Download 10 Day Internet Marketing Fast Start

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10 Day Internet Marketing
Fast Start Training
Course Structure
1. Setting The Standard
2. Where To Start
3. Discovering Profitable Niches
4. Super Niches and Ethical Bribes
5. Capture Pages Confirmation & Thank You Pages
6. Autoresponder and List SetUp
7. Finding Good Affiliate Products To Promote
8. Driving Traffic To Your Capture Page
9. Pros And Cons Of Affiliate Marketing
10. The Next Step; An Important Message
Day 1
Setting The Standard
Treat this like a BUSINESS not a hobby!
Don’t underestimate or take this business model lightly!
Maximize this opportunity before you!
Your business is standing in front of a MASSIVE Trend!
Consumers will spend $327 BILLION online in 2016!
You only need to tap into a tiny fraction of this!
The biggest market place in the world!
How much would it cost to rent out a shop in the busiest high
streets? You are open for business for the entire WORLD, at
not even a fraction of the cost!
You are open for Business 24 Hours a day 7 days a
week 365 days a year!
Your business is open to the WORLD, Around the clock, every day
of the year! How much would it cost to run an offline business
like this and get this type of MASSIVE LEVERAGE
Basic Ground Rules
Getting organised and prepared...
Basic Housekeeping
• Save and organise work into accurately labelled folders and file names.
Keep your Desktop clean and folders well maintained.
• Keep a safe record of all of your logins and passwords (e.g. onto a
• Regularly back up your work onto a hard-drive and portable USB.
For extra security save onto a Google Drive or other online file hosting
• Maintain all of your study notes in a ring binded folder with separators
and plastic wallets or a well maintained note book you can refer back to.
Take good notes and be a good student.
Basic Ground Rules (continued)
Don’t go the “free-route”
• You should invest in the correct tools, software and
training for your business
• You should be doing BOTH
“Free” traffic and Paid traffic methods
Long term strategy with
results that will come later.
Grow your business faster, get
‘instant’ measurable, scalable results.
Free Traffic = Free Money
Work your marketing out a science
Paid Traffic = Fortune
We Are Stronger TOGETHER!
Become a friend to the Industry!
• Network with people, make connections, attend events and
seminars. Support each other! Form masterminds, teams and
accountability partners!
• Be an ETHICAL marketer!
What’s the difference between a sales person and a con artist?
The sales person truly believes in the product or service they are
promoting. Come from a place of “what can I GIVE to the
marketplace?” Not “What can I GET?”
• Be transparent and contribute to the reputation of the industry
/niche. Ensure you represent the niche as best you can. Be
ethical and value based
Be A Good Student Of The Game!
Your greatest R.O.I. will be your EDUCATION
• Your marketing and sales knowledge will be your best
asset. It will serve you regardless of the conditions.
Develop your marketing thermostat!
• Be the best marketer you can be. The top 3% make
the most money. Aim to break into that 3% by –
• REGARDLESS of your level. Your learning must be
CONTINUOUS. Never stop learning.
Why is the Internet Such A Great
Money = Value X Leverage
4 Caps To Wear!
At any given time we have 1 of 4 caps to wear!
Business Owner Cap
Marketers’ Cap
Student Cap
• You WILL lose money
• You WILL face challenges and struggles
• You WILL have to make some time and social
sacrifices and lock yourself in a room for a while
• You WILL feel lonely and frustrated at the beginning.
Make as many mistakes as fast as you can!
Big Boy / Big Girl Cap
Put your business owner cap on and ask
yourself with long term vision “Is it worth
How are you going to reduce the time,
financial, social & emotional sacrifice gaps?
(1)Personal Development
• Read Daily
Minimum 30 minutes Personal Development reading EVERY DAY
• Audio daily – listen to audio in your down time, during light tasks
and when travelling
• Attend events, seminars and workshops regularly
• Watch personal development videos online
Reading List...
Get started by purchasing and
reading the following books
1. 7 Secrets to Wealth And Happiness (Jim Rohn)
2. Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
3. The Laptop Millionaire (Mark Anastasi)
4. Creating A Bug Free Mind (Andy Shaw)
5. Using A Bug Free Mind (Andy Shaw)
6. Secrets of The Millionaire Mind (T Harv Eker)
7. As A Man Thinketh (James Allen)
8. The Science Of Getting Rich (Wallace D. Wattles
9. The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey)
10.The Richest Man in Babylon (George S. Clason)
11. Unleashing The Giant Within (Tony Robbins)
12. How To Win Friends And Influence People (Dale Carnegie)
(2)Model The Best
Success leaves clues!
Don’t copy, but observe and model what the various
leaders are doing, whilst adding your own unique
approach! Study what they are doing (STUDENT CAP)
Create a SWIPE FOLDER (continually add to it)
- Capture pages
- Sales pages and videos
- Social profiles
- Blogs and Websites
- Subscribe to their lists with a SWIPE email account
(3)Find a Mentor(s) And Follow
a Proven Success Formula
Piggy back on the successes, mistakes, lessons and
experience of those who have gone before you and getting
the results you want (same as you are doing now)
Personal Coaching
Workshops and seminars
Books, videos and audios
Training courses
Membership programs
Communities and masterminds
Studying, listening to and modelling those who have the results
that you want
You are either a producer or consumer
You will need to dedicate some time as a consumer when you
are wearing your STUDY CAP (more so at the beginning)
BUT (BIG but!)
REGARDLESS you must spend more time being a
PRODUCER than a consumer.
Take ACTION as you learn and make as many mistakes as
you can!. Mistakes are your friend. Change the way you
view mistakes. Mistakes are PROOF that you are making
If you are not making mistakes then you are not
progressing. You can only make mistakes by taking action
What to do now?
(1) Print off these slides and re-read them at least twice
(2) Re-rewrite these slides as notes and put them into your Internet
Marketing ring binder or book (purchase these if necessary)
(3) Begin cleaning your desktop and creating folders and spreadsheets
for logins etc
(4) Purchase a USB stick and a Hard Drive to back up your work
(5) Purchase at least 3 of the books on the reading list
(6) Download the audible (and kindle) app on your i-phone or smart
phone or purchase some audio books on CD to listen to in your car
(7) Create a swipe email address and a swipe folder that you will use to
study other successful people in your niche
Where to start?
There are many different ways to make money online, and many
different business models and vehicles that people use to create a
full time income online...
Just by simple research and attending seminars you will see how
much OPPORTUNIY there is to harness the Internet to make
a great place to start
Why Affiliate Marketing?
No website or needed to begin
Most of the selling is done FOR you!
No experience required in what you are promoting
Low Cost! Advertising online is significantly more
cheaper than promoting offline
Marketing to pre-qualified, warm leads already
interested in the niche you are promoting through
Open for business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365
days a year to the entire world!
But the MAIN reason being it enables you to
focus solely on MARKETING and concentrating
on becoming a better MARKETER
• This will become your greatest asset. Your sales and marketing
knowledge will become your insurance! Regardless of what happens in
the marketplace or what you are involved with, you will become
• Invest as much money, time, effort and energy as possible into your
sales and marketing education and becoming the best marketer you can
• Get good at MARKETING and SALES FIRST . Get consistent results.
THEN once your business is running you can focus on developing your
own products and services (unless you have your own already)
• Set your marketing thermostat as high as you can. Understand the
process and different ways of marketing online. Affiliate marketing
enables you to do this!
Different Types Of Free/Paid Traffic
FREE Traffic
PAID Traffic
Search Engine PPC
Social Syndication
Solo Ads
Social Media Marketing
(Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google
Plus, Linked In etc)
Media Buying
Viral Marketing
CPV (Cost Per View) Traffic
Mobile Marketing
Forum Marketing
Facebook PPC
Video Marketing
Traffic Agencies
3 Steps To Affiliate Marketing...
Find a Profitable Niche
Find High Converting,
Relevant Products to promote
Drive Traffic To Those Products
Driving Traffic
The BEST form of traffic we can create for our business,
is by developing a LIST of pre-qualified, warm leads,
prospects and buyers already interested in what we have
to offer. Already interested in the niche we are
promoting through
Instant source of pre-qualified, warm traffic who trust you and are
already interested in the subject your are promoting interested in
what your have to offer. Promoting to THOUSANDS of these
people simply by sending an email! Traffic on tap! For FREE!!
You continually grow and nourish this traffic source by giving
massive VALUE and take it with you wherever you go!
How To Build A List?
Market/sell to your list
(Market /sell to
your LIST)
Once we understand and begin to
this process...
We then move onto focusing on...
• EPC (Earnings Per Click)
• EPO (Earnings Per Opt In)
• Lifetime Customer Value (LCV)
• Sales Percentages (%)
• Split Testing
• Improving and refining traffic generation techniques
3 Things To FOCUS On!
Finding a Profitable Niche
Find a Profitable Niche that people are already
spending money in! No need to re-invent the wheel!
We just need to position ourselves correctly
Build a LIST of people already interested in the
niche we are promoting
Market and promote related products to
the people in our LIST
A “Market” is a huge collection of people online
all interested in a common theme
There are only THREE markets...
Your Niche will be in 1 of these 3 MARKETS.
We need to know what specific area of a market we are going into
Discovering Profitable Niches...
Market Samurai
Google Keyword Planner
Local magazine stalls/ shops/aisles
Every Magazine = Profitable Niche
Super Niches
3 Steps to making money online:
(1) Find a profitable niche
(2) Build a list in that niche
(3) Market related products to our niche
Build our list by giving away a FREE Gift / Offer in
exchange for their email address / contact information
(“Ethical Bribe”)
Free eBook
Free training course
Free video series
Coupons / Vouchers
We need to narrow our niche down even
further. Instead of creating a generic eBook
about our niche, we must make our gift more
This is known as our “SUPER NICHE”
Internet Marketing = NICHE
How to rank on the Search Engines = SUPER NICHE
How can we find a Super Niche?
• Use magazine headlines, sub headlines and
articles for Inspiration to create our own
eBook / mini course
• PLR (Private Label Rights eBooks)
• Use Google Keyword planner to see how many
people are searching for your SuperNiche
(Over 3,000 Global Monthly searches)
1. Opt In Page
2. Confirmation Page
3. Confirmation Email
4. Thank You Page
5. Email Series
3 Options
Normal Affiliate Marketing
Network Marketing/
Team/ Community Building
A Unique Special Category
Normal Affiliate Marketing
• Usually Low Commissions
• List Dilution
• Bigger, Sustainable Income Money Made Buy
Product Developers
•Real, bigger sustainable incomes made by
product developer
Network Marketing
• Companies don’t have the correct strategies
teaching you what to do
• End up alienating the people close to you
• Hard to make a lot of money using Network
Marketing unless you know what you are
• Massive amount of charisma skill and
knowledge required.
2 Options
For BIGGER Money...
GURU Business Model
• 18 Hours Per Day 7 Days Per Week
Business Model.
•Making, developing and testing products
every day of the week for several hours per
High Ticket Sales
• Can make $2-3,000 selling a $5,000 product bust
must be aggressive with your selling and marketing
• Can make $5,000 one month, then fail or get burned
out and go back to ZERO the next month
Network Marketing
Dont have list, network or
downline yet. Can take
another 5-10 years to learn
Guru Skills
Can take up to
10 years to learn
Stopping regular people from making a good
sustainable income online
Affiliate Marketing
List keeps getting diluted and burned
out and people don’t know why
There is a unique special
3 category...
That Fills This BIG GAP
Combines the best of all these
options into one place...
100 Millionaires Per Year
Leverage Through Teams
Permanent connections coded through all
people you bring through
High Ticket Levels
High ticket business. Can make up to
$5,000 for 1 single sale
It’s a GURU Business Model
With ONE Exception...
You DON’T have to be a GURU
to make money in the same
way that GURUS make it
3rd Unique, Special Category
Most POWERFUL Business Model
Normal Affiliate
Network Marketing
Business Model
Low Commissions
100% Commissions
List Dilution & Burnout
Customers NEVER gets sent
elsewhere, always coded
back to you
Best Income Made By
Product Developers
You Own FULL resell rights
and keep ALL of the money
High ticket affiliate incomes
can be inconsistent
Revolutionary sophisticated
up line model and can make
up to $5,000 per customer
Often outdated, incorrect or poor
training given (if any at all)
Most comprehensive
effective and contemporary,
continually updated training
Need too many people to make
good consistent income
You can make up to $5,000
per single low end customer.
From direct sales alone!
A lot of skill, knowledge, charisma
No experience required,
Upon choosing to take advantage of this
business model...
As a member of my list and being in the right
You have a special invitation...
Become a member of a strong TEAM
committed to your success!
Daily Live “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)
Daily Live Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday
Weekly Team Hangouts
Regular team masterminds
Regular team events
Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
Facebook Group Mastermind…
Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
Marketing Systems & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting And Selling For
• Lifetime support and continually updated proven to work strategies
• Full, continued, hands on support by a whole community of industry
leaders and online marketers
• Much more! Many UNADVERTISED Bonuses!
How much would all of these benefits
this be worth to you?
A reward for taking action
and making a smart decision...
Personal mentoring and coaching from myself
“I will work with you personally, one to one,
to guide you every step of the way for you to
reach your online goals”
After choosing this business model you will
be enrolled as an official member of our
team and have EXCLUSIVE access to all of
these benefits and bonuses for FREE!
What Do I Do Now?
• Watch the next video that reveals this 3rd
business model
• Follow the Instructions
• Meet me on the ‘Inside!’
Driving Traffic To
Your Capture Page
2. Capture Page
3. Confirmation Page
4. Confirmation Email
5. Thank You Page
6. Email Series
Free Traffic Vs Paid Traffic
FREE Traffic
PAID Traffic
Less Targeted
Highly Targeted
Hard to measure
Measurable and scalable
Time consuming
Runs on autopilot
Long term and wholesome
Personal / Social
Short term and instant
FREE Traffic
PAID Traffic
Search Engine PPC
Social Syndication
Solo Ads
Social Media Marketing
(Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google
Plus, Linked In etc)
Media Buying
Viral Marketing
CPV (Cost Per View) Traffic
Mobile Marketing Agencies
Forum Marketing
Facebook PPC
Video Marketing
Traffic Agencies
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
The process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web
page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")
search results.
Social Media Syndication
Simultaneously syndicating content across multiple social
media sites to gain more exposure and SEO backlinks
Social Media Networking/ Marketing
Gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites
(e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest etc)
Viral Marketing
Marketing technique that induces Web sites or users to
pass on a marketing message to other sites or users,
creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's
visibility and effect.
Continually updating content to a living, breathing website.
Enriching the lives of readers and followers through sharing
valuable and informative content and promotions.
Video Marketing
Using short videos on websites/blogs or distributed via
social media or video sites such as YouTube, to promote
products and services
Search Engine / Facebook / YouTube PPC)
Pay per click (PPC) (also called cost per click) is used to
direct traffic to websites, in which advertisers pay the
publisher when the ad is clicked. The amount spent to get
an advertisement clicked on.
Solo Ads
A special mailing to another persons or ezine’s list that
promotes a single product or service.
Media Buying
Purchasing advertising space on website and using
banners to promote your own offers
Traffic Agencies
Purchase targeted traffic from agencies who then drive
targeted traffic to your offer for you.
CPV Traffic (CPV)
Traffic you are getting to your site by paying for a ‘pop up’
or a ‘pop under’ to display your capture page over
another person’s website.
Mobile Marketing Agencies
Purchase targeted mobile traffic agencies who then drive
targeted mobile traffic to your offer for you
Using ad retargeting to market to consumers based on
their online behaviour.
Retargeting marketing works by placing
a retargeting cookie in the consumer's browser as they
visit your site (or capture page) and then following them
across the Internet with related offers or repeatedly
remarketing the same offer to them again and again.
Now you know...
• Anatomy of a web business and the process of making money online
• How to discover TONNES of highly profitable niches
• How to find Super Niches to offer visitors in exchange for their contact
• How to create lead capture pages, confirmation pages and thank you
pages and how to link them all together in correct sequence
• The basics of an autoresponder and how to set up your list
• How to create a web form and link it to your capture page
• How to create broadcast emails, automated email sequence and
confirmation email in your autoresponder
• A variety of different ways to discover good affiliate products in your
profitable niche
• Difference between Free and Paid Traffic
• Multiple different ways to generate both FREE and PAID Traffic to your
capture page to build your list with.
Your job now...
Lead CAPTURE Mastery
Traffic Mastery
Conversion Mastery
We then move onto focusing on...
• EPC (Earnings Per Click)
• EPO (Earnings Per Opt In)
• Lifetime Customer Value (LCV)
• Sales Percentages (%)
• Split Testing
• Improving and refining traffic generation techniques
3 Things To FOCUS On!
What do I do now?
• Re read these slides and compile your notes together. Go
back over all of your notes, re-cap and refresh your memory by
going back and watching videos again on ‘grey areas’ .
•Get prepared for Days 9 and 10
I am going to take you by the hand , lead and show you stepby-step what you can do next. This process will eventually
cover things such as capturing leads, email marketing and
traffic generation.
Continue watching the subsequent videos and emails and
follow the instructions and stick with the process.