Download Beginners Guide To Making Money Online As An Affiliate Marketer

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Beginners Guide To Making Money
Online As An Affiliate Marketer
Learn Affiliate @ Internet Marketing Tips,
Training, Lessons, Making Your Online Work
At Home Dreams A Reality!
Copyright: 2011 By:
16 Free Internet Marketing Training
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Feel Free To Use This Ebook As A Learning Tool,
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As A Free Gift To Build Your E-Mail List By Giving It
Away. P.S. Just Leave Links Intact And Feel Free
To Use It Anyway You Wish.
Table Of Contents: Posts @ Brief Intro. Full
Articles Below
1. Learn How To Make Money On The Internet For Dummies What Works?There is so
much information floating around out there, if your a beginner to making money on the
internet it can baffle your mind, or down right confuse the hell out of you. You want
answers on what works?
2. Affiliate Marketing And Clickbank For Dummies ( Take Dummy Comments All In Good
Fun I Know Your Smart) Your probably strolling along the Internet looking for a
legitimate way to earn some extra money from home. You have also probably heard
about the affiliate marketing business model, and how it could make you a few …...
3. Seo Tutorial For Beginners @ Newbies I am gonna run all you beginners out there
through a brief tutorial on seo so at least you will have some idea of what search
engine optimization is all about so you can get your new websites, or blogs to rank
highly in the major search engines like […]
4. SEO Need Help? A Must Read SEO Steps For Newbies! Get To The Top Pages Of
Google Proven SEO Strategies Instant Traffic Shortcuts – Get Free Traffic Forever!
Easily generate free traffic to any website. New Unreleased step-by-step video training
shows everything you need to know to get traffic FAST. Check out the salespage for
results of students getting Google 1st Page Rankings […]
5. Basic Search Engine Optimization Training For Beginners And Newbie Affiliates. So
you just started your first website, or blog and know you want to know how to drive
targeted search engine traffic to your new piece of Internet real estate. After all with no
free targeted traffic to your website how are you supposed to [...]
6. Earn Money Online – Passive Income – How To Make Money full time On The
Internet? After 5 years of affiliate marketing, blogging, and internet marketing. I can
safely tell you what works? And what does not work? If your trying to earn a nice
passive income online that may someday turn into a full […]
7. Increase Website Traffic ( visitors ) 50 Free Proven Strategies That Work Must Read!
Increasing your website traffic is an essential strategy that every internet marketer
must follow if they want to earn a nice income from their blogs, or websites. Hell it is a
necessity. You need traffic to make your internet business a […]
8. Learn Affiliate Internet Marketing Training For A Beginner. How To Get Started With
Your Own Profitable Online Business? First off let me be the first to congratulate you
on taking the initial steps towards a brighter, more rewarding financial future by taking
the initiative to start your own online business from home. Again, congratulations […]
9. Rapbank Affiliate Program Review. I am gonna start this blog post off right and get
straight to the point. I love the Rapbank marketplace. No beating around the bush for
me. They are officially my favorite place to find all kinds of good material to buy, and
review. And if I find the product helpful, and of value, I […]
10. Blogging For Beginners And Dummies. Blogging can be fun, and lucrative, but also
very challenging. What are the challenges facing todays bloggers? If your just starting
out picking a lucrative evergreen niche that will be around for years to come can be
your meal ticket for long term blogging success. You do not want to […]
11. Cheap Low Cost Traffic Sources If you want to earn money online as an affiliate
marketer then your gonna need some cheap low cost traffic sources. Because like it or
not traffic equals money in the increasingly competitive online World. I am sure you can
respectively agree without low cost targeted traffic your blog, or […]
12. My Newest Internet Marketing Strategies For 2011 What I Am Doing? With Googles
new algorithm changes article marketing has basically died in my book. The only article
directory I am gonna submit too in the near future is Ehow is a how to
article directory that I have used in the past sparingly. The reason I like Ehow is the
articles you submit are not [...]
Let's Get Started Shall We?
Learn How To Make Money On The Internet For
Dummies What Works?
There is so much information floating around out there, if your a beginner to making money
on the internet it can baffle your mind, or down right confuse the hell out of you. You want
answers on what works? And what the hell is just downright wasting your time? These are
scams, or time wasters as I like to call them.
Well, I have put together a list of what to do if you want to cut out all the bullshit and start
putting together a profitable money making machine that can earn you money on autopilot
even while you sleep.
Owning a blog, or website, is like having internet real estate. With a little hard work you can
own your own park place. If you decide to just leave it there and put no time @ effort into your
online real estate such as blog, or website maintenance which involves building backlinks,
and adding unique content on a semi regular basis. You also must remember the internet
marketing aspect of making money with your blog, or website, such as social networking
sites like Twitter, and Facebook.
Create a Facebook fanpage, participate in online forums related to your niche, video
marketing, comment on blogs related to your website, or blogs niche for starters. If you do not
market your blog, or website you may as well throw in the towel. Instead of parkplace you will
have the equivalent of mediterranean avenue or baltic avenue in monopoly. Not the kind of
internet real estate that you want to have to pull in the big money online. The online money
will not magically appear by the website fairy. It’s gonna take some hard work, and effort on
your part to make a good income on the internet.
Don’t Be A Dummy Follow These Proven Steps To Start Cashing In On The Internet On A
Regular Basis
1. Don’t Be A Dummy – Start a real internet business by researching a niche you have some
interest in @ at the same time can potentially earn you a nice amount of cash at the same
time. It is far easier to succeed if you have an actual interest , or a passion, in your website,
or blogs main area of focus. P.S. Do not forget to update your website often with unique
original content. The latest Google farmer update penalized 1,000′s of sites on the internet
with unoriginal copied content. Be original and write your own blog posts Google will reward
you with higher search engine rankings.
2. Don’t Be A Dummy – Start a self hosted wordpress blog. Let me sink this point into your
head or your internet business will sink faster than the Titanic. Pay for website hosting and
buy your own domain name. A dummy will invest all his or her time and energy into a blog
that is essentially owned by someone else. If you are using a free hosted blogging platform
like blogger, or you are setting yourself up for internet failure right off the bat.
Don’t come crying to me when one day your blog gets deleted because you violated one of
their ever changing terms of service. ( Which can happen for pretty much anything trust me I
am speaking from experience when I myself was just a beginner to the internet and earning
money online). Smart affiliate marketers and internet marketers in general only use free
hosted blogging platforms to mess around with or for backlinks to their main money blogs.
3. Don’t Be A Dummy – Learn as much as you can about search engine optimization. Smart
internet @ affiliate marketers know that the best kind of traffic that you can possibly have to
your website, or blog is free targeted search engine traffic. These are actual people coming
directly from the major search engines that are looking for what you have to offer. This traffic
converts into you making more money from your internet business. Keyword tip: Target
keywords that are buying keywords and try to rank highly for them to get the most money
from your website, or blogs traffic.
4. Don’t Be A Dummy – Start an email list a.s.a.p. I waited a couple years to get mine
started which was a big mistake when I finally realized half the battle of making money on the
internet is building a responsive email list from your blog, or websites traffic. The bigger and
better your email list is the more money you will earn online from your internet marketing
efforts period! Internet Marketing Tip: Once you reach about 500 email subscribers starting
doing adswaps with other internet marketers to grow your list a lot faster this will also make
you some great extra cash in the process.
5. Don’t Be A Dummy – If your trying to make money online from affiliate marketing. Which
in a nutshell is making money from recommending a product, or service to anyone on the
internet in exchange for a commission. If they buy that particular product, or service through
your affiliate link you will earn a commission and make money. But, to be successful you need
to learn all you can about affiliate marketing. Be a student of the trade. The more you learn,
the more your gonna earn period! The best Dr’s do not become the best overnight. It takes
years and years of training for them to master their chosen trade. Think the same way with
your affiliate marketing career – only the learning curve is a lot shorter. Learn while your
earning on the internet. Always brushen up on your internet marketing skills so you can put
yourself in the best position possible to make the most amount of money from your online
business as possible.
Here Are A Few Of The Top Affiliate Programs You Can Make Money With On The Internet:
1. Commission Junction –
2. Linkshare –
3. Clickbank –
4. Share-A-Sale
5. Amazon -
Congratulations, you are on your way graduating from a dummy into a full pledged internet
marketing machine. P.S Your not a dummy anymore either…… Dummy comments are all
in good fun!
Cheers To You Making More Money On The Internet, And To Your Online Success Jay.
Affiliate Marketing And Clickbank For Dummies
( Take Dummy Comments All In Good Fun I Know Your Smart)
Your probably strolling along the Internet looking for a legitimate way to earn some extra
money from home. You have also probably heard about the affiliate marketing business
model, and how it could make you a few bucks to pay off some bills? All this is true and more.
Online affiliate marketing is a multi – billion dollar yearly business. Want to get in on the
action? Let me walk you through the basics of affiliate marketing, Clickbank, and how to turn
your free time into some cold hard cash. Buckle up, sit tight, and prepare for the coolest ride
of your life.
What is affiliate marketing exactly? A form of marketing where individuals promote a
business in exchange for either a percentage of the sales they generate or a specified
amount for each lead generated.
In Dummy Terms Translation: Promote an affiliate product. Customer buys that product
through your affiliate link, or banner. You earn a commission. You can also get paid just for
directing traffic to a vendors website if you choose this option this is called cost per lead. Its
your life the choice is yours! You can generate affiliate sales in any number of ways.
Through Classified Ads You Place. Think Craigslist, and Backpage these are 2 great places
for dummies to start. If you have not read the bum marketing method by Travis Sago Google
it fast. The bum marketing method is free and its a great place for dummies to start learning
the basics of affiliate marketing.
Through Your Blog, Or Website: Once you get past the initial dummy phase of affiliate
marketing you are definitely gonna want to start your own affiliate marketing blog, or website.
It is not mandatory but highly recommended. This way you can control your content and your
affiliate income will increase with proper ground work on your part.
I recommend a self hosted WordPress blog for various reasons for affiliates if you are
planning on making this your one and only money site. If your a dummy you use free hosted
platforms like Blogger for your money site. Why wouldn’t you? Only a dummy would let
Google control there blog, all there hard work, and can delete your blog for any reason they
seem fit. A smart affiliate wouldn’t do that would they? I think not!
( Authors Note ) Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme it is a proven business
model that is gonna take some work on your part. If your lazy and think that money grows on
tree’s go back to playing your Xbox and stop reading this blog post. Affiliate marketing is not
for you! Only the strong survive, if your lazy and weak minded you will get chewed up and spit
out in the long run. That Xbox is probably sounding better and better to you ha? Lol…
Affiliate marketing is not that hard in fact it is one of the cheapest start up businesses you can
run from home. In fact you can actually run it for free in the beginning if you choose too. Once
you get better at it and start making a few sales then you can pay for webhosting etc… very
cheap only $5 to $10 dollars a month for you dummies, and cheapskates out there.
Remember affiliate marketing is a legitimate online business treat it as such. There will be
some costs down the road if you want to make the real big money one day, be prepared.
Ok So What The Heck Is Clickbank? And How Can Clickbank Make A Dummy Like Me
Some Big Fat Affiliate Commission Checks?
Clickbank is an online affiliate marketplace where you can sign up for free to be an affiliate.
Clickbank has over 10,000 digital products for you to find something to promote and earn
some money. They have so many products even a dummy like you should be able to find
something to put your new found Internet marketing skills to the test. If you sign up for a free
Clickbank account your no dummy your a smart affiliate.
Why Should I Sign Up For A Free Clickbank Account? Its simple, Clickbank can fill your
affiliate account with some big money. But you must be motivated, willing to learn affiliate
marketing, and willing to work hard to get your share of the big Clickbank pie. Clickbank only
deals with digital products. Did I mention you can make up to 75% commissions on a ton of
products in the Clickbank marketplace?
What Are Digital Products For Dummies? What is the Internet based around? If you
guessed information, than give yourself a big fat pat on the back, you earned it your no
dummy. People are willing to pay big money for quality information that solves a problem.
Content is king online and quality information is what people want. Maybe they are looking for
some information on how to earn money online? How to get an ex girlfriend back? How to
drive more traffic to your website, or blog? Self help information, Software, Language
software or info, Green energy products, Sports. You name it Clickbank has it.
Digital products can be instantly delivered over the Internet after payment is successfully
made. This is great for your customer. No waiting on shipment by mail, they get a quick fix
instantly. After the product is ordered its delivered in literally nano seconds to your customer.
Everyones happy!
How Does This Benefit You As A Clickbank Affiliate Marketer? You get your affiliate
commission instantly and the vendor or owner of that product can pay his or her affiliates a lot
more money. In fact up to an astounding 75% commission on the successful sale of an
affiliate program. Why? After the initial program is created most of the revenue, or affiliate
income generated by successful sales is pure profit. No shipping costs, overhead etc…. With
digital products you can earn a lot more cash on each sale over physical products like
Amazon for example. This savings is then passed on to you the online affiliate marketer.
Now You Dummies know the basics of affiliate marketing and Clickbank. Your next step is to
go sign up for your free Clickbank account and start making some cash. After you do this I
promise to stop calling you a dummy! Just kidding everyone, good luck with your new found
affiliate marketing career.
As Always To Your Online Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
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Seo Tutorial For Beginners
Seo Tutorial For Beginners @ Newbies
I am gonna run all you beginners out there through a brief tutorial on seo so at least you will
have some idea of what search engine optimization is all about so you can get your new
websites, or blogs to rank highly in the major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If
no one can find your new site than how are you gonna earn a lot of cash from your new
business? You can have the best online business in the World but if no-one can find it it is
rendered virtually useless. This is where learning how to rank highly in the search engines
comes into play and this little seo tutorial for beginners will get you started in the right
Oh, and before I forget. If you want a great course on seo training for beginners click on that
big banner to the left. You will get a special 2 for 1 deal by clicking that big banner. Google
Dominatrix, and the course how to cash in off of the newest algorithm change Google Farmer.
This a great course for beginners, and even advanced internet marketers. Enough about that.
Here is a few seo tips you can use right away to rank higher in the search engines and put
more cash in your pockets.
Seo Tutorial For Beginners Tips And Steps To Take
SEO Tutorial Tip 1. Put your keywords in your domain name. Some marketers are saying
Google is putting less importance on domains with the keywords in them, but that is not what I
am seeing. Just do a quick search on Google for some keywords you want to go after that are
related to your blog, or website. For example: I just did a search for earn cash make money
online do you see who is number 1 for that keyword phrase? Here is number 1: Here is number 2:
How about the keyword learn affiliate marketing? The number 2 result is
How about the keyword phrase affiliate lessons? The number 1 listing is
How about the highly competitive keyword phrase earn money online? The number 3
listing when doing a search on Google is
Let us try one last one the keyword phrases SEO Tutorial? Results number 5 and 6 on
Googles first page are and
Are you starting to see a pattern here? Go ahead and try it yourself….. I bet you come up with
similar findings. Now do you see how important having your keywords in your domain name is
for you to build a solid seo foundation and to get free targeted traffic to your blog, or website,
from the search engines? Choose a keyword phrase with low competition, and high searches,
so your domain name can dominate Googles first page for that particular keyword phrase.
SEO Tutorial Tip 2. If you have a blog, or website make sure your site title or meta tags have
your keyword phrases that you are trying to rank for in them. Pick 3-5 keyword phrases and
use them for your sites title, and the description of your site for optimal seo performance.
SEO Tutorial Tip 3. Make sure your sites content has your keyword phrases in it. Google
loves content that is what the internet is based around so give Google what they want. Highly
optimized, great content, and they will give you what you want. higher rankings in the search
engines, and better seo for your website, or blog. Quick seo tip for beginners - Do not stuff
your keywords everywhere in your sites text use them moderately. Remember: Your site is for
people first, and the search engines second.
SEO Tutorial Tip 4: Build high quality backlinks to your blog, or website. You can comment
on forums by making a signature link with a link to your website, or blog. Every post you make
in that particular forum will be free advertising for your website, and a high quality backlink.
Join some of the major sites like,,, etc…
etc….. When you set up your free profile on these sites make sure you have a link to your
blog, or website, in your forum profile for a free, high quality backlink from the search
engines. You can comment on blogs related to your niche, this is a great seo strategy.
Comment on popular blogs with a link to your website in the url box. There is no limit on the
number of backlinks you can have pointing at your website. The sky is the limit. There is an
old saying in the internet marketing community. He, or she, with the most backlinks usually
wins the seo war. So keep building quality backlinks to your site at a steady pace, Google will
reward you for it.
These seo tips will get you headed in the right direction beginners. Good luck with your new
blog, or website. I hope you start earning some good cash from your seo efforts down the
I hope you enjoyed my quick seo tutorial for beginners. As always cheers to your
online success, and putting more cold hard cash in your pockets, and purses.
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SEO Need Help? A Must Read SEO Steps For
So you have probably just started your new Website, or blog and do not know the first thing
about getting targeted traffic through proper search engine optimization. Having a website, or
blog online is your little piece of Internet real estate that no-one can control but you. If you are
in it for the long haul and you are looking into blogging I would highly suggest a self hosted blog. The free blogging platforms like blogger can be deleted by Google and
all your hard work will be flushed down the virtual toilet. Trust me when I say this I have been
there and done that and it is definitely no fun.
Enough of the small talk let’s get down to business! Here is how to drive free targeted
traffic to Google, Yahoo, and Bing from the search engines using some simple search
engine optimization techniques!
If your website, or blog is not getting any free targeted traffic from proper search engine
optimization then how in the World are you supposed to make any money from your new
Internet business? And who wants to pay for traffic if they can help it? Not me! And I am sure
you would answer the same way.
Paying for traffic via pay per click methods is a temporary fix to running an online business.
Search engine optimization is a free strategy that can have targeted visitors to your site in
minutes with proper keyword research. At least when you are first starting out online and you
do not have hundreds if not thousands of dollars to hand over to Google? Google has enough
money why make their pockets even fatter if you do not have too? They do not want your site
to be getting a bunch of free traffic from their search engines. Why? Because they want you
to be dumb and run pay per click campaigns to make their pockets even fatter.
Google is only worth billions and billions of dollars are you? It is time the small business
owner gets a break and that is why learning proper search engine optimization techniques is
crucial if you want to make a lot of money from your online business.
But you have a little problem. You do not know anything about basic search engine
optimization so you can drive this free targeted traffic to your new website, or blog so
customers can buy your merchandise – whether it be digital (information) or actual physical
products like Amazon for example. Or you may produce your own goods, or services, that you
are selling for yourself for example.
Either way you cut it you need laser targeted seo traffic to make a considerable amount of
money online. The Internet is a numbers game. The people that are doing well online, or
online businesses for example know how to drive targeted traffic to their sites that will crash
some servers.
The Internet can be brutal especially in a competitive niche like the affiliate marketing, make
money online, or the Internet marketing niches. just too name a few of the many competitive
niches out there in the Internet marketing World. Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business
and it will determine if a business is a success or not. If you are able to bring targeted traffic
too your website, or blog than you will make a lot of money. If you cannot than you might as
well pack it up and put in more hours at your stable 9 to 5 job. I cannot even stress enough
how crucial search engine optimization really is for a long lasting viable business.
Learning and training in at least basic search engine optimization tactics is more important
know than it has ever been. Unless your blog, or website is based around underwater basket
weaving with little to no competition. Your gonna need to know a few pointers so you can
compete in the new SEO game, and turn your personal online real estate into a money
making machine or your personal ATM machine.
Your gonna need to know how to get your blog posts, or your websites content to the top of
the major search engines (meaning page 1 for your keyword terms) for you to drive targeted
cash in hand seo visitors who are actively searching for what you have to offer.
Free traffic is the best kind of traffic and that’s what search engine optimization can bring to
the table very quickly. Cool Fact: 90% of all online searchers click on the natural organic
free listings when performing a search online. Only 10% click on the paid listings (For
beginners these are on the right hand side of the Google search engine)
Here are a few SEO tips that are aimed more towards beginners that will at least give you a
basic understanding of what’s going on with search engine optimization and how you can get
the most out of it to rise up the rankings in the search engines fast!
Learn Basic Search Engine Optimization Techniques For Beginners:
1. Research keyword phrases related to your website, or blog that potential visitors will be
looking for related to your site. I use the Google adwords keyword research tool it is free and
it is the best online in my opinion. You can use the exact phrase function it will tell you exactly
how many searches are being performed on a monthly basis for whatever keyword phrase
that you type into it. If you see articles on the top pages of whatever particular phrase you are
trying to rank for that is a good sign you can potentially beat them out with your search engine
optimization techniques. ( SEO Tip ) If you see a lot of paid ads when doing a search this is a
good sign that that keyword phrase is profitable)
2. Think highly searched keyword phrases with low competition. This may require some
research on your part but it will pay off big time when done correctly. Your goal is to find
lucrative phrases that people will type into the major search engines that will lead them to
your site. Make sure the competition is low and if you see articles ranked on the first pages
this could be a good phrase to optimize your site for.
* You do not want to go after phrases like make money online if that is your niche that will take
years for you to climb up the rankings for example. Be smart and go after phrases that you
can rank on the first pages for with little effort. Long tail keyword phrases work the best 4 or
more words.
3. Make a list of 4-5 phrases that fit this criteria and optimize your website, or blog with these
keywords. This does not mean stuffing your content with all your keywords so that your
content doesn’t even read properly. It means after you find a good list of keywords to go after
from the search engines you are gonna want to add those keywords into the text of your site,
or blog. Write posts with these keywords as titles for example and then!
* Sprinkle your keywords into your text moderately, and make sure your text is
readable for your visitors. Readers first, search engines second should be your main
4. Meta Tags – These are the tags that are at the top of your blog or website in the header
section. My meta tags are An Entrepreneurs Journey To Earn You More Money Online –
Affiliate Marketing Lessons, Product Reviews, Traffic Tips. These are the words that show up
when you are visiting a site at the very top address bar directly above it!
This is the title of my blog, and these keywords are also my meta tags. These are a few of the
keywords I am going after in the search engines. Meta tags are absolutely essential so make
sure you have them added and your keywords are in your meta tags prominently. Meta tags
alone can do wonders, but don’t expect no miracles. Especially if you are in a very
competitive niche. But they do help out a great deal so use them wisely! If your using a
hosted WordPress blog there is a section in there where you can add meta tags. These are
extremely important if your not using them your blog will not be indexed properly and you will
fall down the rankings like the slide on the old Chutes and ladders game. If your still confused
on how to add them do a search on Google how to add meta tags to my blog, or website?
This will guide you through the process.
5. If you have not started your own blog, or website yet than make sure you pick a short
domain name with the keywords that you are targeting in your domain name. This will make it
easier for people to remember your site, and it will give you a nice boost in the search
engines rankings. Having your keywords in your domain name is a great search engine
optimization tip that all beginners should take advantage of if they have not picked a domain
name for their new site yet.
6. Build relevant backlinks for proper search engine optimization. This is even more important
if your niche is extremely competitive like mine is. You want to link to sites with high page rank
if possible that are directly related to your blog, or website for proper search engine
optimization. He or she with the most quality relevant backlinks usually wins the SEO
wars.Are you prepared to go to combat for your first page rankings on Google? You should be
it can pay off big time for years to come without an adverse effect on your pocketbook. SEO is
based around free traffic it does take some time on your part but at least your money will be
where it belongs in your wallets, and purses!
I hope you enjoyed this free training tutorial on search engine optimization. There is a lot
more intangibles to search engine optimization but this training will at least get you started on
your way to getting some free traffic that will last forever.
As Always To Your Online Success Affiliates, And Cheers To Your Long Last Free
Search Engine Optimization Traffic. Jay!
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Beginners And Newbie Affiliates
So you just started your first website, or blog and know you want to know how to drive
targeted search engine traffic to your new piece of Internet real estate.
After all with no free targeted traffic to your website how are you supposed to earn any
money? And who wants to pay for traffic if they can help it? Not me! And I am sure you would
answer the same way.
Paying for traffic is a suckers game at least when you are first starting out and are limited on
funds right? You probably want to make some money with your online business before you go
handing it over to the multi – billion dollar Google pay per click empire.
But your problem is you do not know anything about basic search engine optimization so you
can drive this free targeted traffic to your new website, or blog so customers can buy your
affiliate merchandise – whether it be digital (information) or actual physical products like
Amazon for example.
Either way you need traffic to make money online there is no way around it. The more traffic
you can bring to your site the more money you will earn. Pretty cut and dry.
The Internet can be brutal especially in a competitive niche like the affiliate marketing, make
money online, weight loss, Internet marketing niche, and the beauty niche just too name a few
of the many competitive online niches out there in the Internet marketing World.
Learning and training in at least basic search engine optimization tactics is more important
know than it has ever been. Unless your blog, or website is based around underwater basket
weaving with little to no competition. Your gonna need to know a few pointers so you can
compete in the new SEO game, and turn your personal online real estate into a money
making machine.
Your gonna need to know how to get your blog posts to the top of the major search engines
for you to drive targeted cash in hand visitors. Proper search engine optimization is an
essential skill that can pay off big time for years and years to come. Free traffic is the best
kind of traffic and that’s what SEO brings to the table.
Here are a few SEO tips geared towards newbies that will at least give you a basic
understanding of what’s going on and how you can get the most out of your new website, or
Basic search engine training steps to take immediately
1. Research keyword phrases related to your website, or blog that potential visitors will be
looking for related to your site. I use the Google adwords keyword research tool it is free and
it is the best online in my opinion.
2. Think highly searched keyword phrases with low competition. This may require some
research on your part but it will pay off big time when done correctly. Your goal is to find
lucrative phrases that people will type into the major search engines that will lead them to
your site. Make sure the competition is low 500,000 listings or under should be your goal.
* You do not want to go after phrases like make money online if that is your niche that will take
years for you to climb up the rankings for example. Be smart and go after phrases that you
can rank on the first pages for with little effort.
3. Make a list of 4-5 phrases that fit this criteria and optimize your website, or blog with these
keywords. This does not mean stuffing your content with all your keywords so that your
content doesn’t even read properly.
* Sprinkle your keywords into your text moderately, and make sure your text is readable for
your visitors. Readers first, search engines second should be your main goal.
4. Meta Tags – These are the tags that are at the top of your blog or website in the header
section. My meta tags are An Entrepreneurs Journey To Earn You More Money Online –
Affiliate Marketing Lessons, Product Reviews, Traffic Tips
This is the title of my blog, and these keywords are also my meta tags. These are a few of the
keywords I am going after in the search engines. Meta tags are absolutely essential so make
sure you have them added and your keywords are in your meta tags prominently. Meta tags
alone can do wonders, but don’t expect no miracles. Especially if you are in a very
competitive niche. But they do help out a great deal so use them wisely!
5. If you have not started your own blog, or website yet than make sure you pick a short
domain name with the keywords that you are targeting in your domain name. This will make it
easier for people to remember your site, and it will give you a nice boost in the search
engines rankings. Having your keywords in your domain name is a great search engine
optimization tip that all beginners should take advantage of if they have not picked a domain
name for their new site yet.
6. Build relevant backlinks for proper SEO. This is even more important if your niche is
extremely competitive like mine is. You want to link to sites with high page rank if possible
that are directly related to your blog, or website for proper search engine optimization. He or
she with the most quality relevant backlinks usually wins the SEO wars.Are you prepared to
go to combat for your first page rankings on Google? You should be it can pay off big time for
years to come without an adverse effect on your pocketbook.
I hope you enjoyed this training tutorial on SEO. There is a lot more to SEO but this will at
least get you started. For more in depth training see my link below.
As Always To Your Online Success Affiliates, Jay!
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Earn Money Online – Generate Passive Income –
Steps Too Make Money full time On The
Earn Money Online – Passive Income – How To Make Money full time On The Internet?
After 5 years of affiliate marketing, blogging, and internet marketing. I can safely tell you what
works? And what does not work? If your trying to earn a nice passive income online that may
someday turn into a full time income online. With a little determination, ability to learn, and a
strong work ethic. You can start to generate a lot of money online that can turn into a great
passive income for years to come.
What I Know Works In Building Your Online Business, Generating Traffic, And Makes
Me Money?
1. Building an email list – This is the single most important activity you can be engaged in
( Listbuilding ) The money is in the list. Once you build up an email list of about 500 then you
can start swapping with other internet marketers. The first 500 – 1, 000 is always the hardest
after that your list will grow a lot faster. A couple cool adswap sites to build up your list faster
are and which is the new kid on the block,
but it is looking very top notch you can do everything on this site from Facebook swaps, to
Twitter swaps, to adswaps, and more.
2. Traffic equals more money online, and more ways to generate a passive income online. If
your selling residual income type products. What I mean by residual income products is if
your an affiliate marketer promoting products that pay you on a monthly basis – as long as
that customer stays a member of that particular product or service. Examples are email
memberships this is my best investment my email list and I will keep paying on a monthly
basis with no questions asked. Why? Because it generates me a nice passive income.
• Webhosting companies not all but some will pay you on a monthly basis for referring
paying members to their site.
• Most major email marketing sites will pay you if you sign up as an affiliate of theirs on a
monthly basis for referring members to their service. Examples are Aweber, and
Getresponse for starters.
• Make money online clubs - these clubs teach beginners basically how to start and run
a profitable online business. There is a lot of garbage out there so be on guard before
jumping on the first make money online program that promises you the stars and
delivers garbage.
• Any kind of paid Membership sites where the customer gets charged on a monthly
basis to be a member. You can promote these type of membership sites as an affiliate
by referring customers to the membership site of your choice and they will pay you a
commission monthly as long as that customer stays a member. The more customers
you refer, the more passive income you generate. It is really that simple.
How Do I Generate Visitors To My Blog, And Websites?
1. Video marketing – Youtube for example as well as the other various video submission
2. Twitter @ Facebook – Social marketing is gaining a lot of steam if you do not have a
Facebook fanpage why not start one about your new blog, or website? Start a Twitter account
and start following people in your blog, or websites niche. The majority of these people will
follow you back increasing your Twitter followers. Once you get a few followers start tweeting
about your newest blog posts or affiliate offers for some free targeted traffic.
3. Internet marketing forums - http://www. for example and are two of my favorite forums that I am
active in. Your first step would be too make a signature link in your control panel that links to
your website, or blog. The more active you are in the forum the more publicity, and clicks you
will get to your website, or blog. This can translate into more money in your pockets.
4. Blog Commenting - I make intelligent comments on other blogs in my niche with a link
back to my site. This accomplishes two things. Blog commenting will give you a backlink
which is good for SEO, and it will give you some nice traffic to your blog, or website. It is a
very effective free technique. For more money, and more traffic, comment on blogs that are
very popular, and have a lot of traffic.
*********** Make sure you are building an email list on your blog, or website so you can
start turning your casual visitors into paying customers at some point. Building an
email list is crucial if you want to generate a steady passive income from your internet
marketing efforts **************
5. SEO – It is crucial you learn at least basic seo skills so you can start getting free traffic from
the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Free targeted traffic from the search
engines is the best kind of traffic their is online. Think of it like this. Internet marketers spend
billions of dollars yearly for paid sponsored ads on Google. Why spend the big bucks to
advertise your website, or blog when you can get it for free from Google, Yahoo, and Bing?
This is kind of a no- brainer why you need to learn how to rank highly in the search engines.
6. Adswaps - This is a great way to build up your email list as I mentioned earlier. Adswaps
can make you a lot of money trust me. They will bring you tons of free visitors to your landing
page, website, or blog. Wherever you decide to send them to sign up for your free offer so
you can start building subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer them. This is
some of the best kind of traffic that you can get online period! Remember some of your
signups will buy from you, and you will see some money going into your affiliate accounts, or
paypal account. Adswaps are a great way to build up your email list and generate you a nice
passive income. The bigger your list the more money you will make.
These Are The Ways I Earn Money Online – How I Am Generating A Passive Income Online –
And The Steps I Take Too Make Money full time On The Internet? Feel Free Too Add Your
Comments Below? What Are You Doing To Make Money?
As Always To Your Online Success, Jay!
Increase Website Traffic ( visitors ) 50 Free
Proven Strategies That Work Must Read!
Increase Website Traffic ( visitors ) 50 Free Proven Strategies That Work Must Read!
Increasing your website traffic is an essential strategy that every internet marketer must follow
if they want to earn a nice income from their blogs, or websites. Hell it is a necessity. You
need traffic to make your internet business a success. You can’t make money without it!
Here is a list of my favorite high traffic websites enjoy!
My Favorite Internet Marketing Forums: – The biggest internet marketing forum in the World use it to your
2. - Awesome forum with good traffic levels. Run by
internet marketer Paul Lynch he is a good guy and runs a great internet marketing forum.
3. – Lisa Irby is the webmaster of this forum that focuses on all kinds of
topics from website creation, affiliate marketing, internet marketing, sitebuilder, reviews, and
much, much, more. Go check it out!
My favorite random websites to increase your website traffic.
4. Facebook – Need I say more? Did you guys see the social network? Awesome movie, and
awesome site. Internet marketing tip: Increase your website traffic ( visitors ) By building a
Facebook fanpage.
5. – Huge social networking site. Internet marketing tip: After creating your
Tagged account go to the match app and click yes on everybody. A lot of these people will
requst you to be their friend. You will add a lot of friends this way
6. - The original high powered social networking site.
7. - Started by a few high school kids now worth millions.
8. – Build up your Twitter followers and tweet about your website to increase
your website traffic.
9. Craigslist Forum – Secret way to increase your website traffic. Most people do not even
know that Craigslist has a forum. Works real well!
10. Craigslist Classifieds – Post a few classifieds now and then advertising your website, or
11. U.S.freeads – If you have a premium membership which is $9.99 month you can write
unlimited, attractive classified ads that rank well in the search engines. Definitely worth the
12. – Write articles related to your website, or blog to increase your
websites visitors. This directory is the biggest in the article marketing World.
13. – Hot on the heels of is they get a
lot of traffic also. Quick Note: Be sure to write 100% original content when submitting an
article nowadays. Due to the changes in Googles search algorithm they are deleting duplicate
content from their systems. You can read more about it in my blog post below.
14. – Another high powered article directory for you to submit some articles
15. – Another decent article directory but the top 3 above are the best
3 if your looking for popular article directories to submit your articles too.
16. – My favorite press release site to advertise your website, or blog for a nice
increase in traffic. Internet marketing tip: You can blatantly advertise your website, or blog
choose your keywords wisely they rank well in the search engines.
17. – Business directory and classified site that gets a lot of traffic from
business professionals. Definitely grab a free account here.
18. – Good site that gets a lot of traffic geared towards business
professionals, internet marketers, and affiliate marketers. I get a good amount of website
visitors from better networker by submitting articles, and participating in their online forum.
19. – Secret seo strategies some may disagree with but they do get a
lot of traffic and it is worth joining and looking around this forum. At the very least you will
learn a few new things.
20. – Awesome traffic source! You can monetize your hubs 4 different ways
to make money. Through affiliate programs, adsense, kontera, and amazon ads. You are
allowed up too 2 different affiliate links on each hub that you write but they must not lead to
the same site. Easy enough right? They rank extremely high in the search engines. I have
earned quite a bit of money online through Hubpages alone. Check them out! This is a must
have tool to increase your website, or blogs traffic levels.
21. – A good blog for you to comment on various posts for a backlink and an
increase in your websites traffic levels. Do not spam make intelligent, relevant comments and
your website will be rewarded properly.
22. – Very high trafficed blog and he updates it quite often. Same applies
here. Make relevant intelligent comments on John’s blog with a backlink to your website in
your comments and you will be rewarded with an increase in traffic.
23. – Very high traffic blog this guy has made millions online so his blog is
a great place to learn about internet marketing, affiliate marketing, and tons of other cool stuff.
Make a comment for a backlink pointing to your website, or blog for some extra website
24. – Affiliate marketing tips from super affiliate zac Johnson. This is one of
my favorite blogs his blogs design is top notch, and the information he provided to his blogs
visitors is even better. is a must visit if your gonna be serious about learning
internet marketing.
25. – You didn’t think I was gonna forget about my blog did you? My
blog is a great blog to learn all about affiliate marketing, internet marketing, product reviews,
affiliate programs, and ways to earn more money online. I update it at least 3 times a week
with fresh unique content. So stop in and comment on one of my posts for a nice increase in
traffic to your website, or blog.
26. – She has a nice blog with some good information related to
internet marketing.
27. - Kim Roach is the webmaster of this blog and she has good traffic
levels along with some great website traffic tips she also runs a traffic site called traffic
dashboard you can check it out here if your interested in some more ways to increase your
website visitors. The ‘Traffic Dashboard’ is a one-of-a-kind traffic platform that shows you
how to point-and-click your way to increased traffic.
28. - Down-To-Earth Advice For Bloggers and Internet
Marketers. Run by top internet marketer Yaro Starak another great internet marketing blog
with some useful information.
29. Blogging and making money online tips for more success. Another
good blog with some good blog posts for you to comment on for an increase in traffic to your
website, or blog.
30. - Good traffic source that teaches you how to get started with your
small business.
31. - The name says it all. A good traffic source and backlink for your blog,
or website.
32. – The internet marketing eggspert. Work at home resource for
internet marketing home based business entrepreneurs.
33. - Work at home moms – they get a lot of traffic so take advantage of it they
have a work at home forum for moms, a blog, and an online directory. Very cool website.
34. - Great traffic source a question and answer site that can bring your website,
or blog a lot of visitors. Take advantage of it!
35. - The most popular question and answer site online and it is a great
traffic source if you play by the rules. Answer questions related to your website, or blogs niche
for some targeted traffic. You can make a profile on Yahoo answers and include a bio about
your website. When you get up to level 2 after answering a cetain amount of questions. All the
links to your website become active and clickable. They can also visit your Yahoo answers
profile where you will have a backlink to your website, or blog. This is a great way to increase
your sites visitors.
36. - A cool site where you can make money by reviewing, and promoting
products, and drive buzz, and traffic to your site.
37. - made for entrepreneurs by internet marketing entrepreneurs. Some
good online business tips. They also have a forum, and a blog, so you can participate and
drive targeted traffic to your own website, or blog. Plus many more options you will have to
check it out to find out more info.
38. - breaking news and opinions on this major website. They get tons
of traffic so make a profile and start commenting on some posts and see your websites
visitors rise.
39. - Lisa Irby runs this website. She is also the forum owner of which I mentioned above. Her website gets a lot of traffic so make sure
to stop in and comment on a few of her posts on this blog. She also has very good
information on this blog that has a lot to do with website creation etc….
40. - Free website advertising. You rate other peoples blogs and websites
with this website. In return you earn credits for them to review and check out your website, or
blog. Sort of like a traffic exchange but it does produce a little better results. Worth it to check
41. Youtube - One of my favorite ways to drive targeted traffic to my blogs, and websites.
Youtube gets more traffic than Yahoo, and Bing combined. I bet you didn’t know that? So take
advantage of it and submit some videos promoting your website, or blog. Internet marketing
tip: Videos go viral, and can be shared the same way articles can. Whenever you submit a
video to youtube when you are writing your videos description in the box provided make sure
to include a link to your website first. For example my blog is about earning money online, and
internet marketing. If I am submitting a video promoting my blog in the description box. I
would leave first. Visit: make money online, great
internet marketing strategies, etc… etc… You get the point the link is then clickable when put
in this format. And if the video is shared somewhere else you still have that link to your
website, or blog. This is a great traffic strategy for targeted traffic to your website use it!
42. – Another good website this guy knows his stuff. He also runs a
membership site teaching people all about internet marketing, and affiliate marketing. This
website also gets a lot of traffic.
43. - This is one of my personal favorite traffic sources online. If you are
trying to build up your email list this is a must join. The cost of a safeswaps membership is
$15.00 a month which is chump change compared to the money I make by being a member.
Not too mention all the free website traffic that I can handle.
44. Digitalpointforums - This is a very high traffic forum for you to participate in – where you
will see a nice increase in your websites traffic through your forum signature link. You make a
forum signature link for all forums that you join online that will be a link to your website, or
blog for all you beginners reading this!
45. RSS Feeds - If your a blogger just submitting your blogs rss feed to the major rss
directories will increase your website traffic.
46. – Create a squidoo lens promoting your website, or blog. Many internet
marketers swear by Squidoo. I swear by Hubpages. But too each their own, we all have our
own opinions. But one thing we can both agree on is that Squidoo is a great traffic source.
47. - Run by super affiliate marketer Rosalind Gardner. She has made
millions online throughout her internet marketing career and she runs a blog that can point
you in that same direction. Rosalind Gardner is a very well respected marketer in the IM
community. Her blog is top notch so check it out!
48. - Everything you would do to make $5 bucks. You can set up gigs for yourself,
or buy gigs. It is also very useful for increasing your websites traffic levels. Fivver is used by a
lot of top internet marketers -myself included.
49. Social Bookmarking Sites - Make sure you submit your blog, or website to the top social
bookmarking sites., Google bookmarks, Yahoo bookmarks, Msn Bookmarks,
Stumbleupon, Delicious, Furl, Reddit, etc… etc…
50. Search Engine Optimization Most Important Of Them All - If you do not know anything
about it at least learn the basics. I offer a few recommended courses on my blog that cover SEO in great detail. This is long lasting free
traffic from the search engines which is the best kind of traffic that your website, or blog can
get. If your website is optimized well you will make a lot of money assuming you are selling
some decent products. Your website will see a major increase in targeted visitors all on
autopilot – just by taking the time to learn how to optimize your website for the search
engines. Internet marketing seo tip -Find some keywords related to whatever you are
selling, use Googles free keyword research tool, and look for keywords with low
competition, that are highly searched. Sprinkle these keywords into your website, or blogs
content. This is just a starting point there is a lot more to learn with seo so start doing your
research. But there is nothing better than free targeted buyers visiting your website because
they found your website through the search engines.
***** Cool website you guys have to check out***** it is called milking the
web they have all kinds of free cool widgets for your websites, or blogs that I love. A must see
site with some very useful widgets for all internet marketers.
Feel free to link to this blog and share this post with a friend who is struggling with
their traffic levels. Increase Website Traffic ( visitors ) 50 Free Proven Strategies That
Work Must Read!
To Your Online Success, Jay!
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Learn Affiliate Internet Marketing Training Steps
You Need To Take To Get Started
This post is gonna be a To- Do list on how you can get started with your very own internet
marketing business from scratch. Affiliate marketing for you beginners out there reading this
post is referring a vendor’s product, or service in exchange for a commission. If someone
clicks on your text link, or ad with your affiliate tracking code already embedded in it and buys
that product, or service through your link you earn a commission. Pretty cut, and dry! Oh, and
affiliate marketing is big business to say the least. Billions of dollars are exchanged each year
between online businesses and their affiliates. Want your share of this lucrative pie?
Here Is How To Get Started With Your Very Own Internet – Affiliate
Marketing Business. Follow These Steps:
• Think of what you would like to sell, or promote online? What subject interests you?
Then ask yourself is there a demand for these type of products? Is the competition
fierce for this particular niche? If your a beginner try to find a niche that has the
possibility to make you a lot of money but one that is not too competitive. Your a
beginner get your feet wet before you compete with the big dogs.
• Sign up with a few affiliate programs and find some affiliate products related to
whatever you want to start selling in, or your niche. My favorites are the Clickbank
marketplace, Rapbank, Shareasale, Payspree, and Commission Junction.
• Once you set up a free account at a few of these top affiliate programs you are gonna
want to make a tracking link, or a hoplink. This is how you are gonna get paid so make
sure you set it up correctly! With clickbank your hoplink will be your user name when
you sign up for your free affiliate account. All you have to do is input your user name
into the account nickname field after you click promote on the affiliate product that you
want to advertise. The tracking i.d field is optional but I do recommend it so you know
where your clicks are coming from in your internet marketing campaigns.
• For example: You are advertising a link on your blog that you just started and a visitor
clicks on your clickbank link that you have placed strategically on your blog. If you have
the tracking id set up as jaysblog for example you will know that particular click came
from your blog. If you are advertising on backpage for example a top classified site you
can set the tracking i.d to backpagead so you know where your clicks are coming from.
Get it? The tracking i.d’s let you know which affiliate marketing campaigns are
performing well and which one’s to ditch. Conclusion: Use the tracking i.d whenever
possible. I hope I explained it so you understand it.
Find and buy a domain name. A domain name is for
example or your internet address, or URL. You also want your domain name to include
some good keywords related to whatever you are gonna be selling. For example: If
your gonna be promoting earn money online products which I do not suggest you go
into because the competition is fierce. You may want to buy a domain name with the
keywords earn money online products in it if it is available. Check out and see if they have one that you are interested in and buy it
after you do your keyword research. Find a domain name that has a keyword phrase
related to whatever your blog, or website is trying to sell that has a lot of searches with
low competition. This will take some research on your part but you are a smart cookie
you can do it!
Start a self hosted WordPress blog, or a website where you actually pay the small
monthly fee for a company to host your site for you. I recommend Hostgator that is who
I use and I am very happy with them. If you want to build a real affiliate – internet
marketing business website hosting is a must. It is cheap about $5 – $ 10 bucks a
month and you can pretty much do what you want without fear of breaking anybody
else’s rules. These are your rules on your paid site you call your own shots as long as
you are not doing anything illegal you should be fine.
Do not build your new affiliate internet marketing business on quicksand by going the
cheap free hosting route such as They are free for a reason you do not
own them Google does and they can delete your blog for whatever reason they deem
fit. Trust me I went this route when I was a beginner and did not know any better and I
built my money site on Big mistake my blog was deleted and all my hard
work was flushed down the virtual toilet. Not a good way to start my new affiliate
marketing career at all. Lesson learned I moved on do not make the same mistakes I
made as a beginner pay for your own hosting and build a real internet business that will
last. You have been warned and like the saying goes you can drag a horse to water but
you cannot make him drink. I hope your smart enough to listen to this advice!
Only post 100% unique content on your website, or blog. Do not copy and paste
someone else’s content onto your website, or blog and claim it as your own. First off it
is not cool at all in most cases, and secondly Google will not rank your website highly
in the search engines which will kill your online business in the long run. After the last
Google update Google slammed affiliate sites that had a large amount of duplicate
content that were trying to game the search engines. This was a good thing for me,
and all the other real affiliate – internet marketing blogs out there on the internet who
work hard on our online businesses. To recap: Only post the content if you write it
yourself on your blog, or website or you will be paying the piper eventually.
Drive traffic to your affiliate offers so you can start to make some money from your
online efforts.
Learn seo so you can rank highly in the search engines for whatever you will be
promoting as an affiliate marketer. I highly recommend you check out this seo course it
will be a one time investment that will help you make money for years to come. A very
good course for beginners who are new to seo. You can check it out here!
• Free traffic techniques – article marketing, classified ads, social networking, internet
marketing forums such as the Warriorforum for example, social bookmarking, blog
commenting, blog posting, press releases, pay per click, guest blog posting, j.v’s with
other internet marketers in your niche, adswaps, email marketing, the list goes on and
on. These are free ways to drive targeted traffic to your blog, website, or affiliate offers.
• Once you start building your new affiliate internet marketing businesses traffic levels up
and you are starting to make some money online you are gonna want to start an email
list a.s.a.p. The money is in the email list so capture your casual website visitors and
turn them into paying subscribers now, or down the line. I recommend Aweber as my
email provider of choice and so do many other top internet marketers.
• Keep plugging away at your affiliate internet marketing business and realize you will
not get rich overnight. Internet marketing takes a lot of work especially in the
beginning. This is a business treat it as such and put in a little effort each and every
day. Every blog post you make, every article that you post, every forum comment that
you answer, every press release that you submit, every classified that you write, every
affiliate program that you successfully promote, and make money with gets you one
step closer to your ultimate goal. Financial freedom, and eventually an internet
business that runs itself on autopilot 24 hours a day 7 days a week and collects money
for you even while you sleep. How cool is that? See what a little hard work can do for
your pocketbooks?
• What are you looking at! Get to work and start making your online dreams a reality noone’s going to do it for you.
My Favorite Affiliate Programs Free To Sign Up.
Find some Products, Or Services, Related To
Your Blog, Or Website To Promote.
1. Commission Junction –
2. Linkshare –
3. Clickbank –
4. Share-A-Sale
5. Amazon -
6.Rapbank –
These tips should get you started on your way to a profitable online income stream. All you
have to do next is drive traffic to your new money making site. I hope you learned something
with this internet marketing training post. If you found this blog post helpful make sure you
share it with a friend.
To Your Online Success, Jay!
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Rapbank Affiliate Program Review
Click Banner To Sign Up For Your Free Rapbank Account And Get Paid Instant Affiliate
I am gonna start this blog post off right and get straight to the point. I love the Rapbank
marketplace. No beating around the bush for me. They are officially my favorite place to find
all kinds of good material to buy, and review. And if I find the product helpful, and of value, I
recommend that product to my blog readers.
Here is why I like the Rapbank marketplace so well, and why I am doing this review. First off
payments are made instantly to your Paypal business account after a sale is made. It does
not get any better than instant affiliate commissions.
Secondly: There is a ton of quality products in many different niches that you can promote as
an affiliate on your blog, or website, and make some nice extra money online doing so.
Third: This is a great reason. If your familiar with the Clickbank marketplace. They are the
biggest digital marketplace for affiliates in the World. They have tens of thousands of digital
products for you to choose from to promote to your blog, website, or email list. They are
another great affiliate program and I also recommend them highly. Clickbank always pays on
time, and they are very reliable. My biggest downfalls with the Clickbank marketplace from an
affiliates standpoint is people can buy from their own affiliate links – which I do not like at all.
Secondly, if your in the internet marketing niche everyone knows about Clickbanks 60 day
return policy so the refunds can be pretty high. And believe me internet marketers take
advantage of this generous return policy. They can even like the product they bought and just
return it because they know they can get their money back. It is a very unethical practice that
takes money out of the hard working affiliates promoting these products. Dont get me wrong I
love the Clickbank marketplace, and you can make some great money promoting their
products. But these two reasons are my biggest drawbacks about Clickbank.
Not so with Rapbank! Want to know why? Ever try buying from yourself through paypal? I can
tell you from experience you can’t! What does this mean for you? More money in your
pockets, and far less returns. I have roughly 100 – 200 sales of internet marketing products
through Rapbank. These are products that I have bought myself, if I like them I promote them
to my blog. Guess how many returns I have had with these products? Only 1. I am not kidding
that is it just 1! And that 1 was from someone who did not click on the link to get the product
he ordered.I just looked up my stats 122 sales and 1 return. Try getting these results with
any other affiliate program out there.
Conclusion: Very few returns, instant commissions for all affiliates with a Paypal business
account, and you cannot buy through your own affiliate links. Does it really get any better than
this if your an affiliate marketer? Rapbank is definitely my favorite affiliate program out there
at the moment. You guys, and Girls can sign up for free by clicking on the Rapbank banner
Quick Note: Make sure you sign up for a Paypal business account so you can get paid
instant commissions through Rapbank. A business account is free with Paypal it will not cost
you a thing. Go sign up, and let me know your results with Rapbank. I hope you enjoyed this
review of the Rapbank instant commission affiliate network.
Blogging For Beginners And Dummies
Blogging can be fun, and lucrative, but also very challenging. What are the challenges facing
todays bloggers? If your just starting out picking a lucrative evergreen niche that will be
around for years to come can be your meal ticket for long term blogging success.
You do not want to pick a niche that has a limited shelf life. You will only make some quick
cash from your efforts not build a sustainable long term Home Based Business.
So ask yourself these questions? Do you want to be a one hit wonder like Milli Vanilli? Or do
you want to set up a long term sustainable cash cow from your blogging efforts that can earn
you a nice residual income on autopilot for years, and years to come?
The answer should be a No – Brainer! Build an online business on a solid foundation, and
your blog will reward you by putting extra money in your bank account, and can also put you
on the fast track to success by one day ditching your day job. Maybe one day you can call
yourself a full time internet marketer – Blogger. I bet that brought a smile to your face! If
everything is done properly of course. And you do not build your online business on
quicksand, by hosting your money making blog on a free hosting platform like blogger.
Blogger is free for a reason people they have a lot of drawbacks which I will discuss later in
this post.
Here Are A Few Tips To Monetize Your Blog Properly. And Make More Money From Your
Blogging Efforts.
1. Pick a niche that is gonna be around for years to come like the internet marketing niche,
make money online niche, relationship niche, beauty niche, dating niche, the list goes on and
on. These are just a few examples of evergreen niches that will be around for years to come,
that are good topics to base your blog around. Ask yourself what am I interested in?
2. Pick a topic to base your blog around that you are passionate about. You will earn more
money in the long run and it will be easier for you to write about and update your blog posts
on a daily basis if possible. C’mon your no dummy pick something you love talking about.
3. Do your keyword research – I use the Google adwords keyword research tool to find
keywords that are highly searched with low competition. These are the keywords you are
targeting and even more so if your a beginner and your just learning blogging. You have to
build your blogs firepower in the serps or (search engine ranking positioning) before you can
go after highly competitive keyword phrases. And even then I would recommend longer
keyword terms to target which is a whole new post altogether.
Think about it for a second what is the use of blogging for money if no one can find your blog
posts? The Internet is a huge, huge, place. And it gets bigger and bigger by the minute. Your
goal should be to find long tail keyword phrases to target that are highly searched with low
competition. Your goal is to land on the first page of Google for your blog posts title. Traffic is
the key to online success, if you do not have any traffic, you will not make any money
blogging. Remember that last point all you beginners and dummies out there new to blogging.
( Take the dummy comments all in good fun I know your smart )
4. Monetize your blog with affiliate links related to your blogs niche, adsense ads, and build
an email list a.s.a.p if you have not done so already. I recommend Aweber they are my first
choice in autoresponders. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Diversifying your income
streams is the key to long term online success.
For You Dummies, And Beginners Who Are New To Affiliate Marketing. A Few
Recommended Affiliate Programs For You To Sign Up With.
A. Clickbank
B. Pepperjam Network
C. Linkshare
D. Rapbank
E. Amazon
F. Commission Junction
5. Again as a quick refresher for you beginners. Pick keyword phrases that are highly
searched with low competition. Get on that first page of Google, be found, and watch your
blogs traffic go up and up. Remember targeted search engine traffic is the best kind of traffic
that your blog can possibly get. These people are actively searching for what your blog has to
( Beginners ) Why Blogger Is Not Your Smartest Bet If You Plan On Making Money
Blogging For The Long Haul?
First off if you plan on being cheap and going the free route let me warn you be prepared!
Google owns your blog and they can unleash their wrath at any given moment. Are you
prepared to leave all your hours of hard work blogging in someone elses hands? And god
forbid you are making some money blogging. I have had two blogs deleted in the past so I
speak from experience. If you violate blogger terms of service in any way. Which change on a
whim by the way. Then guess what? They can delete your blog just like that bye bye! See ya
later! Who cares how much work you have put into your blog. That was the risk you took
when you put all your time and effort into something that you do not control in the first place!
My point do not build your online business on quicksand. You may be a beginner but your no
dummy right? Invest in yourself, and invest in your future. Start a self hosted WordPress blog
and do things right from the start. This way you can sleep easier at night knowing that this
can’t happen. You control your blogs content, and you control your blogs future. That is how
blogging is supposed to be done by being smart, and using your head. Promote what you
want, when you want. Now that is freedom! Feel free to add your affiliate products, links, or
banners. Google adsense ads, Kontera links. Feel free to start that mailing list so you can
build a real legitimate online business from all you blogging efforts.
Why not you earned it. You have officially graduated from a beginner dummy blogger to a
smart blogger. The choice is inevitably yours are you gonna be in the internet marketing field
for the long term? Or are you willing to roll the dice with your blog by leaving all your blogs
juicy content in a third parties hands? The choice is all yours I layed out all the facts. Now it is
up to you to make a wise one.
To Your Blogging Success, Jay!
Cheap Low Cost Traffic Sources
If you want to earn money online as an affiliate marketer then your gonna need some cheap
low cost traffic sources. Because like it or not traffic equals money in the increasingly
competitive online World.
I am sure you can respectively agree without low cost targeted traffic your blog, or website is
essentially dead in the water. No need for the lifeboats your online business is gonna sink,
and no-one can save you but yourself.
So what do you do know? You do not have tens of thousands of dollars like the big corporate
World to toss at costly pay per click methods, or other costly advertising sources. Your gonna
have to pull down the hatches and get to work driving free targeted traffic to your website, or
blog. The good news is I am gonna show you a few good traffic generating techniques to get
the ball rolling in your favor.
My Techniques For Cheap Low Cost Traffic
Cheap Low Cost Traffic Source Number 1 – If you have not already started an email list than
get one up and running A.S.A.P. Internet marketers are not kidding when they say the money
is in the list if you have not already heard this popular saying.
Cheap Low Cost Traffic Source Number 2 – Adswaps or joint venture partners. Once you
have an email list built up to about 500 subscribers I would seriously look into adding joint
venture partners to your arsenal. I recommend adswaps to build up your email list a lot faster.
An adswap is a technique where you send out a free offer for another Internet marketer to
your email list. In exchange for that marketer sending out a free offer of yours to their email
list. Your subscribers will go up a lot faster, your unique visitors will go up, and you will
increase your online earnings a lot faster.
(Tip) Make sure you have a proper thank you page for an affiliate offer in place to monetize
your adswaps to the fullest extent. You do not want to leave any money on the table.
Once you have a decent sized email list built up you can email your subscribers
whenever you update your blog posts for an instant flood of cheap traffic.
Cheap Low Cost Traffic Source Number 3: Repeat visitors – Make sure you have a well
thought out and put together blog, or website. Make your content first class. This will keep
your visitors coming back to read your quality content. Repeat visitors can very easily turn into
repeat buyers. Keep that in mind and provide quality over quantity for your visitors. This will
increase your traffic on autopilot.
( I always think of the movie Field Of Dreams and the saying If You Build It They Will
Come ) But just don’t build it build it right. You want the readers who are gonna turn into all
star buyers – not just the freebie seekers. Kevin Costner built it right and he had dead hall of
fame baseball players show up. Lol now thats what I call building something right! Think of
your online business in the same manner.
Cheap Low Cost Traffic Source Number 4 – Optimize Your Content Free SEO – The best kind
of search engine traffic is free search engine traffic that won’t cost you a dime! SEO is low
cost hell it’s so low cost it’s free. You cannot get any better than that right? Do your keyword
research and go after low competition keywords if possible in your niche. Build quality
backlinks to your website, and sprinkly your keywords throughout your text. This is basic SEO
in a nutshell.
( Of course there is a lot more to SEO but you get the basic idea to get started ) Proper SEO
can bring you free targeted traffic to your sites forever. Optimize wisely SEO is a great low
cost traffic generating method.
Here Are Some Cheap Low Cost Traffic Methods That Are Paid But Will Not Break The
U.S.freeads – Premium memberhip $10 dollars a month (You get unlimited classifieds post
as many as you want with affiliate links which is a big bonus) A featured ad will cost you about
$12 bucks for a 2 month listing. U.S.freeads is a good investment for the low cost.
Backpage – Post various ads in multiple cities in the U.S or throughout the World its your
choice. Backpage is an extremely low cost traffic method that can be extremely profitable with
the right offer. Cost varies by city but they all are pretty cheap for the most part a few bucks.
Entrecard – This is a low cost free platform for bloggers that allows you to create and place a
125 by 125 banner on other bloggers blogs. It can range from a couple of pennies a day up to
a dollar for a days advertising depending on the popularity and traffic levels of that particular
Warrior Forum WSO – Very lucrative when done correctly. Cost $40 per WSO. It used to be
$20 dollars but they recently raised the price to get rid of the spammers. Its twice the price
$40 dollars but your WSO stays up twice as long so keep that in mind. If you have an offer
related to affiliate marketing or Internet marketing this will be the place to advertise a WSO.
(Tip) I noticed the best time to post a paid WSO is between 10 and 4 pm Central standard
time. The past few days there has been 2000 people at any given times viewing and buying
the various WSO’S posted in the Waarriorforum.
If you do not have the money for a paid WSO then make a signature link in the Warriorforum
control panel after you sign up for a free account. Then your gonna want to contribute to the
forum either by answering questions, or asking questions. Either way its a great free traffic
source to learn about Internet marketing, and making money online. Use the Warriorforum to
your advantage. I spend a lot of time in this forum it’s great!
For Those Of You Who Have Not Heard Of This Online Forum: The Warriorforum is the
most popular Internet marketing forum in the World and their traffic is through the roof.
Thousands and thousands of people are in this forum at any given moment.
To Your Online Success Affiliates And Your Traffic Levels Shooting Through The Roof,
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My Newest Internet Marketing Strategies For 2011
What I Am Doing?
With Googles new algorithm changes article marketing has basically died in my book. The
only article directory I am gonna submit too in the near future is Ehow is a how to
article directory that I have used in the past sparingly. The reason I like Ehow is the articles
you submit are not too time consuming. You write a how to tutorial on a subject and you
explain how to do it in at least 4 steps minimum. If you want to make your article longer you
can, but that is up to you. They are quick, rank very highly in the search engines, and they will
also split the revenue you make from your articles from Google adsense. You can also add
affiliate links, links to your website, etc….
Ehow is the only article directory that is slightly worth my time nowadays, in terms of value for
your time. I still prefer posting all my unique content to my blog and waiting for it to get
indexed before I share my content elsewhere. I always share my blog posts Twitter,
Facebook, Myspace, Google bookmarks, Yahoo bookmarks, and I also Stumble every blog
post. I will then share it on my Warriorforum blog, as well as a few other internet marketing –
make money online related forums. My content is also picked up automatically by various
other blogging sites ( bloggers base for example ) by my rss feed which gives me a slight
boost in traffic as well.
Here are all my newest traffic strategies for 2011 – Well not new internet marketing
strategies – but these all work great for me.
1. Article marketing in my book is dead. I will only submit to in the future and I will
use them sparingly. Most of my internet – affiliate marketing startegies for 2011 will be
providing my readers with great unique content. You never know what is gonna happen with
your content with an article directory nowadays they could delete it etc… I like to have the ball
in my court and always post it on my blog first before posting it anywhere else.
2. Internet Marketing Forums - I am a regular in the Warriorforum stop in and say hi. I am
entrepreneurjay in the Warriorforum. The Warriorforum is a great site with tons of traffic where
you can learn all about internet marketing – affiliate marketing – and how to make money
online? There is a lot of bright minds in the Warriorforum. I also like to visit my other favorite
internet marketing forum this forum is run by
internet marketer Paul Lynch and it gets a lot of good traffic. Signing up for both these internet
marketing forums would be a great internet marketing strategy for you in 2011 and beyond.
3. Blog Commenting - I comment on various blogs related to my niche which is make money
online, affiliate marketing, internet marketing, blog traffic tips, etc…. A good tip for you would
be to sign up for Google alerts and let the blogs come to you. Google will send you an email
when a blog post is made for the keywords related to your blog, or websites niche. All you do
is go to these blogs and make a good, relevant comment and include a link to your website,
or blog. High traffic blogs will bring you the best results. You also get a nice backlink to boot
by blog commenting. This continues to be one of my favorite internet marketing strategies that
worked in the past, will work now, and will work in the future.
4. Submitting Tutorial Videos - Video marketing sites such as Youtube. I will submit how to
video tutorial related to internet marketing, affiliate marketing, how to make money online for
beginners? My favorite traffic strategies etc.. etc… These are all helpful videos that have
value for the person watching them. Video marketing is my new article marketing. Video
marketing is getting even bigger if that is even possible. And videos can go viral the same
way articles can. (Fun Youtube Fact ) Youtube gets more traffic than Yahoo, and Bing
combined. Millions of people are looking for videos daily. Want to make more money online?
Get you videos in front of these millions of viewers for some nice, free, targeted traffic.I am
getting more involved with video marketing these days due to its huge potential for the
reasons I stated above.
5. Press Releases - The only press release site I use in my internet marketing strategy is they are free, rank very highly in the search engines, and I have seen some pretty
good success using this website. The other press release sites out there I cannot vouch for
because I am not real big into press releases but seems to work well for me.
6. Search Engine Optimization - This is becoming even more important in my book for 2011.
When Google changed their algorithm recently a lot of spam sites fell from the top of the
search engine rankings. This was great for me because I bust my ass on this blog and only
provide unique, quality content. Google rewarded my blog by giving me an increase in traffic
from the search engines. I am optimizing my content for the search engines continuously,
adding more good backlinks to my blog, and adding even more good content for you my
readers. My readers are internet marketers, affiliate marketers, and those of you looking to
start your own internet business looking for some good free information.If your just starting
your own blog only add your own unique content – Do not copy and paste someone else’s
content. Google will hammer you for that in the search engine rankings. Seo will continue to
be a vital part of this blogs success in 2011 and beyond. Seo is targeted traffic from the
search engines. It is one of the best ways to earn a lot of money online when done right!
7. J.V Partnerships – I am always building up my email list because the money is in the list.
Ask any internet marketer who has been around the block a time or two. I use a site called
safeswaps where I team up with other affiliate marketers, and internet marketers, we both
send a message out to our lists for each other a freebie our subscribers might enjoy. My
adswap partner gets free email opt-ins to his list and I get free email opt-ins for my list. It is a
win, win, situation for both parties involved. You can make a lot of money buying solo ads,
and doing adswaps with other internet marketers. This has been and will continue to be one
of my top internet marketing strategies for 2011 and well beyond. I also build my list through
seo, and existing traffic to my blog.
8. Paid ads - I will periodically buy paid classified ads on the Warriorforum,, or
pay $40 to post a warrior special offer. I will also buy text link ads on a few blogs with high
traffic levels directing them back to my blog. Sometimes you have to spend a little money to
make money. Internet marketing is an online business if you treat your internet marketing, or
affiliate marketing ventures like a hobby you will make hobby money. ( not much lol ) If you
treat your internet business like a business, you can make big money one day. Just be
persistent, be willing to work, and learn all you can when you can! Remember the story of the
race between the rabbit and the turtle? The slow persistent turtle won that race. Keep that
mindset with your online business ventures and you will succeed and make a lot of money
9. Classified Ads- I only submit to the top classified directories online such as Craigslist,
Kijiji, Usfreeads, Backpage, as well as a few others. They work just good enough for me to
keep submitting my classifieds to these sites. Not my best internet marketing strategy but they
still do produce decent results.
10. Giving away my free ebooks - Ebooks can go viral in the same way as articles, and
submitting videos. If your ebook offers some value to the person that is reading it. He, or she
will tell a friend, give it away on their email list with a link back to your site, which will build
your email subscriber list etc… etc…. I also submit my ebooks to sites such as a
free site where you can submit your free ebooks to give away to people. This is a great way
for your ebooks to get a lot of eyeballs on them and bring your blog, or website a lot of free
traffic, and earn you a lot of money. Submitting my E-Books is a great internet marketing
strategy that worked in the past, present, and will continue to generate me traffic well into the
11. Social Networking – Twitter, Myspace, Tagged, Hi5, Orkut, Myyearbook, my Facebook
fanpage. I am getting more and more into my Facebook fanpage these days because of the
sheer amount of people on Facebook. Social networking works great I use social networking
pretty much daily in one way or the other.
There you have it. These are my top 11 traffic strategies for 2011 that I use on a daily basis.
What are your top traffic strategies for 2011? Your comments are welcome below!
To Your Online Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
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