair of the Poisons: Murder, Infanticide, & Satanism at the Court of
Louis XIV
Before the Deluge: Public Debt, Inequality, & the Intellectual Origins of
The French Revolution
The Hatters of 18th-Century France
Work & Wages: Natural Law, Politics & the 18th-Century French Trades
Louis XIV & the Origins of the Dutch War
Mazarin’s Quest: The Congress of Westphalia & the Coming of the
The Reign of Louis XIV
Politics and Religion in 17 th-Century France
The French Slave Trade in the 18th Century
The French Sugar Business in the 18th Century
The French Parlements and the Crisis of the Old Regime
The Parlement of Paris, 1774-1789
A Company of Scientists
The D'Aligres de la Riviere: Servants of the Bourbon State in the 17 th
Louis XIV
Richelieu & Mazarin: A Study in Statemanship
Princes, Politics & Religion, 1547-89
The Huguenot Struggle for Recognition
Politics & the Parlement of Paris under Louis XV, 1754-74
Provincial Power & Absolute Monarchy: The Estates General of
Burgundy, 1661-1790
Priest and Parish in 18th-Century France
The Expert Cook in Enlightenment France
Between Crown & Commerce: Marseille & the Early Modern
France in the Age of Louis XIII and Richelieu
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C. Thomas
A. Tilley
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G. Treasure
G. Treasure
G. Treasure
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D.K. Van Kley
D.K. Van Kley
D.K. Van Kley
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M. Vovelle
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M. Wolfe
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The Decline of the Age of Louis XIV
Political Bias, Censorship & the Dissolution of the 'Official' Press
in 18th-Century France
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Cardinal Richelieu and the Development of Absolutism
Louis XIV
Mazarin: The Crisis of Absolutism
Wife-Abuse in 18th-Century France
City on the Seine: Ancien Paris in the Time of Richelieu & Louis XIV,
Old Age in the Old Regime: Image & Experience in 18 th-Century France
The Literary Market: Authorship & Modernity in the Old Regime
Conceiving the Old Regime: Pronatalism & the Politics of Reproduction
In Early Modern France
The Jansenists and the Expulsion of the Jesuits from France, 1757-1765
The Damiens Affair and the Unraveling of the Ancien Regime, 1750-70
The French Idea of Freedom: The Old Regime & the Declaration of
Rights of 1789
The Religious Origins of the French Revolution: From Calvin to the Civil
Constitution, 1560-1791
The Land & the Loom: Peasants & Profit in Northern France, 1680-1800
Concepts of Cleanliness; Changing Attitudes in France since the Middle
Enlightenment Portraits
The Fall of the French Monarchy, 1787-1792
Human Nature, Cultural Diversity, & the French Enlightenment
A Mother’s Love: Crafting Feminine Virtue in Enlightenment France
Louis XIV's Versailles
Meat Matters: Butchers, Politics, & Market Culture in 18 th-Century Paris
The French Thorn: Rival Explorers in the Spanish Sea, 1682-1762
Richelieu and the French Monarchy
Law & Citizenship in Early Modern France
Louis XIV
French Foreign Policy During the Administration of Cardinal Fleury
Louis XIV
The Conversion of Henry IV: Politics, Power & Religious Belief in
Early Modern France
The Conversion of Henri IV
Revolt in Prerevolutionary France: The Prince de Conti's
Conspiracy against Louis XV, 1755-57
The Divisions of French Catholicism, 1629-45
A Classical Republican in 18th-Century France: The Political Thought of
Scenes from the Marriage of Louis XIV: Nuptial Fictions & the Making
of Absolute Power
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M. Ashley
M. Ashley
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I.R. Christie
I.R. Christie
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K. Feiling
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D. George
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D. Ogg
D. Ogg
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J.H. Plumb
J.H. Plumb
J.H. Plumb
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Charles II
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Crisis of Empire
End of North's Ministry, 1780-72
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England in Transition
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William III
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England in the 18th Century
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J.H. Rose
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G.M. Trevelyan
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B. Williams
B. Williams
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Huguenots in Britain & the French Background, 1550-1800
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Life of Stanhope
Life of William Pitt
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History of Frederick the Great
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M. Lindemann
M. Lindemann
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Frederick the Great
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Germany Under the Old Regime, 1600-1790
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Frederick the Great
Ordinary Prussians: Brandenburg Junkers & Villagers, 1500-1840
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Frederick the Great of Prussia
Frederick the Great of Prussia: Absolutism and Administration
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German Women in the 18th & 19th Centuries
Frederick the Great and His Officials
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the Court of Bavaria, 1600-1800
Grace, Talent & Merit: Poor Students, Clerical Career &
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the Great
Health & Healing in 18 th-Century Germany
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S.C. Ogilvie
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Black Forest, 1725-45
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in Prussia
German-Jewish History in Modern Times, Vol. I: Tradition &
Enlightenment, 1600-1780
Frederick the Great
Death & a Maiden: Infanticide & the Tragical History of Grethe Schmidt
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Germany: A New Social & Economic History, Vol. II: 1630-1800
State Corporation & Proto-Industry: The Württemberg Black Forest,
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Enlightenment & the Creation of German Catholicism
Frederick the Great and the Rise of Prussia
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Frederick the Great, A Historical Profile
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Modern Germany
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German Villages in Crisis: Rural Life in Hesse-Kassel & the
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Frederick the Great
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P.H. Wilson
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Germany & the Holy Roman Empire: Vol. 2, From the Peace of
Westphalia to the Dissolution of the Reich, 1648-1806
The Prussian Army, 1640-1871
German Armies: War & German Society, 1648-1806
War, State & Society in Württemberg, 1677-1793
Crime & Culture in Early Modern Germany
He Is the Sun, She Is the Moon: Women in Early Modern Germany
The Feud in Early Modern Germany
P. Allen
M. Alpert
L.A. Banner
R. Barahona
F. Bouza
C.R. Boxer
J.C. Boyajian
M. Boyd
S. Boynton
J. Brown
J. Brown
J. Brown & J.H. Elliott
G. Carrion
J. Casey
J. Casey
J. Casey
G.E. Coolidge
L.R. Corteguera
J. Cowans
J. Cowans
R. Trevor Davies
G. Darby
G. Dopico Black
J.H. Elliott
J.H. Elliott
Philip III & the Pax Hispanica, 1598-1621
Cryptojudaism & the Spanish Inquisition
The Religious Patronage of the Duke of Lerma, 1598-1621
Sex Crimes, Honour, & the Law in Early Modern Spain: Vizcaya,
Communication, Knowledge, & Memory in Early Modern Spain
The Church Militant & Iberian Expansion, 1440-1770
Portuguese Bankers at the Court of Spain, 1626-1650
Music in Spain During the 18th Century
Silent Music: Medieval Song & the Construction of History in
18th-Century Spain
The Golden Age of Painting in Spain
Velazquez: Painter & Courtier
A Place for a King: The Buen Retiro & the Court of Philip IV
Staging Marriage in Early Modern Spain: Conjugal Doctrine in Lope,
Cervantes, & Calderon
Early Modern Spain: A Social History
Family & Community in Early Modern Spain: The Citizens of Granada,
The Kingdom of Valencia in the 17th Century
Guardianship, Gender, & the Nobility in Early Modern Spain
For the Common Good: Popular Politics in Barcelona, 1580-1640
Early Modern Spain: A Documentary History
Modern Spain: A Documentary History
Spain in Decline
Spain in the 17th Century
Perfect Wives, Other Women: Adultery & Inquisition in Early Modern
Imperial Spain, 1469-1716
Spain and Its World, 1500-1700
J.H. Elliott
J.H. Elliott
J.H. Elliott
J.A. Fernandez-Santamaria
A. Feros
M. Flynn
C.M. Gaite
D. Goodman
R. Grafe
D.L. Graizbord
Spain, Europe & the Wider World, 1500-1800
The Count-Duke of Olivares
The Spanish World
Reason of State and Statecraft in Spanish Political Thought, 1595-1640
Kingship & Favoritism in the Spain of Philip III, 1598-1621
Sacred Charity: Confraternity & Social Welfare in Spain 1400-1700
Love Customs in 18th-Century Spain
Spanish Naval Power, 1589-1665: Reconstruction & Defeat
Distant Tyranny: Markets, Power, & Backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800
Souls in Dispute: Converso Identities in Iberia & the Jewish Diaspora,
R. Haidt
Embodying Enlightenment: Knowing the Body in 18th-Century Spanish
Literature & Culture
S. Haliczer
Inquisition & Society in the Kingdom of Valencia, 1478-1834
S. Haliczer
Sexuality in the Confessional: A Sacrament Profaned
W.N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley Eighteenth-Century Spain, 1700-1833
W.N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley Spain Under the Bourbons, 1700-1833
L.P. Harvey
Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614
R. Herr
Rural Change & Royal Finances in Spain at the End of the Old Regime
R. Herr
The 18th-Century Revolution in Spain
J.N. Hillgarth
The Mirror of Spain (1500-1700): The Formation of a Myth
M.K. Hoffman
Raised to Rule: Educating Royalty at the Court of the Spanish Habsburgs,
A.H. Hull
Charles III & the Revival of Spain
R.L. Kagan
Clio & the Crown: The Politics of History in Medieval & Early Modern
R.L. Kagan
Students and Society in Early Modern Spain
H. Kamen
The Disinherited: Exile & the Making of Spanish Culture, 1492-1975
H. Kamen
Empire: How Spain Became a World Power, 1492-1763
H. Kamen
Imagining Spain, Historical Myth & National Identity
H. Kamen
Inquisition and Society in Spain in the 16th and 17th Century
H. Kamen
Philip V of Spain
H. Kamen
Spain, 1469-1714
H. Kamen
Spain in the later 17th Century, 1665-1700
H. Kamen
The War of Succession in Spain, 1700-1715
A.W. Keitt
Inventing the Sacred: Imposture, Inquisition, & the Boundaries of the
Supernatural in Golden Age Spain
A.J. Loomie
Spain & the Early Stuarts, 1585-1655
J. Lynch
Bourbon Spain, 1700-1808
J. Lynch
The Hispanic World in Crisis & Change, 1598-1700
R. MacKay
The Limits of Royal Authority: Resistance & Obedience in 17 th-Century
M. McKendrick
Theatre in Spain, 1490-1700
J. Marias
Understanding Spain
O.R. Morales
Ireland 7 the Spanish Empire, 1600-1815
H. Nader
Liberty in Absolutist Spain; The Habsburg Sale of Towns, 1516-1700
S.N. Orso
S.N. Orso
R, Padrón
A. Pagden
G.B. Paquette
M.E. Perry
M.E. Perry
C. Petrie
C.R. Phillips
C.R. Phillips
C.R. Phillips
A.M. Poska
A.M. Poska
R.J. Pym
H. Rawlings
H. Rawlings
D. Reher
D.R. Ringrose
D.R. Ringrose
E.K. Rowe
M.S. Sánchez
M.S. Sánchez
J. Sherwood
T.A. Smith
S.J. & B.H. Stein
S.J. & B.H. Stein
C. Storrs
R.A. Stradling
R.A. Stradling
R.A. Stradling
R.A. Stradling
R.A. Stradling
S.K. Taylor
Hugh Thomas
Art & Death at the Spanish Habsburg Court; the Royal Exequies
for Philip IV
Velázquez, Los Borrachos, & Painting at the Court of Philip IV
The Spacious Word: Cartography, Literature, & Empire in Early Modern
Spanish Imperialism & the Political Imagination
Enlightenment, Governance, & Reform in Spain & Its Empire, 1759-1808
Gender & Disorder in Early Modern Seville
The Handless Maiden: Moriscos & the Politics of Religion in Early
Modern Spain
King Charles III of Spain
Six Galleons for the King of Spain: Imperial Defense in early 17 thCentury Spain
Spain’s Golden Fleece: Wool Production & the Wool Trade from the
Middle Ages to the 19th Century
The Treasure of the San Jose: Death at Sea in the War of the Spanish
Regulating the People: The Catholic Reformation in 17 th-Century Spain
Women & Authority in Early Modern Spain
The Gypsies of Early Modern Spain, 1425-1783
Church, Religion & Society in Early Modern Spain
The Debate on the Decline of Spain
Town & Country in Pre-Industrial Spain, Cuenca, 1540-1870
Madrid and the Spanish Economy, 1560-1850
Spain, Europe, & the “Spanish Miracle,” 1700-1900
Saint & Nation: Santiago, Teresa of Avila, & Plural Identies in Early
Modern Spain
The Empress, the Queen, & the Nun: Habsburg Women in the Court
of Philip III of Spain
Spanish Women in the Golden Age: Images & Realities
Poverty in 18th-Century Spain: The Women & Children of the Inclusa
The Emerging Female Citizen: Gender & Enlightenment in Spain
Apogee of Empire: Spain & New Spain in the Age of Charles III, 1759-89
Silver, Trade, & War: Spain & America in the Making of Early Modern
The Resilience of the Spanish Monarchy, 1665-1700
The Armada of Flanders: Spanish Maritime Policy & European
War, 1568-1668
Europe & the Decline of Spain: A Study of the Spanish System, 1580Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 1621-65
Spain's Struggle for Europe, 1598-1668
The Spanish Monarchy & Irish Mercenaries: The Wild Geese in Spain,
Honor & Violence in Golden Age Spain
Beaumarchais in Seville
I.A.A. Thompson
J.K.J. Thomson
J.A. Tomlinson
I.P. Tostado
D.E. Vassberg
S. Velacso
M.V. Vicente
D.J. Weber
A.D. Wright
G. Walker
C.W. Zerner
The Castilian Crisis of the 17th Century: New Perspectives on the
Economic & Social History of 17th-Century Spain
A Distinctive Industrialization: Cotton in Barcelona, 1728-1832
Goya in the Twilight of Enlightenment
Irish Influence at the Court of Spain in the 17th Century
The Village & the Outside World in Golden Age Castile
Male Delivery: Reproduction, Effeminacy, & Pregnant Men in Early
Modern Spain
Women, Texts & Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World
Barbaros: Spaniards & Their Savages in the Age of Enlightenment
Catholicism & Spanish Society Under the Reign of Philip II, 155598, & Philip III, 1598-1621
Spanish Politics & Imperial Trade, 1700-89
Juan de Herrera: Architect to Philip II of Spain
D. Beales
D. Beales
J. Berenger
P. Bernard
P. Bernard
T. Blanning
E. Crankshaw
P.G.M. Dickson
L.C. Dubin
R.J.W. Evans
L. Frey & M. Frey
R. Gates-Coons
G.P. Gooch
C.W. Ingrao
C.W. Ingrao
C.W. Ingrao
C.W. Ingrao
R.A. Kann
J. Komlos
K.J. MacHardy
W.O. McCagg, Jr.
C.L. Morris
C.A. Macartney
Joseph II: In the Shadow of Maria Theresa, 1741-80
Joseph II: Against the World, 1780-90
The History of the Habsburg Empire, 1273-1700
Jesuits & Jacobins: Enlightenment & Enlightened Despotism in Austria
The Limits of Enlightenment: Joseph II & the Law
Joseph II and Enlightened Despotism
Maria Theresa
Finance & Government under Maria Theresa, 1740-80
The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste: Absolutist Politics & Enlightenment
The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1550-1700
A Question of Empire: Leopold I and the War of Spanish
Succession, 1701-1705
The Landed Estates of the Esterházy Princes: Hungary during the
Reforms of Maria Theresa & Joseph II
Maria Theresa and Other Studies
The City & the State in Early Modern Austria
In Quest & Crisis: Emperor Joseph I & the Habsburg Monarchy
The Hapsburg Monarchy, 1618-1815
State & Society in Early Modern Austria
A History of the Habsburg Empire, 1526-1918
Nutrition & Economic Development in the 18th-Century Habsburg
War, Religion & Court Patronage in Habsburg Austria: The Social &
Cultural Dimensions of Political Interaction, 1521-1622
A History of Habsburg Jews, 1670-1918
Maria Theresa, the Last Conservative
Maria Theresa and the House of Austria
C.H. O'Brien
S. Padover
I. Parvev
R. Robertson
R. Rotenberg
T.M. Safley
S. Saunders
J.P. Spielman
F.A.J. Szabo
P.H. Wilson
Ideas of Religious Toleration at the Time of Joseph II
The Revolutionary Emperor: Joseph the Second
Habsburgs & Ottomans Between Vienna & Belgrade, 1683-1789
The Austrian Enlightenment & Its Aftermath
Landscape & Power in Vienna
Charity & Economy in the Orphanages of Early Modern Augsburg
Cross, Sword, & Lyre: Sacred Music at the Imperial Court of
Ferdinand II of Habsburg (1619-37)
The City & the Crown: Vienna & the Imperial Court, 1600-1740
Kaunitz & Enlightened Absolutism, 1753-80
The Holy Roman Empire, 1495-1806
J. Adelman
M. Andrieux
T. Astarita
T. Astarita
F. Barbierato
G. Benadusi
G. Benadusi
C.F. Black
C.F. Black
J. Black
G. Brucker
D. Carpanetto
C. Castiglione
S. Cavallo
S. Cavallo
K. Christiansen
C.M. Cipolla
E. Cochrane
M. Cohen
S.K. Cohn
J. Collins
E. Cropper
T.J. Dandelet
R.C. Davis
G.P. de Divitiis
Blood Relations: Christian and Jew in The Merchant of Venice
Daily Life in Papal Rome in the 18th Century
The Continuity of Feudal Power: The Caracciola di Brienza in
Spanish Naples
Village Justice: Community, Family, & Popular Culture in Early Modern
The Inquisitor in the Hat Shop: Inquisition, Forbidden Books & Unbelief
In Early Modern Venice
Politics of Family & State in Early Modern Tuscany
A Provincial Elite in Early Modern Tuscany
Church, Religion & Society in Early Modern Italy
Early Modern Italy: A Social History
Italy & the Grand Tour
Florence: The Golden Age, 1138-1737
Italy in the Age of Reason, 1685-1789
Patrons & Adversaries: Nobles & Villagers in Italian Politics, 1640-1760
Artisans of the Body in Early Modern Italy: Identities, Families &
Charity & Power in Early Modern Italy; Benefactors & their
Motives in Turin, 1541-1789
Orazio & Artemisia Gentileschi
Fighting the Plague in 17th-Century Italy
Florence in the Forgotten Centuries, 1527-1800
The Autobiography of a 17th-Century Venetian Rabbi
Death & Property in Siena, 1205-1800
Papacy & Politics in 18th-Century Rome: Pius VI & the Arts
The Domenichino Affair: Novelty, Imitation, & Theft in 17 th-Century
Spanish Rome, 1500-1700
The Jews of Early Modern Venice
English Merchants in 17th-Century Italy
S. Ditchfield
B. Dooley
L.C. Dubin
J. Eglin
M. Feldman
J.M. Ferraro
J.M. Ferraro
V. Ferrone
P. Findlen
G. Fragnito
D. Frigo
D. Gentilcore
D. Gentilcore
H. Gross
F. Hammond
Z. Hanafi
G. Hanlon
G. Hanlon
H. Hills
G. Imbruglia
C.M.S. Johns
J.H. Johnson
T.A. Kirk
R. Krautheimer
P. Lanaro
M.J. Levy
R.B. Litchfield
S. McPhee
T. Magnuson
J.A. Marino
J.A. Marino
J. Martin
R. Martin
J. Martineau
R. Messbarger
Liturgy, Sanctity & History in Tridentine Italy
Science & the Marketplace in Early Modern Italy
The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste
Venice Transfigured: The Myth of Venice in British Culture, 1660-1797
Opera & Sovereignty: Transforming Myths in 18th-Century Italy
Family & Public Life in Brescia, 1580-1650; The Foundation of
Power in the Venetian State
Nefarious Crimes, Contested Justice: Illicit Sex & Infanticide in the
Republic of Venice, 1557-1789
The Intellectual Roots of the Italian Enlightenment
Italy’s 18th Century: Gender & Culture in the Age of the Grand Tour
Church, Censorship & Culture in Early Modern Italy
Politics & Diplomacy in Early Modern Italy
From Bishop to Witch: The System of the Sacred in Early Modern
Terra d’Otranto
Healers & Healing in Early Modern Europe
Rome in the Age of Enlightenment
Music & Spectacle in Baroque Rome
The Monster in the Machine: Magic, Medicine, & the Marvelous in the
Time of the Scientific Revolution
Early Modern Italy, 1550-1800
The Twilight of a Military Tradition: Italian Aristocrats & European
Conflicts, 1560-1800
Invisible City: The Architecture of Devotion in 17 th-Century Neapolitan
Naples in the 18th Century
Papal Art & Cultural Politics: Rome in the Age of Clement XI
Venice Incognito: Masks in the Serene Republic
Genoa & the Sea: Policy & Power in an Early Modern Maritime Republic,
The Rome of Alexander VII, 1655-1667
At the Centre of the Old World: Trade & Manufacturing in Venice & the
Venetian Mainland, 1400-1800
Governance & Grievance: Habsburg Policy & Italian Tyrol in the 18 th
Emergence of a Bureaucracy: The Florentine Patricians, 1530-1790
Bernini & the Bell Towers: Architecture & Politics at the Vatican
Rome in the Age of Bernini
Becoming Neapolitan: Citizen Culture in Baroque Naples
Early Modern Italy: 1550-1796
Venice Reconsidered: The History & Civilization of an Italian City-State,
Witchcraft in Venice, 1550-1650
The Glory of Venice: Art in the 18th Century
The Century of Women: Representations of Women in 18 th-Century
Italian Public Discourse
C.A. Monson
P. Musgrave
L. Nussdorfer
M.D. Pollak
G. Pomata
B. Ravid
C. Reardon
D. Robin
M.-L. Rodén
I.D. Rowland
D.B. Ruderman
A.J. Schutte
E. Selfridge-Field
D. Sella
D. Sella
S.B. Siegmund
J. Southern
N. Terpstra
J.P. Trevelyan
M. Vaussard
R. Villari
J.-C. Waquet
J.R. Watt
S. West
E.B. Weaver
R. Wittkower
L. Wolff
S. Woolf
Nuns Behaving Badly: Tales of Music, Magic, Art, & Arson in the
Convents of Italy
Land & Economy in Baroque Italy; The Valpolicella, 1630-1797
Civic Politics in the Rome of Urban VIII
Turin, 1564-1680: Urban Design, Military Culture & the Creation
of the Absolutist Capital
Contracting a Cure: Patients, Healers, & the Law in Early Modern
Studies on the Jews of Venice, 1382-1797
Holy Concord Within Sacred Walls: Nuns & Music in Siena, 1575-1700
Publishing Women: Salons, the Presses, & the Counter-Reformation in
16th-Century Italy
Church Politics in 17th-Century Rome: Cardinal Decio Azzolino, Queen
Christina of Sweden, & the Squadrone Volante
The Scarith of Scornello: The Tale of Renaissance Forgery
Cultural Intermediaries: Jewish Intellectuals in Early Modern Italy
Aspiring Saints: Pretense of Holiness, Inquisition, & Gender in the
Republic of Venice, 1618-1750
Song & Season: Science, Culture, & Theatrical Time in Early Modern
Italy in the 17th Century
Trade & Industry in Early Modern Italy
The Medici State & the Ghetto of Florence
Power & Display in the 17th Century: The Arts & their Patrons in
Modena & Ferrara
The Politics of Ritual Kinship: Confraternities & Social Order in Early
Modern Italy
A Short History of the Italian People
Daily Life in 18th-Century Italy
The Revolt of Naples
Corruption: Ethics & Power in Florence, 1600-1770
The Scourge of Demons: Possession, Lust, & Witchcraft in a 17 th-Century
Italian Convent
Italian Culture in Northern Europe in the 18th Century
Convent Theatre in Early Modern Italy: Spiritual Fun & Learning for
Art & Architecture in Italy: 1600-1750
Venice & the Slavs: The Discovery of Dalmatia in the Age of
A History of Italy, 1700-1860
D. Alden
The Making of an Enterprise: The Society of Jesus in Portugal, Its
Empire, & Beyond, 1540-1750
J.C. Boyajian
T.J. Coates
A. Delaforce
A.R. Disney
B. Givens
C.A. Hanson
K. Maxwell
A.J.R. Russell-Wood
N. Shrady
T.D. Walker
Portuguese Bankers at the Court of Spain, 1626-50
Convicts & Orphans: Forced & State-Sponsored Colonization in the
Portuguese Empire, 1550-1755
Art & Patronage in 18th-Century Portugal
The History of Portugal & the Portuguese Empire, 2 vols.
Judging Maria de Macedo: A Female Visionary & the Inquisition in Early
Modern Portugal
Economy & Society in Baroque Portugal, 1668-1703
Pombal: Paradox of the Enlightenment
A World on the Move: The Portuguese in Africa, Asia &
America, 1415-1808
The Last Day: Wrath, Ruin, & Reason in the Great Lisbon Earthquake of
Doctors, Folk Medicine & the Inquisition: The Repression of Magical
Healing in Portugal during the Enlightenment
The Netherlands
A.J. Adams
P. Arnade
M. Aymard
J. Blaak
A. Blakely
M. Bodian
K. Boterbloem
C.R. Boxer
T. Brook
S. Broomhall
I. Bruijn
J.R. Bruijn
A.C. Carter
H.P. Chapman
H. J. Cook
G. Darby
M. Dash
K. Davids
R. Dekker
R. Dekker
Public Faces & Private Identities in 17th-Century Holland
Beggars, Iconoclasts, & Civic Patriots: The Political Culture of the
Dutch Revolt
Dutch Capitalism and World Capitalism
Literacy in Everyday Life: Reading & Writing in Early Modern Dutch
Blacks in the Dutch World: The Evolution of Racial Imagery in a
Modern Society
Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation: Conversos & Community in Early
Modern Amsterdam
The Fiction & Reality of Jan Struys: A 17th-Century Dutch Globetrotter
The Dutch Seabourne Empire, 1600-1800
Vermeer’s Hat: The 17th Century & the Dawn of the Global World
Early Modern Women in the Low Countries
Ship’s Surgeons of the Dutch East India Company: Commerce &
The Progress of Medicine in the 18th Century
The Dutch Navy of the 17th & 18th Centuries
Dutch Republic in Europe in the Seven Years' War
Jan Steen: Painter & Storyteller
Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine, & science in the Dutch
Golden Age
The Origins & Development of the Dutch Revolt
Tulipomania: The Story of the World’s Most Coveted Flower & the
Passions It Aroused
A Miracle Mirrored: The Dutch Republic in European Perspective
Childhood, Memory & Autobiography in Holland
Humour in Dutch Culture of the Golden Age
J. de Vries
J. de Vries &
A. van der Woude
L.S. Dixon
A. Duke
F. Egmond
P. Emmer
A.C. Fix
W.E. Franits
W.E. Franits
W.E. Franits
D. Freedberg
O. Gelderblom
A. Goldgar
F. Grijzenhout
K. Haley
C.E. Harline
C. Hertel
J.B. Hochstrasser
J. Huizinga
J.I. Israel
J.I. Israel
J.I. Israel
J.I. Israel
J.I. Israel
M.C. Jacob
B.J. Kaplan
G.S. Keyes
C. Kooi
E. Larsen
W. Liedtke
Peter Limm
V.W. Lunsford
Geert Mak
S.D. Marshall
A.E.C. McCants
E. Mijers
M.M. Mochizuki
J.M. Montias
J.M. Montias
K. Muizelaar
S. Nadler
The Dutch Rural Economy in the Golden Age, 1500-1700
The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure & Perseverance of the
Dutch Economy, 1500-1815
Perilous Chastity: Women & Illness in Pre-Enlightenment Art & Medicine
Reformation & Revolt in the Low Countries
Underworlds: Organized Crime in the Netherlands, 1650-1800
The Dutch in the Atlantic Economy, 1580-1880: Trade, Slavery, &
Prophecy & Reason: The Dutch Collegiants in the Early Enlightenment
Dutch 17th-Century Genre Painting
Looking at 17th-Century Dutch Art: Realism Reconsidered
Paragon of Virtue: Women & Domesticity in 17th-Century Dutch Art
Art in History, History in Art: Studies in 17th-Century Dutch Culture
The Political Economy of the Dutch Republic
Tulipmania: Money, Honor, & Knowledge in the Dutch Golden Age
The Golden Age of Dutch Painting in Historical Perspective
The Dutch in the 17th Century
Pamphlets, Printing & Political Culture in the Early Dutch Republic
Vermeer: Reception & Interpretation
Still Life & Trade in the Dutch Golden Age
Dutch Civilization in the 17th Century
Conflicts of Empires: Spain, the Low Countries & the Struggle for
World Supremacy, 1585-1713
Dutch Primacy in World Trade, 1585-1740
The Dutch Republic & The Hispanic World, 1606-1661
The Dutch Republic: Its Rise, Greatness & Fall, 1477-1806
Empires & Entrepots: The Dutch, the Spanish Monarchy & the Jews,
The Dutch Republic in the 18th Century
Calvinists & Libertines: Confession & Community in Utrecht, 1578-1620
Mirror of Empire: Dutch Marine Art in the 17 th Century
Calvinists & Catholics during Holland’s Golden Age
Calvinist Economy & 17th-Century Dutch Art
A View of Delft: Vermeer & his Contemporaries
The Dutch Revolt
Piracy & Privateering in the Golden Age Netherlands
The Dutch Gentry, 1500-1650
Civic Charity in a Golden Age: Orphan Care in Early Modern Amsterdam
Redefining William III
The Netherlandish Image after Iconoclasm, 1566-1672: Material Religion
In the Dutch Golden Age
Artists & Artisans in Delft: A Socio-Economic Study of the 17th Century
Vermeer & His Milieu: A Web of Social History
Picturing Men & Women in the Dutch Golden Age
Rembrandt’s Jews
H.R. Nevitt
M. North
C.H. Parker
C.H. Parker
G. Parker
R. Parthesius
A. Pettegree
D. Phillips
R. Po-chia Hsia
J. Pollmann
J. Pollmann
J.M. Postma
M. Prak
J.L. Price
J.L. Price
J.L. Price
J.L. Price
J.L. Price
G.D. Ramsay
D. Regin
G.J. Renier
R. Reitsma
J.C. Riley
H. Roodenburg
J. Rosenberg
H.H. Rowen
H.H. Rowen
H.H. Rowen
E.G. Ruestow
S. Schama
S. Schama
B. Schmidt
P. Spierenburg
M. Spies
K.L. Sprunger
J. Stern
W. Ph. TeBrake
Art & the Culture of Love in 17th-Century Holland
Art & Commerce in the Dutch Golden Age
Faith on the Margins: Catholics & Catholicism in the Dutch Golden Age
The Reformation Community: Social Welfare & Calvinist Charity in
Holland, 1572-1620
The Dutch Revolt
Dutch Ships in Tropical Waters…1595-1660
Emden & the Dutch Revolt: Exile & the Development of
Reformed Protestantism
Well-Being in Amsterdam’s Golden Age
Calvinism & Religious Toleration in the Dutch Golden Age
Catholic Identity & the Revolt of the Netherlands, 1520-1635
Religious Choice in the Dutch Republic
The Dutch in the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1600-1815
The Dutch Republic in the 17th Century: The Golden Age
Culture & Society in the Dutch Republic During the 17th Century
Dutch Culture in the Golden Age
The Dutch Republic in the 17th Century
Dutch Society, 1588-1713
Holland & the Dutch Republic in the 17th Century
The End of the Antwerp Mart: The Queen's Merchants and the
Revolt of the Netherlands
Traders, Artists, Burghers: A Cultural History of Amsterdam in the
17th Century
The Dutch Nation: An Historical Study
Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces in the Early Dutch Republic:
The State of Overijssel, 1566-1600
International Government Finance & the Amsterdam Capital
Market, 1740-1815
The Eloquence of the Body: Perspectives on Gesture in the Dutch
Dutch Art & Architecture: 1600-1800
John De Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland, 1652-72
John De Witt: Statesman of the "True Freedom"
The Princes of Orange: The Stadholders in the Dutch Republic
The Microscope in the Dutch Republic: The Shaping of Discovery
The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture
in the Golden Age
Patriots & Liberators: Revolution in the Netherlands, 1780-1813
Innocence Abroad: The Dutch Imagination & the New World, 1570-1670
Written in Blood: Fatal Attraction in Enlightenment Amsterdam
Dutch Culture in a European Perspective 1; 1650: Hard-Won Unity
Dutch Puritanism
Orangism in the Dutch Republic in Word & Image, 1650-75
Regents & Rebels: The Revolutionary World of an 18 th-Century
Dutch City
M.C. 'T Hart
James Tracy
J. Turner
Wout Troost
L. Van de Pol
A.Th. Van Deursen
M.J. van Ittersum
H.K.F. van Nierop
H.K.F. van Nierop
J.L. van Zanden
B. van Bavel
W.R.E. Velema
R. Vermij
A.K. Wheelock
A.K. Wheelock
C. White
C. Wilson
S.M. Wyntjes
P. Zumthor
The Making of a Bourgeois State: War, Politics & Finance during
the Dutch Revolution
The Founding of the dutch Republic; War, Finance, & Politics in Holland,
From Rembrandt to Vermeer: 17th-Century Dutch Artists
William III, the Stadholder-King
The Burgher & the Whore: Prostitution in Early Modern Amsterdam
Plain Lives in a Golden Age: Popular Culture, Religion, & Society
in 17th-Century Holland
Profit & Principle: Hugo Grotius, Natural Rights Theories & the Rise of
Dutch Power in the East Indies, 1595-1615
The Nobility of Holland: From Knights to Regents, 1500-1650
Treason in the Northern Quarter: War, Terror, & the Rule of Law in the
Dutch Revolt
The Rise & Decline of Holland's Economy: Merchant Capitalism
& the Labour Market
Manors & Markets: Economy & Society in the Low Countries, 500-1600
Enlightenment & Conservatism in the Dutch Republic
The Calvinist Copernicans: The Reception of the New Astronomy in the
Dutch Republic, 1575-1750
Gerard Ter Borch
Vermeer & the Art of Painting
Rembrandt as an Etcher: A Study of the Artist at Work
The Dutch Republic
The Dutch Gentry, 1500-1650
Daily Life in Rembrandt's Holland
M.E. Ailes
H.A. Barton
H.A. Barton
V. Buckley
M. Conforti
R.I. Frost
J. Glete
R.M. Hatton
A. Jansson
P. Karonen
N. Kent
D. Kirby
P. Lockhart
G. Masson
Military Migration & State Formation: The British Military Community in
17th-Century Sweden
Northern Arcadia: Foreign Travelers in Scandinavia, 1765-1815
Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era, 1760-1815
Christina, Queen of Sweden: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
Sweden: A Royal Treasury
The Northern Wars
Swedish Naval Administration, 1521-1721
Charles XII of Sweden
From Swords to Sorrow: Homicide & Suicide in Early Modern Stockholm
Hopes & Fears for the Future in Early Modern Sweden, 1500-1800
A Concise History of Sweden
Northern Europe in the Early Modern Period: The Baltic World, 14921772
Sweden in the 17th Century
Queen Christina
M.F. Metcalf
V. Moberg
L. Müller
S.P. Oakley
F. Person
E. Ringmar
M. Roberts
M. Roberts
M. Roberts
S. Stople
A.F. Upton
C. Wolff
The Riksdag: A History of the Swedish Parliament
A History of the Swedish People, vol 2: From Renaissance to Revolution
Consuls, Corsairs, & Commerce: The Swedish Consular Service & LongDistance Shipping, 1720-1815
War & Peace in the Baltic, 1560-1790
Servants of Fortune: The Swedish Court between 1598 & 1721
Identity, Interest & Action: A Cultural Explanation of Sweden’s
Intervention in the Thirty Years’ War
Gustavus Adolphus
From Oxenstierna to Charles XII
The Age of Liberty, Sweden, 1719-1772
Christina of Sweden
Charles XI & Swedish Absolutism
Noble Conceptions of Politics in 18th-Century Sweden
J.T. Alexander
J.T. Alexander
J.T. Alexander
J.T. Alexander
M.S. Anderson
M.S. Anderson
E.V. Anisimov
E.V. Anisimov
K. Anthony
S.L. Baehr
R.N. Bain
R.N. Bain
R.N. Bain
R. Bartlett
I. Blanchard
B.J. Boeck
J.F. Brennan
P. Bushkovitch
P. Bushkovitch
I.R. Christie
J. Clarkson
J. Cracraft
Documents of Catherine the Great
Memoirs of Catherine the Great
Memoirs of Princess of Dashkova
Autocratic Politics in a National Crisis: The Imperial Russian
Government and Pugachev's Revolt
Bubonic Plague in Early Modern Russia: Public Health & Urban Disaster
Catherine the Great: Crises & the Conquests
Catherine the Great: Life & Legend
Britain Discovers Russia
Peter the Great
Five Empresses: Court Life in 18th-Century Russia
The Reforms of Peter the Great
Catherine the Great
The Paradise Myth in 18 th-Century Russia
Peter III
Daughter of Peter the Great
The Pupils of Peter the Great
Russia in the Age of Enlightenment
Russia's "Age of Silver": Precious-Metal Production & Economic
Growth in the 18th Century
Imperial Boundaries: Cossack Communities & Empire-Building in the
Age of Peter the Great
Enlightened Despotism in Russia; The Reign of Elizabeth, 1741-62
Peter the Great
Religion & Society in Russia: The 16th & 17th Centuries
The Benthams in Russia, 1780-1791
A History of Russia
The Revolution of Peter the Great
V. Cronin
A. Cross
A. Cross
R.O. Crummey
C. De Grunwald
A. deJonge
I. de Madariaga
I. de Madariaga
I. de Madariaga
S. Dixon
S. Dixon
P. Dukes
P. Dukes
C.S.L. Dunning
M. Florinsky
W.C. Fuller
W. Gleason
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R. Hellie
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L. Hughes
L. Hughes
L. Hughes
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A. Kahan
A.S. Kaminski
H. Kaplan
J.L.H. Keep
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W. Kirchner
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V.A. Kivelson
M. Khodarkovsky
M. Khodarkovsky
V. Klyuchevsky
Catherine, Empress of All the Russians
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British in 18th-Century Russia
Peter the Great through British Eyes
Aristocrats and Servitors; The Boyar Elite in Russia, 1613-1689
Peter the Great
Fire & Water: A Life of Peter the Great
Catherine the Great
Russia in the Age of Enlightenment
Russian in the Age of Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great
The Modernization of Russia, 1676-1825
Catherine the Great and the Russian Nobility
The Making of Russian Absolutism, 1613-1801
Russia’s First Civil War: The Time of Troubles & the Founding of the
Romanov Dynasty
Strategy & Power in Russia, 1600-1914
Moral Idealists, Bureaucracy, & Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great and Other Studies
Peter the Great
A Social History of the Russian Empire, 1650-1825
The Economy & Material Culture of Russia, 1600-1725
Slavery in Russia, 1420-1725
Peter the Great: A Biography
Peter the Great & the West
Russia in the Age of Peter the Great
Sophia, Regent of Russia, 1657-1704
Musical Cultures in 17th-Century Russia
Provincial Development in Russia: Catherine II and Jakob Sievers
The Plow, the Hammer, and the Knout: An Economic History of
18th-Century Russia
Republic vs. Autocracy: Poland-Lithuania & Russia, 1686-1697
Russian Overseas Commerce with Great Britain During the Reign of
Catherine II
Soldiers of the Tsar: Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874
The Urge to Sea: The Course of Russian History
The Rise of the Baltic Question
Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry & Political Culture in
the 17th Century
Cartographers of Tsardom: The Land & Its Meaning in 17 th-Century
Russia’s Steppe Frontier: The Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500-1800
Where Two Worlds Met: The Russian State & the Kalmyk Nomads,
A Course in Russian History: The Time of Catherine the Great
V. Klyuchevsky
N. Kollman
J.T. Kotilaine
J.P. LeDonne
J.P. LeDonne
J.P. LeDonne
S.J. Lee
A. Lentin
C.S. Leonard
P. Longworth
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G. Marker
G. Marker
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W. Marshall
R.K. Massie
R.K. Massie
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G.E. Munro
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B. Pares
J. Paxton
M. Perrie
M.T. Poe
K.M.F. Platt
M. Raeff
D. Ransel
D. Ransel
N.V. Riasanovsky
T. Rice
G.T. Robinson
M.P. Romaniello
W. Rosslyn
D.I. Rostislavov
Peter the Great
Crime & Punishment in Early Modern Russia
Russia’s Foreign Trade & Economic Expansion in the 17 th Century
Absolutism & Ruling Class: The Formation of the Russian
Political Order, 1700-1825
The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire, 1650-1831
Ruling Russia: Politics and Administration in the Age of
Absolutism, 1762-96
Peter the Great
Russia in the 18th Century
Reform & Regicide: The Reign of Peter III of Russia
The Three Empresses: Catherine I, Anne and Elizabeth of Russia
Paul I of Russia, 1754-1801
Imperial Saint: The Cult of St. Catherine & the Dawn of Female Rule in
Publishing, Printing and Origins of Intellectual Life in Russia, 1700-1801
Anglo-Russian Relations, 1689-1943
Peter the Great
Catherine the Great
Peter the Great
Autocracy & Aristocracy: The Russian Service Elite of 1730
At War with the Church: Religious Dissent in 17 th-Century Russia
Potemkin: Catherine the Great’s Imperial Partner
Peter the Great & the Russian Military Campaigns During the Final Years
of the Great Northern War, 1719-21
The Most Intentional City: St. Petersburg in the Reign of Catherine the
Medieval Slavdom and the Rise of Russia
Misalliance: A Study of French Policy in Russia During the Seven
Years' War
A History of Russia
Imperial Russia: A Reference Handbook
Pretenders & Popular Monarchism in Early Modern Russia
“A People Born to Slavery”: Russia in Early Modern European
Ethnography, 1476-1748
Terror & Greatness: Ivan & Peter as Russian Myths
Origins of the Russian Intelligensia: The 18th-Century Nobility
The Politics of Catherinian Russia: The Panin Party
A Russian Merchant’s Tale: The Life & Adventures of Ivan Alekseevich
Tolchënov, Based on His Diary
The Image of Peter the Great in Russian History and Thought
Elizabeth, Empress of Russia
Rural Russia Under the Old Regime
The Elusive Empire: Kazan & the Creation of Russia, 1552-1671
Women & Gender in 18th-Century Russia
Provinsional Russia in the Age of Enlightenment
W.F. Ryan
R.G. Skrynnikor
D. Smith
D. Smith
C.B. Stevens
B.H. Sumner
G. Thompson
H. Troyat
G. Vernadsky
R.H. Warner
C. Whittaker
C. Whittaker
R. Wills
C. Witzenrath
R.S. Wortman
E.A. Zitser
The Bathhouse at Midnight: An Historical Survey of Magic & Divination
in Russia
The Times of Troubles: Russia in Crisis, 1604-1618
Love & Conquest: Personal Correspondence of Catherine the Great &
Prince Grigory Potemkin
Working the Rough Stone: Freemasonry & Society in 18th-Century Russia
Soldiers on the Steppe: Army Reform & Social Change in Early
Modern Russia
Peter the Great and the Emergence of Russia
Catherine the Great and the Expansion of Russia
Catherine the Great
History of Russia
Peter the Great & the Modernization of Russia
Russia Engages the World, 1453-1825
Russian Monarchy: 18th-Century Rulers & Writers in Political Dialogue
The Jacobites & Russia, 1715-50
Cossacks & the Russian Empire, 1598-1725: Manipulation, Rebellion &
Expansion into Siberia
Scenarios of Power: Myth & Ceremony in Russian Monarchy
Vol. 1: From Peter the Great to the Death of Nicholas I
The Transfigured Kingdom: Sacred Parody & Charismatic Authority at
the Court of Peter the Great
T.S. Ashton
T.S. Ashton
A. Attman
J. Clapham
G.N. Clark
G.N. Clark
S.B. Clough & C.W. Cole
C.W. Cole
C.W. Cole
C.W. Cole
P. Deane
J. de Vries
J. de Vries
H.W. Dickinson
R.S. DuPlessis
R. Grassby
M.P. Gutmann
D.M. Hafter
E.J. Hamilton
The Industrial Revolution
An Economic History of England: The 18th Century
American Bullion in the European World Trade, 1600-1800
The Bank of England
The Idea of the Industrial Revolution
The Wealth of England, 1496-1760
Economic History of Europe
Colbert and a Century of French Mercantilism
French Mercantilism, 1496-1760
French Mercantilist Doctrines Before Colbert
The First Industrial Revolution
The Economy of Europe in an Age of Crisis, 1600-1750
The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior & the Household
Economy, 1650 to the Present
James Watt
Transitions to Capitalism in Early Modern Europe
The Idea of Capitalism Before the Industrial Revolution
Toward the Modern Economy; Early Industry in Europe, 1500-1800
European Women & Preindustrial Craft
War and Prices in Spain, 1650-1760
H. Heaton
E.P. Heckscher
J.E. Inikori
M. Kadane
P. Kriedte
P. Mantoux
I. Mural
F.L. Nussbaum
D. Ormrod
R.G. Saisselin
H. See
B.H. Slicher Van Bath
A.K. Smith
R. Szostak
J.D. Tracy
J.D. Tracy
A. Toynbee
I. Wallerstein
Economic History of Europe
Mercantilism, 3 vols.
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The Watchful Clothier: The Life of an 18th-Century Protestant Capitalist
Peasants, Landlords & Merchant Capitalists: Europe & the
World Economy, 1500-1800
The Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century
History of the Economic Institutions of Modern Europe
The Rise of Commercial Empires: England & the Netherlands in the
Age of Mercantilism, 1650-1770
The Enlightenment against the Baroque Economics & Aesthetics in
the 18th Century
Economic and Social Conditions in France During the 18 th Century
The Agrarian History of Western Europe, 500-1850
Creating a World Economy: Merchant Capital, Colonialism, &
World Trade, 1400-1825
The Role of Transportation in the Industrial Revolution: A
Comparison of England & France
The Political Economy of Merchant Empires; State Power & World
Trade, 1350-1750
The Rise of Merchant Empires: Long Distance Trade in the Early
Modern World, 1350-1750
Industrial Revolution
The Modern World-System, Vol. 2: Mercantilism & the
Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600-1750
Europe, 1648-1789
J. Adams
T.M. Adams
P.C. Almond
I. Altman
B.S. Anderson &
J. Zinsser
F. Anderson
M.S. Anderson
M.S. Anderson
M.S. Anderson
B. Ankarloo
S. Anglo
L. Apps
The Familial State: Ruling Families & Merchant Capitalism in Early
Modern Europe
Bureaucrats & Beggars: French Social Policy in the Age of the
The Lancashire Witches: A Chronicle of Sorcery & Death on Pendle Hill
"To Make America": European Emigration in the Early Modern Period
A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the
Crucible of War: The Seven Years’ War & the Fate of Empire in British
North America, 1754-66
Historians & 18th-Century Europe, 1715-1789
The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48
War & Society in Europe of the Old Regime, 1618-1789
Early Modern European Witchcraft
The Damned Art: Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft
Male Witches in Early Modern Europe
J. Arditi
O. Asbach
R.G. Asch
R.G. Asch
L.M. Baena
G. Barany
J.C. Baroja
J. Barry
J. Barry
A.L. Barstow
F.J. Baumgartner
D. Beales
M.B. Becker
W. Behringer
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M. Berg
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J. Black
J. Black
J. Black
J. Black
J. Black
J. Black
J. Black
J. Black
J. Black
J. Black
T. Blanning
H. Blom
M. Bogucka
M. Bogucka
I. Bostridge
E.H. Botting
A Genealogy of Manners: Transformation of Social Relations in France &
England from the 14th to the 18th Century
War, the State & International Law in 17th-Century Europe
Nobilities in Transition, 1550-1700: Courtiers & Rebels in Britain &
The Thirty Years’ War: The Holy Roman Empire & Europe, 1618-48
Conflicting Words: The Peace Treaty of Münster (1648) & the Political
Culture of the Dutch Republic & the Spanish Monarchy
The Anglo-Russian Entente Cordiale of 1697-98
The World of Witches
Witchcraft & Demonology in South-West England, 1640-1789
Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe: Studies in Culture & Belief
Witchcraze: A New History of the European Witch Hunts
Declaring War in Early Modern Europe
Prosperity & Plunder: European Catholic Monasteries in the Age of
Revolution, 1650-1815
The Emergence of Civil Society in the 18th Century
Witchcraft Persecutions in Bavaria: Popular Magic, Religious Zealotry &
Reason of State in Early Modern Europe
Jews in the Early Modern World
Luxury in the 18th-Century
The Jesuits & the Thirty Years War
Cultures in Conflict: Encounters between European & NonEuropean Cultures, 1492-1800
Beyond the Military Revolution: War in the 17th-Century World
The Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare: Renaissance to Revolution,
European International Relations, 1648-1815
European Warfare, 1453-1815
European Warfare, 1660-1815
Kings, Nobles & Commoners: States & Societies in Early Modern Europe
A Military Revolution? Military Change & European Society, 1550-1800
Natural & Necessary Enemies: Anglo-French Relations in the 18th
The Rise of the European Powers, 1679-1793
Warfare in Europe, 1650-1792
War in the 18th-Century World
The Pursuit of Glory: The Five Revolutions That Made Modern Europe,
Monarchisms in the Age of Enlightenment: Liberty, Patriotism, & the
Common Good
Baltic Commerce & Urban Society, 1500-1700
Women in Early Modern Polish Society, Against the European
Witchcraft & Its Transformations, c.1650-c.1750
Family Feuds: Wollstonecraft, Burke, & Rousseau on the Transformation
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F. Braudel
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R. Briggs
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S. Clark
S. Clark
P. Clark
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A. Colantuono
of the Family
Religion & Politics in Enlightenment Europe
The Structure of Everyday Life
Witches of the Atlantic World: An Historical Reader & Primary
Rethinking Leviathan: The 18th-Century State in Britain & Germany
Witches & Neighbors: A History of European Witchcraft
The Witches of Lorraine
The Malleus Maleficarum & the Construction of Witchcraft
Corsairs & Navies, 1660-1760
The War of the Austrian Succession
A Spirited Exchange: The Wine & Brandy Trade between France & the
Dutch Republic in Its Atlantic Framework, 1600-50
The Second 100 Years' War, 1689-1815
Hugo Grotius & International Relations
Venice & Amsterdam: A Study of 17th-Century Elites
Witch Hunts in Europe & America: An Encyclopedia
The European Nobility
Poland’s Last King & English Culture
Early Modern Europe
The Religion of the Heart: A Study of European Religious Life in
the 17th & 18th Centuries
Bread of Dreams: Food & Fantasy in Early Modern Europe
Europeans on the Move: Studies on European Migration, 1500-1800
World Population
Trade & Urban Development in Poland
The Female Thermometer: 18th-Century Culture & the Invention
of the Uncanny
Villagers & Lords in Eastern Europe, 1300-1800
The Religion of the Poor: Rural Missions in Europe & the Formation
of Modern Catholicism, c.1500-1800
Armies and Warfare in Europe, 1648-1789
The Origins of Backwardness in Eastern Europe: Economics &
Politics from the Middle Ages until the Early 20 th Century
Miasmas & Disease: Public Health & the Environment in the PreIndustrial Age
The Church and the Age of Reason
War & Society in the 17th Century
Languages of Witchcraft: Narrative, Ideology & Meaning in Early Modern
Thinking with Demons: The Idea of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe
Small Towns in Early Modern Europe
How Modern Science Came into the World: Four Civilizations, One 17thCentury Breakthrough
Guido Reni’s Abduction of Helen: The Politics & Rhetoric of Painting
in 17th-Century Europe
G.E. Coolidge
A. Corvisier
A.P. Coudert
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B. Coward
K. Crawford
D. Croxton
H. Cunningham
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F. Dabhoiwala
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N.Z. Davis
M. de Certeau
M. de Certeau
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C. Duffy
C. Duffy
J. Duindam
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A. Dunan-Page
E.R. Dursteler
J.H. Elliott
J.H. Elliott
R.J.W. Evans
C. Fairchilds
S. Feiner
B. Fitzpatrick
S. Fiszman
Guardianship, Gender, & the Nobility in Early Modern Spain
Armies & Societies in Europe, 1494-1789
Hebraica Veritas? Christian Hebraists & the Study of Judaism in Early
Modern Europe
Urban Europe, 1500-1700
Conspiracies & Conspiracy Theory in Early Modern Europe
European Sexualities, 1400-1800
The Peace of Westphalia: A Historical Dictionary
Children & Childhood in Western Society since 1500
Life Stories of Women Artists, 1550-1800
The Origins of Sex: A History of the First Sexual Revolution
Marks of an Absolute Witch: Evidentiary Dilemmas in Early Modern
A History of Women in the West, vol. III: Renaissance &
Enlightenment Paradoxes
Women on the Margins: Three 17th-Century Lives
The Mystic Fable: The 16th & 17th Centuries
The Possession at Loudun
Witchcraft & the Papacy
The Tradition of Female Transvestism in Early Modern Europe
History of the Art of War, v. IV: The Dawn of Modern Warfare
Sin & Fear: The Emergence of a Western Guilt Culture
The Enemy Within: 2,000 Years of Witch-hunting in the Western World
A History of the University in Europe; vol. 2: Universities in Early
Modern Europe (1500-1800)
European Urbanization, 1500-1800
The European Nobility, 1400-1800
Perilous Chastity: Women & Illness in Pre-Enlightenment Art & Medicine
The Black Death & Pastoral Leadership
History of the Hour: Clocks & Modern Temporal Orders
The Military Revolution & Political Change: Origins of Democracy
& Autocracy in Early Modern Europe
The Fortress in the Age of Vauban and Frederick the Great, 1660-1789
Military Experience in the Age of Reason
Vienna & Versailles: The Courts of Europe’s Dynastic Rivals, 1550-1780
The Age of the Ship of the Line: The British & French Navies, 1650-1815
The Religious Culture of the Huguenots, 1660-1750
Renegade Women: Gender, Identity, & Boundaries in the Early Modern
The Age of the Favourite
Richelieu and Olivares
The Holy Roman empire, 1495-1806
Women in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700
The Origins of Jewish Secularization in 18th-Century Europe
17th-Century Ireland: The War of Religion
Constitution & Reform in 18th-Century Poland
M.W. Flinn
A. Foa
I. Fosi
L. & M. Frey
C.R. Friedrichs
C.R. Friedrichs
R.I. Frost
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M. Gijswijt-Hofstra
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C. Ginzburg
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J. Goodare
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P. Gould
M. Greengrass
W.P. Guthrie
W.P. Guthrie
H.B. Hackel
N. Hallett
P.E.J. Hammer
R. Hammersley
V. Harding
C. Harline
C. Harline
B. Harris
J. Harris
The European Demographic System, 1500-1820
European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism, 1550-1750
Papal Justice: Subjects & courts in the Papal State, 1500-1750
Societies in Upheaval: Insurrections in France, Hungary & Spain in
the Early 18th Century
The Early Modern City, 1450-1750
Urban Politics in Early Modern Europe
After the Deluge: Poland-Lithuania & the Second Northern War, 16551660
Enlightened Despotism
Witchfinders: 17th-Century English Tragedy
Jesuit Civil Wars: Theology, Politics & Government in the Society of
Jesus under Tirso González (1687-1705)
A Trial of Witches: A 17th-Century Witchcraft Prosecution
Early Modern Witches: Witchcraft Cases in Contemporary Writing
Witchcraft in the Netherlands from the 14th Century to the 20th Century
The Edge of Objectivity
Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath
The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the 16 th &
17th Centuries
Crossing the Jabbok: Illness & Death in Ashkenazi Judaism in 16 ththrough 19th-Century Prague
Revolution & Rebellion in the Early Modern World
The Scottish Witch-Hunt in Context
Witchcraft & Belief in Early Modern Scotland
European Nobility in the 18th Century
The Family in the Western World: From the Black Death to the Industrial
Barbaric Traffic: commerce & antislavery in the 18th-Century Atlantic
Conquest & Coalescence: The Shaping of the State in Early
Modern Europe
Battles of the Thirty Years War
The Later Thirty Years War
Reading Women: Literacy, Authorship, & Culture in the Atlantic
World, 1500-1800
Witchcraft, Exorcism & the Politics of Possession in a 17 th-Century
Warfare in Early Modern Europe, 1450-1660
The English Republican Tradition & 18th-Century France
The Dead & the Living in Paris & London, 1500-1670
A Bishop’s Tale: Mathias Hovius Among His Flock in 17 th-Century
The Burdens of Sister Margaret: Inside a 17th-Century Convent
Politics & the Rise of the Press: Britain & France, 1620-1800
Industrial Esponage & Technology Transfer: Britain & France in the 18 th
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R.C. Head
E. Hellmuth
G. Henningsen
N. Henshall
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B. Hill
P.T. Hoffman
D. Hoak
M.P. Holt
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O. Hufton
I.V. Hull
L.C. Hults
G.D. Hundert
G.D. Hundert
G.D. Hundert
R. Hylton
J.I. Israel
J.I. Israel
M.C. Jacob
L. Jardine
G. Jensen
S.L. Jansen
A. Johns
J.R. Jones
W.C. Jordan
R. Jütte
R.L. Kagan
Charles Whitworth: Diplomat in the Age of Peter the Great
Invincible Generals: Gustavus Adolphus, Marlborough, Frederick
the Great, George Washington, Wellington
Jenaysch’s Axe: Social Boundaries, Identity, & Myth in the Era of the
Thirty Years’ War
The Transformation of Political Culture: England & Germany in the
Late 18th Century
The Witches' Advocate: Basque Witchcraft & the Spanish
Inquisition, 1609-14
The Myth of Absolutism: Change & Continuity in Early Modern
Lewd Women & Women Witches: A Study of the Dynamics of
Male Domination
18 -Century Women
Fiscal Crises, Liberty & Representative Government, 1450-1789
The World of William & Mary: Anglo-Dutch Perspectives on the
Revolution of 1688-89
The French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629
The Bulgarians in the 17th Century: Slavic Orthodox Society &
Culture under Ottoman Rule
Regions, Institutions, & Agrarian Change in European History
Literacy in Early Modern Europe: Culture & Education 1500-1800
The Prospect Before Her: A History of Women in Western Europe,
vol. I: 1500-1800
Sexuality, State, & Civil Society in Germany, 1700-1815
The Witch as Muse: Art, Gender, & Power in Early Modern Europe
Jews & Other Poles in Early Modern Europe
Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the 18th Century: A Genealogy of Modernity
The Jews in a Polish Private Town
Ireland’s Huguenots & Their Refuge, 1662-1745
Empires & Entrepots: The Dutch, the Spanish Monarchy, & the
Jews, 1585-1713
European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism, 1550-1750
Strangers Nowhere in the World: The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in
Early Modern Europe
Going Dutch: How England Plundered Holland’s Glory
The Path of the Devil: Early Modern Witch Hunts
The Monstrous Regiment of Women: Female Rulers in Early Modern
Dreadful Visitations: Confronting Natural Catastrophe in the Age of
The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th Century
The Great Famine: Northern Europe in the Early 14 th Century
Poverty & Deviance in Early Modern Europe
Atlantic Diasporas: Jews, Conversos, & Crypto-Jews in the Age of
Mercantilism, 1500-1800
R.L. Kagan
Clio & the Crown: the Politics of History in Medieval & Early Modern
H. Kamen
Early Modern European Society
B.J. Kaplan
Divided by Faith: Religious Conflict & the Practice of Toleration in Early
Modern Europe
T. Kaufmann
Court, Cloister, & City: The Art & Culture of Central Europe, 1450-1800
D.I. Kertzer
The History of the European Family, vol. I: Family Life in Early Modern
Times, 1500-1789
T. Kjaergaard
The Danish Revolution, 1500-1800
J. Klaits
Servants of Satan; The Age of the Witch Hunts
P.J. Klassen
Mennonites in Early Modern Poland & Prussia
H. Kohn
The Idea of Nationalism
C.J. Koot
Empire at the Periphery: British Colonists, Anglo-Dutch Trade, & the
Development of the British Atlantic, 1621-1713
L. Krieger
An Essay on the Theory of Enlightened Despotism
B. Kümin
Drinking Matters: Public Houses & Social Exchange in Early Modern
Central Europe
M. Kunze
Highroad to the Stake: A Tale of Witchcraft
R. Lachmann
Capitalists in Spite of Themselves: Elite Conflict & European Transitions
in Early Modern Europe
C. Larner
Witchcraft and Religion: The Politics of Popular Belief
S.J. Lee
The 30 Years' War
W. E. Lee
Empires & Indigenes: Intercultural Alliance, Imperial Expansion, &
Warfare in the Early Modern World
B.P. Levack
The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe
B.P. Levack
Witch-hunting in Scotland: Law, Politics & Religion
H. Levine
Economic Origins of Antisemitism: Poland & Its Jews in the Early
Modern Period
Peter Limm
The Thirty Years' War
M. Lindemann
Medicine & Society in Early Modern Europe
M. Lindemann
Patriots and Paupers: Hamburg, 1712-1830
C. Lis & H. Soly
Poverty & Capitalism in Pre-Industrial Europe
B. Little
The Sea Rover’s Practice: Pirate Tactics & Techniques, 1630-1730
P.D. Lockhart
Denmark in the 30 Years’ War, 1618-48
R. Lodge
Great Britain and Prussia in the 18th Century
R. Lodge
Studies in 18th-Century Diplomacy
B. Lorence-Kot
Child Rearing & Reform: A Study of the Nobility in 18 th-Century Poland
E. Luard
The Balance of Power: The System of International Relations, 1648-1815
J.T. Lukowski
The European Nobility in the 18th Century
J.T. Lukowski
Liberty's Folly: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th
J.T. Lukowski
The Partitions of Poland: 1772, 1793, 1795
J.A. Lynn II
Women, Armies, & Warfare in Early Modern Europe
D. McKay & H.M. Scott
The Rise of the Great Powers, 1648-1815
R.P. Maccubbin
'Tis Nature's Fault: Unauthorized Sexuality during the Enlightenment
A. Maggi
A.T. Mahan
J.J. Mangan
Satan’s Rhetoric: A Study of Renaissance Demonology
The Influence of Sea Power on History
The King's Favour: Three 18th-Century Monarchs & the
Favourites Who Ruled Them
R.J. Maras
Innocent XI: Pope of Christian Unity
P.J. Marshall & G. Williams The Great Map of Mankind: Perceptions of New Worlds in the
Age of Enlightenment
R. Martin
Witchcraft & the Inquisition in Venice, 1550-1650
P.G. Maxwell-Stuart
The Occult in Early Modern Europe: A Documentary History
P.G. Maxwell-Stuart
Witchcraft in Europe & the New World, 1400-1800
O. Mayr
Authority, Liberty & Automatic Machinery in Early Modern Europe
J. Van Horn Melton
The Rise of the Public in Enlightenment Europe
L.E. Merians
The Secret Malady: Venereal Disease in 18th-Century Britain & France
J. Miller
Absolutism in 17th-Century Europe
L.P. Moch
Moving Europeans: Migration in Western Europe since 1650
P.K. Monod
The Power of Kings: Monarchy & Religion in Europe, 1589-1715
C. Mooers
The Making of Bourgeois Europe: Absolutism, Revolution, & the
Rise of Capitalism in England, France, & Germany
G. Morgan
18th-Century Criminal Transportation
T.A. Morris
Europe & England in the 16th Century
G. Mortimer
Early Modern Military History, 1450-1815
G. Mortimer
Wallenstein: The Enigma of the Thirty Years War
E. Muir
History from Crime
J.R. Mulryne
Europa Triumphans: Court & Civic Festivals in Early Modern Europe
G. Murdock
Calvinism on the Frontier, 1600-60: International Calvinism & the
Reformed Church in Hungary & Transylvania
P. Musgrave
The Early Modern European Economy
M. Norton
Sacred Gifts, Profane Pleasures: A History of Tobacco & Chocolate in the
Atlantic World
D. Onnekink
Ideology & Foreign Policy in Early Modern Europe (1650-1750)
A. Padgen
Lords of All the World: Ideologies of Empire in Spain, Britain, &
France, 1492-1830
P. O’Brien
Urban Achievement in Early Modern Europe: Golden Ages in Antwerp,
Amsterdam and London
D. Oldbridge
The Witchcraft Reader
J.W. O’Malley
The Jesuits: Cultures, Sciences, & the Arts, 1540-1773
D. Onnekink
War & Religion after Westphalia, 1648-1713
R. Oresko
Royal & Republican Sovereignty in Early Modern Europe
D. Ormrod
The Rise of Commercial Empires: England & the Netherlands in the Age
of Mercantilism, 1650-1770
C.C. Orr
Queenship in Europe, 1660-1815: The Role of the Consort
T. Osborne
Dynasty & Diplomacy in the Court of Savoy: Political Cultural in the
Thirty Years’ War
M. Ostling
Between the Devil & the Host: Imagining Witchcraft in Early Modern
A. Padgen
Lords of All the World: Ideologies of Empire in Spain, Britain & France,
G. Parker
G. Parker
G. Parker
G. Parker
D. Parrott
J.H. Parry
C. R. Phillips
D. Pickus
R. Po-chia Hsia
R. Po-chia Hsia
E. Pocs
J.V. Polisensky
L.A. Pollock
B.F. Porshnev
J.D. Post
L. Prados de la Escosura
B.C. Pursell
G.R. Quaife
J. Raba
M. Raeff
R. Rapley
A. Ribeiro
G. Riello
J.C. Riley
A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan
T. Robisheaux
C.J. Rogers
J.B. Roney
W.T. Roosen
H.L. Root
L. Roper
c. 1500-c. 1800
The Army of Flanders & the Spanish Road, 1567-1659: The Logistics of
Spanish Victory & Defeat in the Low Countries’ Wars
The Military Revolution; Military Innovation & the Rise of the
West, 1500-1800
Success is Never Final: Empire, War, & Faith in Early Modern Europe
The Thirty Years' War
The Business of War: Military Enterprise & Military Revolution in
Early Modern Europe
Trade and Dominion: The European Overseas Empire in the 18th
The Treasure of the San Jose: Death at Sea in the War of the Spanish
Dying with an Enlightening Fall: Poland in the Eyes of German
Intellectuals, 1764-1800
Social Discipline in the Reformation: Central Europe, 1550-1750
The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770
A Perspective on Witches & Seers in the Early Modern Age
War and Society in Europe, 1618-48
Forgotten Children: Parent-Child Relations from 1500 to 1900
Muscovy & Sweden in the 30 Years’ War, 1630-55
Food Shortage, Climate Variability, & Epidemic Disease in
Preindustrial Europe; The Morality Peak in the Early 1740s
Exceptionalism & Industrialisation: Britain & its European Rivals,
The Winter King: Frederick V of the Palatinate & the Coming of the
Thirty Years’ War
Godly Zeal and Furious Rage: The Witch in Early Modern Europe
Between Remberance & Denial: The Fate of the Jews in the Wars of the
Polish Commonwealth during the Mid-17th Century
The Well-Ordered Police State: Social and Institutional Change
Through Law in the Germanies and Russia, 1600-1800
A Case of Witchcraft: The Trial of Urbain Grandier
Dress in 18th-Century Europe, 1715-89
A Foot in the Past: consumers, Producers, & Footwear in the Long
18th Century
The 18 -Century Campaign to Avoid Disease
A Glorious Evolution
The Last Witch of Langenburg: Murder in a German Village
The Military Revolution Debate
The Identity of Geneva: The Christian Commonwealth, 1564-1864
The Age of Louis XIV: The Rise of Modern Diplomacy
The Foundation of Privilege: Political Foundations of Markets in Old
Regime France & England
Oedipus & the Devil: Witchcraft, Religion & Sexuality in Early
Modern Europe
L. Roper
L. Roper
E. Rothschild
E. Rothschild
A. Rothstein
A. Rowlands
D.B. Ruderman
J. Ruff
A.A. Rusnock
J.B. Russell
K. Salatino
R. Sarti
G. Scarre
M. Schaich
J. Schorsch
M. Schumann
R. Schwab
S.B. Schwartz
K.W. Schweizer
K.W. Schweizer
K.W. Schweizer
H.M. Scott
H.M. Scott
H.M. Scott
Tom Scott
B. Scribner
J. Seitz
K.M. Setton
J.H. Shennan
P. Shore
H. Sidky
B. Skinner
B.G. Smith
W. Smith
J.R. Snyder
W.M. Spellman
P. Spierenburg
Witch Craze: Terror & Fantasy in Baroque Germany
The Witch in the Western Imagination
Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet, & the Enlightenment
The Inner Life of Empires: An 18th-Century History
Peter the Great and Marlborough
Witchcraft Narratives in Germany; Rothenburg, 1561-1652
Jewish Thought & Scientific Discovery in Early Modern Europe
Violence in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800
Vital Accounts: Quantifying Health & Population in 18th-Century England
and France
Mephistopheles: The Devil in the Modern World
Incendiary Art: The Representation of Fireworks in Early Modern Europe
Europe at Home: Family & Material Culture, 1500-1800
Witchcraft and Magic in 16th- and 17th-Century Europe
Monarchy & Religion: The Transformation of Royal Culture in
18th-Century Europe
Jews & Blacks in the Early Modern World
The Seven Years War: A Transatlantic History
The Oriental Renaissance: Europe's Rediscovery of India and the
East, 1680-1880
All Can Be Saved: Religious Tolerance & Salvation in the Iberian
Atlantic World
England, Prussia & the Seven Years' War
Frederick the Great, William Pitt, & Lord Bute: The AngloPrussian Alliance, 1756-63
War, Politics & Diplomacy: The Anglo-Prussian Alliance, 1756-63
The Emergence of the Eastern Powers, 1756-75
Enlightened Absolutism: Reform & Reformers in Later 18 thCentury Europe
The European Nobilities in the 17th & 18th Centuries, 2 vols.
The Peasantries of Europe: From the 14th to the 18th Centuries
Popular Religion in Germany & Central Europe, 1400-1800
Witchcraft & Inquisition in Early Modern Venice
Venice, Austria & the Turks in the 17th Century
Liberty & Order Early Modern Europe; the Subject & the State, 16501715
Jesuits & the Politics of Religious Pluralism in 18 th-Century Transylvania
Witchcraft, Lycanthropy, Drugs, & Disease: An Anthropological Study of
the European Witch-Hunts
The Western Front of the Eastern Church: Uniate & Orthodox Conflict in
18th-Century Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, & Russia
Changing Lives: Women in European History since 1700
Consumption & the Making of Respectability, 1600-1800
Dissimulation & the Culture of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe
European Political Thought, 1600-1700
The Prison Experience: Disciplinary Institutions & Their
A. Starkey
D. Stasavage
G. Stedman
W. Stephens
L. Stokes
C. Storrs
M. Stoyle
U. Strasser
O. Subfelny
J.L. Sutton
G. Symcox
D. Syrett
F.A.J. Szabo
F. Tallett
F. Tallett
W. te Brake
B. Teschke
K. Thomas
R. Thurston
R.M. Toivo
J.D. Tracy
H. Trevor-Roper
P.J. Van Kessel
J.A. Vann
F. Venturi
G. Vigarello
K. von Greyerz
G.K. Waite
C. Walker
D.P. Walker
P.G. Wallace
I. Wallerstein
W.R. Ward
Inmates in Early Modern Europe
War in the Age of Enlightenment, 1700-89
Public Debt & the Birth of the Democratic State: France & Great Britain,
Cultural Exchange in 17 th-Century France & England
Demon Lovers: Witchcraft, Sex, & the Crisis of Belief
Demons of Urban Reform: Early European Witch Trials & Criminal
Justice, 1430-1530
War, Diplomacy & the Rise of Savoy, 1690-1720
The Black Legend of Prince Rupert’s Dog: Witchcraft & Propaganda
during the English Civil War
State of Virginity: Gender, Religion, & Politics in an Early Modern
Catholic State
Domination of Eastern Europe; Native Nobilities & Foreign
Absolutism, 1500-1715
The King's Honor & the King's Cardinal: The War of the Polish
Victor Amadeus II: Absolutism in the Savoyard State, 1675-1730
Shipping & Military Power in the Seven Years War
The Seven Years’ War in Europe, 1756-63
European Warfare, 135-1750
War & Society in Early Modern Europe, 1495-1715
Shaping History: Ordinary People in European Politics, 1500-1700
The Myth of 1648: Class, Geopolitics, & the Making of Modern
International Relations
Religion and the Decline of Magic
Witch, Wicce, Mother Goose
Witchcraft & Gender in Early Modern Society
The Rise of Merchant Empires: Long Distance Trade in the Early
Modern World, 1350-1750
From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution
Rome & Amsterdam: Two Growing Cities in 17th-Century Europe
The Making of a State: Wurttemberg, 1593-1793
The End of the Old Regime in Europe, 1776-89
Concepts of Cleanliness: Changing Attitudes in France since the
Middle Ages
Religion & Culture in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800
Heresy, Magic & Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe
Gender & Politics in Early Modern Europe: English Convents in France &
The Low Countries
Unclean Spirits: Possession & Exorcism in France and England in
Late 16th & Early 17th Centuries
Communities & Conflict in Early Modern Colmar, 1575-1730
The Modern World-System II: Mercantilism & the Consolidation of the
European World-Economy
Christianity Under the Ancien Régime
J.R. Watt
J.R. Watt
R.F. Weigley
M.R. Weisser
L. Whaley
R. Whatmore
B.K. Wheaton
R. Whelan
M.E. Wiesner
M.E. Wiesner-Hanks
Glyn Williams
G.S. Williams
S.A. & P.J. Williams
S. Willis
D. Wilson
P.H. Wilson
P.H. Wilson
P.H. Wilson
P.H. Wilson
P.H. Wilson
J. Wiltenburg
L. Wolff
D. Wootton
A.D. Wright
C. Zika
Z. Zlater
From Sin to Insanity: Suicide in Early Modern Europe
The Making of Modern Marriage: Matrimonial Control & the Rise
of Sentiment in Neuchatel, 1550-1800
The Age of Battles: The Quest for Decisive Warfare from
Breitenfeld to Waterloo
Crime & Punishment in Early Modern Europe
Women & the Practice of Medical Care in Early Modern Europe,
Against War & Empire: Geneva, Britain, & France in the 18 th Century
Savoring the Past: The French Kitchen and Table from 1300 to 1789
Toleration & Religious Identity
Women & Gender in Early Modern Europe
Christianity & Sexuality in the Early Modern World
Voyages of Delusion: The Quest for the Northwest Passage
Defining Dominion: The Discourses of Magic & Witchcraft in Early
Modern France & Germany
Riding the Nightmare: Women & Witchcraft
Fighting at Sea in the 18th Century: The Art of Sailing Warfare
Signs & Portents: Monstrous Births from the Middle Ages to the
Age of Enlightenment
Absolutism in Central Europe
The Holy Roman Empire, 1495-1806
The Thirty Years War: A Sourcebook
The Thirty Years War: Europe’s Tragedy
War, State, & Societies in Württemberg, 1677-1793
Disorderly Women & Female Power in the Street Literature of
Early Modern England & Germany
Venice & the Slavs: The Discovery of Dalmatia in the Age of
Republicanism, Liberty, & Commercial Society, 1649-1776
The Early Modern Papacy: From the Council of Trent to the French
Revolution, 1564-1789
The Appearance of Witchcraft
Between the Double Eagle & the Crescent: The Republic of
Dubrovnik & the Origins of the Eastern Question, 1667-95
Culture: Enlightenment & Science
R.I. Aaron
T. Ahnert
F. Aït-Touati
T. Akkerman
D. Allan
P.C. Almond
John Locke
Character, Self, & Sociability in the Scottish Enlightenment
Fictions of the cosmos: Science & Literature in the 17 th Century
Women's Vices, Public Benefits: Women & Commerce in the
French Enlightenment
Virtue, Learning & the Scottish Enlightenment
Adam & Eve in 17th-Century Thought
P.C. Almond
R. Anchor
W. Applebaum
R. Ariew
B. Arneil
F. Artz
N. Aston
P. Atkins
S. Attar
A.J. Ayer
I. Babbitt
K.M. Baker
S.J. Barnett
S.J. Barnett
D.W. Bates
D. Beales
C. Becker
S.A. Bedini
S.A. Bedini
C.B.A. Behrens
F.C. Beiser
F.C. Beiser
A. Ben-Zaken
I. Berlin
C.J. Betts
M. Biagioli
M. Biagioli
L. Bianconi
W. Blanchard
M. Blay
D. Bleichmar
P. Blom
P. Blom
C. Blum
N. Bobbio
H.E. Bödeker
N. Boyle
Heaven & Hell in Enlightenment England
The Enlightenment Tradition
The Scientific Revolution & the Foundations of Modern Science
Descartes & His Contemporaries
John Locke & America: The Defence of English Colonialism
The Enlightenment in France
Art & Religion in 18th-Century Europe
Galileo’s Finger: The Ten Great Ideas of Science
The Vital Roots of European Enlightenment
Rousseau and Romanticism
The Enlightenment & Religion: The Myths of Modernity
Idol Temples & Crafty Priests: The Origins of Enlightenment
Enlightenment Aberrations: Error & Revolution in France
Enlightenment & Reform in 18th-Century Europe
The Heavenly City of the 18th-Century Philosophers
Patrons, Artisans & Instruments of Science, 1600-1750
Science & Instruments in 17th-Century Italy
Society, Government and the Enlightenment: The Experiences of
18th-Century France and Prussia
Enlightenment, Revolution & Romanticism: The Genesis of
Modern German Political Thought, 1790-1800
The Sovereignty of Reason: The Defense of Rationality in the Early
English Enlightenment
Cross-Cultural Scientific Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean,
The Age of Enlightenment
Early Deism in France, 1564-1734
Galileo, Courtier: The Practice of Science in the Culture of Absolutism
Galileo’s Instruments of Credit: Telescopes, Images, Secrecy
Music in the 17th Century
Rousseau and The Spirit of Revolt: A Psychological Study
Reasoning with the Infinite: From the Closed World to the Mathematical
Science in the Spanish & Portuguese Empires, 1500-1800
Enlightening the World: Encyclopédie, the Book That Changed the Course
Of History
A Wicked Company: The Forgotten Radicalism of the European
Rousseau & the Republic of Virtue: The Language of Politics in
the French Revolution
Thomas Hobbes & the Natural Law Tradition
Discourses of Tolerance & Intolerance in the European Enlightenment
Goethe: The Poet & the Age
A. Braham
F.N. Brailsford
J. Brewer
J.C. Briggs
C. Brinton
J. Broad
L.W.B. Brockliss
T. Brooks
J.Z. Buchwald
J. Brown
J. Brown
D. Bryant
E. Buch
J. Buchan
M.J. Buckley
D.G. Burnett
W. E. Burns
F. Burwick
J.B. Bury
H. Butterfield
C. Camic
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P. Camporesi
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D. Carey
M.C. Carhart
E. Carlebach
M. Carlson
E. Cassirer
E. Cassirer
T. Castle
J. Censer
R. Chartier
R. Chartier
R. Chartier
H. Chisick
G.E. Christianson
G.E. Christianson
The Architecture of the French Enlightenment
Rethinking Leviathan: The 18th-Century State in Britain & Germany
Francis Bacon & the Rhetoric of Nature
Ideas and Men
Women Philosophers of the 17th Century
Calvet’s Web: Enlightenment & the Republic of Letters in 18 th-Century
Locke & Law
Newton & the Origin of Civilization
Kings & Connoisseurs: Collecting Art in 17th-Century Europe
The Sale of the Century: Artistic Relations between Spain & Great Britain,
Music in the 17th Century
Beethoven’s Ninth: A Political History
Crowded with Genius: The Scottish Enlightenment
At the Origins of Modern Atheism
Descartes & the Hyperbolic Quest: Lens Making Machines & Their
Significance in the 17th Century
The Scientific Revolution: An Encyclopedia
Marquis de Sade & the Scientia & Techne of Eroticism
The Idea of Progress
The Origins of Modern Science
Experience & Enlightenment: Socialization for Cultural Change in
18th-Century Scotland
Wonder & Science: Imagining Worlds in Early Modern Europe
Exotic Brew: The Art of Living in the Age of Enlightenment
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Culture in France, 1670-1794
Locke, Shaftesbury, & Hutcheson: Contesting Diversity in the
Enlightenment & Beyond
The Science of Culture in Enlightenment Germany
Places of Time: Jewish Calendar & Culture in Early Modern Europe
Voltaire & the Theatre of the 18th Century
The Philosophy of the Enlightenment
The Question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Female Thermometer: 18th-Century Culture & the Invention
of the Uncanny
The French Press in the Age of Enlightenment
The Culture of Print: Power & the Uses of Print in Early Modern Europe
The Cultural Uses of Print in Early Modern France
The Order of Books: Readers, Authors & Libraries in Europe
Between the 14th & 18th Centuries
The Limits of Reform in the Enlightenment
In the Presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and His Times
Isaac Newton
G.E. Christianson
G.E. Christianson
W. Clark
D.M. Clarke
S. Clucas
A. Cobban
A. Cobban
S. Cocco
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H.F. Cohen
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J.R. Cole
J.R. Collins
C.B. Cone
Connor, J.A.
M. Cranston
M. Cranston
M. Cranston
M. Cranston
M. Cranston
M. Craske
L.G. Crocker
L.G. Crocker
L.G. Crocker
L.G. Crocker
P. Cryle
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D. Dakin
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R. Darnton
R. Darnton
G. Dart
L. Daston
H. Dawson
P. Dear
On Tycho’s Island: Tycho Brahe & His Assistants, 1570-1601
This Wild Abyss: The Story of the Men Who Made Astronomy
The Sciences in Enlightened Europe
Descartes: A Biography
Magic, Memory & Natural Philosophy in the 16th & 17th Centuries
In Search of Humanity
Rousseau and the Modern State
Watching Vesuvius: A History of Science & Culture in Early Modern
The Newtonian Revolution
The Scientific Revolution: A Historiographical Inquiry
The Olympian Dreams & Youthful Rebellion of Rene Descartes
Pascal: The Man & His Two Loves
The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes
Burke and the Nature of Politics, 2 vols.
Kepler’s Witch: An Astronomer’s Discovery of Cosmic Order Amid
Religious War, Political Intrigue, & the Heresy Trial of His
Jean-Jacques: The Early Life & Work of J-J Rousseau, 1712-54
Philosophers & Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the Enlightenment
The Noble Savage: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1754-62
John Locke: A Biography
The Solitary Self: Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Exile & Adversity
Art in Europe, 1700-1830
The Embattled Philosopher, Denis Diderot
An Age of Crisis
Nature and Culture: Ethical Thought in the French Enlightenment
Rousseau's Social Contract
Libertine Enlightenment: Sex, Liberty & License in the 18 th Century
Crowded with Genius: The Scottish Enlightenment
The Medical Enlightenment of the 18th Century
The Anatomy of Blackness: Science & Slavery in an Age of
A Hotbed of Genius: The Scottish Enlightenment, 1730-90
Turgot and the Ancien Regime in France
Preliminary Discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot
David Hume & the Problem of Reason
Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France
The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the
"Encyclopedie", 1775-1800
The Literary Underground of the Old Regime
Rousseau, Robespierre & English Romanticism
Classical Probability in the Enlightenment
Locke, Language & Early Modern Philosophy
Revolutionizing the Sciences: European Knowledge & Its Ambitions,
A.G. Debus
H. De Ley
D. Des Chene
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B.J.T. Dobbs
B.J.T. Dobbs
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M. Fitzpatrick
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D. Foxon
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The Movement of Thought: An Essay on Intellect in 17 th-Century France
Spirits & Clocks: Machine & Organism in Descartes
Thomas Hobbes & Political Theory
Culture & Identity in Early Modern Europe (1500-1800)
The Foundation of Newton's Alchemy
The Janus Faces of Genius: The Role of Alchemy in Newton's Thought
Newton & the Culture of Newtonianism
Whores of Babylon: Catholicism, Gender, & 17th-Century Print Culture
The Clockwork Universe: Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, & the Birth
of the Modern World
Antoine Lavoisier: Science, Administration & Revolution
The Wild Girl, Natural Man & the Monster: Dangerous Experiments in the
Age of Enlightenment
Galileo at Work
The Political Thought of John Locke
The Enlightenment & the Intellectual Foundations of Modern Culture
The Enlightenment: A Genealogy
The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe
Rousseau's Political Philosophy
Birth of the Leviathan: Building States & Regimes in Medieval &
Early Modern Europe
Newton: The Making of Genius
The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing, 1450-1800
The Newtonian Moment: Isaac Newton & the Making of Modern Culture
Galileo & the Church: Political Inquisition or Critical Dialogue?
Tycho & Kepler
Measure of the Earth: The Enlightenment Expedition That Reshaped Our
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Possessing Nature: Museums, Collecting & Scientific Culture in
Early Modern Italy
Retrying Galileo, 1633-1992
Galileo Galilei
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment World
Shamanism & the 18th Century
The Fabric of Life: Microscopy in the 17th Century
Inventing Human Science: 18th-Century Domains
The Origins of Physiocracy: Economic Revolution & Social Order
Pope & the Early 18th-Century Book Trade
John Locke & The Theory of Sovereignty
The Eye of the Lynx: Galileo, His Friends, & the Beginnings of
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Books Without Borders in Enlightenment Europe: French
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R, French
R. French
P. Fubini
P.N. Furbank
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Virginia Galilei
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J. Gascoigne
J. Gascoigne
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S. Gaulkroger
S. Gaukroger
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P. Gay
P. Gay
P. Gay
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D. Goodman
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O.P. Grell
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Medicine before Science: The Business of Medicine from the Middle
Ages to the Enlightenment
William Harvey’s Natural Philosophy
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Evening in the Palace of Reason: Bach Meets Frederick the Great in the
Age Of Enlightenment
Letters to Father: Suor Maria Celeste to Galileo, 1623-33
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Toleration in Enlightenment Europe
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A.R. Hall
A.R. Hall
A.R. Hall
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P. Hazard
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R.A. Houston
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European Thought in the 18th Century
The European Mind, 1690-1715
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M. Hulliung
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M. Hunter
M. Hunter
M. Hunter
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J.I. Israel
J.I. Israel
J.I. Israel
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M.C. Jacob
M.C. Jacob
M.C. Jacob
M.C. Jacob
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F.A. Kafker
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Archives of the Scientific Revolution
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Boyle: Between God & Science
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The Enlightenment: A Sourcebook & Reader
The Enlightenment
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Enlightenment Contested: Philosophy, Modernity, & the
Emancipation of Man, 1670-1752
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A. Kors
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J.E. McClellan III
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F. Manuel
F. Manuel
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Reappraissals of the Scientific Revolution
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European Political Thought, 1450-1700
The Enlightenment
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Sir Isaac Newton
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J. Marshall
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J. Morley
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S. Nadler
S. Nadler
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P.A. Rahe
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E, Reeves
E. Reeves
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Scientific Revolution
God & Government in an “Age of Reason”
The Beautiful Soul: Aesthetic Morality in the 18th Century
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Science in Western Culture, Vol. 2, From the Early Modern
Age through the Early Romantic Era, 1640-1820
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Science in Europe, 1500-1800: A Secondary Sources Reader
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Translating the Enlightenment: Scottish Civic Discourse in
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Volta: Science & culture in the Age of Enlightenment
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The Enlightenment
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Science, Religion & Society, 1500-1700
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Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Friend of Virtue
Galileo in Context
Galileo’s Glasswork: The Telescope & the Mirror
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Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment
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E. Rosen
E. Rosen
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G.S. Rousseau
G.S. Rousseau
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Bayle the Skeptic
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Copernicus & the Scientific Revolution
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Exoticism in the Enlightenment
Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment
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Progress in the Age of Reason
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the Scientific Revolution
Nature’s Body: Gender in the Making of Modern Science
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from 1733 to 1804 (vol. II)
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Reasoned Freedom: John Locke & Enlightenment
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Galileo: Decisive Innovator
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J.N. Shklar
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Q. Skinner
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P. Smith
P. Smith
P. Smith
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D. Sorkin
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L. Stephens
L. Stephens
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R. Tuck
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R.S. Westfall
R.S. Westfall
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A.K. Wheelock
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P. Zagorin
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Francis Bacon: History, Politics & Science, 1516-1626
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Philosophy, Religion & Science in the 17th and 18th Centuries
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Francis Bacon
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