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Astrological Guide for Personal Growth
June 19, 1962
2:32 PM
Los Angeles, California
Dadhichi Toth
Astrologer - Face Reader
Phone: 61 2 95851500
[email protected]
© 2015
This astrological report is designed as a guide for the New Age woman and in it I have
considered how the astral influences affect a woman in particular. A great difference exists between
the interpretation of a horoscope of a man and a woman, and that is what I am trying to make clear
This report is divided into two sections: the first one analyzes your personality with its multiple
facets (Sun and Moon positions); and the second one analyzes the twelve astrological houses.
This report is not merely descriptive. In the majority of cases, ideas are suggested that can help
your personal evolution. The subjects are approached from different points of view such as
metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional and general.
In a few places there may be certain contradictions because an astrological influence may favor
one aspect of life and harm another. Because of that, it is necessary that you read the report with a
bit of logic and, especially, that you let your intuition guide you.
Woman has greatly changed her social position over time and the realization of the New Age
depends in great measure on her. Because of that it is necessary that you know yourself, that you
know your potential and your limitations, because by working on your personal evolution you help
everyone else as well, contributing to the evolution of all life.
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Birth Astrological Data
The natal chart is a map of the sky that shows the astrological positions at the moment and place
of birth. For the benefit of students of Astrology, these positions as well as other technical
information are listed below:
2nd cusp
3rd cusp
5th cusp
6th cusp
Tropical Placidus Daylight Saving Time observed
GMT: 21:32:00
Time Zone: 8 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birthday: 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34
Opposition :
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Chapter 1:
Your essence. Your self. The Sun.
Character is destiny.
By improving your personality you create good conditions for your future.
Sun in Gemini:
Paula Abdul, you were born under the sign of Gemini and your ruling planet is Mercury, the
planet of communication. You like to speak, to communicate, to meet different people, to travel and
to be in motion.
You are very curious and your mind always requests more information. Your jovial and youthful
attitude will allow you to meet others very easily. In addition, your great capacity to adapt allows
you to mold yourself to any type of change. It is probable that you are naive in your estimations,
which will often lead you to be involved in unexpected and complicated problems or relations.
Mentally, you will be very sharp, and ideas and solutions no one else would have conceived come to
your mind.
Though you like freedom and become bored with people easily, you will be very dependent on
those people whom you admire or love. You love the company of your best friends and, especially,
the opportunity of commenting on everything that happens to you. You are also very attracted to
voyages to new and different places.
Love will start in your mind and then will descend to your heart. You will fall in love with the
people who stimulate your curiosity and intelligence. You like to admire others and, at times, your
fantasies will cloud reality, which can result in self-deception. Your emotions and humor vary
greatly, which is why you search for a strong person to hold you. If your companion is boring, slow,
or too passive, then it is possible your restless heart will search for another relationship, which you
could undertake simultaneously.
Paula Abdul, you were born to study, to write, to learn and to communicate. Your main function
in life is to receive and give information, both oral and written. You were born to connect people
with each other, to propose businesses, to invent solutions and to teach.
To evolve, you must learn to control your impatience, your anxiety and your nervousness. At
times you feel pressed and are easily influenced and not persistent enough. You have to avoid
talking too much about your projects; concentrate on your objectives and avoid gossip.
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Sun in 9th house:
You are very curious and you will be attracted to long voyages, other cultures, philosophy,
politics and religion. You feel the need to learn and that will lead you to study and to travel around
the world. Your success can come entirely in a country different from the one in which you were
born. Even if you do not settle permanently in another place, you will travel frequently and be in
contact with people overseas. This astrological position suggests the possibility of you meeting your
husband during a long voyage and then marrying overseas. It is also probable that your father or
other relatives were born in another country.
You have a great sense of justice and, if you study law, you will be a very good professional.
You could also be a successful teacher of any subject. You love abstract ideas and the study of
nature. Your religious feelings are intense and you evidence great devotion to your beliefs.
Sun Sextile Uranus:
You are a very creative, original and independent woman. Your way of thinking is very special
and illuminating to others. You have to learn to trust your intuition and your innovative capacity
because many of the ideas you conceive concern the future; they will probably be misunderstood at
first, but eventually they will be very useful.
You will be very curious and can experience many voyages throughout your life. You will
always act independently and will teach other people to respect their own freedom, just as you do.
Your professional activity can result in your influencing groups or social movements.
The relationship with your father will be unusual and from him you will learn many original and
individual concepts. Your admiration of him will allow you to develop your creativity with more
vitality. This same influence can offer you a happy marriage with a different, inventive, restless and
very intelligent man.
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Chapter 2:
The Moon. Your emotional world.
Moon in Capricorn:
You identify yourself as an authoritative, independent and very capable woman. You have a great
sense of responsibility and are efficient in your job. You can occupy important positions and reach
social fame. Your vision of life is realistic and you demonstrate much consistency when pursuing
your objectives. You have strong ambitions and you know how to assume responsibilities. You
excel because of your capacity for organization and leadership; your ideas tend to be very well
organized and structured. You are cautious about money management and you have a lot of
common sense. You know how to find solutions to every problem because you are practical.
You are not very expressive with your emotions even if they are intense or deep. You are
insecure and you feel that if you open yourself too much you will become vulnerable. The image
you present can be unemotional or distant. You experience deep loneliness that you try to fill with
your activities. You can also tend towards melancholy, depression or social aloofness. You must
work on not repressing your emotions, developing more confidence in them regardless of the
recognition or approval of others. You must also avoid criticizing or judging others' actions.
The relationship with your mother could have been rigid, structured or distant. She was probably
very traditional and conservative and expected a lot from you; she did not act in a loving,
demonstrative and open manner. You learn to win love through tasks well done and that makes you
devalue your personal situation.
As a mother you will be organized, efficient and a hard worker. You will be very aware of your
children's needs and you will make sure that all their problems are solved. You can be very
demanding and rigid in your principles. Try to show them much affection in an open and clear
manner, because only that way will you receive the same from them. They will learn from you to
save, to be austere and to view life realistically.
During your previous lives you occupied positions of authority and social prestige. You became
used to receiving respect, honor and cooperation from those who accompanied you, and you felt that
you were in the public eye; this led you to be conscious of your image and to maintain a lifestyle
governed by protocol or tradition. Because of that now you feel secure about the position you should
occupy socially but not your emotional position. In this incarnation you must learn to harmonize
your sense of power with your feelings. You must worry less and be more flexible, and not try to
maintain control over every situation.
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Moon in 4th house:
Your feminine identity manifests itself completely in your home. Paula Abdul, you feel a great
love and closeness towards your family so that you will develop ties that are difficult to cut. This
love also extends to your city, your country, your traditions and everything that forms a part of your
history. You like to collect both valuable objects and those that only have a personal significance.
Throughout your life you will change your address constantly because you will be in a permanent
search for a better place. Some of those changes will be well thought out, but others will only be
whimsical. You must act rationally every time you think of moving to avoid complications or
This same influence will lead to your having as an adult, a fully realized emotional life. You will
demonstrate all your feminine power in this stage and you will be healthy.
Moon Trine Mars:
You are a dynamic, strong and very positive woman. You are very enthusiastic about the tasks
you do and you infect others with your energy. You are constructive and decisive.
Your emotions are intense and you are openly affectionate. You feel sure of being a woman and
you show it in all your actions. People will trust you and will look for your support and happiness.
In addition, you will be very healthy. If you ever have a physical problem, the possibility exists
that you will recuperate easily because of your positive attitude and the great amount of energy that
you possess. This astrological aspect also favors child conception and, especially, the moment of
Your mother has been secure and dedicated throughout her life, and from her you have learned to
occupy a dynamic role as a woman. It is probable that you are a leader in your own home and that
you solve most of the problems that appear.
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Your destiny according to the 12 astrological houses
FIRST HOUSE: Your personality. Your body. Your childhood
Libra Rising Sign (1st house cusp)
People see you as a soft, gentle and beautiful woman. You have a great talent and natural
femininity that allows you to relate easily. You are sociable, kind and enchanting. Your manners are
fine and delicate, and you dress with good taste and refinement.
You search for balance and harmony around you. You cannot stand aggressiveness or ill
treatment, so you escape from rude people and tense situations. You are romantic and dream of
finding the perfect love, which makes you easily disappointed with people. You have much talent
for seduction and conquest, and generally get others to bend to your whims. In addition, you have a
strong sense of justice and you always analyze the two sides of each situation; that causes you to be
indecisive and have strong doubts at important times. Commonly you repress your aggressiveness in
order to maintain harmony and you hold a grudge towards those who hurt you. You must learn to
forgive and forget.
The inclination towards pleasure lead you to neglect nutrition. You are probably attracted to
sweets and that may endanger your silhouette. Also, your indolence does not encourage you to
maintain constant physical activity. Your body shows balance and functions well; it is important that
you do not neglect it. Music and art are the ideal therapy for you.
Your childhood was harmonious and pleasant. It is possible that you did not have any traumatic
experiences or that they were easily overcome. You grew up in an atmosphere of plenty and were
overprotected by one of your parents. As an adult, it will be hard for you to severe the umbilical
cord and you will always be aware of your family's needs. If the overprotection was exaggerated,
then you will be immature, highly dependent and often whimsical.
Neptune in 1st house:
You were born with charm, mystery, magnetism and charisma. You are refined, likeable and
very imaginative. Your fantasy world is enormous and you will be tempted to spend the majority of
your time there. You are an eternal idealist exposed to deception and disillusionment with the people
you love because of not seeing them objectively. Your refined sensitivity will allow you to perceive
the internal motives of the people around you; in addition, your intuition is notable and it is possible
you have had paranormal experiences since childhood. During your adult life you will feel very
attracted to mystical and metaphysical subjects. Often you will seem to experience emotions that are
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not your own but from your environment, which means that you will be charged with the energy of
other people. This could alter your mood and at times harm you.
Water will be your healing element and to live near the coast or on the beach would be very
comforting to your spirit. Inspiration and imagination characterize your personality making music
and theater particularly apt for you, though all artistic manifestations seem to be suitable to your
temperament. On the negative side, the presence of this star could generate in you certain fears or
insecurities. It is to be hoped your parents did not resort to fearful images to control you during
childhood, when you were so sensitive and impressionable, but instead, fed the great sensitivity you
Neptune in Scorpio:
Your generation is characterized by their interest in occult sciences and the mysteries of life, and
the investigation of these phenomena. They have a great imagination and psychic sensitivity; they
also profess a preference for mystery or horror movies and themes that evoke deep and complex
emotions. Paula Abdul, as a part of your generation, you will be magnetic, emotional, and possess a
great regenerative capacity. It is important that you give free expression to your emotions because
they will be very intense and complex; this also includes your sexual life, which could be full of
fantasy. It is probable that you will experience a few romantic deceptions because of not being
totally realistic.
Neptune Sextile Pluto:
You possess a great creative and artistic ability. You will also fight against injustices and will
seek reforms in the legislative system. Your intuition is powerful and will lead you to study and
reveal the secrets of nature. It is probable that you are not totally understood in your ideas about
freedom or in the use of your mystical knowledge; nevertheless, your interest in the subject will not
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SECOND HOUSE: Money. Assets. Resources.
Scorpio on 2nd house cusp.
Throughout your life you will experience extremes in your economic situation. On one hand, you
may inherit goods or marry someone of means; on the other hand it is possible that you suffer
moments of crisis or limitation. In both cases, the determining factor will seem to be independent of
your will. It is recommended that you learn to save and find a point of stability.
You can gain profits by managing the goods or money of others, by doing research, by occupying
positions of authority or by entering a profession related to medicine.
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THIRD HOUSE: Your mind. Your education. Short trips.
Your brothers and sisters.
The mind is a magnet: it attracts to you exactly what you think about.
Sagittarius on 3rd house cusp.
Paula Abdul, your ideas are humanitarian and altruistic. You are interested in studying and
increasing your knowledge in all areas. Also, you have a strong sense of justice and you are
sensitive to discriminatory, unjust or painful situations.
Your mind is curious, optimistic and happy. You will investigate philosophy, questioning
everything related to life. You integrate solid ideas with abstract ones, possibly coming to important
conclusions. It is recommended that you never neglect your intellectual field and that you become
dedicated to your studies. You tend to be lazy and to jump from one subject to another. It is possible
that you have studied in a religious institution but you are an intellectual and you question most of
what you have studied.
You will possibly take many trips, some of them to foreign lands, probably visiting siblings (if
you have any) or relatives. Also, you show ease in learning languages and in communicating openly
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FOURTH HOUSE: Your home. Middle Age and Later Years.
Capricorn on 4th house cusp.
You grew up in a disciplined, organized and possibly unemotional home. One of your parents
had a lot of authority and it is possible that the relationship you maintained with that parent was not
very loving.
During your maturity you will feel secure and stable thanks to real estate or properties that you
have accumulated. Many of your material ambitions will come to pass and you will work in
outstanding and powerful positions if you continue to work.
This astrological influence will lead you to search for retirement and isolation from noise and
social life. You will prefer to live in a solitary and calm place where you can reflect and rest
It is important that throughout your life you do not leave anything unfinished, because if you do
you will experience frustrations and regrets during your senior years.
Saturn in 4th house:
You are very attached to your family and also to the past. You feel responsible and worry about
everything related to your home. In spite of feeling independent, it was hard for you to abandon your
family home (if you did). You are much happier away from your birth place. Your parents can be
too strict or conservative and constantly saddle you with many responsibilities. You need emotional
support to overcome your anxieties.
Saturn in Aquarius:
You possess great powers of concentration and your mind is scientific and democratic. You have
a great facility for inventing things, developing new ideas, interpreting abstract symbols, and
understanding mathematics. You have many ambitions and will work hard to obtain them. You are
very responsible towards people and loyal to your friends, and though you possess a strong sense of
freedom that will not stop you from working well in groups. You could also display some
selfishness and resentment towards those things that do not please you. Your intellectual attitude can
lead to detachment and lack of commitment.
Saturn Square Neptune:
You could fear assuming responsibilities and this could be manifested as a lack of ambition.
Your fantasies and idealizations of people can lead to certain deceptions that will hurt you. This
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astrological aspect can generate a fear of paternal authority and, consequently, a fear of your own
authority, so that you generally avoid any situation that demands great commitment and you evade
responsibilities for fear of failure. Your emotional life could be somewhat inhibited and, at the same
time, full of fantasies.
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FIFTH HOUSE: Love. Romance. Children.
"Love is blind when it is born, nearsighted when it grows, and it sees all when it dies."
Aquarius on 5th house cusp.
If there are no other planets that indicate more offspring, it is possible that you will have only one
or two children. Your children will be very intelligent, curious and rebellious. It will be difficult for
you to command them by force; you must use dialogue and the exchange of ideas to foment a
sincere and open friendship with them.
Your romantic life will be unusual and surprising. You associate love with whatever is different,
special and unique, which leads you to find an extraordinary man. You are not interested in formal
or classic relationships. You dislike conventional ties but that does not mean that you do not want to
have a relationship; you want to find a companion who respects your freedom and individuality.
Free love, without conditions or ties, is your ideal.
This astrological influence will make you experience fiery romances of all kinds and it seems
that you attract complicated people who are difficult to understand. To be happy, it is necessary that
you accept unconditional and unprejudiced love. Do not expect your family's approval of your
romantic choice.
The following list will help you understand how you can relate yourself to the rest of the signs. If
you happen to know the other person's rising sign, you have to combine it with his/her sign in order
to get a more complete description of that person.
You will feel a great personal identification with people of this sign and together you can develop
projects common to both. A good sign for marriage.
A relationship tied in with business, finances or financial aid is favored over a romantic one. The
union offers stability and protection but could also be out of an interest in money.
You could maintain very good communication and an interchange of ideas. A mental or light
relationship is indicated.
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A personal and intimate relationship in which deep emotions will be shared. A very good sign for
marriage because it indicates the possibility of making a home together.
A relationship of mutual love and attraction. You can enjoy and share many happy moments but
difficulties exist in maintaining the relationship over time. Ideal sign for courtship or romance, not
for marriage.
An unequal relationship in which one offers more than the other. A difficulty exists in openly
expressing feelings. A work relationship is favored over a romantic one.
Ideal sign for marriage or associations. It is also possible that one of your best friends is of this
sign. This is a sign of complements; each can have opposing personal characteristics and that
generates attraction.
Magnetic and intense attraction is indicated. Sign of passionate and uncontrolled romance based
on a strong sexual attraction. A relationship that implies a dare or a strong emotional experience.
A sign that represents a second marriage; a happier and more spontaneous relationship based
upon the exchange of ideas common to both. One could assume a protective or teaching role with
the other. Probability of an encounter in a foreign land or of long voyages together.
A sign that stands out in your destiny. The people of this sign, both friends and lovers, will exert
an important influence in your life. It is an ideal sign for marriage because it points out objectives
and ambitions common to both, but it can also indicate too much worry over social status.
Sign of friendship that represents common desires and fantasies. Open, friendly, happy and warm
relationship, though probably it will not be lasting. If other common elements exist, it may lead to a
marriage based on friendship and respect for each other's individuality.
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Karmic relationship initiated in previous lives. It is possible that you have to confront strong
difficulties to be together and that it is a clandestine or secret relationship. Also, it can indicate an
impossible or intriguing love affair. This sign is the least favorable for obtaining a happy and open
relationship; if you are involved in one, it will be difficult for you to cut yourself off or escape
because of doubts about your destiny and the lessons you have to learn.
Remember the following: everything that he does to you is what you did to him in previous lives. It
is good for you to practice the exercise of forgiveness and forget any negative emotions.
Note: if two signs are repeated, it means that the relationship is more complex. If one of the signs is
missing, its interpretation is the same as the previous one. To make things easier, this is the list of
the signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius and Pisces.
All relationships are PERFECT. Each situation you experience with another person is the perfect
and necessary one for your evolution; because of this, it is important that you do not cling to
negative emotions such as anguish, depression, fury, frustration, etc., and that you try to see at every
moment what life wants to teach you. Each person you know has a message for you and until you
listen to it, it is highly probable that it will be repeated. Some relationships have karmic ties: they
have been initiated in other lives and there may be dues to pay. It is possible that what someone
makes you suffer is what you have done to him/her in another time. That is why you must forgive
and forget. In every situation repeat to yourself : "everything is perfect"; though at the beginning
you may not understand it, later it will be crystal clear.
Jupiter in 5th house:
You tend to live your life in a big way, albeit with momentary excesses. Among the things you
like are sports, creative activities and romances, which will be many! You could be lucky in
businesses that require speculation and also in games of chance. This astrological position generally
brings many children, with whom you will be very happy. This influence also will make you
restless, careless and very sensual.
Jupiter in Pisces:
You feel naturally inclined to help others. You are very sensitive to the pain of other people, or
animals; your great compassion makes you apt to be a doctor, a nurse or a veterinarian. You are very
kind, warm and perceptive. In spite of possibly being very popular, you will continuously seek a
calm place far from noises. You will have many fantasies and find it difficult to confront the world
as it is.
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Jupiter Opposition Pluto:
You could tend to be dogmatic, fanatical or arrogant. You will have problems with authority
figures and will show little patience with others. Your great will could lead to success in whatever
you propose to do, but you could also gain enemies by your rudeness and aggressiveness. It is to be
hoped that your parents valued your great willpower and that they showed you how to use it with
tact and gentleness.
Jupiter Trine Neptune:
You are very spiritual and religious, and you like to help others selflessly. Your intuition will be
notable and you have shown from childhood a great attraction to the metaphysical world and
anything mystical. You can do very well in careers that have to do with education, social assistance,
or artistic creativity. You will possess noble and elevated feelings and will care about your spiritual
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SIXTH HOUSE: Health. Nutrition. Work. Service.
Attention: in this section you will find recommendations to improve your health, but in cases with
specific problems you must consult your doctor.
Sun in Gemini:
Gemini rules the lungs, bronchi, trachea, arms, hands, shoulders, and blood oxygenation. Paula
Abdul, you are very nervous, restless and inconsistent with diets or medical care. Your most
common maladies are colds, flu, asthma, laryngitis and nervous cough. It is possible that you cannot
stand to be in bed for too long and that you get up before you are over your cold, causing a relapse.
You must beware of climatic and seasonal changes that may provoke coughs and allergies. Most of
your maladies originate from nervous exhaustion and from irregularities in your diet. You rarely eat
at the same time and do not get the sufficient amount of rest.
To preserve good health, you must consider the following: do not succumb to a nervous
breakdown; breathe plenty of fresh air and participate in many outdoor activities; do not smoke or
stay for long in enclosed or contaminated environments; avoid red meats replacing them with soy
products; maintain a semi-vegetarian diet eating only white meat; do not isolate yourself from
people; communicate freely (always have a phone near you); respect the main meal times; perform
relaxation exercises; and, mainly, avoid relationships and situations that make you more nervous.
Saturn in Aquarius:
This astrological position can cause a lack of oxygen in the body, leg cramps because of lack of
calcium, anemia produced by a weak colon, dislocation of the ankles, spinal deviation and
compression or spinal sclerosis.
Pisces on 6th house cusp:
Your short term health problems may be caused by the presence of toxic substances in the body
(alkaloids, metals, mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum), or the lack of pantothenic acid. Your most
common problems will be: allergies, general weakness, laziness, lack of muscle tone and foot
problems. You are likely to be exposed to errors in medical diagnosis, so consult two or more
professionals in cases involving severe treatments or surgery.
To prevent these problems it is recommended that you add to your diet the following foods:
broccoli, cauliflower, lentils, soy and its derivatives, mushrooms, soy sprouts and alfalfa, avocados,
pineapples, oranges, lemons, melons, apples, and nonfat milk. Also, it is important that you use
comfortable shoes that are not too tight, and walk barefoot whenever possible.
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Your long term health problems may be caused by a lack of the vitamin B complex. Your most
common ailments are related to the intestinal system: colic, constipation, diarrhea, being
malnourished, etc.
To prevent these problems it is recommended that you add to your diet high fiber foods to help
the elimination of body waste. It is also recommended that you add legumes, whole grains, nuts and
seeds, asparagus, corn, lentils, watercress, coconut, grapes, peanuts, wheat germ, egg yolk, etc. It is
important that you drink plenty of pure mineral water.
To have in mind: many of your emotional unbalances are not produced by external situations or
experiences but by blood disorders. The lack of some nutrients or intoxication or other excesses, can
often cause changes in your system and lead to depression, anguish, fatigue or aggressiveness.
Because of that, if you want to be happy, do not neglect your body--give it the best nutrition
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SEVENTH HOUSE: Associations. Marriage.
Your companion is your reflection. Everything you find in her, in some way is in you.
Aries on 7th house cusp.
It is possible that you will marry young or that your decision to marry will be made in a
precocious or impulsive manner. You choose a dynamic, active, strong and a somewhat aggressive
man as a husband. You need by your side a dominant and secure man who is sure of himself and
who offers you protection and, at the same time, encourages you. It is possible that your married life
will not be as calm and stable as you desire, and that throughout crises will occur. Your more
common complaints will be about his selfishness, lack of gentleness, infantile or whimsical
attitudes, and his explosive temperament that leads to violent situations.
You must understand him and endure his angers without being a part of them. Otherwise, the
sum of the tensions could lead to a divorce. In time, your marital situation will become more stable,
calm and happy.
You must not make the mistake of blaming only the other person for marital problems. You must
learn to see your part in it, to control your idealism and to take a more decisive and active role in the
Mars in 7th house:
This star can bring an early marriage with an authoritative and dominant man. He will be
energetic, active, selfish and impatient. He will say things in an indelicate way which will generate
tension, strong arguments or even violence. Living together will be very difficult and, if you do not
agree with him a break-up could occur. If there are positive astrological aspects, you will be
stimulated by your companion to pursue your objectives and will depend greatly upon his opinions.
You are strong and sometimes controversial and you feel you need to prove yourself. It is
probable that you will have arguments or disagreements with associates, or legal problems.
Mars in Taurus:
You are very obstinate, practical, determined and very secure. Once you decide what road to
take, you do not change your mind. You work carefully and slowly but the results are very good.
Paula Abdul, you are very obstinate and resist if someone rushes you. You display a strong desire to
possess things and guard them jealously. You also tend to be possessive with the people you love.
You can be very able when it comes to crafts or any other manual activity. It is important that you
learn to express your anger as it occurs, because your natural tendency is to contain yourself until
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you can no longer do so. Your apparent patience could lead you to exceed your limits of tolerance,
which is not beneficial. You will use your energy to earn your own money and you will accumulate
many possessions which will mean security and comfort to you.
Mars Opposition Neptune:
You possess a strong imagination and have a lot of fantasies but you lack the ability to take them
to the practical and concrete level. It is probable that you are afraid of your own aggressiveness and
you consequently doubt your own authority. You are prone to allergies to certain foods or drugs and
must be careful with your diet. You can become fanatically stubborn about your convictions, hiding
your fears and weaknesses. It is important that you develop more self assurance and the initiative to
solidify your dreams.
Mars Square Saturn:
Your behavior can alternate between aggressiveness and apathy. You can also be selfish and that
will make your relationships with others difficult. You must learn to be flexible and express your
ideas more tactfully. In spite of having a lot of energy, you may not possess the ability to direct it in
an orderly manner towards your goals. Inhibitions could exist against expressing your discomfort
and you could be resentful for a while. It is probable that you have some disagreements with your
father and that the relationship between the two of you is tense. Both of you should learn to respect
one another and not try to dominate the other.
Mars Sextile Jupiter:
You are very enthusiastic and optimistic. You possess leadership abilities and you excel because
of your loyalty, pride, confidence and liberal spirit. You are very protective of your friends and
family, and you have a sane sense of justice. You are interested in sports, politics and travel. It is
probable that you will attain financial security in your life and will live very comfortably. You are a
true idealist owing to the great conviction you have in your own ideas.
Do not evaluate the success of a relationship by the result because it does not depend solely upon
you. Always analyze what you have done: if you have offered yourself correctly, if you have loved
sincerely, if you have set aside your selfishness, etc. What the other person does is his own
responsibility and you cannot manipulate it. In a couple, the responsibilities are always divided in
half; take care of your share. At times, one gives everything and does not receive anything; it does
not matter. Destiny will take care of it, returning all the love you may have given. Do not make the
mistake of secluding or hardening yourself or becoming emotionally detached because of suffering
caused by others. Try always to be truthful with what you feel and give yourself fearlessly because
in the Universe nothing gets lost and everything you give, you will get back.
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EIGHTH HOUSE: Dangers. Inheritances. Legacies.
Taurus on 8th house cusp.
Only if there is another planet in this house will you possibly be in some type of danger, as this
influence is pretty much benevolent by itself and implies protection from accidents or dangers in
general. It is important that you watch your diet and avoid excesses. Be cautious about swallowing
too fast.
In addition, it is possible that you will receive inherited goods, or gifts that will greatly increase
your capital and will contribute to your comfort in life. Marriage will be another source of important
Things that benefit Gemini:
COLORS: yellow and pearl gray, light green and silver. You must totally avoid dark colors.
STONES: aquamarine, topaz, multicolored agate and crystal.
METAL: mercury. In jewelry you can use any combination of gold, silver and other metals that you
like; what matters is the variety and combination.
Equal energies attract; because of this, people with the same tastes gather together. If you want to
attract positive people to your life and experience happy situations, you must take care to improve
your own energy. The only way to find a good companion, good friend, good job, etc., is by being
good yourself, radiating positive energy. Keep in mind that you will never conquer someone using
pity or threats, instead you will provoke the opposite response. If you desire someone or something,
you have to be splendid inside and out. If you feel good about yourself, you will attract the best.
Mercury in 8th house:
Your mind is penetrating and you find yourself attracted by anything occult and mysterious. You
are very intuitive, reserved and intriguing. You possess ingenuity and the ability to unveil mysteries
or secrets. In addition, you are good at managing the affairs and possessions of others, and you
could do very well in banking and in administrative or political activities. You are not very
communicative; you express yourself with few words and without saying everything you are
thinking. It is probable that you are sometimes misunderstood by others and because of this, you
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prefer to keep silent.
Mercury in Gemini:
Your mind is very active, even restless, and you are always in search of change. Your versatile
mind causes you to be interested in more than one thing at a time; it is probable that you engage in
more than one activity at once with the consequent danger of not getting anything done. Paula
Abdul, you must learn to discipline yourself and persist in what you undertake. You can excel in
your studies without much sacrifice thanks to your quick and logical mind. Probably you become
bored easily and so you are continuously searching for new things. Your manner of communication
will be fluid and without inhibitions. You have a great need to express your ideas and to learn those
of others; because of that, in addition to being very talkative, you love to inquire about everything.
You possess an ease of learning other languages and also a great sense of humor. Your acute mind
can find the funny side of any situation, or any person. You may also demonstrate a great ability to
express yourself in writing, and that can make you apt to excel in careers linked to communications,
journalism, traveling, photography, languages and sales in general.
Mercury Square Jupiter:
You possess an acute but disorderly mind; you can come to rapid conclusions without knowing
all the facts. You must learn to be more disciplined, to concentrate more on details and to be more
persistent with your projects. You are very generous and optimistic though your optimism can
sometimes distance you from reality.
Mercury Square Pluto:
You are very incisive and aggressive with your opinions. You have a tendency towards
fanaticism and often want to impose your ideas on others, sometimes in a subtle manner and
sometimes more imperatively. You will find yourself attracted by the occult and other mysteries but
it is recommended that you avoid those subjects because they can generate certain fixations or
obsessiveness. You must learn to control your impatience and impulsiveness, to think things over
before speaking, and to respect the weaknesses of others.
Mercury Trine Saturn:
Your mind is practical, logical and realistic. You are very disciplined and you direct your mental
energies with precision. Also, you are very careful when giving your opinions. Your mind tends to
the concrete and so you may have difficulty concentrating on abstract or artistic subjects; you will
prefer to use your logic, coherence and intelligence.
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NINTH HOUSE: Religion. Long trips.
Gemini on 9th house cusp.
You are very curious and your mind will lead you to investigate different philosophies, religions
or cultures. If you are not in agreement with your original religious outlook, it is probable that in
time you will change it. You may also mix part of one religion with another, creating your own
belief system. Your ideas or beliefs will not always be the same because you tend to be flexible,
changing and adaptable.
You will travel much in your life, both long and short trips. It is probable that you will study or
take short courses abroad. You could also do business or maintain communications with siblings,
relatives or other people who live abroad. Traveling will stimulate you intellectually and deepen
your philosophical vision of life.
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TENTH HOUSE: Vocation. Professional success.
Note: in order to come to a more accurate conclusion, you must combine the information below with
the characteristics of your Sun (Chapter 1) and your Moon (Chapter 2).
Last 15 degrees of Cancer on MC
Your destiny is divided in two stages: the first one will be one of limitations, much work, and
difficult beginnings, but your own objectives will be strengthened. The second stage, appearing
halfway through your life, will be one of achievements and professional success.
Paula Abdul, you have the patience and persistence necessary to conquer what you set out to do.
You will combine your ambitions with an altruistic and noble vision. The most important stars, the
Moon and the Sun, mark your destiny, which will lead you to experience contrasts in your
development: combining your ambitions with your emotional world, seeking positions of authority
without forgetting your humility, keeping a sense of justice through the innumerable changes in life,
etc. You will reach much social prestige and you will find yourself in some activity where you exert
your authority over other people. You will be very much loved by everyone and also secretly envied
by some.
Your vocational choice points toward one of the following professions or a combination of them:
contractor, educator, architect, builder, musician, artist, fashion or furniture designer, movie or
theater director, doctor, nanny, etc., or any other activity that leads to managerial positions.
It is probable that your home life was pretty solid though a bit ostentatious. Your parents cared
about displaying their achievements to others and expended a lot of energy on appearances. For you
it is very important what others say and you work hard to achieve a favorable and distinguished
social image. The people of Cancer or Leo will be strongly influential in your destiny.
Venus in 10th house:
You have many ambitions and will enjoy social success. You will throughout your life receive a
lot of help from friends and acquaintances in general. It is probable that the relationship with your
father is very affectionate and that gives you the confidence to achieve your own goals. Your
marriage will lead to an elevated social status. Paula Abdul, you have been born with a strong sense
of diplomacy and you will be successful in dealing with the public.
Venus in Leo:
You are ardent and romantic. Your emotional displays are always exaggerated and a bit dramatic.
You feel a great love for life and for people though you are selective and prefer people who stand
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out from the rest. You are endowed with a love of self and at times will show your vanity. You
prefer to demonstrate your good taste and refinement; your clothing and physical appearance will be
important to you. You love having a busy social life, and you especially love the opportunity to
show yourself off and stand out. You will experience many romances but once you fall in love, you
will be very loyal to your feelings.
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ELEVENTH HOUSE: Friendship. Group activities.
"A shared grief is divided, a joy is multiplied."
Leo on 11th house cusp.
Some of the friends you have now will be important to you throughout your life offering you
support and protection when you need it. You find it easy to communicate and make friends; it is
hard for you to be disliked by someone. You have faithful, noble, enthusiastic and very dominant
friends. It is probable that you will have problems because of their selfishness or need to show
authority. You will find that it is easier to maintain a more sincere friendship with men than with
women, but it is possible that some of your male friends will fall in love with you and then it will be
embarrassing for you to disentangle yourself. The fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) present
themselves as ideal for friendship.
In time you will participate in a club or organization that will offer you status or some type of
protection. You will meet distinguished or influential personalities socially.
Uranus in 11th house:
You are always surrounded by unusual and original friends who manifest to a great extent your
own rebellious attitude. You find it easy to make friends though many of your relationships will not
be deep or lasting. You are interested in group activities related to the improvement of life and you
like to be surrounded by people and feel admired. You act without prejudice and will speak and
relate to everyone equally. This freedom will also be manifested in other types of relations. Your
main problem will be the lack of consistency.
Uranus in Leo:
You belong to a generation that has willpower, pride and also selfishness. Your group will
display rebelliousness towards authority in all its manifestations. Your parents and teachers will find
it difficult to dominate and control the people of your generation. In addition, you have originality
and the freedom to create new forms of artistic expression; you enjoy being unconventional and
different in your appreciation of humanity. You will be very sure of your ideas and your ego will be
prominent. It is important that you learn to discipline yourself or you could become very scattered in
your purposes.
Pluto in 11th house:
Friends and relatives will play an important role in your life. You will choose as friends those
who demonstrate strength of will and self-confidence, but you must be careful not to fall under their
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control. You are interested in participating in groups that work for social reforms as well as those
that transform the world. It is important that you learn to discriminate and choose your friends
wisely, because you give yourself in a total and loyal way to them.
Pluto in Virgo:
Your generation seeks to establish the perfect order, rejecting everything ugly, disorderly, dirty
or grotesque, and developing a clear idea of what is good and what is bad. They are conservative
and, in spite of a few rebellious individuals who will express their nonconformism, order will be the
main influence during this period. Medicine, nutrition, ecology and education will also be
predominant on your list of interests. Paula Abdul, as a part of this movement, you will display an
analytical, inventive, technical and perfectionist bent. You will be interested in psychiatry, medicine
and also in business in general; in other matters, you could be puritanical or critical.
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TWELFTH HOUSE: Karma. Secret enemies. Bankruptcy.
"Impossible things only require a little more time."
Virgo on 12th house cusp.
You tend to neglect your intellect, and also your ability to solve problems. It is probable that you
tend to be inactive and that you are not used to making many sacrifices in your life. You must
exercise regularly to maintain the balance between mind and body or you could have worries or
even suffer nervous breakdowns because your mind will not stop generating thoughts.
This influence could lead to a secret illness or to your withdrawal. You could also have serious
problems with employees or co-workers.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY: To keep growing.
Wayne Dyer, Ed. Grijalbo. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF-ESTEEM, Nathaniel Branden, Ed.
Paidos. I'M OK-YOU'RE OK, Dr. Thomas A. Harris, Grijalbo. THE DANCE OF ANGER, Harriet
Goldhor Lerner, Urano.
4 IN 1, Conny Mendez. GOD SPOKE TO ME, Eileen Caddy, Errepar. THE SILVA MIND
Iniciados, Kier. MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS, Carl G. Jung, Caralt. THE HEALING OF
EMOTIONS, Chris Griscom, Light Institute.
Heindel, Kier. STAR SIGNS, Linda Goodman, Urano.
© 2015