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By James Hopson, [email protected]
For hundreds of years astrologers were able to give insight into psychological and
physiological health issues which had the potential to manifest into disease states
or imbalances. Up until the 17th century there was no separation between
astrology and health. You could not have one without the other. Hippocrates once
said, “A physician without a knowldege of astrology can not rightly call himself a
physician”. For centuries, many of humanities greatest thinkers such as Galen,
Aristotle, Culpeper and Paracelsus all explored the relationship between medicine
and astrology. As humanity evolved science and medicine became more linked
with one another. Astrology, which once was a repsected profession, became
increasinginly marginalized as scientists were not able to show a connection to
human disease using scientific method. In fact, they refused to attempt such
research. Astrology, along with other ancient wisdome, was regarded as apriori,
quackery and mere superstition. However all of that has now changed. With the
advent of the EPI-GDV camera one can acutally clearly see what the ancient
astrologers knew and can now identify scientificly as areas of imbalance. For the last 7 years I have been observing a direct correspondences between the
astrological archtypes as related to health and the images produced by the EPIGDV technology. The first time saw this I almost could not belive it to be true but
then over time I saw this to be consistantly true.
Case History 1: 60 year old male
This person has the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Taurus in the 5th House. What does
this mean? Taurus is often found to relate to the throat or thyroid. The 5th House
corresponds to the heart. He also has the Moon in Scorpio which is the ruler of
the 8th House. Both Scorpio and the 8th House relate to the intestional tract which
would include the rectum as well. If you look first at the GDV Energy Field it is
clear to see that there is some abnormal activity around both the heart and the
throat/thyroid area. In looking at the GDV Diagram the two main areas which
stand out are both the rectum and the throat/thryoid area again. These
corredpondances are connected in this case with both the psychological as well as
physical field.
The strongest correspondences are found in astrological charts if the Sun, Moon or
Ascendant are involved. Another stronger marker for correlation is if the person
has a stellium of planets in their chart. A stellium is three or more planets that are
located closely together.
Case History 2: 37 year old female.
The woman has a stellium pattern in her chart. She has four planets in Scorpio in
the 9th house including the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus. Scorpio has relates to
both the reproductive system as well as the intestinal tract. The 9th House has to do
with the liver and in this case she exhibits both of these issues. The other area that
is shown here has to do with the Throat/Thyroid. For this it takes a bit more
astrological knowledge to see. The 2nd house has to do with the throat/thyroid and
the ruler of the 2nd house which is Neptune. So one must look to aspects with
Neptune to understand how the throat/thyroid functions. In this case, Neptune
aspects the Moon directly which then indicates weakness in the thyroid which is
also true for this woman.
In the GDV Diagram below see the most stressed area on the left being the rectum
and the and the right the liver. This relates to both Scorpio and to the 9th House.
NOTE: This GDV Diagram and GDV Energy Field only shows fields with filter.
One of the things I have learned over time is that the archetypes can manifest in
either by house, sign, planet or aspect. They seem to have no limitation about how
they present themselves. However, most medical astrological texts are more
limiting in their description.
Case History 3: 61 year old female
This case is interesting. She has 3 planets in the 5th house which has to do with the
heart. It is also in the sign of Aquarius which rules circulation. Both of which are
affected in the images. It is clear to see that the GDV Diagram for this case is
excess on both the right and left as well as from the psychological (without filter)
and the physical (with filter). What shows this astrologically is the aspects
between the Sun, Moon and Pluto. Pluto itself lends to being extreme or excessive
and the Sun and the Moon have the greatest influence on our overall health. Pluto
can also indicate trauma or an area where there is constant stress.
She also has a Mars-Neptune conjunction. Mars rules the adrenal glands and/or
one’s drive in life. Neptune can be a sign of weakness, poisoning, or atrophy and
is related to spirituality. If you look closely at both the images with and without
the filter one can see that there is a clear weakness in the adrenal gland area. This
individual also leads a very spiritually oriented life. Here is a case where we can
see the aspects manifesting as the imbalance vs. the astrological houses or signs.
I have limited my overall discussion to more of the physiological aspects in
relating the astrological charts to both the GDV Diagram and the GDV Energy
Field but one could easily extend those correlations as well with the psychological
correspondences and the various archetypal patterns they represent astrologically.
For those that are skilled at understanding how to read the heavens, an astrological
chart will provide a plethora of information when compared to the EPI-GDV
images. Do all cases show correspondences? This will depend on the degree of
imbalance a person has when having an analysis. The more out of balance an
individual is the more likely you will see direct relationship between a person’s
astrological chart and the EPI-GDV images.
There is an ancient metaphysical saying, “As above, so below”. This implies that
everything happening in the heavens has a definite relationship here on Earth.
Since astrology itself is an archetypal representation of everything in the universe
then it too must have some relationship to the human body as well as to the
dynamics we experience here on Earth. Now with the assistance of the EPI-GDV
technology we can now prove what up this time has been impossible to prove: that
the planets, there aspects and position in the heavens at the time of our birth have a
direct correspondence with both our psychological and physiological well-being.
Now we can know without a shadow of doubt that what the ancients understood
regarding medical astrology was both true and valid.