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Fate and Fortune:
An Astrological Analysis of Lottery, Gambling
and Sweepstakes Wealth
Part One
Juliana Swanson, Hawaii.
[This article was originally published in CVA
Journal, Spring/Summer 2009 edition, and is
republished here with permission.]
Juliana Swanson is a long-time student
and practitioner of astrology, yoga and the
healing arts. She is an ACVA Level II
certified Vedic astrologer as well as a
Registered Nurse (RN), Polarity Therapist
(RPP) and Rebirthing Facilitator. Juliana
lives with her family on Hawaii’s Big
Island, where she has a holistic therapy
practice and works as an astrological
consultant, researcher and tutor. Juliana is
also an instructor for the American College
of Vedic Astrology Online Program and for
the International Academy of Astrology.
She holds memberships in the Council of
Vedic Astrology (CVA), the British
Association of Vedic Astrology (BAVA),
American Federation of Astrologers (AFA)
and the American Polarity Therapy
Association. You may reach her via her
Web site at or email at [email protected].
affluence (dhana) are found in both classic
and modern Jyotish literature, from the
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) to all
the illustrious expositions that have
followed Sage Parashara’s well-known
treatise. Astrology further identifies
specific sources of financial wealth,
whether inherited, earned by any means,
or granted through an extraordinary
chance windfall. Among windfalls, those
received through lotteries, gambling and
sweepstakes are of special interest to
predictive astrology, simply because they
seem to occur under unforeseen and rather
arbitrary circumstances. However, Vedic
astrology decrees that nothing is random,
as karmas are revealed in the natal and
progressed horoscope. Thus, finding and
timing an astrological predisposition for
windfall wealth should be easy enough,
My curiosity led me to explore the
most common astrological ingredients for
dhana among a group of lottery, gambling
and sweepstakes winners. My objectives
were fairly straightforward—to sift
through the myriad wealth combinations
enumerated in astrological literature and
find those most compelling; and, to pinpoint innate factors and triggers for financial gain.
As a neophyte in the field of professional astrological research, I certainly would not
presume to conduct a serious statistical study. Still, according to Mark McDonough, founder
and former president of Lois Rodden’s AstroDatabank, ―One need not be a statistics maven
to make a significant contribution to the advancement of astrology.‖ After seeking some
valuable advice and direction from Terri McCartney, former Research Coordinator for
AstroDatabank, I was ready to begin!
I based my study on a dual approach using both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Most of astrological research involves qualitative analysis, a methodology that consists of
studying charts and looking for patterns and symbolic correspondences. Qualitative analysis
is chiefly delineative and exegetic in nature, and includes systematic observation, case study
analysis and standard literature review. When we examine a group of horoscopes sharing a
similar trait such as windfall profits to determine common astrological themes, we are in
effect doing qualitative research. The most extensive segment of my qualitative case study
research will be presented in a subsequent article titled ―Fate and Fortune: An Astrological
Analysis of Lottery, Gambling and Sweepstakes Wealth, Part Two.‖
Much of the qualitative research had already been laid out for me in the various
compendia of wealth combinations, which I sought to validate through further qualitative as
well as quantitative research. The latter refers to a system of gathering measurable
information. Statistics, graphs and tables are often used to support the results of quantitative
research. Qualitative and quantitative techniques need not preclude each other and can be
successfully combined in astrological research. By attributing mathematical value to
qualitative data, the quantitative approach can be used to validate certain conclusions formed
through the qualitative analysis. Alternatively, qualitative research assigns meaning to
quantitative data.
In quantitative research, one first must acquire a test group of subjects with a sample
size large enough to be considered representative of the overall population under
investigation. A general rule is that the number of participants in the test group should be 5
times greater than the number of factors being considered. Because there are 12 rashis
(constellations) and 12 bhavas (astrological houses), a minimum astrological test group of 60
(5 X 12) meets this requirement. I acquired 70 valid test subjects from both AstroDatabank’s
and my own personal data files, all with Rodden ratings of AA, A, and B. The test group
McDonough, Mark. “Every Astrologer a Researcher,” April 21, 2000: (accessed July 5, 2007).
Personal conversations with Terri McCartney, former Research Director for AstroDatabank, May-July 2007.
3 McCartney, Terri, “Research Design: Part 1: Exploring Structure and Standards,” (accessed July 5, 2007).
AstroDatabank’s Rodden Rating: A system of coding birth data for accuracy based on the source of the data. A
higher Rodden Rating, i.e. AA, A or B indicates a greater degree of confidence, while one should be skeptical of lower
members were born throughout the world between the years 1879 and 1985, and reported
lottery, gambling and sweepstake winnings from a few thousand to millions of dollars. I
constructed charts in the Rashi chakra (Whole Sign) system with Lahiri Ayanamsha.
Obviously, a larger data set will reveal more significant results. However, there is not
always enough data available to extend one’s research group. This is why it is important to
use a control group at least ten times larger than the test group, because even when the test
group is smaller, it is measured against a large enough control group to satisfy the necessary
requirements for a significant finding.
A broad guideline for determining a significant finding is that it should occur with at
least 33% frequency and at least 1.5 times (50%) more often in the test group than the control
group. However, even if the requirement for frequency is not met, for example, if only 5% of
a test group and less than 1% of a control group has a certain factor that is being measured,
this may also be considered an important finding because it represents a notable variation
between the test and control groups. In AstroDatabank, I generated a non-random control
group of 700 charts. I created an alternate test group of 70 long-term investors for which I
examined certain specific factors. I analyzed data using AstroDatabank 4.0, Jigsaw v2, and
Parashara’s Light 7.0 software. Additionally, I manually counted certain factors that were
not assessable with software programs.
Some of the most unexpected outcomes of my research arose from the Factor Analysis
Report (FAR) generated in AstroDatabank’s research module. This feature compares over
300,000 independent factors and then reveals the number of times each factor is found in the
test and control groups, after which the data can be sorted to show the factors of greatest
variance between groups. The factors compared include planets, houses, house lords,
dispositors and aspects. For this study, components exclusive to Western astrology, such as
outer planets and asteroids, were not considered. More importantly, the FAR is not
programmed to analyze factors specific to Vedic astrology such as special yogas, Arudha
Lagna, Indu Lagna and Iyer Points of Prosperity.
The FAR exposed certain placements and features that are not mentioned in classic
Jyotish texts. For instance, one of the most commonly occurring FAR results that showed the
greatest differential between test and control groups was the placement of the 12 th house
ruler (lord) in a kendra. On surface, this is surprising, as Vedic astrology teaches that the 12th
lord signifies expenses, losses and misery related to the house in which it is found. However,
Rodden Rated data, such as C or DD. Data rated AA (from birth certificate or birth record) are the most accurate
obtainable. Data rated A (from memory) are usually accurate; B data (from biographies) are similarly accurate
because authors who give times are likely to have obtained the data from the subject, the subject's immediate family,
or from a birth record.
Personal conversations with Terri McCartney, former Research Director for AstroDatabank, May-July 2007
6 Ibid.
Uttara Kalamrita by Kalidasha states that the 12th house relates to ―relief from debts,‖ a
fitting scenario for the positive outcome of a financial windfall.
Table 1 outlines the most significant FAR results showing those occurring with the
most frequency and variation between groups. Several of these tabulations appeared
concurrently in almost all cases studied in my qualitative research, reflecting the
significance of confluent chart dynamics, as was also true with certain yogas.
Table 1
AstroDatabank’s Factor Analysis Report (FAR)
Ruler of 12th house in a kendra
Ruler of 12th in 1st
Ruler of 12th in 7th
Ruler of 12th in 4th
Ruler of 12th in 10th
Dispositor of Mars in a kendra
Ruler of the 9 house in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo or Control
Dispositor of Jupiter in artha house 2, 6 or 10
Most frequent aspect: Saturn’s bi-directional sextile with Control
any of the natural benefic planets and/or the Sun
Dispositor of Rahu in earth (artha) house 2, 6 or 10
Upachaya lord in 10th house
Kendra lord in 10th house
Sun in earth (artha) house 2, 6 or 10
7 Kalidasha, Uttara Kalamrita, Trans. V. Subrahmanya. Sastri, New Delhi: Ranjan, 2005, p.124.
Ruler of 11th house in its natural ruling house (e.g., if 11th lord Control 15%
is Mars, it occupies the 1 st or 8th house, which relate to the
natural signs of Aries and Scorpio)
Control 20%
Natural benefic in 10th house
Control 15%
Jupiter in 2nd or 7th house
The following represents an overview of my most significant findings from the quantitative
I. The Grahas
1. My research showed that all of the grahas have the potential to influence wealth, and
thus must be considered in any assessment of sudden prosperity. That said, Jupiter,
Venus, Mars and Rahu definitely appeared as the most important naisargika dhana
karakas (natural wealth significators) of lottery, gambling and sweepstakes wealth.
2. Vargottama, exaltation, retrograde or stationary placements of planets were not
significant predictors, except in the case of stationary Jupiter in the birth horoscope,
which was an important factor.
3. Individually or in combination, Venus and Mars in their own signs (swa-rashi) were
important indicators.
4. In Shad Bala, an intricate scheme for determining planetary strength, any score above
100% is considered to have substantial strength in rupas. In the average total Shad Bala
scores, the test group achieved at least 100% strength, whereas the control group was
above 100% for all planets except Jupiter. Saturn’s strength was the second strongest
in the survey, followed by Mars, and then Venus. Nonetheless, the difference between
the Shad Bala averages between the test and control groups was negligible. In addition,
materialistic Rahu, which was of particular interest in my research because of the
dramatic financial turnarounds reported by a good number of the winners surveyed,
was not analyzed in this area because Shad Bala does not apply to the lunar nodes. See
Table 2:
Table 2
Shad Bala
Graha Su
103.10% 107.10% 131.40% 103.70%
Control 104.50% 105.60% 126.60% 101.80%
103.40% 118.30%
98.90% 119.90%
5. The Sun and Moon in Virgo; Jupiter in Cancer; Mars in Leo; Venus in Capricorn;
and, Rahu in Aries were the strongest sign positions for the planets in the winners’
6. The classics teach us that earth is the element most directly related to wealth, and this
was born out in my research, as earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) were the
most common placement for the dhana karakas and especially the 9th lord.
7. The cardinal quality of action and achievement was predominant (relative to planets
in rashis).
8. The overall strength of the dispositors of Mars, Jupiter and Rahu were evaluated, and
especially strong were the placements of Mars’ dispositor in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th and
10th) and Jupiter’s dispositor in an artha house (2nd, 6th and 10th).
II. The Rashis:
1. Libra, often thought of as the most fortunate constellation, was the most common Lagna
for the winners, whereas Virgo was the most common Lagna for an alternate test group of
70 long-term investors. However, data on Lagnas may be skewed by the astronomical
phenomena of Short and Long Ascension, and therefore might not be a reliable
predictor. The rashi placement of the Lagnesha (Lagna lord) may be a more trustworthy
forecaster because it is not distorted by Short and Long Ascension. Interestingly, Libra
was also the most common placement of Lagneshas in the test group.
III. The Bhavas:
1. The most important bhavas to examine for wealth were the trikonas (1st, 5th and 9th);
kendras (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) and the 2nd, 8th and 11th houses.
2. Natural benefics most commonly occurred in the test group with notable variation in the
7th, 10th, 2nd and 11th houses, in order from greatest to least. See Table 3.
Table 3
% 25
House 1
31% 40% 34% 36% 30% 30% 43% 29% 24% 39% 36% 29%
Control 35% 35% 37% 36% 34% 31% 31% 31% 32% 30% 34% 33%
Due to the Earth’s tilt, there is not an equal distribution of Ascendants at all latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere,
the Signs of Long Ascension, which take longer to rise and are thus more common, are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio and Sagittarius; Signs of Short Ascension are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Virgo and
Libra are the longest to rise, and Pisces and Aries the shortest. All of this is reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.
Though test and control groups contain birth data from both hemispheres, 97% of the charts are set in the Northern
3. In general, a highly significant factor of strength and emphasis was found in the
placement of naisargika dhana karakas in the kendras of the natal chart. In addition, the
natal Moon in the 3rd house and natal Rahu in the 6th house were important
4. The Sun’s occupation of an earth (artha) house was a very strong factor, especially its
placement in the 10th house, where it receives directional strength (dik bala), which
occurred 15.7% of the time in the test group, and only 5.8% in the control group. Though
not showing particularly high rate of frequency, this factor reflected a considerable
variation between groups, which may suggest significance.
IV. Bhava Lords and Yogas:
1. As stated in Uttara Kalamrita and other classical as well as modern texts, Dhana Yogas
(wealth combinations) are formed by a combination of two or more of the lords of
houses 2 (wealth); 5 (gains through speculation and Poorvapunya); 9 (luck and unexpected
windfalls); and, 11 (income), if these lords are strong. Further, when the rulers of houses
6, 8, or 12 are involved in the above combinations, the entire wealth may be lost during
the major periods of the lords of the dhana houses.
The main dhana karyeshas (lords of the wealth bhavas) are those that rule the 2 nd, 5th, 9th
and 11th houses. My research found that additional dhana karakas are the lords of the 1st,
4th, 8th and 10th houses. Various arrangements of Dhana Yogas combining two or more of
these strong dhana lords—by conjunction, graha drishti, or mutual exchange—occurred in
90% of the test group charts, a phenomenal occurrence. When these dhana combinations
occurred in kendras and/or influenced the 1st house, they were most powerful.
My quantitative research did not take into account the above ruinous combinations
involving dusthana lords (Arishta Yogas). However, in case study analysis, Aristha Yogas
were frequently noted among the winners who experienced the most dramatic reversals
of fortune.
Further qualitative research revealed that these wealth combinations were not
uncommon by themselves, and did not seem to be measurably significant when they
occurred singularly. However, as the number of wealth combinations increased in any
given chart, the potential and certainty for sudden prosperity expanded exponentially.
Most importantly, Dhana Yogas were activated in the dashas of the involved planets.
I assessed 23 classical wealth combinations presented in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra;
Brighu Sutram; Hora Sara; Brihat Jataka; and, Madhya Parashari, of which the following
appeared most significant:
9 Kalidasha, p. 98.
10 Conjunction, aspect or mutual exchange.
Vedic Astrology Bookshelf, Vers. 1.01. Fairfield, Iowa: GeoVision Software.
Lakshmi Yoga occurred frequently enough to seem important, though this
combination was not assessed in a control group to determine notable variation.
The placement of the Arudha Lagna in a trikona or kendra was important when
receiving the graha drishti of a natural or temporal benefic. As above, this factor was not
assessed in a control group. Thus, I am not able to say whether or not this occurred with
notable variation, though it did occur with notable frequency (67% of the time).
Dhana planets occurred most often in the 1st, 4th and 10th kendras. A well-fortified 2nd
lord in the 5th house was also one of the most highly significant wealth combinations, based
on a notable variation between test and control groups. The 9th lord in the 2nd house was
almost as significant.
The occupation of upachaya lords (particularly the 3rd lord) in the 10th house occurred
with significant frequency as well as notable variation between test and control groups.
Dharma-Karma Adhipati Yoga; Gajakesari Yoga; and Chaya Graha Raja Yoga occurred
with notable frequency, though I was not able to test these combinations against a control
group to determine the presence of significant variation.
Yogakarakas and trinal lords most frequently occupied the 2 nd house and/or 10th house.
V. Hora Chart:
1. According to Sage Parashara, wealth can be analyzed from the Hora or Second Divisional
(varga) chart. It is commonly understood that the Hora chart alone is not to be employed
to determine sudden wealth potential. However, it can be used to verify and support the
potential seen in the Rashi chart.
2. According to Parashara, Jupiter, the Sun, and Mars give pronounced effects in the hora of
the Sun; the Moon, Venus, and Saturn do so when in the Moon's hora; Mercury is
effective in both horas. Traditionally, when most planets are in the Sun’s hora (Leo), it is
said that one will have to work harder to attain material wealth. If more planets are in the
Moon’s hora (Cancer), wealth will come to the native more effortlessly. This was not
confirmed in my analysis of 70 winners’ charts, for which 54% of planets were found in
the Sun’s hora, and only 46% were in the Moon’s (Cancer). Several other factors tested
did not lend any important conclusions.
3. Even so, two noteworthy findings did arise from this segment of my research. First, the
2nd lord (of the Rashi chart) was found in its appropriate hora 61% of the time. Second, the
mahadasha lord occupied its appropriate hora 65% of the time. These appear to have been
significant findings, though they were not tested against the control group to establish
notable variation.
VI. Navamsha Chart
Lakshmi Yoga occurs when the 9th lord is in dignity and the Lagna lord is strong.
13 Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Vedic Astrology Bookshelf, GeoVision Software, 7:1-16.
Parashara specifies that the Navamsha or D-9 (Divisional) chart is nearly as important
as the Rashi chart. Though the navamsha is often described as the most essential of all the
amshas (vargas), many controversies exist regarding how it should be employed. For
example, the D-9 is regularly used as an alternate chart to the Rashi, and many Vedic
astrologers use it as a separate chart to scrutinize all matters.
The navamsha traditionally represents the key to the strength of a planet or its innate
abilities, and is used specifically to detect the strength or weakness of a particular planet in
the Rashi chart, especially the dasha lord and dhana planets. Because it is a harmonic of the 9th
house of bhagya (good fortune), the Navamsha chart is important for an assessment of overall
wealth potential. My most remarkable findings relating to the Navamsha chart were:
1. Dhana lords of the Rashi chart most commonly occupied the 2nd house of the Navamsha
2. The most frequent house placement of a dasha lord in the Navamsha chart was in a kendra.
This follows a recurring theme of my research, that dhana planets occupying kendras have
a strong influence on wealth.
3. The most frequently occurring factor was the placement of a dasha lord in an enemy sign
in the D-9 chart. This completely perplexing outcome does not fit the typical model of a
planet’s gaining strength in its navamsha, and in fact, this is quite contrary to what is
traditionally known.
VII. Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects)
AstroDatabank’s Factor Analysis Report revealed that the most commonly occurring
aspect among the winners’ charts was Saturn sextile any of the natural benefics and/or the
Sun. This occurred with some notable variation and frequency—39% of the time in the test
group as opposed to 24% of the time in the control group. Please note that this sextile aspect
does not only refer to Parashara’s special 3rd aspect for Saturn. Rather, it refers to the 60degree bi-directional aspect used in Tajika and Western astrology. These results would
indicate that Saturn has an important influence on the achievement of wealth.
A large number of additional aspects tested did not lend any important conclusions.
For instance, Jupiter in a trine from another benefic occurred only 29% of the time in the test
group, and appeared more commonly in the control group (33% of the time).
VIII. Indu Lagna
The Indu Lagna, as revealed in Uttara Kalamrita, is used to assess financial prosperity:
―If there is a benefic [in the Indu Lagna] without a malefic, the native becomes a multimillionaire. If there is a malefic, his wealth is in thousands only. If the malefic is exalted, he
will be a multi-millionaire.‖ The Indu Lagna is derived from a mathematical formula linking
Ibid, 7:21-25.
Kalidasha, 97.
the Moon (Indu, the prime force of mind), the Udaya Lagna, and the 9th Bhagyasthana (house
of fortune).
The Indu Lagna was calculated in 70 test charts using Jagannatha Hora 7.0 software. I
was not able to analyze the Indu Lagna against the control group due to software limitations;
therefore, I cannot say that the following factors occurred with any notable variation
between test and control groups. Nonetheless, the Indu Lagna appeared to be a reliable
predictor in the natal charts of the winners group, as follows:
1. Kendras from the Indu Lagna were well-fortified in 2/3 of the test group charts, and were
well-fortified by planets in dignity half the time.
2. Placement of natural benefics or malefics 11th from the Indu Lagna occurred quite
frequently, with malefics more so than benefics.
3. Rahu occupying a kendra from the Indu Lagna was common.
4. The Indu Lagna associated with a natural malefic appeared as a highly significant factor.
5. The Indu Lagna conjoined or aspecting a dasha lord at the time of winning occurred
only 25% of the time, which may or may not indicate importance.
IX. Iyer Points Of Prosperity
The late Seshadri Iyer, renowned Indian Jyotishi, distilled from Nadi Jyotisha a
complex system for determining wealth in the astrological chart. One portion of this system,
as expounded by astrologers Robert Svoboda and Hart de Fouw, involves the interaction of
four key points:
1. The Yogi Point is a prosperity factor derived by adding 93° 20' to the longitude of the
Sun and Moon, all measured from 0° Aries.
2. The Yogi, or Yogi Planet, is the ruler of the nakshatra in which the Yogi Point is located.
This is the planet that provides prosperity.
3. The Duplicate Yogi is the ruler of the constellation in which the Yogi Point is placed.
This point is said to augment the prosperity promised by the Yogi.
4. The Avayogi Point, a point that presumably indicates impediments to wealth, is
calculated by adding 6 rashis plus 6° 40' to the Yogi Point. The Avayogi is the ruler of
the nakshatra in which the Avayogi Point is placed.
Numerous methods exist for using these Iyer points to determine wealth or the
obstruction of wealth. The Iyer prosperity factors were not counted in the larger control
group, so I cannot say if these occurred with notable variation between groups. Nonetheless,
I discovered that the most commonly occurring factors were:
Ibid. Note the kalas attributed to each planet as follows: Sun-30; Mars-6; Jupiter-10; Saturn-1; Moon-16; Mercury-8;
and Venus-12. Note the 9th bhava from the Lagna. Note the 9th bhava from the Moon. Add the kalas of the lords of
these two. Expunge multiples of 12 and note the remainder. Count the remainder from the Moon, and the sign so
obtained is the Indu Lagna.
17 Light on Relationships, Samuel Weiser, Inc., 2000, p.176-182.
1. The Yogi Planet’s dispositor was strong and related to dhana houses 73% of the time.
2. The Yogi Planet was associated with natural and/or temporal benefics 64% of the time.
3. The Yogi Point was associated with relatively unafflicted dhana house lords 46% of the
4. The Yogi Point was associated with natural benefics 31% of the time.
X. Dashas & Transits (Timing Is Everything)
One of the most distinctive features of Jyotisha is the system of dashas (planetary
periods), used to predict the maturation of particular karmas. Whereas there are dozens of
dasha systems, the most widely used Vimshottari system was the only one employed in this
work. Various combinations, such as Raja and Dhana Yogas, are dasha-dependent, meaning
that their full promise will be activated in the dashas of their component planets, all other
factors being equal. In addition, the dasha lord’s natural and temporal benefic or malefic
nature is awakened in its period. The house in which the dasha lord is placed, and the other
planets with which it shares association and influence (including dispositors and house
lords) will be activated, as well.
There are many rules and subtleties to follow in the process of analyzing a dasha.
Parashara devotes about 20 chapters to the subject and describes many dasha-dependent
wealth combinations, such as, ―Luxuries, comforts, pleasures, dawn of fortune
(bhagyodaya)…will be the auspicious effects if there are benefics in the 1st, the 9th, or a kendra
from the lord of the dasha.
To complicate matters, many of the commentators who
followed Sage Parashara also mention other dasha-dependent wealth combinations.
Moreover, there are several layers of sub-dashas to take into account in each case.
My most important findings related to dashas were:
1. As a main karaka of lottery wealth, Rahu was the most common dasha lord, occurring
20% of the time, which is in accordance with the following dictum in Sarvartha
Chintamani, ―In the sub- periods of benefic planets during the main period of such as
Rahu, there is acquisition of ...wealth...‖ An additional point of interest was that
Rahu occurred most frequently in Taurus or Pisces.
2. Jupiter, the other chief wealth karaka, was in second place as dasha lord, occurring 18%
of the time, and most frequently in its ucha rashi, Cancer.
Table 5
Mahadasha Lords at Time of Winning
19 V. Sarma, Sarvatha Chintamani. Vedic Astrology Bookshelf, GeoVision Software, 33:13-14.
3. The most frequent bhava placements of dasha lords in the Rashi chakra were the 4th and
9th houses, followed by the 1st, 2nd and 10th houses.
4. The relationships between dasha and bhukti lords were analyzed in the test group. The
conjunction (1/1); sextile (3/11); and inconjunct (6/8) occurred most frequently, as
seen in the following overall analysis:
 1/1–29%
 3/11–22%
 6/8–18%
 2/12–15%
 1/7–7%
 5/9–6%
 4/10–3%
Classic and modern authors have described a whole host of subtleties related to
interpreting gochara (transits). Contemporary Vedic astrologer Bill Levacy succinctly sums
up one important principle in Beneath a Vedic Sky: ―When a transiting planet forms a
conjunction with a planet in the natal chart, life events as pledged in the birth chart are
triggered–your number is called on the cosmic score card.‖ There are a great variety of
complex rules and systems for interpreting gochara. In my qualitative case study analysis,
the utter elegance of astrological synthesis came alive as the transits were repeatedly
observed to ignite the dasha sequence and other key points in the natal chart. In almost every
20 Bill Levacy, Beneath a Vedic Sky, Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 1999, p.277.
case, the transits were reliable sparks that encapsulated and carried the important events to
fruition. The following were my most significant quantitative findings relative to transits:
1. The transiting dasha lords influenced dhana houses and/or lords almost every time.
Transits of the dasha and bhukti lords most frequently influenced houses 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9,
and 11.
2. Transiting Jupiter and Saturn were quite often found to be in their own or exalted
3. In most cases, Jupiter and Saturn simultaneously influenced dhana houses and/or the
natal or transiting positions of dasha and bhukti lords, confirming the so-called
―double-transit phenomenon of Saturn and Jupiter.‖ This is an idea set forth by
renowned Vedic astrologer K.N. Rao, which asserts that whenever anything
noteworthy takes place, both Jupiter and Saturn, in transit, play a crucial role.
Saturn, as the main significator of karma, creates the scene, while Jupiter, the main
indicator of dharma, blesses is with gangajal (the grace of Mother Ganga). As certain
particular yogas and dashas become active in their time, then, the double-transit
phenomenon of Saturn and Jupiter comes into play and clinches the deal.
XI. Conclusion
My research represents an attempt to understand and describe astrological patterns as
they pertain to a specific type of affluence. Much of the data supporting certain potential
determinants of wealth is inconclusive, and my research corroborates only some of the
standard astrological criteria for predicting dhana. Clearly, one cannot use statistics alone to
explain all the factors at play in a natal or progressed horoscope. Even so, certain key
impressions that I gathered were consistently applicable to my case study research of 70
winners’ charts. In the analysis of ten of these charts to follow in Part Two, it became
apparent that no single factor played a causative role, but that combinations of factors did.
Ups and Downs in Career, S. Kumar and Associates, p.12.
To Be Continued