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Pre-AP World History Foundational Note card List
Ancient History
1. Sargon the Great
2. Menes (Egypt)
3. Abraham (Old
4. Zoroaster
5. Hammurabi
6. Akhenaton
7. King David
Early river valley
civilizations- locate, date, &
8. Mesopotamia
9. Nile
10. Yellow River
11. Indus River
Major World Religions –
locate, briefly describe, list
Holy books, writings, &
12. Judaism
13. Hinduism
14. Buddhism
15. Roman Catholicism
16. Eastern Orthodox
17. Protestant Christianity
18. Islam
19. Confucianism
20. Sikhism
Religious/Spiritual leaders
21. Confucius
22. Jesus of Nazareth
23. Siddhartha Gautama
24. Muhammad
25. Hussein (Shia Islam)
26. Martin Luther
27. John Calvin
28. Pope Gregory I
29. Pope Urban II
30. Pope John Paul II
Greece & Rome
31. Homer
32. Aristotle
33. Plato
34. Socrates
To be completed on 3x5 lined note cards
35. Hippocrates
36. Alexander the Great
37. Philip II (Sparta)
38. Thucydides
39. Xerxes
40. Themistocles
41. Leonidas
42. Hannibal
43. Cleopatra
44. Julius Caesar
45. Augustus (Octavian)
46. Spartacus
47. Constantine
48. Romulus Augustulus
European Rulers
49. Justinian
50. Charles Martel
51. Charlemagne
52. King John (England)
53. Philip II (Spain)
54. William the Conqueror
55. William & Mary
56. Henry VIII
57. Oliver Cromwell
58. Isabella & Ferdinand
59. Nicholas II (Russia)
60. Thomas Hobbes
61. John Locke
62. Voltaire
63. Charles de Montesquieu
64. Jean Jacques Rousseau
65. Thomas Aquinas
66. William Blackstone
67. William Wilberforce
68. Adam Smith
69. John Maynard Keynes
70. Karl Marx
71. Napoleon Bonaparte
72. Maximilien Robespierre
73. Mohandas Gandhi
74. Oscar Romero
75. Natan Sharansky
76. Simon Bolivar
77. Vladimir Lenin
78. Cesar Chavez
79. Shaka Zulu
80. Jomo Kenyatta
81. Nelson Mandela
82. Martin Luther King Jr.
Women in World History
83. Boudicca
84. Joan of Arc
85. Elizabeth I
86. Queen Victoria
87. Eleanor Roosevelt
88. Mother Teresa
89. Indira Gandhi
90. Margaret Thatcher
91. Golda Meir
92. Christa McAuliffe
93. Archimedes
94. Copernicus
95. Eratosthenes
96. Pythagoras
97. Galileo
98. Machiavelli
99. Johann Gutenberg
100. Michelangelo
101. Leonardo daVinci
102. Isaac Newton
103. Robert Boyle
104. Marie Curie
105. Thomas Edison
106. Albert Einstein
107. Louis Pasteur
108. James Watt
109. Alexander Graham Bell
110. Nikola Tesla
111. Karl Benz
112. Henry Bessemer
Asian/Africa History
113. Qin Shi Huang
114. Emperor Wu of Han
115. Emperor Qianlong
116. Ashoka
117. Samudra Gupta
118. Chandragupta Maurya
119. Attila the Hun
120. Genghis Khan
121. Kublai Khan
122. Mehmed II
Mesoamerican civilizations
– locate, date, & describe
133. Olmec
134. Maya
135. Aztec
136. Inca
US Presidents – Date and
Famous Events for each
164. Thomas Jefferson
165. Abraham Lincoln
166. Woodrow Wilson
167. Franklin D. Roosevelt
168. Harry S. Truman
169. Dwight D. Eisenhower
170. John F. Kennedy
171. Lyndon B. Johnson
172. Richard M. Nixon
173. Jimmy Carter
174. Ronald Reagan
175. George H.W. Bush
176. William Clinton
177. George W. Bush
178. Barack Obama
137. Marco Polo
138. Zheng He
139. Christopher Columbus
140. Sir Francis Drake
141. Ferdinand Magellan
142. Francisco Pizarro
143. Hernando Cortes
144. Bartolomeu Dias
145. Neil Armstrong
Mass Murder/Genocide
179. Cambodia
180. China
181. Latin America
182. Soviet Union
183. Armenia
184. Holocaust
185. Balkan Peninsula
186. Rwanda
187. Darfur
20th Century Important
146. Archduke Franz
147. Benito Mussolini
148. Adolf Hitler
149. Hideki Tojo
150. Joseph Stalin
151. Winston Churchill
152. Nikita Khrushchev
153. Joseph McCarthy
154. Fidel Castro
155. Mikhail Gorbachev
156. Lech Walesa
157. Slobodan Milosevic
158. Ayatollah Khomeini
159. Saddam Hussein
160. Osama bin Laden
161. Yasser Arafat
162. Muammar Gaddafi
163. "Tank man" (Chinese)
TEKS Terms
188. Imperialism
189. Colonialism
190. Militarism
191. Globalization
192. Nationalism
193. Socialism
194. Totalitarianism
195. Fascism
196. Manorialism
197. Feudalism
198. Magna Carta
199. Democracy
200. Theocracy
201. Republic
202. Holocaust
203. Genocide
204. Absolute Monarchy
205. Oligarchy
206. Limited monarchy
123. Muhammad Ali (Egypt)
124. Ataturk
125. Cecil Rhodes
126. King Leopold II
127. Fukazawa Yukichi
128. Chiang Kai-shek
129. Tokugawa leyasu
130. Ho Chi Minh
131. Mao Zedong
132. Pol Pot
207. Command Economy
208. Free Market Economy
209. Separation of Powers
210. Checks & Balances
211. Popular Sovereignty
212. Unalienable Rights
Terms for definition
213. Bias
214. Archaeology
215. Anthropology
216. Historian
217. Geographer
218. Primary Source
219. Secondary Source
220. Oppression
221. Ethnic Cleansing
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