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BRAVE NEW WORLD: OUTER PLANETS IN TRANSITION - Saturday, March 19th, 2011: 10 AM – 8:00 PM
LOCATION: First Unitarian Universalist Church: 1187 Franklin Street at Geary San Francisco, CA 94109
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION (Ends 12/31/10): AFAN, NCGR or SFAS Members: $65 Non-Members: $80
ADVANCE REGISTRATION (Ends 3/12/11): AFAN, NCGR or SFAS Members: $75 Non-Members: $90
WEEK OF EVENT REGISTRATION: AFAN, NCGR or SFAS Members: $85 Non-Members: $100
Box Lunches: $15 (Last Day to Order: 3/12/11)
Register On Line with PAYPAL:
International Astrology Day (IAD) is an annual observance/holiday celebrated by astrologers and astrology enthusiasts. It is held on the spring
equinox, the day the Sun enters Aries, which is the first sign of the Tropical Zodiac, and has long been considered the astrological new year. In
observance of IAD the Association For Astrological Networking (AFAN) co-ordinates astrological lectures and events around the world. A portion
of the proceeds from the IAD - San Francisco event will be donated to AFAN.
Ralfee Finn
Dale O’Brien
Stephanie Gailing
Checks payable to IAD-San Francisco. Mail To: NCGR, P.O. Box 4834 Mountain View, CA 94040
Member: AFAN
Box Lunch:
Choose one sandwich. Includes beverage (Assorted sodas, juice and water)
plus fresh baked cookie.
Roasted Vegetable Sandwich:
Phone: (
Dorothy Kovach
Fresh Box Lunch Selections:
Steven Forrest
Following Credit Cards are accepted: AMEX, VISA, MC, and Discover.
Assorted sliced roasted vegetable sandwich on Focaccia bread, topped with
sundried tomato pesto spread with Provolone cheese. Roasted Vegetables:
Eggplant, Zucchini, Tri Color Bell Peppers, and Portabella. Served with cole
slaw and bleu cheese.
Chicken, Roasted Peppers and Pesto Sandwich:
Roasted red peppers on sliced sour dough, topped with pesto basil spread
with Provolone cheese. Served with cole slaw and bleu cheese.
Ralphee Finn is the creator of the Aquarium Age a weekly astrology column published nation-wide. She has an MA in Cultural Astronomy and is
currently teaching "Astrology in World Religion" at Hunter College, City University of New York. Committed to compassion, knowledge, and growth,
Ralfee brings the gifts of clarity and common sense to the often-confusing waters of metaphysics and new age philosophy. Her greatest ally is humor,
and her ability to laugh at the ironies of life, gives birth to a broad, down to earth, spiritual perspective. As a writer and a teacher, Ralfee shares her
heart, offering readers inspiration and useful wisdom born from experience.
Dale O’Brien, 59, has studied astrology since 1969 and is a certified full-time astrologer and Astro*Carto*Graphy Interpreter since 1991. He holds a
Bachelor’s degree in Education and is a former Federal Government employee. Besides personal astrological and A*C*G consultations, Dale has
taught astrology to non-astrologers as well as astrology students from beginning to advanced levels. He has presented for local, regional and
international astrological conferences and has shared astrology on FM and internet radio. His articles have appeared in The Mountain Astrologer and
other publications. He is also trained in Dream Tending (Pacifica Graduate Institute). He lives in “green” Eugene, Oregon. DALE can be reached at
[email protected] or phone: 541-485-9772. Visit his Websites: and (in development).
Stephanie Gailing, MS, CN is an astrologer, wellness consultant, and natural health writer. She is the author of Planetary Apothecary: An
Astrological Approach to Health and Wellness (Crossing Press, 2009). In addition to the herbal astrology series she crafted for StarIQ, she has written
on nutrition, dietary supplements, yoga, and other wellness topics for various publications and is an ongoing consultant to the World’s Healthiest
Foods website. She holds a masters degree in Nutrition from Bastyr University and currently serves as Co-President of the Washington State
Astrological Association. Her daily writings on astrology and wellness can be found on her blog,
Steven Forrest, our KEYNOTE Speaker, has been practicing astrology professionally since 1978. He is the author of several astrological
Jeffrey Wolf Green), SKYMATES, Volumes One and Two (with Jodie Forrest), and the mystery novel, STALKING ANUBIS. In November 2008, Seven
Paws Press published his YESTERDAY’S SKY: Astrology and Reincarnation. His most recent work is THE BOOK OF THE MOON, published in Fall
2010. Steven’s work has been translated into a dozen languages. He maintains active Astrological Apprenticeship programs in California and
Australia, as well as traveling constantly around the world to teach his brand of Evolutionary Astrology. He was Chair of the Kepler College Advisory
Counsel and served as a member of the Ethics Committee for the International Society for Astrological Research. Steve lives in Borrego Springs,
California, with his wife, Jodie Forrest and three tyrannical felines.
Dorothy Kovach, is an astrologer, writer and researcher who utilizes the traditional methods of both east and west. Her specialties are horary and
finding the ‘best times’ to start projects for success. She was a contributing editor for the first traditional astrology magazine of its kind, ‘The Horary
Practitioner.’ A decade and a half ago, she began to apply ancient methods to the markets and has never looked back. She correctly called the
tech/dot-com bubble burst five years ahead, and warned her clients off the markets well before the 2008 debacle. More recently, she predicted the
demise of the then-mighty Euro to a very skeptical audience. She has been writing the economic trends for Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book since 2001.
Her predictions have been featured on . Her clients hail from six of the seven continents. She can be reached via her website: or [email protected].
SFAS Info:
SF NCGR Info: (415) 558-9614
IAD Logo Design by Margarita Camarena
BRAVE NEW WORLD: OUTER PLANETS IN TRANSITION - Saturday, March 19th, 2011: 10 AM – 8:00 PM
OPENING and Spring Equinox Celebration by Elizabeth Barton - 10:00 AM
2011 and Beyond: A New World Emerging from the Sea Dale O'Brien - 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Since 1925, a NEW WAY of looking at the signs of the Zodiac emerged, giving one unique image for each degree of the zodiac. Since that time, this
collection of images, called "The Sabian Symbols." has merged into astrology. On this very first day of Spring, March 21.2011, we will experience,
celebrate and co-create the beginning of a new spring like no other before! This is because the Sun aligns with the bringer of changes, Uranus, in the
very first degree of the very first sign of the Zodiac. The Sabian Symbol image for this degree is "A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is
embracing her." Simultaneously, Spring 2011 begins with no less than 4 "planets" in Pisces, the sign of moving water (the ocean) AND Neptune, "lord
of the oceans" ready to move into Pisces very soon in 2011. It seems that "A New World" is indeed emerging from the sea. What might this mean?
This astrologer, Dale O'Brien, has lots to say about that! Astrological meaning reflects the meaning of our lives as water reflects the lights that shine
upon it. As the old song goes, "What does the deep sea say?"
Uranus in Aries: Taking Charge of Our Well-Being Stephanie Gailing - 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
As Uranus marches through Aries for the next eight years, we are being called to martial our courage and initiate liberating changes that can further
connect us to our sense of personal empowerment. Yet with its shocking and expect-the-unexpected energy, Uranus’ journey through the primary
cardinal sign is likely to feel challenging for many. In this lecture, we will review the self-care tools—including dietary approaches, essential oils, flower
essences, and lifestyle recommendations—that we can offer our clients (and use ourselves) to help galvanize a sense of physical, mental, and
emotional well-being during this time. To add an additional layer of context, we’ll also discuss the health trends that we are likely to collectively
encounter during Uranus’ sojourn through Aries.
LUNCH - 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
When One Door Closes, another Opens: How to Flourish Financially in the New Age Dorothy Kovach - 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Like it or not, a major shift in consciousness is upon us. Simply put, when the big planets change signs, so does our luck. The old ways no longer
work. As savvy investors know, wherever Uranus goes, new millionaires follow. Knowing about the outer planets' new celestial locations can spell the
difference between getting rich or going broke. Uranus in Aries may even bring us the opportunity to rid ourselves of our addiction to oil for once and
for all. It won’t be all sweet and light, though. The natives are restless, thanks to Pluto in Capricorn. Tea-baggers are only the beginning of the
potential civil unrest that lurks in the future thanks to Neptune’s march through murky Pisces, which may only make matters worse by prolonging the
recession. Bring your chart and your questions, and find out where to make money in this astrologically Brave New World.
Uranus/Pluto: An Astrological Hero’s Journey Ralfee Finn – 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
This lecture presents the Uranus/Pluto squares of the next several years as the astrological equivalent of a Hero’s Journey. It contextualizes the cycle
through a mythic framework in order to allow a deeper understanding of its power and potential for personal as well as planetary transformation. Often
understood astrologically as the principle of sudden change, Uranus is infamously at the center of startling twists of fate. As the original Greek sky god
who joined with Gaia to create the Olympian Gods, Uranian thunderbolts of lightning still catalyze transformation by illuminating stagnant systems in
need of renewal. We have just completed a two-year cycle of Saturn/Uranus oppositions, during which time we witnessed the dissolution of structures
and systems that no longer serve. But this process is not over. We have yet to witness what will rise from the ashes: we know what’s dying; we don’t
know what’s being born. The next four years of Uranus/Pluto squares hold the key to what lies ahead. Pluto’s primal force always demands a death as
well as a rebirth, and as it joins forces with Uranus, we will hear what Joseph Campbell deems “The Call to Adventure.” As the journey unfolds, it will
be marked by a descent into the underworld, various trials and initiations, and most importantly opportunities to redefine masculine and feminine
cultural archetypes. It will also include a reemergence into the world based on a new and expanded consciousness.
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Bring on the Human Future! Steven Forrest - 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Uranus squaring Pluto, Jupiter opposing Saturn—with all the current concern about the intense planetary activity in the Cardinal signs and the spooky
(and allegedly Mayan) prophecies about the end of the world in 2012, it is easy forget that Neptune will be a major part of the mix for fourteen years
starting very soon. As the planet of dreams and visions enters the sign of its modern rulership, its impact on everyone becomes vastly more powerful.
What will Neptune’s passage through Pisces add to the current mix? In this talk, Steven Forrest explores the idea that the tensions of the current
world situation will soon propel humanity in a new and more spiritual direction. This is not some New Age fantasy about Dick Cheney meditating or
Paris Hilton getting over herself! Steven’s talk will be grounded history. He intends to prove to you that, behind all the apocalyptic fears, we actually
have solid ground for optimism about the human direction.
From North Bay: US 101 South to San Francisco, Turn right at Divisadero
Street. Turn left at Geary Blvd. Continue onto Starr King Way. Destination on
the left.
From South Bay: US 101 North to San Francisco, Continue onto Central
Fwy. Continue onto Octavia Street. Turn left on Fell Street. Take the 3rd right
onto Webster Street. Turn right on Geary Blvd. Continue onto Starr King Way.
Destination on the left.
From East Bay: I-580 E/I-80W. Continue to follow I-80 W. Take the exit onto
US-101 N toward 1B/Golden Gate Bridge. Continue onto Central Fwy.
Continue onto Octavia Street. Take the 3rd right onto Webster Street. Turn
right on Geary Blvd. Continue onto Starr King Way. Destination on the left.
AC Transit:
First Unitarian Universalist Church, 1187 Franklin Street at
Geary San Francisco, CA 94109.
Paid Public Parking: (On street free parking limit is 2 hours on Saturdays)
1. Performing Arts Garage, 360 Grove Street (between Franklin & Gough)
2. 1200 Van Ness Parking Garage
3. Cathedral Hill Hotel has a parking garage at 1101 Van Ness @ Geary