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Tien Shiah, SSD Product Marketing Manager, Samsung Device Solutions
TITLE: Can your M&E Local Storage Keep Pace with the Network?
Older data storage technologies aren’t keeping pace with critical advances in networking and
device interface performance. It might surprise you that network storage can outperform local
direct attach storage. How fast is the storage on the other side of the network? Will the cloud
displace local M&E storage for performance-critical applications?
Tien Shiah is a Product Marketing Manager for solid state drives at Samsung Semiconductor, Inc.
In this capacity, he serves as an SSD evangelist, product consultant and market expert, focused
on the accelerating migration to SSDs in the client and enterprise marketplaces. He brings more
than 15 years of product marketing experience from the semiconductor and storage industries,
including three years at Emulex, where he championed the use of CNA (converged network
adapter) technology for network convergence within the data center. He has an MBA from McGill
University (Montreal, Canada) and an Electrical Engineering degree from the University of British
© 2013 Entertainment Storage Alliance
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